Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Michael Newman is the main protagonist of the movie Click.

Fanon Ideas so Far[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 0
  • Losses: 1
  • Draws: 0

Possible Opponents[]


Personal Info:[]

  • Name: Michael Newman
  • Species: Human
  • First Appearance: Click (Movie, 2006)


  • Normal human strength, speed, and durability.

Universal Remote:[]

  • Bonded to the user's will
    • As a result, can be indestructible depending on the will of the user
  • Remembers the habits of it's users
    • To the point where if the user want to skip so much time, the remote itself would remember.
  • Can stop time itself seemingly limitlessly and an infinite amount of times
    • Can slow down time
    • Can just stop time altogether
      • This gives him the opportunity to attack in anyway he wants, as the opponent can't do anything.
        • strength from said attacks gets stacked and once time is unpaused, it all hits the opponent at once
          • It is also likely defenses get completely nullified
    • Can go back in time to revisit a memory
      • Meaning that at any point, he can revisits a moment in a fight
    • Can fast forward (or rapidly speed up) time
      • Can fast forward at any point though time, as long as you have a pre-existing image of what the moment is and when that moment is happening
      • There also seem to be another Micheal created, to fill the real one's spot.
    • Can still interact with physical objects and other people while time is paused
    • Can change his position while time is paused
      • This means that he can move from one place to another while time is paused and then unpause and to a normal person, it would seem like warping or teleportation
  • Can change the language an opponent speaks
  • Can 'mute' people
  • Can alter the physical makeup of people or objects
    • Though said alterations can only be seen through his perception


  • A normal human and can die like any other human beings
  • The Remote takes control during certain emotions, could skip, speed up, slow down, almost at random
