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Mega Man.EXE vs. Shoutmon is a What-If? Episode of Death Battle.


Mega Man.EXE vs. Digimon, these two virtual heroes will collide in a supreme battle that'll rend the internet itself!


Wiz: Code. The thing thing that gives all mechanical things life.

Boomstick: And in the case of fiction, that's taken literally.

Vrokorta: Shoutmon, the loud and proud defender of the Digital World.

Noah: And Megaman.Exe, the savior of the internet in Megaman Battle Network.

Boomstick: He's Wiz, I'm Boomstick...

Noah: And we're Noah and Vrokorta

Wiz: And it's our jobs to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win, a Death Battle!

Noah: So am I still getting paid? Or-

Mega Man.EXE[]

Wiz: In the year 20XX, technology had advanced to the point where-

Vrokorta: Blah blah blah bunch of AI, super technology, basically Mega Man if it were both Pokemon & Digimon. Can we get on with it? These MegaMan.EXE analyses are all the same.

Boomstick: Shouldn't we also mention that-

Vrokorta: Lan & MegaMan are brothers! Pretty sure everyone knows that by now! Just get to the part where we say "there are too many Battle Chips for us to list in one episode".

Wiz: Uh, I think we can skip that bit.

Vrokorta: See? Now you're getting it.

Noah: Anyways, we'll just summarize Mega's arsenal. He has a variety of blasters, bombs, & swords. He has various elemental powers over fire, ice, water, air, plant, earth, magma, & electricity. He can heal himself, convert damage to HP, & even absorb the opponent's HP. He can create shockwaves, black holes, forcefields, & various weapons. He can induce Paralysis, Confusion, Sleep, Poison, Freeze, & Blindness. With certain abilities, he can negate damage, remove auras, & even redirect attacks. Some chips even let him fly. Some of his strongest chips are the Dark Chips, which can actually destroy the opponent's soul, though they induce numerous negative effects on Mega, & can influence his mind to turn evil, so he avoids using them

Boomstick: But that's just his chips, we haven't even mentioned his normal abilities. For starters, if he & his brother Lan bring their minds together, they achieve Full Synchro, which merges Lan's mind into MegaMan's body, granting them greater teamwork, faster reactions, & even precognition. He also has the Giga Freeze, which just freezes the whole universe. Okay, that's not crazy at all. Also, as a data-based lifeform, he can survive injuries that would normally kill someone, & even regenerate from them. Plus he can alter & manipulate data to a certain degree, though it gets stronger with his stronger forms. Did we mention that MegaMan has stronger forms?

Popup: While Lan might be considered outside help, the two almost always fight together. Having them fight separately forces numerous limitations on EXE that he shouldn't even have in a fight like this.

Wiz: With his Style Change, MegaMan can augment the power of his weapons as well as apply elemental advantages. Guts Style increases strength & durability, allowing him to deal more damage & take less, pretty self explanatory. Shield Style is defense-oriented, allowing MegaMan to block, reflect, & negate attacks with a shield. Custom Style lets MegaMan combine Battle chips for use in combos, or enhancing their strength. While he can amp these forms with elements to give himself a type advantage in battle, said amps also have weaknesses, & if hit by said weakness, his transformation will deactivate.

Noah: He even has elemental styles that grant him access to special chips. Heat style lets him use a flamethrower, grants him immunity to magma, and lets him use the battle chips Salamander, Standout, and Big Red Wave. Burn, baby, burn!

Wiz: Aqua allows Exe to use a fairly weak, yet surprisingly fast-charging bubble attack, prevents him from slipping on ice, and lets him use the chips Freeze Bomb, Waterline, and Fountain. Now that's what I call cool.

Boomstick: Elec form lets Megaman shoot a zap ring which allows him to paralyze enemies, lets him NOT get sucked toward magnets, and allows him to use the Sparker, lightning, and bolt chips. Pretty shocking, huh?

Vrokorta: Lastly, Wood allows him to shoot up to 8 tornados at a time, restore HP when standing on... Grass of all s**t, and use the Gaia Sword and Gaia Blade chips. Now.... I know I had a nature/wood pun somewhere...

Wiz: Take your time, Vrokorta.

Noah: Well I think everyone can probably guess by now, but Megaman can combine an elemental style like heat with... Say, for example, shadow style. These styles further enhance his already boosted stats.

Vrokorta: He also has the Beast Out forms, further increasing his strength. However, these forms are harder to control, & only last a short time. After one use, MegaMan is left exhausted, & trying to use it again will put him in an uncontrollable state that leaves him utterly vulnerable once it where's off.

Boomstick: But with all this talk of increasing MegaMan's strength, how strong is MegaMan?

Noah: I'm glad you asked. Even in his base form, MegaMan has fought foes like Alpha & Gospel. Alpha once embodied THE ENTIRE CYBERWORLD, basically the universe the series takes place in. Heck, MegaMan defeated Alpha after he's absorbed Bass, so he was even stronger than normal, & Mega STILL beat him. Gospel on the other hand threatened to merge the Cyber World with the real world through his presence alone, which easily puts him at the Low Multiversal range, & we haven't even covered speed yet.

Wiz: He can keep with Duo, who seemingly crosses several lightyears in mere seconds, putting him at over 60 million times the speed of light. Then of course there's his manga feat of searching the Cyber World in a short time. Now I know you're expecting us to say something like "3 novemdecillion times the speed of light", the issue is-

Vrokorta: I can't validate that calc. I don't know the method, I don't know the variables, I can't verify that Death Battle's calc is valid. As someone who does calculations, I can't just trust someone at face value, & it wouldn't be the first time I disagreed with a Death Battle calculation, but that's not the concern here. What we're concerned about is how fast EXE's feat will be treated in this fight. Well, according to this calculation, MegaMan is estimated to moving at speeds of at least 153 Quadrilion times the speed of light. Of course, this is a bit of a lowball, so for the benefit of the doubt, let's just refer to Death Battle's number as a highball.

Noah: So... 3 novemdecillion?

Vrokorta: 3 novemdecillion, yeah.

Noah: Sweet!

Boomstick: But we're not done yet. We haven't talked about MegaMan's strongest forms. Bug Style & Hub Form.

Noah: With Bug Style, MegaMan became strong enough to destroy, absorb, & recreate the Cyber World in one go. Not only is this powerful, but fast too, requiring speeds over 60 Quadrillion times the speed of light. The only issue is that this form is so powerful that MegaMan can barely control it, & nearly killed himself in performing the aforementioned feat. Moving on though, Hub Form is even stronger than Bug Style, as it's officially stated to be capable of wiping out all of MegaMan's strongest foes with the wave of his hand. However, said form actually lowers his durability, & can only be sustained for a short time, but considering the power it grants, that's hardly worth mentioning.

Wiz: As for weaknesses... we kind of already mentioned them, all throughout the analysis...

Boomstick: That just goes to show that they don't have a huge influence over his combat abilities. There's a reason why some consider him, the strongest Mega Man.


Wiz: The Digital World, a realm inhabited by creatures known only as Digimon.

Noah: Which there are a lot to see, but we're focusing on only one today. One of the loudest and proudest.

Boomstick: Shoutmon, the loud dragon!

Noah: Shoutmon is a small dragon Digimon... of all things. Oh- but don't let that deceive you, as this Rookie-level Digimon has risen well beyond it's rank time and time again.

Wiz: True. For example, Sho-

Vorkorta: Shoutmon is able to use attacks such as Firey Fastball, Storm Hammer Knuckle, Passion Heat Tackle, and Final Tornado Uppercut.

Wiz: Yes, and even though Shoutmon has the capability to fuse with other Digimon-

Boomstick: Shoutmon has shown to have his own incredible feats as well.

Vorkorta: Heedless of his small size, Shoutmon is quite powerful, being strong enough to pulverize a stone wall with strength equivalent to 1.65 tons of tnt, lift a T-Rex & metal bird weighing an estimated total of over 15 tonnes, hold back a hydra that weighed 144 tonnes, & topple a giant golden coin. He can even run at the speed of sound, react to missiles, & keep up with a guy called "Mach"Leomon.

Boomstick: Ehm... Don't you meam "Mad" Leomon?

Noah: Guys, you 2 already went over this in Shoutmon vs Four.

Boomstick: Whatever, continue analyzing.

Vrokorta: Now, he usually fights alongside his Digimon allies...

Noah: But for this battle, no help from others is allowed. And yes, that DOES include fusions, no matter how ya slice it.

Wiz: Regardless of whether he has help or not, the Digital World can rest easy, knowing such a loud guardian is on their side.

Noah: Ironic if ya think about it.

Wiz: Shut it.

Vrokorta: ... so we're just gonna ignore OmniShoutmon?

Noah: What?

Vrokorta: And his video game moves?

Boomstick: Yeah, we didn't talk about those.

Vrokorta: We didn't even bring up Taiki, Shoutmon's human partner. I figured we'd include Lan cause EXE needs his help, so it should only be fair that we include Taiki too.

Noah: Well, okay.

Vrokorta: For starters, there's his willpower & passion, which he uses to formulate his actual attacks. Said willpower can also power him up, from making him strong enough to pound AxeKnightmon into the dirt, to his own anger causing him to ignore pain. Shoutmon's emotions are quite deadly, & having a human partner on his side only amplifies it.

Wiz: Shoutmon can breathe & manipulate fire, increase his strength, & stun foes. Thanks to the power of his friends, Shoutmon was able to save both the Digital & Real Worlds, & became the Digimon King.

Boomstick: And that's just the tip of the iceberg. With the full power of his passion & willpower, Shoutmon can digivolve into OmniShoutmon. In this form, not only are his previous abilities enhanced, but he also gains flight, bladed legs, & chest cannons. He has new abilities too, like hellfire manipulation, magma manipulation, air manipulation, electricity manipulation, light manipulation, rage inducement, physical counter-attacks, speed amplification, & meteor summoning.

Noah: In this form, OmniShoutmon can hold back mountains & shine greater than the sun. He was strong enough to contend with AxeKnightmon, Lilithmon, Blastmon, & Milleniummon. Lilithmon is powerful enough to destroy seemingly universe-sized dimensions just cause she gets angry, & AxeKnightmon can fend off her power. As mentioned earlier, Shoutmon at his strongest could beat AxeKnightmon into the ground, & OmniShoutmon's even stronger. Blastmon, as the strongest of the three head generals, is even stronger than Lilithmon, albeit a lot dumber, plus OmniShoutmon had help from ZekeGreymon when fighting him. Even so, contending with him at all was enough to impress UlforceV-Dramon, one of the Royal Knights.

Vrokorta: The Royal Knights are the guardians of the Digital World, beings who travel through time & space to prevent catastrophic events on the behalf of Yggdrasil, who's essentially the god of all Digimon. To defend the Digital World, each Knight possesses phenomenal power no weaker than a Mega level Digimon. In Digimon Savers, the Royal Knights teamed up to stop the collision of both the real & Digital Worlds. Plus, Gallantmon wields a power known as the Digital Hazard, which is capable of destroying the Digital World. Megidramon also wields the Digital Hazard, & he's strong enough to contend with Azulongmon, who created entire layers of the Digital World alongside 3 other god-like Digimon.

Wiz: And it's really no surprise that OmniShoutmon is on the level of a Royal Knight. After all, he inherited Omnimon's data, who himself is a Royal Knight.

Boomstick: On a less overpowered note, Shoutmon's partner Taiki isn't particularly strong. He's superhuman yeah, but nowhere near as strong as Shoutmon. Heedless, he offers support in the form of strategies, & if worst comes to worst, he's trained in kendo, & can actually fight under the right circumstances.

Noah: Besides all that, Shoutmon only has a few weaknesses. He's weak to water, & often relies on Taiki for strategies. Otherwise, he's really straightforward.

Vrokorta: He may be small, but he's one of the mightiest dragons you'll ever meet.


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set.

Noah: We now decide who is the superior digital hero.

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battllllllllle!!!

Death Battle![]


In the Cyber World, MegaMan.EXE is seen fighting viruses. Meanwhile in the Digital World, Shoutmon is addressing the concerns of numerous Digimon. Sitting outside both universes, watching both of them, was Lilithmon. She despised that red dragon. If it weren't for him, her beloved Bagramon would still be alive today! She wasn't about to let that slide. She'd been biding her time for quite a while, & she now had a plan to get her revenge. The Goddess of Darkness gave a maniacal laugh before channeling her power between both dimensions. The world's grew closer together, & began to merge.

MegaMan finished off the last virus, & gave a sigh of exhaustion, "That was the last one. Looks like everything's safe here". No sooner had he said that did the Cyber World start to tear asunder, revealing strange environments that replaced portions of the universe. "Uh, Lan? I take that back".

Shoutmon sat relaxing in his throne, his friend Ballistamon being the only occupant of the large halls, "Not to be rude buddy, but don't you have some sort of job to do?".

Shoutmon readjusted himself before responding, "Relax Ballistamon, I haven't had any concerns for days. With everything we've done to help everyone, I think it's safe to say we've got no problems". Immediately after saying this, Shoutmon was greeted with and earth-shaking impact that shattered the roof of his castle. The king looked up to see a massive vortex consuming the land. On the other side of that universe, he could make out a cybernetic world, not unlike a few zones he's visited.

"Yeah that's definitely not a problem" Ballistamon said sarcastically. Shoutmon immediately ran out the door of his castle to make sure everyone would be safe.

MegaMan was in Aqua Style, & shooting bubbles at what looked like a muscular, flaming man wearing chains & a metal mask. The monster reeled back, but retaliated with its chains. MegaMan countered & reflected the attack, sending a shockwave back at his attacker. The monster was blasted to bits, leaving fragments of data in his wake. MegaMan was panting heavily. That was the fifth monster in a row, & they showed no sign of slowing down. Just as he was about to face off against a giant purple mole with a drill nose, he heard someone cry for help. MegaMan shot the mole with a freezing attack before running to the voice's aid.

It led him to a pile of rubble, where he saw a hand sticking out from under it. MegaMan reached down & lifted the rubble off of whoever was trapped. He saw a female Netnavi dressed in purple, & she was in terrible condition. The NetNavi looked up at MegaMan & spoke, "Please... you have to stop... the one... responsible for this".

"Who?" MegaMan asked.

"Sh-Shoutmon, the king... of the... Digital World" with that, the NetNavi fainted. MegaMan looked down at her sadly, wishing he could've done more to help her.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard an unfamiliar voice, "Thank you king". He turned to see where the voice was coming from, only to see a rift through space, leading to one of the mysterious lands that was being merged into the Cyber World. He had little other choice, & leapt through the portal to find this so-called king.

Right as he left, the purple NetNavi opened her eyes, got to her feet, & started to laugh a horrible laugh.

Shoutmon delivered a series of strikes to what looked like a spiky, lizard-dog. The monster was thrown back, & Shoutmon finished it with a fireball, reducing its body to mere fragments of data. The king turned to the Digimon he'd been protecting, a cartoonish yellow dog with blue ears. "Get out of here, before more of those monsters show up!" Shoutmon demanded. The Digimon complied, & ran off to where several other Digimon were sheltering. Shoutmon looked around, & didn't see any more Digimon, "Looks like this area is clear. That's good. Better check back with the oth-".

"Hey!" another voice spoke, cutting Shoutmon off. The king looked back to see... what looked like an armored human around Taiki's age.

"Wah? What's a human doing here at a time like this!?" Shoutmon exclaimed.

"Who are you?" the human asked.

"Hey, I asked you first" Shoutmon said with annoyance.

"Are you Shoutmon?" the human pressed.

"Yes, now will you please-" Shoutmon was cut off again by a blast of energy that he narrowly dodged, "WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA!?".

"I'm putting an end to this, all of it" the human said, his hand having morphed into a blaster.

"Well if that's how you're gonna be" Shoutmon began, tightening his grip on his mic, "I guess I'll just have to put you in your place".


(One Vision)

Shoutmon rushed at MegaMan with his mic & took a swing. EXE countered with a weapon of his own, creating a sword to parry the blow. The two clashed for a moment before MegaMan traded his sword for a yo-yo. With his next attack, the yo-yo wrapped around Shoutmon's mic, & MegaMan was able to tear it from his grip, sending it flying several meters behind him. Shoutmon had little response, as he balled his fists & threw a flaming punch at MegaMan's face, sending the Netnavi reeling back. MegaMan proceeded to equip a blaster & fire numerous shots at Shoutmon, only for the Digimon king to dodge side-to-side before teleporting out of sight. Unbeknownst to MegaMan, Shoutmon had teleported behind him, & now delivered a punch to the back of his head. The Netnavi was sent skidding face first into the ground as Shoutmon went to retrieve his mic. "Now tell me who you are!" Shoutmon demanded.

MegaMan gave no response, as his body changed to a different color of blues before standing back up. Now in Aqua Style, MegaMan fired a massive snowball at Shoutmon. The king threw a quick fireball to melt the snow, but it had no effect, & he was steamrolled by the attack. Shoutmon pulled himself back up, only to be met with a sword strike that paralyzed his body. MegaMan then pulled out his Aqua Sword & delivered a series of blows while Shoutmon was paralyzed. He finished by throwing a small bomb at the king, freezing the Digimon to the ground. Shoutmon weakly struggled against the ice as a shadowy figure with a bladed hand was summoned to MegaMan's side. "Now you'll pay for what you did to my world" the Netnavi said as the shadowy figure rushed at Shoutmon.

(Stop Music)

"What... I... did?" Shoutmon spoke weakly as the figure drew its blade. "To... your... WORLD!?" Shoutmon's voice flared up as the ice around his upper body shattered & he swung his mic at the figure's blade shattering it. "I don't know who you are, or what you think I did" Shoutmon began as he slammed his mic into the ground, freeing his legs from the ice, "but I can assure that you are being very misled. If you know what's good for you, you'll back down now".

MegaMan had no intention of giving up now. But... there was something about this Shoutmon guy that was telling him not to fight. Like maybe he really wasn't to blame. "Alright" MegaMan said, lowering his weapon, "But you have to tell me everything".

"I'll tell you what I know" Shoutmon replied as he held out his hand. MegaMan grudgingly reached out, but was cut off by a familiar voice.

"NO!" MegaMan quickly turned around to see the purple Netnavi from before run right up to him.

"What? I thought you were-"

"Knocked out? Of course, but I certainly wasn't going to sit around while this fiend was on the loose" the Netnavi responded as she gestured to Shoutmon.

"Fiend?" Shoutmon questioned.

"I dunno ma'am" MegaMan responded to the woman, "He doesn't seem that bad. Are you sure he's to blame?".

The Netnavi's eyes narrowed as she spoke, "Of course I am". A purple mist escaped her lips & wrapped around MegaMan's head. He started to feel strange & confused, like he wasn't in his right mind. "Now why don't you be a good dear-" the Netnavi spoke right into MegaMan's ear "and show this fool what you can really do".

Shoutmon suddenly realized something, "Hey wait a minute you're-". The king was cut off as MegaMan fired a massive blast of darkness from his Dark Cannon, sending him flying backwards, "Dang it! Don't let her control you!". MegaMan couldn't hear him, he simply drew his sword & lunged at Shoutmon. The king raised his mic to block, but the force of the blow sent him skidding backwards as MegaMan continuously pushed against him. "C'mon, snap out of it!" Shoutmon pleaded as he struggled against MegaMan's blade. As the Netnavi kept pushing, the Digimon king noticed they were headed for a rift, "Okay stop! LIKE RIGHT NOW!". His words fell on deaf ears as both digital beings entered the rift & started to physically fall, landing hard on an asphalt road.

"Ow, my head" Shoutmon said as he stood up & rubbed the back of his head. "Wait a minute, this isn't the Digital World, or any digital world for that matter. This is-" Shoutmon looked around, taking in the tall buildings, various vehicles, & fleeing humans, "the human world". No sooner than he'd said that was Shoutmon hit with a bomb. "Gah!" Shoutmon cried as he was thrown back, only to be hit with a flurry of bullets, a tornado, a lightning bolt, & a meteor. The king's body was smashed into the road, leaving a sizable crater. A now dark purple colored MegaMan approached the Digimon king & raised his Mega Buster. Shoutmon tried his hardest to get up, but could barely muster the effort to twitch his arms. The Netnavi charged his shot, & the king knew it'd be his end. He just hoped his friends could handle things with him gone.

MegaMan fired his shot, & Shoutmon slowly closed his eyes, accepting his fate. That is until a human jumped out in front of him to block the shot. Shoutmon's eyes flung back open as all pain left his body. He leapt into the air over the human & struck MegaMan's blast with his mic, destroying the attack. Shoutmon panted heavily as he turned his gaze back to the human, "You realize you could've died right?".

"Yeah, but I couldn't just stand by and watch" the human replied with a smile.

Shoutmon smirked, "I should expect nothing less from you Taiki".

MegaMan could only watch in confusion. Why did this human help the enemy? How did Shoutmon get up after that beating? Why did they act like they knew each other? All of these thoughts were flooded out by dark, violent thoughts. He raised his Mega Buster again & fired at the duo.

Shoutmon noticed just in time & pushed his friend out of the way, taking a hit to the arm that corroded his data. "Gah!" Shoutmon clutched his shoulder in pain.

"Shoutmon!" Taiki exclaimed, "Are you alright?".

"Yeah, I'm fine" Shoutmon said, only to take it back, "No, I'm not fine. I don't stand a chance against this guy, he's way out of my league".

Taiki's gaze sharpened as he raised his Xros Loader, "Then why don't we level the playing field?".

Shoutmon smirked, "That's why we're a team".

(We Are Xros Heart)

Light shined from the red device & MegaMan was forced to cover his eyes.

"Shoutmon, digivolve to-"

Shoutmon's body expanded, adopting a shiny, golden hue.

"OmniShoutmon!" the golden dragon shouted, now standing five meters tall. MegaMan uncovered his eyes, only to be met with his massive new foe. "Thanks Taiki, I can take it from here!", before Taiki could make any response, Shoutmon kicked MegaMan into the air & flew after him. As MegaMan reached the peak of his hit, he activated his Air Shoes to regain his balance & dodge another attack from Shoutmon just in time. As the Digimon flew past the Netnavi, he swung his leg downwards, sending a fiery shockwave at him. MegaMan used his Reflector to send the attack back at Shoutmon, but the Digimon dodged just in time. "Not so easy, I know your tricks".

"Is that what you think?" MegaMan replied, a good deal of confidence dripping from his words. The Netnavi suddenly summoned a giant fan that started to pull Shoutmon in. The Digimon simply destroyed the fan with a kick, only to be bombarded by 3 Fighter Planes. Shoutmon opened his chest cannons & quickly shot them down, but soon found himself surrounded by 3 cloaked figures wielding scythes. All three rushed at him, but Shoutmon slashed them apart with his legs. Suddenly, Shoutmon was, met with 12 bombs being thrown at him. The bombs collided, creating a massive explosion of fire, electricity, grass, ice, poison, & shrapnel.

MegaMan stood at a distance on top a building, admiring his handiwork, only to feel a presence behind him. "Nice fireworks, lemme show you mine" Shoutmon responded before kicking MegaMan back into the air. He immediately followed up by blasting MegaMan with lightning, hellfire, & bullets of willpower. He finished by charging directly into MegaMan, surrounded by Omnimon's aura. "Omega the Fusion!" Shoutmon yelled as he collided with MegaMan, creating an explosion visible from across the city. The Netnavi was sent flying from the attack, & landed in another rift, ending up back in the Digital World. MegaMan struggled to get up, but simply couldn't work up the strength. OmniShoutmon landed in front of the Netnavi & stared down at him. "I'm not the one threatening your universe, it's Lilithmon!" Shoutmon said.

"And what makes you think I'd believe you?" MegaMan said defiantly.

"Because" Shoutmon said as his hand started to glow, "She's also the one who corrupted you". Shoutmon placed his hand over MegaMan, bathing his body in light & slowly recovering his darkened body.

(Stop Music)

The process was suddenly halted when a scream ripped through the air. "GAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Shoutmon screamed as purple mist rose up from his back. The Digimon collapsed, & MegaMan saw the source of the attack. It was a woman in a black suit wearing purple drapes.

"How does it feel Shoutmon? How does it feel to know that you will lose everything you love & are helpless to do anything about it?! I was hoping to rip your heart out too, but I suppose a backstab will have to do, as long as you die a miserable death". Lilithmon gave a malicious cackle as Shoutmon managed to raise his leg & slash the Goddess of Darkness in half, her laugh fading into obscurity.

While Shoutmon wasn't able to fully heal MegaMan, he did manage to jog his mind enough for MegaMan to bring himself back to normal. "Shoutmon!" the Netnavi yelled as he approached the downed Digimon. As he approached, he realized how he'd been tricked, how Lilithmon had come to him in disguise & wrapped him around her finger. He couldn't believe he'd let this happen.

Shoutmon was hunched over on his knees, using both his hands to hold himself up. On his back, MegaMan could see Shoutmon's wound, which was drenched in a corrosive poison that slowly ate at the king's data. "There's got to be something I can do".

"There's only one thing we can do" Shoutmon replied weakly as he slowly pulled himself to his feet. "We need to save our worlds" he said as he pointed to a cataclysmic vortex of cosmic proportions. Within its wild grasp, the spaghettified forms of the Digital World, Cyber World, & Human World could be seen.

(Climb Together)

MegaMan nodded. He knew what they would have to do. The Netnavi powered up to his Hub Form, his body adopting a pale green hue. Shoutmon & MegaMan leaped into the air, the Netnavi activating his Air Shoes to ascend alongside his ally. Both braced for impact, & collided with the core of the vortex, causing raw energy & data to emanate from the force of their strike. The two were met with immeasurable recoil, but both held firm as they pushed against the colossal storm. The cataclysmic vortex slowed, but it did not falter. The boundaries of reality started to deteriorate, & Shoutmon's condition only worsened. The heroes put in as much effort as possible, but their obstacle was too strong, & their strength was quickly wearing down.

It was at that moment, MegaMan turned to his ally. The Digimon's teeth were bare, & his eyes bloodshot, showing no signs of backing down. His body, however, was in shambles. The poison had caused parts of him to start melting & falling off, & the effort he forced his body to endure was doing him no favors. Shoutmon had a strong will, but even he couldn't go on forever. MegaMan turned back to the vortex. Within the tangled mess of universes, he saw his friends, his family, & trillions of other beings he didn't even know, all running & screaming for their lives as reality was torn asunder. It was at that moment, that he'd made, his final decision.

As Hub Form wore off, MegaMan switched to Bug Style, & enacted one of his most powerful moves. He spread his arms, & the cataclysmic vortex was gradually pulled towards him. "MegaMan, what are you-". MegaMan ignored his ally, using the power of Bug Style, he slowly absorbed the cataclysmic vortex, & the multiverses it contained.

"AHHHHHHGGH! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" MegaMan screamed as his body took in the unsurmountable mass. He knew he couldn't handle it all, but he also knew that he had to do this. He spread his arms & legs out, & a multiversal big bang was unleashed upon the void.

















(Stop Music)

Shoutmon awoke back in base form. He immediately got up & took in his surroundings. He was in the throne room of his castle, & Ballistamon stood not too far away. "Hey king buddy, did you sleep well?" the robotic beetle asked. Shoutmon made no response, as he ran down the stairs & down a hall. Ballistamon followed suit, "Hey buddy, what're you doing!?". The robot stopped as he saw Shoutmon standing in front of the Code Crown.

"Setting things right".


Shoutmon was sitting on his throne, keeping watch over the Digital World. Suddenly, some sort of digital rift opened up.

Shoutmon: .... Huh.... Never seen you before.

Shoutmon pondered whether or not he should enter the-

Shoutmon: Eh what the heck, it's been a long day anyway.

Shoutmon jumped straight in, not knowing where it would take him;

On the other side of the rift, Megaman.Exe stood watch over the cyber world. Suddenly he got toppled over by Shoutmon.

EXE: Rrrrr... Hey!

He got up, pointing his mega buster at Shoutmon.

EXE: What's the big idea!?

Shoutmon: Hey hey hey back off! I was just lookin' for an adventure!

EXE and Shoutmon stared each other dead in the eyes. It was time to..




Boomstick: Well that was pretty cool, but who exactly won?

Vrokorta: Shoutmon.

Boomstick: Ah, should've known... but why?

Vrokorta: Well first & foremost was raw strength. MegaMan could defeat foes capable of merging the Cyber World with the Human World, giving him power over two 4-Dimensional universes, & that's not including his stronger forms. However, OmniShoutmon has fought & defeated beings capable of destroying the entire Digital World, which transcends the Human World. At minimum, he'd have infinite 4-Dimensional power, which would be more than enough to defeat even MegaMan's strongest forms with ease.

PopUp: Hub Form is said to have enough strength to casually defeat all of his strongest enemies casually. However, this doesn't prove he's infinitely stronger than them, so even Hub Form was likely outmatched by OmniShoutmon, & this is still his minimum strength.

Vrokorta: Even in base form, when sufficiently motivated, he can still contend with world-threatening enemies.

Boomstick: What about speed? MegaMan was 3 Novemdecillion times the speed of light.

Vrokorta: As much as I disagree with this calculation, it didn't actually matter. Digimon like OmniShoutmon & the Royal Knights transcend time & space, & can keep up with Digimon that originate from a timeless void, so his speed was immeasurably faster than MegaMan.

Boomstick: Surely MegaMan's arsenal would be enough to stand a chance.

Wiz: Ignoring the fact that OmniShoutmon was too strong to harm & too fast to hit, yeah, MegaMan's arsenal was nothing to scoff at. With numerous elemental, weapon, & summoning chips among others, MegaMan was suited for any situation. The problem is simply that a powerful arsenal can only take you so far against someone infinitely stronger & faster than you, hax or no hax.

PopUp: MegaMan's best chance of victory would be to destroy Shoutmon's soul with his Dark Chips. However, Digimon are naturally resistant to soul attacks thanks to the wireframe that protects their Digicore.

Boomstick: Okay, but MegaMan was smarter wasn't he?

Vrokorta: Yeah, sure, maybe, probably, but when it comes to experience, I'd say Shoutmon has the edge. He's been fighting wars across over 100 worlds for over 6 months. I think it's safe to say Shoutmon is more experienced, but MegaMan certainly has the skill to compete.

PopUp: While Shoutmon likely has more combat experience, he usually fights while fused, meaning his skill at using his own abilities will be inferior to MegaMan, who's more used to fighting on his own.

Wiz: Overall, both had a few minor edges over the other, but Shoutmon took the most important categories in the most effective ways, leaving MegaMan with no reliable way to take the win.

Boomstick: Guess you could say Shoutmon uninstalled, MegaMan.EXE.

Vrokorta: The winner is Shoutmon.


Advantages & Disadvantages[]







+Could exploit Shoutmon's weakness

-Stronger forms had drawbacks





+Indomitable will


Mega Man.EXE[]


