Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Mega man X vs Kamen Rider Brave

Heads up[]

All info for both characters come from their respective wikis.


Bob: Mega Man X. The More Mega Mega Man of the year 21XX

A: And Kamen Rider Brave! The bravest Kamen Rider

*We Cut to the crew*

A: you know what they say! The more advanced the better!

Bob: Nobody has ever said that

A: Well they should! He's Bobgoblin, And I'm Anthony!

Bob: And It's our job to analysie their Weapons, Armor, and Skills to figure out who would win, A DEATH BATTLE!


Bob: Mega Man! Or Rock, or Aki, depending on who you ask. No matter what they say his name is, he is one of the most iconic gaming characters out there. That is until... The year 21XX, where he was upgraded... And got trapped in a capsule for most of his life

A: This Mega passed all tests the capsule had prepared, and was awoken in the year 21XX. By a scientist going by the name, Dr. Cain. Though not a robotics expert, Cain was amazed by X's specifications, as even a century later they were ahead of anything the world had ever seen. From these details and with X's direct input, Cain began developing the next generation of robots, which came to be known as the Reploids.


  • Full Name: Mega Man X
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: Unknown, but is definitely older then Aki
  • Trapped in a capsule for over a century and a half
  • Upgraded version of the original Mega Man

Bob: No thanks to our good friend Sigma X practically had no choice other then to fight these Reploids and save his timeline

Yoshi: And of course, since he is Mega Man, he has to have something to combat these guys with. Enter The Mega-Buster! A hand gun, that is quite literally a gun on his hand! Able to shoot energy projectiles and can be charged for more damage

Bob: And thanks to being a more advanced Aki, he can do things he can't. Like being able to Wall Jump, Dash in the air, and if he need to he has a n extra jump for sticky situations

A: But where would any version of Mega Man be without a way to do different types of damage? I'm talking about the copy abilities!

*We cut to the crew*

Myra: And it's all thanks to this bad boy. The Copy Chip! An internal component of a Reploid, and its effects are well-documented, and are all related to DNA manipulation. Pretty much, if he beats an evil Reploid he'll be able to copy it's ability

A: Lets test this thing out. *He opens up Infinite's head and puts in the chip* Try it out bro.

Infinite: Umm ok? *He hits Shaggy through a building, and his color scheme changes to his* Oh my god... This power I now have... I FEEL LIKE A GOD *LAUGHING MINIACLY*

*Shaggy then knocks him out*

Shaggy: Like shut up man.

*We cut back*


  • X-Buster
  • Z-Saber
  • Variable Weapons System
    • Projectiles
      • Boomerang Cutter, Tornado Fang, Yammer Twin Slasher, Spin Wheel, Sonic Slicer, etc.
    • Explosives
      • Bamboo Pandamonium, Sniper Missile, Blast Hornet, Homing Torpedo, etc.
    • Elemental Weapons
      • Storm Tornado, Frost Tower, Triad Thunder, Double Cyclone, Meteor Rain, etc.
    • Barriers
      • Gaea Shield, Crystal Wall, Guard Shell, etc.
    • Miscellaneous
      • Magma Blade, Strike Chain, Rising Fire, Gravity Well, Dark Hold, Soul Body, Hadoken, Shoryuken, etc.
  • Ultimate Armor
    • Reduces damage by 50%
    • Unlimited special weapon ammo
    • Flight
    • Unlimited Nova Strikes
  • Mother Elf

Yoshi: X also has a sword made out of beams of light, sheilds, and even an armor upgrade, which can help him to fly, and can also... GET THIS! Has a giant laser blast!

A: Now that's a lot of damage! And not only that, the dude's really REALLY Fast! He's outrun a blackhole, and has been able to keep up with fast robot masters in his series.

Shawn: And speaking of blackholes. HE IS ABLE TO SHOOT THEM! I'M NOT EVEN F*Quack*ING KIDDING

Bob: He's also been able to restore his own body, after being destroyed by using his own core and will power! I AM NOT KIDDING, THAT HAPPENED

Yoshi: Why do I have a feeling that his opponent for today is going to have some trouble with him.

Shadow: Oh we're not even done!


  • Dodged lasers
  • Literally came back to life after dying
  • Got the Sigma virus out of the Reploids
  • Killed Sigma
  • Made friends with Commander
  • Tanked hits from Commander, who can block planet level destruction beams

A: He's dodged lasers, took out General. Who STOPPED A LASER THAT WAS GOING TO DESTROY A FRIGGIN' PLANET!

Shaggy: Every Kamen Rider fan watching this is shaking in their boots

Bob: X was ultimately the one to take down Sigma and stop his Virus and bring the world back to normal

A: So when the year 21XX is in trouble, there will always be somebody to help with it. And that is Mega Man X!

X: Don't worry, one day... You'll be just like me. Till we meet again Aki!

Hiiro Kagami[]

Bob: Japan. A place of Sakura flowers, ramen, anime, and of course surgeons

A: This is Hiiro. He was inspired to become a doctor. At age nineteen, Hiiro entered Seito University as a medical student


  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Male
  • Kamen Rider: Brave
  • Surgeon of something (They never really tell us)
  • Japanese

Bob: Hiiro entered Seito University as a medical student and had a relationship with Saki Momose. During the Zero Day event, Saki was infected with the Bugster Virus that spawned Graphite, who was incredibly powerful that not even Taiga Hanaya was able to defeat.

A: But sadly Saki had a sickness and died, and with that, he came to America to help deal with an outbreak of Bugster's.

Bob: That's when he first saw a Kamen Rider. Which are normal civilians who have special trinkets to change into suited heroes. Like how Yoshi becomes Techno Yoshi when he puts on his visor

Yoshi: And he was even able to become one, and he chose the name. Kamen Rider Brave. So flipping hard

Kelsey: Hiiro treats his fighting against Bugsters like an operation. He has a habitual quirk of raising his hands in the position most surgeons use when they are about to operate on a patient, and refers to the Gashacon Sword as his "scalpel"

A: Oh yeah, we forgot to mention HE HAS A SWORD!

Bob: But not only that, he also fights with his fists when he needs to


  • Gashacon Sword
  • Reversal Shield
  • Watt's Up Sounder
  • Drago Knight Blade
  • Drago Knight Fang
  • Drago Knight Gun
  • Beam Gala shooter
  • His Surgeon Skills

Bob: He has a shield, A blade, and even a gun

Shadow: And something I can definitely get behind, his Gala Shooter. It's a gun, but it shoots light!

A: So what? I have like 5 Skylander figures that can do that

Shadow: Oh yeah? Can your little figures control ice, fire, and RESIST REALITY WARPING!?

A: Dude, have you ever played Skylanders?

Yoshi: Well, other than that he can also Rewind time, manipulate viruses, data, AND ERASE THINGS FROM EXSISTENCE!

*We cut to the crew*

A: Ok, I don't think anybody in Skylanders is even close to that! Dear god

Shaggy: Oh but that's not all! He can level up at will! think like the sayin's. They can go into their more powerful forms at will. And brave is a lot like that!

Myra: And not only that, like when your leveling up in a game, he gets increased speed, power, and brand new powers! EEE! It's everything I love all in one!

Jasmine: Myra, stress toy. Squeeze it

*Myra squeezes it till it pops*

A: Hey Dada! Where did we put the broom again? And while we're at it, lets try and find the mop! Myra's head blew up from excitement again

*We cut back*

Level up system[]

  • 1-5: new attacks, increased speed, increased power
  • 50: Dragon blade and Dragon Armor
  • Level 100: Ultimate Armor

Bob: With level 50, he can slice enemies with his cape, use magic, manipulate light, and even use magic

A: And when he reaches level 100... Your not going to be living to see a whole lot else. As he can heal himself, absorb projectiles, AND CAN STOP TIME!

Feats (From VSBW)[]

  • Can trade blows with Dr. Pac-Man's Giril Bugster who contended with Deep Specter
  • Fought off Nebula Bugsters alongside Kiriya and Taiga
  • Took hits from a possessed Emu Hojo
  • Went through surgery to be able to use the Gamer Driver, which causes extreme pain and distress in its wearer
  • He has probably conducted numerous operations in his capacity and has worked nonstop for hours as a surgeon
  • He's a surgeon to begin with

Yoshi: It's no wonder why Kamen Riders are some of the strongest fictional heroes out there

A: So when you ever want to rant about dentists, surgeons, or doctors again. You may just find out that they might just be a Kamen Rider!

Brave: "No thank you"


X vs Brave Pre Fight

Bob: Alright, The combatants are set! Let's end this debate once and for all!


The Fight[]

*We start our fight at a run down city, as Hiro is walking down a sidewalk, whilst X jumps down a building*

X: Citizen, I suggest you leave. This is a dangerous place, and you shouldn't be here

Hiro: No, No thank you, I think I'll keep walking.

X: Then I'll make you stop

*Hiro does that one anime behind look. And as X is about to fire a shot, he pulls out his transformation key, and clicks to become Kamen Rider Brave! In a blitz of lightning, he comes behind X, and the fight begins*


*Hiiro pulls out his "Scalpel" and starts swing at X with a fast motion, as X parries it with his Z-Saber*

X: Your not the only one with a sword! YA!

*As X charges at Brave, he swings his cape around, and knocks the Z-Saber out of X's hands. As X starts to fire back at Brave, Brave pulls out his Gala Shooter, and the shots hit each other, as X shoots the gala shooter out of Brave's hands as he jumps to X and starts to fight him in hand-to-hand combat*

X: Alright then. Time to get serious!

*X pulls out Shotgun Ice and shoots 6 icicles at Brave, but Brave fires back with fire manipulation, as he shoots a fireball at the icicles. X then shoots a volt tornado and Brave follows up with catching the lightning in his hands, and it goes back in forth with X firing all his abilities at Brave, but Brave keeps finding ways to get passed them*

X: You are really annoying, you know that right?

Brave: Lets seen you deal with this! Proceed to level 50!

*Brave then levels up to level 50, and starts to take some sword swings at X, pushing him into a corner with every hit. But X fires back with more copy abilities, but he is forced into a corner, and is frozen by said corner*

Brave: To your attempts at kill me, I'd have to say... No thank you

X: Ugh! You're really getting on my nerves!

Brave: Your the one who tried to kill me! Time to put you in your place!



Brave: God, so annoying.

*Hiiro then pulls out the Drago Knight Sword, and rapidly slashes into X. And when he walks away, time restarts and X is sliced into bloody pieces*


*But before the KO could finish, Brave gets hit with a massive Laser, as X had regenerated from his Core, and had put on his ultimate armor*

Brave: HEY! That's not fair! I killed you fair and square!


Brave: Reploid? What the hell is a Rep-

*Before he could finish, X starts punching him consecutively, he starts to bruise up Brave, but before he could do anything else, Brave starts to shoot at X with his Gala-Shooter and X sends rockets after the poor doctor, as Hiiro takes out the missiles, X starts to get serious*


*After he says that, he uppercuts Brave so hard he gets sent to the moon, breaking it*

X: Well, looks like he won't be back for a long ti- What the? *Binoculars* HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE!?

*Brave then jumps back into earth and starts to go so fast he catches on fire*


*Brave the enters level 100 and starts his ultimate attack, as X starts to charge up a huge blast of energy*


Brave: 私は鏡ヒイロです、あなたは何者でもない、あなたの人生にとって、私は言います...ノーサンキューよおおおおおおおおおお!(Translation: I AM HIIRO KAGAMI, YOU ARE NOTHING AND TO YOUR LIFE, I SAY... NO THANK YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!)

*After he said that, X fires off his biggest blast he's ever done, somehow missing the moon and every other planet, but he manages to hit Pluto. X seems proud of himself, but he then looks surprised as Hiiro has not even a scratch form it*

X: HOW!?

Brave: 永遠にさようなら (Translation: Goodbye Forever)

*Brave then kicks X so hard, he's sent plummeting down, in a flaming mess. But he survives (For Now) as Hiiro goes back to his regular form and walks off, leaving X to just lay there*

X: I never liked doctors anyway...

*He then yells in agony so loud, you could hear him from Mount Everest, and blows up, core and all as the cloud made from it blacks out the sky, and all that is left of him is an arm, that Hiiro catches*

Hiiro: I guess I had the Upper Hand in this fight. Heh


A: Hey! He stole my pun! Now what am I supposed to say?

Bob: Both X and Hiiro were very powerful opponents, but when it came down to the wire Hiiro took the win for a reason we'll get into later

A: Mega X and Kamen Brave had a lot of similarities that made this fight hard to see who could win. but Brave had a lot of other ways to take out X

Bob: While X is able to shoot black holes, and survive planet level explosions, but Hiiro has been able to literally bend reality on command, whenever he wants

Yoshi: It's a lot like Skylanders. He can level up making X have to switch up his strategy, warp reality in some way, and even find a way to stop X from coming back by destroying his core.

A: And speaking of leveling up, level 100 was definitely Brave's trump card, while it didn't have a whole lot of new abilities Level 100 made Hiiro impervious to literally everything X could throw at him

Myra: And he was way faster to! The Vs Battle wiki says he's near HYPERSPEED +! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!?

Bob: Scaling Brave to Ex-Aid, Would make him around Large star level, X scaling to commander is nowhere near that!

Shaggy: Like, even if we were to keep Brave in only level 5, he would still win just be moving faster then X!

A: Plus, if your putting somebody who can destroy a planet against somebody who can warp reality to his liking you can't exactly expect them to win can ya?


Mega Man X

  • + More Experience
  • + Extra Jump
  • - Less powerful
  • - Slower
  • - Can't become invincible

Kamen Rider Brave

  • + Can Warp Reality
  • + Near thousands of times faster
  • + More Power
  • - Less Experienced
  • - That's pretty much it, this was kind of a stomp

Shadow: While Brave was less experienced in kicking butt than X, he had the upper hand in just being absolutely f*Quack*ing OP

*We cut to the crew*

Bob: It was all a matter of time before Brave could get the upper hand on this fighting robot

A: Looks like this Mega-Man has been X-ed out! To bad he wasn't BRAVE enough to take the win. And all it took for Brave to win was just to give an ARM and a leg

Bob: The winner, is Kamen Rider Brave

Next Time[]

Next time, On Death Battle!
