Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Krillin vs Bandana Dee is a What-If? Death Battle by AksisTheArchonPriest.

Previous Death Battle: Ryuko vs Devilman

Vote who you think will win/want to win here. (Poll not set up yet)


Dragon Ball vs Kirby! They're short, they're stout, and if you're not careful, they'll knock your lights out, because even though they're the weakest species in their respective series, they've trained hard enough to contend with even the most powerful of godly beings. Will the vertically challenged martial artist's skills take the reins, or will the waddle dee warrior skewer his way to victory?


Wiz: Every series has them. The grunts, the Goombas, the low-level cannon fodder that exists solely to be stomped out. They are merely weak obstacles for the heroes to swat away or helpless bystanders for the villains to slaughter.

Boomstick: But when it comes to these two, they take that trope and turn it straight on its head, 'cause they're the strongest among them.

Wiz: Krillin, Dragon Ball's most powerful human and best friend to Goku...

Boomstick: And Bandana Dee, Dreamland's most powerful waddle dee and best friend to Kirby. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick...

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Wiz: Imagine a world where the potential of life is nigh infinite. A world where anybody, no matter their upbringing, can push past their limits to grow as strong as even the very gods watching over them. Where all it takes is the drive and determination to grow beyond yourself to ascend to even greater power. This is the world of Dragon Ball, and perhaps no one shows this exponential growth better than-

Boomstick: Son Goku!!!

Wiz: ...Okay, sure, but perhaps no one else shows this growth better than the Super Saiyan's very first rival. Trekking across deserts, roaring across jungles, and rowing across the sea until his fateful arrival at the legendary Turtle Hermit's island, this was Krillin. Originally a monk studying martial arts at the Oorin Temple in the far East, Krillin was rather harshly teased, bullied, and beaten by his stronger peers. In retaliation, Krillin would leave and venture far and wide to seek the guidance of Master Roshi, a renowned legend in the world of martial arts.

Boomstick: Krillin's training was already good enough that he could effortlessly kick down whole trees and beat the crap out of a saber-tooth cat, but he'd need more if he wanted to get back at those bullies. So, after a bit of "convincing", aka bribing Roshi with nude magazines, he became a student of the Turtle School, giving little Goku a new rival to compete with. It wouldn't last too long. If you couldn't tell, Krillin was a bit... headstrong.

Wiz: Right, Krillin's aspirations for learning martial arts were showing up his fellow monks and getting popular with the girls. In fact, you wouldn't know it at first, but he was pretty much a mini Roshi when he first began. Under Master Roshi's training, both he and Goku were put through only the most grueling of training. Wearing a fifty pound shell, they would deliver milk up mountains, dig out fields with their bare hands, work construction with basic tools, swim away from sharks, outmaneuver swarms of bees and more, Roshi's training aimed to heighten their physical abilities, mental fortitude, and endurance in order to surpass the limits of humanity.

Boomstick: And it worked wonders! After only eight months, the two were strong enough to effortlessly jump well above cloud level and push around a several thousand ton boulder. Even Roshi was surprised by their progress. Those bullies wouldn't know what hit 'em, and he proved it when he fought against them in the Tenkaichi Budoukai and sent them flying out of the ring with a single hit.

Wiz: Now unburdened by the gnawing thoughts of wanton revenge, Krillin no longer wanted to become stronger for the sake of payback, but to become stronger for himself, and through this, he would discover how to utilize his most powerful weapon. His ki.

Boomstick: Every living thing has a bit of soul juice in them, and they can learn to use it for an absolute laundry list of powers and techniques.

Wiz: Krillin uses his ki to bolster his physicality, allowing him to become far stronger, faster, and tougher than before. Krillin has also used his mastery of ki to utilize many different abilities over the years, such as his ability to fly around at incredibly high speeds, enough to fly around the entire world and other planets in mere minutes. Though quite frankly, that isn't even scratching the surface of what he can do.

Boomstick: Ki doesn't just let you do weird magic; it lets you do cool magic! Like firing laser beams from your bare hands!

Wiz: Actually, ki and magic are both explicitly different and detached from each other conceptually. While ki and physical power in general can interact with and overwhelm magical abilities, there is a very clear distinction between the two that keeps them separate from each other despite some similarities.

Boomstick: Well, magic or not, Krillin can fire out his ki in the form of powerful energy attacks, like Roshi's classic Kamehameha, an unstoppable laser that can be charged up for greater power and one that every young Dragon Ball fan has tried at least once. Though if he doesn't feel like using any super iconic moves, he's got attacks like the Double Tsuibiki- bleagh, it's a two-handed laser bazooka that Krillin can control to chase down targets, or the Kakusandan, a ki cluster bomb that bombards enemies from above with scattering lasers.

Wiz: Outside of purely offensive techniques, he's learned and adapted other moves from allies he gained as he grew stronger, like Tien's Tri-Form, a technique which divides a user's ki into two identical clones of proportionally equal power, as well as his patented Solar Flare, an extremely useful technique which creates a blinding light that stuns opponents. Krillin even magnified Tien's technique into the irrepressible Solar Flare x100, which lingers in place after it's casted and is so unbearably bright that even closing your eyes won't stop it from blinding you.

Boomstick: And then there's his most powerful attack, the second coolest move right behind that good ol' turtle laser, his patented Destructo Disk! A devastating energy sawblade that can cut through almost anything unfortunate enough to get in its way.

Wiz: Easily one of the deadliest techniques in Dragon Ball history. Even way back in the Saiyan Saga, this move was so deadly that Vegeta forced Nappa to avoid the attack because he was sure that it would kill him should it have landed.

Boomstick: It's even such a deadly technique that just about everyone stole it to use for themselves. From his wife, to his old rival, to his old rival's rival, to his old rival's rival's son, to even his own killer... the- the second one, not the first. The only real issue with it is that it's pretty tricky to actually land, though Krillin makes sure doing just that is a struggle with all the ways he uses it, like firing a barrage of them in front of him, pulling a fast one by making one split off into three, charging up a way more powerful giant Destructo Disk, or even launching six of them and controlling all of them at once.

Wiz: In fact, most of Krillin's ki based attacks like the Destructo Disk or the Kamehameha are moves he can freely control the trajectory of as well. As they are his own ki, he can freely manipulate them after they're fired with his extremely precise ki control. As part of this control, he can charge up his ki to become more powerful, suppress his own ki to avoid detection and get the jump on enemies by making them think he's weaker than he actually is, and detect the ki of others to sense where they are even when they're across the planet. Though he isn't just limited to ki based techniques. Take for example his ability to appear invisible to even the well-trained eye by moving around at high speeds, or taking this a step further with the Afterimage Technique, where he darts around the area so quickly, he can create multiple image clones of himself to deceive and confuse opponents. In the Tournament of Power, Goku in his base form used this same technique to make up to 18 of these image clones in his fight with Caulifla.

Bandana Dee[]


Death Battle[]


Next Time[]
