One Punch Man vs Sonic The Hedgehog, Both speedsters would face to face in death battle
Mado: Two Speedsters would clash into death battle
Yellow: And some have deadly punches
Mado: Or could destroy a robot within just a spindash
Yellow: Like saitama, the guy who's just a hero for fun
Mado: And Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive, he's yellow and i'm mado
Yellow: And it's our job to analyze their weapons,armors and skills and find out who would win...A DEATH BATTLE
Saitama Destroys Death Battle in One Punch[]
(Cue The Hero)
Yellow: Saitama was the hero of z-city, he trained for over 100 years just to become more durable
Mado: Saitama has broke his limiters after that year of training, and he never gets tired anymore
Yellow: He is also able to speedblitz a titan and made it's owner kill himself
Mado: And in the manga he also has fought cosmic garou who is capable of destroying a star and having galaxies in his body
- Name: Saitama/Caped Baldi
- Origin: One Punch Man
- Gender: Male
- Age: 25
- Classification: Human/Class-A hero
- Hobbies: Save the World
Saitama's Stats:
Saitama's Powers And Abilities
- Superhuman Strenght
- Superhuman Speed
- Serious Punch
- Normal Punches
- Serious Headbutt
Saitama's Feats:
- Defeated Boros
- Fought Cosmic awaken Garou
Yellow: Also saitama can survive attacks from the pig monster, known as piggy bacon when he was still 12 years old
Mado: And his serious punch is able to split a sky in half, and most likely planets
Yellow: But somehow, Saitama's had some hard times at dealing with insects, like a monsquito surrounding him on the face
Mado: His best attack is the serious punch, but the normal punches didn't seem to kill boros, and when he used his serious punch it successfully killed boros
Yellow: And in the manga, Saitama has fought cosmic awakened garou, and somehow he couldn't defeat him yet, the manga is seemingly incomplete
Mado: And in the other manga, saitama has fought against god, but that manga is not canon so we won't be inlcuding it
Yellow: And in the manga, garou was able to destroy stars, and can keep up with saitama
Mado: Wait, saitama has defeated garou before like booting him towards the wall
Yellow: Yeah pretty much but not his final form, Saitama only beat him because garou was terribly injured on his fight against metal bat
Mado: Oh, right...Tatsumaki's Psychic couldn't also work on saitama too, that's because his body is now too strong
Yellow: And saitama's speed can also cause an after-image creation because he was too fast
Mado: And he has fought genos before but he didn't kill him
Saitama: I'm just a guy who's a hero for fun
Sonic is Too Fast for Death Battle[]
(Cue Reach for The Stars)
Mado: ah sonic, Everyone's favorite Blue speeding hedgehog
Yellow: sonic was the main hero of sonic the hedgehog series, And his main mission was defeating eggman
Mado: And sonic's also faster than the speed of light itself
Yellow: And talking about that, Sonic's also able to transform into super,hyper, etc with the chaos emeralds
Mado: And in the game, Sonic can survive falling from multiple of spikes, As long as he have his rings
Yellow: and in the classic, he have like 3 forms, The base form, The super form and The hyper form
Mado: And sonic's able to take down doctor eggman's robots in the game, and in other 3d games sonic have more forms than classic
- Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
- Origin: Sonic (Verse)
- Gender: Male
- Age: 15-16
- Classification: Hedgehog
- Hobbies: Save the World/Hang out with Tails
Sonic's Stats:
Sonic's Powers And Abilities
- Superhuman Speed
- Spin Dash
- Forcefield Creation
- Transformation
- Time Manipulation
- Portal Creation
- Invinsibility
- Ki-Manipulation
- Time Stop
- Time Travel
Sonic's Feats:
- Defeated Eggman Many times
- Defeated Time Eater
- Defeated Infinite
Yellow: and the death egg was one of eggman's strongest robot in the classic game where sonic was able to take down with a lot of effort
Mado: And his spin dash was one of his strongest move that could destroy a single robot, as long as it's small
Yellow: Just some problem, Sonic was unable to swim, if he was in a really deep water he'll need some bubbles to survive and without it he'll drown
Mado: That was tragic, Anyways, Even with the hyper form, sonic can't survive drowning, even tho he's pretty much invinsible in his hyper form that can survive spikes and other attacks
Yellow: and the chaos emeralds were one of the strongest items, where it can stop time or heal you, the chaos emeralds were the one who granted super sonic
Mado: And along with silver and shadow, Sonic defeated solaris with a little bit of an effort
Yellow: And on time eater's Timeline destruction, Sonic and his friends were completely unharmed by it, and the chaos emeralds were the one who empowers super sonic
Sonic: I'm the fastest thing alive!
Death Battle[]
Yellow: Alright the combatants are set let's end this debate once in for all
Mado: Alright, It's time to begin the death battle!
Sonic is seemingly running on the green hill zone and trying to find eggman as he encountered a caped baldy destroying some robots and this caused to kill the animals inside it
Sonic: Hey!
Saitama: I gotta stop more of these animal-controlling robots
???: Not this time!
Saitama then turns around as he encounters a blue hedgehog and was about to kick him as saitama charges for a punch

(Cue His World By RetroSpectre)
Saitama's punch was charged into sonic which he easily dodged as sonic replies a kick on saitama's head which caused a huge hypersonic and destroying trees around the green hill zone
Sonic: What?!
then saitama quickly puched sonic repeatedly and hitting him on the wall
Saitama: ...I killed someone again....
the dust blows away and sonic is fine, just dropped his rings after those deadly punches
Sonic: These punches were really though aren't they
Sonic then quickly picked up his rings as saitama quickly dashes at sonic and charging another punch
Sonic: Not this time!
Sonic then started using a spindash on saitama's belly and throwing him on the air and crushing multiple of walls
Saitama: Not bad, i guess this fight might be a little bit serious
Then sonic dashes towards saitama as he stood up with a little bit trace of a dust and preparing his punch at sonic, As saitama punches sonic, Sonic easily dodges his punch as he knew it would be deadly
Sonic: Take this!
Then sonic spin dashes saitama's neck as saitama easily endures it and sonic replies another spin dash but he endures it pretty easily
Saitama: My bodies pretty durable, I've done 100 push ups and 100 sit ups
Sonic then spin dashes again at saitama and blocking it with his bare hands this time, and saitama throws sonic away from him and chases it, then sonic then does a backflip from the air and started running
Sonic: Nice throw baldy
Then sonic saw that saitama was able to chase him
Sonic: Wait, what-
Saitama then started punching him in the face bouncing him back and dropping pairs of his rings again
Saitama: You tried your best atleast
As saitama said that while running and then sonic gets up quickly
Sonic: You can't outrun me that easily! Then sonic started charging for a spin dash and chases saitama, Collecting all of his lost rings once again and hitting saitama with his spin dash and slamming him on the floor as sonic steps on his back
Sonic: Not so though now huh?
Then saitama disappears quickly, Just like he teleported
(music Stops)
Sonic: Wait, Where did he go?
Sonic then looks around to find that cape baldy and seemingly he isn't appearing anywhere
And then saitama appears behind sonic and was charging for a death punch
The screen went black and a Red sign "死" appears and it forms into a fist targeting sonic
And saitama's punch was really hard and sonic was sent in a deep water
(Cue Sonic drowning)
Sonic then struggles getting out of the water and trying to find a bubble
As sonic keeps sinking and still struggling, He tried to call for help but it was too useless
Sonic drowns...
The screen then points at saitama looking at the gargling water and got too curious
Saitama: that hedgehog's death for sure, Eh whatever, I'm hungry anyways, i'll go get some food
Saitama then turns around and the aura forms in the water, Causing massive waves, when saitama turns to look at it, It appears to be a hedgehog similar to the blue one but it's color changed into gold
(Cue Reach For The Stars Remix)
Then sonic headbutts saitama and throwing him in thin air this time, As sonic teleports behind him replying with a kick and sending him in outer space
The screen points at saitama spinning away from the outer space, Saitawma then charges for sonic's attack but sonic's too fast
Saitama tried his best to catch sonic, while they are all in space, Saitama then tried landing on the moon of jupiter and charges to target the speeding sonic, As sonic finally stops that he was unable to find saitama
Super sonic: Where did he go?
Saitama: it's the perfect time for a punch..
Saitama then spins his arm and dashes towards super sonic with a punch, As sonic looks back where saitama was charging on him, Saitama successfully punched super sonic so hard, but however, Super sonic was able to endure it
Saitama: what??? How are you still standing? Aren't you supposed to drop all of your rings?
Sonic: Not this time baldy
Sonic then headbutts saitama, Throwing him to an asteroid and then sonic grabbed him by his cape and slam him to all of the asteroids, this causes saitama to lose all of his energy
Sonic then spin-dashes saitama, Ripping him in half as sonic falls on earth and causing massive sound-waves all over the green hill zone and freeing all of the animals trapped from eggman's robots, Sonic then returns to his Base Form
Sonic: I never get tired of this fight, now to get in your face! Eggman!
Sonic goes on his way to fight eggman
Sonic is on his way to stop eggman, While saitama's Upper and Lower half floats in the middle of the space
(Cue Reach for The Stars)
Mado: Hope you succeed at stopping Eggman
Yellow: Sonic pretty much Outstats saitama in all categories and stuff, and sonic's Faster than the speed of light, Meanwhile saitama's only faster than a bullet
Mado: and even tho saitama can put on par with cosmic awakened garou who flipped a large moon and destroyed multiple of stars, causing a blackhole, Sonic is capable of defeating time-eater who can eat multiple of timelines
Yellow: And even base sonic has a chance of beating saitama, Sonic in his base can put on par with infinite who is able to defeat E-123 Omega, While saitama's able to put on par with lord boros who is able to cause mass damage to his ships with his final attack
Mado: But we aren't sure if base sonic can beat manga's Saitama who can destroy countless stars
Yellow: Sonic's Foe are most likely stronger than saitama's, Saitama's foes are only like Planetary-Star busters while most of sonic's foes are universe busters and Multiverse busters
Mado: and time-eater is able to erase the space-time continuum, and sonic has survived time eater's timeline destruction
Yellow: And just like saitama being able to surpass boros' Star roaring cannon, sonic survived way worse than star roaring cannon
Mado: Saitama was Too slow for this fight
Yellow: The winner is Sonic The Hedgehog
Saitama (Loser):
- -Not fast as Sonic
- +Have deadlier Punch
- +Have better Durability
- -Less Durable for Super Sonic
- -Has No Chance for super sonic
Sonic (Winner):
- +Faster
- +His rings can help survive Saitama's Punch
- -Less Durable in Base
- +Have better endurance
- +Super Sonic outclasses Saitama