Mr. Incredible vs The Crimson Chin is a What-If? Death Battle created by OnePunchKid. It features Mr. Incredibles from The Incredibles series and The Crimson Chin from The Fairly Oddparents.
Mr. Incredible vs The Crimson Chin | |
It's the battle between the dynamic red heroes! | |
Season 1, Episode 2 | |
Vital statistics
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Air date | |
Written by | OnePunchKid |
Directed by | OnePunchKid |
Episode guide
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These superheroes are known for their tendency to save people and their red suits, but only one combatant will leave saving themselves and soaked in red.
Wiz: We all know the ongoing trope of superheores of super strength and toughness.
Boomstick: Oh, shut up Wiz. These guys suited in red make it still look cool.
Wiz: Bob Parr, also known as Mr. Incredible.
Boomstick: And Charles Hampton Indigo, the Crimson Chin. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who would win... a Death Battle!
Mr. Incredible[]
Boomstick: There are two types of people in this world: those who are ordinary and defenseless and those who are born with extraordinary abilities with the latter being something the world's never seen.
Wiz: This race of humans are known as "Supers" for the superpowers they gain. The powers these "Supers" gain can vary from manipulating ice to having elasticity to creating shields and turning invisible.
Boomstick: Huh. Why does that last one sound familiar?
Wiz: Some of these Supers decided to dedicate their lives to crime-stopping and eliminating evil.
Boomstick: It came to a point in time that these superheroes were no rare sight and were everywhere. Still, there were some that were more prominent than others. One of these guys is among the greatest superheroes if not the best superhero. This was Robert Parr. You can call him Bob or you can call him Mr. Incredible.
Wiz: Mr. Incredible became so good at fighting crime that he became a household name and was one of the more famous heroes in this "Golden Age of Supers".
Boomstick: Mr. Incredible was known for working alone until he met Elastigirl, eventually marrying her and having kids of their own.
Wiz: Sadly, good things don't last long. Soon, people began suing superheroes due to the damage they caused which resulted in the government removing them.
Boomstick: I still think it's a stupid idea to remove superheroes. I mean, collateral damage is just a small price to pay when dealing with villains causing trouble to your city, right? I'll say it again: removing heroes from the picture removed their only security. Who's left now? The police?
Wiz: They do have guns, you know?
Boomstick: Oh come on Wiz. You know that in fictional worlds like these, guns are useless.
Wiz: You do have a point. Even when placed in retirement, Mr. Incredible would take any oppurtunity to keep on going as a superhero.
Boomstick: Mr. Incredible is considered as one of the most powerful Supers and he clearly has the might to prove it.
Wiz: Mr. Incredible possesses super strength, invulnerability, and enhanced agility.
Boomstick: So he's strong and has he's quick on his feet. Got it.
Wiz: Those seem to be his main powers. Aside from that, he seems to have enhanced senses as demonstrated when he noticed the ticking of one of Bomb Voyage's bombs on the opposite side of a wall.
Popup: Thanks to having strength heightening powers, Mr. Incredible does not have any specific superhuman weaknesses.
Boomstick: Don't think for a moment that he's just a mindless strongman. He's shown to be able to come up with effective strategies in the heat of battle and he's an excellent hand-to-hand combatant. And, of course, we can't forget about his super suit.
Wiz: Of course we can't. Mr. Incredible's suit isn't just for show. His suit is bulletproof, resistant to heat up to 1,000 degrees hot, and, arguably Mr. Incredible's best feature and biggest advantage, it doesn't have a cape.
Edna Mode: No capes!
Boomstick: Yeah, you'd be surprised at how many superheroes died due to them having capes. That single piece of fabric is no joke.
Popup: Mr. Incredible's suit also has a tracking device attached to him that can go off when activated from the other side. It once caused him to be caught by Syndrome's security system but it hasn't caused any trouble for Mr. Incredible since then.
Wiz: No kidding. Even if Mr. Incredible is far from his "Glory Days", he's shown that he still has the power to stay in the superhero business. As Boomstick said, he's quick on his feet, being able to keep up with Omnidroids and being able to react to things like lightning and even laser beams.
Boomstick: Let's delve into how strong Mr. Incredible really is. Syndrome's computer has stated that Mr. Incredible can lift in excess of 55 tons but to be honest, that's just being modest. Mr. Incredible can lift eavier weights.
Wiz: Take, for instance, his training montage. At one point, Bob benchpresses a locomotive that, when compared to real life models, weighs about 121 tons. That's clearly above his supposed limit stated by Syndrome's computer.
Boomstick: At another point, Mr. Incredible is seen pulling eight train cars together. That's around 240 tons. Now that I think about it, Mr. Incredible's pulling and lifting locomotives which means he's literally "train"ing.
Wiz: Ughh. That may be impressive along with lifting an Easter Island and pounding a metal door open but it's not his best feat of strength. Recall how Violet was able to block the Omnidroid's body dropping on her near the end of the first Incredibles movie.
Popup: The specific model, the Omnidroid V10, weighs about twenty thousand tons.
Wiz: After she was knocked out, Mr. Incredible swooped in to save his children by not just catching the Omnidroid's body as it fel but then lifting it up rivalling its force.
Boomstick: Holy Omnidroids Mr. Incredible! That's a lot of power for a superhero his age.
Wiz: His age may give him a vast experience of crime fighting but it is perhaps his biggest weakness. He can be a little prideful thanks to the respect he gained from his glory days.
Boomstick: Not to mention that Mr. Incredible is quite old and his back can give out sometimes. He is a man in his forties after all.
Wiz: But even with those disadvantages, Mr. Incredible will always fight on for the sake of others who can't protect themsleves.
Person Over The Phone: Mr. Incredible, we need your help!
Mr. Incredible suits up in his super suit.
Mr. Incredible: It's showtime.
The Crimson Chin[]
Wiz: When you're in trouble, who do you expect to save you?
Boomstick: Superheroes of course!
Wiz: Whether they be Superman or All Might, every superhero is a symbol for something.
Boomstick: Sometimes the symbols that these superheroes represent can be pretty obscure.
Wiz: This can certainly apply to our next combatant who not only represents justice or peace, they also represent the chin. He is... The Crimson Chin.
The Crimson Chin: By my mother's mandibe, I say nay!
Timmy Turner: It's The Crimson Chin!
Wiz: The Crimson Chin is a comic book superhero who does his best to stop the forces of evil in the city of Chincinnati.
Boomstick: Oh my goodness.
Wiz: I know right? It's so horrible! I mean, he is created by a forty-year-old dude who lives with his mom so that makes some sense.
Boomstick: What? What are you talking about? That's a great pun! Man, I love this dude already.
Wiz: Ughh, his backstory is even crazier. He was once a ate night talk show host by the name of Charles Hampton Indigo.
Popup: The Crimson Chin is voiced by Jay Leno... which makes sense if you think about it.
Boomstick: Oh I get it!
Wiz: What?
Boomstick: Charles Hampton Indigo.
Wiz: This is gonna be a long episode, won't it?
Boomstick: Sure will.
Wiz: Back on topic, one day, Charles was interviewing an actor live when suddenly, he was bitten by him on the chin.
Boomstick: It turned out that this actor was a special kind. Specifically, it was a Radioactive Handsome Actor.
Wiz: Once he returned home that night, he felt something that he never did before. His body then morphed with his jaw expanding and a new red costume on him. From that day on, he decided to fight bad guys for the sake of justice as The Crimson Chin.
Boomstick: You think I could get powers like that Wiz? I mean, I am a TV show host.
Wiz: Co-host. And isn't your shotgun leg enough for you?
Boomstick: It's never enough for me Wiz. Wait a minute, weren't you working with some radioactive elements last night for an experiment?
Wiz: Yeah I was. Hey, wait a minute! How'd you know that?
Boomstick: Heh. I have my ways. Now bite me on the chin!
Wiz: No, I won't do something that stupid.
Boomstick: Aw man.
Wiz: Moving on, The Crimson Chin gained a slew of abilities from the night he was bitten.
Boomstick: He gained the usual suspects such as super strength, super speed, and invulnerability.
Wiz: Then there are the ones that are a little more rare such as enhanced senses, x-ray vision, heat vision strong enough to evaporate a water lady's arm, power vision which makes other people stronger, and luggage vision which summon's the Chin's luggage.
Boomstick: The Crimson Chin? More like The Visionary to me.
Wiz: And thanks to his chin expanding, CC can now use his chin for offense, defense, steering airbourne objects apparently, and can shoot a laser.. which doesn't appear to do anything.
Boomstick: He also has a healing factor in the off chance he is hurt and he can fly. Whee!
Wiz: Let's get to the stuff he's achieved by himself. He can lift and carry a loaded bus, stop a rocket in mid flight, make a mecha dog stagger, survive getting thrown through a building, is essentially bulletproof, and can deflect multiple spiked cannonballs.
Boomstick: His feats don't really sound too impressive until you notice that he's on par with most of his enemies like Bronze Kneecap, Titanium Toenail, and the Nega Chin. Those may be some weird supervillain names but at least they sound cool.
Wiz: Those guys may sound a bit wimpy and weak but they can certainly go toe to toe with Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad.
Boomstick: You wanna know how impressive Mom and Dad are? Well once, they destroyed an asteroid together.
Wiz: Using both Mom and Dad as a scale to find the asteroid's size, we can tell the force needed to destroy that asteroid would be around 83 tons of TNT.
Boomstick: They both also punted their own gigantic son to a nearby island which, when taking all things in account, would take around 86 tons of TNT, showing that these feats are consisent. They're also pretty fast with both of them being able to circle the world many times in seconds and Dyno Dad himself once flew to the sun and back. And knowing that CC scales to all this, that must mean that he's pretty dang powerful.
Wiz: He is powerful, yes, but he's not totally invincible.
Boomstick: The Crimson Chin is weak to an elemnt called Chintonite of all things and he has a sort of existential crisis. He even takes baths to wash away the pain. Man, comics are weird.
Popup: When Timmy Turner wished The Crimson Chin into real life, he told him all about his story and that he's a comic book character which spawned his existential crisis.
Wiz: But no matter the obstacle facing him, The Crimson Chin will always stand up to be the face, or rather the chin, of justice.
The Crimson Chin appears behing The Bronze Kneecap.
The Crimson Chin: You might have a kneecap of bronze Bronze Kneecap, but you've always had a jaw made of glass.
He then uppercuts Bronze Kneecap with his chin.
The Crimson Chin is seen flying above the streets of Metroville.
The Crimson Chin: Ah. Another day, another chance to serve justice to evildoers.
Just as he says this, he notices a man in a red outfit with a big "I" implanted on his chest. This man is Mr. Incedible. He was carrying a bag, running in the direction of a bank. He was running carelessly though because money was falling out of it. This gave The Crimson Chin the impression that Mr. Incredible was stealing money and decided to follow him.
The Crimson Chin: That man must be stealing money! I must return it and serve him some justice.
The Crimson Chin flew directly to Mr. Incredible.
Mr. Incredible was carrying a bag of money from a group of criminals he roughed up earlier. They stole the money from the bank. Mr. Incredible was determined to return the stolen money to the bank. As he was running, he was suddenly stopped by someone in a crimson costume.
The Crimson Chin: Who are you stranger?
Mr. Incredible: I should be asking you that question.
The Crimson Chin: Well, it doesn't matter who you are. I can see what you're trying to do, troublemaker.
Mr. Incredible: As you can see, I'm trying to return this stolen money.
The Crimson Chin looked at the stranger with the money suspiciously.
The Crimson Chin: Don't try to fool me. I know your type. The type that lies in the name of evil. Give me that bag.
The Crimson Chin swipes the bag from Mr. Incredible and went in the direction of the bank to return the money. This action made Mr. Incredible think that The Crimson Chin was the bad guy. He ran up to him and grabbed his foot.
Mr. Incredible: I just beat up some criminals a while ago. I'm not afraid to add you to the list of bad guys defeated by me.
The Crimson Chin threw the bag of money at the front of the bank.
The Crimson Chin: You must be mistaken boy. You were the one running with the money.
Mr. Incredible: Well I'm certain I'm not the bad guy here. I was returning it like I said. Does the name Mr. Incredible ring any bells?
The Crimson Chin: The only bells you'll be ringing when I'm done with you are the church bells for your funeral.
The Crimson Chin punched Mr. Incredible into the road. Mr. Incredible easily got back up.
Mr. Incredible: You're gonna regret that.
The Crimson Chin: Try to make me.
Both superheroes ran towards each other. When they got close to each other, Mr. Incredible grabbed The Crimson Chin when he was in his range. He then proceeded to lift him up and fall backwards hurting the Chin in the process. The Crimson Chin was fazed for a moment but got back up in time to evade an oncoming punch from Mr. Incredible.
The Crimosn Chin: Whew. That was a close one.
Mr. Incredible: It's not over yet!
Mr. Incredible goes for another punch but Crimson Chin grabs the fist and launches Mr. Incredible in the air. The Crimson Chin leaps up with a fist out to get a hit on Mr. Incredible but is met with Mr. Incredible with his arms open. He then grabs the Chin and spiral towards the ground, creating a crater in the middle of the road.
Mr. Incredible gets up slowly and walks over to The Crimson Chin who is lying down seemingly defeated. He kneels over to his position.
Mr. Incredible: You should know next time that you shouldn't cross me.
The Crimson Chin: I've got you where I want you now.
Mr. Incredible: Wait, what?
The Crimson Chin grabs Mr. Incredible's legs and tosses him in the ground.
The Crimson Chin: Don't get cocky once you're opponent's on the ground. They coulld have a trick up their sleeve like a clown at my 9-year-old niece's birthday party.
Mr. Incredible: You're not the only one with tricks, Chinny Boy.
Mr. Incredible got up and stood to face the Chin. They glared at each other, waiting for their foe to make a move.
Mr. Incredible goes in for the unexpected jab at Crimson Chin. The Chin deflects his blow and then kicks the Golden Age superhero in the back. Mr. Incredible recovered quite quickly but The Crimson Chin was expecting that and grabbed him. With Bob Parr in his grip, Charles Indigo held Bob's fists, spun around to gain momentum, and let go to launch Mr. Incredible into the horizon until he becomes unseen. The Chin soon went after the Incredible to finish him for once and for all.
Mr. Incredible is seen going through in the air. He then notices that he's about to land in the middle of a canyon. He covers himself as he's about to crash land to soften the final blow. He's followed by The Crimson Chin quickly flying observing him at first.
Mr. Incredible crashes into the ground and is stopped by a nearby canyon wall. The Crimson Chin slowly lands in front of Mr. Incredible.
The Crimson Chin: Looks like you're too tired to continue our brawl. I will stop for your sake.
Mr. Incredible slowly gets up.
Mr. Incredible: Don't count me out yet. I'm not giving up quite yet.
The Crimson Chin: That's the spirit.
The protector of Metroville faces the protector of Chincinnati in a staredown for a moment.
The Crimson Chin unleashes a laser beam from his eyes to disintegrate Mr. Incredible. Bob tumbled out of the way from the laser and the Crimson Chin instead destroys the canyon wall Mr. Incredible was propped up against a while ago. Mr. Incredible jumps up at the Chin dragging him down. When he bounced off the ground, the Chin was met a flurry of punches from Mr. Incredible. The Crimson Chin escaped from the onslaught. He then summons his luggage which left Mr. Incredible confused. The Crimson Chin started spinning extremely fast with the luggage in his hands hitting the Incredible multiple times with his tornado of luggage. The Chin kicked Mr. Incredible back and threw his luggage at him at once. Mr. Incredible caught one of the suitcases thrown at him and used it to slap The Crimson Chin across the battlefield. The Chin released another laser beam and Mr. Incredible dodged it once more. Mr. Incredible ran up and punched The Crimson Chin an incredible distance. The Crimson Chin crashed through a couple of canyon walls. When the smoke cleared, Charles is seen running up to Mr. Incredible from back a couple meters. As soon as Mr. Incredible saw what was happening, he decided to run up as well. When they saw each other they ran even faster with both their right fist clenched and collided.
The collision caused a shockwave damaging nearby canyon walls. When their fists made contact, both superheroes tried to grab each other with their other hand at the same time and caught each other's.
Mr. Incredible: In a minute, you'll be done.
The Crimson Chin: I have a minute left? Good. That's how long I need to defeat you.
Both Mr. Incredible and The Crimson Chin began to feel exhausted but Mr. Incredible moreso. Mr. Incredible's right hand began to be crushed by The Crimson Chin's might and his left hand was beginnning to feel compressed. It was starting to become very clear that Mr. Incredible was getting overpowered by The Crimson Chin. Eventually he gave up fighting and The Crimson Chin crushed both of Mr. Incredible's hands as he screamed in pain.
The Crimson Chin: By my mother's mandible, I say that you have been defeated villain.
The Crimson Chin takes Mr. Incredible's legs and swings him hard up to space where the Incredible loses oxygen and eventually dies.
The Crimson Chin: Well, I better get back to Chincinnati.
The Crimson Chin flew back to his hometown in victory.
Boomstick: Oh man! Mr. Incredible might as well change that "I" on his suit to an "L" because that was a pretty big loss for him.
Wiz: Mr. Incredible was pretty tough and certainly powerful but he just wasn't able to put down the chin of justice for a number of reasons.
Boomstick: First off, it's easy to see that CC here had the versitility advantage. He pretty much has all of the superpowers Mr. Incredible has and more. Super strength, invulnerability, enhanced senses, great agility, high stamina. That's pretty much what Mr. Incredible's power kit looks like and CC has all of these cover and more additional powers like heat vision to let him control the pace of the battle.
Wiz: Also, it's highly unlikely that Mr. Incredible would be able to exploit any of The Crimson Chin's weaknesses without any prior knowledge. Mr. Incredible obviously has no instant access to Chintonite of any kind and he wouldn't be able to know immediately that the Chin is a character right out of a comic book, let alone that he has an existential crisis.
Boomstick: Now with that out of the way, let's compare their stats. When comparing strength and durability, Mr. Incredible actually has The Crimson Chin beat.
Wiz: Let's take Mr. Incredible's best feat of withstanding the force of the falling Omnidroid and rivaling it with his own. When measured, the Omnidroid appears to weigh about 20 thousand tons. Applying that into the equation along with a falling speed of 186 meters per second, Mr. Incredible would have to be exerting a force equivalent to 78 tons of TNT.
Boomstick: Don't forget that he didn't just catch it. He lifted the whole thing up while the Omnidroid was pushing on him. Now onto The Crimson Chin.
Wiz: CC's best strength feats come from scaling to Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad, which we calculated earlier to be around 83 to 86 tons of TNT.
Boomstick: It may seem like CC beats Bob here at first but you have to remember that both Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad performed the feats we mentioned earlier together and so their individual strength is halved for each feat meaning that the feats CC scales to gives him strength equal to about 42 tons of TNT. "But Wiz! Mr. Incredible's stronger! How come he lost?"
Wiz: Mr. Incredible may take the advantages in the categories that seem to matter but it doesn't really matter much with the Chin's speed advantage.
Boomstick: But how does taking the speed advantage result in a win?
Wiz: Well, it wouldn't really matter if both superheroes were in the same ballpark of speed but the fact is that they're not. Mr. Incredible can keep up with Omnidroids and react to lightning and laser beams and such but that's nothing compared to what CC scales to. Scaling CC to Dad once more, who once flew to the sun and back in a couple of seconds, this means that Dyno Dad, along with Crimson Chin, can travel at 140 times the speed of light.
Popup: To justify this scaling even further, The Nega Chin blitzed both Mom and Dad with his Negavision whereas CC was able to dodge it, even when having lost his powers.
Boomstick: That is an insane gap in speed that strength and durability don't even matter anymore. The Crimson Chin could speedblitz Mr. Incredible and tire him out pretty quick.
Wiz: Overall, while Mr. Incredible could surpass The Crimson Chin in terms of strength and invulnerability, the Chin's many abilities and overwhelming speed put this superhero into retirement.
Boomstick: Looks like Bob was seeing "crimson" when he realized he wasn't on "Parr" with Charles' "chin"credible might.
Wiz: The winner is The Crimson Chin.
Next Time[]
???: "The One Piece is real!!!!" Who's "shaking" things up in Death Battle?
???: "My attacks have no effect on you? Who decided that? Your darkness swallowed up my sun? Who decided that? I will be the one who decides that. Die."" Who's The One in Death Battle?
Next time: A battle between two prideful powerhouses!