Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Metal Sonic vs Nui Harime is the 2nd episode of BoomShadow20089's Sonic the Hedgehog VS Kill la kill, featuring Metal Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog video games and Nui Harime from the anime Kill la Kill. Only using the source material for this fight, which means no Archie for Metal Sonic and no IF for Nui.


Sonic the Hedgehog VS Kill la kill episode 2 of BoomShadow's20089 Series. This time we have 2 evil opponents. Two antagonistic mirrors of edgy yet likable heroes, which of these obsessed evil-doers will walk away with the gold? Find out now, on DEATH BATTLE!


Ragyo Kiryuin: Every force needs an opposite, yet equal counter-force. That's just how the world works--and this concept goes even to more conceptual forces, like good and evil. For every good character, there will eventually be an evil counterpart who stands in their way.

Sonic: Like Metal Sonic, my steel-plated faker!

Ragyo: And Nui Harime, the Life Fiber-Human hybrid. I'm Ragyo and this is Sonic, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Nui Harime stays positive and funny in Death Battle![]

Ragyo: Looks like the child herself.

Sonic: The Killer of Isshin Matoi.

Ragyo: Nui Harime.

Sonic: Nui has a good Arsenal, a Umbrella that almost block anything like a giant Big fat robot with strong arms worn by Someone! And she wears a really strong and cool pink dress, and just like Ryuko, Her scissor blade can cut through Tennis balls. Well, in the show she doesn’t do it, but i bet she can!

Ragyo: Yes. Her Purple Scissor Blade she got after killing Isshin Matoi. She is positive very much at all times, and hates getting her arms cut off. The ones i gave her can shapeshift and alter it’s appearance. She also has life fibers in her body, that can heal wounds no matter how bad it is cut. This makes her invulnerable to most weapons, if limbs are cut off But if the person steps on the limb while is regenerating, it will stop, no matter what. Those arms can become blades, and is capable of slicing limbs off. Too bad i made her sacrifice herself.

Sonic: Really? Well, She has Sharp Nails witch can grab a Banshi and make the 3 star Goku uniform stop its transformation. She can beat a 3 Star Goku uniform effortlessly with those cool strength and abilities.

Ragyo: Speaking of Strength, Nui has good physical and super human strength, witch can make her have an increase of speed, and make her jump higher. That Umbrella she uses can block alot of hits from anything pretty much. And she is good at infiltration, Sewing, being a pilot, and disguise. And can make doppelgängers to fool enemies and help her in battle. She doesn’t need a Kamui to be strong. Because she is.

Sonic: And yes, This positive girl can shoot life Fibers from her hand, and if her heart gets ripped out, the She simply regenerates her heart! Pretty OP for a positive person. And she is the only character in Kill la Kill who has reality warping abilities, out of all the characters.

Ragyo: Didn’t no about that, now, her disguise is she can change her hair, clothes, gender, and even voice! She can be skilled at creating Fake ID's. And she is a nice human hybrid. And some razor tape measure, that I don’t know about. And this hybrid can sink ships, and lots of things. Sadly we have no more information we can display. So, wanna get to the next rundown, Sonic?

Sonic: Yeah! I bet this is gonna be Metal Sonic.

Ragyo: Correct Hedgehog. Now let’s go, because i wanna go home, and i will look forward to see you in another battle.

Sonic: Thanks! I will hope to see you too, lets go now! Wait, she has that eye patch and good dodging skills. She lost her eye since it was sliced by Isshin Matoi. Looks like he doesn’t wanna play. And she stole that scissor blade, and ran away from the house to make an escape! Sneaky Little Life Fiber!Fiber.


Metal Sonic overdrives into Death Battle![]

Ragyo: Fakers, am I right? Everyone's got them in one way or another, but none take it as far as the Eggman's strongest Badnik.

Sonic: Aka, Metal Sonic! This steel-cold faker's been a thorn in my side for a while, since I came to a little planet known as...well, Little Planet! Ol' Egghead decided to fight fire with fire that day, trying to make a robot that could match me in every way. Strange, isn't it?

Ragyo: His debut was quite the surprise too, kidnapping a love-sick Amy Rose after breaking through a solid wall of spikes, only to then challenge Sonic here to a race on Stardust Speedway! Of course, with the hype that surrounds such a dramatic move, he's gotta have some pretty sweet powers to challenge his brand new rival.

Sonic: And boy did he. Besides my awesome speed and signature Spindash, this bucket of bolts can straight up fry himself to get an edge in speed and power in a move called the V. Maximum Overdrive. Plus, he can send this electro-energy out in some sparking ring field.

Ragyo: Despite the fact he could out-pace Sonic and had these tricks, though, Metal Sonic was still beaten with a cool head and a fragrant use of shortcuts. Beaten to the punch, he was beamed to death by his own creator on accident, left to never return....

Sonic: Until a few years later, where he was woken up by the egghead on Little Planet. Taking a detour to grab some energy-filled crystal, he once again tried to take me down, and once again got taken out easily!

Ragyo: Don't sell him short now Sonic. Last I checked, this robot's on-par with you in all categories, kinda like you and Shadow, but without the mere coincidence. Besides, after this was Metal Sonic's biggest event yet! Overtaken by anger at his losses and a desire to be the real Sonic, he ripped apart his own form with his own hands, evolving himself into the dreaded Neo Metal Sonic. After that, he took control of the Eggman Empire and set about working on his ultimate plan to finally surpass his so-called 'loathsome copy' and take over the world. However, to do that, he needed to think smarter than his enemies, think like his enemies. He needed to BE his enemies.

Sonic: And that's what his plan boiled down to in the end--copying all the abilities me and my friends had gotten up to that point. As if some simple robot could take on everything me and my pals had up to that point.

Ragyo: Of course he copied Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, granting him the core powers of Speed, Flight, and Power. Then he got the biodata of Shadow the Hedgehog, allowing him the ability to use Chaos abilities like the time-stopping Chaos Control and the lightning-like Chaos Spear! After that was the data of Chaos through taking Chocola the Chao and Froggy, allowing him to melt into a liquid metal puddle and reform as different creations--such as a life-like Eggman duplicate!

(Insert picture of the Eggman dummy here, broken)

Ragyo: ...okay, not that life-like, but still. He even took on the Chaotix's abilities, along with (in the future) Silver the Hedgehog's telekinesis. Truly a scary combo.

Sonic: But it just wasn't enough for the faker, so he went even further. Using a bunch of metal around Eggman's base and using the longest transformation sequence in history, he managed to transform himself into a monster by the name of Metal Overlord. Don't worry, me and my team were able to take him down.

Ragyo: Not without a struggle though--in fact, Super Sonic couldn't even damage Metal Overlord without him and his team using their full power in multiple all-out attacks! And that's saying a lot, considering that Super Sonic is powered by the Chaos Emeralds, which also powered this cannon that was strong enough to destroy this cluster of stars in Sonic Battle!

(Insert GIF of the Star Cluster-Destroying feat in Sonic Battle)

Ragyo: Sure, he may not have had that much power, but if it's ANYWHERE near that ball-park, then Metal Overlord is one tough son of a gun. And that's not even getting into his other forms like the red Metal Sonic Kai, or the Master Emerald-powered Master Overlord.

Sonic: Point is, while Metal Sonic obsesses over what he could be more than what he is, he's ironically shown that what he is isn't just a robot with a chip and a brain, but an impressive rival who won't think twice about showing you just what he's made of.


Sonic: The Combatants are set! So get ready for the one and only…


Death Battle[]

A blue streak flew through a brighter blue sky, yellow light trailing behind. The source of said streak, upon closer inspection, would reveal itself to be none other than the robotic double of the world-famous hedgehog-speedster, Metal Sonic. He wasn't flying without reason though, no, he was on a very important mission--one that he could remember just as easily as any before it.

Dr.Eggman paced around his lab with his chin in hand, his semi-loyal servant simply turning his head as he watched the doctor pace with a worried look upon his usually grinning face. "I just don't get it! How are these wretched CLOTHES constantly coming back every time they get pushed back?" the egg-shaped man questioned, before he suddenly stopped, an idea coming to mind. "Ahah! Of course, they must have some form of a source! Perhaps a mother no no, that's a little too absurd, even for MY standards. But they are being lead, that much is clear." he reasoned, before turning to the frankly bored robot.

"Metal Sonic! Go out there and find the leader of these Life Fibers. If you do, take them out before they can launch another attack on my empire." Ivo then commanded Metal, said hedgehog-robot giving a curt nod before walking out. Turning back around, the Eggman would start to grin to himself, shadows stretching across his face as he spoke once more. "Now I've got you, you pesky fibers. There's only ONE super-genius with a theme that can conquer this world, and it'll be ME!" he'd gloat, before leaning back and letting out a signature "OH HO HO HO!"

As the memory faded back to where it wasn't needed, Metal Sonic's sensors suddenly went off--there was a large concentration of Life Fibers gathered at a nearby high school. Knowing he would find his questions answered there, one way or another, the robotic double would quickly fly off towards the high school...Honnōji Academy.

Inside of said Academy, what looked to be a young blond with extra-spirally pigtails was holed up in one of the rooms--painstakingly threading together a cloth of some sort. The seamstress doing this would be none other than Nui Harime, the Grand Courtier working on a new life-fiber infused suit. Humming cheerfully, she would go for another stroke-


Only to be stopped by a loud crash from the other side of the room, perking up and turning around to find a figure in the dust of the impact. Red, piercing eyes shone through the smoke, before it cleared to reveal Metal Sonic, as intimidating as ever. Both of the short, yet deadly fighters would stare at each other for a good minute, for wildly different reasons. The blue-coated robot was scanning the opposing, oddly sunny girl--noticing the fact that her readings seemed to match those of the Life Fibers. A perfect match, in fact. Meanwhile, Nui was just watching in confusion, wondering what the robot even was.

"Hey Mr.Robot, are you gonna say anything? That was awfully dramatic just to say nothing!" the cheery mostly Life-Fiber lifeform would claim, poking the blue-colored hedgehog robot from across the double close-up that kept the both of them in frame. That seemed to be the final straw, as Metal Sonic suddenly slapped away the hand poking his chrome dome and pointed a finger at Nui! Suddenly, an electric ball would form at it's tip, before he fired it. Swiftly, Nui dodged the shot...but the clothes she was working on weren't so lucky, suddenly being blown up with an electric crackle. Turning back, the Harime let out a squeak of surprise before she turned back towards the hedgehog-robot with what could only be assumed to be annoyance.

"I was making that for a friend!" she would claim, before brandishing what appeared to be a purple, overly exaggerated half of a scissor. "Looks like someone needs to teach you to be more respectful!" was then shouted, only to be returned by a series of beeps that only the one who expressed them would be able to understand.


The two fighters dashed towards one another, with Metal Sonic's superior speed allowing him the first strike. He charged straight past Nui, knocking her off balance before skidding to a stop. Without a second to lose, he charged straight towards his target--Nui herself barely managing to stop the claws that were about to rake her with a well-timed parry. Both fighters struggling for a moment, Nui seemed to get the upper edge, suddenly swinging her blade up to devert the metal hedgehog's spiked fingers before swinging around to send him flying back!

"Down, boy!" The ever-cheerful Life Fiber creation said, as if reprimanding a dog that was being overactive. Suddenly, a hand came stretching from the smoke, catching the girl off guard and slashing her away. Suddenly rocketing out of the small crater that was formed from the impact, Metal Sonic's nails seemed to sharpen even as his arm returned to him, a gleam in his eye. Before Nui even had a chance to react, a clean cut was sent straight through her arm, the mettalic hedgehog standing behind her as it fell off. A gush of blood would spray, earning a cry of pain...before it then transitioned into a surprisingly boisterous laughter.

Confused, Metal Sonic turned back...only to find out, much to his shock, that the cut he made was already being regenerated at an incredible rate. "Aw, you really thought that just any old scissor would be able to take me down?" Nui questioned, turning her head back towards Metal and doing her best impression of a cutsey wink. Once it had reformed, the 4th Wall-leaning girl would then thrust her hand out, claiming "Looks like you'll need a little Metal Refitting!" in a cheery tone, despite the implications being anything but. Long strands of Life Fibers burst from under her hand, rushing towards Metal Sonic in a manner that seemed unnatural.

Despite managing to cut a few away, even more fibers managed to take their place--until finally, the copycat robot was captured by the strands, a few digging into his plating and connecting directly to his CPU. What their purpose was would soon become clear as the hedgehog's eyes suddenly dimmed, his resistance just as rapidly vanishing. Nui was pleased with the result, deciding to get up close and look over her newly captured puppet. "Hmm...I wonder what Mr.Robot here's even supposed to be." she would curiously ask, before then standing up and shrugging, turning to see if she could scavenge any of the cloth she was making. "Oh well! Whatever he is, he sure is bad at faking it."



That word seemed to resonate within Metal Sonic's circuits, the most powerful Badnik's visor starting to flicker. His metal seemed to shift ever so slightly, becoming much more sharper...and from how the visor's center furrowed, much more angrier.


This seemed to stop Nui, the wielder of the purple-half of the scissor blades suddenly stopping before looking back, her eye wide with disbelief. "Wh-wha...? Did I just hear..."

"I am NOT a fake..." croaked out of Metal Sonic, the voices' disuse causing it to sound much more weary for a moment. Despite the Life Fibers that were meant to keep him still, the robot's frame started to tremble...

A look of shock on her face, Nui would turn around, taking a step back. "H-how!? No one else has-" she started, being cut off by the suddenly booming voice coming from the machine.


Suddenly, an electric aura would overtake Metal, shocking Nui through her fibers while also allowing him the strength to fully resist against said restraints! A clawed hand would dig into the portion of his head that the fibers dug into...before then TEARING it out with a resounding CRACK, the Life Fibers restraining Metal Sonic's mind now cut thoroughly. Meanwhile, Nui was struggling against the shocks leading from the robot's rebellion, not having expected a counter attack like this. In a moment of panic, she SLASHED through the Fibers that were linking her to the electrifying robot, causing the Fibers restraining the hedgehog robot to fall limp--just in time, as a white glow silhouetted his body.

Landing on his feet, Metal Sonic would seem to grow ever larger, his arms and legs both shooting outwards and becoming more defined. A black, spiked belt would suddenly spin around his waist, locking closed as a short, black cape shot out of the back of it. His head, too, seemed to change, with his quills suddenly splitting apart and shooting outwards a large amount! Finally, the white glow was overtaken by a black pattern, before with a pulse of blue, it finally exploded into color! Finally, the metal menace's true form was revealed...Neo Metal Sonic.

Metal Sonic KLK Transform

"And I bow to no one."

Neo Metal Sonic turned back towards Nui, a heavy-set glare leveled as his cape billowed behind him. Nui, on the other hand, was watching by this point with a look of disinterest. "You suuuuure do take your time with that sort of thing." she noted, before then lunging forwards and attempting a slash. That would be countered by the now Neo hedgehog holding up a hand, causing a black, prism-like shield to appear and absorb the blow. With the one-eyed killer taken aback by this absolute defense, Neo let the Black Shield go down before rushing forwards to deliver a sharp set of claw swipes upon his target. However, with every swipe earned, another simply renewed itself, the Life Fiber-based hybrid constantly regenerating.

"That's ENOUGH!" Nui would shout, before dodging an upwards-slashing swipe and swinging her blade to send the blue-coated robot flying back. Using this opportunity, she quickly whipped out what seemed to be a bladed tape measure, before swinging it at the off-guard Neo Metal!


As the tape measure returned to it's rightful place, the victim of it's long-ranged swipe would be revealed...Neo Metal's arm fell off with a thud, stopping the robot for a second as he examined the damage. Finding joy in the dismemberment, Nui would once again smile cheerfully. "Wow, that sure is a predicament you've found yourself in! If only you were more like me, then maybe you wouldn't be down an arm." she would tauntingly say, only stopping as she noticed the Neo hedgehog turn to stare her down with a set glare, his armless side faced away from the if the lost arm didn't even bother him. "Don't get so cocky, Life-Fiber wielder." the robot retorted.

This seemed to get the opposite reaction he was expecting--as Nui would simply cheer at the claim before proclaiming "Oh come on, Metal Sonic. We're all friends here, right? You can at least call me by my name!" casually, as if they weren't even fighting to the death. "Since it's also the last name you'll ever know, i'll just get it out of the way now. It's Nui Harime!" she would claim, taking the chance to lean on the handle side of the now planted Scissor Blade. At least, up until a beep sounded from the robot, earning a hum of confusion. "Uhm...what was that?" she would ask.

Her answer didn't come in the form of a sentence, but a single action. Liquid metal suddenly spewed out of Metal Sonic's broken arm-socket, curling and warping as if it had a mind of it's own! Then, after a good few seconds, it would compress and solidfy...revealing itself to be a larger, more dragon-like arm that one could attribute to the metal hedgehog's gigantic forms. And it was pulled back, right in a fist.

"Life-Fiber Hybrid Data...has been copied!"


Nui's second question would then be answered by that fist SMASHING into her at high-speeds, sending her rocketing through the walls of the school before finally exiting out of the front--flipping a few times before finally skidding to a stop. Looking up, her body would already be recovering from that blow as well while Neo Metal jumped out of the last-formed hole, earning quite the attention from surrounding students. The robot's arm was already shrinking back down to normal as he closed the gap, lightning already forming in his claws. Remembering the high-powered shocks from earlier, Nui wasn't intent on repeating that experience again.

"N-no worries, I still have it all under control!" Nui claimed, though it was hard to tell whether she was trying to calm down the crowd around or herself. Though she focused her gaze back on Metal Sonic a moment later, a glint of mischief in her eye as she then claimed "I just need a little back-up!", before then pointing towards the robot. Pink smoke began poofing from out of nowhere around her, as Nui jumped out of it...and then another Nui. And another, and another, and ANOTHER--the schoolyard was overflowing with Nui-copies! Trying to fight them off, Metal Sonic would leap into the air, a fist raised overhead, before launching straight to the floor with a punch. On contact, a tremor suddenly caused most of the Nui clones and students to trip, even a few in the air somehow!

Getting up, they would find that Neo Metal seemed to be missing from the arena...yet, not actually having left, judging by how one of the Nuis suddenly was decapitated in a single slash from seemingly nowhere. On alert, one of the other Nuis would call "Be on-guard everyone!" which was met with a resounding chorus of agreements. Each one would start heading around the yard in an attempt to find the invisible menace, unaware of where exactly he could be.

After a minute or two of the Nuis' searching, two would pass eachother in their attempts to sniff Neo Metal least, at first. One of them would suddenly stop in place, her eye turning back towards the Nui that passed her before a smile came across her face. Suddenly whipping around, she produced a ball of electricity before shooting it at the other Nui's back, earning a surprised yelp before the latter Nui turned back....just in time to see the offending Nui melt into a puddle of liquid metal, swiftly transforming back into their true form, Neo Metal.

"Wha-!? How did you do that?" The Life-Fiber killer asked, only to be met with another series of close-range strikes. Managing to dodge these ones a little better, Nui would swing her Scissor Blade--transforming it into a double-bladed scythe that she spun around to block the next set of blows like a shield. A smile returning to her face once again, she would then counter with one last swipe, catching the Neo hedgehog in a multi-sided swipe combo before finally launching him into the air. Spinning back, Neo Metal Sonic would manage to catch his momentum--curling up as he reversed it into a forwards roll, suddenly blasting forwards and cutting through Nui's head with his sharp spikes.

As he bounced off into the air, her head would regenerate, though it did leave the Life Fiber hybrid in a daze as she tried to regain a sense of balance. That was enough of a distraction to allow the steel-plated faker to fly up to the top of the Academy, landing on it's very top and raising his hand into the air. "All living things shall KNEEL before me." he would cry, the clouds starting to darken overhead. Alerted by the odd storm brewing overhead, Nui finally got back to her senses, turning back and looking up to find her foe standing atop of the building...all before lightning struck him, coating him in a light blue aura. With his new charge, Neo Metal unleashed a wave of some sort around himself.

What that wave before would soon become revealed, as parts of Honnoji Academy started to rip off the ground and fly towards Metal, not just at the Academy. Even the land around the school, anything that had even a little metal within would start being dragged towards the hedgehog-esque robot! As the metal around broke down into liquid as it approached, Neo Metal Sonic was engulfed in a white glow...that is, until he began to grow.

Each new piece seemed to add to his new size, growing the Neo Hedgehog to Kaiju-sized levels. His whole body started to change, with his arms shooting out into massive claws--one of them even morphing into a more lobster-like claw. Meanwhile, his legs morphed into long wires that spread across the school, draining it's energy for every drop it was worth. Two more hands would come out of his new pelvis' sides, spreading out into long, fan-like arms. With a single push off the ground, he would shoot into the air, causing the Academy to crack as he stabilized his flight. Just in time too, as two long and spindly wings suddenly shot out of his back before his head began to morph. His long spikes grew even longer, curving back as his visor split into two vertically-aligned halves. Both now crescent eyes held a single blood-red iris, which were focused even as the hedgehog's muzzle suddenly broke apart into a maw that one would attribute into a dragon!

He was no longer Neo Metal, he was Metal Overlord.

Overlord of Metal KLK


Not yet finished, the giant, dragon-esque machine would lift a hand forwards...before calling to himself, Life Fibers across the school. The fibers from the students' clothes, the ones from the unfinished suit, they would all start being psionically dragged towards the Overlord--even Nui herself for a brief second, before she planted her scythe into the ground to resist the pull. "Wh-what's he DOING!?" she would cry out, looking upon the scene with shock. All of the Life Fibers that were dragged towards the towering machine would start looping around him, etching patterns of glowing red lines that served to make his menace even more pronounced. It seemed as if he was using his data on Nui, mixed with his natural metallokinesis and copied psychokinesis to fuse with the fibers!

As he fused with them, the dragon-like Metal Overlord would aim a claw down towards the courtyard, before said claw turned into what seemed to be a massive flamethrower! Firing a stream of flames Nui's way, the Life Fiber hybrid had to leap away and dodge, with most of her clones and the students weren't fortunate enough to run away while they still could not being as lucky. As they burned, the real Nui turned back to watch, before looking back with a scowl on her face. "That's it! No more Ms.Nice Nui!" she would shout in annoyance, before running along the school's roof. Using the blue-steeled robot's destructive rampage as a distraction, she would then start running up the Overlord's wires still connecting him to the school.

Before Metal knew what was happening, the thief of the Scissor Blade was digging her hand through a crack in the faker's armor, her clawed hooks under her fingernails grabbing onto the Life Fibers he had absorbed as she did so. With expert pulls and a few slashes with her scythe, she managed to actually untangle them from the dragon's design, with most of the lines starting to falter in brightness. This seemed to impact the draconic robot himself now, faltering slightly in his flight before he unleashed a massive gust to throw himself higher into the air! "That is ENOUGH! You will fall before me!"

The massive robot then started to fire off the massive spikes on his body, which then turned around and started to fly straight back at himself...or more accurately, the part of himself where Nui even was. The life-fiber hybrid would look up towards the missiles, getting an idea as she kept up her run. With the currently plucked Life Fibers, she would launch off the high-flying Overlord, instead landing on and running along the spike missile before jumping onto another one. The first few would predictably miss Nui, impaling the Overlord before exploding into giant crystal structures. With a roar of seeming pain, his flight pattern would start to wobble again as the rest of his missiles started to turn, avoiding their launcher before turning around to aim towards the spike-hijacking Life Fiber being.

As they did, Overlord built up energy within his maw, waiting for a moment to strike. Meanwhile, Nui herself was constantly dodging missiles, being forced to warp one of her arms into a black and purple blade to slice one of the oncomming missiles in half. Having regained some sense of stability in this battle, her smile would return to her once again before she continued her leaping between missiles, using her grace and surprising agility to dodge around the fast-flying spikes while making sure they didn't collide with eachother while she still needed them. However, that wouldn't come to last, as the Overlord of metal had finally finished charging.

Letting out a massive roar, he would launch a beam of pure energy towards Nui--one that she only narrowly leapt out of the way of, destroying most of the missiles in one massive explosion! However, Nui was able to escape the explosion just in time, having produced a pink and white umbrella to float softly down with. As a parting gift, she would laugh loudly, before proclaiming "Even in that state, you can't land a good hit on little ol' me!" with a taunting tone. And there was a reason she felt safe to poke the literal dragon like that, as that blast had drained the reserves that Metal Overlord had left after losing quite a lot of the fibers keeping his transformation powered. His eyes began to fade to black, starting to fall back to the earth...that is, from the outside.

On the inside, Metal Sonic (now normal) was glaring at the image of the drill-tailed blonde simply floating away. Ripping away the wires keeping him connected, the metal hedgehog's body started to charge up with electricity...before he rushed straight out of his own transformation's core.

(Cue Vs Metal Sonic - Kamex Remix)

Suddenly, a yellow, spikey explosion would burst from Metal Overlord's body, the source of the explosion revealing itself as it spun around in a barrel roll straight towards Nui! Taken aback by the sudden appearance of Metal Sonic once more, and not able to properly dodge with her floating down, the Life Fiber hybrid had no choice but to take the Emerald Dive straight out of the air, accidentally letting go of her umbrella as she was shocked by the overclocking hedgehog! This spiralling yellow trail that was Metal Sonic's electricity would continue all the way to the ground, finally destroying the rest of Nui's clones in the ensuing explosion of energy--yet, not Nui or Metal themselves.

Floating back, Metal didn't even seem surprised as Nui emerged from the smoke, one hand gripping tightly to her blade while another was formed into a secondary blade. She was breathing heavily, actually starting to grow exhausted from just how intense this fight had gotten. Her mouth was curled in an attempt at a grin, yet frustration was clear across her face as she started to take a step forwards. " ruined EVERYTHING!" she would cry out, although Metal Sonic did nothing but curl inwards for another charging attack. His body alight with electricity once more, he would charge straight at Nui, his initial charge creating a sonic boom with his speed! Seeing that he was racing straight towards her with his claws extended, Nui would change her Scissor Blade back into it's base state before aiming it straight at the hedgehog robot.


Metal and Nui ended up behind eachother, frozen in place as the clash concluded. After a brief, yet tense moment...the latter's Scissor Blade would crumble, leaving Nui with nothing left but the handle of the blade. "W-WHAT!?" she cried out, shocked. No one's ever managed to destroy the blade before! Before she could properly question how the steel-plated faker had managed to destroy it with nothing but a mere boost of speed, Metal Sonic then turned right back around--cutting the Life Fiber hybrid in half from the waist, horizontally! Then, as she screamed out in pain, he would raise a hand into the air.


The whole world would warp with this proclamation, everything except Metal Sonic suddenly stopping in place as it all gained a negative coloration. Turning back towards the cut Nui, the metal hedgehog knew what he had to do--he had to cut away at the Life Fiber hybrid so thoroughly she couldn't EVER regenerate! With this in mind, he would curl into a ball before spinning at maximum speed--dashing straight at the blond. Upon nearing her, he seemed to vanish...before blurs suddenly shot around her, slicing clean through with nothing more than their own speed! Ending up in front of the repeatedly cut up girl, the metal hedgehog would then lift the cut pieces of the Scissor Blade into the air...before pulling them towards him, absorbing them into his body.

And with that, the 12 seconds of Chaos Control were up.

Suddenly, jets of blood shot out of Nui, earning an even higher pitched screech of agony as her body finally caught up to the time-stopped attacks! Then, whipping back around, Metal would transform his arm into a variation of the girl's own blade before rushing even faster towards her flying torso! Slashes could be seen flashing across Nui, before finally Metal ended up in the middle of the still flying giblets. In one last jet of blood, Nui's head flew into the air with her final scream, opening her up for the true finishing blow.

Metal Sonic's body charged with electricity, before in one flex of power, unleashing a Ring Spark Field! The closer body parts wound up being completely atomized by the explosion of energy, while the farther parts ended up charred and burnt, unrecognizable as the now former Harime. As he recovered from his finishing blow, the surviving combatant would go to stand up before turning his eyes towards the remains of his foe. Without another word, he would lift himself up with his jet thrusters, before flying off. After all, he had to relay his mission's success to Dr.Eggman.


Ending Screen A: Metal Sonic is seen arriving to Eggman.

Ending Screen B: Ragyo is angered at the destruction of the school. As Nui’s Umbrella was claimed by Sonic. And he used it has his own.

Ending Screen C: Ragyo plans to get revenge on Eggman, for creating METAL SONIC.


Sonic: Looks like Nui ain't getting any love after this fight. Metal didn't have to go THAT brutal on her, though.

Ragyo: Both combatants definitely had their advantages in battle, with Nui having quite a few powerful hax that might have been able to draw this out long enough to win--most notably, her superior regeneration and ability to lock people up as mindless puppets.

Sonic: That is, if Metal over here didn't have ways around that. His willpower's insane, capable of breaking his own programming just so he could take me on as Overlord, and his attack power's nothing to scoff at either.

Ragyo: You got that right Sonic. While Nui's fought casually with building-smashers and town-level destroyers before, she's never shown the ability to completely no-sell hits as powerful as world-smashing--which can be done by Metal Sonic at the very LEAST while he's in his Overlord state! Remember, Super Sonic and pals couldn't even leave a dent in him until they went all out--and even then, it took multiple attempts to finally take him down as Metal Overlord. And Super Sonic is powered by the same emeralds that destroyed a whole cluster of stars! Even lowballing Super Sonic at that point, he'd still be well above planet level in terms of power.

Sonic: But that regeneration definitely had Metal beat for a good bit. After all, even with HIS speed, which can reach up to light speed, Metal Sonic still needed to figure out a way to take out Nui without her regenerating from the blow. Luckily for him, he got that in the form of her own signature weapon, the Scissor Blade. It's strong enough that, when combined with it's other half, it's capable of completely negating regeneration for Life Fiber beings. With that, Metal's superior battle experience, and his massive speed advantage, is it really a surprise that he'd eventually figure out how to take Nui down with it?

Ragyo: There would've only been one issue--the other half wouldn't be a part of the fight, so how could the blade be able to take Nui out?

Sonic: Would've, if it wasn't for my faker's Copycat technique. It's pretty versatile, even being able to download Chaos' puddle and stretchy arm techniques while scanning a Chao who wasn't part of the Chaos incident and a frog who was only inside of a non-perfect Chaos for a small amount of time. With that level of copying, Metal would've easily been able to copy the blades' regeneration-negating trait the moment he got his hands on it. Heck, for good measure he could've even copied Nui's own regeneration and duplicating techniques, since unlike what the name states, his copy isn't just limited to organic people like me.

Ragyo: Along with that, there were techniques in Metal Sonic's disposal that would've allowed him to wear out Nui's own stamina, like the ultra-durable Black Shield and the spike-breaking V. Maximum Overdrive. Heck, he could even fool the Chaotix and even Tails with his disguising for 3 days straight, meaning he could probably out-trick the Harime if it came down to a game of deception. But in the end, Metal Sonic just had the power, defense, speed, and tricks he needed to take home the win.

Sonic: I'd say it's pretty shocking that Nui couldn't fashion a way out of this final cut, but i'd be lying pretty bad right there. There was Neo way she could've saved herself.

Ragyo: The winner is Metal Sonic.

Metal Win

Alternate Ending[]


Metal and Nui ended up behind eachother, frozen in place as the clash concluded. After a brief, yet tense moment...Metal Sonic's back suddenly blew out with electricity, a garbled scream coming from him before Nui turned around. With a smile, the Life Fiber Hybrid would dash right on in--discarding her Scissor Blade for the moment as both of her arms transformed into blades. Crossing them, she would then slash them right out, decapitating the metal hedgehog before unleashing strike after strike. Finally, she would take her parasol out and lightly tap the metal creation....causing it to collapse into oil and broken parts.

Humming cheerfully, Nui would then turn around...before looking at the destruction brought onto the high school. " how am I supposed to explain this to Ragyo?"


Ending Screen A: Nui is seen explaining to Ragyo, as she says its fine.

Ending Screen B: Metal Sonic’s Remains are seen sinking in the water, as Eggman stops the attack at his Emperor.

Next Time on Death Battle[]

Tails La Kill


  • Thank you SaltyGibus38 for assistance on the Metal Sonic, Fight, Results, and Trivia segments of this battle.
  • The connections are that both fighters are dark reflections of their protagonist, created by their antagonists with the very same formula that the protagonist fights against (Robots for Sonic, Life Fibers for Ryuko). Both also are known for their ability to play tricks and evolve against their foe, along with having...close, relations with their ultimate rival.
  • This battle would be animated in sprite, with 2D animation used for close-ups much like Tanjiro vs Jonathan.
  • The theme for this battle would be 'Fake Fiber', referencing both characters' artificial natures and the fact that they both are empowered by what makes them fake (Robtics for Metal, Life Fibers for Nui). Along with that, it references a classic call-out that Sonic characters use for Metal and Nui's kinds of chacters: faker.]