Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
You're mistaken. My name is Hershel Layton. I need no other name.
~ Professor Layton, speaking to Jean Descole.

Professor Layton is the main playable character in his eponymous series, Professor Layton.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

Possible Opponents[]


Once a boy named Theodore Bronev, Layton grew up with his parents and his brother Hershel Bronev(who would later on become Jean Descole) until his parents were kidnapped by an agency.This incident caused the two boys to search for parents who would adopt them.Eventually,they came across a young couple whose names were Lucille and Roland Layton but they agreed to adopt only one child with that child being Hershel(Descole).So to give him a happier childhood,Layton's brother gave him his name to confuse the couple into adopting him.

Layton grew up with his adoptive parents in Stansbury and studied at Kingsbrook Academy where he befriended Randall Ascot, who convinced him to join him on his journey into the Akbadain Ruins where loads of treasure are contained. However, during their expedition, Layton accidently activated one of the traps in the ruins that caused Randall to fall into a bottomless pit. With Randell seemingly dead (in reality, he was saved by a river),Layton left Stansbury and went to Gressenheller University to become a professor.

During his time at Gressenheller, Layton met a woman named Claire Foley whom he fell in love with. Once during his anniversary, Claire bought Layton a giant top hat that he would where ever since her death(she died in a explosion).On top of that, Layton would forever keep his word of being a gentleman.

Death Battle Info[]

  • Name: Hershel Layton (Real name: Theodore Bronev)
  • Age: Unknown (Possibly in his 50's as of the anime)
  • Height: 5'9/176 cm (with hat on)
  • Gender: Male.
  • Choice of tea is Belle Classic
  • Has appeared in other Level-5 games such as Inazuma Eleven.


  • Swords:
    • Has naturally used these over the course of his adventures due to being a swordfighter.
    • Has one from a castle, a tower, an observatory and the ruins (Albeit it's rusty).
    • Can use these to slice and stab his foes.
  • Slot machine gun:
    • Made out of slot machine parts and is loaded with coins.
    • By pulling the lever, Layton can unleash a rapid fire stream of coins at his foes.
    • Actually hurts a lot.
  • Hanglider:
    • Created by Layton using a pterodactyl skeleton.
    • Does what a normal hanglider would do.
    • Can acutally use the pole as a weapon if needed.
  • Flashlight:
    • Only seen in the movie.
    • Looks kinda like a lantern.
    • Not a weapon, but can be used to see in the dark.
  • Catapult:
  • Poker:
    • A fireplace tool that Layton can use as a stabbing weapon.


  • Has solved numerous amounts of puzzles.
    • Once solved one at first glance.
    • Defeated Clive, Dimitri and Leon in puzzle battles.
    • Even in his young age, was able to solve a puzzle that had him complete an unfinished archeology page.
  • Fought Anthony Herzen and Jean Descole (2x) in sword duels.
  • In his youth, Learned how to fence in a fencing academy.
    • Sparred with Randell.
    • With the help of Randell, defeated a group of robotic mummies. Layton did this by uprooting a sword and slicing their arms off.
  • Fought and can stab and slice through robotic knights.
  • Kept up with Jean Descole during a sword duel with him. Jean Descole is capable of dodging bullets.
  • Solved many mysteries (such as the mystery of the diabolical box).
  • Assisted in stopping Azran robots.
  • Took two falls.
  • Gets hit by several tree branches and survives it.
  • Fought and matched Aldebaran, who can cut metal poles and throw a metal disk with enough force to embed it on a brick wall.
  • Has built a slot machine gun, a camera, a flying machine (with help), a glider, etc.
  • Destroyed Don Paolo's flying machine with his glider.
  • Can see through disguises.
  • Gets slammed onto controls and shrugs it off.
  • Saved Emmy from getting arrested.
  • Saved Luke,Katia and many others from dying.
  • Seems to be knowlegeable in archeology.
  • A rather nimble sword fighter,can dodge sword slices and stabs,has fast swinging speed as well as quick reactions.
  • Survived the explosion of his flying machine in the movie.
  • With the help of luke,fought against men working for an evil priest.
  • In one puzzle,swapped Bill Hawks with a pocket watch in one move,even though Bill Hawk's heartbeat was powering the entire mobile fortress.
  • In his youth,pushed boulders.
  • Caught culprits such as Don Paolo.

Weaknesses and Faults[]

  • Is still a human.
  • Isn't really much of a fighter.
  • Lacks weaponry and durability feats.
  • Despite his intelligence, he can be tricked with a well made plan.
  • Has been overpowered in sword duels, implying that enough brute force can get to him.
  • Got killed on one occasion(Although he did come back).
    • He also got arrested during the events of The Last Specter because Chief Jakes accused him of being responsible for controlling the Specter.