King Kong vs. Attack on Titan. Giant apes clash for the sake of their respective homes.
Wiz: Kong, the King of Skull Island.
Boomstick: Zeke Yeager, the most beastly of the Nine Titans.
Wiz: Gorillas and other apes are already regarded as some of the most aggressive and powerful species in the animal kingdom, so when you have one that utterly dwarves its surroundings in height, you have a recipe for a truly dangerous creature.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!
King Kong[]
Wiz: Skull Island, a landmass that is seemingly unconnected to any other continent of the world, filled with dangers such as the prehistoric marvels of Dinosaurs, yet it seems like others believe it to be a good idea to-actually, with it being a home to actual dinosaurs, it does perhaps make sense that people would brave a journey there.
Boomstick: Of course they would. I mean, what would be more appealing that an island shaped like a big smiley face.
Wiz: Mainly, it's a filmmaker eager to create his latest masterpiece. In the latest, it's a move by a monster-analyzing organisation to keep an eye on the variable creatures that once ruled the Earth. But regardless, outsiders eventually made their way to Skull Island. There, they witnessed the fact they were truly strangers in a hostile land, because Skull Island had a king.
Boomstick: A great big ape known to the natives as Kong. And what a king he was! So much so, he basically overshadowed actual dinosaurs! Guess people find giant apes more interesting.
- Background
- Age: Possibly thousands or millions of years
- Original Height: 15m
- Species: Titanus Kong
- "King" of Skull Island
- Last of his kind
- Has a habit of literally picking up women
Wiz: Well, there were actually giant apes that existed long ago called Gigantopithecus. Although they were more closely related to orangutans rather than gorillas, which are what Kong's species is themed after. Or rather, what Kong is themed after, since he is the last remaining member of his kind.
Boomstick: One truly is the loneliest number, and it has left Kong with some serious issues, because he is aggressive as well. Except towards a pretty face. Good news for whoever the baiting beauty is, bad news for anyone trying to save her.
Wiz: As befitting for his absolutely massive size, Kong possesses a great deal of strength and durability, enabling him to slog his way through a great many battles. And as an ape, which are known for their mobility and agility, Kong can be surprisingly quick to move when the opportunity calls for him, swinging from any perch big enough for him.
- Abilities and Arsenal
- Massive size
- Superhuman strength and durability
- Agility and acrobatics
- Rapid healing
- Intelligent and adapting
- Sharp fangs
- Electricity absorption
- Jaw-Breaker
- Battle Axe
Boomstick: And he's also fairly more intelligent than you may think, just like real gorillas. He's capable of picking up items to use as tools, mainly for bludgeoning, and can even work out winning strategies in battle. You know, something about that surprising intelligence in spite of his brutish appearance really makes me connect with old Kong...
Wiz: I wonder why. His powerful limbs make for some pretty effect natural weaponry, as do his sharp teeth. But he also has a few more esoteric abilities from extended adaptations. Firstly, how his wounds can close up pretty quickly. And secondly, what he demonstrated in his fights against fellow giant monster icon, Godzilla.
Boomstick: Here we go! Kong has demonstrated he's somewhat capable of taking some of his Atomic Breath, which is made up of pure radiation. And in his original fighter all those years ago with the King of the Monsters, it turns out he could absorb lightning to make himself stronger. Like, what the hell!
Wiz: Even more impressive is the background the Monsterverse gives us. Long ago, the Kong superspecies and Godzilla's kind warred against each other, and the former group even found away to counter their energy projection abilities.
Boomstick: They took a Godzilla's backplate and made a freaking battle axe out of it. Now it can be used a shield against Zilla's atomic breath and even absorb it, essentially turning it into a lightsabre axe. Too bad it's so massive, he can only theoretically wield it when he's three times the size he usually is.
Wiz: Well, regardless of his size, or if he's simply the rival of Godzilla, Kong is still a force to be reckoned with, especially on his home of Skull Island.
- Feats
- Climbed up the Empire State Building
- Fought numerous Skull Island monsters
- Forced open the jaws of a V. Rex
- Decimated a squadron of helicopters
- Dodged and blocked Godzilla's Atomic Breath
- Defeated V. Rexes, Godzilla, the Skullcrawlers, Mechagodzilla
Boomstick: And that place is a friggin' death zone! Filled with big dinosaurs which look like T. Rexes but are two times worse than them because these are V.Rexes. That's two more letters right there.
Wiz: A normal T. Rex was estimated to have a biting force of 40 thousand PSI, and yet Kong was not only able to withstand some of their bites, but even overpower their jaws to literal breaking point.
Boomstick: For a big old snap. Another Skull Island inhabitant, the biggest version of the Sirenjaw, produces 43 tons of TNT just by moving (Dark-Carioca), and Kong ended up becoming the strongest of all the creatures on that island.
Wiz: And sometimes off it too. Like when he fought Godzilla-
Boomstick: Sheesh we can't stop coming back to him can we?
Wiz:-In their original Versus movie, he was actually declared the official winner. And that Godzilla was stronger that the original one, with its Atomic Breath capable of boiling enough water to warrant over 70 megatons of TNT.
Boomstick: Speaking of Atomic Breath, the one belonging to the other Godzilla that Kong fought against was fast enough to drill a hole all the way through to Hollow Earth, which is thousands of kilometers below the world's surface.
Wiz: Kong has fought off three V. Rexes at the same time, is the sole reason the Skullcrawlers are too afraid to come up on mass and has pretty much solidified himself as Skull Island's Apex Predator. No matter which continuity we go with, and sadly, some of those continuities feature his tragic end.
Boomstick: After being taken from Skull Island and unveiled as the Apeth, I meant Eighth Wonder of the World, Kong ended up going on a rampage in search of the one person who had offered him brief companionship. All of which culminated in him scaling the Empire State Building and making a final stand. And in the end, it was beauty that killed the beast. Metaphorically though, since the bullets from the planes actually did a much better job. But don't worry, because there are also other versions where he not only bests helicopters, but even survives the Battle of the Empire State Building. And in those, there ain't nothing keeping him down. Not the planes, and certain not the beauty.
Beast Titan[]
Wiz: With the discovery of Titan Shifters aiding the Titans besieging the remains of humanity behind the three walls, the collective military all scrambled to find a way to weed them out and strike back.
Boomstick: With one hostile Titan Shifter already having been present in the 104th Class of recruits, it was a fair bet that there would be others in that same group, so they were all detained until further investigations where underway. But it had to be put on hold when a group of Titans suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Wiz: Humanity's second strongest soldier, Mike Zacharias, remained behind to by the others time to escape. This proved to be the biggest mistake of his life however when he caught the eye of a strange Titan bearing a unique attribute.
Boomstick: It looked like a big hairy monkey man. And despite what Mike thought, it wasn't an Abnormal, the sort of Titan to suddenly break into very weird runs. It was one of those goddamn Shifters. Probably a big clue towards that conclusion was the fact it straight up spoke.
Wiz: Even more surprising is the identity of this Titan Shifter, as none other than the half-brother of everyone's favorite suicidal bastard, Eren Yeager. He was Zeke Yeager, the first son of Grisha.
Boomstick: From the country of Marley, which if you're watching the anime, should all know as the ruling force in a world where it turns out humanity isn't nearly extinct after all.
- Background
- Real Name: Zeke Yeager
- Age: 29
- Height: 6'
- Leader of the Marleyian Warriors
- Son of Grisha Jeager, and Eren Jeager's half-brother
- Hobbies: Playing catch
Wiz: In these countries, the kind of people who live within the wall, the Eldians, are ruthlessly prosecuted and weaponized for their ability to turn into Titans. Unwillingly, that is, apart from the Shifters. It's a whole complicated thing.
Boomstick: It very much ran into the bullcrap justification of "Sins of your ancestors." And naturally, there were a few Eldians none-to-happy with this.
Wiz: Chief among them being Grisha Yeager and his wife Dina, the latter of whom was Eldian Royalty. Desperate to retake some of the power that had once belonged to their people, they put their hopes on their young son Zeke, to become a Marleyian Warrior and thus obtained one of the Shifter powers. But the harshness with which they pushed him didn't leave Zeke with the best opinion of his folks.
Boomstick: So he jumped at the first good opportunity and ratted his parents out as Restorationists, getting them arrested and carted out for Titanization. And for a twist of irony, this ended up making him a certified Warrior candidate.
Wiz: Only Zeke now had his own goals. Wounded by the treatment his parents gave him, along with a misguided sense of pity for his people, he instead sought a mass mercy killing of them all. And with his Titan, he now had the tools to bring it to fruition. The appropriately named Beast Titan.
- Beast Titan
- Height: 17 meters
- Sasquatch-like
- Size-based strength
- Regeneration
- Hardening
- Pitching
- Titanization of others
Boomstick: Each of the Titan Shifters are unique in their own way. In the case of the Beast Titan, each successive holder would take on the attributes of a different animal. The last owner, Tom, was a horn-head. And Zeke, as we've said before, was a big dirty ape.
Wiz: Well, more sasquatch-like to be honest. Fun fact, it's been theorized that if there's any animal mistaken for these cryptids, their bears.
Boomstick: Whatever. I know my simians and that right there is an ape. Standing at 17 meters tall, it naturally has the super strength you would except from such a behemoth.
Wiz: It also possessed the ability to rapidly heal, not just itself, but also its human "pilot". And it can harden parts of its body for extra defence. But in offense is where Zeke truly shines, thanks to his signature power of Pitching.
Boomstick: You might be wondering, "What's so special about throwing stuff? Any other Titan should be capable of doing that right?" Well, have you seen those long arms of his? Horses, crushed up rock, artillery shells; if he gets his damn dirty paws on them, they'll be turned into projectiles that are launched so fast, they generate their own sonic booms. Although in my experience, apes usually toss something much softer and smellier...
Wiz: The fastest baseball throw ever performed was performed by Nolan Ryan, who threw a ball at 108 miles per hour. Being able to break the sound barrier with his throws means Zeke's are 3 times as fast.
Boomstick: Wow, surprised it's actually that close.
Wiz: Trust me, so am I. But whilst it's Zeke's most deadly ability, it's not his most horrifying. Turns out that because of his special blood, his spinal fluid possessed a special property. You see, Eldians are turned into Titans by being injected by Titan spinal fluid, but when they are injected by Zeke's, they will only transform when in close proximity to his roar.
Boomstick: And like a tribe of gorillas, they all follow the orders of their alpha, Zeke. Guess he really does follow his royal blood duties. And what's more, any Titans he make are much faster and more agile than most others.
Wiz: With this Titanization ability, Zeke is capable of transforming a group of injected Eldians into a near-unstoppable force of death. He's kept them buried in the ground for surprise summoning and can have blimps rain them down from the sky.
Popup: His spinal fluid has also been used as a gas, and can be ingested.
Boomstick: He is very creative with what he can do with his spinal fluid. Smuggling it into wine throughout enemy territory means he can turn friend into foe with just one loud bellow. Even among the other Titan Shifters, this guy is bad news, as Mike found out when he made his debut.
- Feats
- Decimated a fleet of battleships
- Creates sonic booms with his projectiles
- Ripped a Titan in half
- Escaped from Levi twice
- Survived a Thunder Spear explosion
- Nearly wiped out the Survey Corp
- Defeated Mike Zacharias, Reiner Braun, Erwin Smith
Wiz: The Beast Titan's volleys being able to reach the speed of sound means they impact with 1.8 billion joules of energy (Therefir), even when crushed into much smaller pieces. More than enough to pulverise whatever poor human gets in their way, but the Beast Titan itself is even stronger up close and personal.
Boomstick: When Reiner Braun insisted on going to rescue Annie Leonhardt, he and Zeke got into a pretty big tiff.
Wiz: In spite of the defensive abilities of Reiner's Armoured Titan, it ended up on the losing end of their dual, which is no small feat.
Boomstick: It was able to survive its own efforts in breaking through a massive stone gate, and later the explosive transformation of a Colossal Titan. Not his buddy Hoover, another one's.
Wiz: This blast was worth 1.16 megatons of TNT (Kinjorex101), and Reiner's Armoured Titan was none-the-worst for standing too close to it. And again, the Beast Titan was able to completely decimate him in a fight. Through what method? It's unclear, but regardless of it was from the Pitching ability or the Beast Titan's physical prowess, it's still an impressive showing of strength.
Boomstick: Speaking of the Armoured Titan, the same weapon made to counter it, the Thunder Spears, were used against Zeke himself, and although he was badly messed up by an explosion, enough of him remained for his healing factor to patch up the damage.
Wiz: It's a good thing he had it too, because whilst he was pretty much the biggest threat to the humans of the Wall, he ended up with one too many slices of humble pie sent his way courtesy of a single soldier.
Boomstick: Big Z could have really used a better warning than "Captain Levi is dangerous" to describe the runt's Titan-slicing ability. In a satisfying piece of irony, it turns out the best of the Titans was no match for the best of Humanity. But even when Levi skewered a Thunder Spear straight through him to keep him in line, Zeke went "Screw it" and set it off. Because nothing was going to stop him from getting to his brother Eren and enacting his plan to sterilize all Eldians, which he needed Eren for considering he held the power over all Eldians and Titans.
Wiz: But Zeke quickly found the rug pulled out from under his feet by Eren's forethought and planning. What's more, the truth of Eren's plans came to light, as it turns out, big spoilers now, that through the use of memory-based time travel, he had influenced their father Grisha into taking the Founding power so that he would eventually come to wield it. With the extent of Eren's goals finally brought to light and at the pleas of his repentant father, Zeke may finally put aside his grudges and plans to do what's needed, and stop the Rumbling before it's too late.
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, time to end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!
The Battle[]
Setting: Skull Island
The Beast Titan marched over the terrain, placing down steel boxes as he went and looking around himself.
Beast Titan: How interesting. Much more diverse than Paradis.
He eventually came by a cliffside lined with trees and a sudden rumbling and grunting grabbed his attention. He murmured in confusion and just as he looked upwards, Kong flung himself over the cliff's edge and grabbed the branches of an overhanging tree.
With his grasp, Kong swung forwards and drove his clenched hand-like feet into the Beast Titan's face and chest, driving him backwards. The Titan recovered and rubbed his face with one hand before glaring at Kong, who had landed and turned to face him.
Beast Titan: I suppose I can add the wildlife to that diversity.
Kong pounded his chest and roared before charging at the interloper. This time, the Beast Titan was ready and they locked their hands together in a grapple with each other, their feet digging deep groves into the ground. As they struggled to overpower the other, their eyes met before Kong drove his forehead into his foe's face. In spite of one of his eyes popping from the impact, the Beast Titan merely grunted as the wound healed, before delivering his own headbutt at Kong. And in a combination, they both collided their heads together. They remained locked like that for a moment before Kong suddenly fell backwards and flipped the Beast Titan over him. Kong recovered first and swung both his fists down at his foe, who was able to roll out of the way fast enough in spite of his massive frame. Getting back to his own feet, the Beast Titan swung his long arm out and smacked Kong across the face, stunning the giant ape before it was followed up by an uppercut to the chin. But as Kong stumbled back, he reached out with his foot and grabbed the Beast Titan's ankles with its digits. With a tug, the Beast Titan was once against laid on its back and this time couldn't recover before Kong started raining blows down on him.
Amidst the assault, the Beast Titan reached out and picked up a massive clump of dirt and sand, hurling it into Kong's eyes at his first good chance. The ape roared and rubbed his eyes and the Beast Titan shoved him off with both his long arms. Drawing back to his feet, the Beast Titan drew backwards, picking up rocks in either hand as he did to toss them as Kong, the projectiles driving him further backwards. Then the Beast Titan roared, and in accordance, two of the nearest metal crates he had set down burst apart as two newly-transformed Titans rose out.
Beast Titan: Rip that hairy bastard apart!
The two Titans charged at Kong, who brought up an arm to guard against the first one's bite. He seethed at the pain before lashing out with a leg to kick the other one away before spinning around to dislodge the first Titan and send it flying away. This gave Kong time to turn his attention to the one he had kicked, lifting a boulder to crush its head to pulp. The other Titan had only just gotten back up before Kong threw the rock to take its head off.
Beast Titan: Hey now...don't you go showing me up!
Kong turned his attention back to the Beast Titan in time to get a boulder to the face. It ended up straight in his mouth and with a growl, he bit it into rubble. The Beast Titan's eyes went wide as Kong uprooted a tree as a weapon and before he could react Kong struct him in the face hard enough to throw him off balance. Kong hauled his foe up and started striking him repeatedly in the face before grapping either end of his jaw and performing his Jawbreaker, tearing off the top of the Beast Titan's head.
As Kong looked at this, he almost missed Zeke pulling himself out of the nape and landing on the ground, running away from Kong as fast as he could into a small rocky canyon. Kong threw away the steaming Titan corpse and took after his now human-sized foe, clambering his way into and through the canyon in pursuit of Zeke, who looked over his shoulder in pure terror.
Zeke: Argh! Damn dirty ape!
As Kong drew closer, Zeke exited the canyon, running back the way he had come as the Beast Titan. Just as Kong reached out to grab him, Zeke unleashed a loud yell. The remaining metal boxes he had set down all burst open with Titans, which charged at Kong, one tackling him before he could grab Zeke. Kong roared in frustration and backhanded the monster away just in time to grab another by its waist to tear it in half. As a group of Titans charged at him, Kong shoulder-barged into one and pushed it back against its kin, resulting a massive tangle of bodies and limbs that he forced backwards. Several of the Titans were crushed by the mass but others survived, clawing and biting as Kong best they could. They only gained an advantage when a regenerating Titan came up behind Kong and bit him in the shoulder. The ape howled in surprise and the tangled Titans got free of each other and clamped their jaws on his limbs. Kong wrenched and swung himself around to try and dislodge the Titans but each one he threw off got replaced.
And this proved the least of his concerns, as Zeke summoned the Beast Titan back around himself several miles away, standing among Marleyian equipment, such as the cannon shells he now picked up handfuls of. With a grunt, he hurled one at Kong and the Titans around him, the ape turning in time to get peppered with explosions. Blood, pieces of Titan limb and smoke were thrown up, obscuring Kong from view. That was, until he barrelled out of the smoke, charging forwards with a Titan in either hand, held by their necks. The Beast Titan scowled and threw his other handful of shells, only for Kong to shield himself with one of the Titans, letting it get shredded to pieces in his place. Before the Beast Titan could pick up more ammo, Kong hurled the second Titan towards him, the impromptu projectile splattering against the Beast Titan and sending him reeling backwards. He wiped away the gibs from his eyes and saw that Kong had closed the distance, the massive ape roaring and slugging him across the face. As the Beast Titan staggered from the impact, Kong grabbed it by the fur and struck him in the face repeatedly until a layer of hardened flesh spread out across it and Kong's knuckles bled as they bounced off the surface. As he grunted in pain, the Beast Titan grabbed him and dragged him across the ground, smashing his face into metal containers and boulders, leaving a massive trench in his wake.
As he was grinded over the harsh surface, Kong swiped his hand over the Beast Titan's face, ripping off the hardened area. The tore-off skin regenerated into a new face, with which the Beast Titan scowled with. He tossed Kong onto his back before interlocking his fingers and swinging both fists down onto Kong's chest. Blood erupted from Kong's mouth and nostrils as he gagged in pain. Huffing slightly, the Beast Titan straightened up and planted his fist on his foe's chest, producing another pained breath from Kong. Noticing something out of the corner of his eye, he dug it out of the ground and found it was a giant ape skull.
Beast Titan: You've been a real pain but today, I am king.
He lifted up the skull, opening its jaws to smash it against Kong's face. But just before he swung it down, Kong swung his hand at his knee, over which the skin hardened.
Beast Titan: Oh please, I-
His statement was cut short when his armoured knee was slashed straight through and in his shock, the loss of his limb caused him to fall backwards. Kong rose back to his feet, sheer fury in his eyes and in his hand the Beast Titan saw the piece of hardened skin Kong had earlier ripped off his face held by the giant ape like a discuss. The Beast Titan snarled and swiped his hand out as an attack, only for its fingers to be sliced off by Kong with his impromptu-weapon. It's arm was then sliced off at the elbow and with a flurry of strikes, Kong decorated its chest with cuts that left its "guts" hanging out. The Titan's breathing quickened in panic, especially as Kong slashed upwards and cut out one of his eyes. In desperation, the Beast Titan flicked its hand out and sent drops of its own blood into Kong's eyes, blinding the giant and distracting him long enough for the steaming Beast Titan to retreat backwards. It brought the ape skull with it and as Kong rubbed his eyes clean, hurled it his foe.
Kong saw the oncoming projectile and once again riled up by disrespect, hurled the hardened flesh. It smashed through the skull and passed through the neck of the Beast Titan, just above the nape. The deactivated body slumped to its knees as the head slide off, exposing Zeke to the outside world. Through the steam of his Titan's decomposing body, Zeke looked up in horror at Kong glaring down at him.
Zeke: Ah-
Kong's downwards swing pulverized the Warrior and smashed straight through the Beast Titan's remaining body, brutally rending it in two. Kong stood back up to his full height and pounded his chest in victory, roaring as he did.
Boomstick: There he goes! Eminem, you are a gift!
Wiz: The Beast Titan was the holder of several unique abilities, the advantages of which were very obvious upon viewing. But unfortunately for him, those advantages weren't enough to circumvent those that Kong held.
Boomstick: The Beast Titan definitely had the advantage at long range, since that's practically it's main draw. But the thing was Kong wasn't entirely outpaced. After all, he nailed a proportionally smaller helicopter with a well-aimed tree, so he could certainly counter or return in kind.
Wiz: There's also the fact that Kong was simply fast enough to avoid most of the Beast Titan's projectiles. You see, breaking the sound barrier with any of them means the Beast can throw them at the speed of sound and can potentially scale to bullet-dodgers. But Kong has avoided Godzilla's Atomic Breath, which burrowed to his ancestral home in Hollow Earth in 3 minutes. That's Mach 82 (Apex PredatorX) by the way. But even if he was too slow, the projectiles didn't really have the power to do any harm to Kong, since any one would deliver 1.8 billion joules, and the predators on Skull Island like the Siren Jaw can move with 43 tons of TNT.
Boomstick: And that's when Kong was still growing. Speaking of which, whilst it may seem like Kong not being his truly gargantuan size from the MonsterVerse may make him see a little weaker, there's another version of him to make up for this that is in fact very close in size to the Beast Titan. The one that originally fought Godzilla, the same one which can output more than 70 megatons of TNT.
Popup: The original King Kong is also very close in height to the Beast Titan, being just a metre shorter.
Wiz: Over 69 - quiet Boomstick - times stronger than the Colossal Titan explosion the Armoured Titan survived. And even then, that same calculation pointed out that the actual yield it took was much less than the initial blast. If we had given Kong his biggest size outright, he only would have won far easier.
Popup: Whilst Zeke survived numerous Thunder Spear explosions close-up, Thunder Spears mainly work by taking advantage of the hardening ability's weakness to piercing weapons and anyways, Zeke was still extremely injured by the blast and Kong had more than enough strength to deal a critical blow to Zeke through scaling to Godzilla. This means Kong could also simply break through the Beast Titan's Hardening.
Boomstick: The other advantage we mentioned Zeke possessing was how he could potentially make or call on Titans to help him out, but not only would they strictly need to be already be somewhere close, Kong has fought against uneven odds before, like with the Skullcrawlers or V. Rexes. Plus, it's not like they would be a match for him if the Beast Titan wasn't.
Wiz: Zeke's more conventional intelligence might have been an edge of sorts, if it weren't for the fact that Kong has very good at thinking on the fly in battle, making use of any means he could to win. Furthermore, it's been implied some versions of Kong are thousands or even millions of years old. Even if that wasn't true, Kong has been fighting a wider variety of opponents and at close quarters combat, which he would excel in considering the Beast Titan's preference for long-range attacks.
Boomstick: In spite of the Beast Titan's range and army-calling, Kong's strength, speed, ingenuity and experience made sure he stayed King of Skull Island. In fact, he went totally ape, and Attacked without mercy. Oh don't give me that look Wiz, you never let me Pitch my puns.
Wiz: The winner is King Kong.
Next Time[]
They will terrorize you
If only for the fun of it
- Connections: Both are giant ape-like monsters who have done battle against humans. Both have also worked for the sakes of their homelands (Skull Island and Marley respectively) but whilst Kong has only defended his home, the Beast Titan directly attacks those of others, although both have sought to bring others to their homes; Ann Darrow and Eren Yaeger, respectively. Both have also been brought to foreign locations for the plans of others; Kong was brought to New York to be part of a stage attraction whilst the Beast Titan was brough to Paradis for his royal blood enabling the activation of the Rumbling. In battle, both have unofficial signature techniques; the Jawbreaker and Pitching ability respectively. Both are also considered royalty; Kong is the "king" of Skull Island whilst the Beast Titan possesses Royal Eldian blood. Ironically however, whilst the Beast Titan seeks to wipe out his own race, the Eldians, Kong is terribly lonely as the last member of his species. Both have also been unwilling parts of gigantic creatures mobilising; Kong fought against the Alpha Call of Ghidorah whilst Zeke's blood was used to activate the Rumbling against his will. Ironically, both have been called "Titans"; Kong is categorized as a Titan in the MonsterVerse whilst the Beast Titan belongs to the Eldian Titan race.
- Animation Style: 2D.
- OST Idea: 'Kings of Beasts', referring to both combatants' titles and how both are considered royalty.