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McGruff the Crime Dog VS Police Chief Black Cat
Season 01, Episode 06
Vital statistics
Air date May 28, 2020
Written by Mariogoods
Directed by Mariogoods
Episode guide
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McGruff the Crime Dog VS Police Chief Black Cat is a What-If? episode of Death Battle, featuring McGruff the Crime Dog from National Crime Prevention Council and Police Chief Black Cat from the series of the same name.


In two different countries, there are two well-known characters created for the purpose of educating people on law and crime. Who is the stronger "teacher"?


Wiz: When it comes to law and crime education, two animals have been praised as the good examples.

Boomstick: While they are from two different countries, their images has been well-known in their respective series' production countries.

Wiz: Like McGruff the Crime Dog, taking a bite out of crime.

Boomstick: And Police Chief Black Cat, being saluted by forest citizens. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

McGruff the Crime Dog[]

Wiz: In the late 1970's, individualism and personal liberation took center stage in America. However, there were also considerable domestic threats against innocent people.

Boomstick: To educate people how to protect themselves from such threats, McGruff was created and adopted in educational advertisements.

Wiz: McGruff has appeared in commercials, cartoons, comic books, video games and musicals. His classic slogan, "Take a bite out of crime!", was developed to leave a deeper impression.

Boomstick: The McGruff advertisements are generally targeting children and the advertisements as well as McGruff have gained their fame among American people.

Wiz: Despite McGruff is a bipedal bloodhound, he is actually capable of practising certain detective abilities such as noticing details and context clues, analyzing and predicting potential crimes.

Boomstick: As a bipedal bloodhound, he has abilities such enhanced sense of smell, enhanced bite. According to the Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog, McGruff is assumed to "likely run forty five miles per hour, jump ten feet high, and bite with enough pressure to break bones". But he is the talking bloodhound!

Wiz: McGruff has developed numerous supernatural skills to make sure his lessons will be better understood by children. Circle of Respect is one of McGruff's tools which could create a force field. He uses Circle of Respect to protect someone who's in trouble.

Boomstick: We forget to mention that he calls himself "pre-tective" and he may not hold an official police rank!

Wiz: But since he's been hanging around officers for decades, we could assume that he is picked up some police combat training.

Boomstick: Surprisingly, he actually have the time-stop ability. Although there is no sign that he could intervene reality when the time-stop is enabled. Instead, he talks to the audiences about the coming threats and how to prevent them.

Wiz: Because McGruff is famous among American people, there is a monster truck named after him. In Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog, we have bring the monster trucks into the death battle and we'll do it again. The monster truck could greatly enhance his fighting capacity.

Boomstick: We didn't even mention the reality flipping switch in his office. It could turn the live-action style into the animated style and vice versa! However, I failed to find that it is useful in battle.

Wiz: Despite McGruff has more abilities than average bloodhound, he's more of a councilor than a protector. But it doesn't matter because he is McGruff.

(McGruff: I'm McGruff the crime dog, and I'm here to help take a bite out of crime. Ruff!)

Police Chief Black Cat[]

Boomstick: In 1981, Zhu Zhixiang, a Chinese writer, wrote a children book called Police Chief Black Cat. The book is not notable enough until his work is adopted as the animated television series by Shanghai Animation Film Studio.

Wiz: The 1984 television series have received generally positive reception among Chinese people. However, only five episodes are released eventually despite the television series are popular and there is supposed to have more episodes.

Boomstick: A theory suggests that it is because copyright infringement against Zhu Zhixiang by Shanghai Animation Film Studio for publishing the Police Chief Black Cat book without Zhu Zhixiang's permission. Another theory suggests it is because Shanghai Animation Film Studio was shortage of money. Other theories are also suggested.

Wiz: Despite there are still some Police Chief Black Cat works out of the original book and animated television series, it is hardly considered as canon since they are not as systematic as the series nowadays.

Boomstick: Well... It seems that the Police Chief Black Cat is disadvantaged. But he has actually shown some skills in only five episodes.

Wiz: Right. As a police chief, he has skills such as combat skills, command skills, flexibility, knowledge of common animals.

Boomstick: You know, as the protector of the forest, he patrols with fellow polices across the residential zone every night. When someone is in danger, they could press the alarm button installed in every animals' houses. Then Black Cat and fellow polices will quickly come.

Wiz: The Black Cat is not without equipments. He has a baton which could create paralysis electricity, a detector which could detect hiding animals.

Boomstick: And he has a gun! No kidding, he is actually a sharpshooter. He can easily hit the target even after being put up and down several times. He also has the record of hitting the moving target. Despite its long-range, his gun does not work well when target has the high ground.

Wiz: You missed something. He has two type of bullets: one is lethargic and another is lethal. Unlike the lethal bullet in real life, his bullet could home target.

Boomstick: That's why the mouse loses an ear and is known as "One Ear". Even if you manage to dodge initial shoot, the bullet will magically turn itself and home target until it successfully hits.

Wiz: Despite holding such deadly force, the gun is seldom the first option. Rather, he chooses to overpower his foes.

Boomstick: As a police, the Black Cat has a police motorbike. Personally, I don't think it's motorbike since it could transform into flying form... or more accurate, floating-in-air form.

Wiz: The Black Cat without equipments does not mean the Black Cat without everything. He once pulled two iron pillars in iron cage with his bare hands. Also, he is assumed to have average cat physics.

Boomstick: And he has fought animals such as mice who could stole food, a giant eagle who could tear down roof and catch monkeys, a hippo, a wild boar, an elephant and cat-eating mice who could release special gas to dizzy foes.

Wiz: It should be noted that the Black Cat's feats are not achieved simply by his physical strength. The Black Cat always investigates and plans first and then acts. During the investigation, he could get detail information of their foe and therefore attack foes' weakness. Without enough information, he couldn't take down foes too easily since some of them are physically stronger than him or with other advantages.

Boomstick: But when there is something against the forest security, he and fellow polices will always take action and protect the forest.

(Police Chief Black Cat shoots four times and a Chinese character appears every time he shoots. The characters are eventually shown to be "Please Watch Next Episode")


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Death Battle[]

Traditionally animated

In the forest, McGruff is taking a walk. When McGruff arrives in the edge of the forest, he notices the sunset. Feeling relaxed, McGruff sits in a stone and watches the sunset. The peace is then interrupted by Police Chief Black Cat, who suspects that McGruff is the secret agent. Because McGruff and Black Cat don't know each other and the forest is the neutral area rather than their respective area, McGruff attempts to talk to him. However, because of language barrier, the Black Cat cannot truly understand McGruff's words. Worse, McGruff believes that Black Cat is a fake police since the costume Black Cat wears is clearly different from the American police standard costume before while Black Cat beieves that McGruff is the secret agent because of McGruff's language. Black Cat then warns McGruff and takes a fighting stance.

Black Cat: Freeze! (In Chinese)

McGruff hardly understands the sentence and thinks the Black Cat is hostility. McGruff then takes a fighting stance too and pays attention to Black Cat's movement. Black Cat quickly takes out his baton and swings it to McGruff. McGruff dodges and kicks Black Cat's hand before Black Cat takes back the hit movement. The kick successfully hits Black Cat and the baton is dropped from Black Cat's hand. McGruff catchs the baton before Black Cat could do that.

McGruff, now with the baton, attempts to hit Black Cat. McGruff successfully hits Black Cat multiple times before Black Cat reacts and fights back with his combat skills. McGruff narrowly blocks Black Cat's attacks with the baton. Neither of them gets advantage during the combat. After some time, McGruff feels that he cannot get advantage and he may be disadvantaged if the fight continues. McGruff then quickly distracts Black Cat's attention by throwing the baton, retreats and hides himself in the shrubs.

When Black Cat recovers, he finds that McGruff disappeared. While McGruff is hiding, he is carefully approaching his monster truck while avoiding contacting the shrubs. Black Cat looks around but fails to find anyone only by his eyes despite his enhanced sight. The night already comes and the forest is dark. Because Black Cat failed to find McGruff only by his eyes, he takes out his detector. The detector's loud noise is heard by McGruff, who determines the range between him and Black Cat by the dynamical sound intensity. McGruff then freezes time but only to speak to the audiences in a low voice.

McGruff: Remember kids, if you are accidentally next to a crime scene, always get yourself unnoticed, carefully move to safer place and call the police. (In English)

McGruff unfreezes the time since he could do nothing during the time freeze other than speaking to the audiences. Then McGruff continues to approach his monster truck. Black Cat, at the same time, slowly steps and carefully notices every possible sounds or movements. Suddenly, Black Cat's detector alarms and Black Cat quickens his pace. McGruff, hearing that the sound of detector has changed, quickly thinks that he is detected and puts his hands to the Circle of Respect button to prepare for quicker reaction to the possible attack while approaches the monster truck. With the help of the detector, Black Cat could approach the right direction.

After some time, Black Cat catches McGruff up and attempts to attack him. McGruff presses the Circle of Respect button quickly before Black Cat could successfully hit. The Circle of Respect knocks Black Cat away and therefore keeps a long distance between McGruff and Black Cat. McGruff runs to his monster truck, jumps into it and drives the truck in an attempt to knock down Black Cat.

McGruff: Take a bite out of THIS! (In English)

Black Cat, who is recovered from being knocked, sees a monster truck is rushing to him. Black Cat then takes out his gun, quickly loads the bullets and shoots at McGruff inside the driving cab. McGruff narrowly dodges the bullets while driving. However, the bullets change their directions automatically and hits McGruff's heart. McGruff is instantly killed by the bullets while his hand just presses the "Nitro" button, greatly boosted the speed of the monster truck. Black Cat, seeing that the monster truck is significantly sped up, attempts to jump out of trace the monsters runs. Before Black Cat could do that, the monster truck, without any living drivers inside, comes, knocks Black Cat away and causes him losing consciousness and badly injured.



(We cut to Wiz and Boomstick)

Boomstick: Oh... Looks like McGruff loses and Black Cat wins.

Wiz: We'll explain this. First, we have mentioned McGruff pick up some police combat training. But the Black Cat's feats have proven that he is skilled at combat too. We could narrowly assume both of them hold combat training advantage, but the assumption clearly underestimates Black Cat's feats.

Boomstick: As a bloodhound, McGruff has the speed advantage when we scale Black Cat's speed to average cats. Also, due to his identity, he is likely knowing how baton works and therefore prevents himself from being harmed by it.

Wiz: McGruff is high likely having disadvantages in physical strength. Black Cat's pulling two iron pillars feat could prove that. Surprisingly, both McGruff and Black Cat do not have accurate highest durability feats. McGruff could scale to average bloodhound while Black Cat is high likely a little weaker than wild boar since he manages to keep balance when "riding" the wild boar.

Boomstick: But riding a "wild" boar does not mean withstanding a wild boar's strike. We could roughly assume that both combatants have similar durability.

Wiz: If we didn't count two combatants' equipment, this is the close match and McGruff has advantages because of bloodhound's enhanced sense and speed.

Boomstick: The key is "equipment". Black Cat has equipment whose functions are out of the Real World concept. McGruff could know guns, but he couldn't know guns with smart bullets. McGruff could know motorbikes, but he couldn't know flying motorbikes.

Wiz: Worsely, these equipment could greatly compensate for Black Cat's disadvantages. Black Cat's detector could help him detect living animals, not to mention that he has physic-breaking gun and motorbikes. Also, Black Cat is shown to have enhanced vision because he is a cat.

Boomstick: McGruff has tried his best to win the battle, but Black Cat's equipments and adjusting skills make sure Black Cat has the ability to win.

Wiz: The winner is Police Chief Black Cat.

