Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Death Battle Theme

Max: Scooby-Doo was a big cartoon of my childhood but what really stood out to me was the live action movies in which the mystery gang wasn't just dealing with dudes in costumes anymore but instead actual monsters! This is especially the case in the second installment in which all of the previously captured "ghosts" and "monsters" held in a museum were turned into actual ghosts and monsters.

MadMaxPyro: So to honor that awesome movie it's time for a battle royale between the movie's ghosts/monsters.

Max: The 10,000 volt ghost the powerful powerhouse of electricity.

10,000 volt ghost death battle intro card

MadMaxPyro: The black knight ghost, the sword wielding haunted knight.

Black knight ghost death battle intro card

Max: The pterodactyl ghost, the flying prehistoric dinosaur bird.

Pterodactyl Ghost death battle intro card

MadMaxPyro: Miner 49er the pickaxe swinging fat pirate.

Miner 49er death battle intro card

Max: Captain cutler, the deepsea diver sniper.

Captain Cutler death battle intro card

MadMaxPyro: The tar monster, the tar spreading mass killer.

Tar monster death battle intro card

Max: The skeleton men, the goofy skeletal brothers.

Skeleton men death battle intro card

MadMaxPyro: And the zombie, the barfing nuisance.

Zombie death battle intro card

Max: Oh yeah the cotton candy glub i'snt being included since all he did in the movie was get eaten by Shaggy and Scooby so his inclusion would be pointless as he would just die instantly. Anyway, I'm Max and he's MadMaxPyro who is also me because I'm really just one person. And because I feel like it I'm going to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a death battle!

Scooby-Doo 2 movie monsters battle royale battle render

10,000 Volt Ghost[]

10,000 Volt Ghost (live-action)

Max: Once there was an Engineer named Voltner who was fixing a loose power line in a snowstorm but suddenly there was an explosion in the power plant that seemingly killed him as his body was never found.

MadMaxPyro: Later when the mystery gang arrived to an abandoned town they hear of the 10,000 volt ghost who had scared its former residents away. This ghost was suspected to be that of Voltner the engineer who was killed.

Max: Well, they were sort of right. This "ghost" was indeed Voltner but he had actually survived the incident and was just dressed up in a costume scaring the residents away because he was working for the mayor whose plan was to illegally acquire and sell the town's land with Voltner getting a cut of the profit. Later on though the evil masked figure stole the costume and used it to make the 10,000 volt ghost a real thing who would go on to try to kill the mystery gang.

MadMaxPyro: The 10,000 volt ghost is a giant orange construct of sheer electricity. He can shoot blasts of it from his hands to zap enemies and can travel through electrical circuitry.

10,000 volt ghost shoots electricity
10,000 volt ghost travels through circuitry

Max: Ooh like Mario does through those power lines in Super Mario Odyssey?

MadMaxPyro: Uh yeah pretty similar to that.

Max: Cool, well being made of electricity makes it as you can imagine pretty hard to take him down by conventional means. Ask Daphne, she sure learned the hard way. However, this doesn't mean he's invincible as Fred and Daphne managed to use his electrical body against him cleverly sucking him into a pair of jumper cables which caused him to explode killing him.

MadMaxPyro: Still, being a powerful powerhouse of electricity is gonna make the 10,000 volt ghost a tough foe to beat in this battle.

10,000 volt ghost gif

Black Knight Ghost[]


Max: Lets travel back to 1969, the very beginning of the Scooby-Doo franchise itself. In the first episode of "Scooby-Doo Where are you?" Scooby-Doo and Shaggy stumbled upon a mysterious suit of armor that they return to a musuem. When there though they discover the archaeologist delivering the knight is missing and the knight came to life.

MadMaxPyro: Or so they thought as you know how this goes. It was actually a man running around inside the black knight armor, the curator of the museum itself Jeremiah Wickles. He simply used the legend to cover up for art forgery.

Max: Cut to 2004 though and the black knight ghost's armor would be brought to life when stolen by the evil masked figure, the second of the mystery gang's villain costumes to be turned into an actual ghost. He would go on to sneak into the manor of Wickles for the mystery gang to arrive to try to kill them. The black knight ghost as stated is a ghostly suit of armor equipped with a sword that he not only swings normally but also has telekinetic control over it able to swing it in the air without even touching it as he would do both in his sword battle against Daphne.

Black knight ghost with sword
Black knight ghost telekinetic sword

MadMaxPyro: Upon his return he pulled up with a ghostly dark horse with chainmail armor along with a lance he would use in a jousting duel against Fred on a motorbike. Damn, that is pretty badass for a Scooby-Doo movie!

Dark horse

Max: Even without a weapon the black knight ghost has some high physical strength. In their first encounter Fred tried to face him with a sword and shield but the knight easily just bashed Fred's shield with his arm five times so hard he knocked Fred unconscious. Plus he's able to destroy tables, pillars, and large doors with ease.

MadMaxPyro: Plus his armor makes him quite durable.

Max: Though he does have some weaknesses. The black knight ghost is quite cocky toying with his foes in battle and being kicked "in the wrong tables" as he was by Velma renders him incapacitated for some time. He stalemated in the jousting battle against Fred being knocked off his horse while Fred was knocked off his bike and to top it all off he was ultimately defeated when Daphne used jumper cables to absorb the 10,000 volt ghost's electricity into the black knight blowing him up into pieces. Interestingly though even after this he was still technically alive left as just a head making him the only one of the ghosts/monsters in the movie to not shown to be killed.

MadMaxPyro: Yeah well he probably did die offscreen later when Scooby used the control panel to kill all the remaining monsters at the end of the movie and got to say Scooby did him a favor in that case. Imagine just being stuck on the ground forever as a disembodied head! That's pretty fucked up.

Max: Overall though the black knight ghost is pretty adequately suited for combat and stands a good shot in this battle.

Black knight ghost attacks Daphne

Pterodactyl Ghost[]

Pterodactyl ghost 2004 01

Miner 49er []

Miner 49er

Captain Cutler[]

Sd2 diver ghost 2

Tar Monster []


Skeleton Men[]

Skeleton men

Max: I ain't gonna lie, even as a kid I wasn't scared of these guys.

