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Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Sailor Pluto vs Bunnyx is a What-If Death Battle by Akira the Kitsune


Sailor pluto vs Bunnyx


The guardian of the Door of Space and Time meet The Rabbit Miraculous holder from the beyond future timeline to fight in this battle to the Death.


Wiz and Boomstick

Sailor Pluto template

Wiz: Setsuna Meiou, The Keeper of the Door of Space and Time known as Sailor Pluto

Bunnyx template

Boomstick: Alix Kudbel, Bunny Miraculous Superhero identity known as Bunnyx

Wiz: We see a lot of Male version of Time travelers in the past seasons we have but this time it the girls turn to shine.

Boomstick: Don't you means Magical Girls through time of East vs west to see which one stand in top.

[We cut to Wiz & Boomstick]

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win...... a Death Battle.

Sailor Pluto[]

Sailor Moon OST - Moonlight Densetsu (Star Locket Version) extended

Wiz: The galaxy. The Solar System. The planet. The Moon. Each is an essential piece in the ever-shifting whirlwind of the cosmos. These are the Solar System Sailor Guardians or Sailor scouts: The main team of Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter. They're the 1st members that protect their cities from servants of the evil Queen Beryl and the forces of Negaverse.

Popup: Not all Sailor Guardians are women, but Tuxedo Mask is the only male Sailor Guardian of Earth.

Boomstick: You should know Sailor Chibi Moon: The youngest of the Sailor Scouts and Daughter of Queen Serenity meet someone that is one and only. The guardian of the Door of Space and Time Sailor Pluto. Wait but isn't Pluto not a Planet anymore due to the scientists in The International Astronomical Union (IAU) say it a dwarf planet in August 24, 2006.


Wiz: Well yes I did since I took Astrology class as kid in elementary,but we are talking the Sailor Guardian of time and space which her real name is Setsuna Meiou and she was the Princess of Pluto and the daughter of Chronos, the Greek God of Time. One day, The Silver Millennium was a period of time that allowed centuries of peace & Queen Serenity decided to give her the task of guarding the Space-Time Door. She was told not to leave the door, not to let anyone use the door and must not use her powers to disrupt the flow of time.


  • Full Name: Setsuna Meiou
  • Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
  • Weight: 128 lbs. (58 kg)
  • Age: 19-20
  • Birthday: October 29th
  • The first of the Outer Sailor Guardians
  • Her name means Momentary Dark King or Sorrowful Dark King.
  • Blood Type: A
  • Guardian of the Door of Space of Time
  • Likes: Sailor Chibi Moon, the color dark red, biology, shopping, Green Tea, sewing and Physics
  • Dislike: Any intruder to the Space-Time Door, eggplant, Cockroaches & the study of music
  • Played her role in Musical Sera Myu: Mikako Ishii, Miwa Hosoki, Teroyu Watanabe, Minami Chisato, Yukiko Nakae and Rei Satou

Boomstick: So like Galactic Female version Gandalf where I hope she say like You shall not past line. But everything change when the Silver Millennium was attacked. Great now I feel Avatar: The Last Airbender is copy this for fun or is it the other way around.

Wiz: It was Attacked by Dark Kingdom like if The Magical Girl version of The Galactic Empire. So, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were brought together with her Garnet Orb along with Sailor Uranus' Space Sword, and Sailor Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror and accidently brought Sailor Saturn to life.


Boomstick: It was happy to see Sailor Saturn but well no she swung down her Silence Glaive and obliterated the entire Moon Kingdom like Pack of Raging Oxen in a China shop or me when I was all you can eat buffet in Golden Corral when they have beer and Vodka in night time.

Wiz: You have an addiction, but anyways much like all the other Sailor Guardians, she was reborn as named Setsuna Meiou , and continued her mission to protect the Door of Space and Time. Like she is a Royal Guard of the Queen of England.

(We cut to Wizard & Boomstick)

Boomstick: So what you saying is a Female Nightguard that protect the magical Door. She sounds like my new Wife on a blind date for the 36 times.

Wiz: Like I wonder the experienced stay long without Food or water is possible if you're a monk in a Buddhist temple in Nepal, so I leave Jocelyn have been guarding my time Machine for months.

Wiz show a Live cam is shown on screen of Jocelyn feeling thirsty and collapses with the Space Time Key of the machine.

Jocelyn: Must need water and some food

Wiz: Nah, she's fine if she is not I will take to her to the doctor.

We cut back to the analysis.

Space Time - Devine-King / Barnabas / Arnold

Boomstick: She also have form that feel like Super Sailor Pluto which is like Sailor Pluto which Heart shaped brooch and Eternal Sailor Pluto is have the Star brooch and Sailor Outfit with Bubble Sleeves.

Wiz: Guess she is sailing with fashion right.

Boomstick: YOU DON'T DO PUNS!!!! We talked about!! My things.


  • Super Sailor Pluto
  • Eternal Sailor Pluto

Wiz: Ahh but anyways, Sailor Pluto have an unique set of items in her Arsenal like Space Time Key a special key that Sailor Pluto used to accessed the Space-Time Door to travel back in time and through various timelines that saying the words like that.

Popup: In both the manga and Crystal, four space-time keys are worn on a silver chain around the waist of Sailor Pluto's black miniskirt.


  • Space-Time Key
  • Garnet Orb
  • Garnet Rod

Boomstick: She also carry a Garnet Orb is an essential Talisman component of the Garnet Rod aka the longest Keyblade with an anime transformation into a staff that is cool to control the Time so I could use to

Wiz: Let’s me guess you want to use it to control the entire Timeline to erase your memory of me stabbing you with a trident like 4 years ago

Boomstick: What, No that is stupid, I want to go back to stop having Ex wives in the 1st place.

Popup: In the Mixx manga, it was called the Garnet Scepter. In the DiC English dub, it was called the Time Wand, and in the Cloverway dub it was called the Time Rod.


Wiz:(Wiz facepalm) Anyways, she have many attacks like Dead Scream which is ...…..


  • Dead Scream
  • Time Stop(Forbidden)
  • Chronos Typhoon
  • Garnet Ball
  • Dark Dome Close

Boomstick: Let Me guess, Scary Banshee scream of Death that could make ear drums explodes


Wiz: No, it a death/darkness/the underworld-based attack that is an energy blast shot toward the enemy in the manga but in the anime it is different, since she raised the Garnet Rod into the air and a small whirlwind encircled her and then fired the light purple energy at the target, causing them to scream in pain and was derived from the mythological Hades or Pluto: the Greco/Roman god of the underworld.

Boomstick: So she is both Time and Space and Death power would like mixing Death by Chocolate and cotton candy flavored ice cream with M&M and Caramel into a Milkshake special. She have Garnet Ball a defensive/attack shield that is pink orb that flies like the time I watch Owl House: Watching and Dreaming and feel like this happening like that .

Popup: According to the Sailor Moon Super S Movie Memorial Album, in the anime, the mist that forms around Sailor Pluto’s Garnet Orb when she performs Dead Scream is called the Meikai no Kaze (冥界の風), which means “the wind of the underworld.

Wiz: She also have Chronos Typhoon is a air-based attack that feel similar to that of the 90s anime version of Dead Scream. Also she have Time Stop but Queen Serenity explained that if she use the power time would stop for a short period but once it resumed she would die.

Boomstick: So it a Hara-kiri move that so forbidden for Sailor Pluto sounds like my great Grandma Boomstick when she want creates a time stopping watch but die in a nuclear explosion when she start time. But Setsuna have her ultimate attack Dark Dome close.

Popup: In "Infinite Journey," Sailor Pluto reluctantly called on the mighty powers of her guardian deity, Chronos himself, and utilized her space-based abilities to forever close any vortex to the alien world.

Wiz: This attack allowed her to close the Space-Time Door and various inter-dimensional corridors from a distance. Like if was Sora Final Smash on steroids . But also she have also feats like she (Stopped time on a universal scale) which is a Dwarf Star level.

Sailor Pluto feats

Bob Bradley & Thomas Balmforth - Tides Of Time


  • She's on the same level as Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune,
  • Stopped time on a universal scale
  • Absorbed some of the Lambda Power from Usagi
  • Killed 3 Snow Dancers with Dead Scream
  • Helped amplify Sailor Moon's power to defeat Queen Nehelinia
  • She can take universe level EXPLOSIONS!
  • Defeated Tellu, Pharaoh 90, Sailor Saturn and Daimon U-Henshuu.

Boomstick: Also she can be compare to Sailor Uranus who can the Durabilty of Basically tanked an attack from Cyprine, the strongest of the Witches V, in civilian form and Strength of Knocked out the entire Guardian Senshi Team at once) Also she compared to Eternal Sailor Moon who (Destroyed Chaos, reducing it to being "infinitesimally small" within the Galaxy Cauldron as Survives attack from Sailor Galaxia.

Popup: Eternal Sailor Moon defeated Queen Nehelliena, who's presence maintained a universe within the mirror. A weaker form of Sailor Moon also countered her control over it outright.

Wiz: When Mistress 9 awoke within Hotaru's body, she opened a portal to the Tau Nebula for Pharaoh 90 to draw power from like a living power source. When Sailor Saturn awoke, she bound Pharaoh 90 & forced him from the planet, severely damaging him, and he fled him back to the Tau Nebula to escape. Sailor Pluto used Dark Dome Close to seal the portal permanently, cutting the Tau Nebula off from Earth and ensuring he could never return again.

Sailor Pluto Theme: Stay Alone

Boomstick: But it trapped Sailor Saturn inside it with him but she returned with baby Hotaru and was upgraded to Crystal Power along with Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. It feel like the best caring family of Outer Planets. Also Setsuna became a part of the lives of Usagi and the others. She takes up a position as School Nurse at Juban Public Elementary School where Hotaru and Chibiusa attend like I want to take my little daughter there and be my future date.

Wiz: But she will always keep guarding the Space-Time Door since it duty and she always be there to open the gate of Space-Time and if any intruder enter her domain will be Trapped forever in pain and agony.

Sailor Pluto: Pluto Planet Power

(Setsuna Transformed into Sailor Pluto)


Bubble Popper

Wiz: Boomstick, have you heard the phrase "Time is like a river you cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again"

Boomstick: Wait, why you compare time with water like does it work? Like it a canteen to take in party or a fish bowl for my new pet fish .

Popup: The Louvre held alot of arts of famous Miraculous Holders and Order of the Guardians from the past like Jeanne d'Arc, Herakles and all the Miraculous holders through history

Wiz: Well, in the city of Paris have The Louvre that held alot of ancient artifacts and was held by the Director Alim Kudbel who is the father of 2 siblings. His son Jalil Kudbel who always think crazy stuff that got him Akumatized to become The Pharoah but ...

Boomstick: We are here to talk about his young Daughter and Wiz future student in building crazy and stupid Inventions like a mad scientist like he is Victor Frankenstein or Rick Sanchez

Wiz: My Inventions aren't Stupid, there are unique!!

In the Hall of the Mountain King (Rock Version)

Boomstick: Alix Kudbel. She is one of shortest student in Miss Bustier's class who really in who have a daredevil in Rollerskating and Street Arts like feel Harley Quinn and Miles Morales combine in 1 like an ice cream topping.


  • Name: Alix Kudbel
  • Age: 15
  • Daughter of the Alim Kudbel
  • Other names: Violet, Miss Timekeeper, and Mini-me
  • Have a Brother who think the pyramids were built by alien spaceships that ran out of gas.
  • Likes: Roller-skating, Street art, Engineering, and Traveling to Time
  • Dislikes: Dares, Bets, Her pocket watch being broken, Someone call her Fluffy tail, Cat Noir's recklessness and failing Ladybug
  • Her first name inspired by Alice In Wonderland and Doctor Who

Wiz: She is one of Marinette's Friends who are the stubborn and isn't afraid of challenges or saying what is on her mind but she is kind and grateful being a Tomboy. Since 1 day when Ladybug and Cat noir was going to catch TimeTagger.

Boomstick: which is just an annoying rapper with Instant Transmission that send people in time which is just stupid.

Wiz: But when Alix got something happen that her watch summoning a hologram that talk to her to see her at the Egyptian exhibit and

Boomstick: When they follow into the Exhibit they see that it just a obelisk from Ancient Egypt. That just was a surprise there is a lifeform inside.

Wiz: So she orders Cat Noir to use his Cataclysm on it and reveals a sleeping person in a superhero costume inside and her named is Bunnyx

Popup: Although Thomas Astruc spells her superhero name as Bunnyx, some official sources spell it as Bunnix.

Sleepless Nights 2

Boomstick: Bunnyx have a Miraculous of look like a Pocket Watch in 1510 like is she is The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland like her literal name is Alix is the medieval French version of Alice. “Coincidence? I think NOT!” Well, If it not that Crappy Disney sequel of Alice Through the Looking Glass with Johnny Depp as the crazy Mad Hatter since it is the weird and bizarre moment.

Powers & Arsenal[]

  • Rabbit Miraculous: Pocket Watch
  • Kwami: Fluff
  • Weapons: Umbrella
  • Miraculous superpower: Burrow


  • Bunny Dog(Unification with the Dog Miraculous)
    • Kwami: Barkk
    • Weapon: Ball
    • Superpower: Fetch
    • Miraculous: Dog Collar

Popup: Tùzi was the one of the Famous Rabbit Miraculous the was 1st Rabbit Miraculous holder

Wiz: Anyways, her power is the Time Travelling called Burrow which is which is

Boomstick: Like Doctor Who if he was a Magical girl.

(We cut to Wizard & Boomstick)

Wiz: You can see that The Rabbit Miraculous is know for being the powerful of all Miraculous that I have right here in my hand

Wiz used the Rabbit Miraculous and Fluff

Fluff: Is my time to shine, Wizard

Boomstick: How think cute Rabbit Plushie can do

Fluff: Why this Redneck with a drinking problem called me a plushie it because my cute voice or do I look cute?

Wiz: You think you understand this? Like the time that Alix Kudbel Pocket watch was actually a Miraculous in camouflage where it there a about 2 Rabbit Miraculous the same time feel like

Boomstick: a classic grandfather's paradox that since it been so long since it bug me alot since Reverse Flash analyses where time is a construct with no legitimate unit of measurement other than the meager attempts man has made to understand the incomprehensible world around her.

Wiz: ok Fluff Clockwise! So in Asian folklore, Rabbits symbolize vigilance, abundance, speed, and harmony so basically the Jade Rabbit in Chinese myth.

Wiz turned into Time Mage with a cool design straight out of Doctor Who and they are at the Burrow which is bigger than their labs

Boomstick: So this look like this Miraculous beats Apple technology

Wiz:Ok, what are you trying to say

Boomstick: Oh Man! I want to use Rabbit Miraculous so I can get my beer from 1930s like the one that my great grandpa Boomstick drink.

When Wiz used the Burrow to get Adelscott: A popular from France and give it Boomstick which he drank a little bit and passed out in the Floor. We then cut back to the analysis.

Bob Bradley & Thomas Balmforth - In Fate's Hands

Popup: The Umbrella is one of the Miraculous weapon that created by an unknown Mage

Wiz: Well, she have a some weapon like her umbrella that can use as a like a bat or sword but when it open it act like a shield and a parachute

Boomstick: So basically she is Seventh Doctor like we are going that alot of Doctor Who references with don't we.

Wiz: That right Boomstick, Also she have used a special power called Unifications which is feel like to activate two or more Miraculouses at once. And she use the Dog Miraculous which maybe Dogs to become Bunny Dog

Boomstick: Bunny Dog that is most stupid name of a fusion.

Boomstick get a long talk about it

It the most weird thing I even think of since Dogs are man best friend that hunt rabbits in western culture and it a weird that in Chinese Zodiac they are highly supportive and creates a sense of equal partnership and her weapon is a ball which feel so lame that they should use the Bone Staff like if was Lucario.

Wiz: Her Superpower is Fetch which is just allows the user to retrieve objects from afar like near and far travel like light speed.

Fetch (Bunny Dog)

Popup: Interestingly, if this power is used to retrieve a Miraculous tool, then the tool will remain in existence even if the holder it came from detransforms. The tool will only disappear once the holder transforms again, causing the tool to appear back in their possession.

Boomstick: Fetch is lame superpower when fighting an army of Henchmen but can be useful to get beer from Far away when I don't want to get out of the couch.

Street - True Axis

Wiz: Wow you like this Superpower when you are lazy, you need to get some sunlight. But anyways Bunnyx have some feats like she dodge Present Cat noir Catacylsm which dissolves an asteroid which is 8 gigatons of TNT.

Popup: Cat Noir did used the Rabbit Miraculous to travel time to chase Monarch in light speed


  • Fought almost evenly with TimeTagger, albeit being ultimately defeated
  • Survive The Cold Temperature of the Ice Age (-100,000) and Hot Temperature of Pompeii (79)
  • Use Burrow to Dodge Monarch's Dog Superpower of Fetch ability
  • Dodge Present Cat Noir Catacylsm
  • Travel to July 14, 200 years to see what the weather we be
  • Pushed back a T-rex from her Burrow
  • Defeated TimeTagger, and Monarch

Boomstick: Well She was fighting TimeTagger alot trying to knock him to Burrow like if it Trunks vs Zamasu but without the Ki energy like feel the Creator should have add that and also when transported into The Ice Age which the have the Cold Temperature of 46 degrees Fahrenheit like she need a Fur coat after that cold.

Wiz: She also Pushed back a T-rex which is theorized to have had a bite force of 12,800 pounds per square inch which is 6 times more powerful than an alligator and survived the The hot Temperature of lava that Eruption that destroy Pompeii which reached the temperature of 300 °C (572 °F) .

Boomstick: So she is like a keeping to stay alive like if she is a GOD or what it is that she is wearing.

Boomstick is typing on his phone seeing what it is?

Boomstick: This it is it her quantum suit that resist temperatures. OK I going to let you speak.

Wiz: Ok, so here is where Bunnyx took a turn that might surprise fans but be warn. When Ladybug lose all the Miraculous by Hawkmoth now know as Monarch which is a diet Thanos if he lose muscles for power than Brawns.

Boomstick: And his best idea is used the Rabbit Miraculous to go back in time to get Ladybug and Cat noir Miraculous at their weakest, but Ladybug and Rabbit Noir which the dumbest unify name ever meet Alix and plot twist Her dad know that her daughter is Bunnyx for the 1st time since her future self sent him all those postcards of her best adventures. I wish my dad should have done that to me due to make past trauma of miss him.

Symphony No. 40 in G Minor

Wiz: But Ladybug say to her if she get the rabbit Miraculous, Alix have to stay with her future self til Monarch is defeated. Which feel like a good time and she accept it like it her dream come true.

Popup: Bunnyx is the 2nd user to keep her Miraculous that doesn't involve her secret revealed

Boomstick: Wow, that is sad that she will miss her father and brother but it for safety so she finally used that Dog Miraculous power of Fetch to catch The Rabbit Miraculous and enter the Burrow like Rabbit does and send Monarch to the present like that.

Wiz: She stay with her Future self and stay in future while she help Ladybug in any way possible and BTW she have a weakness that is when Cat Blanc going to erase the Universe with his ripoff Spirit Bomb like if he was Goku Black but white.

Boomstick: Ok, That seem Farfetched but Miraculous is Weird. But In Season 5 finale she help Luka Couffaine, his father Jagged Stone, Penny Rollings and Su Han which is Marvel comic version of Wong's angry cousin and help them fight a Putty Patrols and Nomu reject called Miraculized which sounds awful like why those Circle face like the Eyes of the Adversary from Suicide Squad are more terrifying than that mistake.

Wiz: After that Hawkmoth was over and Paris was save and Alix Kudbel keep her Miraculous to join French Miraculous team like if Young Justice mixed with Power Rangers or Sailor Moon. Til if there any problem in the timestream, Bunnyx will always fix the timeline clockwise. Also promise to send her dad some new postcard.

Boomstick: BTW she is look like Jocelyn twin sister or cousin, since what kinda life she live through.....

Wiz: Really Boomstick, you need to talk after in your next therapist and talk about this.

Boomstick: Shut Up!

Alix Kudbel: Fluff Clockwise

Alix Kudbel turn into Bunnyx


Wiz & Boomstick

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.



Time Space Bunnyx

The Sailor Guardian of Time and Space was guarding the Space Time Door when she is a blue portal coming out her domain

Bunnyx: Great, I am lost! Hey, you are a superhero right, what is this place? Did I travel to Ancient Greece or Rome Temple

Sailor Pluto saw an intruder enter the Domain and say in an anger

Sailor Pluto: Halt, you don't belong here! Leave or I make you leave.

Sailor Pluto pulls out her Garnet Rod and make Bunnyx use summon her umbrella to start this battle

Bunnyx: OK, Let's do it the hard way. ]

Bunnyx start use her umbrella to block Sailor Pluto's Garnet Rod and she use her weapon to sweep her opponents legs

Sailor Pluto: Guess you didn’t keep up the pace that I ... Woah

The Rabbit Miraculous Holder Alix summon a Burrow which transport them to the city of Melromarc with Naofumi and Motoyasu fighting which they interrupt them

King Aultcray Melromarc XXXII: Hey, Cursed Shield Hero, you cause a rift in the portal that summon those Girls to help you.

They left Castle Town Courtyard arena with another Burrow which the King of Melromarc just need to go back to his room and throw away his wine stash which Naofumi as his rival.

Naofumi: What is his problem, Motoyasu

Motoyasu: Dude, I want to see those ladies and let's them escape! Well at least I have Myne

Meanwhile, they landed on the Doumori Elementary roof where Nube, Tamamo and Yukime were fighting Zekki which he taught they are

Bunnyx: I getting out of here

Sailor Pluto: Oh no you don't

Bunnyx summon a portal where Zekki miss crushed them. Then, Sailor Pluto and Bunnyx goes to Ice Age where Bunnyx use her umbrella to attack her.

Bunnyx: You must be crazy sweep my legs when I what to know what your deal?

Sailor Pluto: Chronos Typhoon

Sailor Pluto use Chronos Typhoon to blow Bunnyx was knock into a Giant Glacier that collapses on her

Sailor Pluto: Ha guess you got frozen bunny feet , Fluffy Tail

Bunnyx hear what she called her Fluffy Tail which cause her to go Rage mode that make her snap

Bunnyx: Don't Called FLUFFY TAIL!!!!!!!

Setsuna Meiou start block her opponents like it was nothing, but Bunnyx push her into the through the time portal while fighting into where the events of Seaside Village where Zoro and Erza start that which caused they to question that Erza attack, then the events of Asgard's throne room that Doctor Fate and Doctor Strange as Bunnyx throw a candle set at Pluto

Sailor Pluto: Why since you look funny and cute, Fluffy Tail

Bunnyx: Here Pluto catch this

Sailor Pluto: Dead Scream

Sailor Pluto raised the Garnet Rod into the air and a small whirlwind spun into being around her that Launched the Candle set at her that launched her into a time portal and Pluto follow her into Santa Mario Novella Basilica where Venom vs Crona were fighting at night .

Bunnyx: Why you send us to this creepy place to fight.

A sudden eruption of Black Blood bursts out from Crona's neck and from outside the church which caused Bunnyx and Sailor Pluto into the portal into the Pocket dimension.

Sailor Pluto: Well, Now let's see my true power

Sailor Pluto turn into Super Sailor Pluto

Super Sailor Pluto: You know this place is biggest in the inside like you like to stalk people with these things screen in timeline that is weird. Are you Time stalker

Bunnyx was shocked but got upset of her opponent Backlashed

Bunnyx: I am Bunnyx, The holder of the rabbit Miraculous and I am keeping the timestream in keep and you are judging my Burrow

Sailor Pluto use her Garnet Rod to push Bunnyx into the future of Tokyo crashing on flying cars as Sailor Pluto is going to use Chronos Typhoon again where

Bunnyx: Did you just punch me into next week? Or, a MILLION next weeks?!

Bunnyx have in her pocket a Dog Miraculous

Bunnyx: Fluff , Barkk unify

She become Bunny Dog

Super Sailor Pluto: so you are ball as a weapon like that is ripoff weapon

Bunny Dog throw her ball at Setsuna's Garnet Rod but she dodge it which touch a lobster in a supermarket which return

Bunny Dog: Dang, I miss

She do it again and her ball touch a Hyper Viper Beam that belongs to Cable and fetch it and she was interested

Bunny Dog: Sweet, Hey Setsuna! You are going to be cooked

She fire it at Sailor Pluto which she use her Garnet Rod to summon Garnet Ball

Super Sailor Pluto: Garnet Ball!

Sailor Pluto shield disappear and she was hit by Bunny Dog barging into her through the portal where the battle of Pharaoh 90 that used Sailor Saturn as Mistress 9 that Sailor Pluto remembers that she need to use her Door of Space and time to end Bunnyx once for all

Sailor Pluto vs Bunnyx fight

Super Sailor Pluto: You get send me at the time that my Sailor Scouts and I defeated Pharaoh 90. Oh!

Bunny Dog keep attack her with her Umbrella but Sailor Pluto get hit but stand up and transform into Eternal Sailor Pluto

Bunny Dog: You transform again like how are you doing it

Eternal Pluto stand up and her line at Bunny Dog face like it straight up Miraculous episode when a person get again offscreen

Eternal Sailor Pluto: "I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto. Guardian of the Underworld!"

They start attack each other with their weapon which Sailor Pluto have the advantages by stabbed her with her weapon and her next attack but Bunnyx used her Burrow to get space but Sailor Pluto thinks if she go back

Bunny Dog: Guess I have all the Time in the world

Sailor Pluto : Time Huh, Thanks for the tip

She used Bunnyx to travel back where it started where Sailor Pluto began and say her final word as she lift her Garnet Rod as Bunnyx start charge with her Umbrella

Bunnyx: Ok you ask it. I will end your future.

She lifted her Garnet Rod and say her word the end this Bunnyx

Eternal Sailor Pluto: Dark Dome Close!

The door of Space and time open and suck Bunnyx and she told her in an angry expression

Bunny Dog: What That is Impossible?

Sailor Pluto: Now, you talking Daughter of Peter Cottontail

She start take the Dog Miraculous from her neck and take it off and Bunny Dog revert to Bunnyx and Sailor Pluto use Dead scream to kill her and Bunnyx scream and her attack continues on to destroy her torso and rip her to pieces, leaving her remains to be sucked into The Door of Space and Time which close permanently which what left of her is the Rabbit and dog Miraculous on the floor where Sailor Pluto gave them and smile and see what left of this

Sailor Pluto: You fought nobly, Fluffy Tail.

Sailor Pluto keep the the Rabbit and Dog miraculous as trophy on her shelf to remember this encounter as walk away with remorse smile



Boomstick: Guess Sailor Pluto got herself a new Rabbit foot by luck shot

Wiz: Well, we are going to have so let's address the five categories most representative of this fight.


Boomstick: The Biggest Strength that Bunnyx is the time she open the jaw of the T-Rex which have a of 12,800 pounds per square inch. Like it 2x as bigger than a crocodile or the largest snake on the world the Anaconda which have the bite of 900 psi. And let's talk about Sailor Pluto feats of strength.

Popup: Well, one of the Strongest Miraculous holder Purple Tigress who punch a crater on the sidewalk which a power force of 1200 tons of TNT but Bunnyx isn't compared by that user of the Tiger and Miraculous holders aren't planet level.

Wiz: But if we compare to Sailor Pluto that Stopped time on a universal scale which is much higher than T-rex jaw opening with an umbrella ,

Boomstick: Yeah like Sailor Pluto is dealt with Universe size Explosion like it was nothing since she is power to Stopped an Universe which is a Dwarf star.

Wiz: So Sailor Pluto win in strength. Well, Let's take speed


Popup: Well other Faster Miraculous character like Timebreaker is faster to catch a lot of people got back in time but same again we are using Hero version of her

Boomstick: Well, Bunnyx is faster when enter the Burrow to dodge Monarch Fetch ability which is faster that light

Wiz: So if we compare have her compare to Sailor Moon who having spread an attack through out the infinite universe. This light reached the edge of the universe in four seconds, that is around putting it at 360 quadrillion times lightspeed than a Fetch ability .

Sailor Moon speed attack

As Seen in Beerus vs Galaxia

Popup: The Sailor Moon universe does have a few locations outside the usual scope of space-time, such as the Galaxy Cauldron

Boomstick: Well we could compare her to Max Kante who have the Horse Miraculous that send the train to Space to Big Ben like if it was rocket science but Sailor scouts have a speed advantage.

Wiz: I hear talk about season 5 of Miraculous Paris Special with an Multiverse speed with Ladybug as Ladybiquity

The analysis visuals pause for a moment cinema-style before shuttering to a new page which is Spoiler to Paris Special: Shadybug and Claw Noir

Popup: Spoilers for the Paris Special

Boomstick: Even Though There is Paris Special, where Ladybiquity is faster to Monarch around every Miraculous Universes but we can't compare to her since she was in the Burrow since she can't sense the evil counterpart of Ladybug and Cat Noir since you know being safe in Burrow . So Speed goes with Sailor Pluto


Wiz: Skills will be tricky since it could work for 2 of they since Bunnyx know fencing with the 3 musketeers but Sailor Scouts were trained alot in past years like there is no way Bunnyx was skilled that like Season 5, she was in that...

Popup: Sailor Guardians deal with foes that are skilled like Sailor Galaxia with is more skilled than what Ladybug fought Monarch

Boomstick: She is just waited for Monarch to be defeated than going the fight like she is a joke like she waiting for the right moment since she wait for days like standing there like if was Fairy World and anyways to make hard for skills of action

Wiz: Skills goes to Sailor Pluto


Boomstick: I want to say but oh well Their Experience like their are the same keeping the Space time for years but here where one key that have the most experience the long keeping time in place

Wiz: Like almost Bunnyx try to understand that she have experience with Traveling to the Future of Paris to help Ladybug to understand but

Boomstick: There is always a but when you see Sailor Pluto

Wiz: that held her place and guarding the Door of time and space as child for years Than Bunnyx with her Burrow as both a teen to Adult like they are equal to each other. But the final of this category is Power


Wiz: Bunnyx have some Time immunity from Time stop which Sailor Pluto has but in the other hand for Sailor Pluto is that her Arsenals that is Garnet Rod and her attacks that have been powerful that what Bunnyx use in her arsenals

Popup: Bunnyx have Have resist going to the hot Temperature of Pompeii but not as Powerful as Sailor Moon universe feats

Boomstick: Let's start Dead Scream which is powerful enough to destroy Tellu which is fourth of the Witches 5 which try to attack them but miss. And again Bunnyx try to attack Timetagger and even if She could send Sailor Pluto on the WW2 or The bomb that destroy Hiroshima but again Sailor Pluto have Garnet Ball that could resist all of Bunnyx attack and if people are asking why not use Timebreaker one and the 1st Akumatized villain form she used can we compare to her

Wiz: Well like we say, we can’t compare Alix Kudbel akumatized for since it she is Large Town feats.

Boomstick: Eventhough Cat Noir destroyed an asteroid in Astro Cat form that is great but Miraculous have a crazy time limit like always doesn't work out like that

Popup: Well Plagg can destroy the Cat Miraculous which make a Crater which Monarch in it but again Miraculous Holders don't have a powerful as the Kwami are powerful but can't effect anything as powerful what Sailor scouts dealt with

Wiz: Either way, people say well say that she dealt with Cat Blanc who almost erase the Universe but here a catch and here it the big one

Boomstick: She can't be compared Cat Blanc since he is like a big fish in a small pond since Bunnyx almost got erase out of existence like there is no way she will come out safely. Also Planet level feats are not in Bunnyx feats since again people on the internet she is a City level end of story.

Wiz: Bunnyx may have the way to resist Time manipulation and Predictions every time predicting move but Pluto is faster, stronger and Durability to put the this Bunny hero down

Boomstick: Alix almost wonderland her Victory but Pluto just make her Scream

Wiz: The winner is Sailor Pluto


Sailor Pluto[]


+Have more Forms than Bunny Dog

+Garnet Ball block Bunnyx attack

+ Dark Dome Close is powerful than fetch

+ Smarter

-Time Stop could actually kill her after see use it


+Immune of Time stopping

+Burrow have more time predictions


-Have less powerful weapon than Sailor Pluto have in her arsenal

Original Track[]


The track for this fight is "Space Time Bunny


The track is named after they do space and time power and their secret location(Space and Time Door and Burrow) and Bunny since (Sailor Pluto friend is Sailor Moon which her real names is Usagi which is the Japanese word for Bunny and Bunnyx)

Cover art[]

Time Space Bunnyx

The track art is a The Garnet rod is in the center blocking the Bunnyx logo of a cottontail fluff in the center



  • The Connections between Sailor Pluto and Bunnyx is 2 females adults magical women that have A jewel (Star seed and Miraculous) and protects time and help the younger version of the heroines (Sailor Mini Moon and Ladybug) and guard the Timestream from bad guys (Queen Beryl and Hawkmoth) and they stay alone in a empty room (Door of Space and Time and Burrow) that was used to protect the timeline in balance and work in a Team (Sailor Guardians and Team Miraculous) .
    • Both have friends who Cristina Vee (Sailor Mars and Ladybug)

Easter eggs[]

  • in Sailor Pluto analyzes Boomstick talk about That she is female Gandalf which is a References of Gandalf the Grey
  • When Wiz say that to stop the time when he stabbed Boomstick with a trident in Aquaman vs Namor
  • So there is alot Doctor who references in Bunnyx analyses
  • The line That Boomstick say "where time is a construct with no legitimate unit of measurement other than the meager attempts man has made to understand the incomprehensible world around her", is a reference in Goku Black vs Reverse Flash
  • The fight start like the Same as Doctor strange vs Dr. Fate
  • The cameos in the travel of name places of each media
    • The fight have some cameo like Naofumi and Motoyasu from Shield hero episode Lullaby at Dawn that they were fighting in the courtyard
    • The fight on the Rooftop of Doumori Elementary in Hell Teacher Nube OVA 3 where Nube, Yukime and Tamamo are fighting Zekki
    • The old MUs from past seasons are there like Zoro vs Erza, Doctor Strange vs Doctor Fate and Venom vs Crona.
  • The Death scene remind of Beerus vs Sailor Galaxia
    • Even the Line "What that is impossible" is a references too

