"The cats and mice are chasing each other again, yet this time they also fight to the death in the process."
Mokey vs Neco-Arc is an AidenRulz0828 Production of DEATH BATTLE! featuring Mokey from the 2014 series by Sr. Pelo Mokey's Show vs Neco-Arc from the 2011 anime Carnival Phantasm.
Sr Pelo vs TYPE MOON. Tom and Jerry, but two parodies duking it out. Who takes it between the Cat and the Mouse, and who will be left for the animal shelter 6 feet under?
(Cue: Vs. Dave and Bambi - Main Menu)
Dave: Mokey, The internet's christmas-loving, Momi abusing mouse and parody of Mickey.
Bambi: Neco-Arc, the cat of chaos and parody of Arcueid Brunestud.
Dave: These two cause chaos anywhere they go, whether it be a pipe bomb in your mailbox or it be Krampus trying to take over christmas.
Bambi: Both of those happened, and both of these two came out even more chaotic. He's Dave and I'm Bambi.
Dave: And it's our job to analyze their Weapons, Armor, and Skills to find out who would win in a DEATH BATTLE!
Mokey is a clever betch when it comes to DEATH BATTLE![]
(Cue: Derek Fiechter - Guinea)
Dave: The white void. A background used by plenty of youtubers. Shorts Creators and Long-Form alike. However, this could just be an ordinary background in animation.
Bambi: And so tells the tale of Disnehy. A Disney parody created by a guy named Mr. Hair, or in spanish Sr. Pelo. He decided to make a parody of a character everyone knew and loved, Michael Theodore Mouse. Enter Mokey, a christmas loving mouse with their own little firepower.
- Full Name: Mokey the MOUSE
- Height: Short
- Weight: No
- Age: ???
- Gender: Male
- Species: Mouse
Dave: And so started the adventures of Mokey's Show. A show where they recreated 9/11, did a Star Wars episode, saved christmas from Krampus, took care of crocodiles, called the police way too many times, encountered SCPs, and a bunch of other scenarios that are too crazy to list. And all in all, Mokey takes the fact of Abilities to the next level.
- Toon Force
- Fourth-Wall Awareness
- Regeneration
- Size Manipulation
- Flight
- Some form of Reality Warping
- Shapeshifting
- Can breath fire
- Telekinesis
- Enhanced Senses
- Transmutation
Dave: Being an internet parody, they have to have some abilities up their non-existent sleeves. They can fly, stretch their limbs, grow and shrink to various sizes, breath fire, move things with their MIND, regenerate from almost anything, the list goes on! They're able to warp reality in a way being able to attack a person and do the most craziest things to them, look at the viewer and even strangle their own creator, and even transform into stuff. They also have enhanced senses as well as all of THIS!
- Various Guns
- Grappling Hook
- Matches
- Christmas Watch
- Christmas Sword
- Spear
- Fruit Cake
- Boxing Glove
- Metal Mallet
- Acid
Bambi: Mokey wields various guns, a grappling hook from when he was a superhero, matches that light stuff on fire, a spear, a fruit cake, a boxing glove, a whole metal mallet, and some Acid in the form of Tea. Imagine drinking tea that was actually acid. Then there's the major stuff like the Christmas Watch which he can use to travel to alternate universes and grab more Mokeys. And the Christmas Sword which grows in damage when in use of the Christmas Spirit. Luckily, Mokey has a LOT of that, which is perfect for him. Now for his various feats.
- Survived a crocodile attack
- Survived a meteor blowing up earth
- Can come back from almost anything
(This includes being exploded by a punch from Saxton Hale, mangled by SCP-087, being erased by Thanos, an asteroid, killed by Slenderman/Slunder, shark attacks, shot in various ways, unwanted suicide, all of Momi's attacks in It's Not Christmas, COVID-19, falling from the Death Star, Emotional Damage, etc.)
- Can casually harm Momi
- Became smart enough to prevent Momi from calling the Police
- Defeated The Prankster (With Grooby and Dilan)
- Is able to casually throw trees
- Can keep up with and possibly outspeed airplanes
- Destroyed said airplane with a paper version
- Drank acid
- Survived getting slammed off of a roof by John Cena
- Can survive flying through glass
- Defeated Krampus
- Saved Christmas and the Trees
- Strangled Sr. Pelo
Dave: Mokey is able to survive Crocodile attacks, which have a force of 16,460 newtons, or 3,700 PSI. He also survived the sun crashing into the earth, and blowing it up, which means Mokey can not only survive a force of 2.25 X 10^32 J, but can withstand a temperature of 10,000 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT! OKAY WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK!
Bambi: Mokey is also able to casually come back from anything. Whether it be getting killed by horror characters, or being erased, and etc. They were also able to defeat The Prankster, who had brutally murdered the superheros. They are able to throw trees, which weigh about 3-5 tons at maximum. They are able to keep up with Airplanes, which move at about 600 miles per hour. They also destroyed said airplane with a paper one, which let's see. Paper airplanes are about 18 to 28 pounds, while a real airplane is about 1,500 at minimum. This means Mokey would have to throw that thing with a force of about 83.33 to blow it up.
Dave: Mokey can also survive drinking acid, which is about 200-600+ degrees fahrenheit, can survive being slammed about 15 feet by John Cena, yes the WWE guy, and can survive flying through glass. Now these are impressive, but...
- Will become depressed if he missed Christmas
- Glass cannon at times
- Afraid of Snoop Dogg
- Rarely fights in actual hand-to-hand
Bambi: Even with these, Mokey is still a parody that you should NOT throw hands with, or else the spirit of christmas will not be in your favor.
Mokey: ... Are you stealing my lines or what?
Dilan: *Gibberish*
Neco-Arc starts up a carnival in DEATH BATTLE![]
(Cue: Melty Blood Type Lumina: Great Cat's Village R)
Dave: The realm of Tsukihime. A japanese game from TYPE-MOON that swept the nation, but we aren't talking about that. It states that every 10 years, the Ahnenerbe temporarily appears throughout the multiverse in an event called "The Carnival Moment" where worlds cross paths and characters meet up in a small cafe.
Bambi: So what is this cafe for? Where they meet up they just said that. Yet in that cafe, a group of cats are found, these being what we call: Neco-Arcs. Yet the one we're focusing on is THE Neco-Arc.
- Name: Neco-Arc
- Height: 40cm
- Weight: 5kg
- Age: ???
- Gender: Female
- Species: Cat
Dave: Neco-Arc is a cat-parody, like Mokey buy it's a cat from an actual series and not a mouse from a YouTube channel. And while Neco-Arc has more... popularity on the internet, that also takes into account their massive abilities.
- Flight
- Can Breath Fire
- Fourth-Wall Awareness
- Resistance to Radiation
- Slight Toon-Force
- Forcefield Creation
- Can Breath in Space
- Laser Eyes
- Teleportation
- Summoning
Bambi: Neco-Arc has various powers, such as being able to Fly, Breath Fire, see the Fourth Wall, and a WHOLE BUNCH OF STUFF! They can resist radiation, stretch their limbs and even turn into a rocket, create forcefields, Breath in space, shoot lasers from their eyes, teleport, and summon a bunch of stuff... wait how much can they summon?
- A f*cking meteor
- A whole bunch of Neco-Arcs
Bambi: oh.
Dave: For one, she can summon a meteor... okay, yet she also has various summons inside this "Neco-Packet" that she can spawn into battle just like that.
Summons (Neco-Packet)[]
- Neco-Train
- Flashlight
- Can
- Tmitter
- Livestream
- Tire
- One Inch Punch
- Running
- Falling
- Eco-Arc
- Archetype Neco
Dave: To start, she can summon Neco-Train in which three Neco-Arcs playing train will skip in a line from behind her. She has Flashlight which summons a Neco-arc on a plane and SOS which three Neco-Arcs will come from above flying downward. She has a Can which makes a can of cat food fall from the sky, X- I mean Twitte- I mean (wait what does it say...) "Tmitter"... that's not how it's supposed to be spelled but OK. How this works is Neco-Arc opens up a social media app, causing her phone to catch fire. That's Twitter for ya.
Bambi: Neco-Arc has FGO, in which she opens Fate/Grand Order on her phone and does a gacha roll. And apparently this has effects such as Black Keys, Curry Rice, Mapo Tofu, and Excalibur which either do damage to the opponent, or heal Neco-Arc herself. She can also livestream, which does EVEN MORE EFFECTS like Pear, Saint Quartz, and Super Cats which all heal her. She has Tire, in which an exhausted Neco-Arc slowly walks across the battlefield while dragging along a tire that's tied to their waist with a rope... what did they do?
Dave: She has the One Inch Punch, in which a Neco-Arc drops from the sky and winds up a punch. However, it's slow. She has Running and Falling, in which for Running, six Neco-Arcs run and crash into the opponent, with three charging from the front, and three charging from the back. And Falling which has a single Neco-Arc falling from the sky and attacking or just doing nothing. She has Eco-Arc which summons a child to perform a shockwave, and finally Archetype Neco in which a Neco-Arc dressed as Archetype: Earth will attack the opponent with a small pillar of light before vanishing away. With those finally done, let's move on to feats.
- Can fight with most of the TYPE-MOON Charatcers
- Should be twice as powerful as her inspiration
Bambi: Um... this is awkward... move on to her weaknesses
- Is cocky and a jerk
Dave: Let's just end it here.
Neco-Arc: I've got nine lives. You knew that about cats, right? *meow* That means I haven't lost until you beat me nine times!
Pre-Fight Poll[]
Place your Roots and Bets HERE!
Dave: Alright the combatants are set. We've gone through all of the possibilities.
(Location: Ahnenerbe Cafe)
11:50 PM, December 24'th...
The coffee shop was exploding with popularity today. Business had been running with customers from all over the multiverse, and a specific three were having their usual.
Neco-Arc Chaos: You know, I don't really see how Christmas Eve is when this coffee shop has more customers. Sure, it's the day before Christmas but what else?
Neco-Arc: Well you do know that on this day people get their gifts from that Santa guy nya?
As if it were out of nowhere, Mokey, Grooby, and Dilan slid into the cafe.
Mokey: OH BOY! OH BOY! I can't WAIT to have a nice meal before KRIMA!!!
Dilan: *Random Gibberish*
Grooby: Well Mokey, look at all of the others here. We need to be veeery careful on what happens ah-heugh.
Dilan: *More Random Gibberish*
The trio sat down, and ordered their food, Neco-Arc confused at the trio, especially Dilan.
Neco-Arc: What's with those guys over there?
Neco-Arc Chaos: Don't worry about them. They just might be stupid.
Mokey overhears this and pretty much teleports to Chaos and slaps them in the back of the head, turning them into a table.
Neco-Arc: NYA!?!
Mokey was about to walk back, but Neco-Arc pounces onto them, scratching the back of their head.
Mokey: *V E R Y D E E P B R E A T H* you BETCH!
Mokey slaps Neco-Arc outside of the cafe, breaking a window as they got up, watching Mokey lunge at them.
(Location: Outside the Cafe)
11:52 PM, December 24'th...
Mokey lunges at Neco-Arc, pounding them into the ground as Neco-Arc kicks the mouse parody back into the wall, scratching their face as it deflates. Mokey punches Neco-Arc, sending her across the street as she pulls out a phone, opening Fate/Grand Order and having keys from all around stab Mokey in the chest, back, head, everywhere. Mokey screams as they grab the keys, and crush them into a bowling ball, rolling it at Neco-Arc as she dodges the strike. Neco-Arc opens Tmitter, before kicking Mokey into a lightpost and throwing their phone into their head, causing a large dent as Mokey catches on fire, causing him to scream as they charge into Neco-Arc, knocking them down as Mokey appears as a small burnt corpse. Neco-Arc slowly walks away as Mokey smashes a table (Which used to be Neco-Arc Chaos) on their head, knocking the cat down as Mokey enlarges his foot, stomping on Neco-Arc before flicking them heavily down the street and into a large building.
(Location: Large Building)
11:55 PM, December 24'th...
Mokey would slam Neco-Arc around, causing people to run away as Neco-Arc called in Flashlight, causing another Neco-Arc to grab Mokey as a plane crashed into them, crushing Mokey against the wall as they get sent flying out. Mokey however grabbed the entire building and threw it into the air, causing both Neco-Arcs to stumble as Mokey made a paper airplane, and threw it, causing the entire building to explode. Mokey saw absolutely no trace of either Neco-Arc, and left only to be crashed into from behind by Neco-Arc, who's legs had shifted into a rocket, and dragged along the ground. Mokey's face was covered in stone as they shook themself only for a singular punch to cause them to shrivel up. Neco-Arc then swept Mokey, causing them to fall on their back and scream. Neco-Arc then summoned Falling, as another Neco-Arc fell from the sky, and crashed into Mokey, causing them to scream even louder. Neco-Arc, along with 7 other Neco-Arcs, would stomp Mokey out, causing great pain as one of them punched their head a hard amount.
Mokey would fall to the ground, before Neco-Arc slammed into them, sending them flying back and landing back to where it all started. The Ahnenerbe Cafe. After 4 minutes of violently scratching Mokey, they slammed him into the wall, knocking Mokey out cold. Now originally, this is where the K.O. would be heard, but instead...
The clock ticked...
The bells rung...
It was now Christmas Day.
Neco-Arc got a bad feeling as they looked to see Mokey's body gone. And then with great fear, felt Mokey behind them.
(Cue: DJR - Snow Mountain Remix)
(Location: Outside the Cafe)
12:00 AM, December 25...
Mokey slammed into Neco-Arc, violently punching them into the ground as Mokey grabbed a lamppost, and swung it into Neco-Arc's chest, sending the cat flying into the Cafe. Grooby and Dilan meanwhile, would be eating their food as Mokey beat the ever-loving sh*t out of Neco-Arc. The worst part about it, is that Neco-Arc Destiny could only watch in fear. Mokey grabbed Neco-Arc, and donning a Grappling Hook, swung onto another building, slamming the cat into the top. Neco-Arc summoned Eco-Arc, but the child was crushed by Mokey, then baked into a turkey. Neco-Arc looked in udder fear as Mokey punched them off of the building, before throwing down their spear, stabbing Neco-Arc's arm into the ground.
Mokey: KRIMA!
Mokey then threw down a fruitcake, crushing Neco-Arc's stomach as they Mokey teleported down and flicked Neco-Arc out of the spear, and into another lamppost. Neco-Arc slowly got up as she summoned Running. Six Neco-Arcs would attack Mokey from all sides as Mokey gets pummeled into the ground, having most of their bones broken until the Neco-Arcs get cut into pieces. Neco-Arc looks from the clash, seeing Mokey wield the Christmas Sword as they charge at them, attempting to stab Neco-Arc. However, Neco-Arc would grab Mokey while their arm was stretched, and slam them into the ground before shoving them into a wall. Mokey get sup with somehow relative ease, and again charges at Neco-Arc, cutting off their hand in the process. Neco-Arc ducks for cover as Mokey slashes open the door to the cafe and looks for her, Grooby and Dilan still eating like nothing is happening. Hiding behind the bar, Neco-Arc pulls out one last summon as a giant god-looking cat fired a large pillar of light towards the christmas-loving mouse, causing the entire cafe to be in ruins.
At the end of all of this, Neco-Arc looks up, seeing no sign of Mokey left. With a sigh of relief, they proceed to leave the area...
Only to get stabbed in the throat by the Christmas Sword.
Mokey would then swing in a circle, sending the head of Neco-Arc flying off of her body. Her now decapitated body would go limp, slumping to the ground and not moving. Eventually, Mokey put away the sword, and turned to the viewer.
Post-Fight Poll[]
Did you Agree or Disagree? The poll is right HERE!
(Continue with Snow Mountain Remix)
Dave: Aaaaaaaaand that's that. Just need to finish up our next fight and Season 1 is completed.
Bambi: This was closer than you might think... SIKE! Mokey and Neco-Arc had plenty of abilities to go around being able to view the fourth wall, casually teleport, and cause massive destruction. Yet in the end, Mokey just out-classed Neco-Arc in almost EVERY DAMN CATEGORY! Starting with strength, Mokey has casually thrown Paper Airplanes that blew up an actual Airplane, where as Neco-Arc has barely shown stuff like that. Mokey had insane Durability being able to come back from almost anything, had the Arsenal Advantage by way too damn much, and their Christmas Spirit alone should've been enough.
Dave: While Mokey's advantages are a heavy amount, they are fairly equal in Abilities having very similar movesets, yet Mokey just took every other aspect for this Death Battle. So I guess Neco-Arc really had their cafe, and their head, Christmas Broken in this fight.
Bambi: The Winner is Mokey.
- + Speed
- + Durability
- + Arsenal
- + Strength
- + Christmas Spirit
- = Abilities
- - Experience
- + Fighting Experience
- + Summons could wear down Mokey until Christmas
- = Abilities
- - Had almost no way to kill Mokey
Alternate Names[]
Neco-Arc: The Carnival is Starting!?!
- The fight would be in 2D in a similar style to Sr. Pelo's animations, before becoming a more smoother, anime-like animation style.
- I actually have no idea what the Track Cover would look like
- The OST would start with the Mario 64 track used in Sr Pelo's animations before becoming a more game-like fight theme