Lord Drakkon Vs Lord Garmadon is a What-If? Death Battle between Lord Drakkon from Power Rangers, and Lord Garmadon from Lego: Ninjago.
Two Dark Overlords engage in combat to see who is the superior of the two. Which will win, Drakkon or Garmadon? Find out in this Death Battle!
- The fight will take place in Drakkon's Earth
Skunk: Darkness falls upon lands when an evil threat emerges, while many can try, most will die if they attempt to avert this.
Skel: Yeah, nice rhyme, but the dark overlords here don't take silly talk, and have supreme power over their universes.
Skunk: Lord Drakkon, Evil Overlord of an Alternate Earth from Power Rangers.
Skel: And Lord Garmadon, Evil Spinjitzu Master from Lego Ninjago! He's Skunk and I'm Skel!
Skunk: And it's our job to research their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win, a Death Battle!
Lord Drakkon Declares War On Death Battle![]
Skunk: Alternate realities can often be disappointing.
Skel: Yeah, yeah, don't try to be smart and quote Thanos.
Skunk: Fine, anyways, the Power Rangers are heroes of earth, using their skills, powers and weapons to defend it from the evil clutches of villains like Rita and Lord Zedd.
Skel: But it also is very weird when they are fighting against some weird clay people who magically fall apart when pushed to the floor. Then again... never mind.
Skunk: Rita sent various monsters after earth, but to no such luck, then she thought of a genius plan, that it may work...
Skel: Spoiler alert, It doesn't...
Skunk: She decided to make her own Power Ranger, the Green Ranger. She abducted some by the name of Tommy Oliver, who she mind controlled and forced to fight for her, with a new dragon dagger and dragonzord.
Skel: Long Story short, Tommy got his ass beaten, and turned to the good side.
Skunk: But that isn't what happens in the alternate universe, as Tommy actually ran away, trying to stay away from the conflict and the Power Rangers. But Rita came back and told Tommy of a person called "Lord Drakkon."
Skel: Ya see, she though that she could tell him about this dude to convince him to join her again, and it actually worked, resulting in Tommy and Rita conquering earth.
Skunk: But Tommy decided that nobody would be allowed to stand in his way of ruling earth himself, and killed Rita, taking it all as his, being the Emperor of earth.
Skel: Now, you are totally wondering what types of powers could he possibly possess to do such a crazy thing, and we are gonna tell you about it now! Also, we are going to be using him at his full power, so... yeah...
Lord Drakkon's Powers[]
- Superior Physicality
- Portal Creation
- Can make portals to force people into other timelines
- Timeline Perception
- Can communicate through the different timelines
- Acasuality
- Can split timelines to keep himself safe from paradoxes
- Reality Warping
- Existence Erasure
- Time Travel & Manipulation
- Teleportation
- Invisibility
- Attack Reflection
- Immortality
- Control over a vast amount of elements and other powers
Skunk: Lord Drakkon's powers go beyond what you'd normally think a kid's show character could do, but his powers are vast, and we mean that as an understatement.
Skel: He can teleport, go invisible, deflect attacks away from himself, communicate through other timelines, split the timelines up to stop paradoxes and even freaking more!
Skunk: He can control reality itself, being able to do just about whatever he wishes, including steal powers with his sword, change his size, create portals, control elements and overall nearly anything he wishes to do.
Skel: I don't think we could name all of his stuff in this one battle, so let's get to what he has done with his crazy powers now!
Lord Drakkon's Feats[]
- Can dodge laser attacks even when not in his outfit
- Can toss the Dragonzord
- Should be superior to other rangers
- Yellow Ranger pushed a large boulder with relative ease
- Other Rangers survived their base exploding while they were in it
- Green Ranger took hits from the Black Dragon
- Took attacks from the Dragonzord, taking barely any damage
- He only took damage when he got caught off-guard
- Took over earth with Rita
- Killed Rita
- Defeated all the Power Rangers
Skunk: Right, he and Rita were able to take over the earth, but mostly thanks to Tommy, who's powers increased when he became Lord Drakkon, allowing for his vast amount of power.
Skel: He can tank hits from the Dragonzord, only being hurt when he wasn't expecting it, even being able to throw it! He is powerful for a dude in a spandex suit.
Skunk: You mean a dude with godly powers, in a spandex suit, right?
Skel: Yeah, of course, but he still isn't perfect... nearly, but not perfect.
Lord Drakkon's Flaws[]
- Has a major superiority complex
- Underestimates his foes
- Cocky
- Has been caught off-guard
Skunk: His massive power has resulted in his attitude becoming... beyond that of a god's...
Skel: Well, he DOES have god powers, and he can do whatever he wants, so I mean...
Skunk: Also he has taken his foes very lightly most of the time, which isn't something someone should have.
Skel: Well whatever, he is still a super powerful overlord, who will rule his earth until the day he dies, and I don't think he is going to want that to happen any time soon.
Lord Drakkon: We will invade their worlds. We will tear down everything that might protect them. And then when it's too late, when they're powerless and alone, they will realize the truth. They could've been gods.
Lord Garmadon Destroys Death Battle! (Scarecrow640 and 007minicrewmate)[]
Me: The city of ninjago was once a peaceful place, until of course this guy appeared to cause chaos.
James Corden: lord garmaddon started as the son of the first spinjitzu master and brother of Wu until he was bitten by the great viper which flowed evil into his bloodstream turning him into the evil overlord he was.
me: he would eventually be defeated by his son Lloyd but then came back several times.
james: but he did some impressive stuff in that time in several different forms.
me: so we’re gonna cover each form so skunkbandit knows how strong each one is.
james: we will cover them in the order they appeared though since the four armed one did come back with some different powers, arsenal and looked a bit different there will be two.
Shadow form[]
Me: this was the first form he appeared in and was slightly weak.
james: it was basically just a shadow on the wall.
me: it did have the ability to fight properly including with wu who had shown himself capable of taking on a large group of trained skeletons fairly easily.
james: he could also manipulate a person’s shadow making them fight for him and they had the full skill of the person.
me: though that’s about it really as it was soon defeated by the tornado of creation.
Two armed oni form[]
James: next was his two armed oni form which was just his physical self with only two arms who was skilled enough to fight the ninja and wu.
Four armed oni[]
me: probably the most famous of his forms was the four armed one though this doesn’t include post revival as that was way after and had different powers and arsenal.
james: in this form he could control big mud creatures and was even more skilled at fighting.
me: he can create pure energy blades and create giant stone monsters as big as sky scrapers.
Oni Form[]
me: this is his final form and most likely his ugliest one.
james: it looks like and oni mask with a retarted face on it!
me: but in this form he can practically turn anything to stone and can dish out around anything
james: this form is also heartless and ruthless itself
me: due to him being the son of what is practically a god, he's extremely powerful!
Garmadon's abilities[]
- telekinesis
- electrokinesis
- geokinesis
- destruction
- The fight is what fuels him
- true potential is a result of the fight
Garmadon's feats[]
- Fought off the oni who destroyed realms or in other words universes
- created a giant colossus as big as sky scrapers
- destroyed a city quite easily
- survived unspeakable power
- kept up with Lloyd who is FTL
- manipulated Kai
- survived being possessed by the Overlord who is the ultimate evil
- ripped apart limbs from a robot and would've done the same to a human
Garmadon's Arsenal[]
- four purple energy blades
- the mega weapon
- This allows for fire, lightning, earth, and ice manipulation
- megaweapon is so powerful that no one can handle it at once
james: But in the end everyone has a weakness
Garmadon's weakness[]
- Is vulnerable to evasive maneuver
- despite being a son of a god he is not invincible
- megaweapon can only be used once before being drained
me: Yeah that's not a bad weakness considering the opponent that he's going up against
Garmadon: Soon, I will be strong enough to posses the four weapons, so I may re-create the world, IN MY IMAGE!!!
Skunk: Alright the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.
Skel: It's time for a Death Battle!
Location: Drakkon's Tower
Lord Drakkon is seen set on his throne, watching various realities getting taken over by his armies. He flicks his hand, and opens another portal.
Drakkon: Let's see what other realities await for me.
Lord Garmadon falls out of it, and Drakkon sits up straight, interested in this new "person" who is here.
Drakkon: Well, well, well, who are you?
Garmadon: I am Lord Garmadon, evil overlord of Ninjago!
Drakkon: How interesting, but since you're here, I'm afraid that isn't the case now.
The portal closes. Drakkon stands up.
Drakkon: You have two options, become one of my minions, or die here, no in between, no other options...
Garmadon: I'll go with the 3rd option, kill you and take your world over instead!
Garmadon takes out the 4 golden weapons, while Drakkon simply puts his hands behind his back, and holds his dagger behind him.
Garmadon rushes, and slashes at Drakkon, but nothing happened. Garmadon does more, but nothing. Drakkon is then gone, and appears behind Garmadon. He backhands the evil lord, sending Garmadon into the wall. Drakkon puts out his palm, and shoots energy beams out. Garmadon narrowly avoids it.
Drakkon: I guess this could be interesting...
Garmadon shoots ice out from one of the weapons, but Drakkon puts his wrist in the way, deflecting it. He deflects it at Garmadon's feet, keeping them in place. He walks up to Garmadon, then slashes him a few times, before uppercutting him to the air. Drakkon clenches his fist, and punches with a glowing energy fist, sending Garmadon into a portal Drakkon created. Drakkon then walks to his throne, sits down and opens a portal in front of him. Garmadon flies out, and Drakkon backhands them back into the portal. He opens another above him and Garmadon falls on the floor.
Garmadon: You... won't beat me!
Garmadon control's Drakkon's shadow, and makes Drakkon punch himself, then Drakkon is forced to jump off the tower. Garmadon looks over the edge, but Drakkon isn't there. Garmadon then makes the 4 golden weapons to the mega weapon. He swings behind him, where Drakkon was. Drakkon falls back onto the floor, but quickly gets up.
Drakkon: Well, that is interesting...
Garmadon: You think it would be so easy to beat me?!
Garmadon yells out and a bright purple flash happens. Drakkon is unphased and just watches. Garmadon has turned to his 4 armed state. Drakkon isn't impressed by this at all.
Drakkon: How boring...
Drakkon is suddenly hit by the mega weapon, and sent through the roof. Garmadon makes a large stone golem, then it catches Drakkon, throwing him through a wall. Drakkon gets up, but now he seems a bit hurt. Garmadon arrives in the room, but doesn't see Drakkon. Drakkon then emerges from a white mist, and is now at his most powerful, now having the Heart of a Morphing Master.
Drakkon: You aren't as good as you think, especially while I'm in this form...
Garmadon makes the large stone golem attack, but Drakkon jumps up, and headbutts it, shattering it to dust. Garmadon angrily swings his mega weapon, but Drakkon catches it in his hand, then tosses Garmadon out the tower, to the inside of a pyramid. Drakkon floats down and laughs.
Drakkon: You're just a worm to me... your true power isn't worth spit or dirt, nor even nothing compared to mine!
Garmadon: You want my full power?! Fine!!!
Garmadon stomps and Drakkon is sent hitting a wall by a shockwave. Drakkon floats to the floor, and watches. Garmadon is now in his Oni form, and charges without even a word, swinging. Drakkon evades with his hands behind his back, but then is hit with a knee and sent flying, falling on a sacrificial table.
Garmadon: Your time is over!!!
Garmadon sends the mega weapon through Drakkon's chest. He laughs in victory. Suddenly, Drakkon's body phases away, having just been a fake clone. The pyramid then cracks, and reality breaks, showing Garmadon now on a floating bit of rock. Drakkon then emerges, now in a giant form, looking down on his foe, thousands of times smaller.
Drakkon: You didn't think you could best me, did you? I am Lord Drakkon! Nobody shall defeat me!
Garmadon then blasts all his power at Drakkon, but Drakkon catches it with his finger, then shoots it back. Garmadon tries to block it with his mega weapon, but Drakkon enhances the blast, which shatters the whole mega weapon to dust.
Drakkon: Your weapons and powers are worthless, you don't deserve them, but I can solve that...
Drakkon makes Garmadon float up, and with a clench of his hand, Garmadon screams out, and purple smoke comes out of him. Garmadon is shown falling to the ground, and in his human form. He gets up, seeing his powers are gone. Drakkon puts his arms up, and a bright light comes from above.
Garmadon: You can't do that, that isn't fair!!!
Drakkon: All is fair in a fight to the death... DIE!!!
The light comes down, and entirely destroys the floating rock, along with Garmadon. When the light clears, Drakkon is shown sat on his throne, with Garmadon's mask hung on his wall.
Lord Drakkon remembers and looks at the megaweapon.
Drakkon: This could be useful...
The second he picked it up he instantly regretted it.
He instantly dropped the Golden Spear in regret and started panting which his arm burned and electricity flowing and crackling through him.
We then see a sight in the corner.
The green ranger was standing there and waiting to confront him while he was strong and he was weak.
Skel: That was overkill, even for Drakkon.
Me: I mean it would've been a much closer battle if you guys weren't in a rush.
James: But knowing that you wanted to complete it soon and not knowing that much about Ninjago, I have to say, Bravo this was done extremely well. Congratulations. This battle was just excellent.
Skunk: Yo shoo! Get Lost! We worked as hard as we could to do this. You want me to use my weapon?
Me: (in a pleading manner) NO Not the weapon. NOt the weaOn!
Skunk: Good well anyways when you do think of this, it was way too obvious who would win this, given the difference in their powers.
Skel: While both had their advantages, like Garmadon had more weapons and Drakkon had more powers, that was the strong point to Drakkon, he had WAY SUPERIOR POWERS.
Skunk: Drakkon's powers could allow him to do a number of things, like make portals, evaporate planets, destroy the fabric of reality itself, and more. Garmadon just had no options to prevent or counter such powers, while Drakkon's could stop all of Garmadon's.
Skel: If you're all saying Garmadon's physical power was above Drakkon, that isn't a problem since Drakkon, again, could just make himself more powerful, as strong as he wants to, so he could tip the tables into his favor at a flash.
Skunk: We know it is far fetched, but to put this bluntly, Drakkon's powers were able to counter anything Garmadon could use, and not to mention, he could just erase Garmadon or anything of his from existence, which Garmadon had no defense against, leaving the victor here, clean, cut and very easy to determine.
Skel: Guess Garmadon just got Oni-d.
Skunk: The winner is Lord Drakkon!
- Originally, it was going to be Lord Zedd fighting Garmadon, but it was decided he wasn't as good of a fit
- This is the first time SkunkBandit, Scarecrow640 and 007minicrewmate have done a battle together