Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Johnny Cage vs Lucas Lee
Season 1
Overall Episode 2
Written by Negaboss2000
Episode guide
Ben Tennyson vs Nimona
Optimus Primal vs Antauri

Johnny Cage vs Lucas Lee, is a What-If Death Battle adopted by Negaboss2000. This fan made Death Battle features Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat and Lucas Lee from Scott Pilgrim.


Mortal Kombat vs. Scott Pilgrim. Two movie star actors from Hollywood, ones who possess amazingly real fighting skills outside of their usual roles in the movies. But the question remains, which badass actor will succeed and which one will perish?


Wiz: Hollywood, so full of actors that star in action-movies and pull off insanely dangerous stunts for them.

Boomstick: However, there are many who gain their skills from years of experience. Heck, just because they're actors doesn't mean they only use said skills in their movies. In fact, there are two actors who actually use their fighting skills to fight in real life just as easily.

Wiz: Like Johnny Cage, the Action Star from Hollywood and warrior of Earthrealm.

Boomstick: And Lucas Lee, the pretty good skateboard actor ex-boyfriend of Ramona Flowers. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it’s our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out would win, a DEATH BATTLE!

Johnny Cage[]

Boomstick: Ahh, Hollywood. The place where many classic famous movies are made with famous actors performing their own stunts or, well you know, lettin' their stunt doubles do them for them. I mean, just look at 'em all: Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, I could go on forever!!!

Wiz: And one man, Jonathan Carlton, otherwise known as Johnny Cage, is one of them.

Boomstick: Yeah!!! He made a lot of badass movies, like Ninja Mime, Citizen Cage, Break Nose Mountain, and my personal favourite, Tommy Scissorfists.

Wiz: I'm pretty sure those movies were dumb as hell, Boomstick...

Boomstick: F*** you! Those movies were awesome!!!

Wiz: Anyways, with most celebrities, Cage's fame eventually began to lose his fame to the point where audiences lost interest in his stunts and critics saying he was a fraud.

Boomstick: Which was a load of bulls***. So to get his fame back, Cage decided to prove himself by deciding to join the most deadliest martial arts tournament in like forever, Mortal Kombat. I mean, who wouldn't want to save Earth just to show you're the real deal? I know I would.

Wiz: But the problem was that Cage never knew what he was getting himself into, nor what he was going to face for that matter. And if you're thinking he'd be doomed in the first fight, you'd be wrong. Johnny Cage isn't any ordinary stuntman.

Boomstick: Yeah! Cage is a badass stunt fighter who trained all around the world and even mastered four kinds of martial arts, like Karate, Shōrin-ryū, Shinto-ryu, and the real life famous fighting style of Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do. He's also used nun-chucks, brass knuckles and a totally awesome bowie knife too.

Wiz: So in terms of Mortal Kombat, once it was time to save the world, Cage could clearly hold his own against the greatest fighters in all the realms, and it's a good thing too, since Raiden, the protector of Earthrealm and god of lightning needed help against Shao Kahn, who wanted to take over Earth.

Boomstick: Seriously?!! Remind me again why everyone always goes after Earth for their own gain, Wiz? People have lives there, even me too!!!

Wiz: Anyways, Cage soon found out, while fighting against the forces of evil, that he was more talented at his skills than he ever believed he was. As it turns out, he was a descendant from a Mediterranean warrior cult to fight gods and even possessed mystical powers that were passed down through generations.

Boomstick: Uh...did that make sense to anyone?

Wiz: The power manifests as both a shield against the divine forces and a mystical energy which Cage can actually weaponize. He's capable of firing balls of Ionikinetic, or plasmic, energy, punch any foe to pieces with a Shadow Uppercut, do a guile impression with the Eclipse Kick and even deal a huge amount of damage with his Shadow Kick.

Boomstick: Awesome!!! If could have those powers, I'd be kicking the s*** outta anyone 24/7!!!

Wiz: But let's not forget, that despite his incredible fighting skills, Cage is still human. This meant that he needed a special technique to get out of trouble, and luckily, more like regretfully...he found just the technique.

Boomstick: Ohohoho!!! And I'll tell you, it's the absolute best move you could imagine!!! It's gone by many names: the Berry Buster, the Plum Crusher, the Beanbag Barrage. But it's mostly known as the Nut Breaker!!!

Wiz: I honestly don't even know why the technique even exists to be honest...

Boomstick: Whaddya mean, Wiz?!!! It's a move that basically everybody should have!!! Cage is actually so strong he can rip your whole body apart and send your 'Johnson' flying so far it reaches another country. Here, lemme try it on-.

Wiz: Hey hey hey, don't you even dare!!! Even though Cage comes across as crude and downright juvenile, he's actually proved himself to be a worthy champion of the Earthrealm. Strong enough to chop through an actual human head, a huge bar of titanium and especially diamond too. And applying the density of crushing a diamond of huge sizes, or at the very least, some of it, would require just about 50 million joules of energy.

Boomstick: Just like gettin' hit by monster trucks, around 26 of em', all at the same time.

Wiz: If that wasn't impressive enough, Cage is actually quick enough to dodge gunfire at point blank and even tough enough to tank Sub-Zero's Ice Blast, which was known to stop of even kill people instantaneously and allows him to smash them to pieces like they were broken glass.

Boomstick: But wait, there's more! Johnny Cage even managed to beat Shinnok, an actual god who he actually beat the shins off of.

Wiz: Because of his powers from his Mediterranean ancestors, it's impressively remarkable. Shinnok's full power was pretty tricky to isolate, though he's similar to Raiden, who fired a blast that destroyed an entire temple and many enemies too. Given the fact that Buddhist temples avoided using stone and construction, and measuring the entire building, wood and concrete, we can determine that the blast has the power of nearly 270 tons of TNT, and that would be more than enough to level the block of an entire city.

Boomstick: Holy s***, you mean Johnny Cage could actually compete with power like that?!!! Forget him being a pain in the ass!!!

Wiz: Well, not forever. In the future, Cage eventually settled down with a family of his own, with Sonya Blade, the general of special forces, and even a daughter called Cassie, who basically has his skills as well. Success even came his way for his film career, with basically a series inspired by his own adventures.

Boomstick: That's right! And if you think his Hollywood success wasn't good enough, then you guys'll be amazed to know that Cage never got tired of fightin' the b******* from the other realms and even came out on top. Johnny Cage, you've done your realm proud! Godspeed.

Johnny Cage: Alright, let's dance.

Lucas Lee[]

Wiz: Every celebrity has their own origin story, their own past, that defines who they really are a past that eventually makes them who they are, for better or possibly for worse.

Boomstick: Or in the case of worse, joining a group of vengeful of D**** hellbent on controlling the literal love life of one girl, Ramona Flowers, who broke all their hearts and just left them. Though one of them in particular wouldn't have gotten his fame and status if it wasn't for her actions, and that person was her second evil ex-boyfriend, the pretty good skateboard actor, Lucas Lee.

Wiz: According to our knowledge on the Scott Pilgrim franchise, Lucas Lee and Ramona Flowers met during the freshman year in High School, and at the time, Lucas followed Ramona around and asked to go out with her, constantly.

Boomstick: Yep, who wouldn't go after a pretty girl like her? I know I would.

Wiz: Eventually though, Ramona agreed to go out with him for a short while, even though all they did was smoke and sit on street curbs together. However, in the case of the anime series, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Lucas' backstory with Ramona is much more emotional. As it turns out, Ramona had always been helpful towards Lucas, seeing him take a fall and putting a bandaid over his wound. But as with the comics and movie, according to Lucas, Ramona left him for a cocky pretty boy who would soon be her third evil ex, Todd Ingram.

Boomstick: Jeez, that girl breaks hearts left and right. Is there any heart she hasn't broken yet?!!

Wiz: So after that day, and breaking his own skateboard, Lee vowed to become a successful actor and skateboarder, and coincidentally, years later he actually did. He starred in a lot of films too, such as Action Doctor, Let's Hope There's A Heaven, The Game Is Over 2, Thrilled To Be Here, You Just Don't Exist and strangely enough Snowpiercer, which also happens to be a real life film that came out in 2013.

Boomstick: Yep, you guessed it. Captain A-uh, I mean, Chris e-oh god dammit, Lucas Lee starred in a real life movie! Anyways, many years after high school, Lucas Lee would be recruited into a group of seven people Ramona dated, called The League of Evil Exes, by it's own leaderGideon Graves, who wanted to get her back after he posted a drunken rant on Craigslist when Ramona left him. Geez, forget what I said about Ramona, this guy's a total D***bag!!!

Wiz: In fact, Lucas once stated that the League of Evil Exes almost didn't recruit him because he didn't have any obvious special powers like they did themselves, like Matthew Patel and his mystical powers, Todd Ingram with his vegan psychic powers, Roxie Richter with her half-ninja-like abilities, The Katayanagi Twins with their robotics and high fighting skills and of course, Gideon with his wealth, swordfighting skills and even the power over The Glow.

Boomstick: The Glow, a weaponized form of 'emotional warfare', whatever that means, that turns your own emotions against you once you get infected, even able to trap you in your own mind with only your personal demons, and that's using the power of subspace, overwhelming one with personal issues. Oh god, why would anyone even create that?!!

Wiz: But one of the other reasons they almost didn't recruit Lucas was most likely because he seemed a lot less evil than they were. That's right. Despite his selfish demeanour and arrogance leading to dangerous stunts, Lucas really isn't evil, something that was shown in both the comics and anime, taking a break from fighting Scott, offering food to him and his friends and even reconciling with Ramona too. So like I said, he's not bad, just, as you'd say, untamed and needing guidance.

Boomstick: Anyways, while shooting a film at Casa Loma, which is a real place, Lucas eventually met Ramona's eighth, totally not an evil ex, boyfriend, Scott Pilgrim, and beat the s*** outta him. I'm not kidding here, Lucas Lee literally beat Scott Pilgrim and then threw him up the side the side of a buildings first try, like a boss!!!

Wiz: From his time after he was dumped by Ramona, Lucas Lee has gotten incredible speed on foot and surprisingly brute strength which as stated, allowed him to literally beat Scott Pilgrim, deliver a huge kick that sends him flying backwards and even toss him up towards the side of one of the towers of Casa Loma.

Boomstick: He's even got his own stunt team to help deal with threats, god I wish I had my own stunt team. But best of all, Lee has now become a master skateboarder with a set of badass fighting skills to go along with that. Is there anything this guy can't do with a skateboard?!!!

Wiz: Lucas Lee has had years of experience with skateboarding after Ramona had dumped him, able to reach up to speeds of 192 mph while grinding rails down from Casa Loma, something which, along with his arrogance, lead to his defeat. In the anime series however, Lucas is shown to be able to skate on building walls, grind on almost anything from a T-Rex Skeleton to a vehicle, and even pull off a powerful drill-like megaton kick that's powerful enough to blast anyone out of the way. And all of this was while he was trying to outrun and even fight an army of Paparazzi Ninjas.

Boomstick: God, I hate Paparazzi Ninjas! They're the worst kind of Paparazzi.

Wiz: Anyway, Lucas Lee has gone toe to toe with Scott Pilgrim, who originally came out on top in the comics by tricking him into grinding on the rails, whereas in the anime, he's even attempted to help both him and Ramona to fight his dark future self, Even Older Scott.

Boomstick: And got him right in the face too!!! Take that you evil old man!!!

Wiz: So despite being a member of the League of Exes and his horrible attitude, one thing is definitely for sure: With his nicer attitude Lucas Lee will always be twice the human that those guys ever were.

Lucas Lee: The only thing keeping me and her apart is the two minutes it's gonna take to kick your ass.


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Boomstick: It's time to start shooting for a Death Battle!

Death Battle[]

The scene begins in Torontowood where Johnny Cage arrives with an impressed look on his face, after being offered the role of a movie, heading towards one of the studio lots, specifically Studio Lot 25, where he saw everyone setting up...well, the set.

Johnny: Well, not too much promise, but...good for the career. Let's get this show on the road.

Johnny then walks up to the set where seemingly he was being expected by the director himself, unintentionally bumping past Lucas Lee, and broke his skateboard with one step, making him angered as he saw Johnny reach the director to confirm his role for the film he was shooting.

Johnny: Hey there, are you the director my agent told me about? Name's Johnny Cage and I'm here for the lead role.

Hearing this from Johnny Cage, Lucas was shocked that not only had he bumped into him and broke his board, but now he was looking to get the lead role of the film that HE was after. Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers, who happened to be there, tried to hold him back, but he shrugged them off in anger.

Lucas: Hey...that's my lead role! That's not for you to take!

The Director: sure you can handle the role, Cage?

Johnny: You kidding me? I gave the world me, Johnny Cage. I've been through worse before, and this won't be too difficult. Heck, I'd-

Before Johnny could continue, he was shoved by a very angry Lucas Lee, causing his sunglasses to fall off and break instantaneously.

Lucas: Hey!!! I'm talking to you, sunglasses!!!

Johnny looked at his sunglasses in shock before turning towards Lucas with the same mount of anger.

Johnny: Those were $500 sunglasses, you asshole.

Lucas: That's my role you're taking!

Johnny: Your role? I was told I got the lead role. Besides, who are you? Some kind of skateboard musclehead washout?

Lucas: Yes, that is MY role!!! And if you want it, then it's gonna take me two minutes to kick your ass for it!

Lucas Lee picks up a convenient skateboard and prepares to fight Johnny Cage.

Johnny: I'm not the one who's gonna die, you asshole! Let's dance!




Wiz: The winner is
