Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Risotto vs Beifong

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs Avatar! Which of these two metal-bending brawlers shall win this duel?


(cue: MoE Opening)

Magu: Metal. Highly regarded as the strongest material!

Vacrunch: I wouldn't blame them for thinking so. It can be used in many ways, but how about being able to... control it?

DP: Risotto Nero, the metal assassin from Jojo!

Dude: And Lin Beifong, Toph's eldest, metal-bending child from Avatar.

Magu: I'm Magu, he's Vacrunch, and they're Deadpool and Postal Dude!

Vacrunch: And it's our job to find out who would win...


Risotto Nero's Analysis[]

(cue: Risotto Nero Theme)

Magu: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, a wide-spanning series filled with unique characters!

Vacrunch: Heroes, Villains, Anti-Heroes, Anti-Villains, completely Neutral people, the list goes on. However, one of these people stands out.

DP: Apart of the... La Squadra Esecuzione? Did I say that right?

Dude: All good. We have... Risotto Nero. Risotto is the leader of the aforementioned La Squadra Esecuzione, and he does his job pretty damn well.

Magu: An assassin group is what he leads, to be precise. They were hunting Bucciarati's group, as well! Why? Well, to get Trish Una, daughter of Diavolo... yes, THAT Diavolo, so they could use her on their side and take over Passione!

Vacrunch: However, Risotto wasn't always this way. In fact, you could say he was... molded into this. At the mere age of 14, he watched his cousin die at the hands... or, rim, of a drunk driver.

DP: Ouch, that's messed up. He wasn't willing to let this event go, killing the perpetrator years later with his new stand... Metallica! Damn, hardcore name! Nice diversion from the usual naming scheme.

Dude: This new stand of his really helped out after he was assigned to La Squadra Esecuzione. But... he noted something. He felt as if he and his squad weren't treated like the others, not as fairly.

Vacrunch: He decided to look into the identity of his boss... which was a fatal move, costing him two of his men and labeling him a traitor. This just made him even more determined to achieve his ultimate goal, however.

Magu: But let's talk Metallica.

Metallica's Stats[]

(quickly listing these off)

  • Power: C
  • Speed: C
  • Range: C
  • Stamina: A
  • Precision: C
  • Developmental Potential: C

Magu: Metallica is the stand Risotto gained after completing Polpo's Trial! Metallica gives Risotto the ability to manipulate metal, more accurately, Iron!

Vacrunch: However, Metallica is rather average compared to most other stands, having a C in most categories other than Stamina. However, it's not really the stats that count, it's how Risotto uses it.

DP: And use it he does! The main ability this stand has is manipulating iron, of course. But said iron could come from anywhere! Including... in your very blood. He uses this very effectively, being able to burst sharp objects straight out from under your skin!

Dude: He can create entire weapons, armor, maybe even clones if he so pleases.

Magu: He can also go invisible using airborne iron particles! Because why not?

DP: Metallica can insert itself into a person's system, like creating those iron objects in their blood. But believe me, he can do worse. MUCH worse. Clogging your airways, shutting off air flow from the brain, stabbing your heart, jeez louise! These methods make even me scared!

Magu: Hell, he can even control other user's stands with Metallica! He seemingly needs to take damage to do so, but the fact he can even do it counts!

Vacrunch: He, of course, obviously isn't without his fair share of feats. First of all... how he even got the stand. Polpo's Trial is a brutal test to see if your even worthy of a stand, many die with it. Not Risotto, though.

Dude: He's also pretty damn tough, being able to go at it even with his foot severed, or a majority of his blood gone.

Vacrunch: He could also throw out scalpels so fast, even Doppio (younger brother of Diavolo) could barely react. He can use part of King Crimson, the same one that has an A in Speed and react to Silver Chariot's attacks.

Dude: Metallica also doesn't really have a clearly defined limit, so he could technically do anything with it.

Magu: However, brawn isn't the only thing Risotto has under his belt! He's also an expert tactician, having a cautious and methodical approach, and also being level-headed and

Vacrunch: However, Risotto isn't without his Weaknesses. Most obviously, he's just a regular person. An expert assassin, but still human.

DP: Metallica also has a range where they don't really... yknow, work. Around 5-10 Meters is the exact perimeter. Still decently long, but still.

Dude: Any damage inflicted on Metallica will be reflected back to Risotto, and vice versa. Metallica also can't actually guard it's user like most other stands can, too.

Vacrunch: But, Risotto has proven time and time again that he is a worthy assassin. And you know damn well he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

(oh yeah, i'm kinda done with the end clips now. i'll only be using them every now and then, and i will say i'm using them for BV Megatron vs MV Ghidorah.)

Lin Beifong's Analysis[]

(cue: Divine Medium)

Magu: Toph Beifong, the blind thief. She was a legend in her time, bringing on a new light to the art of Earth-bending.

Vacrunch: However, she wasn't going to let her legacy end there. She had multiple children, many proficent in their own arts. However, the eldest stuck out the most.

DP: Lin Beifong! She was, and still is, most known for her use of Metalbending, a sub-class of Earthbending, per say.

Dude: She was the replacement for Toph when she retired, and that was a damn good choice. The metal-bender fought crime and kept peace within her city for years, along with her colleagues, Tenzin, Aang's son, and Suyin, her younger sister.

Vacrunch: While Tenzin was just as good hearted as his father way, Suyin... was a different story. She was rebellious, running with the bad crowds. One day, Lin caught her and her deliquint friends vandalizing and stealing from the local market. A devastating fight broke out, essentially just destroying the shop and giving Lin her trademark scar.

DP: Toph scolded them for this fight, but she still loved them! However, she would soon need to make the most difficult desicion she had ever made: Kick Suyin out of the city.

Magu: This devastated Toph, and Lin to an extent. However, it had to be done for the sake of them all.

Dude: However, a new face soon came around: Korra, the new Avatar. At first, Lin held a disdain for her, always wanting to prove she's better than Korra. But, after some events unfolded, she grew fond enough to tolerate her.

Magu: And now, onto her abilities! Most prominently, her ability to control Metal, or Metallic Objects. She can reshape and reform them to her will, create pillars of steel, and always has some Metal Bars on hand for maximum use!

Vacrunch: Don't be fooled, though. This doesn't mean she can't Earthbend. It essentially acts the same as Metalbending, just with a more available source.

DP: She can also harden materials, like Sand to be as tough as Stone, or Stone to be as strong as Steel! ...there's an obvious joke to be made there, but I'm not stooping THAT low.

Dude: She also has Cable Whips on hand. I'll let you go from there.

Magu: It seems Lin also inherited Toph's "echolocation". However, instead of going through air and water, it involves the ground itself! It's stated that it can hear you from the other side of the world! Jeez, that's something.

Vacrunch: Of course, she has some feats as well. She took beatings from The Equalist's War Mechs, those guys are certainly a thing.

Magu: Speaking of, she took multiple of their soldiers out on her own, and could keep up with more in terms of combat speed!

Dude: She's also comparable to Korra in that regard, who can fight people who can react to and catch lightning.

DP: With some effort, she also destroyed a metal blimp! Yknow, why make the damn blimp out of metal when you know she can bend it?

Magu: She has some weaknesses as well, though. She's rather... hot-headed. She seemingly inherited that from her mother.

Vacrunch: For bending to even work, she needs the materials specific to that type of bending. In this case, Metal and Earth.

DP: However, she can't bend man-made metals, like Platinum. Damn, unfortunate.

Dude: Despite the flaws, she's proven herself to be a worthy protector, battling against the forces of evil without rest. For your own sake, just don't do crime. Ever.


(cue: Wiz and Boomstick, 0:36)

Magu: Alright, our combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities!

Vacrunch: It's now time...



(cue: Ironclad)

The streets of Republic City are a busy place, many people going about their day per day. However, in an alleyway, there stands an odd face fitted in a black jacket. The assassin leader of La Squadra di Esecuzione, Risotto Nero, lied in wait, seemingly waiting for someone. However, another figure walked into the alleyway. A woman fitted with an armor, a scar running down the left side of her face, Lin Beifong, came to see just what this man was up to.

Lin: "I've never seen you around here. What's your business?"

Risotto: "I'm merely waiting for someone, nothing to it."

The Earthbending Prodigy was understandably suspicious of Risotto, stepping closer.

Lin: "For who?"

Risotto grew increasingly impatient. He wanted this woman to leave already.

Risotto: "That isn't your business to meddle in."

Suddenly, a stone was lifted from the ground, hovering in the air. Nero tilted his head over, viewing Beifong holding her arm out. She seemingly was the one controlling this.

Lin: "Who?"

Risotto finally had enough. Metal was pulled from a nearby pipe, reforming into a knife, which the assassin held gracefully in his hand.

Risotto: "I told you already, it's not your business."

Lin: "Then I guess I'll make it mine."


Lin maneuvered her hand to the right, throwing the rock straight at Risotto. The latter slashed the rock in two with his recently made blade, breaking his knife in the process. More metal came off of the pipe, forming into nails. He pointed forward, launching the nails at the metalbender. She held her forearm out, her armor blocking the nails, which she proceeded to turn back on Nero. The latter swiftly dodges.

Risotto: "So you won't go that easily..."

He says in a frustrated tone, as Beifong equips a Metal Cable, reshaping it into a makeshift mace. She then used a pillar of rock, tilted somewhat diagonally, to propel her forward as she swung the mace, Risotto doing a limbo move to dodge.

Lin: "I suppose the same goes for you..."

Lin lands on the ground as Risotto gets back onto his feet, before the metal-bending protector felt a crushing pain in her arms. Risotto simply stood still, knowing exactly what was going on. Suddenly, the ground below Risotto erupted, sending him flying into the air. The pains stop, revealing that Risotto was compressing Beifong's armor. What she couldn't see, however, was the dozens upon dozens of small, metal-colored beings resting upon her armor. Meanwhile, Risotto crashed onto the floor, slowly but surely recovering.

Risotto: "That power of yours... it's fascinating."

He then thought for a moment.

Risotto: "I've never seen evidence of any stand... can she simply do this on her own?"

He was cut short, almost quite literally, by Lin slashing at him with a newly formed wristblade.

Lin: "I'd be flattered."

Another pillar erupted from the ground, forcing Nero to dash back into the busy streets. A few passer-bys stepped out of his way as Lin charged back in, preparing to attack once more. She did so, but her wristblade was countered by a second knife. A few of the bystanders suddenly drop dead as the knife is extended into a full-blown sword. Everyone else scattered as Risotto and Lin commenced a sword fight... of sorts.

Risotto: "Your skill is truly something! You are unlike many I've faced."

Lin: "I may say the same. Your metal-bending is truly something."

Risotto: "...metal-bending?"

Suddenly, Beifong's wristblade retracted into her armor as she was swung back onto the ground. Risotto raised the sword above his head, aiming to bring it down straight onto Lin. However, the blade was suddenly shrunken and mangled beyond repair. The assassin simply tosses what was once the sword away, before getting clocked straight in the chin. A crowd had gathered around their fight, cheering the fight on. Nero recovered, locking eyes with Beifong.

Risotto: "May I ask, what is metal-bending?"

Lin: "So you aren't from around here. It's just being able to manipulate metal, only earthbenders can really use it effectively."

Risotto looked rather unamused. Just another piece of a puzzle he didn't understand, nor did he want to complete. He raised his arm, pulling the sword from earlier back to his hands and bending it into a new form: A Hammer. Lin was reasonably confused, but fought on, stomping on the ground and causing rocks to erupt, then holding her hand forwards and launching said rocks at Risotto. However, he smashed each one to bits using the hammer.

Risotto: "Our powers seem so different, yet so similar. We simply work under different systems."

Lin: "I get it. I would enjoy to stop fighting now... but I'm rather forced to thanks to your killings back there."

Risotto seemed to smirk before throwing the hammer at Lin, the latter easily dodging. When she turned back, however... Nero was gone. Beifong looked around for her opponent. He had just... vanished from thin air. However, she had an idea. Lin concentrated, sensing many footsteps from passer-bys... but one stood out, coming from an alleyway from the opposite side of the street. She rushed over, raising her hand once more. A stony hand burst from the ground within the alleyway, grabbing a hold of Risotto, who had gone invisible thanks to airborne iron particles.

Lin: "That's new. Well, that should be that..."

Risotto: "No jumping to conclusions."

Suddenly, the stone hand was slowly pried open by some metal bars on it's palm. The very stone it was made out of got denser, slowly crushing the bars. However, Risotto had just enough room to escape, right before their attacks essentially just destroyed each other. The assassin of La Squadra Esecuzioni then has scalpels appear around him while midair, throwing them straight down at the protector of Republic City. The latter has a stone wall appear in front of her, but she feels a sharp pain in her forearm. Turns out, one of the scalpels made it past, embedding itself in her arm. Risotto simply lands on the ground, no worse for ware.

Risotto: "You seem worn out. Why don't you just fall over and accept your fate?"


She held both hands forward, sending the stone wall careening towards Risotto, smashing straight into him and launching him through a nearby building. He lost an arm in the process, tumbling across the ground. Nero groaned in pain, slowly lumbering towards his severed arm as Beifong approached, having wristblades extending from both arm pieces. Suddenly, multiple of those same steel-colored organisims appeared from his arm as he picked it up, holding it over his wound as he quite literally stitched himself up. Risotto held a death stare at Lin, Beifong returning the favor as she prepared to charge.

Risotto: "Well, what are you waiting for? Come on then."

Lin gladly accepted that challenge, dashing directly at Risotto and crossing her arms in an X formation, slashing down both sides. Risotto dashed back, tearing more metal off of a nearby structure and forming a battle-axe, swinging it with great accuracy and precision. The earthbending prodigy raises her arms, blocking each attack coming her way. However, the axe extends as the back of her chestplate seemingly opens, thanks to none other than Metallica. He swung, striking her directly in the back, blood splattering across the ground as a massive gash was present on her back. Lin, however, wasn't deterred, even after all of that.

Lin: "I will make you regret coming here..."

She tackles Risotto to the floor, repeatedly slicing him across the chest with her wristblades, before retracting the blades back into her armor, encasing her fists in rocky gauntlets and preparing an overhead smash. Risotto, however, came prepared. Her armor suddenly began contracting in on itself, slowly crushing Lin as Risotto crawled out and back onto his feet.

Risotto: "Well, it has been fun, but all things must come to an end. Your no different."

Lin: "I wouldn't be so sure..."

In a risky gamble, Lin bends off her own armor, converting it into a spike and launching it directly at Risotto like a missile. The spike pierces straight through his chest, sending him back onto the floor. Beifong walks over, menacingly looming over the downed assassin.

Risotto: "Well... t-that's ironic..."

Lin: "Shut it."

The spike tore itself out of Nero's chest, then spiking through Risotto's head, putting an end to his legacy once and for all.



(cue: Ironclad, 60% Volume)

DP: Damn! Talk about a metal fight!

Vacrunch: Now, believe us, this fight was NOT easy to decide. They both had surefire ways to end the fight immediately, and ways to keep going in a war of attrition.

Magu: Risotto obviously wasn't a pushover, being generally more intelligent.

Dude: Risotto also held a speed advantage, being able to outpace Doppio in a fight as opposed to Lin being comparable to Korra, who can fight on par with lightning-timers.

Magu: However, Lin held a SIGNIFICANT strength advantage, being able to destroy a metal blimp as opposed to Risotto... kind of lacking in feats of strength other than things a normal guy can do.

Vacrunch: Lin was also generally more experienced in combat. But Risotto wasn't far behind in that category.

DP: However, it's unlikely Lin could see or even sense Metallica, so there's another win for him!

Dude: But, Lin did hold the advantage in Durability, but Metallica generally ignored that.

Magu: Speaking of Metallica... there wasn't all that much it could do when Lin got outside of it's range. Now, sure, Risotto did hold a speed advantage, but Lin's bending would make it difficult to keep up.

DP: We can certainly say that Lin put Risotto on the pedal to the metal!

Vacrunch: The winner is Lin Beifong.

Lin Beifong (Winner)

+MUCH Stronger

+More Experienced

+Bending would Make it Difficult to Approach

+More Durable...

-...but Metallica ignores Durability.


-Unlikely She'd Even Sense Metallica

-Not as Smart

Risotto Nero (Loser)


+Metallica Bypassed Durability

+Higher Intelligence

+Metallica Likely Couldn't be Sensed

-MUCH Weaker

-Less Experienced

-Less Durable

-Bending Would Make it Difficult to Approach

Next Time[]

aw shit, here we go again

The Heavy vs Tachanka (Team Fortress 2 vs Rainbow Six Siege)
Previous Episode: Deadpool vs Postal Dude



Track Used: this


Connections: Two metal-benders who use their powers for opposing sides (Lin using it for the side of good and keeping peace in her home, while Nero uses it for the side of evil and assassination.)

The fight would mainly be animated with Sprites, but Hand-Drawn elements would be scattered throughout the fight.

This replaces Mordecai and Rigby vs Sam and Max for my Episode 3 Slot.
