Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Mark Hoffman vs Front Man


SAW vs Squid Game! From Cop to Murderer, which of these psychopathic Game Masters can take the win?!


Necro: Mark Hoffman, The Second Jigsaw Killer.

Mercer: Hwang In-Ho, The Front Man.

Necro: These two former police officers can survive pretty much anything, and also competed in and survived a sick death game. But rather than condemning the games, they both decided to follow the creator of those games and follow in their footsteps. But when these two sadistic psychos play their most deadly game yet, who will win?

Mark Hoffman Tests Death Battle![]

(Cue: Hello Zepp)

Necro: Picture, if you will, a man brutally slashed in two by gigantic pendulum. A sick scene, yes. But now consider that his hands have been crushed to pulp in a set of vices. Such was the death of Seth Baxter, a man who made the worst possible mistake he ever could have made.

Mercer: And what was that mistake, you may ask? Well, it was a very simple one. Seth killed Mark's sister, Angelica.

Necro: Once a well known and respected police officer, Mark had it all. A booming career, a loving family and even minor fame, among the police department, that is.

Mercer: But as mentioned before, Angelica was killed, and Mark snapped, abducting Seth and taking him to a warehouse. There, he strapped him to a table and waited until he was awake to activate the pendulm trap, which was modeled after the Jigsaw killer's sadistic tools for testing.

The Front Man Executes Death Battle![]


Saw Game-Fight![]


OST Concept[]

