Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Larfleeze Vs Trigger Happy is a What-If? Death Battle between Larfleeze from DC Comics, against Trigger Happy from Skylanders.


Two of the most greedy characters in fiction, one evil, one good, but both have a taste for needing anything they see as being valuable. Will Larfleeze feel the gold and glory, or shall Trigger Happy go to broke? Find out in this Death Battle!


Skunk: Greed, something that many feel, they want it all, they need it all, they will have it all, no matter what stands in their way.

Skel: That statement cannot be more true when applied to the two here today.

Skunk: Larfleeze, The Orange Lantern.

Skel: And Trigger Happy, Gold Obsessed Gremlin. He's Skunk and I'm Skel.

Skunk: And it's our job to research their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win, a Death Battle!

Everything Belongs To Larfleeze In Death Battle![]

Skunk: What color is gold?

Skel: Yellow.

Skunk: And what do you typically associate with gold?

Skel: Greed.

Skunk: Isn't it odd then that the orange lantern light represents greed?

Skel: It looks cool, who cares, Larfleeze certainly doesn't.

Skunk: I guess so. Born a farmer, Larfleeze had a pretty good life.

Skel: Let's not lie, he was hated by his family, he looks like some Barney the dinosaur rip-off.

Skunk: Ok... well that isn't very important, he important part of his backstory is his slavery.

Skel: He worked and worked all day, never a bit of rest. He couldn't take it after so long, and decided to bust on out of his shackles and get his freedom!

Skunk: Free from the horrors of slavery, Larfleeze wandered, and soon ran into a group of thieves, we don't need to explain what happened next, but we will.

Skel: He joined them, and he was focused on becoming the very best of them all, the best thief in the whole of existence.

Skunk: He didn't know it yet, but he was going to be beyond the best, he would get power nobody else could even dream about.

Skel: How did he get that power? Well, he and his thief pals found a bright glowing orange lantern thing, and they all wanted in on it, but just for themselves.

Skunk: All fought to be the only one to have it, but in the end, Larfleeze was the last one standing, and he claimed the orange lantern ring.

Larfleeze's Orange Lantern Ring[]

  • Can make any constructs Larfleeze can imagine
  • Able to summon those he has killed as constructs, fighting independently from Larfleeze himself
    • Knows whatever they know
    • They phase in and out of reality, making them unable to be hit
  • Powered by the emotion of greed
  • Larfleeze can increase the power tremendously
    • Once increased the power level to 100,000%
  • Larfleeze became his own power battery, making it so the ring will pretty much never run out of energy, even without recharging
  • Can absorb magic and other lantern constructs
  • Ring can be brought back from being erased, and recalled if it is taken from Larfleeze
    • Though he also can make a forcefield, preventing it from being taken in the first place
  • Protects Larfleeze from mind and organic altering powers

Skel: A lantern ring is one of the most OP things in comic book history, change my mind.

Skunk: A tiny piece of jewelry doesn't seem like a big deal, but a lantern ring can make anything the wielder can imagine, from a chainsaw to a mini-gun to a whole solar system, all they need is enough of the emotion the ring is powered by to make it happen.

Skel: The ring can absorb magic, be returned from erasure, and Larfleeze especially likes to summon those he has killed from his ring, like no other lanterns have done that, not to the extent Larfleeze does at least.

Skunk: Larfleeze uses his ring to its fullest when he wants to, even when you think he is using his full power, he'll pump it up to 100,000% of its power, that is 1000x stronger than the ring normally would be.

Skel: And the more dead people inside his ring there are, the even more powerful he becomes, this has let him face beings who should be more powerful than him, but they just drop brown in their pants when he is nearby.

Larfleeze's Feats[]

  • Can fight against multiple other lanterns at once
  • Survived hits from Hal Jordan, who was empowered by a blue lantern ring, which is extremely effective against orange lanterns
    • Larfleeze could even retaliate and harm Hal despite this, even when below 100% power
  • Became his own power source for his ring, making need to charge it no longer required
  • His summoned orange lanterns could face foes who were comparable to the Guardians of the Universe
    • The Guardians have the capability to cause big bang level events, as well as survive them too
    • They even fear Larfleeze alone could kill them all without any problem
  • Able to compete with other lanterns who can cross multiple galaxies in short amounts of time
  • Larfleeze stated Hal isn't a threat to him, since he has all the power of his lantern corps within his own ring
  • Has been compared in power to Parallax, the embodiment of fear

Skunk: He can match Hal Jordan, one of the most powerful lanterns, even when he wielded the blue lantern ring, Larfleeze took hits and even hurt Hal back.

Skel: His orange lantern summons are just as dangerous as him alone, being able to rip up other lanterns, even the Guardians struggled with them, and those fellas can make the big freaking bang!

Skunk: Cosmic might and universal power doesn't begin to describe Larfleeze, his ring doesn't even need manual recharging, it just recharges from Larfleeze and greed, and unlike many other lanterns, Larfleeze has ALL of the power of his corps in his ring.

Skel: The Guardians of the Universe weren't even really stated to be equal to Larfleeze, they think just Larfleeze alone could kill all of them while barely trying.

Skunk: The being Parallax, a living concept of fear itself has been compared to Larfleeze, possibly even being weaker than Larfleeze.

Skel: How does a god damn ring give someone so much power, seriously?

Skunk: Larfleeze is a threat to all, but also a threat to himself, especially when it comes to wanting it all.

Larfleeze's Flaws[]

  • Driven purely by greed
  • Crazy
  • Blue energy cannot be absorbed
  • Can be persuaded with the offer of being given things
  • When releasing constructs from his ring, it becomes weaker

Skel: Like we said, Larfleeze is greedy, greedy, greedy. He wants it all.

Skunk: His lust for having everything cannot be matched, his mind is lost, and if you make him an offer, he will likely accept, if it is worth enough.

Skel: His ring does lose power too, when he sends out those dead people, and he is weaker against blue stuff, for some reason...

Skunk: Greed is a dangerous emotion, but that danger can be used against or for those who have it, and Larfleeze has plenty of greed to give, meaning he will take everything that glitters, and also everything that doesn't glitter.

Someone Is Feeling Trigger Happy In Death Battle![]

Skunk: Skylands, a world full of mystical creatures, portal masters and other mythical things, each with their own stories to tell, they all are brought together into a single story.

Skel: Well, actually with this specific combatant, there isn't all that much known of him, Trigger Happy.

Trigger Happy is shown blasting things with his guns and throwing pots of gold around.

Skunk: Trigger Happy is a strange gremlin creature, nobody is sure where he came from, or why, he simply appeared in a village one day without reason.

Skel: And because they needed to make him do some heroic act to be considered a hero, the village was being invaded by bandits!

Skunk: So, Trigger Happy did what any logical creature with gold blasting weapons would do.

Skel: He fired wildly until all the bad guys were dead! Like, not even aiming, he just blasted them.

Skunk: Now made into a legend, Trigger Happy's act was spoken of, reaching all parts of Skylands.

Skel: And when word spread to an old Portal Master known as Master Eon, Trigger Happy was instantly made into a Skylander, without hesitation, like, he is that good.

Skunk: Now a force of pure good, Trigger Happy protected Skylands with all his might and wealth in gold coin shooting revolvers, and a few extra things too.

Trigger Happy's Arsenal, Skills & Powers[]


  • Golden Pistols
    • Shoots coins rapid-fire style
    • Can be charged to fire a bigger coin
      • The longer it is charged, the more damage it does
    • Coins bounce off walls and other surfaces
  • Golden Safe/Pot of Gold/Giant Coin
    • Lobs explosive safes/pots of gold/giant coin
      • Pots of gold explode into a shower of damaging coins
      • Giant coin deals more damage if landing on heads
  • Golden Machine Gun
    • Can combine Golden Pistols to form this, and fire even faster
    • Has infinite ammo

Double Dare[]

  • Fire Cracker
    • Can create fire hoops that explode when Trigger Happy goes through them, as well as giving Trigger Happy a brief increase to speed
    • Can ignite them to deal more damage
  • Crowd Pleaser
    • Creates damaging pyrotechnics
  • Breaking Cannon
    • Trigger Happy shoots himself out of a cannon
      • Can create a fire ring to go through after being shot
  • He's Safe!
    • Trigger Happy revives once, jumping out of a safe

Gold Rusher[]

  • Trigger Happy's Vehicle
    • Gets Supercharged when Trigger Happy uses it
    • Able to lay down mines
    • Fires gold as projectiles

Skel: He isn't just using some golden pistols, these babies can charge up for more damage, rapid fire, bounce their shots off walls, and overall, who doesn't want gold shooting guns?

Skunk: He has more than that, his fire cracker guns can shoot flames and make flaming hoops, he can toss around massive safes, pots of gold and coins that explode, and combine his guns to form a large machine gun with endless ammo.

Skel: That's all nice, but don't forget his Gold Rusher, his supercharged vehicle that runs on a... super kind of super engine.

Skunk: A supercharger vehicle is a powerful ride, powered by the rift engine, becoming more powerful when the correct rider is in it.

Skel: It can lay explosive mines down and fire golden projectiles just like his guns, only more powerful!

Skunk: Trigger Happy isn't afraid to do a few daring tricks, he will fire himself out a cannon if he wants some extra damage, and he even can save himself from death with a safe.

Skel: Talk about a safe return, am I right?

Skunk: With all of Trigger Happy's golden weaponry, it isn't hard to believe the kind of feats he has pulled off.

Trigger Happy's Feats[]

  • Helped defeat Kaos on multiple occasions
  • Survived the Core of Light exploding
  • Helped defeat the Doom Raiders, Super Evil Kaos, and The Darkness
    • The Darkness was a threat to all of Skylands, and shook it by simply arriving
  • Can drive his Gold Rusher, which moves at the speed of light
  • Was given a legendary form, which can only be obtained by defeating other skylanders in single combat
  • Can hit enemies without even looking their way, or even if they are around multiple corners
  • Customized his own supercharger vehicle

Skel: Aside from the meager feats of lifting gold safes easily and his guns destroying stone, Trig has pulled off shots around multiple corners without even looking, was able to survive when the Core of Light exploded, which sent all of the Skylanders to Earth.

Skunk: Trigger Happy has been there to help defeat Kaos multiple times, even when Kaos gained immense power, Trigger Happy still was up to the challenge.

Skel: He can drive at light speed and defeat The Darkness, and his brains aren't lacking either.

Skunk: Trigger Happy has proven himself by earning his own legendary form, which means he is able to match and defeat other Skylanders, and he even customized his own vehicle, and being part of the tech element should give off the intelligent vibe.

Skel: Master of gold blasting, thrower of safes, reckless beyond anyone else! Oh, wait, maybe the reckless part isn't so good.

Trigger Happy's Flaws[]

  • Lowest health of all Skylanders from the 1st game
  • Tends to shoot wildly instead of attempting to aim
    • His charged shots imply he can aim when he wants to, but doesn't do so often
  • Often fights alongside other Skylanders
  • Fairly limited arsenal, only really using gold
    • He has some non-gold attacks, but even those come from gold sources
  • Enough damage will eventually tire Trigger Happy out

Skunk: Trigger Happy's reckless behavior may be good against big crowds, but when facing a single enemy, especially one who is similar in speed, could result in less damage being done.

Skel: If you shoot in 10 directions when your enemy is in front of you, you're not really gonna hit them with much.

Skunk: Trigger Happy also is still a mortal creature, having some of the lowest health of all Skylanders, and his weaponry is only a single type of thing.

Skel: Don't get us wrong, he uses gold in multiple creative ways, but in the end it all is pretty much gold based attacks.

Skunk: And Trigger Happy is better when alongside other Skylanders, working more with a team than himself, though he is still capable of fighting hoards and strong enemies by himself.

Skel: When you've got golden guns that can blast apart even the toughest of enemies, you're bound to be dangerous, with or without help, and when you get help, you often got to split the earnings, and you know what they say.

Trigger Happy: No Gold, No Glory!


Skunk: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Skel: It's time for a Death Battle!!!


Location: Golden Planet

A landscape made of pure gold is shown, golden grass, flowers, trees, rocks, all is gold. A rumble is heard, and suddenly, Trigger Happy rides in on his Gold Rusher. He hops out, looking around frantically, tongue flicking.

Trigger: Gold, gold, gold!

Trigger Happy prances around in the field, scooping handfuls of golden dirt up and tossing it up, until he hears a snarl. Trigger Happy looks to see Larfleeze floating down, landing on the ground.

Larfleeze: What do we have here, some kind of fluffy gremlin?

Trig: Mine, mine, mine!

Trigger Happy tosses a large amount of gold away from Larfleeze.

Larfleeze: Oh, please, I'm not here for the dirt or plants. You don't seem to understand, this planet isn't yours to stay on, I'll be taking it.

Trigger Happy hops back, and twirls out their golden guns, aiming at Larfleeze. Larfleeze floats up a bit, clenching his fist as his ring glows. Trig's guns click, as Larfleeze's ring flashes.


Trig rapidly shoots golden coins at Larfleeze, who moves side to side, evading each. Trig does a brief charge of their guns, and shoots a bigger coin, which hits Larfleeze in the gut, knocking them into a large golden boulder. Larfleeze stands up, as a shadow goes over him. He looks to see a golden pot above, and he makes a large hand projection, backhanding it into space. Larfleeze makes an anvil form above Trig, and slams it down, but Trig crates a golden safe, and uses it to keep the anvil from crushing him.

Trig: Hahaha!

Trigger Happy turns their guns into a machine gun, and rapid fires coins, which Larfleeze makes a shield to block. After a few seconds of blocking, Larfleeze makes the shield move forward, and slam into Trig, knocking them off the golden gun, making them roll across the ground. Larfleeze flies around, and then makes a large boot, which kicks Trig far into the distance. Larfleeze laughs, but suddenly gets hit by a safe falling on him, crushing him. Trig lands on the safe, dancing.

Larfleeze: Enough!

Larfleeze makes a blast of energy, destroying the safe and sending Trig several feet up. Trig shoots firecrackers, making Larfleeze look away as they explode brightly in his face. Trig then lands, and slams his golden gun into Larfleeze's gut, making them open their mouth, and letting Trig shove a firecracker in. Trig then shoots Larfleeze in the face, making them fly back, before an explosion comes from Larfleeze's mouth. Trig laughs at this, but an orange glow comes from the cloud of smoke.

Larfleeze: Get them!

Several orange projections rush Trigger Happy, punching, kicking, throwing and slamming him around. Trig spins in the air, and fires his golden guns all around, but once he lands, no damage was done, all the golden bullets went through the orange projections. Trig then gets picked up, and thrown at Larfleeze, who makes a massive sword, and slams it down on Trig, sending them several miles deep into the planet's ground. Larfleeze dashes into the hole, making a bigger hole from the force of the sonic boom, before another orange glow flashes from the hole, sending Trig flying up, while on fire, while Larfleeze flies after him.

Trig: Blam, blam!

Trig makes a ring of fire form, and goes through it, then he curls into a ball, and uses his guns to force himself down, slamming into Larfleeze's face, knocking a tooth out, and sending Larfleeze through a mountain of gold, causing the whole mountain to crumble. Larfleeze flies up, looking across the land for Trig, when he hears an engine rev up. Larfleeze turns, and is instantly hit by the Gold Rusher, which Trig is driving. As Larfleeze is pulled along in the air, Trig fires a barrage of gold coins into his face.

Trig: Gold, gold, gold!

Trig charges his guns to the max, and then shoots Larfleeze.

Larfleeze: NO!

Larfleeze is sent crashing into a golden river, making all the liquid gold splash out. Trig drives towards the river, but Larfleeze emerges, in a monster truck projection, along with 2 other orange projections in their own fighter jets.

Larfleeze: I'm coming for you!

Both drive at each other, both shown narrowing their eyes as they get closer. Trig's Gold Rusher suddenly jumps up and over Larfleeze, as Larfleeze looks behind, then back in front, he sees a mine laid by the Gold Rusher.

Larfleeze: Oh n-

Before he can finish speaking, Larfleeze gets blown up by the mine, as the fighter jet projections vanish.

Trig hops out the Gold Rusher, hopping happily. A large, orange hammer slams onto the Gold Rusher, decimating it. Trig looks at the crumbled pile of what was once his Gold Rusher, then an extremely bright glow comes from behind.

Larfleeze: What's mine is mine and mine and mine. And mine and mine and mine! NOT YOURS!

Larfleeze charges his ring to the max it can go, and it glows with the intensity of a star, blinding Trig. Larfleeze blasts a beam at Trig, which forces them through the planet's ground to the point they are sent to the other side, and crashing into a moon orbiting it. Trig summons their guns, as Larfleeze flies up. Trig fires a huge coin at Larfleeze, who catches it with his bare hands. He crushes it into dust. Before Trig can try anything else, Larfleeze makes a cage around them.

Larfleeze: You've caused enough trouble for me, time to meet your ultimate demise!

Larfleeze makes a chain go from his ring to the cage, wrapping around it. He then starts to swing it around at such a speed it can't even be seen. After doing so for a good few seconds, Larfleeze releases it, sending Trig, who is screaming in terror, and about to throw up, directly into a sun, and a small puff is seen from Larfleeze's perspective, indicating the demise of his foe. Larfleeze picks up the golden guns left by Trig.

Larfleeze: These will make a fine addition to my collection.



Skel: You know, Larfleeze would do well in the Olympics, he'd always get the gold, if he won or not.

Skunk: That's not what matters right now, what DOES matter is why Larfleeze won this fight, and there is plenty of good reasons for that.

Skel: Yeah, while both of the combatants were pretty crafty and used a lot of creative stuff, Larfleeze just had way more options, because he could literally do ANYTHING he could imagine.

Skunk: Trig is pretty used to fighting hoards of enemies, so you'd think he'd do well against the orange lantern projections Larfleeze can send out, right?

Skel: Nope, not when they literally cannot be hit, that just makes it so Trig would not just have a hard time hitting them, he can't hit them at all.

Skunk: While both have fought cosmic beings, Larfleeze has faced beings who can decimate and create multiverses, and for good reason, since a typical lantern is already pretty powerful.

Skel: But when you give a lantern 100,000% power, come on, that's way beyond anything Trig could do, even with the Gold Rusher, which could handle The Darkness, a universe level threat that could destroy all of Skylands.

Skunk: Trig also hasn't lived as long as Larfleeze, and a vast amount of his weapons wouldn't even be able to hit Larfleeze thanks to both his flight and superior speed.

Skel: And a massive difference between the 2 is their style, Trig more often fights alongside his Skylander pals, but Larfleeze pretty much solos everyone he fights.

Skunk: While Trig was a kind and heroic gremlin, Larfleeze just had way too large an advantage in stats and versatility for the red fluff-ball could handle.

Skel: At least Trig got to experience the golden hour.

Skunk: The winner is Larfleeze!
