Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Boomstick: hey Wiz out of every super power in the world which one would you Want't to have.

Wiz: Super speed

Boomstick: Me to and today we have a match between two super fast heroes

Wiz: Quicksilver the fast talking Avenger from marvel

Boomstick: and Tenya ilda the fast engine hero from My hero acedamia

Boomstick: he's wiz and im boomstick

Wiz: and its our job to anyalize their weapons armour and skills to find out who would win a death battle

Quicksilver []

Wiz: Pietro maximoff was born on at the mountain wundergore with his twin sister Wanda maximoff they were in a secret hideout where high Evolutionary was located.

Boomstick: The high evolutionary wanted to expirment them give them mutant abilities even though they were just young children.

Wiz: When they returned to there parents the results were not so great

Boomstick: yea Like how their dad tried to steal food to give to his family and i don't blame him but the villagers decided to attack the maximoff family Pietro and wanda survived but their parents didn't

Wiz: After many years Wanda accideantly destroyed a house with her telikentic powers turning her into scarlet witch and pietro into quicksilver

Boomstick: Yea if you think about it  scarlet definetly deserved execution for that but magneto saved her and quicksilver and made the twins join the brotherhood of mutants 

Wiz: but after Magneto was defeated by the xmen quicksilver and scarlet ran away and joined the avengers

(we cut to wiz and boomstick)

Boomstick: Wiz i still don't understand why did marvel have to kill quicksilver in the mcu there was so much more to explore with him like WHY 

Wiz: well sorry Boomstick only one of the maximoff twins could live and that was Wanda sorry 

Boomstick: uhh anyway one of quicksilver's most common ability is his speed he is able to run at high speeds 

Wiz: right as a mutant one of Pietro's abilities is to vibarate his molecular stucture at high speeds which allows him to destabilize atomic matter by accelerating the target object's molecule structure, often causing it to fall apart or explode usually by touching it.

Boomstick: He can run circles around his opponents of radius 10 feet to create a cyclone powerful enough to lift a grown man off his feet and can also time travel

Wiz: well he can but it has a restricted time of a few hours during each visit but with the right calcuations quicksilver's top speed should clock in at 9151 mph 

Boomstick: He is comparable to charecters like Captain america was able  Caused rifts in the ground while running when possessed by Chthon and boiled large amounts of water while running  

Wiz: he has grabbed Captain America's shield in a split microsecond, dodged the living laser with ease and raised his head in a picosecond at 138.76c, so his reaction speed is possibly mftl and he has even outrain black bolt's voice 

Boomstick: and he can literally destroy a planet with a single scream 

Wiz: with so many feats and speed he is truly the fastest in all of marvel

Quicksilver: you didn't see that coming 

Tenya ilda []

Wiz: welcome to a world where 80% percent of the population posses superhuman abilities called quirks 

Boomstick: there have been many superheroes in the hero business for years but there has been one family doing  it for genarations and that is the ilda family with their older son tensei and younger son tenya 

Wiz: tensei was a very famous hero in the family tenya looked up to tensei so much he asked him what motivated him to be a hero 

Boomstick: good old tensei said he wanted to be a cool hero to help others in need 

Wiz: after hearing his brothers story tenya joined u.a high school to live up to his brothers name 

Boomstick: Tenya is a highly formidable opponent he got 4th place in the quirk apphrension test and 4th in the u.a sports festival thanks to his quirk engine

Wiz: Engine gives Ilda a engine on the back of his leg to move at high speeds and is known as one of the fastest people in his class one of his moves is recipro burst which Tenya overclocks his engines to give himself greatly enhanced speed for ten minutes (Previously ten seconds). However, after this period of increased speed ends, his engines will stall, thus disabling his Quirk for a significant amount of time while his engines cool down. This ability allowed him to take both deku and todoroki by surprise, allowing him to steal the former's headband in an instant before he was able to react. 

Boomstick: and after he has recovered from the burst he will be able to gain back his speed agian he can perform fast engine kicks and punches with his quirk he is also a very intelligent student in his class 

Wiz: tenya is very strong he was once able to knock down a steel door with a single kick this takes at least 568.5 joules of energy 

Boomstick: his speed is combarale to deku's speed and he can move at Mach 0.62 so tenya's top speed is proably that 

Wiz: he was able to finish a race in 3.04 seconds and can dodge and react to todoroki's ice attacks and they can move at Mach 1.12 and has survived being crushed by a huge tower 

Wiz: while my hero is till going one day he will live up to his brothers name 

Tenya ilda: I'm a novice. I can't measure up to their standards! Be that as it may... I have to stand up! Never again! Never again will they... or my brother... leave me behind in the dust!

Wiz: alright the combatnents are set and we've run the data through all possibilties 

Boomstick: it's time for a DEATH BATTLE  

Results []

Boomstick: man mha's streak is really bad right Wiz 

Wiz: well both quicksilver and ilda had incredibly fast speeds fighting skills and strentgh feats but that is about where it starts tilting to quicksilver's edge 

Boomstick: yea he had tenya in almost every catagory like strentgh tenya did destroy a steel door with a single kick which took 568.5 joules of energy  which is equal to 0.34 tons of tnt but quicksilver was able to  Caused shockwaves by running at 1500 m/s which is way stronger then's ilda door busting feat 

Wiz: while tenya did have a slight edge in durability Quicksilver's acceleration/destabilization ignores conventionl durability so durability was basically a non factor in this fight 

Boomstick: he was way faster to tenya may have Finished a 50-meter race in 3.04 seconds but quicksilver could not only run faster than radio waves he could Perceive the events around him in a picosecond while running. which is at least mftl that is leauges above tenya's top speed 

Wiz: and also one of the things tenya had trouble with the most was quicksilver's time travel 

Boomstick: yea he had no counter for that and even if Quicksilver didn't have the time travel tenya maybe could've won but considering all of Quicksilver's strentgh and speed feats tenya  could probably not pull of a win more times than not 

Wiz: Tenya's intelligence durability and ap was defintly tough challenge for pietro but in the end his speed strentgh and stronger abilities were to much for him 

Boomstick: in the end tenya did not see this one coming

Wiz: the winner is quicksilver 
