Rathalos vs. Lagiacrus | |
Season 2, Episode 3 | |
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Air date | October 21, 2015 |
Written by | Thetmartens |
Directed by | Thetmartens |
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Prometheus vs. Arkham Knight | Dan Hibiki vs. King Shakalaka |
Rathalos vs. Lagiacrus is an upcoming Death Battle by Thetmartens starring Rathalos and Lagiacrus from Monster Hunter.
Two rivals and Regality of the elements. who will win, the Lightning Leviathan or the Fire Wyvern?
Wiz: Monster Hunter. it's filled with huge, badass monsters.
Boomstick: But these two monsters are constantly asked who would win in a fight!
Wiz: Rathalos, the King of the Skies
Boomstick: And Lagiacrus, The Lord of the Seas
Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.
(Cue King of the Skies)
Wiz: in the times of the Original Monster Hunter game, one name struck fear into the hearts of many new, and most veteran hunters. Rathalos.
Boomstick: Rathalos is a huge, red wyvern. they control the skies in the Forest and Hills, Volcano, and Desert. they are more fond of the Sky than their counterpart, Rathian. Hence the Title.
Wiz: Being a Dragon, Rathalos has a large tail that he sweeps around to attack hunters. he also does a Flip Attack, which sends hunters flying.
Boomstick: they can also shoot frickin fire! they shoot fireballs on the ground, and in the air they shoot 3 Fireballs! Their claws are filled with Poison, and if they slash someone with their divebomb attack, they get poisoned.
Wiz: Rathalos doesn't have much well known feats, outside of defeating many, many hunters.
Boomstick: Rathalos is weak to the Lightning Element.
(Cue Tremble of the Sea and Land)
Wiz: In the times of the Original Monster Hunter 3, One name struck fear into all new, and even some of the veteran hunters, hearts. Lagiacrus.
Boomstick: Sound Familiar?
Wiz: Lagiacrus is a Massive Leviathan referred to as the Lord of the Seas. they are extremely fearsome, and live in the sea. They do go onto land, sometimes.
Boomstick: Lagiacrus have large, Electrical organs on their spines that they can create area shocks or electrical arcs from. they are expert swimmers and can Body Slam opponents.
Wiz: They have massive paws and Jaws, and can use them to fight as well.
Boomstick: they can cause Thunderblight, which makes creatures more prone to being Stunned, which is... bad.
Wiz: one Lagiacrus nearly destroyed all of Moga Village and kept all fishing boats in said village at bay once. other than that, they don't really have much feats.
Boomstick: Lagiacrus are weak to Fire, and they can't stay out of water for too long or else they get dehydrated.
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set
Boomstick: It's time for a Monster Hunter Death Battle!!!!!!!
Death Battle![]
(The Deserted Islands, Zone 9 [Beach])
Rathalos flew across the sea inland. Suddenly, a Lagiacrus burst out from the ocean and bit at the Wyvern, making him land. Rathalos landed on the beach as Lagiacrus crawled onto it.
Announcer: FIGHT!!!
Rathalos shot a fireball at Lagiacrus' face, sending it careening back. Rathalos jumped into the air, but Lagiacrus shot him down with a Lightning bolt. Lagiacrus bit the Wyvern's Wing and tried to drag it into the sea, but Rathalos kicked the Lord of the Seas in the Chest, poisoning him and making him let go. Rathalos flew over the water and Lagiacrus jumped into the sea.
Lagiacrus stuck his head out of the water and shot a Lightning ball as Rathalos shot a fireball. both attacks hit their target, sending the Rathalos into the Water, and knocking the Lagiacrus back.
Lagiacrus started to tear into Rathalos in the water, but Rathalos kicked Lagiacrus again and again. Lagiacrus succumbed to the poison and died as Rathalos drowned in the water.
Announcer: Double K.O.!
Boomstick: A TIE?! $H*T C*CK MOTHER F**K!
Wiz: They were matched up very evenly. Rath's Fire was Lagi's Weakness... but Lagi's Thunder was Rath's Weakness. Rath's Poison helped him to kill the Lagiacrus faster, but ultimately, Rathalos would have drowned in the water.
Boomstick: and even if he didn't land in the water, they'd kill each other at the same time because of poison and thunder!
Wiz: This match is a Draw.
Next time![]
Two Wimps with strong hidden powers.
They're Absolute Jokes!
Dan Hibiki vs. King Shakalaka
- This is the first Death Battle by thetmartens to end in a Draw.
Rathalos vs Lagiacrus | |
Season 2, Episode 3 | |
Vital statistics
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Air date | 7/20/2016 |
Written by | BigBangOverlordBuster |
Directed by | BigBangOverlordBuster |
Episode guide
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Unknown | Unknown |
The Title of “Lord” has been passed down to powerful icons, and these two have earned their titles in the Monster Hunter Universe, and counting that these two monsters are rivals in the food chain, but never have their encounter have been settled…until today…
(*Epic Death Battle Intro*)
Bang: “Lord” This is the title for fearsome and powerful leaders…
Alisa: And these two monstrous predators have earned their titles from what they are…
Leone: The Rathalos, the Lord of the Skies
Alisa: And the Lagiacrus, the Lord of the Seas…they are both the top of their food chain, they are both apex predators, and they are both rivals in their ecology, and whenever they encounter each other, results are random and unsettled, and we are going to settle it right here and right now.
Bang: I’m Bang, she’s Leone, and she’s Alisa….It’s our jobs to analyze their weapons, armors and skills to see which of these predators will win…A Death Battle.
Name: Rathalos
Titles: Lord of the Skies
Size: 73.77 feet/ (2248.60 cm)
Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed and reflexes, fast regenerative abilities, enhanced senses, fire breath, flying capabilities, poison-tipped talons.
(*Queue- Monster Hunter scene, Forest, Tundra, Swamplands*)
Bang: We are going into the World of Monster Hunter again
Alisa: Again?
Leone: Yeah, remember the Battle between Wolves?
Alisa: Oh yeah, that….
Bang: And remember we analyzed Godzilla and Lao-Shan Lung? Lao is from monster Hunter…
Alisa: Yeah, I forgot about that….
(*Queue- Monster Hunter Frontier*)
Bang: Annnyway, in the skies of the Monster Hunter World, the Flying Wyverns conquer it all, they soar above the clouds and claim it as their own.
Leone: But among these monsters, one dragon has become the very face of Monster Hunter…
(*Queue-Rathalos Intro*)
Alisa: The Rathalos, the Lord of the Skies, from Volcanic Environments, to lush green forest, this red wyvern claims it on the skies, more adopted to the air than its female counterpart, Rathian, the Rathalos has earned its title from the time it spends its hunting on the skies.
Leone: It behaves like birds of prey, it swoops down on hunters, and the talons upon their feet are highly poisonous and are known to inflict toxic mortal wounds on larger prey. In addition, their long, thick tail features a heavy spiked club at the end, can shoot 3 hot fireballs that can make your BBQ in a matter of minutes, and can create powerful gusts with the beat of its wings.
Bang: Rathalos are expert flyers, and as such are prone to hunting from the skies. By launching a surprise aerial attack, they can inflict poisonous wounds with their talons or burn prey with flaming projectiles. On the ground, Rathalos remain formidable opponents. Using their powerful legs, they can chase down prey from a distance or inflict blunt-force damage with their clubbed tail. At a close enough range, they are known to use their sharp teeth to bite at foes as well. Some Rathalos are capable of staying in the air and launching a "few" fireballs before landing back to the ground.
Alisa: They are highly territorial, and as such, are aggressive towards intruders. They will chase away or attempt to kill any monster which may pose a threat to their land.
- Has been the iconic Monster for Generations
- Top Predator in its environment
- Has earned the honor of Flagship Monster
Bang: BUT…like many of the monsters on the world it shares, this guy has some major flaws…
- Claws are useless when it comes to predators with stronger hide or immune to poison
- Has few enemy predators (including Lagiacrus)
- Very Weak to Thunder
Hide is still vulnerable to strong strikes.
- Not much into the water
- Has to balance its territory on land and air
Bang: This guy’s weak to Thunder, has natural enemies, such as a LAGIACRUS…its hard hide is still weak to strong strikes, and its fire and poison is useless to strong armored enemies, unless it can inflict wounds.
Alisa: And even though this guy has some flaws, the King of the Skies has nothing left to fear.
(*Rathalos, taking the air*)
Name: Lagiacrus
Title: Lord of the Seas
Element: Thunder
Size: 108.62 feet (3310.60 cm)
Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed and reflexes, fast regenerative abilities, enhanced senses, electric/thunder manipulation, swimming capabilities.
(*Queue- Monster Hunter scene, Water Environments*)
Bang: In the world of Monster Hunter, environments are made for evolution to make its art, vast species evolved to fit their environments, many evolve specific traits similar to others, making different categories and different monster species….such as the case of one of the newer categories of monsters…
Leone: the Leviathan Species, described as monstrous animals of the seas. There are numerous Leviathans, but the first has always been the most popular, the Lord of the Seas itself…
(*Queue- Lagiacrus Intro*)
Leone: The Lagiacrus…
Alisa: The Lagiacrus is classified as the largest of the Leviathan species, also considered among the most dangerous.
(*Queue- Lagiacrus attacking hunters*)
Leone: It has different varieties of attacks, usual such as bite tail –whip and stampede over the unfortunate mother***kers who stand in its way.
(*Queue- Lagiacrus attacking hunters underwater*)
Alisa: Like many Leviathans, this sea monster can dwell on very deep waters, can kill prey in the water and it is feared by so many hunters, and other species alike, it has earned itself the title “The Lord of the Seas”
Bang: And it did not earned the title for nothing, a fierce mash-up of a monstrous prehistoric-dragon-crocodile hybrid, Lagias can spin around, produce electricity, shoot thunder balls, like the Zinogre, can absorb lightning traps with its spine as rods, and can even use its body to destroy mountain-size rocks underwater
(*Queue- Lagiacrus Intro #1)
Leone: And to make this beast more fascinating, it can produce electricity UNDERWATER, nearly more than half of the species in Monster Hunter with Thunder elements cannot go to the water without electrocuting themselves to death, and usually they do so while they deactivate their Thunder abilities to drink water…
Alisa: In the Monster Hunter Wiki and other reliable resources, it states that the Lagiacrus has evolved a specific and powerful organ that produces this electricity, and will keep itself from being electrocuted while in the water. Records and studies show that this monster is more durable to monsters that are heavily evolved in the volcanic habitats and those who swim in hot-volcanic lavas!
Bang: The dermal spikes on its back glow white when it is using strong thunder attacks, and its mouth gurgles with Thunder when it is enraged… Lagiacrus is found only at the Deserted Island and Flooded Forest. It's most at home underwater, but is more than capable of fighting on land. This beast has evolved crocodile-like jaws, giving this guy a very powerful and nasty bite…damn. Despite its smooth frame, this guy is stronger than you think and as tough as his armor is built for, very tough.
Alisa: The thunder this monster creates is so powerful, it can electrocute a Plesioth, or even a Rathalos...
Leone: I know where this is going…
Alisa: …And can kill those monsters painfully, all in simple self-defense, the Lagiacrus is the top of the aquatic food-chain, it has few natural predators, it rules the seas with a “thunderous” iron fist.
Bang: Nice pun…
- Nearly destroyed Moga Village
- In the Ecological studies in numerous Monster-Hunter Database, it took out a Plesioth
- Has few natural predators
- Top of the Aquatic Food Chain
- Honor to be the flagship Monster of Monster Hunter Tri
Bang: One of these beasts nearly destroyed all of Moga Village and kept all fishing boats in said village at bay once. Records state it can down a Plesioth, and is even seen fighting against a Rathalos…In some occasions…
Leone: Wait? You mean? This What-IF? Death Battle? You mean?
Bang: Yeah, Rathalos and Lagiacrus really met in their habitats in the Monster Hunter Trailer, it shows a Rathalos trying to back off a Lagiacrus, only to piss it off … but since they would usually avoid each other than to fight, we are going to see which of these lords will win IN a fight…
Leone: Hmm…good point … But the Lord of the Seas is not entirely invincible.
- Slow on land
- Thunder attacks weaken when the spines are broken
- Even though it is more durable than monsters that are adaptable to volcanoes and volcanic ecology, this monster is vulnerable to fire.
- Sometimes need to balance from water to land.
Alisa: It is vulnerable to fire, needs to balance living on land and sea, and its thunder power weakens if its spine is damaged. This is like the law of Pokémon weaknesses, not this sh** again.
Leone: But when it comes to being the top in the seas, this beast earns it…
(*Queue- Lagiacrus roars*)
Final Introduction[]
Bang: Alright, the two combatants are ready to roll, let’s end this debate, once and for all.
Leone: Which of these two predators should remain on the top…
Alisa: And which of these two “Lords” remains dominant…
Bang: Let’s get ready to Rumble with DEATH BATTLE!!!
In the skies, a Rathalos is hovering above, looking for a safe place to land, as it lands on the Flooded Forest, it sees a dead mastodonic creature, dead on the ground, the Rathalos is not known for being picky, and it is hungry, it approaches the carcass, as it attempts to bite a chunk of meat off, the jaws of the Lagiacrus snaps at the Rathalos, the Rathalos moves backwards, it looks at the situation as the Lagiacrus wolfs down on its catch, this carcass is its kill, but the Rathalos is driven mad by hunger, it cannot afford to journey farther for chances of food, it charges at the Lagiacrus, the Lagiacrus raises its head and roars, as it also gallops towards the Rathalos.
The two “Kings” collided, they shook they stood on, the Lagiacrus slams its huge body on the Rathalos, but it quickly recovers from the attack, it bites on the Lagiacrus’s hood, it is harder than it looks, the Lagiacrus slams its tail on the right side of the Rathalos’ leg, it shuts its jaws on the Rathalos’ head, it pins the red wyvern to the ground and attempts to finish it quickly, but the Rathalos plans not to die today, it opens both of its wings and beats itself high to the sky, it dives down on the Lagiacrus, attempting to poison it to death with its claws, but the Lagiacrus manage to dodge it, it spins around and slams its tail on the Rathalos’ head, making contact, the Lagiacrus makes haste to the water, it quickly swims bellow.
Thinking the Leviathan escapes, the Rathalos lands once again and attends to finish up the Lagiacrus’ catch, but all of a sudden, the Lagiacrus suddenly shoots at it like a missile, clamping its jaws in the Rathalos’ legs, the powerful jaws of the Lagiacrus proves too much for the Rathalos to handle, it tries to fly back to the sky, but another problem, it cannot carry the Leviathan of the ground, its beyond its flying carriage capacity. But it continues to beat its wings savagely, as it sees its prey so eager to take to the skies, the Leviathan knew it must not risk, so it lets the Red Wyvern go, that where it makes its mistake, the Rathalos shoots its first fire-ball on the Lagiacrus, direct hit, it may be hurt, but, it would take more than that to down the Lord of the Seas completely, the spines on its back starts to glow blue, it spins as it also shoots 2 thunderbolt balls to the Rathalos, the Rathalos manage to dodge one, but it was hit by the second, it crashes to the ground, the Lagiacrus, bites onto the Rathalos’ head and starts to walk backwards, into the water.
The Rathalos tries to outmuscle the blue draconic Leviathan, but both predators are so strong, but since it has a heavier center of mass, the Lagiacrus has the ground advantage, the Lagiacrus performed an amazing “death-roll” on the Rathalos, spinning both of them on the mushy soil, but the Lagiacrus did not let go, it successfully drags the Rathalos into the water, the Lagiacrus holds on unto the Rathalos’ head, trying to drown the beast, but the Rathalos continues to shoot whatever fuel it has, at least it makes five heavy fireball blasts on the Lagiacrus, it is very stubborn to let go, the Rathalos cannot scratch the vulnerable neck because it’s legs cannot reach the Lagiacrus with its head still on its foe’s jaws, so it tries another technique, it continues to beat its wings, successfully rising its body out of the water, with the Lagiacrus rising on the water surface, the Rathalos tries to move around, trying to break the Lagiacrus’ bite grip, but the Lagiacrus still won’t let go.
Both predators refuse to back down, with Rathalos in the sky, and the Lagiacrus remaining in the water, both predators don’t show signs of giving up, but one will make it to the top, the Lagiacrus snaps the Rathalos’ neck, it did not kill the red wyvern, but it was enough to stun the beast to fall back into the water, it creates a powerful thunder blast within its body, shocking the Rathalos, plus combining with the water surrounding it, the Rathalos is electrocuted.
As it drags its new catch, the dominant Lagiacrus drags its new prey onto its land, as it dives its jaws on its carcass, the Lagiacrus roars, it knew with its burns, it will have to prevent itself from extensive fighting or death falls to him, but tonight, The Lord of the Seas dines over the fallen Lord of the Skies.
Bang: Holy sh**, that was epic, and I thought they were both in equal terms
Alisa: They are… while the Lagiacrus is weak to fire, and Rathalos is weak to Thunder, the Lagiacrus’ durability and slick moves help it win this battle…though this is only one of the many encounters between the two, most likely they are equal draws, wins, and lose for both species…usually many fights end in a draw, so we dug in a little deeper…
Leone: On the Ecology studies, it actually shows that there are some Lagiacrus that have capabilities of killing a Rathalos if provoked or if it has to fight…and also, it is one of the only Monsters that actually produces Thunder in, over, and under the water, while many predators that can produce thunder can never achieve, not without electrocuting themselves with it.
Bang: Like Crocodiles, the Lagiacrus can do death rolls, and can cause a massive powerful bite onto any prey, and majority of the Monsters in the Monster Hunter Universe are vulnerable to Thunder, many Thunder-element Monsters have countered that, and with not much predators threatening both species, in the water, there are no predators that dare venture next to the Lagiacrus, hell, in the Monster Hunter Database, even a Ceadus, an Elder Dragon, backs off to this Leviathan.
Alisa: While in both land and sky, the Rathalos has many foes to face with for same food sources, That was the tricky part of the research, even though there were many occasions, plus many draws, majority of the win-count goes to the Lagiacrus, giving it having the win advantage…
Bang: In the end, the Lord of the Skies has been “washed-up”
Leone: What’s with you guys and puns?
Alisa and Leone: The Winner in this battle is the Lagiacrus
(*Bang: But remember guys, this is only one of the thousand encounters these two made, the results are truly random to settle.*)Trivia[]
- This is BigBangOverlordBuster's first What-If? Death Battle that is not counted in his series.
- Even though this battle has one winner, this does not actually mean that Rathalos will loose in every encounter with a Lagiacrus.