Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
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Official Version
Earth’s Atmosphere


Kyle Hyde Saga vs Ace Attorney! The truth can be revealed, but another one will be hidden behind it. Time after time again. Case after case. Body after body. There is no end to it. Who will win in this battle of wits? Will Hyde uncover a dark secret Phoenix is hiding? Or will Wright win the case against Kyle?


Wiz: The world is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Life stories ready to be told. Secrets ready to be spoiled. Some people spend most of their lives based around said things.

Boomstick: Like today’s combatants! Well, less of combatants per se. Sometimes they don’t even want to get roped in, but they do anyways. Like ex-detective and King of the Streets, Kyle Hyde!

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Wiz: Or like the premiere attorney and Courtroom King, Phoenix Wright.

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Boomstick: Unlike our other episodes, due to the nature of these two, this episode will focus on not physical stats, but instead, their intelligence and survival skills such as their detective abilities.

Wiz: Things like potential weapons they may have will be covered, but those will not be the focus of the debate or the results. If said weapons give each other any huge edge, they will most likely be put aside to focus on their intellectual powers instead. With that in mind…

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick!

Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, intelligence, and skills to find out who would win in a…Death Battle.

Case 1: Kyle Hyde[]


(*Cue Desert Highway*)

Wiz: Let’s start with our first case: Kyle Hyde.

Kyle and his father

Boomstick: Born in 1946, Los Angeles, California, Kyle Hyde was raised by his two parents, Chris and Jeanie Hyde. Tragically, his father, Chris, died when Kyle was only nine years old. This hurt him socially, making it hard for him to communicate with others, especially at school.

Wiz: But this didn’t mean he wasn’t smart however. Actually, it was quite the opposite. He was smart enough to learn Morse code as a child.

Boomstick: He was also incredibly gifted in other fields, such as learning saxophone, but that didn’t go well due to his fingers getting injured. He could also swim incredibly long distances, yet never tried out for swimming.

Wiz: During that same time, Kyle got a girlfriend named Christine. Sadly, Christine was killed by a stray bullet, dying in the hospital bed.

Boomstick: In 1968, Kyle was a man, and decided to join the NYC Police Department at the great age of twenty-two. So by the time he was 29 in 1975, Kyle was already well equipped for the job, and went out with his partner Brian Bradley to investigate the criminal organization of Nile. Unfortunately, Bradley double crossed the police force and have info to Nile. What a snake.

Wiz: A year later, on 1976, Kyle learnt about this, and confronted his partner, Bradley, at the docks. This however resulted in the death of him at Hyde’s hands, who pulled the trigger on a gun he had. By shooting Bradley, he shot him hard enough to knock him clean off the docks, and into the water. His body was never found.

Kyle shoots Bradley

Boomstick: The approximate amount of energy the gun that Kyle has would be 540 joules. This is assuming Kyle’s gun is a .357 Magnum, which is looks quite similar to. The gun resembles that of 70s NYPD guns, which include the 38 Special and .357 Magnum, though due to the size, it is more likely to be the Magnum.

Note: While Kyle did quit, it still is highly likely that he still possesses this gun, or another fire arm. For that, we will be including it as apart of his arsenal.

Wiz: Per round however is around 730 to even 1,110 joules. Now, the death of Bradley caused him to quit the force, and join as a traveling salesman for the company known as the Red Crown.

Boomstick: Kyle had his suspicions however. He still didn’t think his partner, Bradley was truly dead. So he did whatever he could in the mean time to find him.

Wiz: Now, Kyle is an interesting case. Due to being a detective while also being in the force, he has some good skills. Landing at Hotel Dusk, Kyle gets the magic room of Room 215. This is where the real journey starts. To start off, Kyle is constantly called by either his mother, his boss, Ed, or the very flirty Rachel. These characters help drive him throughout the game.


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  • NougaChew! Bars (my favorite bars)


  • Christmas
  • Damn Blabbermouths

Boomstick: He’s a very straightforward, serious man who can be quite harsh with words. He is incredibly impatient and sarcastic. His impatience for answers gives him a bit of an edge. This edge is pressuring answers out of people.

Wiz: Yes, given his personality, he actually can pressure people into giving him answers quite easily. His pure presence scares people sometimes. Back when he was a cop, he was known as the King of the Streets. Criminals fear him if they’ve ever encountered him.

Boomstick: Whether it be children, teenagers, adults, or elderly people, Hyde does not discriminate. He is capable of pressing people of all ages to confess. Said confessions can be entire hour long sessions of a pure confession.

Kyle interrogates woman

Wiz: Thing is, Kyle is quite the lazy guy. This however does not stop Hyde from pursuing anything. He has a tendency of practically resetting himself mentally and physically if something peaks his interest. If something like a potential clue is right in the corner of his eye, he might drop a conversation that he may deem pointless to investigate it.

Boomstick: Hyde’s former work as a detective did have a major impact on how he interacts with things, such as the example we have described before. As the “Man of Mystery” himself, Kyle is very, well, mysterious! He sneaks and snoops around in places he probably shouldn’t be, such as bedrooms or offices. He is incredibly good at using the best out of the environments he stomps his way into. What I mean is that Kyle will search through anything and everything for evidence.

Wiz: Which is why he was feared as well. Kyle always had pretty damning evidence against people, mainly physical objects. One of his common methods used to uncover a mystery, specifically evidence, is powder. By pouring powder onto a piece of evidence, and either blowing or brushing it off, he is able to uncover things such as finger prints.

Note: This is an incredibly common practice by detectives in real life and in fictional media. This trope is usually used within films with older settings, which explains why Kyle probably used this specifically. This is just speculation however.

Boomstick: Hyde also can hold multiple pieces of evidence within his inventory. By carrying this stuff around with him, when the time or occasion comes, he can use it to prove his point.

Wiz: Or he could use it for other things. He doesn’t just collect evidence, but also just random objects as well. With him, Kyle carries an assortment of could-be-lethal tools, such as pliers. These pliers have been displayed the ability to cut through metal with relative ease. With him as well are really dangerous tools like a crowbar, and even a hammer. He was even able to survive a blunt hit to the head from a brick, and it didn’t leave any visual scars. This would mean he can endure about 100 joules or slightly less.

Note: While Kyle Hyde has never used them in actual combat, it can be assumed that he easily can given he was a cop. Cops are trained in things like combat, and Kyle being really good with handling and using things in his environment to fit the scenario can bring reason as to why he could use such things in combat if needed.

Boomstick: Even without all these tools and evidences, Kyle Hyde still can prove himself, or at least convince others about things. Throughout the saga, Kyle has been shown to be good at lying, actually, maybe even possibly a master at it! Hyde is capable of coming up with incredibly good stories on the spot. This ability gives him a huge edge when it comes to being questioned on the spot, as his stories can allow him to weasel out of bad situations with how believable they are.

Wiz: If his this isn’t enough, he could always use one of the main mechanics of his saga, the notebook. The notebook gives Kyle the ability to write down important things, such as names, or drawings of important scenes and objects. Mix that with his ability to connect the dots with clues and evidence left behind, Kyle is still a great detective.

Kyle’s notebook

Boomstick: He is also an excellent survivor. When trapped in a room cut off from outside air, Kyle was capable of doing multiple actions and tasks and eventually escaping.

Wiz: Along this journey, Kyle makes friends, and other alliances with people. He even made a good friendship with a past criminal that he always used to catch. Through helping people solve their own issues, and even reuniting someone with their daughter, along with finding out about what truly happened with Bradley, Kyle Hyde finally came to accept what happened. He found a form of temporary resolve.

Boomstick: But in Last Window, Kyle searched for answers about his father’s death. Along that journey, Kyle became a figure of help towards people. He heard out their problems and issues, and tried his very best to resolve them, or at least remedy the pain. Kyle puts on a very uncaring demeanor, but deep down, he will do anything in the name of justice, and truly does sympathize with people. He truly cares about the all the people he may have helped and encountered along his way, even behind his abrasive personality.

Wiz: Kyle Hyde truly is a good man. And that is right there, is where our first case closes.

"Comes a day in every man's life when he realizes he's a fool

Case 2: Phoenix Wright[]

The Attorney

(*Cue Pursuit Theme*)

Wiz: Let’s start with our second case: Phoenix Wright.

Boomstick: Born in 1992 as a single child, Phoenix was commonly considered a rather careless child. From his own memory, his teachers called him a “good thunker.” I have almost no clue if that’s a spelling error or Phoenix is just stupid. He is sometimes called Nick by his friends.

Wiz: Either way, Wright would grow up to be quite the opposite. To set the stage for this, a class trial was initiated against him. Phoenix was accused of the stealing the lunch money of Miles Edgeworth. Fortunately for him, Edgeworth and another kid named Larry Butz came to his defense. The teacher ended the trial, and Phoenix was given his status as innocent.

Lil baby Phoenix

Boomstick: But, plot twist! Butz was the one who stole the money, and Mr. Miles Edgeworth knew this all along. Which means Phoenix went through all that for practically nothing. Well, he still made great friends with the two after the incident, so life does work in mysterious ways.

Wiz: In his college years, Phoenix dated a girl named Dahlia Hawthorne. Surprise to him however, Dahlia was soon replaced by her twin sister, Iris. This meant Phoenix was dating Iris without his own knowledge. Now, Dahlia previously gifted him a bottle necklace. Dahlia’s old lover, Doug Swallow, tried to warn Phoenix of the dangers of her, but Phoenix became defensive, and pushed Doug onto the ground and on his umbrella. When Phoenix returned, a crowd surrounded Swallow, and to his disbelief, Doug Swallow had died.

Phoenix and "Dahlia"

Boomstick: To defend him, the attorney named Mia Fey came to the case. Phoenix started to lie, but eventually opened up. He was proven not guilty, and Mia was able to prove that Hawthorne actually had intended to poison the poor dude. But Phoenix still couldn’t accept the pure fact that his love would dare try and murder him in cold blood. But luckily, this started Phoenix’s journey in law, where he received his Attorney’s Badge, and officially became an attorney!

Wiz: Phoenix is an incredibly good attorney. With his methods always proving to be a good attorney, possibly even the best there is. Sometimes his methods are a little…unusual. Not only are his methods in court unique, but his way of investigating is as well.


  • Poker
  • Winning cases
  • Standing up for justice
  • Stepladders


  • Injustice
  • Smoking

Boomstick: Yeah, Wiz, you definitely weren’t kidding. The guy is almost superhuman! For example, his interjections! Or better yet, whenever he points his finger at someone. Whenever he yells “OBJECTION!”, “HOLD IT!”, or “TAKE THAT!”, Phoenix is capable of causing large gusts of wind. Said wind gusts are capable of blowing people back, including their wigs in some cases.

Wiz: This is most likely a result of how supernaturally peculiar the series is with a lot of its characters. It is known for its zany nature, while still being grounded. Nonetheless, Phoenix is still incredibly strong for someone like himself. Due to breaking down a door, Phoenix would roughly be able to emit a force or energy of 174 joules at bare minimum. Now, does this explain the gusts of wind from him merely pointing his fingers? No. But it does show a high level of strength for him.

Boomstick: Phoenix Wright isn’t really the type of guy to throw down however. While he isn’t necessarily a coward, he still can be incredibly naive at moments. He can fall for tricks around his own friends due to it. He’s incredibly relaxed and quite calm too, at least outside of court. But in court, or in general when in an argument or debate, Phoenix is a different beast in his own right.

Note: Phoenix has no fighting experience whatsoever. If in a physical encounter, he most likely has no way of fighting back. While yes, he does have incredibly good strength, he still has no training and could easily be outclassed by anyone with any sort of experience in that area.

Wiz: Phoenix is incredibly smart, especially as an attorney. His personality when he is an attorney. While in court, Phoenix WILL most likely get an answer out of you. By digging in their arguments, Phoenix can find any potential holes in them, and exploit it to his advantage. By pointing out these flaws literally or figuratively, he can easily take the lead in cases.

Boomstick: Most of the time, this even leads to a win. His “OBJECTION!” and other shoutings are used as a way to initiate this turnaround in the case. All his clients probably gave him really good reviews because of it.

Note: Phoenix’s ability of pointing out flaws or exploiting holes in argument can be used against him. In some cases, such as when he was against Miles Edgeworth in a trial, Phoenix can have his argument hit with the same attack he uses on others. If said argumentative ability is used back onto him, Phoenix can be left vulnerable.

Wiz: His case turnarounds can be even more impressive once you consider that a lot of his cases are nearly un-winnable. Even while backed into a corner, Phoenix is able to turn the case around. This is also due to his incredible detective work.

Boomstick: And this is where things get weird.

Wiz: Using the power of his friend Maya’s Magatama, Phoenix’s investigation and examination work becomes a lot easier. By locking onto a target, it reveals multiple different Psyche-Locks, which basically mean that the target of the Magatama is hiding secrets. More Locks means more secrets and so on. If all the Locks are broken, their secret will be revealed. This is incredibly useful in cases where the target is prone to lying, as it can alert Phoenix on the truth or not.

Boomstick: This inherent edge in investigation isn’t the only trick he has up his sleeve. Such as the powder! The powder, or fine powder, or just detective powder is a powder used by sprinkling the substance onto a piece of evidence or object. By dusting it off, it can reveal things such as fingerprints. Phoenix also has access to the chemical known as Luminol. Using this, Phoenix can reveal things such as blood trails and stains.

Note: Luminol is an actual chemical used in real life forensics as well as in other media based around true crime. Luminol is incredibly effective at detecting blood, especially heavily diluted blood.

Wiz: Phoenix also is great at collecting evidence. But this did come at a cost. In 2019, during a case, Phoenix was disbarred after accidentally showing false evidence. Phoenix’s investigations are incredibly in depth, but he is capable of slipping up. This is displayed with his disbarment. Eventually, he did get back to being an attorney, but still, this isn’t the only case of him slipping up badly. He has shown that he is capable of using evidence or other things to back up his claims that actually get debunked, such as the time he used an expired and outdated autopsy report in court.

Stressed ol Phoenix

Boomstick: This doesn’t take away from the fact that Phoenix is capable of doing the important, such as cross-examining animals in court. Like the times he cross-examined a parrot, or a orca. He still won those cases too. Phoenix is capable of clutching and winning almost any case, but this is also due to his luck, and his excellent lying. He is capable of coming up with game changing lies on the spot, which are incredibly important in keeping his ground. These lies are incredibly believable as well, allowing him to slip through the cracks of a case.

Wiz: But the thing is, Phoenix is carried by luck. Almost every case he has won was through luck. He is the luckiest guy on the planet. Rather than it really being through his own skill, it’s mostly covered up by his luck. While yes, some of it is through actual skill and intellect, most of it is luck. As displayed multiple times in the series, Phoenix isn’t always the brightest. While yes, he did learn how to be an attorney again after losing his memories from an accident in a quick span of time, he still hasn’t been shown to be incredibly smart. His entire life has been mostly carried by luck.

Boomstick: Like the time he was hit by a car, and survived! The year of the feat would be 2019, and cars of that year were over 4,000 pounds easily. Estimating the speed of the car as well, the amount of force Phoenix should be able to survive is over 462,000 joules!

Note: While luck does play a part in this, it doesn’t necessarily dismiss the feat. Phoenix has shown multiple times before that he is capable of taking heavy hits from objects before and still survive. Though, heavily injured and usually hospitalized, Phoenix is still able to take the hit. This should be worth noting.

Wiz: Even though Phoenix can win the un-winnable, he still can be back into really deep corners with his opponent’s arguments. If said event happens, Phoenix can’t use his other tricks anymore. His only option is to call for help from people like Mia, but that would require outside help, and he can’t always rely on her in every case.

Boomstick: So with that all said and done, this is where our second case closes.



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Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities.



(*Cross My Oath to Justice*)






The ticking of a grandfather clock is interrupted by the ringing of a bell at the reception desk. The receptionist looks at the man, and ask him for the required money to stay at the hotel for the next few nights. The receptionist opens out her hand, and gets the $52.99 from the formally dressed man.

As he walks away, she whistles at him.

“Huh?” said the man in the blue suit, looking behind himself in confusion.

“You forgot to sign your name on the list, sir! Please sign it!” yelled the young receptionist across the room. The man walks up to the desk, and signs the paper with his name.

“Phoenix Wright” he writes.

The receptionist looks at him, nods, and lets him about his way.

Phoenix walks to the elevator, straightening his tie and shirt around his wrists. He uses the door on the elevator as a mirror, checking himself out. He readjusts his shirt again, and walks into the elevator as soon as it opens.

He presses the button to the fifth floor with his left hand’s pointer finger. Said finger shares a similar finger pattern to that of his eye. Both possess a distinct swirl. A memorizing one if looked into closely for long enough. This fingerprint is left on the fifth floor button.

In the elevator, Phoenix looks at a notecard with a drawing and text on it.

“Kyle Hyde” it reads in an incredibly rough font. The K has an unnecessary slant to it, and the e in both Kyle and Hyde have an interesting sharpness to it. This unique feature is also reflected in the illustration of the “Kyle Hyde.” Each edge, from the hair to the cheekbones, are sharp. Sharp enough to slice through skin. Yet delicate enough to not require bleeding of any sort.

The illustration depicts a white middle-aged man with rough hair and a slightly disgruntled expression. His suit is a bit organized, with a sleek black design. Along with the suit is a black tie that is slightly slouching in presence. Right above said tie is a small beard. Said beard reflects the feature and other characteristics of his hair. Rough and slightly disorganized.

This is all illuminated by the velvet color of the interior within the elevator. The atmosphere is unlike none other. Phoenix then pulls out a pen.

The pen reflects the velvet hue. He writes something on the piece of paper right before putting both the pen and paper away.

The door opens to the fifth floor, and Phoenix walks out with a determined expression.

In the lobby of the same hotel, a man in a slightly ruffled black suit and tie walks in. He doesn’t acknowledge the receptionist while walking towards the elevator. But the receptionist seems to know the man, so she doesn’t try to intervene. As the man walks to the elevator, his reflection is shown. He fits the illustration of Kyle Hyde. This is Kyle Hyde.

As the door opens, Kyle brings out a small bag of powder. A fine powder.

“To find where he is, I need to find which floor he went to.”

Kyle pours the powder over all the buttons to floors. He examines the fingerprints, but can’t seem to discern them. Something in his mind clicks however.

“I live on the fifth floor, so he probably went up there.” he says while scratching his chin.

He carefully examines every fingerprint on the button to the fifth floor before pressing it, and notices a distinct fingerprint on it. Kyle pulls put a small sketchpad and a pencil, and draws a picture of the pattern of the fingerprint. He puts pencil and notebook away. Kyle presses the button, and awaits for the elevator to take him to the fifth floor. The velvet hue unsettles Kyle a tad bit, but it doesn’t throw him off completely. The silence does however. That is until the door opens to the floor, and Kyle sees who he has been looking for.

Walking down the hallway slowly, hands in pockets, overly relaxed, Kyle Hyde seeks to confront the man. This man is Phoenix Wright. As Phoenix hears footsteps behind him, Kyle speaks to him.

“Phoenix Wright, I have some…questions for you.”

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(*Holding the Truth*)

“I also have questions for you, Mr. Hyde.” responds Phoenix, quickly turning around.

Both look at each other for a second. The light in the hallway obnoxiously swift the mood. Their body motions are tense, but lights suggest a very welcoming mood. This could be further from the truth.

“Wright, you are a potential suspect for the murder of Travis Ford. I think otherwise. I think you DID kill him. There is a lot we need to discuss. So how about we discuss this somewhere more…casual. No need to trap you in a box just yet.” states Kyle with a straight face, pointing towards the elevator with his right hand.

“I assume you have evidence, Mr. Hyde? Even then, I highly doubt it actually is substantial, considering I’m not the killer. Actually, I myself have been looking for you because you are also a key suspect. And I can’t do primary source investigation without the actual suspect in person, y’know?” responds Phoenix while walking towards the elevator.

“I sure do, Mr. Wright. I will not let this poor man’s death go without someone being brought to justice. Hopefully, you would understand that given your field.” responds Kyle in a slightly lowered voice.

As the two enter the elevator, Phoenix presses the button to go back down to the lobby.


The elevator descends downwards. The velvet hue is still left as a singular unique feature. No sound besides the ominous tone of the elevator slowly descending.

Both men look away from each other, trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. Phoenix even taps his feet to try and stall time. Their ride to the lobby however is quicker than Phoenix expected, his he is interrupted mid tap to the elevator landing to the lobby.

“Oh.” Phoenix says as he almost stumbles out of the elevator.

“Huh…clumsy.” mumbles Kyle under his breath. This is another discovery for Kyle. He writes down the word “clumsy” in his notepad. He says to himself under his breath:

“So Phoenix is clumsy…and the murder scene seemed to show signs that the perpetrator must’ve been very clumsy while fleeing the scene. Interesting.”

“You say something?” Phoenix asks.

“Go to that cafe over there. We’ll talk there.” responds Kyle.





Kyle and Phoenix sit at the cafe within the hotel’s lobby, drinking coffee. The pattern of the coffee makes the form of a beautiful swirl. The steam of Kyle’s is a lot more visual than Phoenix’s, who has almost no steam from his drink.

Both of them position their arms on the table, with each of their own arms crossing. The receptionist moves over to them, and pulls a chair out for herself.

“Hey fellas. Since I’m off my shift now, how about I see what’s popping with you too? Yeah, I know about you too. The police put me here because they knew you too would try and find each other. I have a wire and camera on me to record everything that happens here. I’m legally forced to disclose this with you too, but since at least one of you already have experience with people knowing all about your business, I’m going to just, sit here, and maybe even ask some questions myself.” states the receptionist in a condescending tone, leaning over the table with a smug smile and arms crossed. Kyle makes an unimpressed face, before speaking.

“Alright Phoenix, let’s talk. So at the night of the killing you and your buddy Miles Edgeworth were doing whatever. Now here’s the thing. This whole “whatever” was actually you and Edgeworth going out to line dance for whatever reason. Well turns out that Travis Ford’s murder was actually pretty damn close to the same place that you and Edgeworth went to go line dancing. Now here’s another whammy. Travis Ford has had a previously notorious and infamous reputation for well being shady dwelling and shady businesses. He is well known in the criminal underground world specifically a criminal organization named Nile, which I had dealt with and my previous life as a cop and a detective. Travis was known to payoff and bribe law-enforcement lawyers, attorneys, judges anyone in the you know, world of law, or law world. Now you and Edgeworth have, or had a strong sense of justice, Edgeworth specifically had an incredibly strong sense of justice and would do practically anything to bring someone to justice in the midst of injustice. How does this relate and or correlate to the murder you may ask? Well because this strong sense of justice you and Edgeworth hold. But the main issue is you probably, or at least I assume, aren’t that good at planning. So you will went out the rodeo place through the back way and went to the exact same spot where the scuffle with you or between you and Travis happened. This altercation was clearly in your favor, but yet somehow through some divine intervention, you somehow slipped up and messed up multiple times. This is clearly showing by the sporadic and very very uncontrolled movements of what I assume to be you running around beating him up. From what I see, Travis suffered multiple physical injuries, and was reported to have two stab wounds in the back, and one in the front. From what I’ve seen and heard about you, there is not a likely chance you know how to handle a weapon. This could mean that Edgeworth helped you, but from what I’ve seen, the samples for the blood and fingerprint tests haven’t come out from the authorities yet. However, the trail of blood shortly ended after you escaped the alleyway where it happened. And wouldn’t you know it, the exact same spot it ends is where it takes a turn to its left. This was the exact direction to the line dancing place you and Edgeworth went. This is why I am almost completely certain that you are the killer. Do you have any comment on that, Phoenix?”

Phoenix’s facial expression shifts dramatically. His once somewhat laid back look has now become an incredibly focused and determined look. His body becomes more tense, and the receptionist looks at him with ab interested expression on her face. Phoenix replies to the remarks made by Kyle.


Phoenix points his finger at Kyle, releasing a strong gust of wind towards Hyde. It almost knocks Kyle out of his chair, and shocks even the receptionist. Phoenix speaks.

“So, you said I was at the scene that night? Or I was at least close to the scene due to me and Edgeworth’s line dancing, right?”

Kyle answers.


Phoenix gains a slight smirk on his face. Wright takes a sip of his coffee, before responding back.

“Well, I was indeed close to the murder. But here is the thing. I never left through the back door!”


Phoenix slams on the table. The receptionist looks at him, caught off guard. But Kyle is still making the same stone-face expression, only concerned about what Phoenix has to say.

“I left through the front entrance! Same with Edgeworth! I left with Edgeworth in a limo, where we drove miles away from the scene at approximately 9:30. The estimated time of the murder was 9:43, and by that time, I was already out of that entire side of town. At 9:43 however, the club was still open. This means that someone else could’ve gone out the back way and committed the murder. Who would it be? Well since you knew all of the stuff or at least you guessed, you must’ve been close during or at least around the time it happened. Which is also why I suspect that you were the killer. You must’ve been waiting in your car, patiently spotting around just so that you could blame us. You are the one who went out the back way of the club after you entered it. Shortly after we left to go to the other side of town, me and Edgeworth of course, you must’ve gone to the same alleyway that Travis Ford was hanging out in. Now due to you being an ex-detective and ex-cop, you kind of lost most of your combat abilities and also due to your repeated drinking as seen by a broken bottle of whiskey hanging around the crime scene as well. How do I know this? Because the bottle had fingerprints on them! I was able to snoop around in the crime scene, and pour a little bit of powder on the evidence to detect said fingerprints. I am almost certain that they were yours. Now back to you being an ex-cop, you most certainly aren’t that good or competent of a fighter anymore. This would explain the struggle in your favor, being incredibly messy and clumsy. I even have photo evidence of the fingerprints as well! Here they are.”

Phoenix pulls out a black and white photo of the fingerprints. The fingerprints themselves have very squared and sharpened lines. It all comes loosens at the center of the fingerprint, where everything becomes incredibly curved. Kyle and the receptionist examine the photo with care. This gives the receptionist an idea.

“Hey you two, how about we put our fingerprints in the middle of the table? I’ve been hearing all these stories, and from the looks of it, if Phoenix’s fingerprint prediction holds up, you are in big trouble Hyde. So, I’ll put my fingerprint on my side of the table, and you two put y’all’s fingerprints on yer respective sides! How bout that?” she says while smiling in menacing way.

“Okay, I don’t mind.” responds Kyle and Phoenix at the same time. The accidental synchronization catches the both of them off guard, as they look at each other in confusion. The receptionist chuckles a bit, but is interrupted by a velvet hue shining through the lobby.

The elevator door opens, revealing an old woman and her cat. Everyone ignores her and continues on.

They all put their pointer fingers on the table, and take them off slowly. They look at each other for a brief moment, as if they were in a standoff, before Kyle and Phoenix pull out their fine powder and duster. The receptionist watches as they pour the powder onto the table’s surface, and quickly dust it off. They also pour some on the receptionist’s side and dust it off as well. The fingerprints reveal themselves.

“I was right! Take that!” yells Phoenix in triumph as he finds that Hyde’s fingerprint matches the ones on the broken bottle. This is shortly followed by Kyle pulling out his notebook, where he exams the fingerprint he drew earlier.

“This matches…perfectly.” he says while examining the fingerprint of Phoenix. The receptionist then has a revelation.

“Wait! At the scene, I remember seeing that exact fingerprint pattern being drawn on an officer’s sketchpad. That exact fingerprint was assumed to be on the knife that was at the scene…that means…Phoenix was most likely the one who stabbed him!”

Phoenix almost falls back off his chair due to the shocking discovery. Kyle raises his eyebrow in shock as well, and the receptionist makes shocked expression with her hands on her head. Phoenix tries to compose himself to respond.

“Well, I will admit something. On that night-“


Phoenix’s response is interrupted by a dinging of the bell at the receptionist’s desk. As they all look back, they see no one there.

“That’s…odd. Weird stuff happens at this hotel I’ll tell ya that-oh shit.”

The receptionist’s remark is then faced with another interruption. The hue. The velvet hue. It starts to engulf the lobby. The room starts to become heavier and heavier. The only sound that can be heard is a slight breeze. This breeze is the velvet air filling the room. Kyle confronts the receptionist.

“Hey! You! Yes you lady! Was this whole thing a damn setup?!? You tricked us into going to this hotel huh?!? With you and your little cop friends?!? I expected better out of you. A backstabber once is a backstabber for life. I was always suspicious of you from the moment you pulled that seat up to our table to listen in. So what are you? Another mole? A mole for Nile? What do they want from me?!? A dammit check and a gift card?!? *cough* This damn fog is filling up this room, and if you don’t tell us what’s happening, you’ll be no better than the killer of Travis Ford. So what are you *cough* huh?!? ANSWER ME DAMMIT!”

Kyle slams his hand on the table, breaking a leg on it. Phoenix passes out immediately after this, taken by the velvet fog. Kyle faints too, overtaken by the velvet. All that is left is the receptionist, whose eyes are watery, and about to close from exposure to the velvety hue of the fog surrounding her. And she turns around to look at the grandfather clock in the corner of the lobby, all she can discern is one golden light. A calming light. One of heavenly origin.

All of them have now fainted.





“Where the hell are we?” asks the disgruntled Hyde, waking up from the gas. Phoenix and the receptionist wake up too, as confused as Kyle. But as he awakens, he notices the grandfather clock, and a sealed shut door. This brings back memories.

“We are stuck in an air-tight room. Try to minimize any unnecessary actions and breaths. We need to find a way out and quickly.” states Kyle in a whispering-like tone.

The receptionist and Phoenix’s heavy breaths cease as they get up to observe the room. On one corner, a desk lies. The desk has a brown coating on it. Said coating reflects the dim light from above with a wooden pattern to style it off. On said desk are folders that contain photos. Every folder has a different number on it.

On a different corner is a table. Said table is similar to the one previously mentioned, but it has lost its shimmer. The years haven’t helped it, and so, it lays there, lifeless. On top of it is a briefcase. The briefcase has a lock on it. Said lock required a four digit code in order to be opened.

In the middle of the back wall is a bookshelf. Nothing stands out about it. The next corner has a plethora of objects lying around. These range from weapons to potential evidence.

Finally, the only corner left is the one containing the grandfather clock. It’s strange clicking sounds mark its presence. It has a wooden body with a golden frame around its main centerpiece. It shines like an angel compared to everything and everyone else.

As they walk around the room, they investigate different things. The receptionist goes to check out the folders on the desk. She starts to skim through each one, trying to find a clue. Phoenix goes to check out the table. He observes it closely, trying to find the code for the lock. Finally, Kyle walks to the items laying in the corner. He starts to examine them with care and caution. Then, he starts to speak in a calm manner.

“So, Ms. Receptionist, what’s your deal? Are you a double agent or what?”

The receptionist responds in a lowered voice.

“No. I’m simply an undercover cop. I work for the NYPD. This entire operation was set up. From the hotel itself, to the coffee you drank. This, however, was not planned. I have no clue where we are. I, however, due have a suspicion on what that velvet gas might’ve been. But I’m looking at these folders for clues. I will be back with you shortly.”

Kyle makes a slightly irritated face before responding back.

“Shortly back in a bit? We don’t have time to waste. It’s either now or never. So hurry up. And Phoenix, you still didn’t answer the question from earlier. Why were your fingerprints on that damn knife?!?” he says angrily, turning around sharply at Phoenix. Phoenix’s reaction is to also turn his body around in a sharp manner.

“Mr. Hyde, I did actually meet Travis that night.  At about 9:35, Miles dropped me off on the side of the road since he had an emergency event which he didn’t want me to attend. I walked down the road and ended up in an alleyway, in which I saw Travis Ford attempting to take his own life. I tried to intervene by stopping the knife he was wielding from being used on him, but he overpowered me, and stabbed the knife into his gut. This however, did not end his life. I fled the scene and called the police to deal with it. However, almost all the force was working on a different case from across the town, so it was of no use. So, what’s your excuse for the bottle, Mr. Hyde?”

Kyle looks at Phoenix shocked. Phoenix activates his Magatama, revealing the lock on Kyle. Hyde tries to keep his composure while responding.

“Well, I had been monitoring you two that night by the club due to me having suspicions of Edgeworth already. Skip forward in time and it’s 9:40. I went into that same alleyway where Travis was murdered. I saw him doing a similar thing to what you described earlier-“

“OBJECTION! Mr. Hyde, at 9:40, I was still close by the alleyway. Since our positions would most likely be similar at the time, I highly doubt I would’ve noticed you entering it. As the photo I found in this folder suggests, you went the same way I did. But there is another possibility. You ambushed him from the store next to him! Given your history of killing people working with Nile, such as your old partner Brian Bradley, I can infer that you brought out a bottle that you recently drank due to your somewhat alcoholic tendencies, found Ford already beat up in the alleyway, and thought you could finish the job with the empty bottle at hand! Is that right, Mr. Hyde?”

Kyle looks at the receptionist in anger.

“So you just gave him a photo?!? But not me?!? I’m taking this into my own hands. I never even touched Travis. He tried to grab the bottle from me, so I tugged on it. The result was it flying in the air, and landing on the ground, shattering into pieces. The two stab wounds on his back were most likely a result of him tripping on his untied shoes, and falling back on the shards, stabbing his back. However, you were still there around that time! I fled after he fell, but as you said, you, Phoenix Wright, still were around the scene at the time, while I had drove away in my car. Which leaves you as the only one left to finish off the blow! You killed him, Phoenix. You, Phoenix Wright, are responsible for the murder of Travis Ford.”

Phoenix and the receptionist are both taken aback by the statement. Phoenix’s jaw drops and he starts to sweat profusely. He notices that the chains around Kyle’s lock are all gone. Cornered, Phoenix tries to think of something, but before he can, Kyle hits him in the gut with a crowbar.

“You filthy attorney.” Kyle says, hitting the rib cage of Phoenix with the crowbar. Phoenix coughs up blood as the crowbar keeps hitting him. As this scuffle is happening, the receptionist tries to scurry and find the code for the locked box.

She goes to the grandfather clock, and investigates it. She remembers the odd clicking sounds it makes instead of the typical tick, and tries to search it to see where it would be making that noise. Turning it around, the receptionist discovers a code.

“1976” it reads.

This was the date of death for Brian Bradley.

After this discovery, she tries to hurry to the box. But the fight between Kyle and Phoenix interrupts her. Kyle was able to push Phoenix into the bookshelf, causing the shelf, books, Kyle, Phoenix, and the receptionist all to fall down. As they fall, Phoenix starts to choke out Kyle. The two-handed choke turns into a one-handed choke, as Phoenix uses the other fist to punch Kyle repeatedly. With blood spewing out of both of them, the receptionist takes this opportunity to get back up and dash towards the locked object.

When she gets to the table, she inputs the code.

“1976.” she says to herself. And in an instant, the case opens, revealing a tiny, golden, and valuable key. She walks up to the door, but she fails to her knees. The room is almost completely filled with carbon dioxide. She holds her breath choking, and so do the other two. With one last motion, she pushes the key in, and open the door.

The wave of fresh air and oxygen relieve everyone that was trapped. They look to see that they are in a system of hallways. All is well. But only for a brief moment. It is then when Kyle pulls out a gun.

“Don’t pull that trigger! You know you don’t want to. I AM INNOCENT!” yells Phoenix, sweating profusely, almost crying. His tears are mixed in with his blood as well, making for a more desperate image.

“Come on, Kyle, don’t do this. Whether or not he is guilty doesn’t matter. He should at least be allowed to a trial-“ the receptionist is interrupted.

“No.” interjects Kyle.

“I have let too many people off the hook. You wanted to play dirty. Now look at you, covered in the mud. You couldn’t handle the rain, and you couldn’t handle yourself. You have betrayed the trust of many today, and you have disgraced the world of law forever. I don’t want to have to experience what it’s like to kill again with this same gun, but this a must. This case is closed, Phoenix.”


The hallways go silent. The grandfather clock doesn’t click anymore. The lights don’t buzz anymore. Only the breathing of three can be heard.

Now, only the breathing of two can be heard.


(*Phoenix’s Fate*)

The blood of Phoenix’s corpse has splattered on the face of the receptionist, leaving her in a shocked trance. Her mouth is open in surprise, and her eyes filled with fear, she stands almost all motionless as the corpse of former attorney, Phoenix Wright.

“You-you…killed him. My god. I never signed up for this. I was going to stop you. I connected the dots.” she says, stuttering and fumbling over her words.

“What?!?” responds Kyle in confusion. The receptionist responds back.

“I remembered that thing you questioned me about earlier. The Nile thing. Well over there on the photos in the room, I discovered something. A cop in one of the photos had a tattoo on his neck with Nile in Morse code. From the files I read about you prior, you knew about Morse code, so I wanted ya to see it, but you two were already fighting. From there, I realized that Nile had been planning this all along.”

Kyle looks at her in shock.

“I knew it was goddamn Nile! They set this whole thing up! They’ve been inside the police department this whole time. You were a mole with even knowing this entire time! They set this up so at least one of us would die. And they succeeded. I killed Phoenix…”

“Even worse, I looked at the photos, and Phoenix was not the murderer. By the time ya left, Travis Ford had already bled to death. Nile used him as a test subject for some chemical they’ve been cookin’ up. That chemical was the velvet fog from earlier.” she replies to him.

“So, said chemical substance has a dangerous effect on humans…holy shit. It must heighten human emotions to the extreme, which is why me and Phoenix fought, why I killed Phoenix, and why Travis Ford was going to end his own life. Dear god.” Kyle says, trembling in the overwhelming situations. He drops the gun, and starts to walk towards the receptionist. He whispers in her ear.

“If this ever comes out, help me out in court. We need to get out of here first, then after that, I’m going to go back to my detective days. I can’t bear to see Nile force someone else to have their life cut off so short and soon.”

Kyle picks up the gun, placing it in his pocket, as the two walk through the halls, and find their way to the elevator. Once they reach the lobby, they leave through the front entrance, and into Kyle’s car, as they drive away from the hotel.

A day after the shooting of Phoenix, multiple news reporters and police surround and flood the hotel. In the maze of hallways at the bottom of the hotel, police and Miles Edgeworth find the body of Phoenix, and examine it.

As Edgeworth looks at the fallen corpse of his former friend, Phoenix Wright, he thinks. He makes a promise to himself. An oath. He will find whoever did this, and he will get revenge…


Wiz: Will Edgeworth get his revenge? Will the receptionist and Kyle finally crack down on Nile? Or will Nile continue on with their crimes? Maybe we will never know…

Boomstick: Yeah, this one was a doozy. So, how did Kyle win?

Wiz: Well, let’s cover stats first. Yeah, Phoenix would’ve slaughtered Kyle. Phoenix has demonstrated to be able of dishing out damage that can break through doors. The calculated amount of energy in order for this to happen would be 174 joules.

Boomstick: In addition, Phoenix also has survived way stronger, such as the car feat, which was calculated around 462,000 joules! Phoenix can take a beating, and deliver one!

Wiz: However, Phoenix can’t fight at all. Kyle, however, can. While he isn’t as strong as Phoenix, due to only taking about 100 or so joules, he still could probably take advantage of Phoenix sucking at fighting. Especially due to him having a gun. While the gun has only about 1,110 joules, it still doesn’t piercing damage. We haven’t seen Phoenix take piercing damage like that before, meaning Kyle could indeed kill or at least out-zone Phoenix with the gun. Phoenix being able to summon gusts of wind might help, but a bullet moves faster than both Kyle and Phoenix’s reaction times.

Boomstick: But, this isn’t actually the main debate!

Wiz: Yep, the main debate is their skill. Simply put, both were incredibly skilled in their respective fields, and could have both won. However, it leaned more to Kyle’s favor surprisingly. Yes, Phoenix did clutch a case rigged against him, but he also has been shown that his main weakness is being under tons of pressure. Kyle with his personality could easily pressure Phoenix into a corner that he can’t escape.

Boomstick: Additionally, Kyle can easily force answers out of people like Phoenix. Wright needs people like his assistant in order to help him fight hard cases sometimes. In a situation like this, Phoenix needed her, but due to not having access to her at the time, he lost.

Wiz: Both had incredibly great detective skills, but ultimately, Kyle could just corner Phoenix a lot easier. Their evidence collecting abilities are incredibly good as well, but Phoenix isn’t all too smart. He has been shown to be naive and not the brightest on multiple occasions.

Note: Kyle’s impatient self would probably already have put Phoenix in the corner before any Magatama was used. It also is completely dependent on whether or not Kyle is lying or not, which is an entirely different story since that relies purely on scenario. There are a lot of scenarios and this whole thing relied on a scenario. It would’ve taken too long to try and figure an outcome for every single scenario when it comes to a debate with this much going on.

Boomstick: Phoenix truly couldn’t Hyde from his inevitable fate.

Kyle Hyde (Winner):

+Could force Phoenix in a corner


+Could get more answers out of him

+Gun could pierce Phoenix

=Detective skills

-Not too strong or durable

Phoenix Wright (Loser):

+A lot stronger and durable

+Good at pointing at flaws in arguments

=Detective skills

-Isn’t too smart at times

-Couldn’t win under Hyde’s immense pressure

-Needed assistant to help him out (which he didn’t have access to at the moment)

Wiz: The winner is Kyle Hyde.

If Hyde wins

Next Time on DEATH BATTLE...[]

Hello, world.

🖥️ vs 💻

KinitoPET vs Vintage8!

Kinito vs Oracle!

Track Art[]

2024 05 19 0y9 Kleki

Click here to listen to the song!


  • The connections between Kyle Hyde vs Phoenix Wright are:
    • Two characters who blew up in popularity from the Nintendo DS and are known to be incredibly skilled at detective work.
  • This is the 9th episode in Frenchhoaxwide’s Season 1.
  • The soundtrack would be called Holding the Truth.