Two people who claim to be the best at what they do, and what they do, is blast your bloody head off!
Wiz: Sometimes, people want something done, and they do it themselves!
Boomstick: Yeah, but you can also pay someone to do it for you really...
Wiz: Well, yeah, I guess...
Boomstick: Lock, The Badass Sharpshooter from Moder Combat Versus!
Wiz: And The Sniper, from Team Fortress 2!
Boomstick: He's Wiz, and I'm Boomstick!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win, a death battle!
Wiz: You may think life is easy as an adult, where you are free to do as you want, can buy whatever you want...
Boomstick: Or get a real Crappy security job, just like Lock!
Wiz: Working for Korp, Lock had a real bad time in his job, as he was payed very poorly...
Boomstick: So he took a bribe from OCTO, because bribes buy good shit!
Wiz: Lock had noticed Korp were feeling fishy about him, so he went on the run.
Boomstick: Lock went freelance, and likely took what isn't his to have really...
Wiz: He always thinks a person should think about themselves, and themselves only, especially when you are on the run from a large organization.
Boomstick: Yeah, life got rough for him, but hey, at least he became a kick ass fighter!
Wiz: Yes, and being a fighter, he obviously needs weapons and gear, so we will go over them now!
Boomstick: He carries the TYGR-92 Assault Rifle, with 40 ammo per clip, and is decent all around.
Wiz: These bullets should be compared to regular ones, so they should move around 1.200 m/s, and that can be fairly useful when fighting a large amount of other people.
Boomstick: Yeah, but he also has this cool helmet, which has an augmented reality setting, which lets Lock see enemies through walls, and increases damage he does to them when active, and it lasts for 10 seconds, though it does have a cool down.
Wiz: His weapons are highly impressive, but he himself has some impressive feats as well, like how he can run at 5 Meters per second, putting him above the average human running speed.
Boomstick: Lock also should have at least a fairly decent amount of training under his belt, seeing as he worked for Korp.
Wiz: He also is very accurate, as he could be over 50 meters away and his gun is still accurate enough to hit you.
Boomstick: Oh, one last thing about that gun, or Lock and his gun both, he never seems to run out of ammo on it, which is awesome!
Wiz: He is impressive, but not perfect, as he can be killed, just like any living thing, but it takes a lot to pull off, A LOT!
Lock is seen shooting down a group of enemies.
The Sniper[]
Boomstick: Being a pro is hard work yknow.
Wiz: It requires a lot of training, weapons mastery, and skills.
Boomstick: The Sniper from tf2 has all of those, but also, standards, but who cares about those?
Wiz: Working as a merc is no easy job, but for him, it is a hobby.
Boomstick: It is just like being a hunter!
Wiz: He always has fun with the job, shooting people in the head, sticking large knives in a Spy's back, throwing jars of pi- wait what...
Boomstick: It is a pretty good idea Wiz, who would think someone would throw a jar of urin at you?
Wiz: That is gross, and how could he even have enough urin coming out of his body to fill jars up so fast?
Boomstick: Yeah he uses some weird pills made by Saxton Hale...
Wiz: Let's get to his weapons and skills, before I vomit...
Boomstick: Yeah, well if his merc name didn't make it clear, his main weapon is a sniper rifle, and it is a beaut
Wiz: It doesn't look like most sniper rifles, so we can't really compare it to any, but for sake of this, we will assume it is the same as a regular sniper rifle.
Boomstick: It carries a total of 25 Bullets, but he has to load one at a time, so fire rate is not so good, but atleast it makes sure you don't run out too fast!
Wiz: There appears to be a charge on it, and this charge, in some way, makes the damage change, so that is dumb...
Boomstick: But he also carries an SMG with him, carrying 25 in a clip and 75 other bullets.
Wiz: It has a much faster rate of fire than his sniper rifle, but obviously does less damage...
Boomstick: Yeah, but if he wants to be in close he has his machete, to slice you up hard!
Wiz: His skills are impressive, but not perfect, as he has slightly above average health in his team, and he is meant to serve a support role, so he really isn't meant to be close to an enemy.
Boomstick: But he will have a plan to kill anyone he meets, anyone...
We see Sniper shove his machete into a Spy's torso.
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all!
Boomstick: It's time for a death battle!!!
Location: 2Fort Lock is seen dropped in from a plane, and he looks around.
Lock: This place looks like trash, I'm glad I don't have to fight here...
The Sniper looks down at Lock.
Sniper: Hey, you bloak, you shouldn't be here, bugger off pal!
Lock: I'm here for some papers, you seen any?
Sniper: They're in here, but you can't have em...
Lock: Aw, too bad, I'll take it anyways...
Lock shoots at Sniper, but he backs away. Lock runs into the building, he climbs up the open area on the ground floor. Lock leans on the wall, and peeks around the corner. Lock rolls into the room, but it is empty.
Lock: Where did the bloak go...
Sniper: Here!
Lock turns to the side, and is met with a dropkick to the face. Lock quickly gets up, and cocks his gun. Sniper takes his SMG out, and both of them start shooting, and all their bullets hit each other, but Sniper runs out of the clip first, and is hit by a few bullets. Sniper tosses a jarate at Lock.
Sniper reloads his SMG, and he shoots Lock, doing some damage. Lock gets to cover. Lock turns on his Augmented Reality visor, and sees Sniper. Lock sprays his gun from the corner, but keeps in cover, and hits Sniper in the arm. Sniper shoots Lock's hand with his Sniper Rifle. Lock looks at the bullet wound on his hand. Lock sees some ammo, and has an idea.
Lock: Bingo!
Sniper goes into the room, but doesn't see Lock.
Sniper: Bloak ran off...
Lock jumps down from a pile of boxes, and slams the ammo box over Snipers head, making Sniper stumble. Lock grabs Sniper's arm, and slams his fist down on it, making a loud crack. Sniper tries to smash a jarate on Lock's face, but Lock catches it, and starts choking Sniper. Lock smashes the jarate over Snipers face, making broken glass go over his face.
Sniper: Not fair, ya drongo!
Lock: Throwing jars of piss ain't nice pal, I'm just returning to sender.
Lock then slams Snipers face into the wall rapidly, making Sniper's nose bleed. Sniper eventually grabs Lock, and sticks his machete into Lock's shoulder, making Lock give a cry of pain. Sniper kicks Lock away, and Lock feels his shoulder. Lock gets another idea. Sniper walks up with his Rifle, aimed at Lock's head.
Lock: Wait, wait, wait, I got a question to ask!
Sniper: I guess if you are gonna die, you can ask.
Lock: What is ya name?
Sniper: Why do ya want to know?
Lock then kicks Sniper in the crotch, and catches Sniper's gun, then aims it at Sniper's head.
Lock: I wanna know what to write on ya grave.
Lock blasts Snipers head off. Lock takes out the machete from his shoulder, and walks off with his gun.
Boomstick: Woah, what a way to go, killed by your own gun...
Wiz: This battle was VERY close, and the sniper may have won if he had a slight edge in any of the things he lacked.
Boomstick: Like how Lock had the ability to see where Sniper was with his helmet, meaning he had great field awareness.
Wiz: It also helps Lock has a feat of moving 5 meters per second, while Sniper isn't really shown to move fast, meaning Lock had more mobility on his side, and he could get up close, which leads to another reason for this outcome.
Boomstick: Yeah, Lock could get in close, meaning he could use his weapon more effectively, while Sniper was not meant for the close combat, and even then, Sniper's gun takes time to charge, giving plenty of time for a kill.
Wiz: Lock also has the advantage of fighting more than 9 separate people, and instead he has faced 20, meaning he has more experience in more areas.
Boomstick: Yeah, and while it is very clear Sniper had the advantage of versatility, having more weapons, it doesn't matter when your opponent is faster, more skilled, and far more experienced!
The Winner is Lock!