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Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Red Son Superman VS Injustice Superman is a What If? Death Battle and the 5th by NEWChristianthepupbot.

Description []

DC Comics VS Netherealm...technically.

Regimes Red Son

Superman is the poster boy for superheroes...but what if he wasn't? What if he was a dictator using his beliefs to justify his conquest? What if there were multiple universes like that and the most well known clashed? Well, whoever won, we'd all lose. 


(Music: Wiz and Boomstick)

Wiz: Ever control desires a leader, but the entire world fears a tyrant. Someone who wants to control all the people. 

Boomstick: Not all of them want the entire world to build a statue of them for no reason. Some want to take over the world but in a good way so people can be happy. 

Wiz: However, the ends do not justify the means. 

Boomstick: But you're probably going to have a hard time when the tyrant is SUPERMAN! You know, that alien god among men? 

Wiz: Red Son Superman, who wishes to end the capitalist machine. 

Boomstick: And Injustice Superman, who wishes crime would vanish. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick. 

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their beliefs, powers, and empires to find out who would win A DEATH BATTLE.

Red Son Superman[]

Red Son Superman Saves the World of DEATH BATTLE!

(Music: Your Not One of Them)

Wiz: In the far reaches of Outer space, a planet was under threat. 

Boomstick: It's Sun was expanding and would soon swallow it whole like a starving squirrel. 

Wiz: But among the dying citizens, one wished for new hope; Jor-L. Using his extreme intellect, he managed to send the baby to Earth. 

Boomstick: Earth...In the mid-1930s. So Earth-30 is pretty different from regular DC continuity already. But that's not the greatest problem. By now, you've probably guessed this baby to be Superman. But Kal-L's pod did a slipup from regular continuity...and he ended up in Soviet Ukraine. 

(Music: Partisan's Song)

Wiz: Instead of being named Clark Kent, he was Somiska, a timid farm boy. 

Boomstick: He was weak, constantly being bullied. However, the powers did eventually wake up in him, and he literally flew out of the bad life. Of course, it was still the olden times of Communism. Ruled by Vlad Lenin and later Joseph Stalin. 

Wiz: Fun fact: Joseph's last name can be read and translated as Man of Steel.  

Boomstick: Did they need to base an entire comic on that? Either way, when the old Man of Steel found out about the new, the world was never the same. Somiska left behind his Ukrainian farm days with a new destiny.

Wiz: To become The Comrade of Steel. Soviet's Superman.  

(Music: Tetris Orchestra

Boomstick: So, what does he do? Blow vodka and throw Tetris blocks? 

Wiz: Racism against Russians is still racism. Anyway, the Russian Superman was a perfect propaganda tool. Everyone knew his name, and either praised him or feared him. 



-Name: Somiska, Kal-L 

-Height: 6'3 

-Weight: 225 lbs. 

-Nationality: Ukrainian, later Russian 

-Savior to The World

-Leader of The Soviet Union


Boomstick: While some called him a weapon or just fancy stage work, Superman never abandoned his human days. He actually just wanted to help people. Even his own enemies. 

Wiz: To gain DNA evidence, Lex Luthor managed to drop Sputnik 2. Kal managed to quickly fly from Russian to Metropolis to catch it and calculated it to be able to level a city. And in his narration, even said he could have atomized it. 




-Super strength

-Super speed 

-"Super Breath"

-Heat Vision 

-Heightened Senses

-Slowed Ageing

-Faster mind


Boomstick: Our Communist "friend" has your basic Superman powers. Punching hard, taking hard punches, and flight. He's also sort of kind of immortal in the ageing category. That or he uses face cream.

Wiz: Obviously, this Superman can move fast, but I'm actually impressed by how quickly his brain is. He once claimed to have learned English in 10 minutes. It takes on average, a year to learn English. This means Superman's brain should work over 52000x faster. 

Boomstick: You could say that his brain is...rushin'. 

(Music Stop)


(Music: Superman: Red Son - Zaalen Tallis)

Boomstick: Supes also has super breath that can freeze things. Probably makes it hard in bed. 

Wiz: Superman was a myth brought to life in The Union. He even believed people became careless to catch a glimpse of him. However, we can't escape the fact that he belongs to the USSR.

Boomstick: Eventually, Superman did...Okay, actually this is where things get weird. In the comic, he just kinda watched as Stalin died and then reluctantly took over. In the movie, he found out about the Gulags. They were basically the worst time-outs ever. 

Wiz: Upon finding out about the tragedies and sins of his country, he did something about it. 

Boomstick: He VAPORIZED Stalin and took over. That takes around 3000000000 joules by the way. 

Wiz: A much more glorious end than the Man of Steel's real demise (and demise in the original comic) of a stroke.

Boomstick: Superman was real? And he died of a stroke? 

Wiz:...I'm not even going to bother. 

Boomstick: Whether or not Stalin killed those people or had any corpse left to bury; Superman was now in charge. His first order of business: piss off Lex Luthor by existing. 

Wiz: The second idea was when he remembered the suffering he saw. Somiska decided that he would transform Russian into a utopia. 

Boomstick: He doesn't sound so bad-

Wiz: By taking over the world. 

Boomstick: There it is. His greatest for; Lex Luthor, now on the side grey-ish. He kind of killed all his friends, but at least he's not COMMUNIST.

Wiz: Lex Luthor's great mind and creativity would even lead to Superman's greatest feats. 



-Fights Clones and Alternate Versions of himself.

-Broke an incredibly complex lantern construct. 

-Bragged about moving "ten times faster than thought." (in the "broke" link). 

-Survived this blast. 

-Senses danger from miles away.

-Learned English in Ten Minutes

-Red Son's ending. We'll get to that later. 


(Music: Superman: Red Son Credits Theme

Boomstick: Supes can stop an oncoming train, which would need around 300000 newtons to do. 

Wiz: I'm afraid that's not impressive given the other thing's he's done. In his first appearance in America, he stopped Sputnik 2 from falling on Metropolis. Superman himself said that it could have destroyed Metropolis. An explosion capable of destroying Los Angles, which is comparable to Metropolis, should have a yield of at least 100 Megatons. 

Boomstick: That's 5000 Fat Mans. And he can move faster than thought itself...Wait, what does that mean? 

Wiz: Some of the fastest nerves in the brain send signals that move at 120 meters per second. Superman claims that he can move that distance, tenfold, putting him at around 3000 Miles Per Hour. 

Boomstick: Wait a second, the brain probably made that calculation. STOP BEING EGOTISTICAL, BRAIN!

Wiz: Not only that but in dangerous situations, to him, time itself freezes. That would mean he can react at light speed. 

Boomstick: He even counted how many communists there are on Earth...That shouldn't be possible, right? He'd have to have mind-reading abilities to do that?

Wiz: Let's not open that can of worms. After all, the best is yet to come. 

Boomstick: Surprise, one of Lex's creations went crazy and wanted to blow up everything. Lex, who's way smarter than Wiz here, said the explosion would blow everything in a 15 million mile radius.  

Wiz: Following this calculation because we're not the real Wizard and Boomstick, this should be equal to over 140 Trillion Gigatons.  

Boomstick: And then he flew the damn thing out of the solar system, took it, and flew back, in time to crash Lex's funeral. He even lived long enough to commentate on Earth's culture for 500 years. 

Wiz: He does have set weaknesses, like not being able to see through lead. However. Ironically, Red Son's main one is Red Sunlight. Even lamps that were made to simulate it could make him lose all power and lose a fight against Anarchist Batman. 

Boomstick: Anarchist Batman was a thing?

Wiz: Anarchist Batman is the thing, moving on. 

Boomstick: And despite it all, he could save everyone...He kinda doomed everyone seeing as they celebrated his..."death."

Wiz: However, Somiska did eventually see the error of his ways. And moved on to live your regular human life, putting an end to the Ruler Superman...

Boomstick: Aw, that's kind of sort of nice. 

Wiz:...AAAAAnd millions of years later, the sun was exploding, and the descendant of Lex and Lois put a child in a pod and sent him back in the mid-1930s. 


Wiz:...I agree. Weird incenty ending aside, to some, Somiska is a heroic president. To others, a tyrannical dictator...To Everyone, The Strongest. 


"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to help you. Just a few hours of brain surgery, and then a nice job in a Moscow laundry fo you"

-Superman Red Son

Injustice Superman[]

Injustice Superman Brings Justice to DEATH BATTLE!

(Music: Your Not One of Them)

Wiz: In the far reaches of Outerspace, a planet was under threat. 

Boomstick: A lunatic named Brainiac decided to collect its city like a starving squirrel.  

Wiz: But among the dying citizens, one wished for new hope; Jor-L. Using his extreme intellect, he managed to send the baby to Earth. 

Boomstick: That baby would crash land on an American farm belonging to the Kents. Giving him the name Clark, they raised him...pretty good. 

Wiz: However, one thing separating Clark was his abilities. After finding a fortress and gaining knowledge of who he truly was, he decided to spend his life protecting those that couldn't protect themselves. 

Boomstick: And he became the Superman! Something tells me something is about to go terribly wrong. 

(Music: Main Theme)

Wiz: After becoming a public figure, things changed when The Joker had gotten bored. 

Boomstick: There it is. 

Wiz: Tired of trying to push Batman over the edge, he decided to shift his attention to a different hero. Someone easier to break. And he did something that many considered his most foul deed. 

Boomstick: Guess what, Superman's wife was pregnant. Goody! Joker decided to throw him his own form of a baby shower...He kidnapped Lane and drugged Superman. 

Wiz: Superman thought he was fighting Doomsday. He thought that it was a life or death situation...But no. It was an illusion...Superman, thinking it was the Hulk-slaying monster, had killed Lois Lane and the unborn child of Clark Kent. 

Boomstick: Couldn't get any worse than that. 


Boomstick: It did get worse when Joker nuked Metropolis for giggles. So understandably angry, he went to Joker's interrogation room and stabbed him through the chest with his bare hands. 

Wiz: But, as the world learned the hard way, the Clown Prince of Crime had the last laugh.



-Name: Kal-El

-Height: 6'3 

-Weight: 225 lbs 

-Leader of the One World Regime

-Once became a Yellow Lantern 

-Former Superhero


Wiz: On that day, something in Clark snapped. He rejected his human side and decided to finally take advantage of the power he had. And so he had an idea. End crime. 

Boomstick: Step 1; Expose Batman via Twitter. Step 2; Recruit villains for some reason. Step 3; Take over the world. Congratulations, you have now given Ed Boon work outside of Mortal Kombat. 

Wiz: Superman watched over Earth, but no longer as a protector. He made sure that everyone would face his form of justice and nobody would fall out of line. 

Boomstick: By the way, you don't stand up to Superman. Nobody but other Superhero's had the balls to do that, and guess what happened to them? 




-Super strength

-Super speed 

-Super breath

-Heat Vision 

-Heightened Senses

-Expert Combat Ability


Boomstick: They found themselves face to face with Supe's powerset. Obviously, he has some Super stats to go along with them. 

Wiz: He's strong enough to clash with Darkseid and taking blows from several amped-up Superheros that should share at least a fraction of his strength. 

Boomstick: What do you mean "amped up?"

Wiz: Oh, right, they were taking this pill created by Superman to help his non-superpowered allies. 

Boomstick: I thought it couldn't get worse. But Superman is a drug dealer. 

Wiz: Anyway, another notable power of his is heat vision, capable of obliterating an entire army. 

Boomstick: And don't forget the super breath, which can freeze things and ruin birthday cakes. Plus he can see his presents with X-Ray Vision. Superman birthdays suck. 

Wiz: Combine that with his intense mind. It's been stated that he doesn't feel fear, and in fact, uses it for his new world. He once even dawned a Yellow Lantern Ring. 

Boomstick: We won't be using that as it was never brought up in the games and Supes eventually lost it. And it defeats the purpose of a Superman v Superman fight. Now, how insane is this Superman's feats?

(Music: Injustice 2 Theme

Boomstick: Well, to start, he has a pretty damn impressive kill count. Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Hercules, Shazam...Wait, isn't Shazam a minor? 

Wiz: I know! What kind of sane person would murder a minor? Anyways, even if he can't see past his rage, he can certainly see far. He once managed to see the Green Lantern Corps coming from The Sun to Earth. He likely saw this as it was happening. Light takes about 8 minutes to get from The Sun to Earth, meaning Superman can react waaaay faster than light. 

Boomstick: Speaking of The Sun, Supes eventually had to fight his cousin Supergirl. This gal is fast enough to make a lap from Earth to The Sun in 3 freaking Seconds. That's about 180 BILLION mph or 167 times the Speed of Light. 



-Can take his own hits.

-Took a beating from Bizzaro and Doomsday.

-Matched Darkseid's Omega Beams. 

-Can hear people from Orbit. 

-Survived a 7 Megaton Explosion. 

-Flew to Apokolips.

-Shook Apokolips.


Wiz: He's survived a lot. Beatings from beings comparable to himself and even Captain Atom. Atom managed to hit him with a 7 Megaton Explosion, however, Captain Atom bragged that his last explosion was more powerful than 10 Nuclear Bombs...We'll trust the narration but just something to consider. 

Boomstick: And he once flew to Apokolips, remember that place? Well, he and Darkseid had a typical disagreement and shook the damn place to its core. 

Wiz: But, despite all of this, he still has the Superman weaknesses of Kryptonite and Red Sun Light. However, his mental state can also be called into question. 

Boomstick: Yeah, a lot of times, he's been pushed around by Wonder Woman. The take over the world, and later multiverse, was kind of her idea. Like, I know Wondy's hot, but you don't have to go that hard for her. 

Wiz: Kal-El was power-hungry. The reason Batman has contingency plans. A lot of his murders were unjust, even if his goal was absolute justice. 

Boomstick: So, when Batman sent over some alternate reality counterparts for a field trip, Superman saw the man he once was. A righteous man. And he beat the shit outta him. 

Wiz: And after so much fighting, Batman won via his planning, and Superman was sentenced to the phantom zone, never to return... 

Boomstick: But even after all of that, Superman still proved his power and changed history forever. The World would know his...Injustice. 


"They whine, complain, side with those criminals! If they prefer chaos...I'll give it to them." 

-Injustice Superman

Regime's Red Son[]

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.



Earth 24601 - Nothing unusual here.

(For the sake of difference: Red Son Superman = Son. Regime Superman = Kal)

It was a sunny day in Metropolis. The clouds blooming and the yellow sun shining. That's when a portal appeared. It beamed into existence on top of a medium sized building. Walking out of it was a soldier in Russian gear. Followed by another. And another. And another. Toping off the party going through the portal was Red Son Superman, who closed the portal button on his belt.

Soldier: We've made it, sir.

Son: Good. Now, this is a mere scouting mission. Follow my lead and everything-

(Music: Funny Valentine's Theme - Eyes of Heaven)

A giant portal then appeared. Climbing through it were sea monsters, tanks, and soldier. Finishing the invasion was Injustice Superman. He flew in and was now preparing to invade this world and bring justice to it.

Son: -…should go to plan.

Son quickly leapt up and flew to the tyrannical Superman. Kal sees him and becomes confused.

Kal: Are you this universe's Superman?

Son: No, I am merely a Superman looking to expand my utopia.

Kal: I'm afraid this universe is mine.

He crack his fist, ready for a fight. Son responded by going to a stance.

Kal: This universe isn't big enough for two Supermen.


Kal is the first to swing. He quickly flew at Red Son Superman and slammed his first into the communist. However, Son had blocked the blow with his arm, shielding himself like a boxer. Injustice Superman threw another blow that sent him back. Another was sent as Son was being pushed by Kal's fists.

Son then grew tired of the hitting, and grabbed Kal's fist. He then slapped The Facist's face as he was sent through another building and fell to the ground.


Son: I am done fighting clones of myself.

The ground split open as Injustice dug his way under the very building he was thrown to and ascended behind Son. He grabbed The Communist's cape and spun it around. He then threw him face first into another building.

Kal: I'm no clone. Let me show you how to handle an imposter.

He grabs the back of Son's head and flies, dragging him across the city street. He then throws him into the sky and flies to the back of him, slapping Red Son down. The Communist landed on his face. He quickly got up and dodges the oncoming smash from Injustice by rolling away. Kal watches as he flew up and hit Injustice into the ground.

The people felt the ground shaking with blows being thrown and the rubble being pushed up until Red Son emerged from the ground with Injustice, holding him by the neck. He threw the man down into the ground with enough force to cause and explosion, prompting his many soldiers to be blown up in the force.


Red Son flew away slowly, believing that he had one. He then felt a surge of heat on his back. He quickly spun around and blew. The ice breath cancelled the heat vision as two red lights burned from the rubble. The struggle stopped as Kal emerged and slammed his fist into Son. The impact launched him across the City until he hit a golden ball. The Daily Planet Globe.

Red Son grabbed the dented Globe and threw it at the oncoming Superman. The impact slowed him down. Son flew up, which was when Kal threw the ball back. Son then hit the Globe back. Injustice kicked it towards him.

They continued with this game of Daily Planet catch until they were in orbit. Injustice threw it, but instead of kicking it back again, Red Son used his heat vision to slow down the Globe. Kal then used his to counter the oncoming heat. The two have a heat vision struggle with the Globe in center. Injustice decides to end it by rushing into the Globe, turning the sphere into a bent disk. Both him and the disk hit Red Son...That's when a device went off.


Earth 12345 - It's night here.


Injustice Superman appeared with Red Son being held by the neck. He spun the Russian around a few times while flying towards the ground. They both it hit it, causing an impact and shook the Earth. From the dust, another laser popped out as a voice struggled. Another impact is heard as Kal was launched from the dust cloud.

Red Son quickly blew the dust away. He flew towards the American and punched him in the face. He delivers a few more blows before Injustice caught Red Son's fist.

Kal: I've had enough of you.

Son: What's wrong? Are you struggling to much? Has all that American strength I've been hearing about a myth?

Kal: Oh, I'm not American.

The Fascist Dictator then grabbed onto the rest of Son's arms and began spinning. He spun so fast, a tornado started former as he was through into space. The Communist then landed onto the moon as it cracked. He quickly got up as Injustice Approached.

Kal: I'm far beyond humanity.

Son: That makes two of us.

Kal then smashed into Son and dragged him into the moon. In the other end, they emerge. Red Son quickly used his breath to freeze Kal's face. Superman then hit the other across the face, launching him across the Moon. He then caught the flying Superman and dragged him through the ground. He then kicked Son to the other side of The Moon. Injustice was launched to the surface once again, but quickly zoomed back down to finish the fight. At the center of the Moon, fists clashed.


The moon snapped into pieces...but that didn't matter.


Earth 932 - Everything's Smaller Here

Citizen: Up in the sky!

Citizen2: It's a bird.

Citizen3: It's a plane!


Falling at the force of a meteor was Kal. Standing at 100 feet tall. The giant alien then stopped in place and flew above the small city. Coming down much faster was Son, who used his face to deliver a giant punch to the face, causing him to land on the street. He got up as people ran from the building sized aliens. Red Son punched Kal much more, the shockwaves of which flew through to city and broke every window around.

After a borage of punches, Kal managed to catch one. He quickly cracked the fist a blew on Son, prompting his face to be frozen. The Fascist prepared a punch and hit The Communist in the face, causing him to fly off into the distance. Kal then rose up to the sky slowly and heard screaming. He the smashed the Russian, coming back after a trip around the tiny planet.

After Injustice flew up, they both exchanged blows at the horizon. However, before they could continue, Red Son noticed something while at Kal's throat.

Son: Look!

The Supermen looked over and saw an asteroid coming down over the city. It was a huge meteor, but nothing for the titans that teleported in. Red Son looked over, and like a flash, Regime was gone, lifting the giant ball of death. He flew over and joined him and they both lifted the meteor away from the city.

Kal: Trying to out-do me?

Red: We have more important things to deal wi-


The American Superman smacked the Russian One. The Communist then returned it. The two hit each other while lifting the meteor. This evolved into a heat vision duel between to two. They then lifted their heads and focused on the meteor, which couldn't handle two heat visions at once.


It exploded over the small Earth.



Earth 098 - The Future

The Supermen appear amongst the clouds, grabbing each other by the collars, ready to fight. But, before they could through a punch, they both noticed they were not flying. They both looked up and saw it. A Red Sun, nullifying their power. The two lost power and fell.

They both landed on the dead earth and collected themselves off the ground. They both looked at each other and slowly ventured on, out of breath. Red Son through the first punch.


Son: I've seen people like you. Trying to keep the world in a bottle. Controlling it all.

Injustice Superman retaliated with another punch.


Kal: You're one to talk, Commie. I'm doing what's right for this world! What's just!

They both hit each other at the same time.


The Kryptonians sent each other back. They were exhausted.

Kal: I have many like you.

Son: Me too...

(Music: The Ultimate Soldier - Evangelion)

Both: I will be the last.

The device went off once more, encasing the men.


Earth 1000000

The aliens appeared on a snowy, cloudy earth, destroyed by man's greed. Through the thick clouds, they felt salvation and sunlight. They were powered once again as they floated above. They reached to top of the clouds and the atmosphere. The temporary piece ended. It was time for war.


The supermen clashes, causing an impacted that moved the clouds. They exchanged punches until Kal caught one of Red Son's and punched him into space.


Red Son caught himself. As Kal flew to him, Son then smacked him away before he could make impact. He then hit the American with his heat vision and rushed over to bat him. Kal was shot through Venus. But, before Son could land the finishing blow, Kal blasted all around him with a heat vision blur. As Son was stunned, Kal grabbed him by the neck and flew him.

He let go and released a massive punch to the gut, sending Somiska into Mercury at full force, but it was stopped there. Kal then grabbed the other by the cape and flew to their last destination. The sun. But, before that could happen, Red Son broke free and also punched Kal. They had a brawl orbiting around the sun.

The impacts of their punches shattered asteroids and anything unfortunate to be near them. It ended when they eventually arrived back to Earth's orbit. Kal once again hit Son, and he travelled around the planet. He then stopped himself halfway on the other side. The Supermen sensed each other on opposite ends of the planet, and used their heat vision to end it.

The beams collided at the center of the earth. The heat of the struggle heated up the cold earth, as it was showing signs of bursting. It was almost done for the doomed planet.


Going through the planet itself, Red Son arrived near Kal and stuck his fist inside his gut.


The Russian then threw the man back down to Planet Earth. He hit the planet of melted snow. Red Son floated down as, despite losing so much blood, Regime Superman stood up.

Son: It's over. Give up.

Kal: I'll...Never...listen to you!

The angry man used his super breath to freeze Red Son in place. He charged his heat vision.

Red laser spouted through angry eyes. The raged face of fear shot nothing but hatred at the man...That was when the lasers coming out of his eyes...were not his own. His jaw dropped, lifeless, as the heat vision stopped. Revealing fried, melted eyes. The superman felt to the ground, lifeless. Behind him, Red Son stood, escaped from the ice.

Son: You should take your own advice.


(Music: End Credits)

Boomstick: Never fight a Russian in the snow. Or the multiverse.

Wiz: This was a close fight. Mainly because they two were technically the same person. Injustice Superman clearly had a lot of experience fighting foes on his level and both powersets perfectly countered each other. But, looking at feats tells a different story.

Boomstick: As for strength, it was clear cut. Shaking any planet requires a minimum of 21 Million Gigatons of TNT. That's like 42 Million Tsar Bombs to the face! But we've already established that Red Son can take blasts 67 MILLION times stronger with that 15 Million radius bomb. A lot of millions today.

Wiz: However, that isn't the most damage Injustice is capable of. During his fight with Darkseid, the planet's core was threatened. If he was to do that, it would need a force of 153 Million Gigatons. A lot, but still leagues below that explosion. Plus, Darkseid was there too, so he likely deserves some credit.

Boomstick: And both have fought Supermen that could hurt them and that they could hurt. If we scale them to...themselves...Red Son has a power output that would destroy our fascist friend.

Wiz: Regarding speed, it was actually a lot closer. We don't know exactly where Superman went at the end of Red Son, but due to him being close to other stars and nobody saying anything about destroyed landmarks, it's very likely he exited the solar system. To fly to Pluto in 46 seconds, the time showed in the movie, he likely would have had to travel 363 times the speed of light. 2.17 times faster than Supergirl. Now, if Regime Superman actually did managed to react to those lanterns by the sun, that would put his reaction time faster.

Boomstick: But that didn't really matter when Red was just way ahead of him in strength and durability. He kent have won this one by russian in.

Wiz: The Winner is Red Son Superman.


"You want me to fight him, suitman? Bring it!"

"Hmm...It seems...I have places to...appear. Good l-luck, Doctor Freeman."

"I came here to do two things. Break power armor and chew bubblegum. And guess what..."



So, what about the Yellow Lantern Ring?

Excluded. This is Kryptonian v Kryptonian. Though, he fight would have been much, much closer. However...I'll get to that later.

Isn't Apokolips way bigger than Earth?

We've never gotten an exact size, so it's weird. However, humans on Apokolips do seem bound by normal physics, so it should be similar to Earth. Which brings us to...

Didn't Superman fly to Apokolips?

He did, but we have no idea how far it is or how long he took. I can't calculate it, so I didn't count it.

But Regime broke a Green Lantern construct. Those things are TOUGH!

Yes, but, guess who else did that. Red Son. Even more so, I couldn't about 24 Lanterns, and they made a box that was DESIGNED to be unbreakable. Now, only Hal had an actual ring, and the others were replicas made by Lex Luthor. But, that should at least make them even. (Though, we never saw the lanterns in action, they should be comparable to regular lanterns).


-The connections between combatants is that they are both an alternate version of Superman that eventually became an authoritarian dictator. However, a notable difference is that Red Son was much more morally grey while Injustice was portrayed as pure evil. 

-This is the first same series battle by NEWChristianthepupbot. 

-The track of this battle would be called "Regime's Red Son" and would be heavily orchestrated. The cover would consist of the One Earth Regime symbol with, but instead of three lines, there would be a hammer and sickle around it like an x. The Superman symbol would of course be on top of both. 

-This battle would likely be 3D with Injustice Models. 
