Omega vs Fecto Elfilis is a What-If? Death Battle
Omega vs. Fecto Elfilis! Between these two powerful beings of destruction, who will come out on top?
Wiz: Omega, the ultimate Reploid in existence from Mega Man.
Boomstick: And Fecto Elfilis, the ultimate life-form from Kirby.
Wiz: Beings who see themselves as the supreme being, being arrogant to others around with immense power. But most importantly, all they want is pure destruction.
Boomstick: Yeah, but these two monsters did had to have a cool guy counterpart to ruin their plans, sounds like my Dad. He's Wiz and i'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it is our job to analyze their weapons, armour, and skills to see who would win... A DEATH BATTLE!
Wiz: The year is 21XX, and things are not going good. After a confrotation with the Maverick Zero, commander Sigma, leader of the Maverick Hunters, was infected with the Maverick Virus, turning him into a psychotic madman. Fought and defeated by both X, Zero (and also Axl), Sigma just resurrected again, again, again and AGAIN, he was seemingly immortal due to the power of the Sigma Virus, basically his soul. It seemed like he was just going to come back to destroy the world again.
Boomstick: That was until they finally remembered that Zero had the Virus' DNA, so they got his body and started to study it.
Cue: Stage Select - Mega Man X8
Wiz: And so a team of researchers started to analyze Zero's body in order to finally destroy the Sigma Virus, and amongst them was a man called Dr. Weil. Easily one of the smartest humans to ever exist, Weil was also somewhat of a madman, who thought that both humans and reploids were like slaves to each other, treating humans specially as "pigs" who needed the reploids to survive. So in order to create a weapon against the Sigma Virus, Weil took Zero's body and transformed it, creating the powerful God of Destruction, Omega.
Boomstick: I mean come on, that's Zero! The most badass robot swordsman with hundreds of cool powers...except evil and bloodlusted to a major degree, but still Zero!
Wiz: However, the other researchers, incluiding Weil's teamate which was an ancestor to Ciel, managed to create the Mother Elf, a living computer program with immense power who would serve as the first of what would later be known as a Cyber Elf. With her power, X managed to instantly destroy the Sigma Virus for good, finally ending the War for now. Peace was finally achieved..
(Music Stops)
Boomstick: That is until Weil became unhappy and because he is a goddamn psychopath he corrupted the Mother Elf, turning her into the Dark Elf and created an armor for Omega to absorb the Dark Elf and with that he started a massive war which basically turned the planet into a living hell and used Omega to kill billions of reploids and humans.
Wiz: With Omega later defeated by X and Zero who had received a copy body, both Weil and Omega were damned to exile for their crimes against humanity and reploid kind. However, 100 years later however, Omega's spaceship fell into the Earth and with that, Weil got back up with his plans of conquering the world.
Boomstick: I don't blame him for wanting to use Omega, he is an absolute behemoth! He can create energy blastes which bounce across the arena, use a giant awesome sword and just treat two Neo Arcadia's guardians like complete jokes.
Wiz: Omega even by simply existing was capable of creating Cyberspace, basically a data world afterlife thing. Cyberspace is a parallel reality to the real world which is shown to contain stars and Phantom states that it contains all datas, easily making that Universal sized. So yes, Omega literally broke reality by simply BEING A THING, i mean, considering that things related to Zero can create alternative realities by existing such as the Zero Virus then i shouldn't be surprised.
Boomstick: I mean, you're right Wiz. This reminds me of the time where my beer making robot broke apart reality itself. It was a portal to a world of was literally hea-
Wiz: Boomstick, how many drinks have you drank today?
Boomstick: Uh...i think about 9..maybe 10..maybe 11..maybe 12...maybe 13..
Wiz: Anyway..
(Boomstick is still counting)
Wiz: This isn't Omega's only ability, he has also access to the manipulation of data. Data in Mega Man is extremely important as that is basically the core essence of pretty much EVERYTHING, and by everything i mean EVERYTHING. Your personality, your soul, your body, hell, even what is CANON depends on Data, and almost anyone in Mega Man can do that, even Classic! Data even allows you to regenerate to a point that both your body and soul are completely destroyed, and-
Boomstick: Oh yeah, i drink about 55 of them! Cool right?...what were you talking about?
Wiz: *Sigh* Nothing Boomstick, nothing at all. Just go over with your part.
Boomstick: Omega becomes even more powerful when he absorbs the Mother Elf. On his first phase he just gains...just a single attack where he slams his sword into you and throws some rocks, but after he transforms into his Fused state that is where things start to get interesting. He is basically a giant which can shoot down a massive energy blast out of his X Buster, literally. He can also paralyze you in sight and send homing attacks, and yet Zero still beats the crap out of it.
Wuz: However, this isn't even his final form. After defeating the Fusion Form, Omega thn transforms into his true form: Zero's body, of which we will call Omega Zero for convenience.
Boomstick: And you thought Omega was already damn of a overpowered frick? Omega Zero is basically much stronger than those previous forms. He can pretty much use the moves ZERO HIMSELF USES FROM THE X GAMES! Incluiding Tenshouha, Ryuenjin and Ranbu, the latter of which can kill Zero in some hits.
Wiz: Due to being Zero's original body, he should easily have access to ALL of Zero's abilities, incluiding Dark Hold which stops time, Youdantotsu which creates a plant elemental slash attacks, teleport himself to another dimension, copy your abilities, absorb your very own soul, freeze you at Absolute Zero, and much more! He even came back harder in Mega Man ZX as his soul! What even is this guy?!
Boomstick: He is also pretty fast, as he scales to the likes of Duo and the Dark Elf, both of which have high levels of speed.
Wiz: Duo is capable of traveling across the entire universe and intergalactic distances in order to eliminate the Evil Energy. Yep, you've heard me right, the Universe and on the official manga adaptation of Mega Man 8, which is basically giving more context to somethings of the game even though there are some parts of it which contradict it, it states that Duo and Evil Robot's fight took place at the end of the universe, which would be consistent with the game which shows a planet which for some reason has characteristics of Jupiter and Saturn and doesn't look exactly like both of them and previous games having more accurate depictions of both planets and them seemingly flying past a huge space with no visible planets before reaching Earth. Calculating this feat and the time it took, this would be at a whooping 1.3 QUINTILLION TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT! and this is not counting the Mother Elf who erased the Sigma Virus in an instant, which was stated to be a galactic threat.
Boomstick: But even with all of that, Omega was still defeated by Zero and even after he came back he was defeated yet again by some kid who could use Zero's power.
Wiz: But at the end of the day, it's very easy to see why is Omega considered the God of Destruction. His power will forever be remembered as invincible.
Omega: Ware wa meshia nari! Hahahaha!
The doors then close to the analysis of Omega's opponent
Fecto Elfilis[]
Boomstick: Cute, happy and enough power to destroy planets, you know the name, it's Kirby! This little pink gumball is no joke, he could just suck your car and then BECOME IT! Or become a living light bulb! Or how about Optimus Prime? Or...wait...i don't remember this!
Wiz: Yeah Boomstick, ever since his debut in 1992, Kirby has gained several new abilities and enemies, those you mentioned were caused by an ancient invasive force, the ultimate life form, one with enough power to crack planets, their name is...
Boomstick: A giant chinchilla fetus thing? You mean that thing? Damn, now i wonder if capybaras have that much power
Wiz: No, let me explain. Several years ago, there was a being called Fecto Elfilis. We don't know much about Fecto Eflilis' backstory, but the main things we know is that they're an invasive alien, with the ability of creating dimensional rifts. With those dimensional rifts, they started to travel across dimensions, invading many planets and exterminating the wildlife...that is until one of the planets somehow managed to capture them and seal it inside a capsule.
Boomstick: I mean, they're pretty much crazy on wanting to keep a rat who wants to kill everything, but hey, if you wanna improve your technology by that, then do it so.
Wiz: After doing research on the being, now called ID-F86, they managed to replicate their interdimensional powers and use it with their own technology, allowing them to travel between separate worlds and dimensions. However, some years later, an accident occured which split Fecto Elfilis into two beings: The...giant fetus rat Fecto Forgo and the small innocent Elfilin.
Boomstick: You know Wiz, if i did an experiment which split my rats into two...Hold up is this Pinky and the Brain?
Wiz: Speaking of brains, Fecto Forgo still wanted their other half back in order to reunite again, so they started to use their psychic energy to mind control everyone on the New World, using the Beast Pack in order to gather offences and build their own army of brainwashed animals. To futher improve their plan, they also used their dimensional portal ability to use in Popstar, in order to suck in many Waddle Dees and use them as their slaves, and then use their king as a second-in command. However, Fecto Forgo did their own downfall by also sucking Kirby in.
Boomstick: Yeaah the moment Kirby gets involved with the villain, they're dead. However, Fecto Forgo wasn't done yet, as he is pretty powerful alone. While possessing Leongar, they could use a variety of plasma beam attacks and electric bolts, and all while seeing through Leongar's eyes.
Wiz: Their psychic energy was also capable of creating Forgo Dreams, an alternative world based on their dreams which is directly stated to contain sunlight and is shown to seemingly contain a type of outerspace. Given that it's also based on what Fecto Forgo saw on the real world, it could be universal sized, however that is not very elaborated.
Cue: Two Planets Approach The Roche Limit (Version 2)
Boomstick: After having enough of Kirby's shit, Fecto Forgo decided to take things their own way and started to absorb some animals and Leongar, transforming into their Fusion Form, probably one of the most disgusting things i've seen in Kirby!
Wiz: Even if somewhat sluggish in movement, the Fusion Form can still pull a decent fight against Kirby. It mostly attacks with their slimes, bites, claw slashes and can also break out of being frozen. However, this is still nothing but an imperfect state, then by absorbing Elfilin, Fecto Forgo finally manages to transform into their original state.
Boomstick: Which you know is your typical Kirby final boss, having god motifs to their design, being capable of flight, creating clones, spamming your ass with several energy projectiles and just warping the very fabric of reality while angered, yeah just basic stuff.
Wiz: After getting his other half being taken by Kirby, Elfilis decided to straight up SUMMON POPSTAR TO DIRECTLY CRASH WITH THE PLANET ITSELF, that is some CRAZY Final Fantasy stuff!
Boomstick: But Kirby then absorbs Optimus Prime and then kills them. That, is what was thought. It turns out Fecto Forgo actually survived his battle and teleported to his realm. After Kirby defeated the stronger Leongar, Fecto Forgo now as Soul Forgo, decided to battle Kirby...but then that creepy butterfly from SpongeBob ate it but guess what? It still survived!
Wiz: And not only that, but it managed to absorb it's power, allowing them to transform into their final form, Chaos Elfilis. Not only is he much stronger, but he is also faster and far more abusive with his attacks, which are bigger in numbers and power. He can even create a giant copy of himself.
Boomstick: Kirby then beats it up and Chaos Elfilis transforms into...uhh..this ball thing! Wiz what even is that?
Wiz: I'm not exactly sure? It has attacks based on Soul bosses like Drawcia Soul and Void Soul but it's just called Chaos Elfilis and it's not very elaborated.
Boomstick: Oh well, this thing still has balls to still keep up. They can bounce across the arena, turn the background into a living hellfire and just shoot laser beams all over the place! It can even split itself apart and shoot down on it's target like a rain and even reform itself. It can even transform itself into some type of black hole looking thing!
Wiz: Speaking of black holes, Kirby was even capable of outpacing one of Magolor's black holes, which are shown to be capable of warping an interstellar space, and Fecto Forgo through their power created the Phantoms, Phantom Meta Knight was even capable of struggling against Kirby, meaning Fecto Forgo scales to this.
Boomstick: Wow, so that means rodents are actually gods huh?
Wiz: Even with that, Chaos Elfilis still managed to be destroyed by Kirby. However, Elfilin managed to absorb their remains, and the two became one singular being again...for the better this time.
Boomstick: But remember kids, if you see a giant flying rodent...please don't attempt to kill him, otherwise the planet will be blown apart.
Fecto Forgo: No more planning. No more patience. Instead...EVERYTHING. SHALL BE. CONSUMED.
The doors then close in to the prelude.
Wiz: Alright, the combatatns are set. Time to end this once and for all.
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!
The doors then close and then open as we are shown to be inside of what remains of Lab Discovera, with members of the Beast Pack walking among the way. The camera then cuts in to the slaved Waddle Dees, being forced to run in order to give energy for Lab Discovera to work, one of which is starting to tire out but then goes back to running to continue his forced job. Suddenly, the room they were in start to sparkle.
Generic Waddle Dee: Waa? Waa waa wuh? (Huh? What is that sparkle?)
The Waddle Dee is still running while looking at the sparkles appearing. Suddenly, a dimensional rift appears and a humongous colossal figure comes out of it, shadowed. The creature then grunts and starts to generate a ball of energy on his hand.
Generic Waddle Dee:...Weh u- (Oh sh-)
The camera then immediately cuts in directly into Leongar's throne, with a explosion sound and an earthquake happening, all while Leongar is seemingly fearless out of it. Suddenly, the creature emerges, blowing a hole from the ground and rising up. The creature is then revealed to be Omega, who slowly approaches Leongar, and starts to pick up his sword.
Omega: Gruhhh!
Leongar: Oh, what's this? An intruder? You're certainly NOT from the world the Great One called our slaves from, neither it seems you're involved with the Great One's half. But nonetheless, your visit is unwanted, and now i, Leongar, shall get you away from here...with violence!
Leongar then immediately runs up to Omega on his four, trying to directly bite his head with his jaws, but Omega quickly catches his jaws and then closes them, before slamming on his face with about two punches. Leongar grunts, and then starts to jump around Omega, and creates some big shockwaves. He then grabs Omega from behind, who then directly counters it with his enormous sword. Omega then slashes the Beast King with his sword, directly cutting off his right arm with a single slash. Leongar screams, and then his eye starts to turn white.
Leongar: You miserable..thing! THE GREAT ONE'S PLAN SHALL NOT CRUMBLE!
Leongar then powers himself up, and then runs again at Omega, who headbutts him and clashes off with Leongar, Leongar then slashes Omega away with a powerful slash energy wave, before firing up an enornmous energy beam out of his mouth. Omega, seeing the attack, immediately uses the Dark Elf to transform into his Golden form, with it easily passing through Leongar's beam like if it was nothing.
Leongar: N-no! It can't b-
Before Leongar had the time to finish his line, Omega suddnely grabbed his head and spun his head, snapping his neck. Leongar's body then fell off to the ground, lifeless. Omega, then started to go away, however, Leongar's body started to stand up, with his head spinning itself and his eyes glowing white. Omega knew it wasn't over
Fecto Forgo: No..this is not over yet...Insolent robot appeared..destroyed factory..slaves killed..plans crushed. Completely unnaceptable. The only punishment this piece of scrap deserves...IS ETERNAL DEATH!
After shouting angrily from Leongar's body, Fecto Forgo creates an explosion and break out from their capsule, also shattering the look out of the location a little bit.
Omega then turns around and discovers that some members of the Beast Pack were still alive even after he created a big explosion. Before they could do something about him however, a tentacle of goo suddenly grabbed one of them and absorbed them. Other tentacles started to appear and started to and sucked all the members there and Leongar's body into Fecto Forgo's own body, as he started to transform into a hideous abomination. The abomination then roars and clashes against Omega so fast he couldn't react to it. The two monsters are then passing through many walls, smashing through each single one of them. Omega then manages to slash Fecto Forgo's arm with sword and manages to break free. Fecto Forgo then regenerates their arm, as Omega starts to spin his hands like a circle, and summons a energy ring which then goes to Fecto Forgo's Leongar head and bends his neck. Omega then goes over and slashes the monster with his sword, causing great harm to them. Fecto Forgo then becomes more angered and roars yet again and manages to break the ring from his energy, before grabbing Omega's head and brutally slams it repeatdely on the ground. Omega then uses the Dark Elf's power futher, creating an energy burst which throws Fecto Forgo away from him. Before they could continue their fight, Fecto Forgo manages to see something within his was Elfilin! Seeing the chance, Fecto Forgo grunts and manages to capture Elfilin with a tentacle.
Elfilin: KIRBY!! HEL-
Elfilin was then fully absorbed, and the hideous form of Fecto Forgo transformed into an orb, which then flew away to the ceiling. Omega then flew to the ceiling, creating a hole on it. The orb then started to shapeshift itself into a new being, the ultimate life-form, Fecto Elfilis.
Fecto Elfilis: power, my ultimate invincible power is back! I should thank the heavens for granting back my power. But now as for you, you idiotic machine, i as the ultimate being, shall show you the power of a GOD!
Fecto Elfilis then flies and shoots several energy spears which all home in on Omega, who gets hit by them and grunts in anger. Fecto Elfilis then rams at high speeds and cuts off Omega's arm with their spear.
Omega: GRRRR!
Fecto Elfilis: Hah! As i knew, a machine is still just a machine, just a weak piece of metal. You're NOTHING!
Fecto Elfilis then summons portals around Omega, and then flies over Omega again and again and slashes him with their spear, heavily damaging Omega, who then falls over and explodes into a massive explosion, turning the location they were in into a enormous burning city. Fecto Elfilis then lands and cleans themselves out of some dust.
Fecto Elfilis: Psh! I knew he wouldn't stand a single chance. Now, time to destroy more worl-
Suddenly, a massive light beam emerges out of Omega's scrap, which then revealed to be just an armor, as Omega's true and final form is revealed, with his eyes glowing.
Omega: You? A god? Don't make me laugh, insect. You are nothing more than a worthless fool.
Fecto Elfilis: Ah, so you aren't dead yet! Very well, now i shall make your demise as painful as po-
Fecto Elfilis was then slashed repeatedly before they could even react to. Their body receiveing several wounds all over it.
Fecto Elfilis: W-what?! Impossible! You couldn't do this!
Omega: The messiah himself can. Now it's time for your judgement.
Omega then pulls out his gun and shoots energy blastes at Elfilis. Elfilis then counters then with their spear, which he starts to spin around. Fecto Forgo then grunts and creates portals which sends out many meteors at Omega. Omega then jumps and jumps around the meteors, and cuts one of them with his Z Saber. Fecto Elfilis then flies at Omega and strikes him with their spear, however, Omega manages to counter it with his Z Saber, and the two clash with each other in a spear vs. sword fight. Fecto Elfilis then kicks Omega's stomach, before then setting their spear on fire and tries to strike Omega with it, who then counters it with a burning Ryuenjin. The fire attacks of both managed to crack the ground into a massive hole, and the two are then send falling. While falling, Fecto Elfilis sends out many homing energy spears at Omega. Omega then starts to jump on the falling debris like he did against their meteors, and starts running while shooting at the energy spears, which explode. Omega then jumps and spins on the air with his Z Saber at Fecto Elfilis, who gets his face splitten in half, but regenerates it. Fecto Elfilis then grabs Omega's hair and sends them flying to the ground. Omega then spins himself and lands perfectly, while Elfilis is flying at him with high speeds, becoming more bloodlusted. Omega then dodges Elfilis' attack and creates a light clone out of him, and both of them start to strike Elfilis, before another clone of Elfilis shows up to assist them. The clones and the real ones then clash against each other in a brutal fight, with the Elfilis clone managing to defeat the Omega clone and both it and the real Elfilis strike Omega, who then strikes the clone with an ice attack, freezing it as it falls through a hole which has open up. The real Elfilis and Omega then return to their battle.
Fecto Elfilis: You pest! You have to DIE NOW!
Fecto Elfilis then flies to the sky and powers up, causing the sky to become a warped mesh of colors. Omega then wall jumps back into the surface, and continues his fight against Elfilis, who then flies directly at Omega and clashes their spear against the ground. Omega managed to dodge the attacks and on the final attempt, Omega then punches through Fecto Elfilis' chest, Omega then notices he grabbed something, and then starts to tear it out of Fecto Elfilis' body. It turned out to be none other than Elfilin!
Elfilin: Huh? I'm...I'M FREE! Thank you so much hero! I'll-
Omega: Get out of my sight!
Omega then throws Elfilin away into the hole he and Elfilis were fighting on, with Elfilin screaming while he is falling.
Fecto Elfilis then flies and pulls his spear up and summons an enormous portal, showing up Popstar. Omega then realizes that Elfilis is trying to suck Popstar in as a last ditch effort to finish Omega off.
Fecto Elfilis then sends Popstar to directly clash with the planet. Omega grunts, but then starts to laugh.
Omega: Oh please, don't think that a planet blowing up on my face will defeat me! However..a god of destruction is capable of destroying everything...incluiding YOU!
Omega then charges himself up and jumps and causes a massive sonic boom, blowing away the ground he was on. He then pulls his Z Saber and directly clashes with Elfilis, who creates a barrier to protect themselves. However, Omega remembered he had the Dark Elf, and calls her forth and creates a massive energy field of darkness around him, which starts to break Fecto Elfilis' defences.
Fecto Elfilis: N-no! I will NOT lose to the likes of you!
Fecto Elfilis then starts to power up and again and matches the Dark Elf's power, however, Omega starts to yet again laugh and completely manages to break through Elfilis' defence, stabbing them with his Z Saber.
Omega: I am the Messiah, fool! Hahahaha!
Omega then manages to cut Elfilis completely in half, who doesn't say anything more as their eyes turn white and they start to be erased out due to the Dark Elf's power, finally ending of in a massive explosion, and then Elfilis is now no more. Omega then lands and a Cyberspace door appears directly in front of him. Omega enters the door, as Popstar's fate is now determinated as everything in there will be destroyed by the collision.
Boomstick: Holy DAMN! I never expected that sort of ending, after all, Elfilis is a Kirby character!
Wiz: Elfilis has proved themselves to be a strong foe in their series and definitely one of the strongest enemies Kirby has faced. However, they didn't really could win against Omega.
Boomstick: Yeah, Omega is easily far more skilled than Elfilis. Elfilis is just a planet invader who likely didn't had time to train as they had already that power, meanwhile Omega was literally build to be a god of destruction and the ultimate Reploid who could easily fight on par with the likes of X and Zero. So ups to Omega.
Wiz: Not to mention the Dark Elf granted many abilities for Omega to finish the fight in about a second like erasing Elfilis from existence to a point not even beings who got erased before like Sigma could come back, transmutate him into a weak Mettaur, shut his powers, paralyze him or just control his mind.
Boomstick: Not only that but Omega was just stronger and faster as well. Elfilis scales to the likes of Magolor, who could destroy an universe, meanwhile Omega created an entire space-time by simply existing, which alone makes him infinitely stronger than the chinchilla, which is also a fact by the way. Also, while Elfilis' scaling to the Warp Star crossing galaxies in a few seconds is definitely impressive, that is just some feat even a Classic Era character like Duo could do, and much faster!
Wiz: Also, the Sigma Virus is stated to be a galactic threat, which means it spreaded through the galaxy. Given that the Mother Elf is a computer program, the speed she would naturally act at and the distance it took, she would be moving at over 2.4 SEXTILLION TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT, far faster than what Elfilis can do! And even if Fecto Forgo did in fact create an universe, Omega would pretty much be just comparable to them and just still win due to other reasons, not to mention Zero's abilities like the Neo Armor which allows him to have all of X's abilities, or just time stopping and have a far mor easy time with Elfilis like stealing his soul which Morpho Knight incapacitated them with or outright just destroying it or freezing Elfilis to Absolute Zero....Oh and Omega can regenerate both his mind and soul from an informational level so he's basically immortal.
Boomstick: But yes Wiz, Elfilis just didn't had the power of a god of destruction, i mean come on they're just a giant chinchilla...hey is it me or most Kirby final bosses are actually more cute than scary?
Wiz: The winner is Omega.
Next Time...[]
- This is TyranoDoom30's third Death Battle
- The connections between Omega and Elfilis are the following:
- Two malevonent ancient beings with god-like complexes who have a taste for destruction everywhere they go who arrived at the planet several years prior to the events of the games they appear and caused chaos to the civilization, dooming them (Elfilis invading the New World and causing mayhem all over it in the past and one of the main reasons it is what it is now and Omega causing the Elf Wars and killing billions and leaving the world on a crisis) and both have long body parts (Omega's blonde long hair and Elfilis' stupidly long ears) and horns (Omega's helmet which has sharp ends looking like horns and Elfilis' beetle horns)
- Both are often to be considered to be the ultimate beings to ever exist (Omega is called and was made to be the ultimate Reploid, Elfilis is considered the Ultimate Life Form)
- Eventually after a while causing chaos they were defeated and were sealed for a long time (Omega was defeated by X and Zero and was sent into space for a long exile inside his spaceship while Elfilis was defeated and held back in the Eternal Capsule for 30 years)
- Both of their invasions where in an attempt to conquer the world and exterminate beings living in it (Weil wanted Omega to conquer the whole world so that he could exterminate all humans while Elfilis invaded to exterminate all life around)
- Thanks to their power, they allowed scientists to use their power (Weil using Omega's power with the Dark Elf to control everyone and the people at the Forgotten Land studying Elfilis' power to create interdimensional technology)
- Alongside their plans, they were also aided by a specific group based on animals/mythological beings so that they could use against the protagonist (The Eight Gentle Judges and the Beast Pack) which were previously against them but joined them due to corruption (Fecto Forgo taking control of the Beast Pack and the Eight Gentle Judges being corrupted by Weil)
- Both used a special ability of them to control everyone on the planet (Omega used the Dark Elf to control almost everyone on Earth while Fecto Forgo was brainwashing everyone on the Forgotten Land) which included the protagonist allies (Omega taking control of the Resistance and Fecto Forgo taking control of King Dedede)
- Both are also related to dimensional rifts (Omega created Cyberspace when he first appeared and caused dimensional rifts to enter it and Elfilis' main ability is to create dimensional rifts to other dimensions)
- Both after their exile now seek in vain of a great power source in order to complete their true form by absorbing them (Dark Elf and Elfilin)
- Both of their final forms resemble the appeareance of their other counterparts as well, as they're far smaller and humanoid compared to their previous monstrous forms
- Both have good counterparts which go against them (Zero and Elfilin) which are actually not the original ones, since they are actually clones which were split from them, as revealed in a plot twist said by one of the antagonists (Omega is Zero's original body which was used by Dr. Weil with the real Zero being given a copy body and Elfilin is Elfilis' half which was separated from him in an accident) which were in association to them and served as a leader figure (Leongar is the leader of the Beast Back was under Forgo's control while Weil is Omega's creator and Omega serves him)
- Through the entire game, the protagonists carried their separated counterparts (The resistance being aided by Zero and Elfilin wandering with Kirby) in which their counterparts help them against enemies.
- Before transforming into their final forms, both enter a massive state which is comprised of faces (Omega's fusion form and Fecto Forgo transformed state)
- They are located in a lab and their final fights takes place in one (Fecto Forgo being inside Lab Discovera and his final fight taking place above it and Omega being on Weil's lab and his final fight taking place in the underground laboratory) in which their fights cause immense destruction around it (Elfilis warping the background into a distorted look and later Chaos Elfilis burning it up and Omega burning the whole place up)
- Both also have lines made up of 4 words immediately before their fight starts which became iconic and are associated to them ("I am the Messiah!" and "And here we are!")
- Both also fought their good counterparts during a climatic fight and against a hero who is known to copy techniques from others (Zero and Kirby)
- Both have long ranged weapons (Elfilis' spear and Omega's sword) which allows them to use several unique abilities such as energy attacks and explosions and they also have constant healing (Despite getting it's body destroyed, Forgo was still capable of surviving thanks to his soul and later regenerated his body yet again and can heal during his boss fight and Omega can spam healing beams and come back infinitely as a boss even after you get Model OX)
- Before they could continue their fights with the protagonist, their power source suddenly start to slow down (The Mother Elf getting rid of her corruption and Kirby pulling Elfilin out of Elfilis)
- Both when defeated caused an immense explosion that managed to kick out the protagonist for a while
- Both even after being defeated came back some time later and have something related to souls (Elfilis came back all thanks to his mind and soul that regenerated his physical body alongside spliting Leongar's soul into 300 pieces and Omega's soul after being defeated went 200 years into the future as the Omega we fight in ZX) in which they are fought again in a distorted place caused by them based on previous locations (Forgo Dreams being based on Elfilis' memories and Area N having distorted flashes of the location between Zero and Omega's battle during Z3)
- They were later fought and defeated yet again, but this time the protagonist takes the chance to use them (Aile/Vent getting Model OX upon defeating Omega and Elfilin absorbing Elfilis' remains and the two becoming one singular being again)
- The themes songs that show up when their final forms are revealed are supposed to be dramatic and give "are you ready?, because you're screwed" vibes, although, they share different meanings (The start of 'Two Planets Approach The Roche Limit" starts with a choir with female voices in order to represent Elfilis' god-like state meanwhile 'Apocalypse Now' starts with a terrifying organ {remastered}/choir {GBA} which after it starts, a choir joins it up in order to represent Omega's true terrifying power and is supposed to be devilish and hopeless. Basically, it's a 'devil vs. angel' type scenario)
- Their names are also similar to their good counterpart (Elfilin and Elfilis...duh and Omega is the last word of the Greek alphabet, and Z {Of Zero} is the last letter of the latin alphabet)
- Also, Chaos Elfilis has a slight red pattern which makes it look more like Omega.