Sailor Mercury vs Tecna is a what if Death Battle by Sailor Elsa. It features Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon and Tecna from Winx Club in a battle between brainy magical girls.
Beautiful Brains Battle In A Brilliant Brawl!
Wiz: Sailor Mercury; Brains of the Sailor Guardians
Boomstick: Tecna; Brains of the Winx Club!
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!
Wiz: And it is our job to analyze their armor, weapons, and skills to find out who would win...a Death Battle!
Sailor Mercury[]
Wiz: When you look up at the night's sky one celestial body stands out more than any other.
Boomstick: The Moon!
Wiz: Well, yes, but calm down. Anyway, this desolate and rocky wasteland was not always that way. In fact, it once was home to them most beautiful kingdom in the entire universe...the Silver Millennium.
Boomstick: Ruled over by the fine Queen Serenity, The Silver Millennium was a kingdom far more advanced than anything we have today on Earth, and Queen Serenity had a child, the beautiful Princess Serenity! And to celebrate the birth of the princess, a massive celebration was held with the rulers of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter were invited alongside their children, who swore their loyalty to the young princess as her protectors!
Wiz: Seems odd to have the future rulers of entire planets be bodyguards to the princess of a mere moon.
Boomstick: Sadly this angry chick, Queen Nehelenia, showed up and pulled a Maleficent. Putting a curse on the kingdom and child for not inviting her, simply for being evil. Gee, I wonder why they didn't invite her.....
Wiz: After years of peace, the curse came to pass, as this malevolent force named Queen Metalia, was found by a woman named Beryl who was soon corrupted by the sinister amorphous being, and after taking control of many of the Earth's greatest soldiers, launched a war against the Silver Millennium, in which, the entirety of the Silver Millennium was destroyed....the kingdom it's self....and it's people. Including the young princess and her friends.
Boomstick: Wow, that's dark. But before she kicked the bucket, Queen Serenity used the source of ultimate power to set in motion the fate of the universe.
Wiz: With the Legendary Silver Crystal, she destroyed the army of Earth and sealed Metalia away....at the cost of her own life.
Boomstick: But with the last of her strength, used this crystal to wish for the rebirth of her daughter and the other princesses.
Wiz: It took thousands of years, but Serenity and the others were finally reborn. Serenity was reborn as Usagi Tsukino, and the others were reincarnate as well, including Princess Mercury, who was reborn as.....Ami Mizuno!
Boomstick: Though she had been reborn, it wouldn't be until meeting Usagi would her powers awaken, allowing her to join her in battle and help fight the return of Beryl and Metalia. But luckily, she had retained her past incarnation's powers. Not only her genius intellect, which she already had prior to her awakening, which is....odd......but much like any Sailor Guardian, she has the essential powers most heroes have. Super strength, speed, durability, all the classics. But after her intellect, her most notable ability would be to to control water.
Wiz: And not just water, but all it's forms including fog and ice. Ami's intellect has actually allowed her to create several spells involving the various forms of water. Bubble Spray for example covers the area in a thick fog only allowing her, and those she considers allies to see through.
Boomstick: What's more, she can cast illusions in this fog, meaning she can make enemies unable to see what she doesn't want them to see, while making them think they are seeing what she DOES want them to see, even if they are not real. Such as illusionary copies of herself.
Wiz: She can freeze enemies solid with Shine Aqua Illusion. This attack does seem to vary in power. Ranging from just freezing the enemy in place, all the way to reaching temperatures that can freeze the enemy so thoroughly, they will crumble into dust.
Boomstick: Mercury Aqua Mirage unleashes a sphere of water that expands to surround the enemy, on contact, trapping them inside and crushing them until not even the smallest trace of them is left behind. Wish I could do that! I mean, I could just kill whoever I wanted, and since there would be no body, no one could trace it back to me.
Wiz: Uhhhh. OK. Suddenly I don't feel so safe around you. But this attack is an impressive one. In fact, this can crush enemies so thoroughly, that it can even destroy ghosts, implying that this attack, can even obliterate an enemy to the point to where is can even eliminate their very soul.
Wiz: Ami does have some notable flaws. She does have a habit of overthinking things, and is a bit weaker than the rest of the team in terms of power
Boomstick: But her greatest weakness is surprisingly something most girls would love to receive. A Love Letter.
Wiz: No really. Ami's actually somehow allergic to love letters of all things. They cause her to get a serious rash and break out into a scratching fit. H..how?! How does this happen from love letters. I mean, it would be one thing if she was allergic to certain types of inks and such, but no. She...she is allergic to a specific type of letter. Like, how...this is not....how?!
Boomstick: Wiz, just let it go. This show is about a ditzy space princess and her friends fighting gods, while dressed in sailor suits.....
Wiz: I AM NOT LETTING THIS GO! I mean, look. She is reacting normally to it when she first touches it, but the moment she finds out it is a love letter she is itchy as can be! Like, this is the intellectual woman of the team, and she does not even question this?! I mean, what the hell?!
Wiz: Welcome to The Alfea College for Fairies! Set in Magix, the center of the universe, this magical school trains young fairies to use their magic to combat evil on their homeworlds.
Boomstick: Fairies from all across the universe learn here, so they can become the Guardian Fairy of their respective homeworld.
Wiz: And from the planet, Zenith, a world who values tech and knowledge, comes the young Guardian Fairy, Tecna!
Wiz: As the fairy of technology, Tecna's spells heavily focus on electrical and magnetic themes.
Boomstick: Such as Laser. A simple, but effective energy blast, or her defensive barrier; Firewall.
Wiz: She can give herself absolute awareness of her surroundings Technomagic Vision.
Boomstick: So she has a sort of Ultra Instinct!?
Wiz: Well, more like the Spider-Sense. While this does give Tecna full awareness of her surroundings, it is not an automatic defense. While this spell can allow her to find her opponent or see through traps or illusions, she must make the conscious effort to use this information to assess the situation, and what she needs to do.
Boomstick: Oh, that's a bummer. But still pretty cool. She can also fire bolts of electricity with her spell, Lightning of Zenith
A convention center is seen from the outside, with a banner saying "Inter-Universe Chess Tournament Today!" hanging above it. We go inside and see two women playing a match in the finals, when it is shown that both are down to just their King. The announcer is given a slip of paper. He looks it over and is shocked.
Announcer: Wow. It looks like the judges have decided to call the game! As both really have no way of finishing this match, they will instead fight for the title! What a turn of events.
Ami and Tecna looked confused by this sudden change of plans. But shrugged their heads. Both of their transformation scenes are shown, side by side. Both stared the other down, waiting to see who would make the first move. When Tecna's hands glowed with a green aura.
Tecna: Laser Ray!
Tecna fired the green energy as an energy projectile as Mercury tucked and rolled to the side. Ami got up and crossed her arms as a bubble appears before her.
Ami: Bubble....Spray!
Suddenly a thick and intense fog covered the arena. Tecna looked around and as soon as she saw Ami fired another Laser Beam at her...only for her two fade away.
Tecna: What?!
Just then she looked behind her to see three more of her, to both sides she saw another and in front of her were another five.
Tecna: .....hmph. So you have some copies. But I think I can even the odds. Hologram!
Suddenly multiple copies of Tecna appeared. As one by one, the groups attacked one another to find the real one. Each copy from both vanishing upon being hit.
- The similarities between Ami and Tecna are both of them are young females with short hair. Both of them are the smartest member of their respective groups of magical girls (Sailor Guardians for Sailor Mercury and the Winx Club for Tecna), but are often considered the weakest in terms of raw power. Both of them started off a bit awkward around others, and were a bit anti-social, until they came out of their shells thanks to their friends who they fight alongside. Both of them have some sort of high status of their world of origin (Ami is the Princess of Mercury and Tecna is the Guardian Fairy of Zenith). In addition, the member of the team they are often considered closest to (Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter for Ami and Musa for Tecna) are considered the more tomboyish type among the group. In addition, they are the two who's powers are the most varied (Mercury is able use the various forms of water, including fog and ice while Tecna's powers are themed around technology such, like an energy blast called Laser Beam or her defensive barrier, Firewall to name a few). Both also enjoy a good game of Chess.
- Had this episode been made it would have been sprites, with a few hand drawn elements. Stephenie Sheh would be cast as Ami/Mercury and Tecna would be voiced by Colleen O'Shaughnessey.
- Stephenie Sheh, who is the official English VA for Usagi in the Viz Media Sailor Moon dub, was specifically chosen to voice Mercury, due to a few fans thinking she and Kate Higgins (Ami's official English VA in the Viz Media dub) should have voiced the other's character instead.
- This fight's author, Sailor Elsa, ranks this as his third most wanted episode of Death Battle
- The battle track would be called Technobubble. It's name refers to Tecna's technology magic (Techno) and Sailor Mercury's water-based powers (Bubble). It is also a pun on Technobabble, which refers to the genius intellect of both Ami and Tecna. The cover image shows Tecna's Fire Wall spell with the symbol for Mercury on it. Tecna's wings from her Enchantix form are sticking out from behind. Lightning can be seen represent Tecna's powers also include electrokinesis. Meanwhile, the bottom is shown to be crashing waves, symbolizing Ami's power over the element of water.
- Originally Mercury's tiara would be surrounding the top of the Firewall barrier. This was scrapped due to making it look too cluttered.
- The fight's set up was created after a long thought of how the fight should start. Other possible ways as to how the fight would break out include
- Them already fighting (This was scrapped as to try and add more story to it)
- One losing a chess match to the other, and attacking the winner accusing them of cheating. This was scrapped due to how it would make one antagonistic and out of character.
- However, the Chess match was eventually worked into the start of the fight, albeit with it resulting in a tie, with them having to fight to the death as a tie breaker
Easter Eggs[]
- This is the first fight from Sailor Elsa to feature a Winx Club character.