Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Q VS Discord
Season TBA
Overall Episode TBA
Season Episode TBA
Air date TBA
Written by Shadow7615
Episode guide
Star Trek VS My Little Pony!

Q vs. Discord is an upcoming episode of DEATH BATTLE! by Shadow7615 in collaboration with BakaLord, featuring Q from the Star Trek series and Discord from the My Little Pony series in a battle between nigh-omnipotent chaotic reality warpers.






Original Track[]


  • The connections between Q and Discord are that they are both ancient, chaotic and eccentric reality-warping antagonists who originate from an alternate dimension (The Q Continuum and Chaosville, respectively). Due to their immense power, they often get bored and interfere in the lives of mortal beings to play "games" and practical jokes on them for their personal amusement. Both typically perform acts of reality warping by snapping their fingers. They frequently mess around with a certain group (the crew of the Enterprise, and the Mane Six, respectively). They serve as the instrumental characters to illustrate the core thematic elements of their respective shows (Q tests the crew of the Enterprise, and succeeding at these tests proves humanity has evolved beyond their flaws, and Discord drives the members of Mane Six apart, and their friendship persisting proves that friendship is important). For a time, both were rendered incapable of using their powers (as Q's powers were removed, and Discord was sealed away), and they reformed for the most part when they were restored, but they would continue to cause mischief on occasion.
    • They are also two of the most famous roles portrayed by actor John de Lancie.
      • Laura Faust, the creator of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, confirmed that Discord's character was based on Q.

Substantial Amounts of Chaos
Season Season One
Season Episode Eighth
Air date N/A
Written by KanaNotBonnie
Episode guide
Neopolitan vs The Spy




Que: Main Theme (Instrumental) - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Discord: Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing!


Que: Main Theme - Star Trek: The Next Generation

Q: Jean-Luc, it's wonderful to see you again! How about a big hug?


Surge: Alright, we've ran the data through all possibilities!

Kuro: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

Death Battle[]






D-Continuum of Entropy
  • The name of the track is 'D-Continuum of Entropy', a reference towards the "Q Continuum", replacing the Q with a D, standing for Discord, whilst Entropy references the chaotic natures of both combatants.
  • The soundtrack features both characters on it, which is supposed to be something unordinary and something that hasn't been done before, akin to both essentially being the impossible themselves.
  • It also features various cracks in the afterlife that Q appears in Tapestry, which is supposed to reference the fact that Discord not only opposes order on his own (as the afterlife in context is a white void that is supposed to be orderly and quiet), but also because the reason Q existed there was to benefit and reform Picard post-mortem, through changing his behavior to avoid something, whilst Discord, who attempted to do this before to change his chaotic behavior, had gone against his entire nature, nearly killing him. Due to this, it shows the opposing conflicts between the two characters, but also what they share.
  • With the idea of reformation, the soundtrack also features Discord as a statue, a form that is supposed to represent his changing as a character and reformation with becoming a much kinder, although still chaotic, being, like with some forms of Q.
