DC vs POKEMON, Man vs monster. Who wins in this electrical battle? Let’s just say the results will be SHOCKING!
Wiz: Electricity, a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
Boomstick: Or as I like to call it, “blue zappy zappy!”
Wiz: No other person (or creature) understands the significance of electricity as much as these two!
Boomstick: Like Static, The badass hero of the dc universe with electrokinesis!
Wiz: and Pikachu, the dangerous Pokémon disguised to be cute and cuddly…y’know, despite ACTUALLY BEING cute and cuddly
Boomstick: He’s wiz and I’m Boomstick!
Wiz: And Its our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... A Death Battle.
Wiz: weight equal to or maybe even less than a baby, one foot high, this little lightning rat is Pikachu, one of the most popular Pokémon and Ash Ketchum’s proof that it takes friendship to complete your goal.
Boomstick: as of now Pikachu is a nice and friendly companion, but then? He was an omega-jerk, I mean, I don’t blame him cause If I was being bossed around by a new-to-puberty child I would probably bite his freakin’ nuts off… and I have. No but seriously, what did ash expect? He forced the poor sucker into a really small ball and forced him to fight other cute critters.
Wiz: Now, he is SUPER small so physical strength and stamina? Yeah, not so much, but thankfully his intense speed apologizes for it. This means that his EV training is insanely randomized
Boomstick: E……V……? Who-and-a-what-now?
Wiz: EV training, also known as Effort value training, is when a Pokémon wins a battle, one of their many abilities is increased based on who their opponent is.
Boomstick: So when Pikachu decided to cause a spearow extinction in his early days, his speed was basically bouncing off the god damn wall!
Wiz: however, speed is not the only thing he has in his arsenal.
Boomstick: His face? Yeah, it’s a weapon! Those aren’t just cute rosy cheeks that pikachu has, but two big sacks of elec-frickin’-tricity! They are one of pika’s main power sources, letting him be able to use his iconic thunderbolt! Oh, is your opponent still standing? BOOM, quick attack, always good to surprise foes! Is the opponent only paralyzed from the waist DOWN? Let’s, fix that with Iron tail!! Quick, he’s trying to escape, hit em with an electro ball, causing more damage the slower the opponent is. Uh oh, I still hear breathing, finish em off with volt tackle!
Wiz: that was…terrifying… anyways, volt tackle is a powerful strike for the mouse sized war machine of DEATH, but with all good things comes a catch. The attack comes with a recoil, making pikachu get 33% of the amount of damage as his opponent.
Boomstick: y’know, with a world that Varies from floating ice cream cones to god level beasts, THIS is reallllyyy dumb, “welp, prepare to die, at least you can get some pleasure knowing this will probably blow my arm off.
Wiz: despite that, ash’s pikachu is INSANELY powerful, he’s basically the personification do a battery, no only being able too use energy as a weapon, but also able to ABSORB it. And since he has a high amount of wattage, he’s actually STRONGER than the average pikachu
Boomstick: how powerful is he really though?
Wiz: well, it’s a little difficult, but I think I can explain. If we take pikachu’s move “thunderbolt’s” name EXTREMELY literally and say that pikachu’ electricity is as powerful as a thunderbolt, we could be able to say that a single thunderbolt that pikachu can produce is about 100kilovolts(100000 kilowatts) . However, while a thunderbolt can knock someone out or cause paralysis, it does not seem able to cause over the top burns, making it have a range of 100mA (0.1 watts). Something to know is that these bolts take about 5 seconds, meaning that pikachu is discharging enough energy to power way more than 50 houses in just 5 seconds. And that’s not all, pikachu is also able to use 15 thunderbolts before resting, meaning he’s able to produce 1500kv amount of electricity before needing to rest.
Boomstick: “rest”?
Wiz: pikachu cannot stay on his feet forever, he needs to rest, which honestly isn’t to bad since rests take up to about 3 seconds. A few more feats is that this amount of energy is able to both boil 8 pots of tea at the same time and he’s able to generate enough energy to be comparable to a single wind turbine..
Boomstick: wow, those feats aren’t similar in the slightest!
Wiz: with all these feats, it seems like pikachu has infinite energy!
Boomstick: but alas, even lightning rodents have their limit. If he absorbs to much energy? KABOOM! He’ll immediately live up to his trainer’s name
Wiz: sadly, yes. He may be one awesome mouse creature, but he’s still…. y’know, a mouse, he can only absorb so much. Also , despite reaching his full potential a LONG while ago, he refuses to evolve into raichu, the evolved counterpart of a pikachu.
Boomstick: which honestly sucks, He would be so badass as a raichu.
Wiz: but even without evolving, pikachu has done things that many Pokémon have and will never do. He’s developed new skills through his life like the midair spin dodge and counter shield. He’s even been able to fight legendary god-like Pokémon!
Boomstick: In pikachu’s case, the saying “looks can be deceiving” is definitely true. He may be a small little sucker, but under that cute and adorable face is one creature you do NOT want to screw with
Pikachu: pika!
Wiz: Dakota city, known as one of the most dangerous cities that even rivaled Gotham, lived a young and pretty chill boy named Virgil Hawkins.
Boomstick: Hawkins was your basic nerd, reading any comic he could and playing dnd, but no nerd’s life could EVER be complete without the stereotypical bully!
Wiz: Francis Stone. A gang leader that decided to harrass the hell out of Virgil. The only real friend he truly had was Larry Wade.
Boomstick: Larry prusuaded Virgil that he needed to join his OWN gang so he could pack those suckers in a bag! Things got really bad, like the dceu, and static knew he had to bounce
Wiz: unfortunately for the poor boy, the damage was done, the cops came and sent out what seemed to be tear gas, but it wasn’t long till Virgil realized it was not.
Boomstick: yep, this weird ass mist was some sort of science project shit. It was supposed to tag each member like a tracking device, but instead, due to their being some radioactive quantum juice laced in it, it killed most of the people there
Wiz: now fortunately Virgil was one of the lucky few to survive, but it wouldn’t be a super hero origin story without the juice putting a nasty effect on Hawkins, now, you may be “shocked” to find out what it is!
Boomstick lets out a small chuckle
Boomstick: y’know, your usually the serious type but your really funny, I crap on you a lot but I think about what you say sometimes and I laugh.
Wiz: Thanks, anyways, yes, he had began to gain electromagnetic powers. Not only was he given the powers of a lifetime, but for someone who always felt like he didn’t fit now had a meaning, a meaning to his life. He wasn’t a useless nobody anymore, he was STATIC.
Static: I’ll put a shock to your system!
Boomstick: HELL YEAH! Now THAT’S 2000’s nostalgia for ya!
Wiz: with these abilities, static was an absolute unit of power.
Boomstick: with electric bolt’s he could blow the absolute shit out of stuff at literal lightning speeds. He could make balls of massive explosion known as “Nova bombs”, heck, a single punch to the face is enough to tase the flying hell out of someon-
Boomstick is suddenly cut off as Wiz pulls out a taser and jabs it into boomstick’s gut, causing he to shake rapidly with the cartoonish lightning aura around him and his hair standing up straight
Boomstick: BZZZZZZZT- GAHHHHHHHH!!!!! (The tase finally stops as boomstick starts gaspining for air.) Wh-… WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!
Wiz: I’m just giving people an example
Boomstick: Well how about you tell me in advance huh?! God, you’re buying me a 12 pack after this
Wiz: Dude, you’ve already had at least 3 packs this week, and it’s Tuesda- fine, whatever. Anyways, Static’s powers aren’t just giving people a little shock. Static has the ability to alter any surface or object’s electron attraction., he’s even able to erect super durable electromagnetic force fields to block attacks.
Boomstick: Heh, Erect. Static is able to slip any type of metal under his feet and BOOM: he can fly around! He can and has used a lot of metal to fly around, but none are as iconic as the static saucer! Basically, its a giant frisbee, but The cool part is that static can use it as a shield, which is kinda cool, but not as cool as using it as a FUCKING BUZZSAW! You may have a cool ride, but can your ride cut through traffic…LITTERALLY?!
Wiz: Obviously Virgil didn’t learn to use his powers overnight, it took him a while and their were many speedbumps, he was able to become a well respected superhero!, even being able to team up with hero’s like rocket and icon.
Boomstick: I…con? Rock….et? You’re pulling my chain, right Wiz? I think what you meant to say was “static was able to team up with batman and Wonder Woman and even beat them in a race in the batmobile and the invisible jet!”
Wiz: first of all, static probably wouldn’t beat the invisible jet and the bat-mobile, secondly, I forgot to say something. Yes, static is apart of the dc universe, but it didn’t start out that way . You see, static wasn’t created by DC, but he was actually created by milestone comics . Like most companies, milestone needed help standing on it’s hind legs, thus merging with dc. To make sure that all of the milestone characters didn’t mess with the dc continuity, so all of the milestone characters were included in an alternate reality known as the Dakota-verse.
Boomstick: what type of bullshit name is the “Dakota verse”? Well, whatever universe he’s from, static always found himself getting stronger and stronger.
Wiz: he was able to see ultra violet light, even able to make people glow.
Boomstick: that sounds….pointless.
Wiz: You’d be wrong. This is his ability to create detect bio-electric auras, he can also interrupt people’s electric impulses , heal or strengthen himself by draining outside source’s energy, and can create power draining plasma coils.
Boomstick: and another ability he has that totally makes sense and definitely has something to do with electricity: THE ABILITY HIS OWN GOD DAMN SLICED OFF ARM ONLY USING SHOCK POWERS! I’m not frickin’ joking, there’s no reason that electricity should be able to do that!
Wiz: obviously, static is stacked with an amazing set of abilities.
Boomstick: are we just gonna skip over the fact that he can attach his ar-!?!
Wiz: Yes.
Boomstick: oh. Anyways, he’s VERY durable. He’s been able lift up about a hundred tons, survived explosions the size of a damn building, and turned a giant chunk of ice into a $3.99 slushee.
Wiz: based on the size of the ice and the change in temperature that would be needed to pull of such a feat, static must of had an output energy equivalent to one hundred and eighty TONS of tnt.
Boomstick: he’s been able to stop of beam of light, meaning he had to block it at a speed of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIX THOUSAND MILES PER SECOND, OH MY GOD!
Wiz: in the cartoon, Virgil stuffed some quantum juice into a locker blasted it out into space. Now these three lockers were average school lockers which way about 33 pounds each. (99 pounds in all)
Boomstick: perfect for the average nerd!
Wiz: to throw all three of these, they ALL would have to be move (3,000 X the speed of sound), this would require a force equivalent to four kilotons of TNT.
Boomstick: HOT DAMN! Now I can see the mob now. “HEY! The cartoon isn’t in the same continuity as the comics!” Well, who said comic static isn’t that powerful? He’s been able to Knock the hell out of Raven, and that’s not all! In fact, his electromagnetism could be used in a tug of war with super boy’s magnetism, which let us remind you is equal to four MILLION tons. No one is sure if he can go THAT far, but it definitely beats the locker feat.
Wiz: Static might have insane amounts of power, but he still has his vulnerabilities. His kryptonite? Insulators. Also if he were to push himself to far he might accidentally lose some juice. Also, not sure if we really need to include this or not, but static USED to be weak to water, but he soon learned how to overcome in later comics.
Boomstick: Probably cause the writers didn’t want to make sure Virgil was nowhere near water all the time or something. Anyways, static has shown time and time again that he’s one of the best and unfortunately underrated super heroes. He even go t to join the justice league, way better than whoever the hell rocket and icon are.
Wiz: you don’t look to “shocked” with that revelation!
Static: Static Shock!
Wiz: alright the combatants are set let’s see who would win this match once and for all!
It was eyeing up to be the PERFECT Friday. Stars broke through the sky as the sun had finally come down on the city of Los Angeles. Cars stacked up next to each other like an annoying game of Tetris, cars honking and headlights blinding the eyes of fellow drivers, all wanting to get home after a supposedly extreme and hard day. However, not everyone was in a rage.
450 feet in the air hovered a metal disk with a boy just laying back on it. With a yellow and blue jacket, a white shirt holding a black lightning bolt on the front, and dreadlocks, this boy was none other than Virgil Hawkins, static. He sighed and let out a small grin, situating his back to a more comfortable stance. With a hot and fresh pepperoni in his right hand and a coke zero in his left with a police scanner just below him, he sure was just living the good life.
Static: now THIS is a day you just can’t ruin!
Static let out a chuckle, sipping a bit of his drink. But just as he was about to take a bite of his pizza, the sound of gears grinding and scraping together filled Virgil’s ears
Static: GAH! What the-!?
Static was cut off as suddenly some sort of grey humanoid figure flew past to boy as a giant gust of wind followed knocking his coke and pizza off his saucer and down into the giant city below, sparing his police scanner.
Virgil found himself being interrupted again as the static (pun not intended) from his scanner came on before finally revealing a voice
Cop: officers need backup, we seem to be getting some calls about “grey metal robots” in chesterfield square, there’s also something about a yellow rat, but we’re not sure…
Static let out a sigh, standing on the static saucer before letting out a couple of stretches and a yawn.
Static: always on my day off… oh well.
Static crouched down on his saucer before suddenly soaring through the sky.
A giant group of robot flooded the neighborhood, all firing at some unseeable creature in the middle of all of the commotion
The robot was cut off as a bolt of electricity smashed against it’s chest, blowing him up into a mass of metal gears as a yellow looking creature ran under a not robot’s creature, his tail lighting up before slamming it against the bot and killing it, this creature was Pikachu
Another bolt of electricity came down and destroyed the bot, except this time it wasn’t from pikachu, but from static
Static: huh, this little guy kinda looks like he has it covered, maybe I can just g-
Suddenly from the corner of Virgil’s eyes, a mother and her child came into view, trying to sneak out from the bots.
Random mother: O-ok Bennet, we’re gonna make it, just keep your head down and-
Pikachu suddenly started to charged up some energy as robots started surrounding him
Pikachu: piiiiiiikaaaaaaaaa….CHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
Bolts of electricity fired from pika’s body,most destroying the bots, however one certain bolt started flying itowards the mom and Bennet
Bennet: I-I love you mommy!
Mom: I love you to, I’ll always love you…
Static: WAIT, NO!!!
The mom and her child shut their eyes and braced for impact, but fortunately no impact, as they opened their eyes, they realized why, as static’s metal saucer blocked the bolt and kept them sheltered
Static: G-go… NOW!
The two nodded and ran off as static placed the saucer down, staring at the Pokémon as he defeated the bots before looking at static.
Static: WHAT THE HECK MAN!? Didn’t your mommy rat tell you the difference between friend and foe?!
Pikachu turned his head to the side, obviously confused.
Static: well how about I teach you? To this city, to that mom and her child, to everyone I’ve ever loved, I am a friend, but to you?
Static’s entire body lit up in blue energy, his eyes completely blue. Pikachu, realizing that Virgil meant trouble, got in a fighting pose
Static: You can call me your friendly little foe!
Static, ready to get into action, slammed his left foot on the edge of the static saucer, flipping it up in the air before leaping on it.
Static: RAH!
Static instantly flew towards pikachu, however instead of fleeing, pikachu stared stared straight at static. His red little check started to light up with electricity until pikachu suddenly started running towards static.
Pikachu: pika….
Just before it looked like the static saucer would shatter pikachu’s skull in half, pikachu was able to quickly duck under the saucer, the metal just slightly touching the Pokémon’s fur. Static, not understanding where pikachu went looked forwards in confusion
Static: Huh? Where did he-
Pikachu: CHU!!!
Deciding to use iron tail as his first move, Pikachu raised his tail above him, strands of fur sticking up as the entire thing became charged with electric energy, static looked back just in time to see pikachu dash towards him, not in time to stop it.
Without warning Pikachu jumped onto the saucer and slammed it against his hip before jumping off. Static groaned in pain, putting his hands against where the pain had impacted him, not paying attention to his balance
Static: woah, woah, WOAH!
Static’s eyes widened as the saucer slanted towards the right, Virgil waved his arms trying to bring back balance, however it was to late. Static felt himself slip off of the saucer before painfully rolling across the pavement, his saucer rolling away from him.
Static: agh, someone REALLY needs to tell enterprises to stop putting dang chemicals on everything, I’m tired of these stupid powered crittters!
Pikachu turned his head in confusion, not realizing that static didn’t know who he was. Pikachu just shrugged it off before jumping up into the air, his tail lighting up with energy once more as pikachu sent down another iron tail towards Virgil.
With only a second to spare, static quickly rolled over and out of the way. Pikachu slammed his tail against the concrete, sending a bit of debris around, a piece of cement hitting static in the eyes, temporarily blinding the boy.
Static: AGH!
Static grabbed his eyes in pain as pikachu got ready to finish static off, getting in a stance to pounce.
Pikachu: PIKA-…chu?
As pikachu jumped into the air, he found gravity to pull him back towards the spot he was just at. One heard turn and he realized it was because his tail was stuck in the road. As pikachu started to panic, his eyes widened in fear as the fizzing of electricity could be heard as Virgil stood up, his eyesight back in check. He looked back to see static’s body coursing with blue electricity as the boy couldn’t help but grin at the Pokémon’s predicament.
Static: Hey, need some help?
Electricity surrounded Virgil’s fists as he made a slight chuckle. Pikachu tried tugging his tail out to no avail, knowing their was no way out of what was about to happen.
Static: you seem to like electricity, so how about I show you my Taser Punch!
Static pulled his arm back before smashing his fist against pikachu’s face, sending pikachu out of the hole and to the other side of the street, right next to a lightpole. As Pikachu tried to stand, static jumped next to the Pokémon punching again, this time in his belly. Static sent one more punch at pikachu, who thankfully was able to leap out of way, making static hit the lightpole, knocking it down with ease.
Static: welp, guess Third time is definitely the charm for you, eh?
Pikachu kept back a few times to give him some space between his opponent before charging up again, sending a thunderbolt toward the boy. Static instantly created an electro magnetic force field, letting static watch as the thunderbolt hit the field, but didn’t break through. The stampeding of four little feet filled his ears as pikachu ran towards the force field, ingniting his iron tail, slamming it into the force field.
Nothing. Pikachu looked in surprise before swinging his iron tail again. Nada. Pikachu growled in fury as he SMASHED it against the force field, electricity sparking from the impact, creating a small electric blast that knocked pikachu on his back and created a cloud of smoke, hiding static. Pikachu looked up towards the smoke, and when it finally cleared, pikachu’s eyes widened in shock (pun 100% intended) and fury as static stood in one peice, and so did his force field. Static laughed hysterically before speaking in sarcasm
Static: aww, come on, you were SO close!
As static started to stop laughing, he deactivated the shield, only to immediately look over to the other side of street at two empty cars as an idea popped in his head. Sparing little time, Virgil used his electromagnetic powers to pick up the cars, lifting them up In the air before flinging them at pikachu’s small body. Pikachu crouched down, electricity once again surrounding his body before suddenly a giant ball of electricity showed up on his tail, the electro ball.
Pikachu flung the electro ball towards the cars, blowing them both to bits. Static tried keeping his eyes on pikachu, causing one of the cars taillights to hit him in the stomach.
Static: OOF! Talk about a lame way to be hit by a car and live!
With static losing his focus, pikachu thought it would be a perfect time to use another attack. Running towards the kid, pikachu quickly used his quick attack, hitting static once again in the hit, sending him flying into the wal of a nearby building. Virgil looked up towards the top of the building, an idea flashing before his eyes.
Static: Hey, your not afraid of heights, right?
As pikachu growled and started to charge another attack, he was suddenly cut off as static raised his arm towards something behind him, it wasn’t long til pikachu found out what he was aiming for as the static saucer suddenly him him in the back of head, flying towards static. Static jumped in the air, landing safely on the saucer before flying towards pikachu. As pikachu slowed stood up, Virgil quickly grabbed him by his tail and flew upwards.
Pikachu: P-Pika!
Pikachu tried scratching static’s hand with his bottom two paws, but it was all for nothing. As static flew higher than the building, pikachu noticed that he building had a gargoyle on the side.
Static: school’s out, time for fall!
Static let go of pikachu’s tail, watching the Pokémon fall towards the ground, however, what he was NOT expecting was pikachu two grab onto the bottom of the gargoyle’s jaw his his left top paw, holding on for dear life. Pikachu was quickly able to put his right paw on the bottom of the jaw, making him able enough to leap towards the roof, grabbing onto the edge before pulling himself up.
Static: oh no you don’t!
Static lowered himself down with the saucer, one foot above pikachu and a couple more feet away. Pikachu stuck his tiny claws into the roof in case static tried to kick him off, little did he realize how bad of an idea that was. Static’s hands lit up once again, but instead of firing some electricity, to pikachu’s confusion he actually placed his hands against the roof’s surface.
Pikachu: Pika Pi?
Static: Let’s raise the roof!
The electricity suddenly fired from his hands as the roof was suddenly consumed by the energy. As pikachu realized what was happening, he didn’t even wait a second to start absorbing the now lightning drenched floor. With enough energy absorbed, pikachu quickly fired another electro ball, hitting static in his right ankle and once again knocking him off the saucer.
Static: Oh come on, what’s your obsession with knocking me off my ride? Dang, man.
Virgil held on his leg, a giant burn mark sizzling on his ankle. Pikachu, not wanting to spare a SECOND, dashed towards the slowly healing static. Charging up, pikachu shot out another thunderbolt as static looked at the upcoming attack, sighing as he slowly got up, his ankle aching in pain.
Static: come on, give a friend his break, jeez!
Static slowly lifted his painfully shaking hands forward, blocking the bolt with his electromagnetic field. Pikachu waited until static deactivated the force field, and then with his iron tail, he struck a devastating blow.
Both went DEAD SILENT. Static’s eyes quivered in fear as he slowly looked to the left.
His arm was gone.
Pikachu wiped his tail of Virgil’s blood, the opponent’s fallen arm just two feet away. Without warning Static screamed bloody murder as blood spewed from his arm.
Pikachu jumped back all the way back to the very corner of the building. It wasn’t long until static could hear pikachu’s paws stamper across the roof towards him.
Pikachu: Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika Pika!!!
Virgil stared towards the Pokémon, and only two things appeared in his vision, electricity and to ability to be down right PISSED.
This was the final battle…
Suddenly without warning, the entire block, no, the entire CITY’s lights started blinking rapidly before suddenly all of the city’s energy was absorbed into static’s body, reattaching his arm in the process. Static fired a bolt at pikachu, and while it hurt like a god damn flu needle to a child, pikachu kept running towards the boy before finally head butting him right in the stomach, knocking both of them off the building.
Static quickly used his powers to bring back his static saucer, but as it came under his feet, pikachu clung onto the edge before climbing up, both staring dead into each other’s eyes. Having to pay attention to his opponent, the saucer aimlessly flew away from the block and slowly towards the pacific ocean.
Without warning, the both clashed against each other, pikachu’s iron tail against static’s arm. The two backed up as static used his powers to spin around, still heading in a straight direction, to try and knock pikachu off, but so far it wasn’t working. Both opponents shot off a bolt of lightning at each other and both dodged, causing the bolts to slam and shatter the window on the building's opposite of each other. Static suddenly crouched down and swiped his leg forward to sweep pikachu off, only for pikachu to jump OFF the saucer, quickly running on the side of a building’s wall to charge enough energy to use volt tackle, jumping back onto the saucer and hitting Virgil in the back, causing him to groan in pain, falling down onto the surface of the saucer.
As static slowly tried to stand, pikachu started to run small circles around him. As static stood up, he tried to focus on pikachu’s location, but pikachu was able to rick him up, getting behind Virgil and charging up an electro ball and firing static. He gasped before BARELY dodging, forcing static to the edge of the saucer. Pikachu decided to use static’s sweep the leg move again except with iron tail, this time it actually worked, causing Virgil to fall backwards off of the saucer. Fortunately for static, he was able to grip onto the edge of the saucer with his left hand.
Static: No, no, no, NO! Not like this, NOT LIKE THIS!
Static looked in fear as Pikachu walked over to his hand. Thinking that there was no way of him getting back up, static looked down as a smile and an idea appeared. Static noticed that the saucer was now flying 110 feet over the ocean, more importantly, a cruise ship. Static looked up to see Pikachu about to slam another iron tail against his fingers, but he wasn’t scared.
Static: Welp, gotta blast my friend, I’m going VIP!
Virgil let go of the saucer right before pikachu slammed down his iron tail, getting in a relaxed position as he fell right into the pool of the surface of the cruise ship. Static jumped out of the pool, lowering the saucer so pikachu was 20 feet away and above him, right over the ocean.
Static: ok, LET’S FINISH THIS!
Static’s body light up with electricity.
“Come on, come on…” static thought to himself, and then finally pikachu started charging up, electricity coursing around his body
Static: I GOT YOU NOW!
Using his powers, static slanted the saucer making pikachu slide off the side
Pikachu: Pika?
Pikachu didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. Hitting the water, the electricity around Pikachu's body worked against him as the entire ocean started to become electrified, even starting to induce harm to pikachu. Pikachu started absorbing the electricity to try and decrease how much pain was in, but static planned for it.
Static: Oh no you don’t!
Without wasting a minute, static suddenly threw an energy draining coil, wrapping itself around pikachu’s body.
Pikachu: P-PIKA-…chu?
Pikachu tried to decapitate static with a thunderbolt shot to the head, but it didn’t work. Unknown to him the coil was not gonna let him absorb or fire off his powers.
Static: Now this is your brain normally.
Virgil jumped on top of the ship’s railing.
Static: and this is your brain on TWO THOUSAND VOLTS OF ELECTRICITY!
Static’s arms glowed once more as he shot a massive bolt at the Pokémon, then another, then another, then another. Pikachu whimpered as he found himself trying his hardest to stay awake, and worse, stay alive.
Pikachu: pi-pika pi…
Static now absorbed as much energy as he could from the electrified ocean all into his arm as he jumped into the air, thundering down to give one final punch. With all of his energy, pikachu fired off a weak but stable thunderbolt upwards. And as the two clashed…
The explosion rocked the cruise ship back an forth as everything went silent. Who won? The answer would come soon as a noise could be heard from the side of the boat. Suddenly, a hand grabbed onto the railing….
It was static!
Static pulled himself up sighing as he fell to the ship’s floor. Suddenly, static felt something drip against his check, not rain, but blood.
Static sat up and noticed the blood of different animals from the explosion rain from the sky, fish, whales, sharks, but most importantly, the tail of the now dead pikachu.
Static looked and chuckled
Static: Don’t feel bad little dude, electricity is just how I Roll!
Static stood up, jumping on his saucer before flying back to Chicago.
Wiz: thankfully this wasn’t a stomp, but instead an extremely close and fair match.
Boomstick: But alas, static is today’s victory.
Wiz: Pikachu may be quite powerful, but he’s still small, having a low amount of strength and stamina, a major setback in this match up. Now, yeah sure, Pikachu had a TON of electricity on his side, but even that wasn’t quite enough.
Boomstick: but Wiz, can’t pikachu absorb energy? How come that didn’t give him the easy win?
Wiz: well, absorbing energy was definitely pikachu’s most helpful strategy in this fight, however if pikachu were to absorb to much…
Boomstick: KABLAM, KABLOOIE!!! Pkkachu’s a dead man- er, rat, a dead rat.
Wiz: so for that question it really boils down to “can pikachu’s safely absorb static’s energy without reaching a limit?” Well, obviously not, Static’s insane amount of power is just to much for pikachu to safely absorb, so the answer is no.
Boomstick: also you’d be forgetting the biggest thing, static has power absorption as well, increasing his power at will.
Wiz: plus, even if pikachu could absorb his energy by the end, he’d still lose.
Boomstick: sure, pikachu has some major W’s under his fur from insane legendary Pokémon, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT Static has fought even more stronger foes, heck, even heroes like raven and superboy!
Wiz: In the end, Pikachu was definitely a struggle for Static, but with stamina, electricity, and strength in his arsenal, Static was just able to win.
Boomstick: Man, the Pokémon fans are gonna be “shocked” to hear this!
Wiz: The winner is Static
Next time on death battle[]
BatVerse Batman VS MCU Moon Knight!