Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Crazy Clay Creations!
Season 1
Overall Episode 7
Season Episode 7
Air date 12/28/2023
Written by BigShark81913
Episode guide
Therion vs Puss in Boots
Akatsuki vs Captain America

Klaymen vs Wayne is a What-If? Death Battle written by BigShark81913, featuring Klaymen from The Neverhood and Wayne from Hylics.


The Neverhood vs Hylics! Clay is a powerful tool used in animation and modeling, used to create the most beautiful works of art seen by mankind. However, clay can also be used to make weird, acid-trip characters like these two. Will Klaymen mold Wayne into submission, or will he be squashed?


(Cue: Wiz and Boomstick)

Wiz: Since the beginning of mankind, clay has been used to make art, ceramics, and even weapons. It’s thick exterior and easy molding capabilities allow for it to be stretched into any form.

Boomstick: And some people use that to their advantage and make weird stuff like these characters! Klaymen, the puzzle-solving savior of the Neverhood.

Wiz: And Wayne, the crescent-headed guitarist of Hylics.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to see who would win...a Death Battle!

Klaymen solves DEATH BATTLE![]

Klay analysis

(Cue: Klaymen’s Theme)

Wiz: The vast world of the Neverhood began as a blank, empty space devoid of any life. That was, except for Hoborg, an aimless wanderer who was desperately lonely. This blocky figure had a cartoonishly large crown on his head, and it wasn’t normal either. This crown was capable of creating life, except without the icky details we’ve all learnt. Reaching deep into his headwear, Hoborg was able to create a seed and plant it in the ground. The seed instantly created a strange humanoid, and it was confused.

Boomstick: Consulting with his ugly spawn, Hoborg named him Klogg and greeted him with generosity by telling him that everything he sees around him will belong to him. Klogg was filled with excitement, and swooped in to steal his daddy’s crown. Pulling some prodigal son shit already, I guess!

Wiz: Hoborg scolded Klogg and warned him that the crown was the only thing he couldn’t have, which infuriated the greedy creature. He then brought Klogg around with him to explore his home and create new creatures, which he called Neverhoodians, to populate his perfect world. His firstborn, however, was extremely jealous and envious towards his creator’s crown and the fact he wasn’t getting all the attention anymore.

Boomstick: So, what does he do, you ask? Well, Klogg decides that it would be best to rip the crown from his loving creator’s head and take over the land!

Wiz: One day, while Hoborg was minding his business, Klogg snatched the crown straight off his head and put Hoborg in a frozen, paralyzed state. The ungrateful son placed the crown on his head, and used its magical abilities to rip the land in half and chain it together. A single seed, however, ejected from the crown right before he used it.

Boomstick: This crown, despite how cool it looks, severely disfigured Klogg and turned him into a gross little gremlin. Just look at him!

Ugly klogg

Wiz: …back to what I was saying earlier, the single seed tumbled from the crown and rolled all throughout Hoborg’s vast castle before landing in the hands of one of the first Neverhoodians, Willie Trombone. Although an idiot, Willie new that he had to save the kingdom somehow in any way, so he ran to the castle’s front lawn nursery and buried the unborn Neverhoodian into the ground before going into hiding.

Boomstick: After a couple of days, the seed finally hatched and created the mighty hero of the Neverhood, Klaymen!

Wiz: Starting out life bamboozled, the newborn Neverhoodian began to search the empty city top to bottom and find nothing but a single note written to him by Willie. The note described how there were discs scattered all across the empty Neverhood that would tell him the story of what had happened and who he is. Klaymen deduced that it was his job to collect the discs and discover what he was created to do.

Boomstick: And he did some pretty badass stuff on this quest, like brave giant weasel crab things, crumbling buildings, and even a giant monster made of tinfoil. What an acid trip!

Wiz: At the end of his long, arduous journey, Klaymen had collected all 20 of the discs and jammed them into the player to discover his mysterious origins and Klogg’s upbringing. He then found out what he was made to do: defeat Klogg and return the crown to Hoborg.

Boomstick: During the final confrontation, Klaymen is given a choice between two things: either give the crown to Klogg and become exactly like him or return it to Hoborg and restore peace to the Neverhood. Seems like an easy choice, right? We all know he chose to give the crown to Klogg.

Wiz: Klaymen decided to give the crown to Hoborg, and Klogg attempted to stab Klaymen in a final act of revenge. However, the Neverhood’s main weapon, the Neverhood cannon, was activated, and it blasted Klogg straight off of the Neverhood to fall forever in deep space. Peace was restored to the Neverhood, and everybody celebrated and restored their antics of goofing off.

Boomstick: And everything was completely back to normal! Right…?

Wiz: Unfortunately, no. Klogg had landed in the foreign planet Idznak and met the main species living there, the Skullmonkies. He then took control of their dull, useless minds and turned them into formidable workers.

Boomstick: One of the Skullmonkies, a brainiac geek named Jerry-O, found out about how Klogg was plotting to build a machine to destroy Klaymen and the Neverhood, and sent a drone to retrieve the clay hero to save his planet.

Wiz: Klaymen would endure another tiresome journey fighting against bugs, monkeys, and combinations of both until he finally reached Klogg, who had cybernetic parts implanted on him to keep his mangled body together. Klaymen and Klogg would have one final clash before Klogg was killed by his very own Klay-eating machine and order was restored to the planet of Idznak. Klaymen was permitted to fly home and restart his somewhat normal life. Despite his quest being finished, Klaymen still retained some strange yet powerful abilities from his ordeals.

Boomstick: First of all, Klaymen has extremely powerful molding abilities, ranging from being able to turn into a garden hose to being able to regenerate himself completely from being chopped up and having his flesh torn off! But that’s not all he can do with his molding. Klaymen is capable of opening his chest without damage, survive being tossed from the roof of buildings, and even create tools from thin air using only Klay.

Wiz: Another ability Klaymen has is the Phart.

Klaymen craps himself

Boomstick: Wiz, we said no more potty jokes on here. It’s so lowbrow!

Wiz: I’m being serious here, Boomstick.

Boomstick: Oh, carry on, Mr. High and Mighty…

Wiz: Anyways, Klaymen’s Phart ability allows him to create almost identical green clones of himself by only passing gas. These clones can switch between a solid state and a gaseous state, proving them quite formidable for both trickery and combat.

Boomstick: One of Klaymen’s other tools is the Hockey Gun. This small, ray-gun piece of trash can… shoot out air hockey pucks? I’m quitting.

Hockey Gun

Wiz: Not just any pick, these are blazing, super-quick pucks capable of smashing crates. Shooting picks is not all the gun can do, however. Other abilities the gun offers is a speed boost, a force field generation,  and a button that gradually multiplies the pucks fired out of the gun.

Boomstick: Klaymen is also capable of absorbing and harnessing pure energy. Geez, finally something useful!

Wiz: Adding more to the former statement, Klaymen is capable of absorbing energy from practically everywhere and harnessing in combat, which allows him to shoot bursts of energy, small balls, and even a swirling cyclone of sheer energy.

Boomstick: Klaymen also has control of the Neverhood cannon, a mighty turret that has an incredible aim and blasts that pack a punch. He also has a pair of rocket boots that allow him to soar through the skies and a winged suit of armor for even more flying capability.

Wiz: Despite his… genuinely shitty-sounding arsenal, Klaymen is actually stacked with pretty neat feats. Boomstick: As I think we’ve said before, Klaymen is capable of reforming from almost anything, including having his faced smash in, being decapitated, and even being completely melted.

Wiz: Klaymen also survived being in the epicenter of the Evil Engine Nine’s explosion, and escaped with little to no injuries. May I remind you that the Evil Engine dwarfed the Neverhood, an entire planet, in size? And not to mention the fact that Klaymen destroyed it with his wits alone… and a potato!

Klaymen what???

Boomstick: And, despite his genuinely frail-looking body, he’s pretty strong, ranging from being able to punch people so hard they explode to being able to pull an entire half of the Neverhood with only a chain!

Wiz: Klaymen, despite being newborn, is an extremely intelligent genius, which allows him to solve any type of puzzle that’s presented to him, easy or hard. Boomstick: Let’s go back to strength, nerd. Anyways, Klaymen can also defeat Joe Head Joe, who is about three times his height!

Wiz: Klaymen’s weapons also have extreme power. For instance, the Neverhood Cannon is strong enough to send Klogg flying deep into space, blast a hole through Big Robot Bil’s metal chest, and launching the latter off the face of the Neverhood.

Boomstick: His disgusting Pharts smell so bad, they can melt people entirely with just a good whiff! What the hell?

Phart melter

Wiz: Though, as powerful as he seems, it is important to note our klay kompanion’s faults. For instance, he is generally naive and curious, which could possibly lead to his downfall.

Boomstick: Plus his energy attacks and Hockey Gun upgrades need pure energy extract to operate, but that wouldn’t be too much of a problem due to his energy-absorbing abilities. Damn insane, that’s what the Neverhood is as a whole.

Wiz: Though he was thrusted into an empty world littered with tricky puzzles with no prior experience, Klaymen managed to prove himself a confident hero who laughs in the face of danger… and chimpanzees.

Neverhoodians: “Half a cheer for Klaymen!”

Half a cheer

Wayne rocks out in DEATH BATTLE![]

Hylic analysis

(Cue: Fancy Meat Computer)

Wiz: Humanity has forever gazed into the distance and dreamed about what lies ahead for us in our future. We’ve imagined flying cars, colonization on other planets, and even no future at all.

Boomstick: In the Hylics universe, however, the future is pretty screwed up. Everything on what used to be planet Earth is a strange amalgamation who speaks in random gibberish with only a tiny bit of English. Oh, and they’re all basically enslaved.

Wiz: You see, many years before the main story, the evil moon king Gibby placed a satellite in orbit which gave him full control of the entire Earth. He ruled the planet with an iron fist for long, brutal years.

Boomstick: Eventually, the long-awaited knight in shining armor arrived. With a crescent head, burrito obsession, and snazzy leather jacket, the strange dude named Wayne decided enough was enough.


Boomstick: And it’s not even Bruce Wayne, dammit!

Wiz: This crescent-headed metal fan began to wander the globe to find a way to defeat Gibby. That’s when he met Dedusmuln, an archaeologist searching for… a paper cup for a nice, cold drink.

Boomstick: I mean, who can blame the guy? He definitely needs a drink, given that he looks like a headcrab…

Wiz: Wayne decided to take up Dedusmuln’s quest, and he used a device inside of the archaeologist’s tent to find the location of the cup in a dream. The cup would be located, handed to Dedusmuln, and he decided to join Wayne’s journey.

Boomstick: Our hero would bring his wormy pal up to date on his plan to defeat Gibby, and they used a strange warping device in Dedusmuln’s tent to fly all the way to a foreign island to recruit Somsnosa, a friend of Wayne and *gasp* a girl.

Wiz: Together the trio hopped on a boat and went straight for a nearby island where they met a lone night named Pongorma, who has been sealed in a cave for many years. He begs Wayne for a battle, and when Wayne emerged victorious, he decided to join their party.

Boomstick: And so, the malformed four went all across the island to discover a way to go to space, where they met a… hot dog vender, who decided to sell them a spaceship key. Ok Wiz, what is going on?

Wiz: Unfortunately, the key was very expensive, and Wayne’s gang needed a way to make a quick buck.

Boomstick: The gang went around and discovered a machine that turns people into… money?

Wiz: They soon gathered enough cash to buy the key, and traveled straight to the moon. Unfortunately, Gibby was prepared, and set traps and Cone Cultists across his home. Over time, however, Wayne and crew gained enough experience to plow through enemies and finally meet their target.

Boomstick: The tangerine looking thespian emerged in a battle with our crescent headed buddy, and Wayne was the winner. Unfortunately, Gibby had rigged the moon to explode, and Wayne and pals needed to break, fast!

Wiz: They all climbed in their spaceship and escaped the moon seconds before the explosion, killing Gibby and his cultists, and ending his tyranny forever, leading to a happy ending.

Boomstick: Or… was it?

Wiz: Turns out, centuries into the future, Gibby’s very own Cone Cultists would rebuild him a mechanical, powerful body with only one goal: bring his tyrannical force back to Earth to end Wayne.

Boomstick: At that time, Wayne had discovered a whole plethora of people just like him… also all called Wayne.

Wiz: He heard of this news from a figure named Old Wayne, and head out to inform the chief of New Muldul, Bierol, about the second coming. When he reached the kingdom, Wayne discovered that it was raided by pilferers led by the villainous Viewax and the only man left was his old friend Pongorma.

Boomstick: Wayne, despite already needing to, y’know, save the world, decided to go with his old pal to save Bierol from nasty bandits that could kill you with a wink of their eye. What could go wrong?

Wiz: Actually, nothing. The two made it through the treacherous ride pretty easily.

Boomstick: …nevermind.

Wiz: While on the island, they ran into Dedusmuln, and he decided to join them as well in their quest to defeat Viewax and then Gibby.

Boomstick: They all climbed the tower, whipped some crooks, and finally met that bastard Viewax before killing him in a quick scuffle. Now they have to kill the revived god of the moon with just three dudes!

Wiz: However, the problems with Viewax weren’t over yet. His accomplice, Odozeir, snatched the rare relic called the Gibbylet in a led attempt to revive the mighty moon king.

Boomstick: So, what do they do in this predicament? Steal a plane.

Wiz: Their plane is destroyed, however, in an attempt to reach Foglast, the island where Odozeir’s base was kept. Their airship crashed in the nearby Juice Ranch where they met another familiar face.

Boomstick: Wayne and crew saw their old girl pal Somsnosa, who toiled away in a farm for the past many years, fighting agents of the Odo-what’shisname clown.

Wiz: The four worked together to defeat the minions and trekked across the island and discovered the forcefield generator, then plowing through hordes of enemies and a giant worm to reach the core and destroy the shield.

Boomstick: The gross group made their way back to Foglast, and trotted through the front door of Odo-something’s big castle, then beat him up into a puddle of green shit!

Wiz: It was too late, however, as Gibby was fully back and many times more powerful. He stood up to his attackers and instantly destroyed them, sending them straight to the Afterlife with one good blast.

Boomstick: So, what do you do when a powerful moon cyborg sends you to Hell? Just leave.

Wiz: The four somehow escape the Afterlife and take a rocket ship to Gibby’s Hylem-Xylem fortress, which was being used to turn all inhabitants of the world below into disgusting creatures in eternal pain.

Boomstick: Heh, reminds me of a certain artificial intelligence..

Wiz: Wayne’s gang met Gibby again for one final conflict to decide the fate of the world. Their moon-born foe, however, had bathed in terrestrial juices that amplified his power even more.

Boomstick: That didn’t matter to them now, as they sorta hit the gym by melting enemies.

Wiz: With their newfound strength, the crew completely destroyed Gibby once and for all and destroyed the Hylem-Xylem, somewhat restoring peace to the strange world and turning the disgusting abominations Gibby made back to normal.

Boomstick: Basically, moral of the story is… don’t pick fights with a croissant-shaped man who’s got a good amount of weapons up his leather sleeve.

Wiz: Wayne isn’t too much of a fist fighter, given his main source of powers are gestures that summon magical abilities. These spells are made up of a vast variety, starting with simple bubbles that poison the enemy.

Boomstick: His Health Chant greatly heals him, Dark Flame creates a deadly flame on the opponent, and Detonation greatly slows down the foe, but it has a pretty long charging time.

Wiz: Mystic Meat and Teledenudate nullify all status effects on Wayne, Space Shurikens summons very fast throwing stars, and Calibration makes him stronger over time.

Boomstick: He can use Albatata…

Wiz: Ablative Holopleather.

Boomstick: I knew that. Wayne can use Abla-whatever to raise his defenses. His special, favorite, pick of the litter move is Hypno Sigil, which makes his opponent take a little snooze.

Wiz: One of his most powerful moves is Legend of Melting, the ultimate gesture of Hylics 1. This move inflicts very high levels of damage on the opponent and paralyzes them for a short time.

Boomstick: Poromer Bleb lessens the damage Wayne will take, Soul Crisper burns the opponent, and Nema-whaa…

Wiz: Nematode Interface makes both Wayne and the opponent bleed out, Time Sigil slows enemies down, and Charge Up makes the next attack Wayne uses much stronger.

Boomstick: Fate Sandbox makes Wayne immune to all status effects for a few turns, and Link Mollusc transfers negative statuses to the opponent.

Wiz: Wayne’s other favorite move and arguably his most useful is Dissolution, his unique gesture that slowly melts the opponent over time.


Boomstick: And then, finally, there’s the Bombo-Genesis.


Wiz: This small, odd-looking bomb packs a punch against foes, causing a massive explosion that inflicts lots of damage upon the foe. However, this move completely drains his stamina and renders him useless afterwards.

Boomstick: Without his odd gang sign abilities, Wayne is still somewhat a tank with his feats.

Wiz: Wayne, in basis, is capable of completely melting giant monster worms, Large Clawmen, and any living thing with Dissolution. That’s just strength, however.

Boomstick: Crescent-head was also able to survive being inside the Hylem-Xylem during its explosion, which was a full blown city block-sized fortress up in space! Wayne has also been able to react to Pongorma’s lightning bolts, which are artificial bolts straight from the sky!

Wiz: Wayne, however many feats he possesses, has weaknesses too. As we know, Wayne has very limited stamina, so when he runs out he needs to eat a burrito to regain it.

Boomstick: And we’ve mentioned before that his Bombo-Genesis drains all his elbow grease and leaves him mostly defenseless. Also, despite his abilities allowing him to melt people, he… genuinely cannot survive being melted himself.

Wiz: Wayne was a seemingly normal abnormal citizen who had to do something to change the way the world was, and he became an amazing hero in his journey to free the world.

Boomstick: And I still didn’t understand a thing!

Wayne: “Whatev.”

Wayne rocks


Klayne intermission

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities.


Death Battle[]

(Cue: Deep Cover)

Deep in the distant reaches of outer space, a lone, lush planet known as the Neverhood stood. The green grass shook in the wind, the sand was being blown away by the wind, and massive crab-like creatures communicated through their clicks. In the middle of the beautiful landscape stood a small town bustling with strange, clay-like creatures. In the midst of the crowd, however, stood four travelers way too different from the civilians of the planet, though they didn’t seem to mind these visitors.

“Listen, Wayne, you need to lie low here. We don’t know if these… things are friends or foes.” a strange, blue female said. “Calm down, Somsnosa. They don’t seem to give a pmeumatophore.” replied Pongorma, a peculiar red creature in armor.

“Whatev. Just go check out what you’re looking for in this dirty old town.” replied a yellow, crescent headed man known as Wayne. “Whatever you say…” the other three travelers wandered off into the distance, and the thing known as Dedusmuln, annoyed, stared at Wayne. “You cretin.”

Wayne scoffed at Dedusmuln and waved goodbye as his friends wandered onwards. “While they’re away, let’s have a little jam sesh.”

Meanwhile, up in a high, pristine castle, stood Hoborg, the revered king of the Neverhood. Through a massive telescope he saw Wayne sitting on the side of the fountain, strumming at his electric guitar. “Well, looks like we have visitors. Willie, can you run and get that Klaymen chap for me?” A stupid-looking Neverhoodian instantly sprinted into the room with his hand over his forehead in a salute. “Ay ay, Hobble-berg.” As fast as he came in, Willie sprinted out of the door, leaving a trail of smoke.

Willie Trombone ran throughout the castle and ended up at the top of a flight of stairs, where he tumbled downwards and landed directly into a flowerpot. He smashed it into bits, and left the room covered in soil and chlorophyll. Soon he ended up in the crowds, and searched around. “Where Klaymen?”

Willie stared above the heads filling the crowd, and spotted his friend’s single trademark hair. He shoved through the mass of Neverhoodians until he found his best friend. “Klaymen! There visitor! Hobble-berg wants you to greet!” The Neverhood’s hero turned around, and stared at Willie for a second.

“Y’know, just… banjo and all that!” Willie excitedly says, as Klaymen finally understands his friend’s brainless prattle. He pounds his chest buttons, and the door swings open, revealing his crusty old banjo.

Wayne was sitting alone at the fountain, until a number of Neverhoodians noticed his guitar playing. They began to cheer and toss money in front of him. “This could actually turn out pretty well.” Wayne says as he smirks. In the distance wandered Klaymen, searching for a figure different than him. He looked forwards and saw the massive, bustling crowd of fellow Neverhoodians. Klaymen grinned and began to strum his banjo.

Wayne strummed the last note on his guitar solo and raised it to the air. He looked around, however, and there was nobody around him anymore, just a single Klaybird pecking at the dirt. “What the-” he turned around and saw Klaymen playing his banjo with the crowd surrounding him now. “You show-stealing rat!”

Wayne walked closer to the crowd and began to rapidly strum his guitar, creating an epic rock melody. The crowd quickly shifted over to the crescent-headed traveler, and Klaymen watched him play. Wayne’s fingers moved like jumping fleas on the strings, and he leaped in the air before swinging his guitar downwards.


The guitar smashed directly through Klaymen’s head, dropping his banjo and destroying it. The Klay hero stared down at his destroyed instrument, and frowned, the guitar stuck through his neck. Wayne walked past and picked it off his opponent. “Whatev.” he mumbles, walking away with his hands in his pockets.

From behind, a red puck shot and barely missed his head. Wayne quickly turned around and saw Klaymen standing there holding the hockey gun towards his new musical rival. “Oh, it’s on.” Wayne chuckles.


(Cue: Light’s Off)

Wayne cracks his knuckles and goes in for a swift jab to Klaymen’s face, who managed to dodge the blow and punch his foe in the face. The crowd, seeing the drastic turn of events, gasped. Wayne catches himself and wipes his face. “Oh, this’ll be interesting.” The crescent-headed hero began to twist his hands around, confusing Klaymen.


Three small, yet sharp throwing stars appeared in Wayne’s leather gloves, and he threw them towards Klaymen, which stabbed him in the chest and pinned him against the wall. Much to Wayne’s surprise, Klaymen’s chest swung open and he absorbed the shurikens. “What the-” Klaymen then spat the shurikens out of his mouth at blinding speeds, which the leather-clad creature swiftly dodged. Wayne grabbed the leftovers of his guitar as Klaymen grabbed his snapped banjo.

They both ran towards each other and began to swing their instruments, Wayne’s metal guitar almost instantly sliced through Klaymen’s bluegrass trinket, and the halves dropped to the floor. Klaymen’s eyes widened in shock as Wayne cast Soul Crisper and sent him flying into a nearby building. Wayne followed suit and the excited Neverhoodians watched from afar.

The dimly-lit building seemed empty, except for Wayne who looked around for his klay foe. Suddenly, a green copy of Klaymen leaped out from the shadows and slammed Wayne in the chest with his knee, before another clone grabbed him by the legs to hold him still. The real Klaymen walked out of the shadows and grabbed a chair, smashing it against Wayne’s head and sending him barreling through the already broken wall and back into the streets. Klaymen leaped out, now wearing a klay luchador mask and a cape, flexing.

Wayne, after pulling a shard of wood from his head, signals another gesture and sends a blast of fire towards Klaymen. However, the klay creature puts his thumb into his mouth and blows, stretching him upwards and forming a circle in his chest that the fire goes through, missing him entirely. “Well, that’s interesting.” Wayne says, as Klaymen advances again with his fists in the air. The crescent-headed combatant swings his arm outwards again and forms more Space Shurikens, before thrusting them towards Klaymen who grabbed all three and slammed them together with his hands, compressing them in a ball of pure energy and sending it flying towards Wayne.

“Holy-“ Wayne mutters, before the blast sends him tumbling through the crowd, tattering his favorite jacket and leaving a small singe on his chest. Klaymen goofily hops through the crowd, only to find that his foe somehow ended up right behind him and snapped his fingers, creating a plethora of bubbles in his face. The bubbles all popped, and Klaymen was overcome with an unknown poisoning. However, he managed to pull his Hockey Gun out from his chest and lazily smashed his finger onto the trigger.

Multiple whirring pucks shot out from the gun and they bounced all across town square. “Hockey pucks! What are you, stupid?” Wayne laughed, before one of the pucks whizzed past him and nearly decapitated him. “Oh crap…”

The drunken Klaymen staggered across town square as the crowd began to flee in fear. Wayne was working on dodging the bloodthirsty pucks, slicing them into halves with more shurikens. Klaymen finally snapped out of his poisonous fit, but not fast enough to see a Space Shuriken bolting towards his neck.


Klaymen’s head was ripped clean off his body and impaled by the shuriken before being pinned against a wall. Wayne stuck his hands in his pockets and began to walk away. “Whatev.”

Out of the blue, a green cloud of flatulence blasted from Klaymen’s rear end and formed another green clone of him, which ran to the head and picked it up before chucking it at Wayne and bonking him on the head. “What the heck?” Wayne shouted, grabbing the head that was biting onto one of his horns and throwing it into the distance. Klaymen’s body, with a klay pitcher’s glove, caught the head and screwed it back on. “I swear, if you fakeout one more time, I’m just gonna-”

Klaymen ended his monologue with a swift punch to the face. Wayne wasn’t unprepared, and he did another gesture that embalmed his entire arm in his Dark Flame. He then readied a sucker punch, which ripped straight through Klaymen’s chest and lit him entirely on fire. The flustered puzzle solver leaped into the air and formed his arm into a fire extinguisher, spraying klay all around the area to put out the fire. Wayne wiped the nasty goo off his body and did another gesture.


Klaymen, who was pacing the floor in crazy circles and spraying everything with klay, suddenly began to slow down to the point where he was practically frozen. Wayne began to ready his hands again for an ultimate move to end his troubles!


During Wayne’s casting, Klaymen managed to press the speed boost button on his hockey gun, restoring and doubling his normal speed. He bolted towards Wayne and kneed him in the chest before aiming the hockey gun at his foe’s forehead. The crescent head slapped the gun out of Klaymen’s hand and grabbed it, aiming it at his staggered foe and slowly pressing on the trigger, firing a single blazing puck. Klaymen opened his mouth and screamed, before the puck landed in his gullet and he instantly swallowed it.

Wayne then proceeded to spit on his hands, before twisting them in a strange manner. Klaymen, finally realizing what these gestures could do, aimed his gun towards Wayne and fired another blazing puck. The leather gloves snapped, and an inferno formed on top of the puck. It missed Wayne, but it smashed into a building behind them and it blew up into smithereens.

Klaymen, now angrier, formed his hands into a strange position and put his legs back. “What are you doing now?” Wayne remarked, with his arms crossed. Energy quickly swirled around his arms and formed into a glowing light. “Oh.” Wayne mutters.

A giant blast of energy shoots straight from Klaymen’s hands, overpowering Wayne and sending him flying farther through the buildings. He pulls himself up from the rubble and casts a Health Chant to heal the major wounds. His foe sped through the town to meet up with him again.

Klaymen’s face was met with a swift jab, and he was kicked backwards and flipped over. However, a Phart cloud caught him before he hit the ground. The klay hero shifted his hands into boxing gloves, and spat on the floor. “What are you doing?” Wayne asked.

Klaymen however, charged towards Wayne and punched him in the jaw, before pummeling him in the chest and smashing him clear in the face, flinging him into a nearby wall and summoning three klay birds over his head. Klaymen flexed, and a Phart clone handed him a water bottle which he gulped down.

“Alright, no more silly gags.” Wayne said, clearly annoyed. Again, he twisted his hands into a strange gesture and created more Space Shurikens, before lighting them on fire and tossing them towards Klaymen.

The shurikens instantly slice Klaymen into pieces, and Wayne smirks. Klaymen, however, morphed his hand into a fly swatter and chucked his own limbs towards Wayne. The crescent metalhead was shocked when an arm grabbed his neck and pinned him to the ground. Klaymen’s other body parts wriggled to Wayne and grabbed his legs. “Step off!” Wayne said, choking. He broke his arm free from the arm’s grasp and gestured again.


The leather-clad clayman leaped upwards from the ground, ripped the hand off his neck, and tossed the body parts. Klaymen managed to reform, and he managed to create a sword from his own flesh. “Try this on for size, freak!” Wayne shouted, before delivering a hard punch to Klaymen’s face, and due to Calibration, it sent him flying hundreds of feet backwards. He managed to catch himself, and pulled sheer energy from the ground while he landed.

“Not this time!” Wayne laughed, before quickly throwing Space Shurikens towards Klaymen, who unleashed his energy blast towards his foe. The shurikens were instantly disintegrated, to Wayne’s surprise, and his eyes widened as the beam barreled towards him. However, he shifted his hands quickly, and the blast enveloped him.


Klaymen slaps his knee, before he sees Wayne standing, unharmed. Suddenly, a sharp pain hits Klaymen all over and he is completely electrocuted in a cartoonish way. Wayne, taking advantage of this, cast fire over his arm and pummeled Klaymen with blazing blows head to toe. Before the final punch, Klaymen sneakily ripped his chest door open, and Wayne’s arm was stuck inside. “Well, this is… akward.”

Out of nowhere, a massive Phart cloud erupts from Klaymen’s belly, overpowering Wayne and blasting him out of his chest. Before his foe can land, Klaymen whips out the Hockey Gun and fires it, smashing into Wayne and creating a massive explosion of light.

Up in his castle, Hoborg is alarmed by the massive flash and he jumps from his throne. He walks over to the telescope and peeks through, watching Klaymen and Wayne both being blasted backwards. “…Klaymen.”

Back to the battle, Klaymen managed to get back up before Wayne, only to realize his foe went elsewhere. “Gotcha!” he heard, only to see Wayne leaping down off the roof of a home and did another gesture.


Klaymen, annoyed, whipped his Hockey Gun out again and fired at Wayne. The puck, however, bounced off of Wayne, and he grabbed it before smashing it on Klaymen’s head. A cartoonishly large bump popped out from his noggin, and Wayne took advantage of this by throwing a handful of Space Shurikens towards him. They quickly flashed by, and sliced the molehill bruise off of Klaymen’s head. Somehow fixing him, the now conscious klayman grabbed the bruise and it quickly morphed into a sword.

Wayne was not expecting this, and he was instantly barraged by a massive amount of slashes, tearing his jacket and even drawing flesh. Angered, he cast another field of flames and fired it towards Klaymen, but he managed to cleave through it with his fleshy blade and cut a deep slash through Wayne’s chest. “Agghhh!” Wayne grunted, grabbing his chest. Before Klaymen could finish him off, Wayne shuffled his hands again.


The wounds all over him are suddenly closed back up with flesh, and with regained energy, Wayne quickly outmaneuvered the swinging blade and stood to the side. Klaymen was not as lucky, and his sword was stuck in the ground. While struggling to pull the blade out, Klaymen was sent flying backwards from an eruption of fire and he crashed into a bench. Wayne bounded towards him and punch, but Klaymen rolled away in time and whipped out his gun again. The crescent headed gesturer threw another Space Shuriken into the gun, and it began to fizz and slowly brake. Panicking, Klaymen slammed through a nearby house to run away.

“Where’d he go?” Wayne mumbled to himself, looking throughout the seemingly empty home and hearing nothing but a klaybird pecking at a piece of bread.


Suddenly, the walls broke down and multiple Phart clones ripped through the wooden structure with guns formed in their hands! Klaymen, sporting a classy moustache and a full klay tuxedo, slowly walked down the stairs with a mock cigar in his hands and somehow spoke in a thick accent. “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.”

The guns all opened fire throughout the house, and Wayne leaped in shock! He managed to avoid the gunfire and speed through the house, before unveiling an array of shurikens from under his sleeve and tossing them at the Phart clones, busting their gaseous guns and morphing them back into clouds. Wayne dusted his shoulder, before noticing Klaymen, back to normal, lifting a massive ball of the collected Phart clouds in the palm of his hand. He smirked, and slammed it into the ground.

“Oh shi-”

The building instantly burst into shards of wood and junk, sending Wayne rocketing to the top of a hill and landing in a tree before falling through. The crescent headed man rose from the ground, and pumped his fist, while laughing “yes.”

Out of the green cloud, Klaymen bursted out, now sporting a pair of rocket boots. Wayne frowned, and Klaymen rammed into him, sending them both tumbling down the hill dropping them both into the dark pits of Hammerboy’s Cavern.

“Woah, great job, idiot!” Wayne shouted at Klaymen. “Now we’re in the middle of nowhere and we’re both gonna die, not just you!” From deeper in the caverns, a deep growl was heard and Klaymen’s heart sank. As Wayne kept yelling, Klaymen tried to signal that something was coming. “You… you… you FLESHTACHE!!!” Klaymen facepalmed and sprinted away. Wayne, still standing, yelled again. “Now you’re just gonna run away? We’ve gotta finish this!”

Suddenly, a large group of massive, snarling Victoids came rocketing out of the darkness of the caverns. Wayne let out a loud, high pitched scream and instantly bolted away, with the monsters taking suit. Klaymen, slamming a small red box in his hands, saw Wayne coming behind him with the Victoids in pursuit. He pounded the box once more, and it quickly morphed into a metallic flight suit with long wings. Before he could blast out of the caves, Wayne jabbed a Space Shuriken into the back of the armor and they both blasted out of the caves, covering their monstrous enemies in rubble and smashing them.

Now out of the caves, Klaymen shifted the flight suit back into the box and slammed it into his chest compartment, before looking around to find Wayne. Where did he go?


Wayne leaped from behind Klaymen and shifted his hands once more.


Klaymen quickly became very drowsy before falling over and entering a deep sleep. Wayne, now swooping in for the kill, began to do another gesture. Unbeknownst to Wayne, Klaymen’s fall pushed a big red button inside of his chest compartment.

From a distance, Wayne heard a bellowing squawk, and he spotted a silver cannon miles away. A massive cannonball bursted out from the shaft, and hit a mass of boulders standing above the two. “Well, I’m unlucky.” The supporting boulder shattered into pieces, and it bulleted downwards towards the two, Klaymen still unconscious.

Wayne managed to scale the boulder with ease, but Klaymen was not as lucky, being smashed into a fine paste by the tumbling stone. Wayne was still running on the boulder to stay alive when a hand reached out from the stretched out Klaymen and grabbed him by the leg. “What the hell?” Wayne groaned, before he was dragged under the boulder and mangled. Pieces of his face were missing, showing his crescent shaped skull underneath. “Nah…” Wayne, although in great pain, jokingly remarked.


The torn patches somehow reform on Wayne’s body, and he was instantly nursed back to health.


The boulder sharply came to a halt, and Wayne instantly flew off and landed on his feet. Somehow, the paste that was formerly Klaymen squeezed out from under the boulder and quickly reformed, ticking Wayne off. “How hard is this going to be?”

Before Wayne could react, Klaymen threw a punch at Wayne and hit him right in the face. He regained himself, and threw multiple punches at Klaymen who managed to avoid them all, until Wayne kicked him in the chest and knocked him to the ground. Then, he shifted his hands again. He couldn’t cast anything, however, since Klaymen managed to tie his hands behind his back using a chain made of a Phart cloud. Klaymen aimed the Hockey Gun towards his foe’s chest and began to push the trigger. “Oh, come on.” Wayne remarked.

The puck whizzed directly into Wayne’s chest, knocking the air out of him. Before the puck blasted away, part of the chain dangling on the floor stuck to Klaymen’s foot, and he gulped before they both blasted far away into the Dynamite Shack. Klaymen got up, and frowned when he realized what building he was in. Wayne got up, and confusingly stared at Klaymen who was showing hand signals warning him not to attack. “Who cares if we’re indoors? Let’s keep going!” Klaymen shrugged and let out a battle-ready grin.

Wayne swooped in first, slashing at Klaymen with Space Shurikens in hand and slicing him in the throat. He reached into the hole in his neck, grossing Wayne out, and pulled out a massive ball of energy before shooting it in bursts towards his crescent headed foe, who managed to dodge each blast and land on his feet. He then shifted his hands again.


He then proceeded to quickly pummel Klaymen with multiple punches, each one stronger than the last, until Klaymen was covered head to toe with indents and bruises. However, he put his thumb into his mouth and blew, restoring him back to his normal state. He then used his rocket boots to deliver a swift kick to Wayne’s jaw, squirting out clay flesh and sending him flying towards one of the walls before he crashed. The shelf above him snapped, and a stack of dynamite shaped like his opponent fell onto his lap. Wayne was given an amazing idea.

Quickly, he lit his finger on fire and rubbed it on the wick, lighting the bomb and shocking Klaymen. He tossed the dummy to the ground and walked towards the door, which was somehow locked from the force of the kick. He jiggled the knob, and his eyes widened in terror. They both grabbed each other and let out high-pitched squeals, before…


The entire building was blown to kingdom come, scattering rubble everywhere and sending the fighters blasting across the Neverhood like a meteor! Eventually, they landed in the middle of a strange desert, surrounded by caves making strange noises.

“Ughhh… where are we now?” Wayne said, getting up from the sand and searching the area. Klaymen was hiding behind a structure of stone, knowing what was going to happen in this area. In Wayne’s head, all he could wonder is where his weird, shapeshifty foe went and what exactly was going to happen.


Wayne turned to the plethora of caves, and saw a MASSIVE horde of Weasels standing, hungry and ready to fight. He made a worried face, and instantly sprinted away from the carnivorous creatures! Klaymen, however, didn’t have enough time to break, and the stone structure he was using as shelter was easily toppled by the shelled legs of the monsters. “There you are!” Wayne shouted, seeing Klaymen sprinting away from the Weasels. He then shifted his hands again, much to Klaymen’s annoyance.


Klaymen instantly slowed down to a halt, and he screamed before he was crushed by the Weasel stampede. Wayne continued running and laughed. Under the storm of feet and claws, Klaymen managed to pull out his Hockey Gun, and slam a button that created a massive bubble shield around the Weasels, trapping both him and the monsters inside. “Why can’t I catch a break?” Wayne remarked, before running even faster to avoid the boulder. He wasn’t fast enough, and he was absorbed by the forcefield and roughly tossed in with Klaymen and the Weasels.

Angered, Wayne began to throw punches and Klaymen, who easily dodged them due to the ball rolling. The Neverhoodian aimed his Hockey Gun towards Wayne’s face, before he was instantly smashed by a swinging claw from a Weasel. “Oh, right. I forgot about them.” Wayne remarked. The ball continued to tumble down the hill, crashing against the hills and thoroughly cracking it. The two continued their fight inside of the ball, and Wayne had the upper hand.


A massive spread of fire formed inside the ball, and Wayne kicked Klaymen down into the flames. However, he pulled his chest door open, and a Phart cloud blasted out and formed a landing spot for Klaymen. It then morphed into a slingshot, firing the Neverhoodian towards Wayne and he delivered a crushing uppercut to his face. This send Wayne bouncing across the ball, before being swallowed by a Weasel. Klaymen winced at the sight, until the Weasel began to shake and let out a loud gulp.


The Weasel instantly melts into a puddle of flesh, dropping its bones down into the fire and shocking his kin. Klaymen, ready to continue, lets out a grin and charges up a ball of energy in his hands. He then blasts it towards Wayne, who barely dodges it. The blast hits the formed crack in the forcefield, and it begins to break. However, the ball was very close to the edge of the desert, and it shattered as soon as they flew off.


Klaymen, Wayne, and the Weasels fell from the skies at blinding speeds. Wayne swings a punch at Klaymen’s face and delivers an axehandle on the top of his head, swinging him downwards. Klaymen quickly reacted by grabbing Wayne by the leg and swinging him around and hitting him against the Weasels, tearing him up and dropping flesh. He caught himself, and did another gesture that put him at risk as well.


Both of them scream in agony as their flesh begins to slowly melt off. This doesn’t stop Klaymen, as he instantly uses a roundhouse kick against Wayne and pins him to a bone from the melted Weasel. Wayne slips out from Klaymen’s grasp and shifts his hands again, quickly healing him from his previous flesh-melting wounds. Much to his surprise, Klaymen had easily reattached his flesh with his bare hands. “How the-”

Wayne is sent flying backwards because of an energy blast sent by the Neverhoodian. He shook it off, until he saw Klaymen lunge towards him and put him into a headlock. “Get off of me!” he shouted, but Klaymen wouldn’t budge. In an instant, he did another gesture and Klaymen’s eyes widened.


The crescent-headed clayman instantly burst into flames, which scorched Klaymen and sent him flying off. Quickly, the flame spread, and cooked the Weasels into a crisp. Klaymen got back into a fighting position while falling, until he noticed that they were awfully close to the ground.


The Weasels completely smashed the Purple Building and rolled into the nearby lake. Klaymen, who had morphed into a parachute, landed on his feet and dusted his hands before sticking them to the ground to absorb more energy. He had finally won, and he was glad.

“I’m not done!”

Wayne rose from the rubble, completely fine from his healing magic. Klaymen grinned and reattached his rocket boots, before catching Wayne off guard and tackling him. As they flew over the lake, Wayne repeatedly punched Klaymen before whipping out a Space Shuriken and stabbing his boots, causing them to malfunction and sending them flying all the way back to town hall.

“Ok, back where we started. Let’s finish this!” Wayne chuckled, cracking his knuckles. Klaymen let out a smirk, and he raised his hands towards the sky. The energy from all of the homes in the Neverhood channeled into his palms, and he pounded the ground. Wayne stood and stared for a second. “Was something supposed to happen?”

Suddenly, the ground split, and a humungous tornado made of pure energy erupted from the crevice. All the buildings in the entire town crumbled into pieces and flew into the tornado, and Wayne was dragged in too. Klaymen laughed and leaped, before he was instantly pulled into the inescapable grasp of the cyclone. “What did you do?” Wayne shouted, before tossing a multitude of Space Shurikens at Klaymen. He formed a shield with the Phart, and managed to nullify all of the shurikens like a dart board. The small platform of land Wayne was standing on crumbled, and he was sent circling the cyclone with his enemy.

Klaymen swung his door open, and a mass amount of Phart erupted out, forming an entire army of clones with silly green spears. Wayne grinned and used the cyclone as an advantage to fly around. He kicked one of the clones in the chest and grabbed it by the leg before he spun it around and sent the other clones flying uncontrollably around the energy tornado. He laughed before Klaymen was pushed into him, pushing them both down to the crumbled remains of a home. Klaymen, however, did not hit the ground, as he activated his rocket boots and began to fly around the crumbling building. “You aren’t ready for this one!” Wayne yelled, before shifting his hands again.


A sharp pain struck Klaymen head to toe, and his rocket boots fizzed before exploding. His eyes widened in pain and he was dropped down to the building and smashed it to pieces. “Well, that’s that.” Wayne chuckled. However, Klaymen punched the small red box from earlier, and his flight suit reattached. Now afloat, he ripped his head off and attached it to the front of the Hockey Gun before firing it towards Wayne. His mouth opened to reveal sharp teeth, and he angrily mauled Wayne with his jaws. The angered guitarist ripped the dislocated head off his face, preparing to kick it, only for it to burst into a Phart cloud!

The Phart cloud circled into another singular Klaymen clone, but it lifted its hands up and dragged all of the other clones to its body and began to absorb them all. Wayne looked in shock as the giant green replica of his foe overshadowed him. Klaymen flew into the center of the goliath, and stood in a karate stance. “Alright, weirdo,” Wayne remarked, “let’s tango.”

The giant Klaymen slammed his fist down, but Wayne darted past it and began to scale the massive arm. He was met with a group of Phart clones, but he managed to easily overcome them and toss them into the cyclone’s grasp. He then reached the head, before ground pounding it and sending the monster deeper into the energy tornado. Klaymen rose out of the monster’s core, and began to throw punches at Wayne who blocked them all and swooped the Neverhoodian off his feet with a roundhouse. “Let’s finish this now!”

Wayne snapped his fingers, and cast Dissolute on Klaymen who began to slowly melt away. Klaymen was able to do the same, and he sent a Phart cloud circling around Wayne which began to slowly melt him as well. “You’re toast!” Wayne yelled, as he channeled all of his energy into his hands.


The stunned Klaymen watched in horror as Wayne leaped above him and summoned a round, skull-shaped bomb before chucking it down towards him. The Phart formed a small shield around him, and he managed to grab a remote control from his chest compartment. From a distance, the Neverhood Cannon was activated, and the klay bird screeched as a cannonball roughly the same size as the bomb hurtled out. The two powerhouse weapons struck, and…


The energy cyclone instantly exploded, and a humungous blob of fire surrounding the skies. A yellow object darted out of the cloud like a meteor, and landed by a klay tree before being caught in the vines. It was revealed to be Wayne, who was now half skeleton from the detrimental melting. “Woohoo… take that!” he said, almost completely drained of energy.

Another object fell from the cloud, and he focused his eyes on it. It was Klaymen, with his flight suit still intact. He aimed the Hockey Gun towards Wayne, but with his remaining energy, he threw a single Space Shuriken towards the gun, which impaled it and caused it to malfunction. Worried, Klaymen chucked the gun towards Wayne, and it ripped through his jacket and landed in his ribcage. The mostly skeletal crescent head looked up, and frowned. “Shit.”

The Hockey Gun instantly deployed a force field, which tore Wayne to pieces and scattered his bones and flesh everywhere. The leather jacket scraps fell to the ground like falling leaves. A patch of flesh splattered on Klaymen’s face, and he looked at the scene with utter shock. From Wayne’s midair skull, a burrito fell out and landed in Klaymen’s hand.

He unwrapped it, and took a bite. Best burrito ever!


  • Ending Screen A: Klaymen walks back to the town, only to see a furious Hoborg with his arms crossed and the whole town destroyed.
  • Ending Screen A: Wayne’s party finally return to the town, only to see Wayne’s skull on the ground. They all frown, pick up the skull, and walk away.


Boomstick: Honestly, they could’ve just settled this over a few drinks.

Wiz: Let’s break this one down. Both of these clay combatants were surprisingly powerful, but as always, only one could win.

Boomstick: To start things off, both combatants were decently fast. However, Wayne had a significant edge, with lightning bolt reactions and all that junk.

Wiz: But speed didn’t necessarily matter for this debate, as Klaymen’s Hockey Gun allows speed boost options to help him keep up with Wayne.

Boomstick: Just to clarify, Klaymen was hundreds of times stronger than Wayne! From being able to pull half of his entire planet to punching people so hard they exploded, he was leagues stronger than Wayne, who relied mostly on his hand magic.

Popup: Wayne mostly strikes from afar, which would also double as a weakness given that Klaymen has multiple ranged attacks.

Wiz: Speaking of magic, Wayne’s gestures were significantly more threatening than Klaymen’s strange tools like magic farts and hockey pucks. But that leads us to another factor in Klaymen’s favor…

Boomstick: The element of surprise!

Wiz: …essentially. Given how useless and junky Klaymen’s weapons seem at first, he could gain an advantage over Wayne using pure surprise.

Boomstick: But that’s not the end of the rabbit hole. Let’s dive into the next piece- melting skin off.

Wiz: As we mentioned in the analysis, both of these combatants had the ability to melt each other down to the bone. However, Klaymen’s melting was to a much further extent.

Boomstick: While Wayne dies from melting as seen in the Game Over, Klaymen has completely regenerated and stayed operating after being turned into slop.

Wiz: Dissolute wasn’t the only one of Wayne’s abilities Klaymen could survive. Bombo-Genesis, Wayne’s most powerful and draining attack, wouldn’t be able to kill Klaymen given that he survived the explosion of a planet sized machine.

Boomstick: Overall, Klaymen did have a stronger arsenal as well. The Neverhood Cannon itself was capable of tossing a building-size robot bastard off the face of the planet!

Wiz: Klaymen was also the only one of the two to show genuine feats of intelligence, being able to solve puzzles with ease minutes after being born.

Boomstick: There’s also the fact that Wayne has a limited amount of stamina for every single one of his attacks, while Klaymen only needs to recharge his energy based attacks and Hockey Gun.

Wiz: Wayne was certainly the faster more experienced combatant here, but Klaymen’s strength, durability, and overall resistance to most of Wayne’s magical abilities proved him as the last one standing.

Boomstick: No waning here, because Klaymen certainly got much phart-er.

Wiz: The winner is Klaymen.

Klay wins
  • Klaymen (Winner)
    • + Stronger
    • + More durable
    • + Stronger arsenal
    • + Smarter
    • + Could survive Wayne melting him
    • - Slower
    • - Less Experienced
    • - Less weapons
  • Wayne (Loser)
    • + Faster
    • + More experienced
    • + Had much, MUCH more weapons
    • - Could not survive Klaymen melting him
    • - Everything else

Next Time[]

Akatsuki: “Weakness caused by malfunction…”

Captain America: “I know why I’m fighting…”

Akatsuki: “I already saw through it while fighting the guards.”

Captain America: “I don’t want to see World War 3.”

Episode 8: Akatsuki vs Captain America


  • The connections between Klaymen and Wayne are that they are both amnesiac claymation game protagonists who wake up in a strange world that was once full of creatures that looked just like them. Embarking on a mysterious journey, they would both find out that their whole purpose was to destroy a villainous false leader (Klogg/Gibby) and they proceeded to do so and restore life on their planets. However, the villains would come back with the help of newly gained cronies (Skullmonkeys/Cone Cultists) and would be rebuilt with mechanical bodies before being destroyed again.
  • This matchup is BigShark81913’s second most wanted fight, right behind The Knight vs Ori.