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Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Star Wars vs. Goblin Slayer. Behind their masks lie the efficiency and drive of skilled mercenaries.


Wiz: No matter what kind of hunter you are, of what game, you will always need to have a will of iron.

Boomstick: And some actual iron wouldn't be sneered at. Like the Mandalorian, the bounty hunter who follows the Way.

Wiz: And Goblin Slayer, the bane of goblins everywhere.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Wiz: In a galaxy far, far away, there was no job more dangerous or high-paced as a bounty hunter. Except maybe being a Jedi, droid or clone trooper, but for this episode it's bounty hunters.

Boomstick: Heck, there's even basically an entire culture of bounty hunters.

Wiz: Those are the Mandalorians, a planet spanning clan with a history of warring against the Jedi. War was their way of life. Unfortunately, it was also the undoing of it.

Boomstick: A whole load of conflicts, such as civil war and the reach of the Galactic Empire, ended up sending many Mandalorian clans running, forced to go into hiding and living, not on their own terms mind you, as bounty hunters.

Wiz: In order to bolster their declining numbers, one clan, the Order of the Watch, took to taking in children, raising them as Foundlings to become Mandalorians themselves. This was how young Din Djarin was brought into the fold.

Boomstick: That's right; in spite of the nickname he goes by, he's only a Mandalorian in name, not blood. He was rescued by the Order from a droid attack that destroyed his village and trained to be one of them.

  • Background
    • Real Name: Din Djarin
    • Age: 28>
    • Height: 5'11
    • Bounty Hunter
    • Member of the Order of the Watch
    • Likes: Grogu
    • Dislikes: Droids

Wiz: Growing up incredibly loyal and dutiful to the Order, Din became a bounty hunter to get funds and resources for his adopted family.

Boomstick: He also adhered to a strict code of living, mainly, that he could never remove his helmet in front of another living being. Not even as a kid. Must surely have bumped into several things during that time but it seems he's gotten the hang of it. Both that and bounty hunting.

Wiz: Not only is he a skilled fighter and marksman but he also has the right gear for just about any job.

  • Arsenal
    • IB-94 blaster pistol
    • Amban phase-pulse blaster
    • Mandalorian Vambraces
      • Whipcord Launcher
      • Flamethrower
      • Whistling Birds
    • Jetpack
    • Vibro-knife
    • Grenades
    • Flash charges
    • Beskar spear
    • Darksaber
    • Beskar Armor
    • Helmet
      • Tracks heat signatures and footprints

Boomstick: A whole lot of gear, like his laser pistol and laser rifle, the latter of which can fire bolts so powerful, they'll straight up disintegrate a target, leaving behind only their clothing. And when someone is trying to snipe him, he can use a flash charge to blind them.

Wiz: For high-hitting damage he uses timed grenades and for quick precise attacks there's his vibro knife, which is pretty much a small scale high-frequency blade from the Metal Gear franchise. But the most significant part of Din's arsenal is his armor.

Boomstick: The whole thing is made of Beskar steel, which is so tough it can withstand not only laser bolts but also hits from lightsabers.

Wiz: The armor's helmet is outfitted with settings that enable Din to track heat signatures, which may explain why it can also find footsteps left by people.

Boomstick: Feet do get hot after all. Well, in my case, my foot does. For his back, Mando has a jetpack, like another certain Mandalorian-inspired bounty hunter,

Wiz: And on his wrist, Din there's a Mandalorian Vembrace, which houses a whipcord, a flamethrower and whistling birds.

Boomstick: Like a canary? Just kidding, I know all birds whistle.

Wiz: Actually, they're darts that can fly on their own to pierce through their targets. An easy feat, considering they're also made of Beskar.

Boomstick: Just like the spear Mando got, which makes it a weapon capable of standing up to even lightsabers. And even the Darksaber, an ancient weapon of his adopted culture, that he ended up getting for himself.

Wiz: And according to the rules of Mandalore, his ownership of the Darksaber now makes him the ruler of Mandalore; the Man'dalore. With a hard D to differentiate.

Boomstick: Ah-

Wiz: Don't you dare. But being the ruler of a whole planet was of little concern to him. Because by that point, he had another mission to fulfil.

Boomstick: The age old quest of being a father. To a little baby Yoda. Look at the little guy. Aw, his widdle ears and big old bug eyes! Ah, so friggin' cute!

Wiz: Cute, and extremely sought after, due to his strong connection to the Force. Whilst Din originally brought the child, Grogu, to an Imperial remnant for a bounty reward, his conscience got the better of him and he ended up taking the child under his care, determined to find a place he would be safe. It was nothing short of a dangerous quest but Din's gear was up to the task of seeing him through most struggles.

  • Feats
    • Held his own against Ahsoka Tano
    • Intercepted a TIE Fighter in mid-flight
    • Killed a Krayt Dragon
    • Withstood hits from a Mudhorn
    • Can speak with Tusken Raiders
    • Contended with aliens strong enough to match Wookies in combat
    • Defeated Burg, Xi'an, Migs Mayfeld, Toro Calican, Moff Gideon

Boomstick: Especially his armor, which took hits from an alien beast that looks to be at least twice as large as a rhino. And of course, we can't forget how it holds up against all sorts of laser bolts. Most of which can deliver up to 66 megajoules of power (Soldier Blue) with a single shot.

Wiz: And in order for his laser rifle to completely disintegrate someone in a single hit, then the bolts must carry an energy worth 300 megajoules.

Boomstick: One time, when up against rival bounty hunters who had decided to stick it to him, the Mandalorian channeled his inner Batman and systematically took them down one by one, before leaving them to the mercy of whatever prison they arrived at.

Wiz: What Din cannot win with his skills and weapons he wins with his wits, like how he allowed a massive Tattoine to swallow him alive in order to detonate explosives within its stomach. And later, when confronted with the prospect of fighting a team of super-power machines, he decided to do the smart thing and jettison them into outer space, saving himself having to fight them.

Boomstick: And like many in his profession, he was able to come away alive from a confrontation with a Jedi. In this case, everyone's favorite Ahsoka Tano. Although in fairness, the fight didn't have a chance to fully kick off.

Wiz: It's important to remember that beneath the ultra-hard steel and that expressionless helmet though, Din is still human. He has come close to dying and even throwing in the towel several times, only saved by the outside intervention of others.

Boomstick: Still though, that's how we got a visit from everyone's other favorite Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who helped fulfil Mando's mission of finding a safe place for Grogu.

Wiz: Whether or not it stays like that in spite of the sequel series, Din Djarin, or the Mandalorian, has proven that not much will get in the way of his mission or the ones he cares for.

Goblin Slayer[]

Wiz: Out of all the monsters in fiction, goblins probably aren't the type you'd usually think would need much attention. Not with one being so easy to kill. Keyword, however, being "one".

Boomstick: Yeah, when you have just the single goblin to take care off, it's easy. But the thing is, they're like rats; one nest is all that's needed to create a massive infestation and then they become a real problem. Too bad not many adventurers acknowledge this, with even professions not believe it to be necessary to hike back and make sure a goblin nest is buried for good.

Wiz: Well, why would they, when the main overarching quest of being an adventure is to defeat the demon lord. But goblins always remain a trouble, especially for unprotected villages. In fact, one such raid would be witnessed by only a single survivor, a boy who would inherit an undying hatred for the entire goblin race and a drive to hunt them down.

Boomstick: After spending some time with a crazy of Bilbo Baggins, the kid grew up into an occupation that dominated his existence so much, he became named for it; Goblin Slayer.

  • Background
    • Real Name: Unknown
    • Age: 20
    • Height: 5'9
    • Obsessed with killing goblins
    • Silver Ranked Adventurer
    • Trained by Burglar
    • Most common phrase; "I see."

Wiz: And for the next couple of years he stuck to that mission all by his lonesome. Eventually, he even attained the rank of silver, the third highest adventuring rank there is.

Popup: The prequel series describes Goblin Slayer as a combination between a fighter and a scout.

Boomstick: It kinda robbed the rest of his colleagues the wrong way that he got so highly ranked when all he did was seemingly grind and kill goblins but he's not the kind of person to give a damn. Plus, the various villages he saves are much more grateful for his help and rightfully so.

Wiz: And Goblin Slayer's time facing down his collective foes have ingrained into him the knowledge of the right tools for his job.

  • Arsenal
    • Armor
    • Shortsword
    • Small Shield
    • Daggers
    • Longbow
    • Torch
    • Healing Potion
    • Stamina Potion
    • Antidote
    • Smoke Grenade
    • Stun Grenade
    • Clubs/Mace
    • Spear
    • Slingshot
    • Magic Ring
    • Gate Scroll

Boomstick: Like his armor for one thing. Sure to others its looks a little dented and worn but that's actually to Goblin Slayer's intent. With it being so filthy, it hides the metallic scent from keen goblin noses.

Wiz: Plus, it has enough toughness to stop a dagger in the darkness, the exact kind of strategy a devious goblin would devise.

Boomstick: Once a failed shank has drawn out the pesky bugger, Goblin Slayer will return the favor and then some with his own weaponry.

Wiz: His short sword for one, which is perfect for fighting in cramped conditions, like the inside of a goblin burrow. And if need be, he can even throw it. And not in the typical over-under method but by throwing it point forwards, like professional weapon throwers do, such as Olympic Javelin throwers.

Boomstick: That's probably why he carries several daggers with him as well but he's also a good marksman with typical long-ranged weaponry, like with a longbow and or a sling. And that's if he just doesn't pick up whatever to toss.

Wiz: Whether it be a discarded beaten up weapon or an ornate weapon from African culture, Goblin Slayer can hurl it with almost supernatural proficiency. And speaking of the supernatural, Goblin Slayer has a few magical items in his belt.

Boomstick: He's got stamina and healing potions to help him out as well as a magic ring that enables him to breathe underwater. But with his skills in deduction, he's noticed that he can simply use it to give himself an unlimited supply of oxygen in any situation. And a resistance to the cold.

Wiz: One of Goblin Slayer's aces is a Gate Scroll, connected to open a portal at the bottom of the ocean to unleash a torrent of highly-pressurized water. And as water jet machines show us, super-pressurized water is able to cut through even steel with absolute ease. The blast unleashed by the Scroll resulted in devastation worth 4 tons of TNT (Blademan9999).

Boomstick: Even though he doesn't have one at hand at all times, he also has smoke and stun grenades which he made himself. And once, he even made a bomb using flour. Flour! Who can even do that?

Wiz: I think this brings us to what is perhaps Goblin Slayer's greatest attribute. Rather than knowing just things about goblins and how to kill them, his true strength lies in his ability to improvise and adapt to just about any kind of foe.

  • Feats
    • Barely survived a strike from a Goblin Champion
    • Destroyed numerous Goblin Nests
    • Devastated his surroundings with the Gate Scroll
    • Dodge an arrow as it was an inch from hitting him
    • Foiled the plans of the Goblin Paladin
    • Survived an avalanche
    • Defeated the Ogre, Goblin Paladin, Rhea Scout, Dark Elf

Boomstick: Good thing too, because those goblins...have a cave troll. Just kidding, but they are often backed by more powerful allies, like an Ogre, a super-goblin, the hand of the demon lord and even a fire-shooting floating eyeball. In fact, that's what the flour bomb was used for. But we all know he prefers to spend his time hunting down goblins. It's kinda terrifying actually, just how single mindedly he is.

Wiz: An expert of unorthodox strategies, Goblin Slayer always fights pragmatically, such as by utilizing his partner's spells to trap a horde inside of their own fortress hideout before setting fire to it, frying each one of the buggers to a crisp. And you just know he loves to watch.

Boomstick: Yeah, the goblins really dropped the ball when they attacked his village, because now they had someone who was to them what they were to innocence people; an utter nightmare.

Wiz: Even after practically his entire body broken and with it held together by just his armor, his unyielding rage towards goblins surged him on to protect his friends.

Boomstick: And he literally garroted a Hobgoblin with some leftover hair. Talk about gnarly! But we all know that when a man has a particular obsession, it can end up costing him his life. And whilst Goblin Slayer is aware that his occupation may very well claim his life one day, he'll keep at it, because his vow to never stop until every goblin is dead is no hyperbole.

Wiz: Time will tell, however, if time spent with his loved ones and fellow adventurers will convince Goblin Slayer to make a change to his life for the long as it includes killing goblins of course.


Wiz: Alright the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!

The Battle[]

Setting: Clearing in the woods

Din was working on fixing the Razor Crest's wing, whilst Grogu was mumbling happily to himself in his floating pod, which was moving backwards a considerable distance from the Mandalorian. He was completely unaware of the armored figure sneaking up beneath him though, even as he straightened up to his full height and lifted his sword above his head. Goblin Slayer's eye flashed red once just before bringing it down, but halted at the threat spoken to him;

Din: Touch the Child and you're dead.

Goblin Slayer paused and looked over at Din, who was aiming his blaster pistol at him, a world of pain promised via the glare from his visor. All whilst Grogu gurgled in ignorance.

Goblin Slayer: You're protecting a goblin? How foolish.

Din: What? What's a-?

Before he could finish or Goblin Slayer could comprehend what he was trying to say, the latter hurled his sword straight towards him.


Din moved his head to avoid the blade as it embedded itself in the side of his ship and Goblin Slayer rushed after him to take advantage of his confusion. Din quickly turned his attention to the charging adventurer, raising his pistol to shoot at him. Goblin Slayer naturally lifted his shield up to defend against the bolts and was able to close the distance. Once he had, he swung the shield out to bash Din's gun hand to the side and open him up to a kick to the chest. Din crashed into the side of his ship and moved to the side to avoid getting bashed by the sharp edge of the shield Goblin Slayer jabbed at him, then moving further as he then slashed out with it, aiming the edge at his neck. Not stopping there, Goblin Slayer yanked his stuck sword out of the ship's surface and began slashed it repeatedly at Din.

The assault was stopped when Din brought his arm up and the sword clashed against his armored forearm. Finally with room to breathe, Din aimed his pistol at Goblin Slayer in spite of their haphazard close-quarters and started firing it. Goblin Slayer was able to raise his shield, the bolts bouncing off the reflective surface. One of them came close to Grogu in his pod, and he squeaked as the pod zoomed away to take him to a safe place. Din continued to fire the gun until Goblin Slayer forced his shield's front straight up against the barrel's hole so that the next shot prematurely went off and tore the pistol from Din's grasp. Goblin Slayer then attempted to once against bash his opponent with the shield but Din grabbed the edge before it could hit him. Although they were both still in a grapple of sorts, Goblin Slayer initiating it with both his weapons before held back by Din, the Mandalorian still had a trick up his sleeve.

Literally, as he unleashed a swarm of Whistling Birds that zoomed around them before locking onto their target. Goblin Slayer recognized the immanent danger and pulled away to avoid getting hit by them, leaving them to either strike the ground or side of the ship. But some of them still zoomed towards Goblin Slayer and he acted quickly against them, pulling out his small throwing daggers and tossing them to accurately two of the three remaining whistling birds down. The last one was able to hit him on the shoulder, yet his armor was thick enough to stop it short. The impact still caused him to stagger back a little and Din took advantage of this by pulling out his Beskar Spear and twirling it about to whack Goblin Slayer first on the side of his head and then against his legs, sending him crashing to the ground. Twirling the spear around, Din prepared to drive it down at Goblin Slayer's stomach. The adventurer's hand flashed out and a dagger smacked into Din's visor, making him misdirect his stab into the ground and giving Goblin Slayer the chance to get back to his feet and take off into the trees. Din threw the spear to try and hit his target but the adventurer ducked mid-run and it stuck through a tree. Grumbling to himself, Din snatched up his phase-pulse blaster and activated his helmet's footprint scanner as he took off after Goblin Slayer.

Goblin Slayer ducked and weaved through the trees, keeping his head low. Good thing as well, given that Din fired at him with the blaster, the shot blowing a scorched crater into a tree. Ducking beneath another blast, Goblin Slayer pulled out his sling and sent a stone zooming towards Din, who simply blasted the projectile to dust as he continued to chase and shoot after the adventurer. Goblin Slayer quickly maneuvered about, avoiding the blasts until he went down a muddy slope. Din went after him without hesitation but as soon as he did, a booby trap was triggered; a length of wood with wooden stakes tied along its edges swung upwards from the dirt, the stakes slamming into Din's chest and face, sending him stumbling backwards. At the same time however, his hard armor shattered the stakes and he was right back to chasing after Goblin Slayer, who had ducked behind a nearby boulder. A shot from the phase-pulse reduced one side of it to rubble and Goblin Slayer popped out behind it to hurl a stone from his slingshot at the Mandalorian. This time, the shot struck true, hitting Din's helmet and causing to him to curse as his ears rang. Goblin Slayer leapt out from behind his cover brandishing a club, swinging a heavy blow that kept Din off-balance with its impact and caused him to drop his blaster. Din had another option to fight back however, drawing his vibro-knife and swinging it out to cut through the club as Goblin Slayer swung it a second time. As Goblin Slayer was left with a ruined weapon, Din kicked him in the knee, forcing him forwards so the bounty hunter could reverse the hold on his knife and stab it down into Goblin Slayer's back. He yelled in pain, the unique properties of the blade enabling it to get through his armor, rearing backwards and Din yanked the blade out of his back in the process. He slashed at the adventurer, cutting a wound into his midriff. Taking advantage of his opponent's injured state, Din pulled out a grenade and primed it, but before he could throw it, Goblin Slayer, still holding his wounded section, lashed out his leg to send a clump of dirt into Din's face, blinding him and halting his throw attempt. This allowed Goblin Slayer to pounce forwards to strike him across the face with a punch, the grenade flying up into the air before falling back down between them both.

They both jumped backwards as the grenade went off, the small blast causing the ground below them to collapse and send the two into an underground cavern, where light was unable to completely illuminate. The first to recover, Goblin Slayer drank a Healing Potion before drawing back into the darkness as his opponent stood up himself. Holding his Vambrace covered wrist before himself, Din went into the darkness, using his helmet's heat seeking to track the adventurer through the dark tunnels he went down. Eventually, he spied a subtle heat in the darkness with the visor, just around a corner. After a moment to steady himself, Din swung around the corner, blasting out a stream of fire from the Vambrace. To his surprise, it hit nothing and he looked down to see the heat signature had been nothing but a torch, left burning in the darkness. This confusion allowed Goblin Slayer to come out from an alcove in the wall ahead of Din and slash at him with his short sword. The blade, through dumb luck or otherwise, was able to cut into some of the less armored areas of Din's body, drawing wounds on them. The bounty hunter stumbled backwards and he tried to aim at Goblin Slayer for another burst of fire but a grabbing of his wrist meant the spray wasn't able to get directed directly at him and Goblin Slayer stabbed his sword into his unprotected underarm area. For a while, Din cursed and grappled with Goblin Slayer to try and get the sword out but the latter just twisted it further against his flesh. So, with his free hand, Din fired off a flash charge directly over Goblin Slayer's head after covering his own visor with his free hand. The blinding light's temporary position in front of Goblin Slayer blinded him and in his disorientation he stumbled backwards, pulling his sword out. Taking further advantage, Din stuck Goblin Slayer across the face, causing him to spin around and then the bounty hunter shot out a cord from his gauntlet device which wrapped around Goblin Slayer's throat. Grabbing the other end of it, Din began to throttle Goblin Slayer from behind. However, the lack of air into Goblin Slayer's windpipe was no issue for him thanks to the magic ring he wore, giving him the clarity to grab what first came to hand - an antidote vial - and smashed it into Din's visor, blinding him. With this chance, Goblin Slayer wrenched himself free, turning about in the process of pulling backwards to chuck something at Din.

It was one of his own grenades, which he had pulled from the Mandalorian's belt and primed.

The resulting blast sent Din flying backwards, smashing through earth and soil to come back out into the open world. Incidentally, he was now back in front of his ship, as the tunnel had looped through the hill near to it. Having been launched back a few meters, Din struggled to get back to his feet, grumbling in pain as he did. Fortunately, he saw he had landed next to his blaster pistol, so snatched it up and shot it at Goblin Slayer as he came after him. The adventurer caught a bolt into the midriff and doubled over in pain. In the process, he noticed Din's Bestar spear still embedded in the tree, so rolled out of the way of the next shot Din fired at him and, in the same movement, yanked out and hurled the spear at its own master. It struck true, skewering Din through the side. He cried out in pain and fell backwards against the edge of his ship. Goblin Slayer straightened up after the throw and brought out a scroll from his belt.

Goblin Slayer: Goblins may be more of a nuisance than you...but I still find this a good use.

He unfurled the scroll and a torrent of water pressurized into a razor's edge shot towards the Mandalorian. It sliced through the hull of the Razor's Crest and seemingly its master with it. But a strange sound made Goblin Slayer look upwards and he saw Din hovering in the air, his jetpack having propelled himself into the air. Now he had activated the Darksaber and bore down towards Goblin Slayer it raised above his head. Acting quickly, the adventurer dropped the spent scroll and hurled his sword upwards towards the Mandalorian. But with a burst from his jetpack, Din closed the downwards distances and slashed down, cutting through not only the sword but also Goblin Slayer, slicing him straight down the middle. The two halves peeled away and collapsed to the ground whilst Din stood back up, turning to look at his wrecked ship, Grogu popping his head out from behind it.


Upon fixing his ship, Din uses its cannons to blast the goblin gang that had started sniffing around the carcass of Goblin Slayer.


Boomstick: Looks like the last thing that Goblin Slayer can even say he saw was a goddamn Lightsaber on dark mode.

Wiz: Firstly, it was no secret that the Mandalorian's technology was far more advanced for Goblin Slayer to keep pace with. Not to mention his Bestar Spear, Darksaber and man-disintegrating laser rifle would give him several ways to end the battle in pretty much a single strike. Speaking of strikes, Din's Bestar armor would let him take as many as he needed to.

Boomstick: Don't go selling GS short there Wiz, because all things considered, Goblin Slayer might have even been able to get a win several times out of a hundred, what with his habits of taking his foe's weapons to use against them. And he did actually have a means of putting Din down through his own arsenal; the Gate Scroll.

Wiz: With the strength to hit with a force of 4 tons of TNT, the Water Scroll's jet could overwhelm Din's defenses 200 times over and secure Goblin Slayer the win. But both this, and the odds of repurposing his foe's weapons for himself, would all rely on Goblin Slayer being able to actually outpace him. Unfortunately for him, Din had the edge in reactions.

Boomstick: This is based on the fact that his jetpack could keep up with a TIE Fighter, which can travel at the low-end speeds of 333 miles per second. Goblin Slayer on the other hand was able to dodge an arrow with just a millimeter to spare, but whilst impressive, it only comes to 227 miles per second (Therefir). Giving Mando plenty more opportunities to get one over on Goblin Slayer.

Wiz: Especially since, in spite of the lower defenses, Din actually did have the better offensive options, as his grenades could deliver a yield of 8 tons of TNT (ChaosTheory123). And Goblin Slayer was nearly killed by getting smashed through a stone slab.

Boomstick: There's also something else worth mentioning. Whilst it can't be denied that Goblin Slayer is good at on the fly planning, they tend to work better if he has at least a few minutes thinking time. Without that time, some of his strategies can blow up in his face, and we all know that time to prepare for battle is against our show's rules.

Wiz: Goblin Slayer was the bane of goblins and other evil creatures for a good reason but the Mandalorian's powerful technology, greater reactions and deadly arsenal tipped the balance in his favors.

Boomstick: The whole fight still ended up producing quite the loud Din.

Wiz: The winner is the Mandalorian.

Next Time[]

Death or servitude

Or maybe even both

Davy Jones vs. Night King


  • Connections: Both are armored and masked bounty hunters with similar cool-headed personalities who take numerous jobs for various reasons (Mando does so to support his clan whilst Goblin Slayer does so to kill as many goblins as possible). Both also have a hatred for a certain race due to the loss of their families to them (Goblins and Droids respectively). Both also work alongside other mercenaries and are close to those who can use supernatural abilities; Grogu and Priestess respectively. Ironically, whilst the Mandalorian is close to a green-skinned pointy eared creature (Grogu), a species of similar appearing monsters are Goblin Slayer's hated targets (Goblins). Both are also known exclusively by their nicknames.
  • Animation Style: 3D.
  • OST Idea: 'The Rightful Way', referring to the opening theme of Goblin Slayer's series and the mantra of the Mandalorian's doctrine.