Racing, which two racers will win in Death Battle? Nitros Oxide vs Wizpig.
Wiz: People all around the world race each others trying to figure out who is the fastest of them all.
Boomstick: So that why Villains think that their the fastest and use competition to try to rule of Planat earth.
Wiz: For this battle, this battle will be instead a race.
Boomstick: And these two racers are one of the fastest. Like Nitrous Oxide, the alien that want to turn earth into a parking lot.
Wiz: And Wizpig, the main villain in Diddy Kong Racing.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to see who would win a Death Battle!
Nitros Oxide[]
Wiz: In the world of Crash bandicoot, when he isn’t saving the world or napping. They could be found racing in go karts.
Boomstick: And for that day there’re a race to get a trophy for each track. Everything was going normal with crash winning the race when there was a hologram that going to change their life, and the person behind. And that person was Nitros Oxide.
Nitros Oxide: Greetings, creatures of this planet, I've come to compete.
Wiz: He is not there to have fun, but instead challenge them to race. Thinking he is the fastest in the galaxy, he challenged the world best driver.
Boomstick: Please, everybody know that I’m the fastest driver.
Wiz: But you just ram into a tree this morning.
Boomstick: I said said that I’m the fastest, not the best.
Wiz: Then how did you get a driver license.
Boomstick: Who need a driver license when you’re the best driver in Mario Kart. Anyways, he said that they won, then he would leave the planet alone.
Wiz: However, if he wins. Then he would turn Earth into a giant concrete parking lot and turn the people into his slaves. With a little research, inside the unused dialogue, he was the main reason why there’s no life on mars. He pretty much beat them in a race and turn the planet lifeless.
Boomstick: For his ride, he use a neon green hovercraft.
Wiz: Being able to fly from earth to space. He must be flying around 25,000 miles per hour.
Boomstick: That is Mach 32 or High Hypersonic speed.
Wiz: While the fastest Hovercraft being 85 miles per hour. That is 294 times faster than the fastest hovercraft.
Boomstick: The hovercraft great stats are being that its acceleration and turning in sharp corners.
Wiz: Being a cheater, during a race. He would start before it started to gain an upper hand.
Boomstick: But that not all folks, he carry unlimited amount of weapons to destroy the competition.
Wiz: He use the red beakers that can slow down the opponent down while a black storm is above them
Boomstick: nitro bomb that so powerful that it can destroy large buildings.
Wiz: He can actually use the crates and beakers together. Then there’s the bowling bombs to missiles.
Boomstick: And the best defense, the Velo mask.
Wiz: Made for the game, it allow the character to be invincible for a few seconds to any obstacles.
Boomstick: But having quick accretion and great turning. He would have average speed. But the world must hope that crash and his friends to be faster than the faster racer in the galaxy.
16:42 to 16:53
Wiz: Mario Kart, a race with your favorite characters from the Mario universe from Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and Donkey Kong with few special guest from other games.
Boomstick: But not all characters have made it to the new game except Mario Kart double dash. With the character name Diddy Kong.
Wiz: So Diddy Kong was invited in another racing game. Diddy Kong Racing.
Boomstick: Timber the Tiger’s parents are on vacation, so he decide to have a race on the island with him even inviting Banjo and Conker. Wait a minute, if Donkey Kong is connected to Conker the squirrel. And Conker connect to aliens and so on. Then all the video game and movie are connected as one universe.
Wiz: Is not a connect universe.
Boomstick: What about…
Wiz: Or that that that conker is an alternate universe than the one from his game.
Boomstick: That explains why he don’t drink and killing aliens in Mech suit.
Wiz: Now you mention it the alien, it look peaceful and with them having fun when Wizpig come to ruin it all.
Wizpig: You can’t beat Me!
Wiz: He is an evil conqueror that turn his hometown into an amusement park.
Boomstick: I don’t see anything wrong with it. I think it great that the world turn into an amusement park. He is a hero!
Wiz: He could be making his own kind into slaves.
Boomstick: But at least they will have fun riding on the roller coasters.
Wiz: Sure, but his plan is to challenge them to a life-or-death kart race where if he wins. Then he can destroy the world.
Boomstick: He die on a rocket that can travel hypersonic speeds when travel planet to another one.
Wiz: Some of his power are transforming people or items, can mind control animals where Diddy Kong must face off before him, can shoot electricity, and even teleport.
Boomstick: But even without his rocket, he can run so fast that he could be even faster than sonic the hedgehog.
Wiz: And that he survive an explosion from his rocket.
Boomstick: Despite going that kind of speed, an opponent who use boosts or being faster than him could beat. But racers beware or you will eat his dust.
Wizpig: See ya later WORMS!
Pre-Death Battle[]
Wiz: All right the combatants are set to let's end this debate once and for all!
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!
Death Battle[]
On the island of Sherbet Island, Timber’s parents are going on vacation to New Donk City with Timber invite his friends to a fun game of racing. All of the racers are at the start of the starting line from Diddy Kong, Drumstick, Krunch, and other racers even Banjo and Kazooie at pirate lagoon.
Diddy Kong: Let have a clean race.
Kazooie: Hope you’re ready to lose second banana!
Banjo: Kazooie!
Diddy Kong: Don’t worry, she just kidding around.
They about to start the race when the hear an evil laughter from the distance that Diddy Kong know too well.
Diddy Kong: Not him again.
Then come out a spaceship with the evil overlord called Wizpig coming to get revenge.
Wizpig: I told you I will be back you worms. You guys are having a great time, it would be a shame for someone to ruin it.
Kazooie: Hey porky, take a hike.
Wizpig: You think a walking feather plumes can stop me; but anyways, what about we have a little competition.
Timber: What you have in your mind?
Wizpig: We go around the track and the first person who cross the finish can decide the fate of this planet. Hint, I’m going to blow up this planet.
So, they huddled together who going to race him and they decided that Diddy Kong is going to race because that he beat him during the first encounter. Diddy Kong and Wizpig are at the starting line.
Timber: On your mark (They look at each others.) Get set… (They get ready for the final time.) And…
That when a flying hovercraft come flying from the sky.
Wizpig: What this supposed to be!
So, the flying saucer reveal a hologram of Nitros Oxide head.
Nitros oxide: Greetings creatures of this planet...I've come to compete!
Wizpig: Hey, I’m here first to race them you fool.
Nitros oxide: Don’t you know who I am. I’m Nitros oxide, the fastest racer in the galaxy.
Wiz: You? The fastest in the universe. Ha! Don’t make me laugh. Everybody know that I’m the fastest.
Nitros Oxide: What about a race, we race on my track to see who is truly the fastest racer in the universe.
Wizpig: This will be a piece of cake.
Suddenly, they travel travel to the track called Oxide station with both own their ride from Nitros Oxide on his hovercraft and Wizpig on his rocket.
Wizpig: Hope you ready to eat dirt you worm!
Nitros Oxide: The only person that going to eat carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and smaller quantities of sulfur and other elements is you.
It flash the red light with the racers starting their vehicles, the second red light turn on with Wizpig look serious at Nitrous Oxide thinking he will beat him, and the last red light turn on when Nitros already start the race.
Wizpig: Cheater, you have to wait for the light turn green!
Nitros Oxide: Ha, but I thought you said you’re the fastest!
So, Wizpig is trying to catch up to Oxide when the light hit green with him catching up at the first curve.
Nitros Oxide: Let see if you can take this!
Nitrous Oxide rebased piles of green beakers on the floor that Wizpig is barley dodging, and during the two turns Nitros released green nitros boxes that slow down Wizpig.
Nitros Oxide: This race is going to be a cruise. Told you that I’m the fastest!
That where Wizpig increase the power of his rocket to flying closer to Oxide to be next to him when Oxide slam against Wizpig into the wall, so Nitros is getting a lead through more curves of the tracks to more going around tracks to going outside and making it to the first checkpoint.
Nitros Oxide: My victory is certain!
That when suddenly Wizpig is going up with flames coming from his rocket.
Wizpig: The race is not over yet!
Nitros make a turn to release more green nitro crates; however, Wizpig is dodging them all.
Nitros Oxide: Not possible!
During the first five turns, Nitros oxide released green nitro crates to green beakers with Wizpig dodging more.
Nitros Oxide: Let see if you can dodge this!
While in the air, he released hundreds of green nitro crates on the tracts.
Nitros Oxide: Try to dodge this!
Suddenly, Wizpig is flying over the bombs with Nitros Oxide looking extremely angry
Nitros Oxide: Hey, you can’t just fly over the crates.
Wizpig: What, I thought you are the fastest!
So, Wizpig is catching up to Nitros Oxide when outside the space station when Nitros released green nitro crates; however, Wizpig shoot electricity that explode the crates creating explosion that surround both racers. And that when Nitros Oxide with Velo Mask protecting him.
Nitros Oxide: It was a blast, but it time to finish this race!
Nitros Oxide then cross the second checkpoint; suddenly, Wizpig is running faster than before.
Wizpig: Ready or not, here I come!
Nitros Oxide trying to keep the lead by throw more green crates with Wizpig plowing through the explosion without slowing down.
Nitros Oxide: Impossible! (Then seeing the end) I will win!
Now both are neck to neck bumping each other trying to gain the advantage when suddenly both cross the line.
Nitros Oxide: Ha, I’m the victor!
Wizpig: You better get your eye check, I’m the winner.
So, Wizpig go to the camera to see who won by pulling out the picture.
Wizpig: Let see who is the winner (He look at the picture) Ha, I’m the fastest in the universe!
Nitros Oxide: Impossible! (Then Wizpig show the picture) But I’m the fastest in the universe. I should have won.
Wizpig: And this is the final race you ever be! (As he raise his hands)
Nitros Oxide: Noooo! (As Wizpig shoot electricity from his hands Turing him into dust)
Wizpig: Now time to get my revenge!
Boomstick: How i like my bacon, extra crispy.
Wiz: Even though both travel familiar speed with Nitros Oxide have the weapons. Wizpig take other.
Boomstick: Eventhough Nitros survived a large building from green nitro crates, Wizpig have survive his rocket explosion or 10,000,000 tonnes of TNT. Clearly more powerful. Pretty much no weapon can even phase Wizpig.
Wiz: And that Wizpig acutally have won in the race when he take over his homeworld and have the power to change entire world while Nitros Oxide never shown that kind of power.
Boomstick: Look like Nitros Oxide got burned by a pig.
Wiz: The winner is Wizpig.
Next Time On Death Battle...[]
???: Loathing of puns detected. Activating pun mode.