adaptation vs evolution which will come out the victor in this battle of massive proportions?
adapting and evolving are just common place in humanities ideals
but these two embody them better than any normal person can!
A.M.A.Z.O. DCAU's artificial god
and SCP-682 the hard to destroy reptile
their wiz and void and i'm boomstick and its our job to analyze their WEAPONS.....
and ABILITIES to find out who would win....
all three: A DEATH BATTLE!
AMAZO adapts beyond his former limits[]
the brilliant professor ivo was an enigma to many but he died and he left something behind something.......beyond anyone's imagination......AMAZO
the professor made AMAZO an absolute beast even without copying any abilities he could smash through brick walls with ease and could speed blitz the normal human but once he started copying abilities it became all the worse for our good heroes
this thing has the strength of super man,wonder woman AND all of the other heavy hitters in the justice league so yeah getting into a fist fight with him is a bad idea
he can move fast enough for time to appear stopped around him thanks to the speed of flash and super man he also has regeneration,invulnerability,heat vision,the ability to become intangible,telepathy,teleportation,size alteration and possibly the most incredible feat green lantern constructs take it away wiz!
most certainly
*wiz pulls out a green lantern ring and slides it onto his finger*
you see a green lantern ring is limited by two things: willpower and imagination in order for AMAZO to over power a powerful member of the green lanterns with his own construct his will must be much greater than any normal machine should wield also green lantern rings allow for portal creation like so!
*wiz uses the ring to make a portal and out falls a can of beer which is then followed by an anvil crushing the beer*
oh man up boomstick anyways after being tricked by lex AMAZO attempted to kill the bald villain but then he stopped and he realized something if he was so powerful why was he dealing with such meaningless matters?
oh shut it boomstick here
*a portal opens and out falls another beer*
oh thanks
anyways this lead to AMAZO doing something i never thought possible he became a god
*a clip of amazo floating up into the stars is played*
after this he gained many many new abilities he has stated no where is beyond his reach and he was going to end the universe just because he thought life had no point.
he could also break through a construct made by multiple green lanterns and could teleport the entire planet of OA out of green lantern communication range which spans universes. when he got to earth he tore through the defensive lines this included every heavy hitter like superman,john stewart,wonder woman,red tornado and many other also he took down the ground defense force with a burst of energy he could travel between universes at high speeds and made it from OA to Earth in a minute
the only real reason they ever even "beat" him was because lex talked him into watching what humanity became how they changed and adapted and evolved
this lead him to try and find his purpose out in the universe where he trapped himself in the mirrored room in this room the act of amazo moving threatened the entire multiverse and then just to make things harder AMAZO-ll aka evil AMAZO appeared and one punched normal AMAZO so hard he was gone it has been stated that AMAZO-ll was stronger than normal AMAZO
key word WAS
thats right amazo just came back from nothing adapted to his evil version...and one hit him saving the multiverse
he recreated AMAZO-ll but purged of the anti-life equation and the two traveled the multiverse attempting to find their purposes
682 finds you disgusting...why?[]
wiz,boomstick i must ask you to throw out what you know about what is and is not possible because we are delving into...the S.C.P. foundation files for this part
.....the what?
oh i have heard of them......i think
well the SCP foundation has many MANY anomalies in containment but none are as hateful,vile or unkillable as SCP-682 aka the hard to kill reptile
why is it called that?
boomstick i am going to take a guess....that it is a reptile that is hard to kill
ohhhh i got it
682 here can adapt to anything thrown at it such as bullets,fire,acid,nuclear bombs,a sword as hot as the sun,a humanoid who hates being seen and...many more
HOLY $@%#!
i have to agree with boomstick here why the heck is this thing like that?
Well some theorize that 682 may be the son of the scarlet king while the christian representation of god has stated that 682 did not come from it so we do not truly know where the thing came from what we do know is that it hates humans
idk why but i just looked up what he can do and it is quite the list!
we are talking adaptation,evolution,size manipulation,absorption,black hole creation,reality warping,self sustenance,the copying of abilities,resistance to essentially everything and immortality due to the body of 682 as we know it is a lie it turns out 682 is actually an abstract thing beyond time and space
HOLY $#%&!
and from what i can tell that is only the tip of this ice berg!
while no one knows his speed he was thrown at the speed of light and he adapted to at least light speed
now that i have read up on this ahem....WHAT THE EVER LIVING FU-
*technical difficulties*
it was stated that 682's death would end the universe as he is an absolute of said universe
as for weaknesses it seems that if you are not a spawn of the scarlet have no hope as only the offspring of the scarlet king have been shown to restrain him through kindness
so we are pretty much done for right?
i mean the host box will be fine i have put many defenses on it
???: but nowhere near enough to stop m-
*technical difficulties screen shows up as the sound of wiz and boomstick screaming can be heard along side the sound of a very large gun going off can be heard blowing something apart. the normal screen comes back with wiz and boomstick cowering in a corner and void standing with a very large gun in hand pointed at a spot in the room. half of the room (and the front of void) is covered in blood,guts,pieces of bone, parts of organs and purple cloth*
not until season three motha%#$#er
thank you void
well i am gonna leave the clean up to dummi
all three: agreed
we have analyzed their weapons armor and abilities
now we must find out who would win...
underneath a mountain sits a snow white lab many of the rooms held monsters of many kinds but we are only here for one of them this one appears to be filled with a very strong acid.....that is until the wall bursts apart and out of the now draining room steps a large lizard seemingly undead it turns its head as a golden glow fills the hallway and a golden humanoid appears the red eyes of both narrow sensing that someone else was pulling the strings but for one of them that was not why they were here
AMAZO: strange you do not seem to be a normal being
682: and you remind me of those disgusting creatures in the room behind you
AMAZO considers what a fight with the monster in front of him would do and then he summoned a mace
if you wish to get past then you will have to go through me
amazo dashes forward and slams his mace into 682 sending him flying into one of the walls of the hallway but 682 gets up and rushes down the hallway biting down on amazo and dragging him along the ground before throwing him into a wall causing part of the facility to collapse
you are we-
from the ruble a gold blur bursts forth lightning trailing it amazo has started moving so fast it seems everything has stopped
my turn
amazo starts pummeling 682 with two maces causing wounds and broken bones then amazo using the strength of superman slams his fist into the skull of 682 then he stops going at high speeds causing all the damage that he built up to happen all at once sending 682 flying out of the facility amazo follows 682 only to find 682 now the size of a mountain and covered in bone armor
amazo grows to match the large lizard and he throws out five batarangs each one striking 682 and exploding obscuring 682's vision the reptile never even noticed the green fist striking it in the face as the smoke clears amazo using the power of the green lantern ring fires barrage after barrage of missiles at 682 reducing the reptile to a head
finally the work is done
not so fast!
682 reforms and slams its head into amazo sending him flying into space amazo turns to find 682 now the size of the earth rushing forward and biting down into amazo's shoulder
slamming his fist into 682's face he sends the lizard flying and then he unleashes two beams of red light from his eyes cutting the lizard in half only for 682 to regenerate again and start shooting bone spikes at amazo shredding much of the android only for it to morph back together and its eyes to glow as 682 feels something
(curious this is not even your true form)
with a burst of resistance he forces amazo out of his mind and then while the android is reeling from the attack 682 slams into amazo sending him flying into mars then 682 grows in size and consumes mars before exploding due to amazo growing in size the two clash each blow causing cracks in reality to form soon amazo takes note of this
it seems i need to end this quickly to avoid more damage
amazo then shrinks down and enters between the molecules of 682 and starts pushing them apart until 682 disappears and amazo goes back to normal size only for 682 to slam its claw into him sending him flying into a nearby black hole only for amazo to fly out and wrap 682 in the lasso of truth
682 snaps the lasso and rushes forward biting down into amazo again and this time biting him in half amazo reforms into his normal form and he slams both fists into 682's skull shattering it but 682 regrows it and using his tail smacks amazo far away
i must end this
amazo rushes forward and he phases into 682 and then unleashes a burst of power causing 682 to implode however 682 reforms and tears amazo in half only for amazo to regenerate this goes on for a few minutes until amazo grabs 682 and throws him into the sun then amazo rushes forward grabbing 682
this fight has gone on long enough
energy courses out of amazo erasing parts of 682
while you were unkillable i am something more i am......
682 dies and the universe collapses leaving amazo floating in the void
a god
ending screen one shows 682's conceptual being floating in what ever space it inhabits
ending screen two shows amazo and amazo ll traveling to a new universe
now while this fight was crazy and their might be an uproar let us explain
you see if neither had their adaptation/evolution then amazo had lower chances of winning with 682 taking many of the advantages but with their adaptation in play it was...complicated
682 normally adapts to any threat but what happens when the threat can also adapt? some would say that this would result in a tie but there was one thing deciding this fight
who could adapt faster
while we have seen 682 move fast the changes could be seen by a human so they cannot be that fast while amazo could catch the flash this was before he had the flashes powers mind you and he also adapted fast enough to counter an evil version of himself who should have been faster and more powerful meaning by the time 682 would be able to find a way to kill amazo the android would already have killed him
it seems th-
that while 682 thought they might win in actuallity amazo had the power to pull through pun?
sometimes we dont need one
the winner is amazo
its the end of the second season
"i always come back"
and i think we should end on a high note
"the suit was his skin"
so get ready cause next time.....things get creepy
the OST for this fight would be called
it references their powers and how they prove to be a pain to all their enemies
the track art would be of the SCP logo with amazos hand bursting out of it holding 682's head behind the scp logo there would be the patterns that are associated with the conceptual form of 682 and a golden light