Death Battle Fanon Wiki

One Piece Admirals Battle Royale is a What-If? Episode of Death Battle, featuring Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Aokiji all from the same series (One Piece). It is the series premiere as well as the very first episode of Fllflourine.

A Battle of Admirals
Akainu vs Kizaru vs Aokiji
Akainu vs Kizaru vs Aokiji
Season 1, Episode 1
Vital statistics
Air date TBA
Written by flourine
Directed by flourine
Episode guide
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N/A Gekko Moriah vs. Pride (FMA)


Kizaru vs Akainu vs Aokiji! The battle of the Admirals! Will Akainu take this in a shower of magma, will Aokiji put his competition on ice, or will Kizaru be too fast for them?

Special Announcement[]

Boomstick: You may think that I'm going to create DBX 2.0, but no no no sir! Me and Wiz, and several other of my buddies decided to create something even more awesomer, and more badass! What-If Death Battles!

Boomstick: This Death Battle is brought to you by One Piece: Burning Blood! Coming May 31st 2016 in the US of A!


(Cue Invader)

Wiz: Justice, a powerful and fair tool when used in the right hands, but in the wrong hands, it can lead to the oppresive World Government of the ever expanding and vast world of One Piece.

Boomstick: But you get to see them do it with kickass devil fruit powers! Hell yeah!

Wiz: Specifically, the three admirals all use Logia type fruits, but we'll get into that later.

Boomstick: Like Kizaru, the light-headed admiral of light; The Yellow Marine of Unclear Justice!

Wiz: Aokiji, the Blue Pheasant and the adherent of Lazy Justice.

Boomstick: And Akainu! The volcano guy! He who lights birthday candles!

Boomstick: He's Wiz, and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who wold win a Death Battle...

Akainu (Sakazuki)[]

(Cue Akainu Attacks)


Wiz: Although we haven't been given much information about his past, Akainu was a high ranking marine who was known as Vice Admiral Sakazuki before he was promoted to Admiral. He mandated the destruction of a whole evacuation ship of civilians and soldiers, claiming that it had to be destroyed in the special case a single scholar had sneaked on board.

Boomstick: Being in a world where Pirates equals Good and Marines equals bad, he's gonna be a dick! Am I right? (imitates a bad evil laugh)

Wiz: While he doesn't do evil laughs, he is definitely an extremist when it comes to his beliefs, as an adamant believer in Absolute Justice with an Enforcer Complex to spare. He even tried to kill Coby, since he had no use for soldiers who "didn't believe in justice"

Boomstick: Justice, because its Just Us!

Wiz: Anyhow, Akainu oversaw the execution of Portgas D. Ace alongside his fellow admirals during Marineford; where we would see the extent of his powers and abilities.

(Cue One Piece - Justice)

Boomstick: Akainu wields a mighty physique and his durability is nothing to scoff at!

Wiz: True. He survived two Quake enhanced blows at point-blank range from Whitebeard, and a no holds barred beating from the strongest man in the world. Even with being injured that badly, he was still able to fight Whitebeard's pirates, two former Warlords of the Sea; Sir Crocodile, and Jinbe, all simultaneously. His stamina is inhuman, being able to defeat a plethora of foes and still kept on going without any sign of wearing out.

Boomstick: He even defeated Jinbe, The Crossplayer, and that Inuyasha guy!

Wiz: Its Emporio Ivankov, and Inazuma. He also has unimaginable strength, stopping Whitebeard's Bisento with just a leg, and having one of the most well developed hearing skills amongst the navy.

Boomstick: He used his hearing to sense even the underwater shit in your aquarium before the Marineford War began!

Wiz: But that isn't all of it; he is one of those that can manifest the mysterious known as Haki and quite possibly one of the most powerful devil fruits out there: the Magu Magu no Mi, or Magma magma fruit.

Boomstick: Don't let Magma powers make you think it's such a crappy idea! Sure, if my wife ate one of those, she'd be not just hot figuratively, but also literally! Magma Magma fruit rocks!

Wiz: Which wife? You've divorced so many times they'd be filling up my house right now.

Boomstick: With that kind of power, Akainu could pull off many tricks! His is a Logia fruit, which makes perfect logical sense if you think about it! He can transform his body into lava and control at it his whim, and he can even let attacks simply pass right through him! With enough strength, he can even change the weather in a particular area, like in Punk Hazard, where he transformed one side of it into a blazingingly hot hell on Earth, literally. Only problem is, Haki, Seastone, being caught with your pants down, and his special elemental weakness can let you hit him.

Wiz: All Vice Admirals and above possess the mysterious unknown power and ability known as Haki. Haki is present in all living things, but only through training and or an inherent ability lets you harness it for yourself.

Wiz: Akainu possesses the Armament Haki, which enables him to hit other Logia users, although their powers are still intact, and create something akin to invisible armor around himself. Significant physical force however, can overcome the armor, and a stronger user of Armament Haki can break through the armor, as well as Logia as well. Akainu's Haki allowed him to withstand from two Haki users and come out fine.

Boomstick: Not so surprisingly, you can also use it to enhance already powerful attacks! Akainu sure is a beast!

Wiz: Not only that, but after Sengoku resigned his position, he became the new fleet admiral at Aokiji's dismay. In addition, he is not without his glaring flaws. He cannot swim, due to being a devil fruit user, and if more than one half of his body is covered in water, he is immobilized.

Boomstick: But Akainu proves himself that he's amongst the toughest, most hard-line marines of all time!

Akainu: Quite an entrance, son of Dragon...

Aokiji (Kuzan)[]

(Cue Aokiji Kaku Katariki)


Wiz: Aokiji; real name Kuzan, is the first of the three admirals to debut in the One Piece story. Nominated by the proud fleet admiral Sengoku for position of fleet admiral, he would indirectly be involved in the incident at Ohara that gave the marines the excuse they needed to place a bounty on the head of one Nico Robin, a future member of the Strawhat Pirates. Later on; he would be appalled by the actions of the former vice admiral Sakazuki, known to many as Akainu, who was promoted to Admiral for his actions in service to the World Government. He would then participate in the Battle of Marineford; alongside his fellow admirals.

Boomstick: Despite being a marine; Kuzan's easily the most affable of all three admirals! He's very laid-back, follows the principle of Lazy Justice, and is surprisingly lazy for such a high ranking marine! He even is an honorable opponent in battle, keeping his word when he fought Luffy one on one. In spite of this, he is still a devout follower of the World Government, following orders, but on occasion, found that his own ideals and principles were in stark contrast to the orders he was given. He's kind of like Frosty the Snowman, don't you think? They even got similar abilities!

(Cue Aokiji Confronts Doflamingo)

Boomstick: Seemingly amongst all of the admirals, Aokiji also possesses superhuman physical attributes! He took on the Monster Trio of the Strawhats, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, without a scratch; took a Haki Kick from Marco the Phoenix, and moments later, he recovered without injury! His jumping and hearing is very impressive, being able to freeze two tsunamis that dwarfed Marineford, which were created by an angry White Mustache! I mean, beard, as well as hearing things below the surface of the sea, like Akainu!

Wiz: Aokiji's powers stem from both his Haki, which we explained in Akainu's section, and his Logia Devil Fruit, the Hie Hie no Mi, or the "Ice Ice Fruit." As the name suggests, it allows you to-

Boomstick: Shut your trap Wiz, my explanations better! He can turn into, control, and create Ice, just from his body or even his fingertips! Nearly anyone who gets in contact with him, will experience the chills of Old Man Winter! The Monster Trio had to learn this lesson the hard way when they fought him, and they got frostbitten and immobilized just like that! Just like any other Logia fruit, he can also let attacks simply pass right through him! And his Haki, don't get me started, it lets you HIT Logia Users, and even sense things you can't normally see, and predict attacks, like Precog! Gimme Gimme Gimme!

Wiz: His ice powers are tremendous, capable of freezing Sea Kings, who dwarfed most ships of the Grand Line, giants, and even several square miles of ocean, with just moments. Typically in a fight, he would use his fruit to freeze foes solid, and he can perform this simply by touching them. Afterwards, he would usually threaten to shatter their now fragile forms. Aokiji's fruit and his skill with it is so powerful that it changed the weather of half of Punk Hazard, transforming it into a frozen land of ice and snow in his fight against Akainu.

Boomstick: And if you think that's not enough, despite having the weaknesses of all fruit users, Aokiji can simply freeze the water to cross the ocean, easily circumventing such a glaring flaw! But Aokiji be warned, his laziness is his downfall in fights against his equals, not seeming to take most fights seriously! And I almost forgot! His Ice is far tougher than normal Ice!

Wiz: But Aokiji's unique fruit, and his tenacity when he fought Akainu, means that he is definitely no push-over, even in long-drawn out fights. If Aokiji can keep his laziness in check and emphasize on his Ice abilities, he can freeze his competition, down to the bones.

Aokiji: This thing called justice... changes shape depending on where you stand. That is why I won't blame your justice.

Kizaru (Borsalino)[]

(Cue Doflamingo's theme)


Wiz: Born to an unknown family at an unknown date, not much is shown about one Borsalino's past. He makes his first mark in the main plotline at the Sabaody chain of islands, where Kizaru himself spoke with the fleet admiral Sengoku to handle the situation; volunteering to deal with the intrusion himself. Almost effortlessly, the admiral would take on the Supernovas on that island, and then has a try at the Straw Hat pirates. He immobilized Zoro, and nearly killed him with his power, until he was stopped by the elderly Silvers Rayleigh. He would soon find himself in the midst of the massive Marineford War, a colossal battle that would cost the World Government their headquarters. In spite of the chaos ravaging the war, Kizaru always remained calm and cheerful, even when Whitebeard reveals the powerful extent of his fruit.

Boomstick: He's kinda like me! The biggest troll of the admirals; Kizaru almost never gets serious, unless he's facing some of the strongest characters in the One Piece world! He even complied with Benn Beckmann's command to stop what he was doing, only to resume attacking several moments later! Man, this guy should go in the Troll Hall of Fame!

Benn Beckman held Kizaru at gunpoint, his hand resting on the trigger, poised for the shot. Benn uttered;

Benn Beckmann: Hold it right there, Kizaru!

Kizaru: Oops, your Benn Beckmann!

Wiz: Kizaru's most impressive assets are his fruit, considered to be one of the most powerful among st the Logia fruits, his astonishing physique, and his Haki, ubiquitous among st the ranks of the Vice Admirals and above.

(Cue One Piece - Franky's Theme)

Boomstick: Kizaru is said to be one of, if not the strongest fighter within the World Government and Marines! He can hold down the great bisento of Whitebeard with just one foot, and can fight toe to toe with Rayleigh and Whitebeard despite their powerful Haki! Even when he got kicked to the ground by Marco, he emerged as if he was brand new! His hearing is amazingly well, able to pick up activity underwater before the Marineford War. He even holds amazing accuracy and precision, when he shot and destroyed the key to Ace's shackles, even at a distance. Let there be LIGHT!

Wiz: As explained in the previous analysis', Logia fruits allow one to become, control, and create a particular element, as well as simply letting objects pass right through him as if the user wasn't there to begin with. With Kizaru, he uses the Pika Pika no Mi, or the "Glint Glint fruit." This fruit endows the power of Light on Kizaru, allowing him to travel at the speed of light, but only if he is reflecting himself to do so. His trademark attack is him kicking at "the speed of light", in addition to firing light blasts from his fingers or feet, with signature precision and accuracy. These attacks can be incredibly destructive, causing great explosions and easily leveling buildings. Because his power is that of light, he is capable of flying and floating mid air, due to the fact that light has no mass. To stand up to Haki based attacks, he can conjure a literal "Lightsaber", allowing him to duel haki-users like Rayleigh.

Boomstick: Kizaru shows his considerable skill with his haki, and as we explained previously, it also allows him to hit Logia users!

Wiz: But ultimately, Borsalino's downfall is that of all devil fruit users, as the sea's deep-rooted hatred of them causes devil fruit users to sink like anchors. He is absent-minded, often careless, and doesn't take things seriously in battle. Additionally, he cannot travel at light speed normally, and must create a mirror path to travel at light speed, unless he wants to travel in a straight path without having to perform such a move. Doing so will disallow him from changing his flight path unless he halts committing such a move, and his light attacks can only travel in a straight line.

Borsalino is shown transforming into light, and crashing into the Marineford base, causing a colossal explosion

Boomstick: Yet Kizaru's speed and precision definitely give him an edge in this upcoming battle! He could certainly outrun his competition!

Kizaru: Speed is "weight"... Ever been kicked at the speed of light?


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, the battle is ready, and it looks like the battle is about to begin!

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!

Combatants Set Admirals

Death Battle![]

(Cue Marine Swordsman's Battle Cry)

Abandoned Island Base, near the New World

It was a dark, shadowy, cloud riddled night amidst the bright embers and billows of smoke of an unknown Marine base; akin to that of the old Marineford. The Admirals could only ponder over their most recent failures as they discussed and conversed in a location near the ruins of the base, for no one would suspect they would be there.

The three admirals each sat on an ornately decorated chair; fit for a person with status such as them. The three of them each were perched several yards apart from one another, and the admiral in the yellow was the first to break the silence.

"Nnnngh... What now?" Kizaru said with his mouth open, sipping on tea.

"It looks like our resident dog is growing angrier by the moment..." Aokiji deadpanned while he slouched in his own seat lazily, as Akainu's fist began to morph into magma, emitting black smoke from it.

"He always had a bad temper, ne..." In anger, the offended Akainu flung the candle in the middle of the table across the room, causing it to explode in a loud BANG!

Kizaru held both of his hands up in a mocking pose as to provoke him further. After a few moments of silence, the red admiral began to open his mouth.

"Each of you has shown disrespect towards me, weakness in your battles with the defiant Straw Hats, and let the malice of Piracy spread throughout the Grand Line. It is time that you will be executed right here for your failure to live up to your duties..." he sternly stated.

"Oooohhh... Whats this about execution? You, Akainu, you sure are scaarryy..." Kizaru sarcastically slurred the last word of his sentence. He simply lifted himself from his chair, and strided away in quiet footsteps.

"Arararara, I've had enough of you, Sakazuki." Aokiji exclaimed in his rare moment of passion, ripping leaves from a nearby plant, almost perfectly encased into it's vase container. Aokiji blew a breathe of cold, icy air from his mouth, petrifying and coating the fragmented leaves in cold, hard ice.

"Icesaber!" Aokiji declared, as he drew his weapon. Akainu responded with an unsurprised demeanor, as his fists began to deform; morphing and shaping themselves into insatiably hot lava. Kizaru nonchalantly turned his head toward the sky, and in an instant, he blinked from where he used to be, to in the sky. The trio prepared for an imminent battle, each knowing it would be a long, and tedious fight.


(Cue One Piece - Facing Three Admirals)

"Yasakani no Magatama!" Kizaru opened up with his signature move with a barrage of light particles, aimed and descending towards the two other admirals below.

Akainu dashed at his blue foe with his magma fist winded back, ready to blow right through Aokiji's chest. He responded swiftly with his Icesaber, blocking Sakazuki's would be fatal attack almost casually. He clashed with Aokiji, but everytime he would try to get an opening, he would be met with parries and Kuzan's Icy blade, even though Akainu knew that the Icesaber isn't eternal against the incineratingly hot aura of his body. He formed several more Icesabers to replace old, useless or sublimated ones, raising frozen walls, and hurling solid ice projectiles at the red marine.

"Your ice powers may give you an edge, but even you know, this is a clash of the immovable object of Ice against the unstoppable force of Magma! In time, your immovable state of ice will eventually melt and sublimate into oblivion!" He commented mid-battle.

Kizaru's light bolts began to impact the War Room just as he finished his monologue, rocking the top floors of the base like a hurricane, cratering several hillsides, and destroying smaller rooms in bright flashes of light. While it threw off both admirals' aim off for a bit, it only strengthened their resolve to fight to the bitter end.

Akainu counterattacked with launching magma fists from his two hands, as he began to liquify his already heated body. The by now scorching war room began to melt alongside Akainu, and he knew he certainly didn't have the advantage here.

Kuzan then leaped outside of the war room and into the air, as he froze most of his body in cold solid ice. Kizaru saw an opportunity, and a possible opening, and decided to exploit it.

"Too sloooww..." Kizaru punted Aokiji as he careened towards Akainu. Knowing this could mean a serious injury unless he acted fast in the heat of the moment, Aokiji began to solidify his body in ice to prepare his subsequent attack on Akainu.

"Ice ball!" He fired off multiple streams of freezing cold ice straight towards Akainu's way. He reacted by exploding himself off the ground, much akin to a rocket jump. The Ice stream however, left it's mark in the War Room, as the newfound lava that was formed by him froze solid.

"Oh my, it appears my attack has missed..." Aokiji grumbled. He landed albeit safely inside the war room, as he readies another strike when the time is right.

The infuriated Admiral Akainu was sent flying at an amused Kizaru, who decided to test how far he is between himself and Akainu. Kizaru unloaded yet another volley of light, and limb lasers onto Akainu, the attacks of which didn't seem to slow him down, but still show marks of wear and damage on him.

Akainu's right hand began to swell to several times the size of himself, as it melted into pure, smoldering hot molten magma. The billowing smoke emitting from his very body would extend high into the sky, almost as if Akainu himself was a living volcano.

(Cue One Piece - Black Hole)

"Daifunka!!!!" Akainu launched his far too large fist at him, as their accumulated strength began to clash with one another, as the light engaged the unstoppable force of magma encroaching upon the yellow marine. Nevertheless, the far more powerful magma fist of Akainu plowed it's way through the light volleys and lasers with ease, as it was now travelling toward him with no interruptions in it's path.

"Oohhh... it's going to hit me!" Kizaru sarcastically blurted as he shifted into his light form, sending himself into the ground below, creating an incredible explosion sending seagulls flocking away in sheer panic and terror, as the sky began to rumble and crackle at the mere prescence of Akainu's attack. The now monolithic molten statue of a fist burst open into many dozens of red hot meteorites, all headed right for the earth below.

Frozen War Room

Aokiji froze the vicinity around him, expecting to gain a combat advantage against the other two. The Blue Pheasant would spot the incoming fragments of Akainu's attack, and assembled a large group of equally large spears to intercept them before they could melt his ice.

"Ice Block: Partisan!" The legion of spears, one by one, were hurled toward their target. With ease, the spears met their targets and pierced their way through the shower of meteors. Whilst some cooled down to solidy, others exploded on contact with the ice, creating a fireworks show that could be seen by spectators for miles around. He could see the Red Dog descend from the clouds above, heading for his target of choice: The Yellow Admiral; Kizaru.

(Cue Powerful Enemies)

Island Outpost

The admiral of Light clearly saw that he would be pummeled until he acted quickly, and acted quickly he did. He began to construct a sword of pure light from the palms of his hands, and rushed at Akainu's relentless offense, as he attempts his own barrage of light on Sakazuki's onslaught of meteorites.

The clash of Light and Lava lit up the sky. Amidst the illuminated sky and the remains of the base, Akainu winded his fist back once more, just like he did to Kuzan near the beginning of the feud. The yellow admiral promptly responded by swinging his literal lightsaber at Akainu, who threw his flaming hot hand forward towards Borsalino.

The overwhelming force of the Red Admiral would overwhelm the agile Kizaru, as he began to take on a more serious demeanor.

"Your attacks sure are annoying, ne..." Kizaru remarked against his adversary. Aokiji saw with his two eyes the pair of the other admirals dueling in the distance, and exploited this opening as he started to freeze over his left arm, leaping into the air.

Base Dock

"Ice Block: Pheasant Beak!" Kuzan flung a massive hail of ice in the form and shape of a pheasant in one single blast. The newly forged bird performed a barrel roll as it heads toward it's target. Both the yellow and red marines quickly noticed the oncoming bird of ice. Kizaru shifted into his light form to look for an opening to utilize, while Akainu swelled, and shaped his left arm into lava and magma.

"Inugami Guren!" The red admiral's fist turned into the shape of that of a canine's head. The dog of molten rock flew toward's it's prey with as much power as Akainu could put into it without tiring himself. The ice bird and the lava hound clashed, with fire, steam, and solid rock spewing out across the immediate surrounding area.

Eventually, the collision of avian and canine ended in a monumental burst of lava, steam, and water, lighting up the entire dock of the island and made it appear as if both a volcano and a geyser were present there simultaneously.

"Yata no Kagami." Kizaru formed a luminous sphere of light between his palms, as it shot from wall to wall, halting as he slid just by the Red Dog. With one boot to the back, he sent him into the air, hurtling towards the now frozen War Room.

"Partisan!" Kuzan formed several dozen spears of ice around him, rapidly hurling them at Sakazuki. Akainu landed as the ice spears impacted his molten body, injuring him a bit. The area where the icy table used to be was now a pool of molten magma, there he launched a volley of liquefied rock from both his hands and the pool itself. Aokiji leaped to the sky to perform a counterattack.

"Ice Block: Avalanche!" Aokiji created a new Icesaber from his body, froze the already cold air into a huge block of ice, flinging it at Akainu. The ice was so enormous to the point where Akainu's volleys of magma didn't seem to affect it that much. He attempted to escape, but the ice smashed into the War Room, sending him over the edge, and outside of the main base.

Kizaru in the meanwhile bounced his Yata no Kagami and traversed to an inconspicous spot in order to launch a "surprise" attack on the Blue Pheasant, and sensing his opportunity, he vaulted over the stairs from where he was concealing himself, with his "lightsaber" in hand. Aokiji locked his Icesaber with the Light Sword, and Kizaru commented,

"Come on, step it uuup, ne?" as Kizaru curled his lip in a mocking pose.

"Step aside, Kizaru; I have bigger fish to fry." He said in a slightly more irritated tone. Borsalino hurdled over the solidified pool of magma, and fired off several finger lasers at him as he ducked under one of the chairs.

"Ice Time Capsule!" Kuzan lunged with his right hand, sending a wave of ice along the ground. The yellow admiral jumps, dodging the stream within a hair's breadth, swinging his lightsaber at the other admiral. He sprang to the beam separating him and the descent below into the destroyed dock.

"Partisan!" Kuzan fired off two dozen frozen javelins at him, and managing to even get some hits in against the yellow speedster. He noticed that his foe was beginning to outdo him in terms of a direct confrontation, and if he doesn't act fast, he might be frozen solid, taking him out of the fight. To deal with this, he fires off numerous laser beams from his fingers and foot, and blinks at light speed straight forward to the air.

"Ooooh... you'll never dodge this one!" Aokiji responded by raising a very thick barrier of ice, knowing he will attack him with some sort of ranged assault. Kizaru unloaded a salvo of light and laser for several moments, as each light bolt struck the ice barrier and bursted in a explosion of light, each being patched up as best as they could by Kuzan, Aokiji bombarded the Yellow Admiral with a discharge of Partisans, with each admiral's separate projectiles zipping by the other. The volume of the light attack however, was too great for even one partisan to impact him properly, so he decided to deal with Sakazuki, who likely was on his way to mount his own offense. His prediction soon came true when Akainu blasted off from one of the forested cliffsides, nearing where Kizaru was.

(Cue Giant Stronghold Takeoff)

"Meigo!" His liquefied hand thrusts itself at Borsalino in a brutally manner. He makes an attempt to block the oncoming strike, even to the point of successfully blocking the fist with his illuminated leg, but his defense was to no avail. Kizaru was thrown away and tossed like a rag-doll into a wall section of the derelict fortress below, his left leg blown off, but apparently not burning away.

Akainu turned his attention to the other admiral as he landed in the firestorm that was the docks, who just sent in his direction an Ice Ball, and six dozen icy javelins. He answered not with a counterattack; but a defense. He began to liquefy not only his own body, but the ground around him, which had the added side effect of boiling the nearby sea. He added so much fuel to the flames that it began to spread throughout the entire southern portion of the base, namely the village nearby.

Aokiji on the other hand, would commence his petrification of the northern half of the island, transforming it into a frozen wasteland not unlike Antarctica. He also performed it to ensure the Red Dog wouldn't be able to gain a substantial combat advantage over him by burning the entire island in a magmalanche.

"Absolute Justice will prevail! Your acts of treachery will be rightfully judged!" The Red Admiral continued to boil his side of the island in a hellish landscape.

"Oh my, is that all you've got? Your sense of justice is so eskwered that even the saner marines would've left you, had you become fleet admiral!" Aokiji flung down his Ice Block Avalanche attack directly at the dock, causing the said humungous ice block to crash straight through, freezing most of the lava solid where Akainu was, effectively stopping his inferno before it could disperse any further.

Angered, the Red Dog raised both of his arms into the air, and proceeded to fire off a monumental number of molten projectile, shaped to look like a human fist. The sky began to thunder and hiss, as the artificial meteors gained altitude.

"Ryusei Kazan!" The Red Admiral exclaimed furiously, as he blast jumped himself towards Aokiji, wielding an Icesaber, and extended his other fist to create yet another icy and gigantic pheasant.

"Pheasant Beck!" The bird flew right towards Akainu, who is met with a magma punch to the face. Akainu threw his other fist at the bird, and not just cracked the bird apart, but it exploded in a conflict of steam, rock, and lava.

Admiral's Quarters

Aokiji receded his hand, and began a melee fight with his ideological nemesis as the meteors rained down in the backdrop. He swung his Haki enchanced saber at Akainu's hands, but the other marine reacted by blocking his icesaber with his arm. He threw a punch at him in the abdomen, making him grunt slightly in pain, and promptly counterattacked with a kick to the torso, which Aokiji barred with his Icesaber. He swung again, this time against Akainu's shoulders. It successfully sliced him and left quite a deep cut.

"Your Haki is just as much as a nuisance as Coby was..." Sakazuki regenerated his wound with his Logia power, but not without pain.

Aokiji coated his left foot in ice, jumped, and foot dive kicked the other admiral in the head, knocking him back a few feet from the force. As he ran at Akainu to finish him off with the Icesaber, they began to heat up the ground beneath them, reducing the effectiveness of his own Icesaber. He leapt backward in order to prevent possibly being damaged by the magma ring sustained by Akainu.

He hurdled over one of the tables and pulled a broadside attack of icy thorn pikes, catapulting each and every one of them at the red dog. Sakazuki jumped backwards, landing near the front door of the unusually large room of an Admiral's Quarters. Having no time to use a proper technique, he melts the immediate vicinity around him, and uses it to gush several streams of lava to shield himself from the partisans.

"Is that all you have? Blue Pheasant?!" He blurted to provoke his opponent. Some of the thorn pikes managed to not get hit by his lava gush, knocking him back ever so slightly. Kuzan immediately proceeded to freeze the ground beneath him to counteract his heating of the room, and started shooting shards and darts of ice. Although the shards and darts were easily vaporized by the red hot molten rock that shielded Akainu, it was the two follow up blocks of Ice that would deal a number on his "shield." He charged at the admiral of ice, hauling his magma fist back for another attack. Kuzan hacked and swung his Icesaber at him, ripping off his ignited fist before he could attack; forcing him to withdraw but not before spraying another blast of lava at the area controlled by Aokiji, destroying much of the ice he created.

Somewhere in the west branch of the island...

Meanwhile, back in the forest, the yellow admiral awaits, peering the environment carefully, for when the infernos of the south and the blizzards of the north subside...

Akainu continued to throw punch after punch on him without remorse, forcing the battered blue admiral to flee, and in his getaway, freezing the surrounding room behind him to slow him down. This only infuriated him, as he gave chase, vaporizing the surrounding ice. Because he had no time to keep up with him, he decided to turn the interior of the base into a hell on earth to bring him down. The quarters was naturally his first victim, and the newfound inferno spreaded it's way across the base.

Kuzan immediately began to freeze parts of the fortress that weren't touched yet by the firestorm, counteracting his attempts to burn him out. Naturally, he continued his offense, pummeling his lava streams with icy volleys.

"Ice Block: Partisan!"

"Bakuretsu: Kazan!"

Akainu punched the molten ground beneath him, erupting in a bright red eruption of volcanic material in all directions, sure enough to destroy most of the already ravaged base. Aokiji's ice hurtled towards the eruption, creating another clash of Ice and Lava, emanating a great explosion in the process, destroying the entire admirals' quarters. Aokiji continued his offense, barreling more spears and larger blocks at him, only for him to punch every single one of them into the air, vaporizing them in the process. He released a stream of sharpened ice towards him as he was focused on his projectile barrage, hiting his original body, precisely in the shoulders, and forcing him to spray magma towards Aokiji's frozen wasteland, to recover from his now numb arm, and force him back into a defense, in spite of this, he had to endure a powerful frostbite from the icy blade dislodged in him.

The red hot dispersion raced through his ice like a hot knife through butter, cleaving through the ice as it made it's way towards the blue pheasant. The heat filled the air with smoke and embers, blotting the red dog's visibility.

Aokiji spewed up ice walls to hold back the tide of magma, and having no time to waste, unleashed a torrent of hardened ice heading towards him, only for him to raise the magma sharply upward to block the stream, but on the other hand, the frigid ice was so cold, it froze solid the sudden wall of magma.

(Cue Luffy vs Mihawk)

As the weather and climate begin to calm down outside of the base, having no more time to waste, and the other admirals locked in close quarters combat, he utilizes this opportunity to shift into light, blinking into the sky, and halting above the smoky skies above the ruined docks.

Kizaru crossed his arms, generated a ray of light in each of them, his presence beginning to brighten the air around him.

"Yasakani no Magatama!" He unleashed his largest stream of light particles seen yet, with him appearing like a second sun in the sky. He continued attacking and firing to seemingly no end, as the base slowly buckled and was battered by the barrage of light, blowing up and destroying nearly anything in it's path. First, the frontmost bunkers began to crumble and explode, and then the kitchen is torn asunder, with the light further destroying the meeting room, the prison, many hallways, and subsequent sections of the base were ripped apart by the most relentless attack he had unleashed yet. Knowing that the barrage only made the admirals angrier, he began to form a ball of light between both of his hands, shining a ray that reflected across the base itself.

As he reached his destination, Kizaru immediately blinked at the speed of light, his foot illuminating with his yellow glow, swung it to his left, sending Aokiji flying outside of the base, smashing through walls, windows, furniture, and sent straight outside, and careening into the ocean into his supposed doom. His vision blurred at first, but eventually clearing up from the trauma of such a kick, reality soon came to him afterwards, and he knew that if he didn't act soon, he would be drowning into the ocean depths like an anchor. To stop this, he rapidly sprouted a stream of ice from his hand, sending it down towards the water below.

"Ice Age!" The ocean around the base was almost instantly frozen for miles, waves, tides, and even the plants and animals that lived inside it, all petrified and suspended in a frozen state. He safely landed in the ground below, sliding across what now seems like an ice rink.

(Cue Lets Battle)

"Ama no Murakumo." Kizaru conjured a large, radiant sword, and immediately swang it at Akainu. He was quick to respond with a thrown punch to him, blocking the sword's swing. For the next few moments, they began to trade magma fists and sword slashes, neither admiral seeming to gain an advantage over the other. On occasion, one or the other would respectively hurl a molten projectile, or a laser beam, yet they didn't seem to faze them that much, for they were either sliced in half by the literal lightsaber, evaded and parried, or simply punched into.

Akainu tried his best to avoid placing his eyes on him. He dispersed, scattering into magma particles, with the luminescent sword lunging right through where he was a second ago.

"Nnnnngh, your so irritating" Borsalino complained at his evasion. Without a minute to lose, he swung his sword again, only to be matched by the other's molten fist.

"We have had enough of Marines who cannot pull their own weight in service to the Government!" Akainu yelled, and threw his other punch at the yellow admiral. The punch blew him back into a wall. Annoyed at the blow he gave him, he reached out with his foot as it began to glow golden yellow, firing a shining ray of light at him.

"Hooo, I'm in big trouble here..." The foot laser exploded as it impacts the red dog, blowing him backwards and smashing him into the crumbling wall behind him. In response, he charged with his extended left arm, punching into Kizaru, only for him to shift into light before it could hit him. He materialized on a ledge above the room they were fighting in, and fired another foot laser at Akainu's torso, pumelling him through the floor and into the prison below.

He readied yet another foot ray to further weaken the red admiral, but as he finished his charging of the attack, a wisp of cold air and several spears of ice impacted him, striking him literally cold and in a moment of panic and confusion, shot off the laser into the air, creating a massive explosive airburst, brightening the darkened sky.

Akainu, sensing this opportunity, proceeded to bombard him with a fiery storm of projectiles and molten debris, only to have his opening blocked by a huge, frozen, icy wall.

"No! You got it all wrong, both of you won't become the Fleet Admiral today! Prepare to be put on ice!" Kuzan said as he jumped right back into the fray.

"What the? Your getting on my nerve now..." Borsalino uttered as he went right back up from being knocked down by the partisans, and created another light sword to trade melee blows from both the red and blue marines.

Kuzan charged at Kizaru with his Icesaber, while Sakazuki began attacking with two infernal fists, throwing himself at Kizaru in a ditch attempt to put him out of commission.

"Nnnngh! I didn't come here just so I can fight both of you at the same time! Bye bye!" He flashed out of the arena to where he himself could gain an advantage. The red dog had slammed himself into a wall as his other newfound enemy closed in for an infused swing. He raised both of his fists in a crossed position as the other marine slashed at him, leaving deep cuts in both of his arms. He threw a punch as he saw an opening right after his opponent swang, not having enough time to recover from the injury.

The punch knocked him backwards, with the red admiral's subsequent attack being interrupted by an abrupt explosion from the air. Kizaru had not withdrawn from his fight yet, and the both of them were lashed at with a salvo of light particles, bringing destruction in it's wake, with the foundation beneath them beginning to shake from the pressure. The yellow marine thrusted his right leg forward, yelling out in a taunting manner, firing a foot laser at the blue pheasant. Instead of using his Icesaber to slash at it, Aokiji turned his right arm into a sort of icy spear, and lunged forward as the laser approaches rapidly towards him. The laser plunges into the shield, blowing up in a fiery burst of luminosity, blowing both admirals in the base back, deeper into the ruins.

"Ama no Iwato!" Kizaru placed his left leg forward, as his foot began to glow, and the glow grew until it shot off a ginormous beam with a head that resembled that of a monkey's, courtesy of Kizaru's epithet, that instantly brightened the stormy skies above, blinding the few animals left alive by their fight. The monkey headed amber tinted laser exploded the base with a huge KABOOOOOM, sending out waves of ripples throughout the surrounding ocean, and forever disfiguring it for future pirates to loot, assuming any treasure will actually be left here.

"My work here is done." Kizaru deadpanned, barking towards the husk of a base, as he walks away, thinking that he has finished both of them off.

Deep inside the ruins of the Marine Base...

Both of the admirals, trapped inside of the wreckage, immediately began, both of them, to find a way out, although this was far too easy a task for people such as them, and at the very least, simply irritating the red marine.

"Arara, that little Borsalino has gone a bit too far ahead this time." Kuzan said, recovering swiftly from such the trauma of a blast. He took out his left hand and began to coat it in hardened ice, as he scurried forward a bit, placing it on the wall right in front of him, while he was inside what appears to be a doctor's room.

"Ice Age!" He froze the base around him, weakening it's strength as the ice expanded rapidly. With no time to waste, he broke through the ice he made seconds ago with haste and ease, rapidly gaining altitude as he drove towards the surface.

Sakazuki on the other hand, simply punched the walls and the ceiling, blowing a huge hole open through the now molten section of where he was. He leaped off of the useless floor he was on, another prison cell, which hasn't been used in years to be exact, and blew himself outwards like a rocket.

"You must resign, Borsalino..." He muttered to himself as he reached the surface.

Outside of the Base

"What's that I hear? I hear two people going to the surface..." Borsalino mocked, as his face and head was tilted at the air, but he knew that they were going to both go for him.

"Nnnngh, your still so hard and rigid as a rock, Sakazuki, and cold as ice you are, Kuzaaaaaan...." He slurred out, and immediately drew his golden sword of light as a part of the base had begun to billow with black smoke, melting into lava, and erupted in a BOOM!

Akainu in his natural fury, burst forth from the flaming inferno that was the section of the marine base he blasted off from, winding his fist back, and then jabbed it at the yellow marine, only with him blocking it cleanly with the sword. The magma and light admiral clashed with almost equal strength.

(Cue Karakuri Castle Transform)

"You lack diligence! Your demeanor and absent mindedness have costed you dearly in fights, Borsalino! Blaze Hound!" Akainu taunted at him as he launched a wave of steel vaporizing hot lava in the shape of a dog's head, directed straight towards him.

"Yata no Kagami!" He dissipated into light before the infernal dog could devour him in it's gaping maw, and his ray of light bounced from surface to surface, ending with him in the air.

"Yaagh!" He grunted as he shot out a trademark yellow foot laser in his wake. Akainu simply swung a fist at it, resulting in the laser exploding in his fist, to Kizaru's no avail attack. The yellow marine then continued, "Aaahhh, your so scary, ne..." After he finished his sentence, a barrage of yellow projectiles brightened the sky once more, bombarding Akainu directly.

"You're not going to escape this fight alive, BORSALINO!!!!" Akainu responded with his signature magma projectile volley. The rays of light and the torrent of molten material zipped past the other, that, or they collided, generating monumental explosions that rumbled the ground at a slight tone.

The volume of fire and glint became so intense that a second sun was created in the sky for a short period of time, with neither admiral's attacks being able to reach the next.

"I'll use the Ama no Murakumo." The yellow marine drew his literal lightsaber, but not before shifting into a beam of light bolting straight into Akainu's face, blowing up the neatly etched cobblestone floor beneath them in a yellow dome of light, and sending Akainu several feet backwards. Akainu morphs parts of his body, particularly his arms into lava and magma, preparing to fight the admiral of light.

Kizaru rematerialized, sword in hand, and leaped in an undeviating path towards him, aggressively firing rays of glint from his fingers, and just as he got close up to the red dog, he swang his bladed weapon at him, with the blatantly irritated red admiral blocking the attack, their blows locking for multiple seconds, with the yellow one being the first to release his tight grip on trying to get through his strong defense, opting for a kick in the abdomen to send him into the air.

The red and yellow marines exchanged magma fists, kicks, and sword slashes for an entire moment, as the rest of the world seemed to be silent. After several minutes or so, the yellow admiral decided that he had had enough of this, turning into light, but before he could retreat completely, another part of the ruined base bursted open, but this time in an icy, cold, and frigid fashion, prompting him to stop to take a closer look, but he already knew who it was that's going to come out in the next few seconds. The air around it slowly began to condense in part due to the extreme cold originating from it.

"Ice Star!" Kuzan vaulted himself from the Seaman's Barracks and sprayed a huge amount of ice, as if it was a blizzard ravaging an entire city, over the island, putting houses, the grass, forests, and even the flaming dock on ice. Near the epicenter, even the smallest of creatures could feel the chilling frostbite and resulting hypothermia from his devastating attack, which managed to put over a quarter of the island on ice, in nearly an instant.

Sakazuki promptly showered vaporizingly hot lava to sublimate the Little Arctic that was the part of the island they were fighting on, with little effort, following up by enlarging his molten fist to land a hit on the blue pheasant, but not before...

"Ice Ball!" Five streams of fast moving, chilling ice raced toward his fist. The fist and the quintuple cold streams made contact, but not before a huge, abnormally large foot laser from the yellow admiral connected with the ice, and the magma, simultaneously confronting each other in the center of the wrecked, now frozen and cold hard harbor.

The clash of three elements was just too much for the environment to handle, blasting up an explosion of black smoke, steam, mist, molten rock, stone, and rays of light sent in many directions, and whose smoke was sent flying upward at astonishing speeds, dimming and blackening the already dark sky above the island.

Day 2[]

Forest outside the ruins

Ice and Light clashed as the sun rose on the second day of their seemingly nonstop fighting, with the occasional fist interfering with their duel. Each of the admirals tried to gain leverage over their foes, but they were to no avail.

"Are you growing fatigued, Borsalino?" Kuzan asked curiously as they fought with their swords.

"Oooooooh! But what about yoooooou? You must be tired!" He swung his sword of solidified light at him as he leaped, created dozens more of his trademark pikes, and hurled them at him.

As they raced towards him with no stopping, he immediately had his left leg glow yellow, and swung it at the air, tearing the partisans asunder and sending Aokiji several feet back. The kick didn't seem to stop him, and he immediately charged with his two Icesabers in hand, swinging at him.

"Oh my, it looks like our elements cancel each other out... however, fortunately for me... I can outlast you in fights like these!" The blue marine uttered as he continously traded slashes and hacks with his former comrade in arms, only to notice that he scattered into glimmered amber specks.

"Nngh, now you really missed me off, ne!" Kizaru sent his leg hurtling into him, sending him flying sky high into the air.

"RAAAAAGH!" Akainu yelled at the top of his lung, clearly showing that he was still all too prepared for day two of the fight. The marine of light continued flashing his resting face, although now with a more serious tone to it. He sprinted at him, both of his fists molten, but instead, kicking him as if to give him a treatment of his own medicine.

He responded with a kick of his own, meeting toe to toe with the red dog himself. The two attacks seemed to be completely equal, but the magma from his leg bursts, sending forth a shower of molten debris into the frozen ocean right in front of them. He pointed a finger at him, firing off a yellow laser right after they disconnected their point blank clash with one another, rewinding to keep his distance, where he knew he would fight best.

Sakazuki sent a massive wave of lava, shaped like a canine, headed his way, liquefying the ground beneath it as it whizzes toward him at breakneck speed.

He responds with a smaller version of the monkey headed laser he used earlier, and it heads straight towards the literally red dog. The two attacks collided, and made a huge explosion that shook the foundation of the base, sending cracks and rumbles throughout the cannon bunkers and the frozen bay.

"Our powers are in a relationship of equalization... but let's see if you can withstand this, Kizaru!" Akainu sneered at him, as his fists solidified, only to harden in some kind of black material, while the rest of his arms remain molten in magma, billowing black smoke and lava.

"Still as tenacious as ever, Sakazuki-sama, Ama no Murakumo!" Borsalino placed his closed fist and his palms together, spreading them apart as he materializes a radiant blade.

"We have no use for those who do not believe in righteousness!" Akainu and Kizaru both grunted as his radiating, sword of light clashed with his reddened fist. The two attacks seemed to be of equal power and strength.

"Ooooh, your Haki is scarrrry, neee." He commented in a sarcastic tone as he let go of his tightening grip on his red adversary, only to dissipate into glints of light, and kicking him in the blink of an eye, and he began to show pain at such a strike.

"Are you too terrified to know the outcome of this battle? Of Course I will win, nee!" He remarked as he was in the process of kicking. To his unsurprising shock, Akainu obstructs his leg with his fist, preventing his attack from reaching and striking him head on. He let go of his grip and shifted into light again.

(Cue Luffy vs Ratchet Round 2)

"Ice Block... Avalanche!!" An enormous iceberg, now visible and parting some of the clouds, began descending like a meteor upon the two below, as their colleague could be seen falling downwards in the distance. The two marines on the ground ceased fighting each other for a brief moment, as the red one rapidly swells up his fiery fist, and launches it like it was a rocket, molten and all, into the iceberg. In just one punch, he instantly rids the sky of the oncoming, meteor-like block of ice as it dissipates in the middle of the air, and subsequently, the oversized, engorged with magma fist bursts, sending dozens upon dozens of flaming rock back down to Earth, devastating the landscape and fanning the forest fire.

"Oh my, it looks like Sakazuki used his fist to vaporize my Iceberg... Oh well." Kuzan deadpanned at the sight of his attack being in vain.

"I knew you would come back, Kuzan!" He waved in a very ridiculating manner just as he nearly makes contact with the frozen ocean below, with him swiftly freezing the lower half of his body, hip and below, to be exact, stopping his descent, and then, takes both of his arms out, coats them over in ice, crosses them together in a sort of "V" shape, with his right palm out, and finishes his grand re-entrance by firing off an immensely large, gliding river of Ice and frozen water, right at his foes.

Like a Volcano, Akainu blasts himself into the air, and scatters himself into magma, dodging the river. On the other hand, the Yellow one transforms into Light, rebounding itself as he appears, right back in the sky. The two admirals get a vantage of the attack the Blue Pheasant made, as it blankets and covers whole villages, forests, and most of the main base in cold, hard, frostbiting ice, turning most of the island into a little Antarctica, nearly completely devoid of wildlife, all frozen down to the bones.

War Room, Ruined Fort

Realizing that the frozen ocean around the island would simply give his foe a fighting chance, Akainu, perching himself on the top of a ruined ledge, etched with cracks, stained with wear and tear, and weathered by their fight, directly in front of the war room after reforming part of his body from his own magma, although his arms still liquefied, as he needed it for his next maneuver.

"Ryuusei Kazan!" He then proceeds to point both of them diagonally into the air, launching countless amounts of molten projectile, all in the shape of fists.

While in the midst of the turbulent and chaotic sky, the still calm headed admiral continued to observe his former comrade's artillery barrage into the air, and began commenting after waiting a bit.

"That lava is so monstrous, and frighteniiiing! Sakazuki sure is scary, ne!" He sarcastically said.

He began to take action shortly after, turning into light and in an instant, faster than even the keen eyes of the others could see him, appeared right by Aokiji, with his right leg landing a kick on his torso, which sent him further out into the air and away from the island. He then takes out his left hand, points a finger at him, and shoots off a laser, piercing him in the thigh, only for it to rebind itself as if he never attacked. He continued his relentless attack, lasing him with more and more beams emanating from his finger, but none seem to work, as he lands on the ice below. He then slides directly towards him as he materializes two swords, both completely made out of frozen water. In turn, he forms a blade of solid light of his own, locking with the swords of Ice just right after he shaped the weapon itself.

Frozen Ocean

"Ooooh, looks like you survived my kick! I have a suggestion, why don't you step it up a notch? Your so sloooow, I put dozens of holes in you!" He stated, but in a serious, but still retaining tones of his trademark cheerfulness.

"Out of the way, Borsalino! I haven't intended on killing you, but..." After he finished his incomplete sentence, he once again swung his Icesabers at him in an attempt to kill, only to be matched by his radiant blade.

Heeding his word, Kuzan continued to trade blow after blow with his former comrade. After a little while of exchanging attacks at the other, Aokiji takes both of his hands, freezing them in ice, and plunged them into the ground, ripping the solid concrete beneath, tearing it upwards, blocking his imminent swing, which sliced all the way from left to right. He then dematerializes, reconjuring himself in the sky, as he crosses his arms, each palm having a shining light radiating from them.

"Yasakani no Magatama!" A trickle of light, now turning into a flood of glint-like particles raced from him towards Aokiji, only for him to leap into the air with both of his palms out as the lights lased through the Ice, shattering it like it was glass, and passing right through the water almost as if it wasn't even there.

"Ice Ball!" He blasted forth several streams of Ice, all converging at where the Yellow admiral stood. However, he simply disperses himself into light, as the attack harmlessly misses it's intended target, scattering onto the frozen ocean.

The reddened meteors, a moment after they were sent into the air, soon began their assault, raining from the sky in droves, no less, exploding the moment they made contact with the ground beneath them, scorching the icy landscape in minutes, leaving nothing in their path unburned, frozen corpses, structures, solid concrete, and whole forests simply disappear into the flames and black smoke. The barrage continued relentlessly, even with pockets of the island itself turning into blazing infernos rivaling a volcanic eruption's, and the oceans churning with heat and smoke.

"Arararara... What is he up to?" He noticed as the island is scorched into an absolute hellfire, smoke amassing and accumulating into the sky, spreading across the high seas.

Day 3[]

"Basalt" Island

(Cue Dainaiwa, Kibaku!)

As the fight rages on, with seemingly no end in sight, the magma had slowly begun to cool down as the three admirals faced one another, each on pockets of solidified basalt surrounded by the likes of both blazing hot liquid rock and cold ice, peering with their still unfatigued eyes, clothes slightly showing wear and tear.

"Mmmm, let's finish this, shall we?" Borsalino had said on his slither of rock.

"I'll teach you the true difference between good and evil..." The marine clad in Red had threatened him.

"Looks like I finished moving right on time" Aokiji had commented on his move, as lava flows, creating a slither of glowing red marking the desolate ground right in front.

Akainu threw the first punch, as he extends his oversized, boiling hand at his two adversaries as it explodes, sending clusters of molten material at them. The yellow one, sword drawn out, and rather than simply dematerializing into light, dashes, bifucarating each and every meteor that stood in his way, as he charges towards Akainu. He matches him with his left arm, sending him a few paces back, but he continued with his reckless offense. Kuzan banged his foot into the stone hard ground, sending a wave of cold throughout the vicinity, petrifying even the infernal rivers as it rushes outwards in all directions.

As he sees the oncoming cascade of ice moving towards him as he blocks a swing from Kizaru, with one impact of the ground by his fist straight into the land beneath, sending a current of lava that repels the Ice Age, sending molten debris, mist, steam, sending cracks throughout the surface, kicking up a thick layer of fog, and the resulting explosion sends more ruffles of waves away from the island. Borsalino flashes back into light as he reappears in the sky a split second later, blasting a beam of light that slams right into his opponent. The fog parting as a result of his attack, he is soon met with a volley of molten fists, and he responds as he turns into light, meeting Akainu with his blackened longsword. Suddenly, his enemy winds a fist back, as he propels it right into his face.

"I am Justice! And you are a treacherous traitor! Both you and the deserters who desecrate the honor of the Navy are the same after all... LOSERS!" Akainu said as he punches Kizaru, shattering the lenses of his well polished glasses, as he gets sent right into a ditch in the ground below. He gets right back up, readjusting his glasses, as he matches another attack, but this time from Aokiji, as a deluge of ice tries to freeze the yellow marine solid, only for him to vanish in a blink of light.

Just as he flashed away, he turned towards the blue one, charging right at him as he lands a punch dead center into his chest, spraying blistering balmy liquid that scattered into the air, impacting into the ground with great might and a detonation that disbanded the ice around them.

Aokiji rejoindered with another punch against him, swinging through his cheek and through parts of his chin, but he was quick to counterattack, as they began swapping punches at one another.

Akainu, after a period of exchanging blows, rewinds back a far distance away from him, and begins to mold his entire body into magma, as the sea of red races towards him.

Noticing this opportunity, Kuzan vaults high up into the air, and begins extending two huge beams of ice toward the darkened and decrepit ground below. Seeing this attack coming towards him, he immediately reforms the upper part of his body as his right hand molds itself into a fierce, hellish hound that darts toward the poles.

Abruptly, just before the two attacks collided, two streaks of light pierced both the canine shaped wave of lava and the onslaught of frost, going off in a titanic airburst, creating a shockwave that rustles through the air, sending the both of them back down to Earth with a loud THUD.

Reaching out with his left hand, he proceeds to blast another beam of light, sweeping through the ground as Kizaru begins to create a trail of destruction in it's wake, as it knocks both of his fellow admirals away further from where they already landed. After a couple of moments of devastating the land, he safely descends to the surface below, as he draws his golden and ever radiant sword, as he prances towards the blue pheasant, who matches his blade with his own. The two didn't get to exchange sword swings for long, as Akainu steps into the fray again, forcing Kuzan on the run as he punches him closer to the lifeless beach.


All three of them continued fighting as they made their way to the shorelines, throwing punches, swinging swords, bursting forth magma, blasting ice, or firing bright beams of light, as missed attacks went outwards in all directions. Akainu lava punches Kuzan, only for him to strike him with his frigid blade, with Borsalino hurling rapid swings and lunging with his sword. Akainu then pounds the ground, sending a Once again, he puts both of his palms out as the three of them continued fighting, firing two sweeping rays of light that sent a notable ripple rumbling from the ocean nearby as volumes of sand are blown into the ocean, or disintegrated in smoke and fire, as Akainu and Aokiji were both swept away by the lasers.

Akainu very shortly after gets right back up, with Aokiji not so long after, as the red one heads for the both of them with a molten left hand, the blue one with an Icesaber towards the yellow one. However, instead of engaging him with his own brand, he proceeds to kick the air directly in front of him, sending a laser that explodes into his face, forcing him back as he duels with the red dog.

Kuzan casts forth dozens of spikes of Ice that hurtle towards Akainu as he was focused on fighting his absent minded foe, only for the majority of them to be torn asunder by the sheer heat of the red dog, as he kicked Borsalino to the air, and dashed in the direction of where he was.

"Ice Ball!" He let loose a cold stream of freezing ice, blanketing the other marine in several layers worth of ice sheets.

However, it did not work for long, as the Ice began to both sublimate, melt, and boil away at the seams, with cracks beginning to spread and expand rapidly throughout.

"Oh my, it seems I can't freeze a Magma Man for good..." He then began to solidify the air around him, shaping it into great spears of frost, and hurled them toward him as he emerges, erupting in a lake of scorching lava. Right after he flung such enormous projectiles, which were punched apart into mist and vapor by him, he soon finds himself engaged with the yellow one, who appeared in a flash of glint, immediately thrusting towards his neck, only for him to dodge narrowly. With one hand coated in ice, he clashes with the other's nebulant blade, and with the other, landing a hit on his torso, disorienting him, but only slightly, as he instantly disappears in a bright flash.

The two proceeded once more to trade attacks, as the red marine continues pursuing deeper and deeper inland into a more remote, closed off area of the island, one only slightly touched by the terror of lava and ice and light clashing each other, seeing as the pavement was crooked and riddled with wear and tear, but still present and intact on the ground.

He hurled about five dozen or more of those partisan spears at him, hoping to stall him, only for him to extend his infernal fist, and lets it burst open into a firestorm of magma that stops the icy spears dead in their tracks, with an added explosion going off, setting most of the previously immaculate, and expensive looking houses alight with flames.

"Former Admiral KUZAN! Your execution shall take place right here! AND RIGHT NOW!!!!" The vexed red dog howled, as several fissures opened up, gushing out lava that had begun to roil the very ground that he was standing on. Akainu then sent a cascade of magma pouring into his way.

"Not today!" He leaped into the air as he plants one palm towards the ground, as it blasts out a blizzard of coldness, petrifying the storm of blaze and red just directly below him as he lands safely on a frozen wave, now completely coated in ice.

Akainu, animosity evident by the look on his face, began to ignite his fist as it billows boiling lava into the air, and charge jumped straight at him, and as he closed the distance, he clutches the base of his neck with his hand, as it began to cool down, without any sign of stopping.

"Ice Time." Ice rapidly began to blanket Sakazuki, however, just a split second after the move took effect, he was hammered away by a loud, fiery...


(Cue Akainu Attacks)

He broke free in a monumental explosion of steam and molten rock, as it scattered across the town, spreading and fanning the flames to new horizons. He then kneels, placing his palm on the ground as the grass began to freeze. Noticing this, Akainu takes his fist, melts it, and punches it right into the ground.

"Ice Age!"

"Bakuretsu Kazan!"

A deluge of ice, and a storm of magma raced towards the other at breakneck speeds, colliding at the middle crossection of the abandoned town, causing a chain explosion of ice and fire across the road where they met. Promptly, he immediately, and quickly forms two icesabers from the grass he blew from the ground below, as he began to charge straight at him.

"I've got you!" Akainu lashes at him with a menacing thrust of his hand, forcing his way through the Icesabers, as they almost completely melted, or broke apart in hundreds if not thousands of tiny shards in an instant, and reaching into the blue marine's stomach. A colossal surge of blistering magma soon followed, as it burns through his skin, instantly cauterizing it on the spot as it cremates through his body, incinerating some parts of his innards, notably scarring the stomach in an unholy bath of molten rock, burning out blood vessels as a hole in the back of him bursts open, with a burning hot trail of magma exiting through the singed admiral, blowing him away and breaking through the feeble railing fence of the town, as he landed beside a nearby hilltop, not too many steps away from the town. And yet, he was still breathing, as he breathes several breathes, only for him to witness a bombardment of light particles begin to ravage the town, leaving many dotted craters, distracting him from fighting Kuzan any further.

(Cue Custom Themes - Akainu vs Aokiji)

Kizaru continues to barrage relentlessly at Akainu, with little regard of the town's condition as smoke begins to cover the town. His opponent then detonates himself as he leaps himself toward the sky, with both hands ignited in the dreaded magma.

Hearing the sound of an explosion from the ground below, and seeing him begin to come closer and closer, he hastily draws his sword as he launches both his fists toward him in an attempt to force him down.


Kizaru blocked the attacks from Akainu, with the resulting strike sending them down back to the dead forests, dotting with countless numbers of foliage, devoid of life, and leaves, both passing through the cloudy sky as time appeared to slow down during their descend


Both of them immediately collided with their punches, their fists matching almost as if they were equals, yet the red dog was beginning to show signs of overwhelming him. Noticing this, he shot a beam of light in his way, piercing through his chest. Akainu showed no sign of tiring as he tries to land yet another punch on him, only for his intended target to disappear in a flash of light. Time now seemed to crawl back to normalcy.

Said person then spun kick him dead into the ground. He then pulls both hands from his pockets and shapes them into finger guns, and then, as if to imitate actual gunfire, he began firing off beams of light repeatedly into him, even going far as to imitate the recoil of the guns.


Akainu immediately proceeded to charge ravenously at him, amidst the eerie calm of the dead plains at the center of a crater.

(Cue OP Romance Dawn 3DS OST - Final Boss Akainu)

But he vanished in a flash, as Akainu swiftly evaded a sweeping swing from Kizaru's sword. He then turned around, liquefied fist in hand, matching his glowing blade. The lava splattered over the barren ground, but otherwise, they then let go. Akainu rewinded backwards a fair distance as he gave chase at a blinding speed, laying an elbow into his upper chest. He then responded with punching from both of his hands, as they clashed again at the very center of the crater, immediately, they blew themselves back, and charged towards each other once more. They slowly began to gain pace, as both of them began to turn into blurs, but with Kizaru turning into nothing more than a blearly beam of light, as the outside spectator might see.

Each hit shattered the crater, causing cracks to shoot out from where they laid their attacks into each other. However, Kizaru continued his series of barraging melee strikes, both with his light enhanced kicking and his Ama no Murakumo, which were easily stalemated by Akainu's fists of red hot lava. Soon, each hit created explosions, small, but still present.

As they finish yet another clash, they could briefly observe the other as they pass each other midair a fair distance above the ground. Just as they crossed paths, Kizaru shot dozens of discs, all made out of light at him in an attempt to slice him into swiss cheese.

Never one to be outdone, Akainu simply responded by enlarging his fist, blowing his way right through the barrage, and into him. He quickly moved his head, evading the strike as they both reached the ground. Kizaru, before Akainu is able to react, leaps forward an impressive length, landing a frontkick into Akainu once more, only for him to block it with crossed arms, releasing them and forcing his leg to the ground, reminding him that he is not invincible in this battle.

Then reappeared Borsalino's blade.

'If I have to administer justice like he does, then there is no other choice!' Akainu thought to himself in a brief moment.

Out from one of Sakazuki's hands manifested a sword, shaped from magma.

"So your finally stepping up your game?" Borsalino taunted. A keen ear could sense the slightest hint of contempt in his voice, but otherwise, he appeared as if he was merely sneering at him. He then shot his own volley of finger gun lasers at him, only for him to either evade the blasts or block them with his own sword. They both dashed at one another, clashing with their weapons as they sounded their battle shouts, grunting as the swords matched blow for blow.

The strike caused a small earthquake, cracks shot out rapidly across the entire crater and the area surrounding it, as well as creating small ripples emanating from the island. The earthquake soon grew, as it began to encompass the entire island. The two did not back down from this.


The two slowly receded, withdrawing their blades from the attack, but as soon as the two blades stopped making contact with each other...

Akainu immediately barraged a massive volley of even faster fist shaped magma projectiles. These weren't like the ones from before, but Kizaru, visibly putting effort into his attacks, sliced them up like fruits as he was making his way towards Akainu again. But just as he closed the distance, he mounts a kick into his face, and then a slash across the abdomen, landing a clear gash across the red dog. However, he seemed to be just annoyed by it, as it regenerates, albeit slowly. In a fit of fury, Akainu quickly mounted a counterattack. First, landing an uppercut dead on Kizaru's chest, and then punching him continously in the torso. Finally, he kicks him, sending him sliding down the crater from where they stood on the rim.

Borsalino quickly recovered, as he dissolves into light, appearing in front of Akainu rather than in front of him, and proceeds to roundhouse kick him, only to be halted as the ground began to melt. The terrain around him turned boiling, seething hot, even to the touch, prompting him to once more vanish in a flash. He reappeared in the air far above.

Brightening the lifeless sky, he began his light salvo, continuing to send an onslaught of light particles at the ground below, hoping to flush him out. The explosions he was creating kicked up dust that was covering a formidably large swath of the land below. He finished the barrage after a minute or two, descending on a tree.

The dust clears, as the lava literally breaks through it as if it was alive, rushing it's way towards the tree he was on almost as if it was alive. The red dog emerging from the lava as fireballs burst from the stream. Sensing a familiar chill, Kizaru quickly shifted into light, remanifesting back in the air, as an enormous, majestic, and white bird rams it's way into the red dog's river of lava.


The inevitable explosion shook the island again. The explosion of water, bits and pieces of ice, steam, rock, and solidifying lava sprayed across the field, dust and clouds clogging any visibility within the vicinity. Smaller explosions erupted across the landscape in the immediate aftermath. Akainu began to look for the one he knew would do this, but he would be standing right in front of him.

There he was, the recovered Blue Pheasant, Aokiji, ready to make his final stand, as literally hundreds of icy spears formed around him, all aimed towards Akainu. Kizaru patiently waited in the distance, sword drawn, as the wind howls.

The spears all flew at him all at once. Akainu promptly rocketed his fist out at Aokiji, piercing through the majority of the projectiles, even though at the very moment, he is also getting pelted by the painful ice piercing into his body like enlarged thorns. He jumps into the air, and blasted a massive stream of ice, coating Akainu's engorged arm, and gradually slowing it down. He then pounds into that area with his legs coated in ice, bisecting his arm, and forcing him back.

Then, Borsalino appeared to have teleported, only to appear directly behind Kuzan, front kicking him in the back. However, he does not stop there, as he then "teleports" yet again, kicking Kuzan into the sky, and then dissolving a third time, pounding him into the ground with his foot.

The Red Dog was not stopped by such an attack from him, as he melts the surrounding landscape around them, and then punches forward, sending a wave of magma in the shape of a hellhound towards the both of them. The blue marine recovered just enough to raise a thick barrier of ice, as he sends a cluster of ice spheres towards Kizaru.

Having enough, Borsalino flashed once again, this time behind the blue pheasant, and shot a roundhouse kick at him, only he turned around to match Borsalino's oncoming leg. Akainu then charged at them, holding them both by their legs, and proceeded to use them like they were flexible hammers, pummeling them on the ground over and over, which shot cracks through the already fragile crater.

Eventually however, Kizaru turned into light and Kuzan into ice, forcing Akainu to let go before he could get frozen, as he then punched the ground beneath. The ground finally gave up, as they descended onto a secret base, full of labyrinths, bridges, and a sea of lava down below. It appeared to be completely armored with metal. Akainu deliberately let himself drop down into the lava, while Kizaru and Aokiji landed on a bridge from apart. Kizaru then promptly dashjumps forward with his lightsword prepared for a swing left to right to bisect his opponent, but only a meter away from him, he is stopped by his icy spear, and then kicked in the crotch, as Kuzan then followed up with a fist in his gut, laying a massive mark on the railing as chips and pieces of it fell into the lava below.

He recovered afterwards, and punches Aokiji into one of the hallways just dead ahead. A single punch sends the now winded soldier rolling in a bloody, painful paveway across the hallway, now revealed to be far larger than what it appeared to be at first. Getting up from just one hand, he then froze entirely the entrance.

It was futile, as Kizaru kicks it open, violently fragmenting it with just one motion of his leg, but what met him was unpleasant to say the least, as Kuzan shoots a deluge of ice in his direction, with him dissolving into light. Appearing behind him, he then grabbed his abdomen with both of his hands, and then lifted him upwards, and then slapping him into the ground with a loud thud headfirst. It was painful, but he then jumped with his legs over him, shooting pikes of ice. He, with effort, cuts them with his Light sword.

Just as they were about to continue combat, Akainu punches a massive hole open in the wall, melting it into lava. Quickly, the 3 continued their ensuing fight, in all typical melee combat for fighters with a class such as them. Jumping from surface to surface, horizontal or vertical, their movements soon began to turn into blurs, streaks of their attributed element emanant. Whether from pillar to pillar, prop to prop, or obstacle to obstacle, they began their high speed clash once again, debris clouds further blotting out any visibility to the unaided, normal eye.

Their blows destroyed the large room, even if it was highly durable, enough to even weather their battle from above. They briefly dished each other a series of punches and kicks once more, but in this period they were of greater potency, not seeming to stop them, however, they began to show signs of fatigue, but especially Aokiji, after having taken a severe strike by Akainu that left most of his innards all but intact.

Kizaru continued to mount his offensive on Aokiji moreso than he did Akainu. He then catches him offguard at the slight fraction of a second, and kicks him in the left cheek, which sent him rolling downwards in an erratic pattern. Kizaru then shoots two discs of light at him. Nevertheless, he jumped, dodging them, and swung an Icesaber at Kizaru's head. He ducks, narrowly avoiding his body being split in half. But just before he can dissipate, he is then kicked in the centerpoint of his body, sending him careening towards the floor.

Akainu landed on the other side of the room. Although, instead of shooting a barrage of meteoric fists at the other two, he would prepare a strike that he would for sure defeat both of his opponents in an instant.

(Cut Music)

Kizaru and Aokiji in the meantime though. As Kizaru vaulted to the dead middle of the room, Aokiji then began to channel all of his power into one, humongous, icy Eagle in order to finish off Kizaru and Akainu once and for all. Kizaru responded by channeling most, if not all of his own energy into a charging beam of light.

At the same time, they unleashed their strikes at one another, the eagle of ice collides with the yellow beam of light, with it's head shaped like Kizaru's epithet. The clash sent a shockwave that went hurtling throughout the entire secret base, shutting out all of the lights and rupturing support systems. The lava seas rocked, as it sends an explosion that blows away all 3 admirals, disorienting the three of them, and knocking the Blue Pheasant out, as his injuries already sustained from Akainu began to truly take their toll on him. It was highly doubtful that he survived the blast.

The battle begins to draw to a close. Garnering what little strength he had left, he begins to channel it into a magnificent laser of light, focused in a beam, with the head of that of a monkey, as it zips past, flying toward where he was aiming, directly at Sakazuki. The other one tries again, and again, and again, to overcome this oncoming beam of spikes of lava and meteors bursting from the molten ground, jettisoning pure magma at it, and even punching it in the lion's mane of the incoming beam. But, it was not enough. A flash of luminance in a split second; the resulting burst expanding omnidirectionally, blowing away the entire room, crumbling every pillar and every single thing around them. The blast itself was sufficiently powerful enough to send crashing waves that radiated from the island itself...

...The light finally dissipates, leaving a crater that could've been mistaken for a meteorite impact. And there Akainu was...

...still standing. Albeit severely damaged and injured by the blast, Borsalino then makes a desperate charge at him with his lightsaber, which appeared more faint than it appeared several minutes ago when he was clashing with both him and the now fallen Aokiji. Repeatedly, and as thoroughly as he could, even though by the minute his strokes were increasingly sloppy, he continued to dice up him to pieces, over, and over, and over.

Having no time to prepare even a well mannered defense in the middle of being sliced into bloody pieces, he instead hurls his fist at him, sending him and knocking him back, out of concentration. In turn, Kizaru had his left cheek embroiled in a volume of explosive magma, blowing off a third of his face, as he struggles to get up, his sword now forced to take the shape of a knife, as he slowly approaches Akainu, who also approaches him, with a flaming fist in hand.

Borsalino rewinded his hand back, and then began to thrust his light knife forward in an attempt to kill his former comrade in one hit with a stab through the heart. Just as he attempts to land this final blow, a crippling sensation began to bolt through his whole body. The searing pain was almost unreal, as his sudden punch pierced into his chest, impaling the already mostly dead admiral, exiting him from the back, as his heartbeats from the most intense spikes, plummeting down to zero.

Blood continuing to gush over numerous many parts of his body, soon too, did Sakazuki fall to his injuries. In the distance, Aokiji also gave in to his blood loss, dying.


The wind howls as the three admirals lay there on their final resting place, as the clouds part ways and the rays of the sun beam down into the hollow room below.


Boomstick: Now that's a LONG Death Battle, did I just sleep through it? Tell me Wiz, did I?

Wiz: Nope, you did not, you probably weren't pay attention. As you can see, this fight is extremely close, probably one of the closest that we have ever done and will have done. Each of them have their own advantages, but each of them are pretty much equals in every category. However...

Boomstick: Akainu overall has the most impressive durability feats, which lended him a helping hand in lasting the longest out of the three!

Wiz: All three admirals have been shown to survive Haki enhanced blows, but Akainu trumped both of them when it came to durability.

Boomstick: He was able to survive not one, but TWO fucking attacks from Whitebeard of all people! Yikes!

Wiz: On a sidenote, Kizaru was also the only admiral who managed to escape the battle of Marineford unscathed, but then again, he didn't really confront Whitebeard as much as Akainu did.

Boomstick: But he definitely has the edge in speed! He's able to travel at the SPEED OF LIGHT! That's Mach 874030, the fastest thing in the universe, and nothing exceeds that, not even in the One Piece world. Man Oda, you sure adhere to the laws of physics like a pro-*shot*

Wiz: However, while he can move at the speed of light, when it comes to combat speed and reactions, he is pretty much only slightly superior to the other two. Out of the three however, Aokiji is an oddball. As we do not know much about him, other than the fact that he lost to Akainu in canon and barely got out with his life, and that he is able to freeze entire oceans and alter the climate of an entire island much like Akainu did in their battle.

Boomstick: Same goes for Akainu, albeit he came back with no lasting injuries, phew, what a relief for him in a day and time like this where you gotta go to a goddamn castle for healing!

Wiz: Aside from that, the admirals are pretty much the closest you can get to being perfect equals in the One Piece world.

Boomstick: This battle is a draw.

Advantages and Disadvantages[]


  • +Won against Aokiji in canon
  • +Withstood two blows from an enraged Whitebeard and was even able to blow a third of his head off
  • +Kept coming and coming at every Pirate force in Marineford even after he was beat down by WB, it took Shanks for him to stop
  • +At the start of the Marineford War, was able to stop Whitebeard's Bisento with just one leg
  • +Higher Stamina, fought for 10 days straight
  • +Would take the fight seriously from the start
  • +Would not underestimate their opponent due to knowing them for years
  • +Strategy and Tactics
  • =Mostly a close ranged fighter
  • -Arrogant


  • +Freezing the opponent gives Aokiji an edge, as it also severely reduces their durability
  • +Higher Stamina, fought for 10 days straight
  • +He can freeze the ocean
  • +Was able to freeze WB
  • +Would take the battle seriously from the start in spite of his laziness
  • +His Ice gives him an edge defensively
  • +Would not underestimate their opponent due to knowing them for years
  • -Lost to Akainu in canon
  • -Lazy


  • +Faster and can achieve Lightspeed when turning into Light or using Yata no Kagami, can continually abuse his "teleportation" via turning into light and float in the air via Pika Pika no Mi
  • +Likely more experienced than the other two due to his age
  • +Fights at a distance
  • +Nearly destroyed Law's Sub and this would've killed most of the main characters due to their devil fruit weaknesses.
  • +Can casually destroy Aokiji's Ice
  • +Out of the three, the only one to have not suffered a scratch against Whitebeard, although he didn't fight Whitebeard as much as Akainu
  • +Would not underestimate their opponent due to knowing them for years
  • -Less impressive destructive feats next to Akainu
  • -Has not demonstrated a stamina feat that is on par with the other two
  • -Absent-Minded, and even more laidback than Aokiji
  • -Doesn't take things seriously, may not take the fight seriously from the start

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle...

Next Time[]

They are two cunning planners, meticulous plotters who yet are at the same time, quite lazy, despite their massive potential in both of their universes...

"Fine! Go see for yourself, Straw Hat... What a real nightmare is... In the New World!"


"I wish I was a cloud... Life is such a drag..."




  • This is the first time Aokiji (Kuzan) has been in a Death Battle on this wiki.
  • There may be a remastered version of this Battle Royale with new combatants (The new admirals, namely Fujitora and Ryokugyu), but this one will be kept.