Might Morphin' Power Rangers vs LEGO Ninjago! These two team leaders are steadfast, loyal and super skilled in combat! Leading a team of colourful warriors, bent on protecting their home from lords of evil face off in a battle to the death! Which leader will win?
Counter: Leaders. When there's a team, someone has to naturally take charge and keep everyone in line. While always up for a joke, leaders have to be loyal, serious, determined and skilled, some things these two have in spades!
Kaiya: Such as Jason Lee Scott, the Red Ranger!
Damien: And Cole, the Ninja of Earth!
Counter: I'm Counter, and these are my partners, Damien, Kai and Hannah!
Hannah: And we've taken over from Wiz and Boomstick to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.
Jason Lee Scott[]
Counter: Thousands of years after Rita Repulsa's imprisonment on...the a literal space dumster? Wow. Dick move, humanity.
Kaiya: Uh, either way...Humanity proved to be Rita's greatest helper, as two curious astronauts broke the seal on the space bin and freed her. Ugh. Why are humans just the fucking worst? And because 10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck, she decided to immediately aim for conquering Earth.
Damien: And to combat this new threat to the planet, the good-natured, probably racist sage known as Zordon summoned the planet's five greatest defenders. No, just kidding, he sought out five teenagers! Jason Lee Scott, Billy Cranston, Kimberly Ann Hart, Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor.
Hannah: These teens connected to the powerful Morphin Grid, which transformed them from zeroes into heroes: The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! This team proved a dangerous thorn in Rita's side, and they were lead by the Red Ranger, Jason Lee Scott.
Counter: These Power Rangers also bonded with different Zords, a.k.a giant fighting mechs! Jason bonded with the great, red Tyrannosaurus, and history was made! Campy, campy history.
Kaiya: But we're looking at Jason on his own, not with a Zord. Fortunately for Jason, he has enough power on his side to hold his own even without his Zord!
Damien: In battle, the Morphin Grid will take hits from him! It may seem like stupid effects from the 90s, but the Morphin Grid is Jason's best friend. He gains a martial arts mastery so great that even Billy, someone with only a little knowledge in the arts was kicking ass after morphing! Even unmorphed, Jason is a master of kenpo, taekwondo, judo and more.
Hannah: He can blast opponents across the battlefield with ease with his Power Punch, use the energy of the Morphin Grid to use the Tyrannosaurus Charge, and use his increased strength and durability to easily defeat anyone he comes across. In case he actually does need help, his Wrist Communicator to talk with his fellow Rangers, teleport, and talk with the Command Centre.
Counter: Jason's Blade Blaster is the fusion of a ray gun and small sword, and can turn into either. These lasers pack a punch, able to kill monsters...or evil clones. However, if he needs to pack and even bigger punch, Jason can summon the, Power Sword, unique to him and his successors.
Kaiya: It's like a sword...with power! This sword can slice through any number of monsters, and if paired with the other Ranger's unique weapons, they can form the Power Blaster, a strong weapon that can kill monsters that even Dinozords have trouble with, potentially even the Zords themselves.
Damien: And that is all of Jason's weapons as the Red Ranger. I understand it doesn't seem like much, but you don't need much else when you can defeat monsters with ease using just those few!
Hannah: Well, that's ignoring the fact that Jason has another form. The Zeo Gold Ranger.
Kaiya: Zero Gold Ranger? First of all, that's a stupid name, secondly, what is it with heroes and having 17,000 alternate forms?
Hannah: Well, technically it's the Zeo Gold Ranger, not Zero. Either way, by calling out "It's Morphin Time! Gold Ranger Power!" and holding his arms in an 'X' shape, he can materialise the suit, equipped with staff.
Counter: The Zeo Gold powers are no joke. Exponentially more powerful than the regular Red Ranger, the Zeo Gold Ranger wields the Golden Power Sword, a blade, energy weapon and hammer hybrid. It is the source of the Gold Ranger's powers, and can even transfer the Gold Ranger powers to others.
Kaiya: Jason is super powerful. Jason and the rest of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers draw from the same power source, and should all reliably scale to one another, at least in basic stats such as strength, speed and durability. With this in mind, Trini, the Yellow Ranger, pushed around a boulder worth at least 11,000 tons. Jason himself pushed around a 69 ton boulder. Heh, nice.
Damien: Jason has survived the Command Centre exploding in his face, dodge lightning, and is superior to Rito Revolto. Why is that impressive? Well, Rito has survived crashing into the moon, an impact worth about 666 gigatons of TNT.
Hannah: In addition, monsters in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers can catch Zedd's growth bombs. Because of special effects in the 90s, it doesn't look like much, but these bombs have travelled from the moon to Earth in a total of 6 seconds, a speed of about Mach 183,135, or 21% the speed of light!.
Counter: Damn! But that's not all. Rito has also dodged Zedd's lightning, which has travelled at five times the speed of light to reach Earth. Rito Revolto has dodged this laser at 5.34 times the speed of light, and the Rangers can deal with monsters in his league with relative ease.
Kaiya: But his power goes far beyond things like this. As the Zeo Gold Ranger, which has been stated to be far superior to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which thus, should include the White Ranger. The White Ranger has briefly matched Lord Zedd in combat. We bring up Lord Zedd, but how strong is he? Well, Lord Zedd is superior to Rita Repulsa, who has destroyed the Island of Illusion, a feat worth about 93 teratons of TNT.
Damien: Wow! That's almost as impressive as Rita causing a solar eclipse, worth about 158 zettatons of TNT! This Gold Zeo Ranger can sure pack a punch!
Hannah: We are aware that the White Ranger only briefly matched Lord Zedd, but the Gold Zeo Ranger is far superior to the White Ranger anyways, as he is stronger than the Mighty Morphin Rangers.
Counter: So yeah, Jason is strong, fast and tough, but the Ranger rules prevent him from busting the big guns out before the fight has a chance to get interesting. Yeah, he has to follow rules to being a Power Ranger, which just takes away all the fun! He can't use his powers for personal gain, he can't disclose his powers to the general public and more importantly, he can't escalate a fight until an enemy forces him to.
Kaiya: Which I feel must have been broken by them at some point in the series, but eh. And the penalty? A complete loss of their powers. Boo! Zordon, loosen up a little! Anyway, Jason's powers are alos volatile and hard to keep around. If he suffers too much damage, he can de-morph and be stripped of his power, albeit with a lot of martial arts mastery already on his person.
Damien: And his Gold Zeo powers take an enormous toll on his body, so he can't use them for long periods of time. But his biggest weakness of a...low budget! Nooooo! Look at the cling wrap used for glue! My only weakness! How did you...know?
Hannah: Charming. Either way, Jason Lee Scott is a dedicated befender of Earth. The world can rest easy with the Power Rangers as their first line of defence.
("I don't know what you are, or where you're from, but you just wrecked our home. There's not a chance in hell we're surrendering.")
Counter: Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created the realm of Ninjago using the four Golden Weapons. The Scythe of Quakes, Shurikens of Ice, Nunchucks of Lightning and the Sword of Fire. The First Spinjitzu Master used his elemental powers of Creation and the legendary Golden Power to pass down the elements to people, who helped defend Ninjago from evil threats.
Kaiya: And the elemental power of Earth passed down to a woman named Lily, who gave Cole. Lily was the Master of Earth, and when she died, she passed on the element to her son. He promised to always stand up to those who are unjust, and he largely stuck to it.
Damien: Running away from a dancing school that his afther sent him to, Cole drifted from place to place, forever growing stronger and taking on monumental challenges. When he decided to climb the tallest mountain in Ninjago, he met a wise old man simply named...Wu.
Hannah: After...uh, venting his frustrations a bit, Cole learned of his destiny. Wu had come to seek him, and sensing his great potential, recruited him to become a Ninja, because that's normal.
Kaiya: Yeah. Imagine meeting an old geezer who told you at the top of a mountain that you'd become a ninja!
Counter: Regardless of strange upbringings, Cole wasn't just a ninja, but the Ninja of Earth. Meant to wield the Scythe of Quakes and lead the Ninjago team. And that he did. He trained with 3 others, eventually meeting a fourth and training him alonside his ninja pals. But his capabilities for being the Earth Ninja are easy to see. Cole is the strongest of the ninja team and the most muscular. People often feel when running into him like running into a human brick wall.
Kaiya: Yeah, he's almost immovable!
Damien: Fitting for the Ninja of Earth, Cole mainly uses both hammers and scythes in battle to deadly effect. He has a custom scythe with two blades, perfect for cutting two people up at the same time! Scythes were originally a farming tool, used for mowing grass or harvesting crops, but the arched blade sure comes in handy in a fight! Heck, even while being relatively new to the whole ninja business, he lost Jay's voice by hitting him in the throat!
Hannah: And befitting his strength, his hammer is long and gold. While it may seem bulky, Cole knows how to seem cool while swinging it, and usually carries it around with barely any issue. He can swing it with great accuracy.
Counter: But if Cole doesn't have a weapon on hand, he can control the earth beneath our feet with his element. Earth allows Cole to control and create all forms of rock, dust and dirt and use them as projectiles or as shields. He can throw dirt at opponents to blind them, bury them in rising dirt and dust or immobilise them entirely by covering an opponent in the element.
Kaiya: He can create small earthquakes or fissures in the ground by simply punching it, gains superhuman strength and toughness, and can launch large enemies into the air by...launching rocks out from the ground?
Damien: ...What?
Kaiya: Well how would you describe it?
Damien: Fair enough. Anyway, Cole can certainly hold his own against almost anyone, even his fellow ninja, and he's been through a lot! He's been turned into a ghost, trapped inside of a sword, stripped of his elemental powers and fallen from the Destiny's Bounty more than a few times!
Hannah: With his Earth power, he can easily hurl cars around and punch holes through concrete walls, or help build machines that can do it for him. He's often the Ninja others go to for the heavy lifting, able to shatter chains with a single strike.
Counter: But his best weapon is his unbridled mastery of Spinjitzu. By spinning rapdily and tapping into his connection with his element, Cole gets enveloped in the small elemental particles which form a tornado around the ninja, providing the ninja with great momentum and force, allowing for powerful blows and defense. Opponent's view of the user is blocked, while the user's perception is enhanced.
Kaiya: And Cole's Spinjitzu often leaves a trail of magma behind him, depending on how connected to his element he is! He can defeat multiple enemies at once with Spinjitzu, and it allows him to hover above the ground ever so slightly, meaning that he doesn't have to worry about stairs!
Damien: But Cole has never been shown to be able to use this martial art for long periods of time, often for only about 10-15 seconds at most, so it's likely that this is a martial art that takes a large toll on the user. He can even use the technique to give himself a boost in the air!
Hannah: But Airjitzu allows Cole to take it one step further and fly. An ancient technique he learned from the ancient Sensei Yang, he can surround himself with the essense of his element and temporarily take flight. Although, this is also for a limited time.
Counter: But what's not for a limited time is Cole's RX form, also called the Earth Punch. When activated, orange magma will run up his arms, and comes with a sensation that Cole describes as 'feeling as though he could punch through anything', and for the most part it's true. Cole's strength is augmented, allowing him to do things such as punch an island so hard it trembles, weaken the ground deep enough for a monster to fall through, and create shockwaves.
Kaiya: While he doesn't really know how to control this power, and his fists can have a mind of their own when active, Cole has proven himself to be a formidable foe with the Earth Punch. But all of this pales in comparison to his latest, and probably greatest technique yet: The Spinjitzu Burst!
Damien: When surrounded by his Elemental Power, and while channeling his mother's power, Cole can unlock the Burst, and it is a sight to behold. Surrounded by a large vortex of his element, Cole is almost untouchable and heck, this technique is so strong it even scares Sensei Wu when it's used! And this is one of the sons of the First Spinjitzu Master!
Hannah: While we haven't learned the exact power of the Burst, but it defeated the Skull Sorcerer in a matter of seconds and should be stronger than his regular Spinjitzu, obviously. If we assume it's also more powerful than the Earth Punch, then it's entirely possible that his potential is much more than we expected.
Counter: But even without his techniques, Cole is plenty tough and strong. He's able to fight evenly with his teammates, who have taken a beating by Morro even without their powers, who has created a storm with his elemental power at over 730 Kilotons of TNT. In addition, he's comparable to Kai, who vaproized an ice dragon, worth about 348 tons of TNT.
Kaiya: So he's strong as shit! And with the island shaking feat mentioned earlier, it's undeniable that Cole is one of the most powerful members on the team. But he's not just strong, he's also fast. Fast enough to fight with Jay, the literal ninja of lightning. The lightning Jay uses is likely real lightning, as his element was used by the First Spinjitzu Master to create the realm of Ninjago, and the fact that he uses the Nunchucks of Lightning, even able to teleport while in his True Potential proves that this is real ligthning.
Damien: Which can move at 270,000 miles per hour! That's 434,522 kilometres per hour! This gives Cole at minimum Hypersonic reaction speeds!
Hannah: But to be fair, Cole isn't perfect. His strength does still have a limit, and he's definitely not the most powerful on the ninja team. That title goes to Lloyd.
Counter: He has a rather uncreative naming sense, and sometimes struggles to control some of his more advanced powers. In addition, Cole doesn't always think two steps ahead. He once overate during a tournament and almost lost because of it. He can be a little focused on food, especially cake, but no matter what, Cole will always stand for what is right and support his friends while doing it.
Kaiya: Don't fuck with the Ninja of Earth!
("Maybe not, but I am her son. And I made her a promise, to stand up to tyrants like you. Always!")
Counter: Alright, the combatants are set. You guys ready to do this?
Damien: Yeah!
Kaiya: Count me in!
Hannah: Of course.
Counter: Then it's time to settle this debate once and for all...IN A DEATH BATTLE!
Death Battle[]
Throughout Ninjago City, the last few rays of light before darkness shone from in between buildings. The Sun had the infamous glare from that time of day, which always came in the morning and the evening. Blinding. Hundreds of thousands of people were leaving buildings at this time, yawning, pulling out phones and all had the same goal: To go home. Work had ended for thousands of people. Taxis were full, buses were cramped and the only empty spaces were inside the cars cruising down the street. Work was over for some, but for others, not so much.
Some people, like the ones who worked at convenience stations, were tortured with at least a few more hours of work. Some switched with other, tired teenagers trying to earn money, perhaps for a car, maybe for video games. At the side of the street, a building still shone with light, flooding the rest of the road with light and leaving people who lived nearby to wonder: What was going on in there?
Grunting came from inside the building. The sound of blows landing, almost as if there was a brawl inside.
“Show me what you got!” Came from one of the people inside, as more blows landed and more grunting escaped the building. “Come on, Lloyd!”. Now the grunting was different. It was...younger. Inside the building, a young man, perhaps in his late teens, was trading blows with another man, slightly taller and slightly older than him. The younger one of the two sported a mop of blonde hair, swept to one side. His eyes were bright green, and he was wearing what looked like a ninja outfit, a gi. Except this one was light green, hardly useful for stealth.
He rained blow after blow into the other, who parried them with all he had. The older one of the two had black hair, shaggy and long. His ninja gi was black with orange highlights, but sleeveless. He had dark brown eyes, and was much more muscly than the blonde ninja training with him. The green ninja stopped punching, and backed away, panting ever so slightly. The ninja in green was named Lloyd Garmadon. The one with black hair, looking down at Lloyd with a smug smile, was Cole.
“Come on Lloyd, you’re the Green Ninja. You have to be solid, like me. You have to be as hard to move as rock-”
“And you have to have sand for brains.” Came a joking voice to the side of him. Kai, a ninja in red, chuckled and knocked the side of Cole’s head. The Ninja of Earth swatted his hand to the side, and spied a brief smile from Lloyd.
“Yeah, come on Kai, punch me.” He challenged, smirking. Confident in his abilities, he obliged, sending a fist flying into Cole’s chest, but he didn’t move. A moment of silence, before-
“Yow! Ow, ow, ow!” Kai jumped back and waved his now throbbing hand in pain, as Cole chuckled.
“Solid. Kai, you take over.” The Ninja of Fire complied, taking a stance in front of the Green Ninja as Cole walked off. Cole wandered into the kitchen and wrenched open the fridge door, exploring through its contents, his facial expression getting increasingly sour. There wasn’t any cake.
“Where’s-” He sighed. “Jay?!” He stood up straight and turned his head, groaning to himself as he wandered off in search of the Ninja of Lightning.
Outside the building, at the end of the street, a lone teenager was strolling down the street. He was wearing clothes themed around the colour red. His hair was controlled, pulled back in what looked to be a quiff and coloured black. His clothes were relatively simple, but he observed his surroundings with interest.
This teenager was Jason Lee Scott, the leader of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and the legendary Red Ranger himself. His eyes drifted to the bright building, and heard grunting. He rushed over to the building with curiosity. Two different instincts tugged on his brain, fighting for control. One was the martial artist inside Jason, intrigued at what was going on inside and wondering if he could join in.
The other instinct was his Power Ranger instinct to protect. He heard the grunting, and his mind couldn’t help but wonder. Was it training or a fight? Eventually, after multiple minutes, the martial artist won over, and Jason wandered into the building. Immediately, he was met with a fireball rocketing towards his face, and he dived to the side with a yell, narrowly avoiding it.
Rattled, Jason quickly scrambled to his feet. Now the Power Ranger won out, and Jason was more careful in his approach. He rushed to the door and leaned against it, listening for any sign that it was safe to enter.
He heard muffled arguing, but nothing suggesting a brawl, so he twisted the knob and opened the door, ready to defend himself if he needed to.
“Kai, I told you, don’t use your element in a wooden building- Oh!” Cole stopped his lecture, and turned to the arrival in surprise, along with the rest of the team. Jason surveyed the scene. The person known as Kai’s hand seemed to be ignited. A girl was desperately spraying water at a growing flame, seemingly out of nowhere. And in the corner of the room, he saw a person in blue laughing along with...a robot?
“Uhh…” Jason began dimly. “Are you guys in the middle of training? Should I wait-?” Stares. 12 eyes turned to him. The ninja in red was the first to speak up.
“Listen, we don’t teach. We’re busy trying to train the Green Ninja? Hello?” Jason looked over to the boy in green, who waved at him awkwardly.
“Well, we were, until Kai tried to burn the place down.”
“Hey, that was an accident!”
“You used fire in a wooden building-!” Cole began to shout again.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Jason called out in surprise. The ninja tried to turn towards him. “I’m not asking to be taught. I’m also an instructor. I just wanted to train. That’s all.”
The blue ninja erupted into raucous laughter, holding his knees as he fought to keep standing. The other ninja rolled their eyes, and the one named Cole turned towards him. He gave Jason a small smile, and pointed towards the robotic ninja in the corner.
“Zane, take over on training Lloyd. Kai, help put out the fire,” He gave a small sigh, before his head snapped back to Jason. “Alright, hotshot. You ready for this?” Cole got into a fighting position, fists clenched tight. He pulled a black and orange hood over his head. He was a real ninja.
Jason also got into a fighting stance, raising his arms quickly and staring at the black ninja. If he was truly being trained, he needed to watch out for any hidden weapons a ninja may have on their person.
“You want a fight? You got it!” He told the black ninja, who chuckled.
“Alright, then. Let’s do this! Hah!” With the ambiance of people scrambling to put out the flame, training and panicked arguing, Cole and Jason surveyed each other, daring the other to make a move.
Within the closing of an eyelid while blinking, Jason disappeared. Shocked, Cole looked from left to right, keeping his arms up. He knew better than to let his guard down, Jason obviously wasn’t gone. His head flicked to the left and he raised his left arm in defence, forearm colliding with Jason’s fist. Both smiled at each other, before Cole pushed back. Jason took a step back and readied up for another punch.
“Nice trick!” Cole complimented the Power Ranger and turned to him, his fingers twitching with the obvious urge to battle. With a grunt, the Red Ranger threw his left fist forwards which, again, collided with a forearm. However, instead of backing away, Jason threw his right foot towards Cole’s side.
To his surprise, Cole’s arm snapped downwards and caught his shin, leaving his eyes wide. Smirking, Cole replied with a strike of his own, which collided with Jason’s stomach and sent him careening backwards. The Red Ranger was sent into the wall, back landing first. Groaning, Jason knew better than to let his form falter, so he kept his arms up.
“Yeah! Go Cole!” Jay cried out, pumping his fists into the air.
“Not the time, Jay! Hiyah!” Cole charged forwards, leaping forwards with his foot pointed towards the Red Ranger. With a grunt, Jason leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding a kick from the Black Ninja, their foot piercing through the wall with the unmistakable sounds of wood splintering. However, now Jason was on the floor, he was at a heavy disadvantage. Getting to his feet would waste valuable seconds, enough for Cole to land a blow on him. It was less than ideal.
As Cole pried his foot from the wall, Jason came up with a plan. He wouldn’t get up, he would bring Cole down to his level! With an almighty grunt, he swept his legs behind his body. His shins caught the back of the ninja’s left leg, and he let out a small cry of surprise. But he didn’t fall. His other foot realigned itself and dug into the wooden floor.
What happened next almost caused Jason to stop his attack. The floor vibrated when Cole dug his foot into the floor, but this one was amplified. It was stronger than it should have been. While the shock was momentary, Jason didn’t let it stop his attack, and with yet another grunt, he hooked the Black Ninja’s other foot with his own and pulled it out from under his torso. He came down with a ‘CRASH!’ that rocked the whole building.
“Not bad…” Cole groaned, jumping to his feet. Technically, he jumped to two pairs of feet, and as he stood up, both of Jason’s legs pushed out and connected with Cole’s jaw, sending him stumbling backwards and giving Jason an ample amount of time to stand up. With the grace of a trained dancer, the Ninja of Earth rolled backwards and hopped onto the balls of his feet.
“Yo…” He muttered in disbelief, but before he could continue, Cole threw a punch. Jumping backwards, Jason narrowly avoided the punch, but the ninja continued his assault. The Leader of the Power Rangers parried a right hook aimed for his cheek, he deflected a knee to the stomach, and flicked his head to the side to narrowly avoid a jab heading straight through the nose.
Frustrated, Jason didn’t fight back. He wanted to learn the ninja’s fighting style, but it was unlike any he had ever seen. He couldn’t pin it down. It was nothing that Jason was intimately familiar with, though. He knew that for sure. The Red Ranger caught a punch and retaliated with a kick to the side, which was also narrowly deflected. Blows were missing my millimeters. Fists grazed against cheeks, feet scraped against forearms, but nothing directly landed on the opponent.
Even as Cole caught two punches from Jason and used the momentum to sling him backwards, they still couldn’t land a hit on one another. However this time, Jason was on the offensive. He pushed Cole back with his barrage of punches and kicks, across the room, towards a door. Almost nothing was landing, save from a punch to the chest from Jason and a hook to the ribs from Cole.
They pushed closer and closer to the door. Jason had his back to it, numerous times almost getting thrown into or through it.
“Cole, that’s the kitchen! If you ruin our leftovers I’ll shock you until you hardly know what cake is!” Jay warned him from across the room, but Cole was too focused on the fight to respond. He charged forwards. Much like before, Cole tried to land a flying kick, but before he could, Jason opened the door into the kitchen wide. Scathing nothing, Cole harmlessly glided through the door and landed on his feet in the long corridor of the kitchen.
“...Huh.” Cole momentarily dropped his guard. Jason rushed through the doorway and tried to throw a punch, but the ninja’s guard wasn’t dropped down enough for that. He raised a forearm and blocked the punch with a sturdy arm. He twisted around quickly, taking a step backwards to get himself out of the danger zone.
Jason rushed forwards, but instead of attacking or blocking, Cole grabbed the fridge and with a grunt, slammed it down on the Red Ranger with a grunt.
“Cole-! Leftovers!” Jay shouted from across the building, groaning loudly.
“Whoops,” He chuckled. Coughing violently, the injured Red Ranger emerged from the destroyed fridge, groaning slightly.
If I turned Red Ranger now, that wouldn’t violate the Ranger...code, would it? Jason pondered, as Cole extended a hand to help the Ranger up. Breathing heavily, Jason looked up at the ninja, and smiled. He grabbed onto the ninja’s hand, who helped him up to his feet.
“You okay? Ready to continue?” Without warning, Jason buried a fist into Cole’s cheek, pushing him backwards and causing Jason to chuckle.
“Is that answer enough?” Cole also chuckled, and raised his arms in a fighting stance, ready to go again.
“Then, let’s kick this up a notch!” He challenged the Red Ranger, backing into a door leading out of the kitchen. Jason cautiously approached him, and Cole opened the door wide, revealing what seemed to be...another dojo? No, couldn’t be…why would they need two?
Regardless, Jason pushed forwards, knocking Cole through the doorway with a kick to his stomach. Yet, he didn’t fall. Jason buried fist after fist into the ninja’s torso, but the worst that happened was that he stumbled backwards, inching closer and closer to a cupboard. He caught the next punch the Ranger threw at him, twisting his body and throwing Jason into the cupboard. It collapsed with a sickening crack as weapons fell out of it. Shurikens, swords, staffs, daggers, and all the traditional ninja weapons.
Grunting, Cole picked Jason up by his shirt and shoved him away from the cupboard with a look of determination etched onto his face. The Red Ranger rolled across the floor with a violent cough, coming to a stop in the middle of the large room. He took a second to get to his feet and exhaled. This guy was tough.
As he steadied himself, Cole twisted around, launching two small projectiles through the air. Shurikens. Silver and razor-sharp. Gasping, Jason jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding the first. The second scraped the sleeve of his shirt, ripping fibres of the fabric away from the rest and lodged itself into the wall.
“Woah! Careful!”
“You wanna train, don’t you?” Cole asked him, flicking more of the weapons towards him. With a look of determination, Jason steadied himself. He watched as the shurikens twisted through the air...slicing through the atmosphere as it rocketed towards him. The world felt like it was in slow-motion, and with what seemed like a snail’s pace, Jason reached towards the weapons and snatched them out of the air. He was careful to catch it with the tips of his fingers, the blades narrowly missing his palm.
Jason spun around in a circle, and with a yell, launched the shurikens back towards the Ninja of Earth. Except he wasn’t able to catch them. As the speed of time itself almost seemed to go back to normal, the shurikens caught on the fabric on Cole’s shoulders and stuck into the wall, dragging the ninja along with it. He let out a grunt of surprise and desperately tried to struggle out of the shuriken’s iron grip on his gi.
“Gah!” Cole exclaimed, as Jason turned to look at the results. With the tiniest of smiles, Jason rushed forwards, delivering a right hook to Cole’s cheek with such force that it almost dislodged him from the wall.
The Red Ranger continued to pummel the ninja, who desperately tried to look for a means of escape. His eyes searched the ground, until he spotted it. A Bō staff, lying mere inches from his left foot. Salvation!
His thoughts were constantly interrupted from a punch or kick from the Red Ranger, but nevertheless Cole hooked the staff around his foot and flicked it up in the air. The staff spun between the two, the very second Jason propelled his fist forwards. With a crunch, Jason’s fist collided with the staff, knocking it into Cole and dislodging one of the shurikens, which clattered to the ground in a sense of anticlimax.
Cole gripped onto the staff with one hand and dislodged the other shuriken with it. He was free, and now with a weapon. The ninja didn’t let a moment go by, and he buried the end of the staff into Jason’s stomach. He let out a cry of pain and stumbled backwards, but the ninja followed that up by whipping the side of his head with it.
“I missed this staff,” Cole said lightly, spinning it around in his hands. “Got me out of a lot of jams.” He readied the staff and looked towards Jason, who raised his arms. The two fighters rushed towards each other at the same time, both of them screaming in unison. Cole got the first attack, by slamming the staff down onto Jason’s shoulder, but the Red Ranger didn’t give in. With a yell, he swung his foot into Cole’s cheek, spinning him around and leaving him dizzy.
As Cole turned towards Jason, he delivered another kick to his cheek, but this time, Cole spun with it. He spun faster and faster, holding the staff close to his chest. The ground rumbled beneath their feet and Jason’s looked at the floor with a mixture of shock and nervousness as he watched the black ninja continuously spin around, faster and faster.
“Yo, what are you doing?!” He called out to the ninja, who didn’t respond. The spinning was getting faster and faster, he was a black and orange blur, and the rumbling only got more intense.
“Ninja-go!” Cole screamed. Tiny particles of the earth gathered around him, spinning with the ninja at the same velocity. Within seconds, a tornado of pure earth enveloped him. The ground beneath the ninja cracked, and Jason let out a gasp, backing away quickly. The tornado approached him, and Jason didn’t know how to counterattack. What was this?
The staff emerged from the tornado and whipped the side of the Ranger’s head, and before he could even process what hit him, the staff whipped him again. He couldn’t see where the attacks were coming from!
But if he could anticipate them…
If he could just learn the pattern…
If he could just…
As the staff approached him again, Jason stuck out his hand, catching the staff before it could hit him once more. He slammed the staff into the wall, and the tornado followed, but it didn’t crash into the wall at all. It almost seemed to bounce off of it!
Another attack rounded on him, but instead of it being a staff, it was the foot of a certain ninja, which plowed itself into Jason’s nose and slammed him into the wall. Groaning, the Red Ranger held his head painfully. The spinning stopped, as well as the rumbling. Cole spun to a stop in the middle of the room and as he rounded on the Ranger, he pointed the staff towards him.
“Sayonara!” He shouted, rushing forwards with the staff. Jason managed to look up at the charging ninja, but that’s all he managed. The staff buried itself into Jason’s stomach, and he let out a scream. The force of the attack pushed him through the wall. He burst out of the other side, the ninja following close behind.
Jason landed on his back, but Cole landed on his feet, and as Jason struggled to stand up, he made a decision on what he was going to do next.
“If we’re kicking this up a notch…” He began, reaching towards his midriff.
“It’s Morphin Time! Tyrannosaurus!” He declared. He snatched something and held it out in front of him. The Power Coin!
The teenager clad in red and white clothes was instantaneously replaced with the powerful leader of the Mighty Morphin Team. This was the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger.
“Oh, I see,” Cole observed the Red Ranger cautiously, raising his staff and holding it away from his body, anticipating an attack. “We bringin’ out the big guns?”
“Not exactly!” Jason called out in return, and with a yell, he charged forwards. He held his arm up high, his hand outstretched, as he shouted to the heavens. “Power Sword!” With a flash of red, the long, dangerous sword appeared in Jason’s hand, out of nowhere, and yet Jason acted like this was an everyday occurrence.
“Huh?” Cole asked, as their weapons collided. The pure energy from the attack sent waves of destruction through the ground, the road crumbling beneath their feet. Neither fighter let up, and they pressed their weapons together. Cole had the advantage, he had two hands on both ends on the staff. He had more control, he had-
Straining, Cole took a step forward, forcing Jason back. Another step and Jason moved back further. The ground was crumbling under the Ranger’s feet, as they dug into the asphalt to steady himself. His arms ached, the muscles inside them were strained, as he fought back for control.
Grunting, Jason looked towards Cole’s weapon. He needed a way out...and when it hit him, he was surprised he couldn’t have seen it earlier. It was so simple! A small smile curled from his lips, and with a gasp, he twisted the blade until the sharp end clashed against the staff, and in a swift slash, the Power Sword cleanly cut through, scraping Cole’s shoulder and crashing into the road, burying itself in the concrete with a dull thud.
Groaning, Jason threw out his foot, forcing Cole to jump backwards, eyes wide with shock. The Red Ranger dragged his sword out of the asphalt, flicking rubble and dust towards Cole’s eyes. With a gasp, he lifted up his arms, throwing the dust high into the air, out of sight. Using the momentum from his swing, Cole rached behind his back and grabbed another weapon. It’s curved blade glinted in the evening sunlight. The Ninja swung it with great accuracy, he was obviously very skilled with the blade. “Isn’t that a farming tool?”
“Can be, but I’ve found that a scythe in the right hands,” He gestured to himself “Would be a sight to behold. Wanna see?” And with that, Cole charged forwards, hugging the scythe to his chest as he ran forwards. He swung the blade in a ‘U’ shape, narrowly clashing with the Power Sword. The tip of the scythe’s blade was mere inches from Jason’s Ranger uniform, as if it was desperately reaching out to him.
With a yell, Jason kicked Cole’s hip, forcing him backwards, and knocking him off-balance. Using the temporary distraction, Jason slammed the flat side of the blade into Cole’s cheek, the tip of the sword carving itself into his cheek and leaving a thin trail of red from the ninja’s cheek. The Black Ninja of Earth hissed in pain, and leapt backwards, wildly swinging the blade towards Jason. As his feet touched the ground once more, he spun around, the earth gathering around him in another tornado. Exasperated, Jason sighed.
“Again?” He groaned, raising his Power Sword with conviction, aiming the tip of the blade for the earth tornado.
“Fine. Tyrannosaurus Charge!” He cried. With that, he flew forwards, almost as if he was gliding through the air. The wind whipped past his helmet, and as he screamed he held his sword out in front of him. An echo of a red dinosaur followed him closely, surrounding his arms, intimidating. As the tornado approached him, dust whipped into his face. Jason’s yell was louder than ever, and as he was enveloped in dust, he plunged his sword forwards. He heard a scream, and as the shockwave blasted the two fighters apart, he could have sworn he saw a few drops of something red…
Regardless, Jason and Cole both landed as a heap on the floor. The shockwave plowed through the buildings around them. The shockwaves travelled through the buildings, too much for the windows, as they shattered into tiny shards around the two fighters, showering them in glass.
Jason took a second to get to his feet, but Cole was still on the ground. The ninja was clutching his shoulder painfully, the red liquid seeping through his fingers and splattering across the road around him. Adrenaline shot through his body, and as tears welled up in his eyes, his brain snapped at him to get over it.
Ninja never quit, Cole! You’re fearless and sturdy, like a rock! Get up and kick this guy into next week! Ninja...go!
Struggling, Cole got to his feet and observed the damage wearily. The stab was not deep enough to cause permanent damage, nor was it shallow enough to just get over. But Cole had to. For himself. His bloodied hands gripped the scythe, and he scowled at the Power Ranger across from him.
The Black Ninja jumped into the air, spinning wildly. Jason prepared for another tornado from above, but when the tornado came, he didn’t fall. Enveloped in a cyclone, Cole rose into the air, flying closer and closer to the building next to him.
“Oh, you’re joking.” Jason sighed, his hands gripping onto the sword even tighter than before. Cole planted his feet onto the building and pushed off, raising his scythe up in the air and falling towards Jason at blinding speeds. With a roar, the black ninja sliced down with his weapon. Sparks erupted from the Ranger uniform, and Jason fired backwards with a grunt, rolling across the road, tearing it up. However, Cole never touched the ground. Inches before he did he spun around once more, flying up to the building in front of him, windows shattered. He pushed off the building and flew towards the downed Red Ranger, spinning in a rapid circle, a tornado forming around him again.
Before Jason could react, the Black Ninja, buried inside his tornado, crashed into Jason’s back, pushing him further into the road and blasting a wide crater throughout the street. He swung the scythe into the side of Jason’s head, sparks flying out of it and dazing the Ranger. Cole jumped off the Ranger and landed on his toes, blood still leaking out of his shoulder wound. A stinging pain thumped through the ninja’s arm, but he ignored it with a grimace.
“Earth!” He shouted to the heavens, digging his fists into the road. His arms glowed with an eerie orange, and as he ripped his hands out of the asphalt, a pillar of rocks erupted from the ground directly underneath Jason, throwing him into the air. He flew backwards, and as he approached the road, another pillar of rock tossed him up in the air. Smirking from inside his mask, Cole leapt into the air with a grunt.
He jumped on top of the first pillar of rock and flipped off of it, propelling himself forwards with his feet. As he fell towards the next pillar, he pushed off of it with one arm and flew into the air once more. As Jason started to stand, Cole bounced off his helmet with his head, flipping over and landing onto the road on his feet, curling his hand into a claw and growling.
“Ha ha! The Triple Tiger Sashay!” Cole announced, hands held in the air triumphantly. “Gotcha!” He laughed, as Jason slowly struggled to his feet. He wasn’t one to give in. However, neither was Cole, and he continued his attack by planting his feet in the road, knocking three large chunks of rubble, about as big as his head, to eye-level. A second passed, before Cole threw his hands forwards, the rubble firing forwards like bullets.
Shocked, Jason jumped to his feet and pulled out his blade, holding it in front of him with determination. As the rocks flew towards him, Jason slashed through the air. His sword sliced through the rocks as if they were nothing. The first chunk split into halves and flew harmlessly past the Ranger’s head, the second was stabbed with enough force to turn it to dust, spreading the fine particles across the battlefield.
And with the third one, Jason didn’t use his sword. He threw a punch, but this was not his ordinary punch. This was amplified, stronger, powerful. The rock combusted in a ball of flame, turning to ash within a second and landing harmlessly at Jason’s feat in the next. Grunting, the Red Ranger charged forwards, fist held back, ready to strike.
In response, Cole punched his fists together forcefully. In less than an instant, his hands were orange. Surrounded in magma, travelling up his arm and to his head, illuminating the faded scar on his forehead, a shadow of his time as a ghost. His eyes also glowed orange, and he gasped slightly at his own hands.
“I never have good control of this...but...Earth Punch!” He cried, charging forwards in response.
“Power Punch!” Jason cried. As the two fighters ran towards each other, their fists drew backwards, and slingshot forwards as they yelled. Cole’s punch came in the form of an uppercut, while Jason punched downwards. Their fists met.
The shockwave created from the punches vapourized the land around them, chunks of asphalt rose from the ground, but Cole and Jason refused to move. They planted their feet in the road and stared daggers into each other’s eyes. Both of their arms ached from the force, but they kept applying, kept trying to knock the other down. Buildings fell around them. The buildings sporting broken windows collapsed in a shower of dust, obscuring the battlefield, but neither moved.
“ a ninja! And ninja...never quit!” Cole groaned, arm shaking.
“You’re...good! But there’s no way in hell I’m giving in!” Jason groaned in response, raising his sword. He tried to thrust it towards the black Ninja, but he raised his scythe in response and blocked the swing. The force! It was too much for the both of them, and their arms shot backwards, throbbing and aching. Both fighters were almost carried off their feet, but instead of falling, they balled their hands into fists and threw them forwards, each colliding with the other’s face.
Cole zipped backwards, as did Jason. They each landed in a heap on the road, the chunks of rubble created from their colliding fists fell to the Earth again, unspectacularly. Cole’s scythe landed next to him, split in half, broken.
But neither gave up. Their tenacity shone through, and as they scrambled to their feet, Cole punched rocks out of the ground, kicking them towards the Ranger with an intense conviction to win. The Power Sword lay on the ground far away. There was no opportunity to get it back, else the rocks would pierce through him like bullets. However, he had a solution.
Seconds before the rocks would reach him, Jason pulled out a small dagger, and reshaped it. He turned it, transformed it into the Blade Blaster, spinning it around his finger with a flourish. He aimed at the rocks in quick succession, squeezing the trigger and firing rays out of the barrel, which rocketed through the air and destroyed the rocks in an instant.
Jumping backwards, Jason continued firing, quickly destroying all of the rocks Cole threw at him. Dust and sand were laying on the ground before him. Jason readjusted his aim, not aiming for any rock or boulder, but instead towards the person firing them. Cole. The rays fired out of the gun, forcing Cole to erect a pillar of earth as a shield, hiding behind it as he tried to think of a plan. The scythe was broken, he couldn’t use it as a weapon anymore. The rays pummelled the pillar, slowly taking chunks out of it, littering the ground.
With a sigh, Cole took off the hood obscuring his head, his black hair swept to the side and messed up from the battle. He was breathing heavily. The blood stopped leaking out his shoulder and cheek, but he hadn’t a clue what to do.
A ray sliced through the pillar, scraping and burning against Cole’s arm. He hissed in pain as the heat of burning flesh met his nose, and he realised that in that moment, he had to act, or he’d lose much more than just the battle. Sucking in a deep breath, Cole started to turn and twist, the earth beneath his feet cracking, breaking apart. The bottom of the tornado forming around him was pure magma, molten rock.
Screaming, Cole leaped forwards, plowing through the pillar as if it was made of paper, and reducing it to nothing. The Ranger kept up his fire, moving towards his blade. One blade submerged itself in the tornado, but narrowly missed Cole’s rapidly spinning body. The tornado jumped in the air, which immediately turned from a rocky tornado to a pale brown cyclone, carrying him high up in the air. Sighing, Jason turned around, continuing to try and land hits in on the crafty ninja. Laughing, Cole landed on the road on the balls of his feet, before jumping to the side, narrowly avoiding another shot. His arms turned orange, imbued with magma once more as he jumped high into the air...and slammed them into the road.
The road rumbled with the infamous sensation. One that sent people scrambling under tables or doorways, an earthquake. Jason momentarily lost balance, and Cole took that opportunity to rush forwards, drawing his fists backwards. He went to throw them forwards, but before he could land a hit, the Red Ranger caught his wrists.
Cole let out a sharp exhale, as with a roar, Jason slammed him into the ground. He didn’t stop there. Snatching as the ninja’s hood, he hoisted Cole to his feet and planted a foot into his stomach. Groaning, the ninja stumbled backwards. Jason landed punch after punch into the ninja’s body, bloodying his nose, opening the cut on his cheek, and knocking him to the floor.
“Ugh…” The ninja groaned simply, pulling himself away from the Ranger’s grip and steadying his arms quickly. His breaths were ragged, but he knew he couldn’t give in. He couldn’t! He was a ninja! Cole’s arms glowed a familiar orange, and he scrambled to his feet.
The two fighters observed each other for a split second, before Jason threw a punch that the ninja caught. He dragged the Ranger closer to his body, and released a downwards punch that threw Jason into the road. He flew through it, plowing through the dirt, a deeper and deeper hole forming.
Ugh, this isn’t working! Jason said to himself, as Cole jumped down the hole, and planted his feet into the Ranger, pushing him through the dirt. A hole opened up below them suddenly, leading into a cave, and both fighters fell through. They landed on their backs in the dark, damp cave, but Cole had never felt more alive. He was in a cave...this was literally his element! He was in tune with his elemental power, and he closed his eyes. He crawled onto his knees and clenched his hands together in the dirt, as Jason struggled to his feet.
The Ranger also closed his eyes, and began to do a series of hand movements.
“It’s Morphin Time!” He shouted to the heavens, as he continued to do the hand movements. He crossed his arms over one another, his hands glowing an eerie gold, lighting up the cave violently.
“Gold Ranger Power!” Jason’s voice echoed throughout the cave, and his red and white spandex was replaced. He was...armoured. He and gold! He was the Gold Zeo Ranger! He felt...powerful!
“Wow, you gonna use a hammer, too? Steal my whole thing, why don’t-” At that moment, Jason pulled out the Golden Power Staff and held it out in front of him, met by an exasperated sigh from the ninja clad in black. Cole also got to his feet. Now his arms were glowing orange, but he didn’t control it, nor did he activate it. Being surrounded by one’s element does strange things to a ninja.
They rushed forwards. Cole planted a fist into Jason’s stomach, but a heavy swing from the Golden Power Staff was enough to knock him backwards. Dazed, Cole took a step back, smiling to himself.
“If you’re copying me, may as well do it properly.” He said, reaching for his back. With a grunt, he pulled out a hammer. Long, heavy and dangerous. The two warriors rushed forwards again, in a clash for the ages. Hammers met, rocking the cave. The metallic clang from the weapons caused both fighters to cringe, but neither let up. Jason swung his staff for Cole’s legs, which he jumped over to avoid.
In response, Cole tried to bring down his hammer on the Ranger’s head, who caught it with a grunt and shoved it away, knocking the ninja off balance with a gasp. They were at their limit. Cole was fighting for control of his arms, and the Ranger form was taking its toll on Jason’s body.
Cole slid through the dirt towards Jason, aiming to take out his legs, but with a roar, Jason brought the hammer down on the ninja’s shins. He immediately stopped sliding and let out a shriek of agony, tightly gripping onto his leg and shaking. Another swing from the hammer buried itself into Cole’s face and blasted him through the cave, crashing into the wall in a heap. The cave shook more, and the ninja collapsed onto his knees, the leg that was hurt was numb. Blood was leaking out of his nose and cheek, and his hammer was outclassed.
But he stood up. He pushed himself to his feet and hobbled forwards, arms glowing orange, fuelled with adrenaline, Cole leaped forwards. Jason went to swing the staff, but with a determined shout, he knocked it out of the Ranger’s hands. Shockwaves blast throughout the cave for every blow Cole landed on the Ranger. Three punches to the stomach that caused Jason to double over. An uppercut to the chin that threw him into the roof of the cave. All of it left a shockwave that rippled through the dirt walls of the cave.
Rocks fell from it, falling towards Cole at high speeds, who gasped and jumped backwards. The rock was large enough that it separated the two fighters. But that separation didn’t last for long. An energy blast erupted from the Golden Power Staff, obliterating the rock and showering Cole in dust.
Jason fired another energy beam, which smashed itself into the ninja’s stomach and knocked him into the dirt. The hammer was almost buried in dirt, lying next to him and glinting off the tiny sources of light that were present. And that tiny shimmer of light. It reminded him of something. That tiny glimmer of hope.
Cole looked up at Jason, and a determination unlike no other filled his body, spreading through his veins.
“Years ago...I promised my mother to stand up to all that was unjust in this world! I promised her that I would stand up to tyrants like you! ALWAYS!” Rocks gathered around him, spinning around his body violently. Bright orange, glowing. The ground underneath them started to rumble, and Jason jumped backwards, trying his hardest to avoid the rocks falling around him. Cole’s eyes glowed yellow, and as he spun, the tornado that erupted was unlike any other he had seen.
It was bright yellow, and towered over the Ranger. It burst out of his body like a violent explosion, and Cole rose with the tornado, staring daggers down at the Gold Ranger, who looked back up at the ninja, glaring wildly.
“I said before, I am not surrendering! Not a chance in hell! Let me show you!” Jason leapt up in the air to match the ninja’s height, holding his staff out with a look of righteous anger. He pushed off a falling rock behind him and rocketed towards the ninja, swinging his staff with as much force behind it as he could muster. Staff met fists, and as the force rocked the cave, the power proved too much for Cole’s arms. They shook wildly. His armpit started to bleed again…
With a cry of agony unlike Jason had ever heard before, both of Cole’s arms broke. His elbows gave out and broke, giving way to the force of the staff. The Ranger persisted. And as he shot a blast of energy towards the ninja, it proved too much for his body. Cole let out another scream, as the energy blast rocketed through his torso, staining the walls in red.
One last scream from Cole, and his body blasted apart. The energy was too much for his body, and he paid the price. The tornado slowly faded away, and as he landed on the ground, so did Jason. He would have stopped to look, but the cave was collapsing on top of him. He needed to leave, now.
Grunting, he jumped between the rocks, propelling himself higher and higher towards the hole they emerged from. The rocks fell towards the cave floor, burying Cole's remains in rocks.
As the cave collapsed, Jason scrambled out of the hole he was punched through, and unmorphed back into Jason Lee Scott. He sighed, breathing heavily, worn out and in pain. As he stood up, he held his side painfully, and limped away.
"Sorry...I-" He couldn't think of the words. He never meant to finish the brawl the way he did. He used too much of his power. He...he messed up. And now Cole was no more.
Kaiya: Well, at least Cole can finally reunite with his mother...
Counter: Kai! Too soon...Anyway, this was certainly a unique battle to experience. Both fighters were skilled in combat, but only one of them had what it takes to take the match.
Damien: Cole did have a significant number of advanatages, though! He was more unpredictable, more versatile, and has many ways to control the battlefield! With his geokinesis and Airjitzu techniques, he certainly kept Jason on his toes...but not much else.
Hannah: Right. While Cole had more ways to move around, he simply did not have a good way of killing the Red Ranger, or...harming him at all, for that matter.
Kaiya: Well, in terms of speed, Jason is comparable and superior to Rito Revolto, who dodged a lightning bolt from Lord Zedd, which moves at 5.34 times the speed of light. Now, that's nothing to sneeze at, but where does Cole stack up? From fighting Jay and being comparable, we can likely scale him to lightning-timing feats. But how fast is lightning?
Counter: According to this study from the Astrophysics Data Systen puts the speed of lightning at Mach 1294. That's also impressive, but Jason is just leagues faster. Over 3000x faster, in fact. So Cole wasn't winning any running races anytime soon.
Damien: In terms of power, Cole doesn't really have much to put up to Jason. While Cole has taken a beating from Morro, and sparred with his fellow ninja who have taken the same thing, this only comes out to about 730 kilotons of TNT. Where does Jason come out to? In his Red Ranger morph, 666 gigatons of TNT. While this already would put him at a level above the young ninja, that's not his final morph.
Hannah: The Gold Zeo Ranger gives Jason an enormous boost! Able to put him at Rita Repulsa levels since Tommy, who the Gold Zeo Ranger is comparable to, put up a brief fight against Lord Zedd, Rita's superior. Rita has created a solar eclipse worth about 158 zettatons of TNT. Far higher than any of Cole's showings and much, much higher than Cole's greatest durability feat -730 kilotons.
Kaiya: 'Ah, but guys, Cole also had an island feat like Rita did so shouldn't that help him'?
Counter: An interesting question, but when you look at it from other angles it doesn't help Cole much at all. The Earth Punch did cause an island to tremble, yes, but that's not as impressive as Rita's feat. Firstly, Rita completely destroyed the Island of Illusion, while Cole only shaked it. Already it doesn't look as impressive side by side.
Damien: And when you look at the size of the island Cole shook, it also raises a few questions. Because, to put it simply, the island is much smaller than a regular island, and would definitely yield less destructive power than the Island that Rita ended up destroying.
Hannah: And even if it did put Cole at that sort of level, Rita -and Jason by extension- both have other feats that go far beyond destroying an island.
Kaiya: So, no matter which way you look at it, Cole just didn't have enough to stand up to the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger.
Counter: Cole certainly put up a clever fight, one for the ages, but he was outdone by Jason's might, blazing speed and pure Ranger power.
Kaiya: Cole's chances of winning really Spinjutzu Burst in his face!
Counter: The winner is Jason Lee Scott.