Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Kamen Rider Double vs Green Keeper
Season 1
Written by Negaboss2000
Episode guide

Kamen Rider Double vs Green Keeper is a What-If Death Battle adopted by Negaboss2000. This fan made Death Battle features Shotaro Hidari and Philip, aka Kamen Rider Double, from the titular series and Chidori aka Green Keeper from the Go Go Loser Ranger franchise.


Kamen Rider vs. Go Go Loser Ranger. Two masked/armored detectives with incredible gadgets and power to fight the villains who harm the people of their own cities. In a battle against each other though, which of them can outsmart the other and win the fight?


Wiz: Kamen Rider Double, the Half-Boiled Detective Kamen Rider of Windy City.

Boomstick: Chidori, the Information Broker Dragon Keeper of Milky Way City.

Wiz: Throughout history, there have been many great detectives who have been known for their crime-solving abilities and techniques, able to tell what happened from the slightest detail.

Boomstick: But overtime, there have been many badass detectives who can both solve crimes and kick ass all in one! And man, those guys are the ones I prefer. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it’s our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out would win, a DEATH BATTLE!

Kamen Rider Double[]

Green Keeper[]


Death Battle[]




