Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Jeffy vs smg4 mario
Jeffy vs smg4 mario thumbnail

This is a What-If? Death Battle created by CtPeyton featuring Jeffy from SML and SMG4's version of Mario. A battle between two idiots of Mario-themed youtube channels.


Win: Jeffy--Mario's-or excuse me "Marvin's"-adopted son.

Boolkrick: And SMG4'S Mario. Or to avoid confusion, we can just call him "Stupid Mario".

Win: We all know who Mario is: iconic video game character and mascot of Nintendo. With his popularity came branded food products, cloths, and funny internet parodies.

Boolkrick: Most popular are YouTube channels inspired our red, Italian hero: Super Mario Logan and SuperMarioGlitchy4. Well that was before Super Mario Logan faced lawsuit and had to change their theme and puppets but the fact remains.

Win: From these channels came fan-favorite characters who are the dumbest in cast. Which was at least smart enough to win a fight, though?

Boolkrick: He's Win and I'm Boolkrick!

Win: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!




Before Fight[]




Connections: –Both are characters from Mario-inspired web series (SML/SMG4) –Both are related to Mario (Jeffy is Mario’s adopted son/SMG4 Mario is a joke version of Mario) –Both are the most stupidest characters in their series –Both are also the most destructive characters in their series, causing most of the destruction and conflicts in episodes –Both like destroying things –Both are profane and vulgar in their actions and language –Both make it a hobby to annoy their loved ones, often getting THEM into trouble with them –Both have personal rivals (Bully Bill/SMG4) –Both have survived death or came back from death –Both have Super Saiyan Forms –Both like humping their favorite foods (Cheerios/Spaghetti)

Track name for this fight would be "Super Retard Bros."

This fight would be animated with sprites.
