Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Obey the rules or I’ll tear you apart, and eat your insides, while you're still alive.

Mommy Long Legs is the main antagonist in Chapter 2 of Poppy Playtime.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

With Playtime Co.[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 1
  • Losses: 3
  • Draws: 0

Possible Opponents[]


Mommy Long Legs' backstory is largely unknown, though it's confirmed that she used to be a human named Marie Payne. In 1991, she was turned into the organic toy monster she is today to make use of Playtime Co.'s new elastic plastic. At first, she was violent, & enjoyed killing employees. However, they found that she was kind to children, & wouldn't act violently around them. Using this to their advantage, Mommy was put in charge of the Game Station to watch over the children who pass through.

When Playtime Co. went under, Mommy Long Legs was abandoned for years. With no children to tend to, she returned to her violent nature. When the Player arrives at the Game Station, she kidnaps Poppy & forces the Player to play her games else she kill them. However, all of the games are rigged to kill the Player anyways, & when they manage to escape the final game, Mommy calls them out for cheating, & demands they play "Hide & Seek", where she proceeds to pursue the Player & continuously try to kill them.

Towards the end of Chapter 2, Mommy chases the Player down a hallway, but gets her hand stuck in a grinder. Before she can free herself, the Player activates the grinder, which proceeds to crush her abdomen & kill her. The remains of her body were dragged away by The Prototype.

Death Battle Info[]


  • Name: Mommy Long Legs/Marie Payne
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Height: Unknown
  • Age: Unknown, became a toy in 1991
  • Likes: Children, murder
  • Dislikes: Peoples breaking the rules, the Player

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Stealth Mastery
  • Enhanced Senses
  • Self-Sustenance (Type 2)
  • Body Control
  • Wall Climbing
  • Web Creation
  • Elastic Limbs (100 ft)
  • Spotter Lens: An ability exclusive to Project Playtime that allows Mommy to see through walls for a short time to locate her target.
  • Sabotages: Abilities exclusive to Project Playtime that allow Mommy Long Legs to sabotage machinery & enemies. Only one can be equipped at a time.
    • Shutdown: Deactivates electronics such as the Puzzle Pillars.
    • Feeding Frenzy: Automatically sends downed targets to the Feeding Pit (technically outside help).
    • No Pack: Deactivates electronics such as the GrabPack.
    • No Escape: Stops targets from closing crash doors, using swing handles, or hiding in Port-A-Lounges.
    • Living Nightmare: Restricts the target's vision.
    • Total Lockdown: Shuts all crash doors in the area.
    • Directionless: Alters the target's senses, causing them to move in the wrong direction.
    • Boobytrap: Rigs electronics such as the Puzzle Pillars to damage whoever uses them.


  • Has killed 100+ of Playtime Co. workers
    • Took part in the "Hour of Joy" massacre
  • Lifted 3 people with one arm in the air (300 to 500+ lbs)
  • Arms strentched 100 ft through out the factory
  • Survived a large fall
  • Survived for over ten years without anything
  • Apprehended Poppy from the player
  • Killed Bunzo Bunny, the Mini Huggies, and PJ Pugapiller
  • Threatened to tear the player apart and eat their insides while they're still alive
  • Ripped the hand off the GrabPack, which can handle pulling heavy objects, & ripping off human heads


  • Prone to psychological breakdowns
  • Will not show aggression when around children
  • Spotter Lens can't see through Port-A-Lounges
  • Can be reckless, which was ultimately her undoing