Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Wiz: When you’ve got guns you wanna use them all day.

Boomstick: Yeah and I’ve got a shotgun for a leg.

Wiz: And plus you wanna kill people with them too.

Boomstick: Like Red Hood the resurrected Robin.

Wiz: And The Scout the speedy offense of Team Fortress 2.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomsitck.

Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons armor and skill to see who would win a death battle.

Red Hood[]

Wiz: Jason Todd was kid who did drugs at a young age.

Boomstick: Wait what this kid did drugs when he was little damn why couldn’t I do that.

Wiz: One day Jason took some wheels off the Batmobile for some drug money.

Boomstick: Then Batman saw this and found young Jason Todd and instead of beating up the kid he took him under his bat wing.

Wiz: Are you gonna do more puns again?

Boomstick: Maybe.

Wiz: Well ever since then Jason Todd became the second Robin.

Boomstick: As he got older Jason became violent, arrogant, and disobedient.

Wiz: Then when on a mission Joker managed to beat Jason Todd to death or if you watch Batman under the Red Hood he dies in an explosion.

Boomstick: Then one day Superboy accidentally bought Jason Todd back when punching through time.

Wiz: However in Batman under the Red Hood Ra’s Al Ghul bought him back to life.

Boomstick: Soon after Jason became corrupt and became the Red Hood.

Wiz: Red Hood has two modified pistols which can actually shock people.

Boomstick: Damn I need those pistols.

Wiz: Red Hood has a hunting knife for melee attacks.

Boomstick: And this knife was able to cut through one of Batman’s ropes.

Wiz: And only a small amount of knives can cut through those ropes.

Boomstick: Unlike most of the guys Batman has fought Red Hood knows many of the things Batman can do.

Wiz: Red Hood is also pretty acrobatic although he is not as acrobatic as the Dick Grayson the Robin before him but acrobatic none the less.

Boomstick: Red Hood has Batman’s training and so not a lot of people can beat Batman in a one on one.

Wiz: Red Hood is one of DC’s best fighters and he has beaten people like Deathstroke, Tim Drake, and The Teen Titans once.

Boomstick: Man I don’t wanna fight Red Hood.

Red Hood: Tough talk doesn’t win fights.

The Scout[]

Wiz:In 1941 a man named Jeremy was born and grew up in the south side of Boston.

Boomstick: Wait what that side oh no this kid must have been abused.

Wiz: No him and his older brothers would hurt other people.

Boomstick: Oh no even worse.

Wiz: However his older and taller brothers would often finish the fights that they got into so young Jeremy had little to no time to fight.

Boomstick: But then he had the great idea to run a lot.

Wiz: So when he did he became fast.

Boomstick: About 19 miles per hour.

Wiz: One mile faster than the average human.

Boomstick: This man managed to out run his brothers and managed to lay some hits on his opponent’s.

Wiz: When he was 27 he became a mercenary and became the Scout.

Boomstick: He was one of 9 mercenary’s to join 2fort in a war between red and blu.

Wiz: We will be using Scout’s default arsenal for this analysis.

Boomstick: His main weapon is the scattergun which he doesn’t even reload he just shoots 6 shells out of it damn this guy is a wizard.

Wiz: However it works best when Scout is up close to his opponent.

Boomstick: Fortunately he has a pistol for far ranged attacks.

Wiz: But like other classes with this weapon such as the Engineer also have this weapon.

Boomstick: I guess the Scout isn’t very original.

Wiz: Scout has his melee weapon the bat which he swings faster than any other class in the game.

Boomstick: This guys durability is unmatched as has survived being blown up by 4 rockets.

Wiz: Three of those were head on.

Boomstick: And this was when he was injured.

Wiz: The Scout is one of Team Fortress 2’s strongest merc’s in the game and one of the most played.

Scout: Grass grows birds fly sun shines and brother I hurt people.

The Fight[]

Scout was running towards his base with a briefcase.

Scout: Who are these guys gonna thank? Me.

Suddenly Red Hood appears in front of Scout.

Red Hood: Drop the briefcase with drugs in it and I’ll go easy on you.

Scout: Hey are you sure because those pistols of yours suck.

Red Hood: Tough talk doesn’t win fights.


Scout double jumps into the air firing his scattergun at Red Hood.

Red Hood shot back with his dual pistols.

When Scout landed he took out his bat and hit Red Hood in the head with it.

Red Hood managed to recover quickly and then punched Scout in the face 8 times.

Red Hood then took out his knife and nearly stabbed Scout in the gut but barely missed him.

Scout then kicked Red Hood in chest and then started running away from him.

Red Hood took out his sniper rifle and shot a nearby tank that almost blew up Scout but he barely dodged the explosion.

Red Hood: Dammit I missed.

Scout then took out his pistol and started firing at Red Hood almost hitting him.

Red Hood took out his AK-47 and fired back at Scout but due to the fact the it wasn’t that accurate he missed the shot.

Scout managed to reach Red Hood and took out his baseball bat and swung it at Red Hood but Red Hood backflipped and managed to dodge the bat.

Red Hood took out his knife and sliced and the bat in half.

Scout: Ah Crap.

Red Hood picked up Scout and threw him to a nearby river.

Scout managed to swim back to Red Hood and shot his Scattergun gun at him but Red Hood kept on dodging it.

Scout then ran to Red Hood and punched him in the face nearly knocking his helmet off of him.

Red Hood took out a pistol and activated it’s built in taser and shocked Scout in the stomach nearly killing him but Scout managed to survive the shock.

Scout:You know you suck.

Red Hood: Tough talk doesn’t win fights.

Scout: Yeah Yeah sure just wait until I beat you.

Scout punched Red Hood in the back in of his head and took out his Scattergun and fired at Red Hood.

Red Hood dodged away while firing back with his pistols.

Red Hood: I lived twice.

Scout: When you die again who will you thank Me.

Scout double jumped in the air and fired his pistol at Red Hood but jumped into the air and knocked out Scout.

When Scout landed Red Hood threw a grenade at him and nearly killed him with but Scout barely survived.

Scout ran towards Red Hood and punched him in the gut.

Red Hood then round housed kicked Scout in the face and then punched him the shoulder.

Scout then took out his scattergun and fired at Red Hood .

Red Hood took out his sniper rifle and shot the shotgun out of his hands.

Scout: Ah Crap am my gun.

Red Hood: You just lost your touch bro.

Scout then took out his pistol but Red Hood grabbed his arm with the pistol in it then grabbed it and shot Scout in the head with it.


Results and Comparison[]

Boomstick: Scout just couldn’t beat Red Hood

Wiz: Although Scout had the superior speed Red Hood beat Scout in almost every other category

Boomstick: Looks like Scouts smug personality got him killed

Wiz: The winner is Red Hood

Red Hood


+Fighting skill









-Fighting skill

