Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Nimona VS Doric is a What-If? Death Battle featuring Nimona from Nimona and Doric from Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. This page was created by Timpack and is his fiftieth written Death Battle. The next battle is Disco Wing VS Bernadette the Chicken while the previous one was Nefertari Vivi VS Jasmine.

Nimona VS Doric
Season 4
Season Episode 5
Air date July 24, 2024
Written by Timpack
Episode guide
Nefertari Vivi VS Jasmine
Disco Wing VS Bernadette the Chicken


Nimona VS Dungeons and Dragons! The power to shapeshift into various different creatures might be a cool ability to have but for these medieval girls; this ability did not help to heal the scars of their tragic past. Luckily for the teen trickster and Wild Shape of the Emerald Enclave, they eventually befriended loyal friends who did not care about their baggage. Either Ballister Boldheart or Edgin Darvis will lose their shapeshifter companion today however in a battle to the death.


Wiz: There are plenty of abilities that can regularly be found in most works of art that involve fantasy worlds. Throwing fireballs, observing someone from afar through a crystal ball, and controlling the energy of nature are just a few well-known examples but the one most relevant to today’s death battle is shapeshifting. More accurately, the power to transform into members of the animal kingdom.

Boomstick: While I still prefer my dear shotgun, transforming into animals in order to slice my enemies to itty bitty pieces does seem like a decent runner up. Today’s combatants on the wrong side of the law certainly know how to use their shapeshifting to the fullest of their abilities so maybe I should go to them for advice once I have stole……I mean acquired this power for myself.

Wiz: Wouldn’t piss these two off if I was you Boomstick. They might have moved passed their tragic pasts and encountered a newfound-family in their companions but that does not mean these female shapeshifters have gotten sloppy in demolishing their enemies. Anyone hailing from these medieval worlds that does not know this will learn the truth in the most painful and embarrassing way imaginable.

Boomstick: Nimona, The Shapeshifting Anti-Hero Sidekick of Ballister Boldheart

Z Intro Nimona

Wiz: and Doric, The Tiefling Druid Of The Emerald Enclave.

Z Intro Doric

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Wiz: Long ago in a distant land laid a large kingdom and this kingdom was under attack by a beast of unspeakable horror. Before this beast could completely obliterate the kingdom from the world, a warrior by the name of Gloreth rose up and slayed the beast therefore creating a thousand year long time of peace. With an elite group of knights descended from Gloreth and her personally trained warriors, this kingdom has been safe from evil for as long as anyone can remember. If a monster approaches this kingdom ever again, they shall be slayed immediately and shown that the kingdom and its protectors are the embodiments of perfection.

Boomstick: Blah Blah Blah Propaganda Blah Blah Discrimination Blah Blah False history Blah Blah. You do know a lot of this is very much baloney don’t you Wiz so don’t get fooled by this high-tech medieval kingdom with smart phones and laser guns. Every single descendant of the people from 1000 years ago don’t know the truth though due to their ancestor’s prejudice and misunderstandings so perhaps it’s not their fault entirely for sounding so sure of the kingdoms past.

Wiz: You do know my scientific mind is so much larger than yours right Boomstick? I would do countless research to get to the bottom of all these facts before I agree or disagree with this kingdom’s way of life. The indoctrinated don’t have the same luxury as us though when something challenges the system. What happened to Ballister Boldheart was a tragedy for everyone involved.

Boomstick: I would definitely not want to be in Ballisters shoes. Being framed for the death of the queen during his knighting ceremony must suck big time. Especially when the true culprit was the director of the Institute who really did not want a commoner like Bal to become a knight for bigoted reasons that really makes me want to drop the perp in acid.

Wiz: Bigots like the director very much needs a major attitude adjustment so I won’t stand in your way if you commit to this brutal method. One good thing did come out of this tragic scenario though didn’t it Boomstick?

Boomstick: I hope you are referring to the chaotic and sarcastic little gremlin of a person that approached Ballister in the hopes of becoming his villainous sidekick. Any other answer is 100% incorrect as Nimona is someone I would love to hang out with or have assist me when pranking.

Wiz: I would love to hang out with this fascinating person as well and study her abilities. Ballister was a little more suspicious and wary of Nimona barging into his life but he eventually grew to appreciate his new sidekick as much as us. Her being a great helpful partner in finding out and revealing the truth of the queen’s murder is truthfully only a small part of why he grew to appreciate Nimona.

Boomstick: Yeah no one with a sane mind can resist the charm of Nimona. The morbid sense of humor, desiring to murder or seriously impale her enemies, being a rebellious thrill-seeker, loving to be a troll to people for her own amusement, and an obsession with violence and destruction. There is truly something about this energetic imp that can’t help but make people love her antics.

Wiz: While that might be what you and plenty others find most interesting about this brash and hotheaded girl who jumps into danger headfirst, I stand by what I said before. Nimona’s abilities and how it is used to comment on certain subjects in the film is what I like most about this character.

Boomstick: Still doesn’t make what I said before any less true as you still love Nimona’s character as much as me even if it is in a different way. That being said, this jokey sidekick’s main ability is a close second place in my book.

Wiz: Correctly said Boomstick even if your appreciation of Nimona’s ability to shapeshift is not the same as mine indeed. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate all the ways Nimona can use this simple ability to its fullest potential when fighting by Ballisters side against the Institution.

Boomstick: The sight of those knights getting their metal butts whipped into defeat is art in my eyes. Even the goody two shoes Ballister got inspired by his new partner to take out his frustration on the knights chasing after them. Him kicking ass is also kind of fun to see but not as much as Nimona’s many many different forms doing the same. Let’s count them down one by one Wiz!

Wiz: Not a bad idea. Nimona has transformed into a variety of animals like mice, squirrels, cats, birds, fish, armadillos, horses, deers, bears, otters, whales and much more zany stuff for as long as she likes. In fact, there seems to be no real limit for what she can turn into with the only real exception being inanimate objects.

Boomstick: What my co-host is getting at is that the chaotic shapeshifter can literally transform into anything she wants and get their physical stats. This is no exaggeration. 1800 newtons of force Rhinoceroses, Gorillas that can both acrobat around like Tarzan and tear through metal, a Shark walking like a human on land, 43 mph Ostriches, ferocious Wolfs, and even what looks like a freaking dragon in the past makes me question if there is anything this girl can’t change into.

Wiz: The answer certainly isn’t fictional characters as this is within Nimona’s wheelhouse as well. Transforming into a giant version of the cereal mascot Kwispy the Dragon complete with its ability to release cereal from her mouth has made me truthfully give up in figuring out what Nimona’s limits are. It’s certainly not humans like me and Boomstick who she could replace without the other noticing.

Boomstick: That is actually pretty scary. One would think it would be easy to find the fake due to all of Nimona’s transformations having a pinkish-red color pallet. Her perfectly mimicking Ballister, Ambrosius, and the Director with the only evince of pink being one Bals locks of hair tells us otherwise. Let’s not linger on this frightening thought and instead focus on another bonkers fact about the shapeshifter; Partial transformations.

Wiz: This is mostly seen when using her default “human” form of a young medieval teenager. Examples include Draconic wings, extra muscles, extra thumbs, even sharper teeth, etcetera. Speaking of muscles, Nimona is plenty strong which is to be expected with all her larger transformations like Kwispy for example who broke out of electrical currents that kept her pinned.

Boomstick: Don’t sell her favorite punk-like human form short. She can use a knife for intimidation, throw an axe with pitch-perfect precision without looking like a badass, easily keep a group of knights from forcing open a door, and scales to Bal who is fast enough to dodge lasers. The guy might be too nice like I said before but he is stated to be one of the best knights for a reason.

Wiz: Avoiding lasers is something she has done in animal form as well but I see your point. A lot of the unused creatures that Nimona can transform into according to the movies artbook, which did not make it into the finished product, could probably react just as quickly as the official ones.

Boomstick: If one thinks this shapeshifting is OP enough and that Nimona don’t need any more abilities, I shall disappoint you with what I say next. One can never be too OP in my book and Nimona’s not as OP abilities like levitation, voice mimicry, fire breathing, and capability of speech when in animal form all complement her main ability rather well. I am really jealous that Bal has an awesome sidekick like this while I am stuck with Wiz.

Wiz: I am simply going to ignore that you think I am your sidekick when the truth is the opposite and instead speak of something I know caused us both to tear up in 2023; Nimona’s real self that she hides beneath the surface and the pain she has endured for over 1000 years.

Boomstick: My eyes always get watery at the very end though not to the point of forgetting that comment of yours ever Wiz. The truth is often more complicated than a lie and the reality of how Gloreth slayed the monster 1000 years ago truly is an extremely complicated endeavor. Mainly due to said monster being Nimona and her and Gloreth being the best of friends.

Wiz: A couple of questions like how old she is really, what is the origin of her powers, are there more of her kind, who was Gloreth really, and more probably appeared within everyone’s mind right now. None of these will be answered with the exception of one. Answering said question is impossible for me as I need to go to the bathroom and get these tears off my face. Boomstick shall do it instead.

Boomstick: Don’t be surprised if I join you soon enough. This is just too sad for even me to remain unaffected. Gloreth was a kid who managed to befriend Nimona and who at first was okay with all her shapeshifting. This all fell apart unfortunately when Gloreths village discovered them playing together. Due to a misunderstanding on the villager’s part, they attacked what they believed to be a monster forcing Nimona to defend herself and accidentally set the whole place on fire. Gloreth would turn on Nimona because of a combination of peer pressure and fear. This would not be the end of it unfortunately. This incident of a small girl pointing a fake sword her friend’s way would grow into a legend that shaped a civilization based solely on demonizing Nimona. Talk about things going sideways really quickly.

Wiz: For someone like this who wants to be accepted for who she is and have friends that understand her, this is the worst scenario possible. While the Nimona from the original graphic novel became genuinely evil and actually committed murders due to her tragic past, film Nimona only uses her violence-happy nature as a mask that hides her lonely true self. Said mask cracks when one calls her a monster. It’s because of this that Ballisters eventual acceptance of her presence was so much more important than the knight first realized.

Boomstick: Back already eh. Get out of my way then so I can wash my face now. My black heart feels like it could explode at the sight of these twos wholesome father-daughter-like relationship. Oh how I wish everyone could treat people different than them the same way Ballister did with Nimona. Why do we demonize ones with a different political view or gender identity when we are all humans? Our world would certainly be a better place than the garbage dump it is today.

Wiz: Misunderstandings can ruin the greatest of relationships at the moist inopportune times just like how one teared Nimona’s life apart a second time. A fight between the two friends due to Ballister finding out her being Gloreths monster resulted in Nimona fully giving in to despair. If everyone saw her as the villain, perhaps it was time to prove them all right.

Boomstick: Okay I am back now and my heart is black as coal again. What is next on the agenda for this adorable over 1000-year-old shapeshifting teenager in desperate need of a hug?

Wiz: A hug is exactly what Nimona needed when despair caused her to transform into a huge shadowy kaiju determined to reach the giant statue located at the kingdoms center in order to…stab herself to death on its giant sword……..Holy crap! This went super dark in the matter of minutes.

Boomstick: Okay this just happened. Kaiju’s that dwarf large buildings and can survive being pummeled by multiple explosive rounds and missiles is usually up my wheelhouse but even I can’t say that it stomping around the streets of this large city to find a way to die is anything but horrific.

Wiz: Seeing the kingdoms mix of sci-fi and medieval architecture getting wrecked during Nimona’s rampage through the kingdom hurts my eyes. It was mostly the knight’s fault though in their attempts to hurt Nimona’s Kaiju form while she did nothing but walk forward in emotional pain with a few exceptions of acting in self-defense. I can safely say now that we were right not to buy into this kingdom’s poor worldview.

Boomstick: Never trust the government in any world. Luckily for her and our emotions, good old Bal managed to stop her suicide attempt with a few words of encouragement that she was not alone. Would stabbing herself on that giant sword have killed her though? Her non-kaiju forms can rest an arm on a spinning sawblade without being sliced and freaking be stabbed with a sword through the stomach before then pulling it out like the whole thing had not happened at all.

Wiz: She wouldn’t have tried to impale her own heart on Gloreths statue if it wasn’t possible so perhaps destroying this essential organ is enough to kill her? What happened next though does make this theory very iffy as well as showing the directors true colors for everyone to see.

Boomstick: How I wish this bitch were still alive or existed in our reality. Her literally firing a laser cannon capable of vaporizing half of the kingdom just to take out what she perceives as a monster really is making my blood boil. If Nimona had actually died after tanking this blast that seemingly vaporized her into red particles, I so would have resurrected the director only to kill her again.

Wiz: While giving this poor excuse for a human what she deserves sound like something I would not say no to, be glad that she died in the blast and Nimona survived by turning into a Phoenix destined to rise from the ashes. At least that is what is implied by the ending of the film.

Boomstick: Seeing the shapeshifter being hailed as a hero and getting the respect she deserves do indeed sound like a much better thing to do than giving an idiotic bigot any of my time. Getting vaporized must really have hurt though despite her incredulously high pain tolerance that once made her unaware an arrow had pierced her leg until it was pointed out by Ballister.

Wiz: Know what probably feel worse than any physical blast she could stand up against Boomstick? Not being able to transform and live freely is the answer you are looking for as Nimona has herself stated that not shapeshifting for long periods of time is uncomfortable.

Boomstick: Living freely is something everyone deserves and that goes especially for a chaotic gremlin like our favorite shapeshifter. As long as she gets to live happily with Ballister in a kingdom that now accepts her, I don’t need to know anymore about her than has already been shown.

Wiz: Whatever her origins actually entail or is in store for her in the future, Nimona will always remain Nimona and that is more than acceptable.

Nimona: It's time to rewrite this story.


Profion: Good! I could use every ounce of your rageeeeee!

Wiz: That clip is from the wrong movie Boomstick. It is from the right franchise but not the part of Dungeons and Dragons that one of today’s combatants hail from.

Boomstick: Of course I know this Wiz. I am not stupid. I simply wanted the old movie to be acknowledged for its so bad its good status before moving onto the new one involving a father gathering a motley crew in order to save his daughter from a wealthy lord.

Wiz: Hopefully this means you enjoyed the tale of the thievish bard Edgin Darvis more as he not only sought to save his daughter Kira from former party-member Forge Fitzwilliam but also stop the Red Wizard Sofina’s terrible plan for the kingdom of Neverwinter. Of course like in any good D&D campaign, this was done with the assistance of people suited for this kind of job.

Boomstick: Obviously the new movie is better in all the ways that matter even if I have a soft spot for the old one. The main party of Honor Among Thieves is far more competent for starters. Seeing Michelle Rodriguez and Justice Smith playing a badass barbarian and decent sorcerer respectively is pretty cool but of course; the standout is the druid AKA Doric AKA one of today’s combatants.

Wiz: Before we continue, we need to clarify that we won’t just use Honor among Thieves as reference material but also the prequel novel The Druids Call focusing on Doric as well as her official character sheet. This is to give us a good view of the druid’s full capability that was not shown in its entirety during the main films’ runtime.

Boomstick: You won’t see me disagreeing with this Wiz. Doric might be a bit too stoic in personality for my liking but since her abilities more than make up for this; having the chance to see the girl unleash her full potential sound like a blast.

Wiz: The druids blunt and sometimes emotionless personality is pretty understandable though. Being born as a tiefling from human parents and then abandoned by said parent would make anyone try to keep an emotional distance from people to protect herself as well as develop a distrust of humans. If one can gain her trust like the Emerald Enclave did however, Doric will fight tooth and claw for one’s cause. Luckily for Edgin, the tiefling eventually grew fond of her future adventuring party as well.

Boomstick: Tiefling? Emerald Enclave? Let me get out this D&D guidebook I bought the other day… Okay since the Emerald Enclave is an organization made up of druids that protect the environment, it makes sense Doric is a member as she enjoys nature. What I don’t understand is her being a tiefling as she certainly does not look like one or have the species signature red skin tone.

Wiz: While she admittable looks like a redhaired young human girl with only a pair of horns, pointed ears, and a tail as proof of her tiefling status; this is enough as tieflings in D&D's 2nd and 3rd editions fit this description somewhat unlike the tieflings in modern D&D. Regardless of which version of tieflings she belongs to, the abilities all tieflings share like night vision should apply to Doric as well.

Boomstick: Having an immunity to being set ablaze with ferocious flames and an iron stomach capable of handling stuff like embers, stones, and ash is like Doric’s gremlin of an opponent would describe it; Metal as hell! Having a tail capable of coiling around and hold onto things is pretty cool to have as well even if possesing something like this would make me more of a guineapig of Wiz than I already am.

Wiz: Currently I am more interested by the craftmanship it took to create the leather armor, daggers, and wrist mounted slingshot Doric carries with her at all times than experimenting upon you Boomstick. The slingshot might seem a bit odd for a long-range weapon to use in combat but since Doric proved not to be as skilled with a Bow like her brethren; her weapon of choice makes sense.

Boomstick: All of this equipment and natural abilities of her species sound pretty awesome but that is not why Doric is badass. Shapeshifting into various animals totally trounces being able to knock out an armored knight with nothing but a slingshot. Wild Shape is a very fitting and rad name for an ability like this.

Wiz: To be more accurate Boomstick, Wild Shape only allows the user to transform into animals they have a full understanding of, can only be used a few times a day, and is unable to allow one to transform into monstrosities. There are quite a few limitations with this magical ability. Only a few of these limits seem to apply to Doric however.

Boomstick: How and why you ask? Because its dam fun to watch this girl shapeshift as much as she wants to her hearts content whenever she wishes. Of course the first limit that Wiz mentioned goes for Doric as well. It’s not that big of a speedbump though as the list of animals she can transform into includes horses, flies, mice, hawks, deers, owl, cats, bears, worms, snakes, lynxes, panthers, and even aggressive birds with axelike beaks called…Axe Beaks. Fitting name!

Wiz: The third limit I mentioned also applies to Doric somewhat. While monsters can’t be wild shaped into, there is one that Doric can change into by combining her owl and bear shapes into that of a snowy Owlbear. This is only possible due to the tieflings perspective of Owlbears so while this method might not work for replicating other monsters; having an Owlbear form available more than makes up for this.

Boomstick: A wicked combo of a bear and an Owl sound awesome and the redheaded shapeshifter very much feels the same as me as this is her favored form when it comes to kicking someone’s butt. Groups of knights that encounter this beastly form either get themselves knocked into submission or thrown a few feet away into the distance. Even Sofina the red wizard got her behind parts whopped when within Doric reach.

Wiz: You are referring to how Doric’s Owlbear form did a Loki on Sofina before throwing her into a building and then causing part of it to collapse in the process right Boomstick? To be fair to Sofina though, she did manage to momentarily daze this form with a blast of wind magic and her reanimated stone dragon was able to defeat it despite Doric putting up a really good fight.

Boomstick: Please don’t downplay what I find amusing when I am around Wiz. You can’t however downplay Doric’s skill at wild shaping due to her being able to change into multiple animals in succession, stay a single shape for up to 2 hours, and conver with animals around her. I wish I could say the same of the tieflings other magical abilities though.

Wiz: You actually can Boomstick as Doric has plenty of magical spells and abilities other than Wild Shape. These abilities allow her to entangle foes in thorns, heal minor injuries, generate spectral wolfs to assist in combat, and even turn her skin into bark for throwing a mighty punch on occasion.

Boomstick: Are you playing a prank on me? The tiefling is listed as a Circle of the Moon Druid who specializes in Wild Shaping according to my guidebook and if she really could do all this; why the hell did she not use any of these magical abilities during the main film? Did she just do all of this in the prequel novel or something………I just answered my own question didn’t I?

Wiz: You did indeed Boomstick. There are still even more types of magic though that Doric can use which I would have stated earlier if my co-host had not interrupted me. Elemental magic is a perfect example of magic used almost as much as wild shaping into animals. Manipulations of elements like water, fire, earth, and wind allows for the use of spells like Faerie Fire and Thunderwave or create things like huge gusts of wind and walls of stone.

Boomstick: Speaking of questions that suddenly appeared in my brain, I think another just popped into existence. Why does this shapeshifter go for long periods of time in the movie without doing any wild shaping? This isn’t as dumb of a question to ask like the earlier one right Wiz?

Wiz: It’s not that strange of an observation to make if one saw the movie first. The answer is a simple one though. Its either due to her Wild Shaping being able to break the plot of the movie or the fact that transforming still saps some stamina even if it is not as much of a problem for her as it is for most other druids.

Boomstick: ………… I am feeling really angry right now Wiz? Ask me why that is Wiz? Ask me what I just found after skimming through that prequel novel?

Wiz: I know the answer already which is some more details about her parent’s abandonment of her. I will say this instead though; can I go with you when you go to “teach” Doric’s parents a lesson? I have some science experiments that I would like for them to see up close and personal.

Boomstick: Seeing karma bite these sorry excuses for parents will be fun so I definitely am giving you permission to come with me. What did these parents do to earn our ire you ask dear viewers? They locked her up in the attic for around 6 freaking years and then promptly drugged and threw her into the woods not long after they sired a normal human child. If the poor child hadn’t learned to fend for herself in the forest to the point of being taken in by a village of wood elves, these parents’ punishment from me would be much worse. The only thing I will give this terrible duo is accidentally teaching their daughter of how to speak by not realizing that their way of speech echoed so loud that Doric heard everything within her attic jailcell.

Wiz: The wood elves and later the Emerald Enclave, which she joined to protect her elven friends from Forge Fitzwilliam's attempts to destroy their woodland home, honestly was much better caretakers than her real parents ever was. They teaching her in the way of close quarters combat and druid magic saved this tiefling from the death her parents so desperately desired for her.

Boomstick: Since the result of the elven training regimen has taught this probably around 20–25-year-old tiefling to outrun lightning, survive being blasted backwards by explosions in animal form, and take down axe-wielding opponents with her daggers when heavily injured; these forest dwellers will be given a thumbs up for a job well done instead of a kick in the crotch.

Wiz: I have a question Boomstick. Would you rather do that to her parents or allow them to actually to try and punch Doric in order to get the duo affected by her Hellish Rebuke? Said ability activates and engulfs the attacker in flames when an opponent harms Doric. Fiery revenge is something right up your alley after all.

Boomstick: 100% correct. This is an ability however that did just not appear in film but the prequel novel as well. It is stated in Doric’s official character sheet though so if there is a slight possibility of her using this to get some sweet revenge; I would love to witness this spectacle.

Wiz: Before we go and teach the right way to care for one’s child, lets finish up this analysis section by bringing up the party consisting of Edgin Darvis, Holga Kilgore, and Simon Aumar that managed to heal Doric’s negative worldview of humans a little. Nothing can probably evaporate this distrust of humans in its entirety but Doric has certainly learned from the Neverwinter heist that not all humans are equally as terrible as her parents.

Boomstick: It did not happen instantaneously but Doric definitely grew to appreciate this ragtag group of people. Them saving her life and she saving theirs at multiple occasions very much created a great bonding experience. All this bonding even helped to relight some romantic sparks with the only one of the party the tiefling knew beforehand.

Wiz: Simon Aumar is a pretty decent person and sorcerer who tried to court Doric in the past. It wasn’t the tieflings distrust of humans that caused him to fail in this endeavor however. What truly drove Doric away was the fact that……. his low self-esteem and self-deprecation just made her feel sad whenever she looked at him.

Boomstick: Ouch. Just ouch. What a burn. At least this fizzling burn turned into a middling inferno when Doric allowed Simon to court her yet again due to character development. While Simon might have solved his biggest issue with his lack of confidence and gained a pretty cool girlfriend as a result, Doric’s main problem AKA durability is not something that can be given as easy of a fix.

Wiz: Infiltrating a castle is easy for a Wild shape user like Doric to accomplish. Tanking powerful attacks is not equally as easy however just as Boomstick said. A castle guard sneaking up on Doric in her normal form and then knocking her unconscious with a single hit from behind really makes it evident that the tieflings defensive stats is nowhere close to her skill in magic.

Boomstick: If you think using wild shape magically solves this problem, you’re half right if I am to be honest. Doric does gain the characteristic and physicality of the animals she turns into. This kind of gets turned obsolete when powerful attacks can literally knock the animal out of the redhead.

Wiz: Attacks exceeding the animals natural defenses can indeed force Doric back to normal in a quiet dazed state of being with the reanimated stone dragon encounter as an example of this. Hopefully this will decrease now that she has officially joined Edgins party after their little misadventure.

Boomstick: I don’t think we have anything to worry about Wiz. Doric’s newfound family will make sure this tiefling will always have friends to cover her weaknesses and beat up anyone that looks at her with a condescending look due to being a tiefling.

Wiz: Being awarded and recognized as one of the heroes that saved the kingdom of Neverwinter hopefully will be another deterrent for people with the same negative worldview as her parents. I do wonder what’s next for them now that their mission to save Kira and Neverwinter is over.

Boomstick: Yeah let’s hope we get to find out what’s next for this lovable group of misfits in either a sequel or that rumored spin-off TV series. I definitely want to see Doric Wild Shape in action again.

Wiz: Until this comes into fruition, we will simply have to imagine what their next adventure is like or start a D&D campaign of our own staring this cast of characters. One thing is for certain though. Doric the tiefling is one of the party’s most powerful members for good reason.

Doric: I’m not doing this for the money. I’m doing this for the people who took me in when no one else would.


Intermission Nimona VS Doric

Wiz: All right, the combatants are set, it's time to end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

Death Battle![]

Somewhere Beyond the Wall of the Kingdom:

Edgin Darvis had seen quiet a few weird and strange things on his travels. Of course most of these things had tried to kill him for thieving what he was not supposed to but it still counted in the bards opinion. Using him and his party’s reputation as heroes to get themselves high-rewarding quests would certainly lead him to encounter even more zany things and creatures in the future.

With all this said however, a massive wall towering in the distance over the nearby forest was not something Edgin had expected to run into right after leaving Neverwinter a couple of days ago.

Edgin Darvis: I have seen my share of walls designed to protect kingdoms but this one definitely takes the prize for being the most unnecessarily large. Anyone wondering if the people living within are trying to look more important than they actually are?

Holga Kilgore: It might also mean the people within are filthy rich and therefore more than able to pay us when we enter. If they don’t, perhaps my axe can change their minds.

Holga’s words caused Edgin to turn around and ask his closest companion what she was talking about only to come face to face with a wanted poster Holga threw in his face. Said poster showed the duo of a darkly armored knight and strangle-looking kid but what caught the bard’s attention even more was the money offered to whoever delivered them dead or alive. If Holga was right and this had come from behind those walls, the royals of the kingdom had to be really loaded with cash. There was one problem though that made Edgin hesitant to take on the job however.

Edgin Darvis: Good idea but if these two are wanted in this kingdom, surely they got out of here ages ago? The chance of us encountering them and getting this reward is therefore very………

Fate apparently had other ideas as Edgin found himself lost for words for a moment when he saw one of said criminals on the poster walk out of the forest to take a sip of water from the river. A river located right next to their rest spot for the night.

Edgin Darvis: ……high? Am I under the thrall of illusionary magic Simon or is one of the wanted criminals truly within my sight and talking to a red squirrel of all things?

Edgin knew that the sight before him was real but for they too have gotten so lucky for once without a catch of some kind was extremely strange. It was as if an invisible person had scored a NAT 20. This non-sensical thought disappeared as quickly as it had appeared when Edgins attention switched to focus on Simon who finally decided to answer his question.

Simon Aumar: He is definitely the real deal. I know I still have a lot to learn about magic but I’m pretty surGET BEHIND ME NOW! FIRE INCOMING!

The novice sorcerer did not need to tell his fellow companions twice as they quickly glimpsed the incoming ball of fire traveling towards their location as well and therefore hurried to get behind Simon and his shield spell. Edgin grabbed Kira and ran for cover while the remaining two followed in his footsteps.

Great amounts of fire crashed onto the shield of magic. Fortunately for the party, the shield held strong and made sure none of the flames reached them. Unfortunately, it looked like their target had used this opportunity to escape back into the forest forcing Edgin to decide on how to proceed.

Edgin Darvis: This isn’t good. He is getting away. Simon, stay with Kira and protect her if he comes back around. The rest of us will go catch ourselves a criminal………Definitely still weird to say for a former thief like myself.

Doric: Its even weirder that you came up with a decent plan for once oh great planer.

Doric immediately transformed into a deer and took off running into the forest upon hearing Edgins words and replying with a snarky comment. Obeying a human’s command in the past would have been something she would have refused to do. Following the request of a dear friend who had earned her trust was another matter entirely. Money did not have any value in Doric’s mind but since her friends needed it to make a better life for themselves; she would catch this criminal for their sakes.

Said criminal was quicker than Doric expected however. How the man in armor had exponentially widened the gap between him and the rest of her companions was something Doric found herself confused by. He was not quick enough to escape from her though which the tiefling proved true by transforming back to normal and then using her slingshot to hit the criminal right in the head with a small stone.

Doric: Don’t take another step. I promise that you will not be harmed if you surrender and come with me right now. Decide your next move carefully.

For a moment when the man limply fell to the ground, Doric feared that she had killed him by accident. This didn’t last long and was replaced with a feeling of confusion as the man started to laugh in a voice which did not fit him at all. It sounded like a young child’s laughter but that wasn’t possible unless the person in front of her was a shapeshift…..

Red strands of energy suddenly enveloped the armored criminal on the ground to Doric’s shock. Before she could take out her daggers or fire another projectile, the armored man had disappeared and in his place laid Nimona chuckling at the sight of Doric’s incredulous expression.

Nimona: Something, something, something... you just got tricked. Love those horns by the way. Mind if I copy your figure for a little bit?

Nimona did not bother to wait for her pursuers reply before changing into a perfect replica of Doric. Letting her have some fun was the least the horned girl could do for causing this mess in the first place. Having lived for over 1,000 years made it easy to decipher when people were about to charge at someone and the group this almost-human looking girl had been with would have attacked Ballister if not for her fiery distraction. Hopefully Boss had managed to escape out of the area while the pursuers focused their attention on the “incorrect” Boss.

Nimona: Green isn’t exactly my type but it definitely fits you pretty good. Speaking of my persistent pursuer, why is someone like you hanging around a group of humans?

While seeing someone planning to attack boss was not something she enjoyed, Nimona was a bit hopeful that her pursuer would answer the question. The answer was one she was extremely interested in after all. The person in front of her was definitely not human and since she seemingly was on good terms with those human companions of hers; perhaps these people were not as anti-anything different as the kingdoms inhabitants had been in the past.

Seeing someone user her own body and voice was extremely unnerving. This person must possess magic much more advanced than her own Wild Shape in order to pull of such a perfect recreation. What really caught Doric’s attention however was how chill this shapeshifter truly was for being the second criminal seen on the wanted poster. Something was not right and the tiefling was determined to find out the truth before doing something she might regret.

Doric: Why should I do that when you don’t follow my commands? What are you by the way? The wanted poster tells me you’re a criminal but that label can be deceiving. I know that from experience.

Every single thought inside Nimona’s mind grinded to a stop. How did she not know about her? Hadn’t a lot of people left the kingdom and ventured to create connections with the outside world? Anyone living nearby should have heard of her existence at this point. Especially now since she revealed herself to be alive just a couple of months ago. Did this group of mercenaries not intend to capture and sell her and boss as first suspected? For once, Nimona did not have a witty comment to fall back upon.

Any plans of connecting with this non-human person along with her own speechlessness vanished immediately when a very appealing idea popped up in Nimona’s mind. Spiky teeth formed as she started to laugh maniacally.

Nimona: Huh? You don’t know…….a world famous menace when you see one? I can’t count how many babies I have kicked and people I have killed this week alone. Want to become the next face I clobber?

Everyone who knew of Nimona’s wacky antics would know that this was how the shapeshifter dealt with her fragile emotions. Nimona herself knew that while this might not be the best course of action; the opportunity to play around with someone unaware of her story was too big to let pass through her fingers. Being treated as a hero was nice and all but sometimes she kind of missed the times when she could be as free and mischievous as she wanted.

Doric however was not in the know for any of this and therefore assumed a combat stance. She gave the opponent a chance to prove her wrong and it had been thrown back in her face. The tiefling would not make this mistake again.

Doric: Too bad. I thought you were just misunderstood due to that ability of yours but if that isn’t true; I don’t have to feel bad about ending the existence of whatever dark creature you truly are.

A look of regret appeared on Nimona’s face for less than a second as she heard this. It was eventually replaced by her usual mischievous smirk. Ballister would so yell at her later for causing trouble where there was none but it would be worth it to be as free as a bird once again for a short time.

Nimona: I am not a creature. I am Nimona and Nimona loves to break stuff.


Of the two combatants, Nimona was the first to activate their main ability. Where Nimona had once been was now a large red gorilla pounding its chest. This intimidation tactic did not get the reaction the shapeshifter had hoped from the tiefling however. In fact, it was Nimona who was taken aback instead when Doric transformed into a large ferocious bear.

Nimona: What? You’re like me?

The realization of that there was another like her in the world was potent enough to make Nimona completely oblivious to the fact that Doric had used her newly gained claws to slice her right in the face. Neither of the 2 next claws swipes curtsey of Doric was enough to make the shapeshifters slack-jawed expression leave her face. The attacks also did seemingly no damage at all to the tieflings surprise.

When Nimona did return to reality however, the shapeshifter did something that really shocked the tiefling to her core. The large gorilla giving Doric’s bear form a powerful hug was not something Doric could have predicted. It did make her think though that the criminal had to have some kind of personality disorder based on how she was flipping through intense emotions at a moment’s notice.

Nimona: This is awesome. You got to show me your method of pummeling people in the face. In fact, I know the perfect way for you to give me a nice demonstration.

She had found someone just like her. She was not alone in the world anymore. Telling the opponent the truth now would probably be the smartest move to make in order to befriend them but where was the fun in that. It would be more fun to have the tiefling earn the truth with a little game.

Nimona: Tag! You’re it. Catch me if you can!

Honking the bears nose and then throwing said animal into a puddle of mud on the ground is what Nimona did with a large grin. She even laughed as she turned into a horse and galloped into the distance. Doric immediately got up on her feet and transformed into a horse as well. Whatever her opponent’s problem was no longer mattered. Allowing someone as crazy as this to enter a town was not something the tiefling could allow in good conscious regardless of whether it was inhabited by humans or elves.

Doric managed to catch up with Nimona rather quickly despite the latter’s attempts to slow down the pursuer by running through several large bushes of thorns. The sharp thorns piercing the tieflings horse form did not cause enough pain to slow down Doric or prevent her from turning into a panther that jumped onto Nimona’s back when within range.

Nimona: Caught up already eh? You’re good…..

While Doric’s panther claws did seemingly no damage to Nimona’s horse hide, the tiefling did even less damage when Nimona changed from a horse into a rhino. Her new Rhinoceros body was too thick to be pierced through by Doric’s claws and when the tiefling was about to change into something that could perhaps accomplish this; Nimona forced herself to a sudden stop.

Nimona: ….but I am better. It’s my time to tag you now so prepare to feel my horn.

Being launched forward into a tree is what would have occurred if Doric had not transformed into a hawk right before crashing into the tree. Taking flight into the sky did not give her the time she needed to come up with a plan and regroup as Nimona followed closely behind her with a hawk form as well.

Nimona: Good idea. A chase through the open air sounds much more fun.

Despite Doric’s best effort, Nimona reached the transformed tiefling and teared several feathers off with her powerful beak. The tiefling let out a screech of pain as a result but that did not stop her from transforming into an insect to escape the chaotic shapeshifters hold. Nimona would have followed suit if fly Doric had not transformed yet again when right above her.

The lynx form of Doric landed upon Nimona’s back and grabbed onto her wings to send them both tumbling towards the ground. Nimona managed to get back her bearings at the last second and divert herself into a couple of tree branches instead. Said branches did knock off Doric forcing her to transform into a bird to remain in the air.

It did not take long until she got her wings clipped though due to Nimona changing back into her gorilla form in order to grab onto the nearest vine and swing back around to grab Doric’s small bird form out of the air. There was no point in trying to struggle loose or changing into a different animal with how quickly and effectively her opponent could shapeshift. One exception existed however. It was finally time to unleash her favored form for combat and extinguish the foes smug expression.

Nimona: Tag! You’re it ag…….?

Every playful thought utterly vanished and was replaced by shock in Nimona’s mind when something large and white appeared and forced itself out of her now empty grip on the opponent. Said white creature then grabbed Nimona by the face before chucking her headfirst into an anthill on the ground. Witnessing the shapeshifter letting out a yelp of fear caused the tiefling to conclude that changing into an Owlbear had been the right choice.

Seeing Nimona’s smug voice cease to be for a while along with her gorilla face being covered in ant bites once removed out of the ground was pretty amusing. It was almost as satisfying as her friends made Doric feel all the time.

Nimona: Ooh, I like where this is going. Running is exhilarating but nothing is as satisfying as a brawl full of murder and mayhem.

Said smug voice returned tenfold however when Nimona changed shape into a rhinoceros determined to charge forward and pierce the Owlbear on its sharp horn. Doric put a stop to her opponent’s scheme by simply grabbing the rhino by its horn and forcing Nimona’s momentum to a sudden stop. This was not the end of what Doric had planned for the shapeshifter however as the memory of Sofina’s last moments inspired what the tiefling did next.

Nimona: Has no one told you that grabbing someone by the horn is rud….?

Just like what happened to Sofina days prior, Nimona was lifted up and then slammed into the ground multiple times in a row to the point that a certain green giant would have given a thumps up at the display. The many hard impacts disoriented Nimona a bit and stopped her jokey remark in its tracks but that did not stop her from feeling very impressed by the whole thing. These feelings became known to Doric when the shapeshifter first changed into a snake to escape the grip of the Owlbear and then reappeared in her human form right in front of her.

Nimona: Not bad. Not bad at all. You’re not the only one with unique tricks however. Watch and learn as the great Nimona gives you a pointer in how to truly change.

Doric narrowed her owlbear eyes as she heard this statement and prepared for her opponent to transform into a ferocious form rivaling her own current shape. Instead to the tieflings surprise, Nimona’s human form simply changed into a large muscular version of itself that punched the Owlbear right in the face with a powerful knuckle sandwich. More accurately, it was a punch that almost made the transformed tiefling lose consciousness.

Fighting through the intense pain allowed Doric to send a powerful paw Nimona’s way which impacted with a second punch thrown by the shapeshifter. The force behind both attacks combining sent the combatants staggering backwards. While Doric used this opportunity to quickly approach the opponent and bite Nimona’s shoulder with a strong beak, it was already too late as a newly generated red draconic tail entangled the owlbears feet.

Nimona: If anyone is in the near vicinity; get clear or become flat as pancakes. My strikes are killer after all.

The combination of being thrown up into the air by the tail and then launched backwards with a mighty punch was enough to revert Doric back to her regular tiefling body as well as cough up huge amounts of blood where she landed. One thing was for certain now however. In a battle of wild shaping, she stood no chance against someone like this. Said thought bothered Doric greatly as she got up on her feet once again. She took great pride in her own wild shape capabilities after all.

A new strategy had to be implemented or she would not get to see her friends ever again. The possibility of not getting to see Simon again bothered Doric more than she thought it would as well as convinced her what the next course of action should be. What she did next certainly took Nimona by surprise whose human form had shrunk back to normal and was pretending that huge crowds of people were applauding her performance.

Doric: I hate to admit it but you’re one of the most skilled Wild Shape users that I have ever encountered! Attempting to upstage you in this area is effort better spent elsewhere.

Nimona: She speaks. She finally speaks. Was starting to think you were a stoic bore of a person but I am glad I was wrong. What do you want to play next? I can guarantee I will tear and swallow any chance of victory from your grasp seeing as you have declared me your superior.

Instead of focusing on Nimona who had transformed into a shark on legs momentarily as she spoke, Doric focused the magic within her to heal all minor wounds sustained this far. Seeing this gave Nimona pause but this was nothing compared to the huge walls of stone that shot out of the ground all around the combatants.

Doric: Don’t be so sure. I may not have used a lot of my magic spells in a while as to not hurt Simons feelings now that we are giving the whole courting thing a second try…..

The feeling of being trapped and losing a bit of her freedom sprung Nimona into action immediately. Growing wings out of her back proved futile however as stone walls grew out of the top of the already existing walls trapping the shapeshifter alongside her opponent within a giant hollow stone cube. For once, Nimona felt herself getting nervous and regret being deceptive at the beginning for some cheap thrills. Things became especially not fun when lightning shoot out of Doric’s fingers and zapped the shapeshifter out of the sky.

Doric: …but that does not mean I am out of practice.

Landing on her paws as a wolf is what Nimona did upon reaching the ground. She would have run forwards and showed that she was not afraid of the opponent’s admittedly impressive magic if it weren’t for the army of spectral wolfs that came into existence all around her. Before Nimona could react, the wolves were upon her with claws and teeth ready to be used ferociously.

Transforming into a deer allowed Nimona to use the animal’s antlers and throw the pile of spectral wolfs on top of her in every direction. Said wolves recovered almost immediately and charged towards their target again now with the assistance of their summoner who conjured several fire spells to join them in taking down the shapeshifter once and for all.

Doric: Who has gone quiet now huh? You are obviously a good shapeshifter but that also apparently means you’re an even more terrible sorcerer than someone I know.

To Doric frustration and surprise however, Nimona sidestepped the incoming magic spells at the last second with a olé motion before transforming into a Owlbear and unleashing a barrage of talon strikes that hit the incoming spectral wolves so hard that they evaporated into particles of magic. This was not her fault. It was the opponent’s fault for showing an impressive form she had never seen before and desperately wanted to try for herself.

A mischievous grin reappeared on Nimona’s face as she changed back to her human form. All these impressive feats of magic had taken her aback at first but that time was over now. This game was fun and all but it was time to end it, rejoin Boss, and then reintroduce herself properly to her fellow shapeshifter at a later date.

Nimona: I guess this is what I deserve for fooling around too much. Want to see how I am when actually trying Ms Copycat?

Doric: Trust me. I am ready and more than willing to rip that grin of your face again.

Was that a challenge? Regardless of if it was or not, Nimona was more than ready to reply with a burning hot response. A large stream of fire therefore exited Nimona’s mouth and enveloped Doric from top to bottom. The result set fire to the wrong combatant however thanks to an ability Doric was glad was finally acting as it should have minutes earlier.

Doric: Thanks for the hot shower. Let’s see how you like it though when I return the favor.

Hellish Rebukes effects enveloping Nimona in flames created an opening for Doric to get some payback for the opponent copying her favored shape. 2 thrown daggers curtsey of Doric pierced the still disoriented shapeshifter and while the painful discomfort Nimona felt was not enough to stop her from changing her left arm into that of a gorilla ready to pound the rapidly approaching Doric; the tieflings tail constricting said arm gave Doric another opportunity to show why Edgin and the others held her in high regard.

Bark covered fists hit Nimona right in the face. Not long afterwards, flames curtsey of fire spells conjured by Doric enveloped them both. As before, Doric remained fine therefore making it possible for her to transform into a cat and scratch the opponent in the face. Nimona let out shouts of discomfort from the combined barrage of claws and flames. All the magic used was finally starting to take its toll on the tiefling however. Hopefully this was enough to incinerate the opponent or give her friends the time to catch up.

Nimona: Metal! Very Metal! You look rather tired and famished after all our violent fun however. Hope you brought some milk for all my cereal.

A pained chuckle from Nimona told a completely different story unfortunately. Despite still being enveloped in powerful flames, Nimona’s shape changed and grew until what was standing next to Doric was a huge cartoony looking dragon ready to copy what the real thing did in its commercials.

Still being covered in flames did not stop Nimona from spitting out giant pieces of cereal that proceeded to bounce throughout the hollow stone cube. None managed to squish Doric however due to her transforming into a worm and escaping underground. All of the walls made of thick stone broke as a result though freeing Nimona to spread out her wings and take flight up into the sky.

Nimona: Good move. While you undoubtedly try to come up with a plan to slay little ol me, I will………TAKE A BATH. I AM BURNING. I AM BURNING. I AM BURNING……

Burning was not a great sensation to feel all over one’s body so instead of pursuing Doric; Nimona instead splashed down into a nearby lake. The soothing effect of the water extinguishing the flames was almost instant. Baths were normally not her thing but this exception was not half bad. Not good enough to forget about the opponent trying to slay her because of some misunderstandings though.

Tendrils of water rose out of the lake and latched onto Nimona’s dragon-like body before she could start her search. This made two things clear. Doric had not forgotten Nimona for a single second along with the fact that the tiefling was really hoping aquatic animals wasn’t within the shapeshifters arsenal of creatures to become.

Doric: Please don’t get out. I don’t need any more sore limbs thank you very much.

Once again, things did not go as planned. Nimona’s massive form indeed got dragged under the surface and therefore caused her to rapidly switch between forms in panic as she struggled to breath. What went wrong was not Nimona transforming into a fish however as before she even reached her aquatic animals; something much larger and nightmare-inducing was changed into.

Before the tieflings eyes where she stood on the shore, a massive black as night monstrous kaiju rose out of the depths of the lake.

Doric: Oh Crap! Where is Edgin and his dumb plans when I need him?

The mere sight of this form did not just frighten Doric. It frightened Nimona herself as well when she accidentally changed into it. All the memories of the despair she felt in the past flooded the shapeshifters mind and almost caused her to go berserk a second time. Fortunately, images of Ballister comforting her eventually calmed Nimona’s mind. She would have changed into something else if it weren’t for a lightbulb appearing above her head.

Perhaps this form born out of despair could be of some use in driving her opponent away? It remaining unaffected by scorching water and harsh winds thrown in her direction by Doric became the final straw that determined the shapeshifters choice.

Doric was not feeling well as she locked eyes with the giant creature rapidly swimming towards the shore. Walls of stone generated in its way were pulverized like they were nothing. Her magic was almost completely spent. It felt like unconsciousness was about to claim her any second now. All signs of her blunt personality had been replaced with that of a terrified girl. No creature or spell in her arsenal could take this beast down.

Despite knowing all this, Doric took a deep breath and readied the most powerful spell she could muster up at the moment. If she was to die right here and now, she would do so fighting to the bitter end in honor of the ones that changed her life for the better.

Doric: Here goes nothing… THUNDERWAVE!!!!!!

The Emerald Enclave. Edgin. Holga. Kira. Simon… Whether it was the experiences with the ones that had gotten her this far empowering the magic, the water drenching of the kaiju being an excellent conductor for electricity, the fact that the lightning hit its target right in the heart, or everything combined, the result was the same.

Lighting impacting with Nimona’s kaiju form caused her to let out a terrifying screech of pain before seemingly combusting into nothingness with an unexpected fiery explosion. Doric could not help but stare at what she caused with a shocked expression before generating uncharacteristic high-pitched laughter. Had she really won? Simon better treat her to something good tonight for a job well done.

Doric:  Huff…Hufff….Now that was a shocking ending…Huff…..I really need to unlearn my companions sense of humor.

Nimona: Why would you do that? It was a pretty funny joke if you ask me.

It wasn’t just the infuriating voice of her seemingly still alive opponent hovering above as a winged version of her human form that alerted Doric that something was wrong. What alerted her first of this was the knife thrown with expert precision from above piercing her chest.

Having transformed into her phoenix form at the last second had definitely been an ingenious plan on the shapeshifters part in order to make a fool of the tiefling a last time. Doric did not care for how it happened though. All she cared for was ending this battle once and for all. In order to show that her resolve to protect the innocents in the area had not diminished one bit, she used the tiny bit of magic remaining to wild shape into an Owlbear and look up at the opponent with a defiant gaze…….

Doric: I guess this is what I deserve for jinxing myself but don’t think that mean……..

………….only to come face to face with the giant figure of a reddish colored whale about to squish her into paste.

Nimona: You deserve a whale of a good time for giving me a run for my money momentarily and more importunately; showing that I am not alone anymore. Thank you.

The end was near and Doric knew it. This did not stop her from making a last-ditch attempt by quickly changing back to normal and generating an extremely sharp rock formation around her as both defense and a way to pierce the whale. Said whale neither felt or was harmed by said formation piercing it from bellow when impacting the ground.

Doric’s body being squished to death was felt by Nimona however and while the result was a little more graphic than she had expected; it certainly proved once and for all who was the rightful winner of this battle of shapeshifting and magic.


Nimona was a bit conflicted as she transformed to her regular human form and gazed down at what had once been her opponent. The sight that greeted the shapeshifter was a bit to gory even for her. For all her bragging of murder and mayhem on a regular basis, killing was not something she actually enjoyed doing. Especially to a person who in many ways was like her.

One fact had become crystal clear during the battle however and that one thing had convinced Nimona that the best way to get the opponent off her back was “temporarily” killing them. It had not been hard to determine that there was another magic user in the tieflings party and hopefully said sorcerer would be able to revive the dead body in front of her back to full health.

Nimona: No need to get up and thank me. Simply travel behind the wall if you ever are in need of a rematch.

Someone who didn’t know this fact arrived at the shore right as Nimona was about to leave however. To Ballister who had just managed to lose all the other pursuers, this gnarly scene did not look very good at all for Nimona and the shapeshifter defiantly knew this by her friends expression. She could only nervously whistle and look in another direction to avoid meeting Ballisters gaze.

Ballister Boldheart: Nimona! There you are. Did you manage to lose our purusue…..? Please tell me this is not what I think it is.

Nimona: Don’t worry Boss. I am sure her friends can revive her back to a regular healthy and alive person when they get here. Now let’s scram before this happens and they blame you for this mess.

The only thing Ballister could do when hearing Nimona’s excuse was to sigh heavily. He knew she wasn’t lying however. He had known Nimona long enough now to understand her way of thought. Didn’t mean though that he approved of this and wouldn’t make her face any consequences for it.

Ballister Boldheart: Remind me to tell Ambrosius to only order pizza with pineapples for you tonight during our weekly game night!

It wasn’t until Nimona had changed into an ostrich, thrown Ballister onto her back, and then ran towards the giant wall in the distance that the knight’s words dawned upon her. Ballister could not help but laugh at his friend’s expense once Nimona’s face turned green of disgust

Nimona: Pineapple on pizza? Nice joke boss. It’s to be expected seeing who your best friend in the whole wide world is…..Wait a second? That wasn’t a joke……..?

The shout of pure terror reverberating through the forest caused Ballister to laugh even louder, Edgin and his party to look around in confusion where they were standing, and Nimona to inwardly come to the conclusion that she deserved this outcome for having a bit too deadly day of fun.

- As evening approaches, Nimona transforms into a cute and cuddly child in order to convince Ballister to give her a slice of the pepperoni pizza delivered for him and Ambrosius.

- Simon performs a ritual to bring Doric back to life while the rest of the party prepare a campfire for the cold night quickly approaching.


Boomstick: There is only one word I can use to describe this battle and it’s something I don’t regret stealing from our winner’s vocabulary yet again; Metal! Very Metal!

Wiz: I hope you are using that word to describe Nimona and Doric’s actions during this battle as they both deserve it. Despite the fact that there could be only 1 winner, both shapeshifters showed exactly why one should take them deadly seriously. If they had existed in the same franchise and not first meet in a battle to the death, I am sure they could have become decent friends.

Boomstick: Them being friends and going on adventures with all of their companions present like Ballister and Simon sound like a crossover l really want to watch. This is a battle to the death however just like you said Wiz and in a battle like this; the one with the most skilled shapeshifting ability would undoubtedly have the biggest advantage. Doric might be pretty good but……

Wiz: …….Nimona’s shapeshifting is just so more impressive and expansive in its usage. It allows her to basically become whatever she wants for however long she desires, turn into mythical creatures, and even just change specific body parts. There is seemingly no limit in what Nimona can do with this ability. I can’t say the same for Doric’s Wild shape magic however as it has clearly stated limits.

Boomstick: The redheads Wild shape is definitely top tier when it comes to this kind of magic which is evident due to how Doric can circumvent some of these annoying limits. The Owlbear forms existence is a badass example of this. Needing perfect understanding of the chosen animal and not being able to stay as said animal for an infinite amount of time isn’t something her gremlin of an opponent have to worry about though. Limits like these affecting Doric does not make her any less cool fortunately. Especially when shapeshifting isn’t the tieflings only magic trick.

Wiz: It is true that said other magical spells in Doric’s arsenal was enough to even out this fight and not make it a complete stomp in Nimona’s favor. In the shapeshifting game, Nimona might be king but when it comes to all other kinds of magic; Doric is the superior one. Breathing fire for example pales when compared to the stoic tiefling mastery of plenty of elemental spells.

Boomstick: Don’t forget her healing and summoning magic which would make life hard for the chaotic troublemaker. Even if Nimona’s fiery breath did hit Doric, it would do nothing but set herself ablaze 50% of the time due to Hellish Rebuke infrequent activations and the tieflings fire immunity. If we ever do a D&D campaign of our own, I’m calling dibs on the tiefling role.

Wiz: Everything you just said is correct Boomstick. I didn’t say it would be enough to overcome Nimona majority of the time however. Nimona’s over 1000 years of experience, laser-dodging speed, and inability to be killed by conventional means are not things magic alone would be able to get past.

Boomstick: Yeah someone that survived a laser capable of vaporizing an entire kingdom wasn’t going to fall to someone who could be knocked unconscious by a low-ranked guard. There is also no way any of the tieflings magic spells or Owlbear form has what it takes to take down a freaking kaiju of all things. Doesn’t mean that I am canceling my dibs though.

Wiz: Doric’s only real chance of victory was targeting Nimona’s heart or using her training to take advantage of the opponents thrill-seeking and hotheaded personality. Even this working is questionable based on all we know of Nimona and the use of magic sapping Doric’s stamina though.

Boomstick: Let’s not dwell on this unfun fact anymore. It’s like you said before. Both are badass in their own way and with the life they have lived; they had to be in order to survive. If they had not gotten their happy ending in the end, I so would have stolen a time machine and gone back in time to make sure of this fact personally.

Wiz: I do not often agree with your wacky way of thinking Boomstick but the audience will probably not be surprised that I would do the same based on how we have talked about Nimona and Doric today. Their pasts and the way they have evolved despite this is commendable and deserves praise. Both deserve to have won this fight but only Nimona could make this a reality with her better shapeshifting, tons of experience, and superior showings of speed and durability.

Boomstick: I guess Doric got a Nat 0 during this ever shifting battle which in turn lead to a Metal victory for Nimona.

Wiz: The winner is Nimona.

X Winner Nimona