The Mario Murders vs Needlem0use! What do you when you get beaten by a group of people? Why, take the form of a famous video game mascot and murder them in revenge of course!
Season 2, Episode 5 (Halloween special)
(Music - MCM Menu Theme)
Pikachu7: Riley Lambert, the Mario obsessed murder.
Michael the Cat: Sarah Henderson, the possessed hedgehog lesbian.
Pikachu7: These two had been beaten up by the group a people, so naturally there take the form of famous video games mascots and murder them.
Michael the Cat: Not what I thought how we were going to do a classic match-up, but whatever. He's Pikachu7 and I'm Michael the Cat!
Pikachu7: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
Riley Lambert Jumps Up to DEATH BATTLE![]
(Music - It's A Me (Instrumental))
Pikachu7: Riley Lambert was born into the late 90s as an only child.
Michael the Cat: And like a LOT of only childs on the Connor Pugs channel, Riley was a spoiled little shit.
Pikachu7: His parents treated like he was "God's" gift to man and didn't fit in with the other kids.
Michael the Cat: Yeah, going to birthday parties and expecting that you, the guest, should receive the attention instead of the birthday kid would not win you some fans... okay, 2 things. 1, this feels like a Connor pugs video oddly enough, and 2, as of typing this, it's near me and Bunny Cat4's birthday!
Pikachu7: Oh shit, already?! Happy early birthday, man!
Michael the Cat: Thanks buddy! :)
Pikachu7: Going home after not getting attention and angst about it, his miserable excuse of parents would give him a gift, usually a video game. Over the years, he gotten into the games. Like, EXTREMELY into them.
Michael the Cat: Like bo-
Pikachu7: *gives a death glare to Michael* Don't you DARE finish that sentence. Like the games as he could play a world that's all about him, and no one could take that away.
Michael the Cat: Like Sr Pelo's Dr. Meocortex, Riley has gotten the good shit in video games, but one series stand out to him the most: Super Mario.
- Name: Riley Lambert
- Age: At least 21
- Birthday: Into the late 90s
- Likes: Mario, attention, Mario, stalking girls, Mario
- Highschool dropout
- Job: Mario-themed serial killer
- Should be classified as a BETA CUCK
Pikachu7: Growing up to be tall, dark, and handsome, unlike this guy, you think he wouldn't have a problem with women, right? Well, no.
Michael the Cat: To quote some Memphis Tennessee, I think, maybe, I don't know, it's been a long time since I saw the dub, "Being an alpha gamer makes you friend-zoned a lot".
Pikachu7: I HIGHLY doubt he said that, but whatever. Moving on. It put him over the edge, so he did the most reasonable thing ever: skip classes, hang around campus and stalk girls while playing Super Mario Odyssey on his switch. Yeah, like that's going to help you dude.
Riley Lambert: *as blood trickled out of his mouth* It's-a me.
There is No DEATH BATTLE, Only Sarah Henderson![]
(Music - Round-A-Bout (Instrumental))