Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Another battle of Elementary. If it were voiced Korra would be voiced by Tara Platt

and Sorey would be voiced by Bryce Papenbrook


(*[Wiz and Boomstick- Brandon Yates] *)

Wiz- We covered a lot of fighters who command the basic elements. But these two combatants are able to command all 4 of the common elements

Boomstick- Like Korra, the recent incarnation of the Avatar.

Wiz- And Sorey, the heroic Shepherd of  Tales of Zestiria

Boomstick- Hes Wiz, and im Boomstick!

Wiz- And its our job to analyze their weapons armors and skills to find out who whould win a DEATH BATTLE.

Korra bends into DEATH BATTLE[]

(*Cues: Shaman's land- Tim Garlland*)

Wiz: Years have past since the avatar, Aang restored balance to 4 nations, ending the war and bringing the air nomads, back to extinction. 

Boomstick: Sad to say his legacy didnt last long, as pretty soon in adulthood, he bit the dust.

Wiz: But as Aang may have been gone, the avatar still lived on. As the avatar cycled coutninued where Aang left off. With that, let us venture to the Southern Water tribe, where the next avatar was to be revealed. Her name, was Korra.

Korra: Wooh! Alright!

Boomstick: Not what you expect, after arrow head's calm and nice demeanor, to a loud and upbeat to somewhat arrogant brat.

Wiz: Born as the daughter of the chief of the Southern Water Tribe, Korra's identity as the next avatar was discovered when she was just 4 years old. Growing older, Korra began mastering each of the elements in an alarming rate, but being the avatar and using all 4 of the elements, grew here to be somewhat mischevious.

Boomstick: Oh c'mon, you'd think hering Aang's great tales and knowing that the Avatar is a responsable title, you'd think she'd take her job seriously.

Wiz: Boomstick, she's 17.

Boomstick: (*sigh*) Teenagers... guess she has something in common with my daughter. 

( Cues: Ring Fighter- Terry Devine King*)

Wiz: Still, when her friends are in danger, Korra is more willing to uphold the avatar name.

Boomstick: She's pretty strong. She probably wouldn't be able to run on water or make carve an entire city, but she can still hold her own.

Wiz: As the avatar, Korra can bend the 4 elemetns, water, fire, earth, and water. Each having different requirements and both body and hand movements. With wind bending she can do similar to the previous avatar, Aang. Create shields, increasing her speed, improving agility, adjusting her body temperature, and use it as ways of travel.

Boomstick: Then Earth bending, something she shares with fellow friend, Bolin. Earth bending is all about manipulating the earth and chucking it at your foes. But doing walls and earthquakes and causing the ground to swallow you up, with quicksand... I hate quicksand.

Wiz: Firebending is what is similar to her friend, and it shares it with her friend, and ex-boyfriend, Mako. Unlike other bending tehniques, fire bending doesnt require an otuside source and creeate it at will.

Boomstick: Firebending is really goddamn powerful! It's even got the deadliest bending technique of all: Lightning Bending!

(*Pop Up: Only the most advanced Firebenders can cast lightning, which is usually an instant kill move. But Korra doesnt exactly know lightning bednign. But knows an extension of earthbending, Metal bending. But even then it is limited*)

Wiz: And lastly. Her most effective, and the one she is most comfotrable with, Water bending.

(*Cuts to Wiz and Boomstick*)

Boomstick: Wait, if she's the avatar, then wouldn't she be more efficient with airbending?

Wiz: Simply put, no. The nation into which the Avatar is born identifies the first element that is to be mastered, often prior to the bender being revealed as the Avatar. For example, an Avatar born into the Water Tribe, like Korra ,first learns waterbending, before attempting to master the three remaining bending disciplines in the order of the cycle. And she had the best tutor for waterbending possable, Katara.

Boomstick: However, she didnt learn waterbendings deadliest method, bloodbending. Which involves moving the...blood in the opponents body which immoblizoes them and moves them around like... puppets.. Wiz, is it cold in here? Cause i can feel a chill going down my spine.

Wiz: There's a good reason for that.

(*Back to the analysis*)

Wiz: Katara hates the idea of bloodbending and rarely uses it in her fights. Bloodbending often goes against Waterbending's calm and effective style. And a type of this deadly  seemed likely something Korra would often misuse. So Katara taught her the normal ways of waterbending.

Boomstick: Waterbending is always about keeoing a level head, like if your a robotic monk who can't seem to shut up about tranquility.

Wiz: But... thats not even remotely... anyways, Korra has pretty much specialized waterbending her entire life. She can use it to create projectiles, whips, a water shield, knives and tsunamis.

Boomstick: Oh, and thats not all. Korra also has acess to the spirit world, which is a bit weird. I mean, you got weird spirt animals that become very violent when corrupted, and people of the dead are found here as well. Is being the avatar ever been foretold of being a massive drug overdose?

Wiz: I wouldn't go that far. The spirit world actually once was once apart of the realm of the living, but history had different plans. But there is a story behind the avatar's greatest weapon

Boomstick: Strap cause its time for the new sub show. "History time with Wiz". Take it away.

(* Cues- Shisa-Andrew Barrow*)

Wiz: Long even before Korra, and even Aang was the avatar, was a man named  Wan. Wan was originally, and technically was a thief, who took advantage of his power and raided a rich family to further help the lives of his friends, and doing so, Was banished from his homeland. Soon, hed found himself a home amongst the spirits the spirit world, becoming friends and forming and a strong protection for the spirits. In one such occasion, Wan encountered two identocle spirits of opposite color fighting. And fought against the presumed agressor.

Boomstick: Oh little did he know what was coming.

Wiz: These 2 spirits were Raava, the spirit of peace and light, and Vaatu, the spirit of chaos and darkness. Raava told Wan he made a grave !istake, as she was merely surpressing Vaatu from escaping ajd unleashing chaos upon the world. With vaatu feee, spirits across the world became violent and dangerous, bringing chaos upon the entire world. Feeling the guilt of being responsable of letting Vaatu escape, Wan traveled to island turtle to island turtle, learning the 4 elements and training to take down Vaatu.

Boomstick: With an unlikely alliance with Raava, along the way.

Wiz: Raava And Wan would go into battle, But Wan's skills werent enough. But with what little power she had left, Raava merged with Wan forming a Harmonic convergence. Which would now be known nowadays, as the Avatar State.

(*Cues: [Arashi-Andrew Barrow]*)

Wiz: In the Avatar State, Wan was able to seal Vatuu forever and maintain peace between spirits and humans. Wan's life one the other hand didn't last long, thus Raava's power was passed down through Avatar to Avatar.

Boomstick: And in the Avatar's state, Korra's bending abilities grow immensely powerful. Sadly, her glow isn't as cool as Aang's.

Wiz With it in mind, the Avatar State lets Korra draw upon the power and wisdom of all previous Avatar incarnations, including Aang.. Though it is extremely risky, as dying while in the Avatar State ends the cycle of reincarnation permanently. But, if Raava were to be harmed in anyway, Korra becomes the embodiment or Raava's power. Turning into a giant entity of energy that towers over buildings, which has to nullify and destroy souls entirely.

Boomstick:  Easier said than done, cause Korra is a "toph" b****. I'm seriously thinking about ripping this censor thing ought of my throat. She survived, getting hit with large boulders, and shrugged off energy blasts from Vaatu.. Yeah, he broke out cause of her uncle.

Wiz: One one occasion, Korra redirected the energy of the Spirit Energy Cannon, which was able to vaporize a portion of a mountain. Giving the volume of the hole, and taking the melting value in mind which is 45000 j/cc. We can determine the blast must have equaled 3.6004-20.5627 Megatons of TNT.

(Source :

Boomstick: Korra would grow to be a damn good avatar, but she still carries a prideful, yet impatient and impulsive attitude. I swear, she might be an anime version of my daughter, the similarities are uncanny. All that is left is it to have a avatar version of Steve... 

Wiz: Uhm, Boomstick's shotgun dad-ism aside, Korra's pride and impulsiveness got her and her friends in bad situations more than once. Like when she was captured, tortured and infected with a deadly poison that almost killed her.

Boomstick: Is this even a kids show anymore?

Wiz: But, she recovered, reconnected the connection with Raava, and ended the crusade of Earth kingdom's general, Kuvira. 

Boomstick: She definetly succeeded, element-ary.

Korra: Your powers have grown strong for over a thousand years, while my powers have grown since time began.

Sorey Armatizes into DEATH BATTLE[]

(*Cues: Disconcerting Hunt*)

WIz: Imagine a world where Deamons  roam the world, spreading malevolance across the world. Corrupting humans and eventually turn them into Deamons and causing chaos among the world.

Boomstick: Though, some were mistaken about it's legend. Something about Lord of Calamity and all that. Well that "Lord of Calamitty" kinda saved the world from being populated from being emotionless empty husks. Sometimes to save the world, you gotta see it burn.

Wiz: The one who lead this ideal world of was the Shepherd, Arthur Artorius. But the new era, introduced a more, light hearted shepherd, who seeked the clensing the world of malevolence of Deamons. 

Boomstick: That  are now called Helions, for some reason.

Wiz: Despite being a human, young Sorey lived in a remote village of Seraphim. A spirtual race that are invisible to other humans. But, as fate had it, Sorey had to special ability of seeing and communicating with them.

Boomstick: Which....often or not was a bit awkward in public areas.

Wiz: Even though the village he grew up in was rather peaceful and quiet, Sorey had the spirit of an adventurer. One one such occasion, Sorey stumbled upon a deserter temple alongside his friend and water Seraph, Mikleo.

Boomstick: Yeah, he was just kind of there. But along the way they found this blonde chick. Who stumbled upon these ruins after a massive rain storm.

Wiz: This is Alisha, the princess of the Kingdom Hyland, and reason for Sorey's travel. So he snuck out of the village with Mikleo, head to the capital, and pulled the sword from the stone to become-

Boomstick: King Arthur!?

Wiz: The Shepherd..

Boomstick: Oh... Well you might ask, what so importany about being the Shepherd? All they do is tend to the sheep. Well, you porbably weren't paying attention earlier.

Wiz: The Shepherd's duty was simple, purify the Hellions/Daemons of all Malevolence, and bring peace to the world. Unlike the Shepherd before hand, Sorey didn't try to do anything to abuse his power as the Shepherd, and not put the world in an emotionless state.

Boomstick: He's too much of a goody two-shoes to even do that. But, that doesn't mean he had his moments, like that time he fought in a war. But, then again that was super situational. But he sure as hell know to beat down Hellions in a lot of ways.

Wiz: Sorey has encyclopedic historical knowledge, can find a way out of almost any bad situation with his quick wit, and has a multiple array of techniques known as Artes. Artes are technqiues used for specific weaponry and user, but also have a larged variety of types.

(*Pop Up; In the series there are 2 different types of Artes, Strike and Magic. Each having their different effects.*)

Boomstick; you got your basics like the tiger blade, the sword rain, the sonic thrust, and a hell of a lot more. Sorey can also use a lot more powerful Arte called Mystic Artes. The most powerful arte the usr can muster at their will. his the Howling Blade: Bolt Tempest. Where he literally swings you nto the air with a uppercut slash,with electricity trailing the strike. Strange, i remember tempest being a spinning air slash.

Wiz; But Sorey's greatest talent is the shepherd's trump card: The Armatus.

Sorey; Fethmus Fioma!

(Sorey enters the fire Armatus)

(*Cues: [to Play For]*)

Wiz; Made by the exorcist Melchior Mayvin, the Armatus' sole purpose was to bond the powers of a human with a Malakhim, though in the early days this technique was...relatively dangerous to put it likely. So, it was limited to just the Shepherd and it's squires

(*Pop Up: The way it works is that the Shepherd can bestow the power of armatization to their Squires, if they  have high enough resonance.*)

Boomstick: using Armatization, Sorey can call upon the powers of his Seraphim/Malakhim companions, and fuse togther to combine their ultimate powers. FU-SION HA!

Wiz: And doing so, granted him  the elements of each Seraphim/Malakhim. The fire Seraphim would be Lailah, the Pure. Fusing with her gives Sorey pyrokinesis, and changes his weapon to a long sword. 

Boomstick: Extending the reach of his burning destruction. Adn goes with their Mystic Artes, Flamberge. The tip of the sword is emitted with flames Sorey spin and slash upward,with the slash bursting explosive flame

Wiz: The  next is the Earth Seraphim, Early Bloomer Edna

Boomstick: Who's uh...quite a sassy lost child.

Lailah: We'd better canvas the entire area!

(Cue group facepalm)

Lailah: See what I did there? A canvas is used as a painting surface and-

Edna: Please stop.​​​

Alisha: Oh! I just got it!

Boomstick; And merging with her gives Sorey the ability to control the Earth, he even punched the ground so hard to make several stone pillars emerge from the ocean floor. And instead of swords, he has giant large metal fists to Ora Ora his opponents to Death. And with the mystical Arte:Earth Revolution, Sorey rides one of the gauntlets like a goddamn surfboard, and just straights up uppecuts them to the air. And they just fall down like at the speed of a freaking meteor. the next of our list the wind Seraphim is Dezel, the Uncloded Eye-

(*Shows Dezel's death scene*)

Boomstick: Aaaaand he's dead. Ahem, the actual Wind Seraphim is his replacement, Zaveid, the Oathkeeper.

Wiz: Merging with Zaveid grants Sorey Aerokinesis,and a somewhat form of flight, with his dagger wings. Even out of this armatization, fusing with a wind Seraphim seems to grant Sorey an apparent form of teleportation. With the Mystic Arte: Sylphystia. Were Sorey flies into the sky and summons a large number of storm of blades, which shoot at the enemies down below. 

(*Pop up: During his time with Dezel, Sorey learned in his fight with a Medusa like hellion, Dezel had an immunity to petrification due to him being blind. and doing so gave him a resistance to petrification*)

Boomstick: And last but not least is the Water Seraphim, and possable closet boyfriend Mikleo the Enforcer. This grants Sorey forms of Hydrokinesis, and increase expert marksmanship with his bow. Oh, and that quote of piercing a sky isn't a joke, with his Aqua Limit Mystic Arte.

Wiz: During Sorey using the water armatus for the first time, the power of the Aqua Limit  was able to do this.

( Sorey fires an arrow that pierced through a dragon like hellio, and pierecd a whole through the sky and disspersing the clouds)

(Cuts to Wiz and Boomstick*)

Boomstick: And are we certain this wasn't arrow squall?  I know what you're thinking. "Guys, that's not impressive! Clouds are just fluffy balls of cotton candy.". Wrong! That's not how it works, cause cloud dispersion is freaking wierd.

Wiz: You see, to actually move clouds in real life, you need a force close to the equivelant to a Hydrogen bomb.

Boomstick: in other words, these water arrows carry the force of a nuclear weapon. reminds me of ol granpappy Boomstick and hs idea of making nukes attached to arrows. Let's say his results uhh, didn't go so well.

Wiz: Oh... Oh-OH... that explains a lot, actually.

Boomstick: Rest in peace, Granpappy. Atleast you went down doing what you love. Blowing things up...​​​​​​

(*Back to the analysis*) 

Wiz: But, to defeat the Lord of Calamitty,Sorey armatized with Lailah, Mikleo, Edna, and Zaveid  all at once, resulting in the Armatus at it's greatest power. The 4 Element Armatization. 

Boomstick: This form not only greatly increases Sorey's speed and strength, but also greatly enhances his elemental capabilities. And unlike other Armatus forms, this form gives Sorey every single element of each seraphim. But taking down The L.O.C came at a price. As Sorey sacrificed himself just to take ol' lion beard here down. 

Wiz: Even still, Sorey proved to be a valuable hero, and worthy of the title Shepherd. he's taken down countless hellions, battled Zaveid on a daily occasion, before he joined them and without armatization, is strong enough to swing at aneough force to break stone. 

Boomstick: he survived falls from dozens of feat in the air, battled against a dragon for several hours, and even fought this dragon version of Edna's older brother, Eizen. 

Wiz: Who before he turned into a dragon, was able to help defeat an Armatized Artorius, the Shepherd before Sorey. Who, armatized with the Malakhim innominat, a Malakhim who's power draws from the planet itself. 

Boomstick: But Sorey is pretty un-used to the idea of killing or violence. I mean, he's a pacifist for crying out loud....Even if he may be to stupid to realize purifying hellions and killing people have little differences. But since this is DEATH BATTLE, we're not going to let his pacifistic nature get in the way of the fight.  But, if you were a Hellion, you better feel Sor-ey for crossing paths, with the Shepherd. 

Sorey: To face the demons inside and out, I will venture into the land, explore the mysteries, and fight back the darkness. My name is Sorey. I was born into this world, and now I know why. Because I am the shepherd, and I will change the world.



Wiz: Alright, the commbatants are set, and we've run the data through all possabilities.



Opens up in the streets of Republic city, it shows Sorey walking in the street of an outdoor market place. To other people, they just saw Sorey, but to his eyes, his Malakhim's friends are walking beside them, each having a different expression. Mikleo and Edna were walking in a stern fashion, with the latter having a rather bored expression, Lailah observing some of the things the market is selling with sparkles in her eyes, and Zaveid was doing what he did best, having his eyes on every lady that passes by.

Sorey: Wow, this town is actually a lot more packed than they say....

Lailah; Sorey, look! Look at that lion! it looks like an Armadillo!

Lailah got Sorey to point at her interest, which was a nearby armadillo lion. And Lailah got giddy and thought of the lion curl up into a big furry ball.

Sorey: Uhh, yeah.... But, we shouldn't stay around too long. After all, Rose is probably finished with her business deal.

Mikleo: Still, I wonder why someone from way out here would want to have a deal with someone like Rose?

(* Cues: Elements of Alchemy*)

However, in the far distance, Korra observes the shepherd from around the corner of a building.

Korra: ( What's this energy I'm sensing? Is he possessed by a spirit? No, 4)

As Sorey entered an isolated part of the market due to plot convenience, Sorey noticed that the Avatar was rushing towards Mikleo.

Sorey: Mikleo, look out!

Sorey pushed the water Seraphim out of the way, to block Korra's incoming attack. the two clashed till the Avatar knocks Sorey into a nearby stand.

Mikleo: Sorey, are you alright?

Sorey: I'm fine, but who's she? A hellio disguised as a human?

Zaveid: No time kid, looks like we gotta fight.

Sorey then pulled out his wooden sword and prepared to engage into battle with the Avatar. The Shepherd swung his blade entrailing a blistering blue flame that made Korra reen back a little. The avatar dodged the last swing via airbending and used earthbending to alter the earth to form spikes at her opponent. The Shepherd dodged, but ended up hitting his head against a stone wall created by the Avatar. Korra proceeds to make another stone wall appear beside and  used it to attempt to crush Sorey.

Sorey: Hephsin Yulind !

Sorey broke free by calling the true name of Edna, and shattering the two walls with it's giant stoney fists. And Sorey's overall appearance changed to the surprise of his opponent. Korra, then stomped the ground and kicked multiple small boulders towards the Shepherd, who proceeds to shatter each stone with each punch, and doing so got close and proceed to rush in and do a flurry of blows on Korra. Two exchanged blows before Korra used water bending to form a shield, before dispersing it to cause a mini explosion, she followed with a diving leaning punch, wrapped Sorey around a rope of water before pulling him back and punching him in the gut. Before Korra struck, Sorey blinded his opponent by swiping his big metal fist off the ground and the sand hitting Korra's eyes.

Sorey: Fylk Zahdeya!

Sorey transformed again, when activating created a mini tornado that launched the Avatar into the air. The Shepherd follows up by firing the mini daggers used as wings down on the opponent. Which cuts the Avatar across her left cheek, her leg , and her hip, before crashing into the stand  of the always unlucky cabbage merchant nearby.

Cabbage Merchant: Noooo! Not again! My cabbages!

The impact of the stand created a miniature dust cloud. In the air, proceeds to catch his breathe.

Sorey: Did we get them?

To answer his question, no and got hit by the avatars fire bending. which knocked him down, and out of his armatization, as he got up, he was trapped via earthbending trapping his hands, and covering his mouth.

Korra: Ok, no more magic name calling!

Sorey broke free and swung his blade upwards and downwards, doing his tiger blade technique. and Rushes forward for more swings before delivering a Lion's Howl, and briefly disappears, appearing shortly after in midair in front of his foe and delivering a vertical slash. Korra than knocked Sorey into the air and delivered a flurry of punches before kicking Sorey away.

Sorey: Luzrov Rulay!

Sorey than armatized with Mikleo, forming his water armatization form. It cuts to Koraa who has for a brief moment switched to a drawn style similar to that of Saitama's infamous 'OK' face from One Punch Man.

Sorey: Pierce the skies, Arrow Squall!

Sorey shoots arrows into sky that then rain down onto the Avatar. Korra used her waterbending to block some of the arrows. Distracted, Sorey fires a burst of arrows with his bow, which relentlessly strike Korra. Their bow then changes into a blade on their arm, with which they pierce through their target in an explosion of water, that destroyed several city blocks.

Mikleo: You think that worked?

Edna: Don't get your hopes up.

A light starts emitting from the pile of rubbles. Korra, now in the Avatar State, eradicates all the rubble piled on her and summons all four elements to her side.

Edna: Told ya.

The Avatar summons a cyclone to surround herself and her opponent, leaving Sorey unable to fire his bow, from the wind current.. She then tosses a projectile containing all four elements to finish off the Shepherd. Despite his exhausting and heavy bleeding, he refuses to give in.

Lailah: Sorey!

the four seraphim surround their wounded friend. Who, despite injuries, smiled.

(*Cues:Granblue Fantasy Versus: Licht*)

Sorey: Luzrov Rulay....Fylk Zahdeya....Hephsin Yulind...Fethmus Mioma.....

Calling all 4 names of his 4 seraphim companions, The Shepherd merged to form his full armatization, with traits of water, fire wind and earth armatization appearing across his body, with a white cape forming around him. And from his had, fired a beam  of water surrounded by fire, stones, and wind. The beam hit Korra directly, and transformed into her giant spirit form. Which swipes away the projectile, Sorey leaps back when the large Avatar swung it's giant fist towards him. He leaped into the air , summoned the large sword and starts clashing with the large Avatar, as her arm created sparks from clashing with the Shepherd. Sorey managed to push back the arm and prepared for the final attack.

Sorey: Crimson flame! May it burn your soul! Flamberge!

Using the sword, Sorey carve a circle into the air around him. He then spin and slash upward, with the slash bursting into flame. The massive explosion caused by the attack obliterates Korra in one foul swoop. As she was disintegrated, the explosion is nearly the size of a large skyscraper.. Sorey exits the full armatization. With a sigh of relief.

Sorey: Phew.... What a formidable opponent.


(*Cues: Elements of Alchemy-again*)

Boomstick: Guess were ending this season with a bang!

Wiz: This was tricky. At first glance, Korra held a superior advantage in experience and training. And her having the ability to command all 4 elements at will gave her an edge in elemental manipulation compaired to Sorey and the Armatus.

Boomstick: But that versatility didn't matter when Sorey without the Armatus had over 66 artes in his sleeve. And with the armatus gave him more Artes and skills. And in the fight, we didn't even show all of them

(*Pop up: Korra could gain the speed advantage if she were to scale to Aang, who redirected lightning, but Sorey also had scaling to other characters who scaling to others who had relativistic feats. So, with scaling Sorey could still have had the speed advantage*)

Wiz: But without that, Korra fell behind in several other categories. Recalll how she used energy bending to redirect a laser, a feat which would have required over 4 megatons of tnt (if rounded up)?

Boomstick: And by scaling to Aang, who carved a city, should be able to produce over 160 kilotons of tnt, and likely greater since she was able to bend energy stronger than Aang in base form.

Wiz; Impressive, But Sorey in his water armatus , killing the Drake put him a level abive both Avatars. By taking the scaling of the mountain, the distance between the surface and the sky, and the distance of the hole, this feat should have had an energy output of over 27 000 000 Gigatons of tnt.

(Note i had to ask for a calc in a group once, and had to convert the joules to gigatons)

Boomstick; That's over 6750000000 times stronger than the enrgy Korra redirected, and 168750000000 times stronger than the city carving feat Aang did. You may ask, but guys. Sorey's elements could be bended from Korra since, besides fire, water air and earth needed outside sources to work.

Wiz:That is true. Theoretically, Korra could be able to do this. Theoretically. The problem is Korra never had any feats that show she can react to attacks fast enough to bend them

(*Pop up; Going by Sorey's drake destroying feat, the water arrow's likely had to have been moving at speeds faster than light. Something that Korra, nore anybody in Avatar was able to react to*)

Boomstick: Plus, fighting against others who wield elements is practically nothing new to Sorey, as he has fought countless hellions that wield such elements. And even elements that Korra never was able to wield, like Light and Dark.

Wiz: Korra did held some advantages, But Sorey's power, overwhelming techniques and supererior weaponry gave him an edge in this battle

Boomstick:  This is what ended The Legend of Korra.

Wiz: The winner is Sorey


- The connection between Korra and Sorey are they are humans who grew up in a remote village outside of a government kingdom (Republic City and lake Hylia) but traveled to said cities to soon achieve their goals (Sorey becoming a Shepherd and korra countinuing her Avatar training. Both titles are also held in high regards and is held with high responsabilites). Furthermore, both are able to manipulate the 4 elements(Water, Fire, Earth and Air) through historical powers granted from said titles (The Avatar line and The Armatus).

-- Ironically it also grants them a  powered state of increasing the capabilities of all 4 elements (The Avatar State and The Full Armatization)

- Even further, both have experience with interacting with the world of the spirits and fighting spirit entities (Korra interacting with the spirit world and dealing with corrupted spirits, And Sorey with Malakhim and fighting Hellions)

- Most feats of Sorey will be used from The Animated series, and be giving his Full Armatization (As he used it more than once in his fight with the Lord of Calamitty)

-Korra will also be scaled to the previous Avatar, Aang.

- There are a couple of references. But mostly from Avatar. One particular in the fight was a call back to "No! My cabbages" which was also incoorporated into Aang's Death battle against Edward Elric

-- This was intentional as I thought it be funny for Korra to have a moment that happened similar to the Avatar predecessor. I was going to add  a line from the cabbage merchant saying "why am K getting de ja vu" to further reference it.
