Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Inkling Vs. Volnutt
Inkling Vs. Mega Man Volnutt
Season 1
Overall Episode 14
Season Episode 14
Air date 8/2/2023
Written by ThunderStar20
Episode guide
Ness VS Frisk]]
Vyse Vs. Monkey D. Luffy]]

Inkling Vs. Mega Man Volnutt is a Season 1, episode !4 is ThunderStar20's Death Battles, pitting Inkling from the Splatoon series against Mega Man Volnutt from the Mega Man Legends series.


Nintendo and Capcom's post apocalyptic gunslingers are ready for a shoot out!


Metroid: Inkling, the squid transforming hybrid species in Inkopolis.

Thunder: And Mega Man Volnutt, the Carbon Digger of the Casketts!

Metroid: One possible fate for humanity is that in many, many years, they will all go extinct. Thus, a new species arises and takes hold as the dominant species.

Thunder: And they may just be amazing at trigger fingers. He's Metroid and I'm Thunder!

Metroid: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Inkling splats DEATH BATTLE![]

Metroid: As humanity advanced technology, disaster came as conflict occurred, and war raged. And as a result, multiple world wars were fought, until one day came which changed everything.

Thunder: And by that, we mean someone shot a nuke at Antartica of all places! Because fuck the penguins, I guess...

Metroid: This was a terrible choice, as all the ice melting caused the sea level to rise drastically. That, combined wiyh volcanic eruptions going haywire, resulted in a mass-extinction even for all humans.

Thunder: But not all of humanity died that day. In fact, some managed to escape to a a cavern for shelter, with lotsa octopuses, squids and jellyfishes for food. Soon the scientists basically replicated everything from the surface, even the sky with some liquid crystals made from squid piss! So all was well.

Metroid: Until some of the newers scientists from years later tried to build a rocket ship to see what was beyond the fake sky. However, the energy from the rocket boosters overloaded the cavern's liquid crystals, causing a chain reaction, the stone walls of the cavern shattered, raining debris. And with that, humanity truly went extinct.

Thunder: But never fear, the crystals broke into mircoscopic pieces and absorbed by the squids and octos and all them fish life, and eventually they, evolving. Becoming more human-like. And soon, they made it to the surface and began to just, make civilaization all over again. These two species that were the biggest, were Octolings and Inkling.


Alisases: Agent 3, Agent 4, Captain

Very into fashion

A squid? Or a kid?

HATES water

Has more guns that a child reasonable should have


Metroid: Inklings are fasinating, as they have a unique body make up; being able to swap from squid from to humanoid form at will. And when they spread ink, the squid form can swim through it, effectively hiding them from foes in plan sight while also being able to move faster, and can fight in a fog just as effectively as they would without one.

Thunder: And HOW do they spread ink? Luckily they just need to use a god damn gun! Inklings are not just fashion experts, but expert gunslingers, making them dangerous for any guy thinking they're gonna be easy pickings! Like, there's the .96. Gal Deco, which is basically just a shotgun that shoots giant blobs of ink at any unfortunate sap that got too close!

Metroid: With the Aerospray PG, Inklings can fire short and spreaded shots of ink, and with the Bamboozler MK III, they can shoot an extremely powerful burst of ink that goes in one line. The Bento Splatterscope is essentially a sniper rifle with ink, accompanied with a scope to see far away foes, which is impressive since Inklings can see up to 100km. And the Berry Splattershot Pro lets Inkling doing rapid fire shots. And they also have various Blasters on hand.

Thunder: There's the normal Custome Blaster, which fires explosive shots that one shot nearly anyone. There's Grim Range Blasters, which travel farther, and the Kensa Luna Blaster is faster, but kinda doesn't travel as far. The Clash Blaster Neo is a weak close ranged one with fast fire rates, the Rapid Blaster is mid damage but long range and rapid fire, hence the name, with the Rapid Blaser Pro Deco being a slightly better version. And then there's the S-Blast '92, which has long range on the ground but short range in the air, and looks like a Super Scope! There's also the Gold Dynamo Roller, which can be used by swinging it down with a slam or rolling it against the floor! And the Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose lets them fire three powerful shots rapidly at their foes!

Metroid: The Fresh Squiffer is a charged weapon that that shoots a line of ink, going futher the more it's charged. The Dual Squelcher is two guns that fire rapid shots, and allow Inklings to even perform dodge rolls, which for some reason they never think about doing with any other weapon. The E-liter 4K Scope is also similar as a sniper, and the Nautilus 79 is essentially a minigun filled with ink.

Thunder: The Sploosh-O-Matic deals alot of damage while having short range, and the Kensa Splattershot is mostly a basic gun. The Neo Splash-o-matic fires low range and is more for up close stuff, but the accuracy and high fire rate make up for it! The Wasabi Splattershot is a stronger version of the Kensa Splattershot, The Kensa .52 Gal has a high damage, but medium fure rate with SHITTY accuracy, and the N-ZAP '83 has low power, but fires decently and has great accuracy!

Metroid: The Custom Jet Squelcher isn't too strong, but fires farther even if slower. The Splattershot Nova has low power, with long range and middling accuracy, while the Kensa L-3 Nozzlenose is...admittly a weaker version of the Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose. And the Foil Squeezer has two firing types; just pulling the trigger once will squirt out a single long range, low spread, high-power ink shot, or holding the trigger leads to successive low range, high spread, lower-powered shots.

Thunder: With the Carbon Roller Deco, it may be weaker than the Golden Dynamo Roller, but it's way faster even if flicking doesn't have as much range, and the CoroCoro Splat Roller is the basic roller. The Foil Flingza changes shaoed to look more weapon-like when swinging it veritcally, with great range, inking and damage, and the Big Swig Roller has amazing inking capabilities and wider range, with weak but faster swings!

Metroid: The Bento Splat Charger is a charging attack shot. The Custom E-Liter 4K is charger with extreme range and damage in exchange for a slow charge time and heavy ink consumption. The Custom Goo Tuber has aslow charge time, but range is amazing. And the Snipewriter 5H holds five, medium-damage shots per full charge, resulting in painful shots although weak.

Thunder: The Soda Slosher has them throw ink in an arc, allowing them to hit enemies behind walls, with the Tri-Slosher Nouveau sending ink in three different directions! The Kensa Sloshing Machine launches a small mortar-like glob that is trailed by a vortex of ink, with glob doing more damage than the vortex. The Bloblobber Deco is oddly shaped like a bathtub, and fires four lines of bubbles that can even bounce off walls! And the Explosher makes an an explosion when the ink glob any surface, and goes through any foes it hits!

Metroid: The Kensa Mini Spatling is essentially a weak gatling gun, and the Hero Splatling Remix is essentailly the basic one. Custom Hydra Splatling lets out long range shots, and at full charge, the damage becomes high, but the ink drains quick. And the has two different firing modes, an initial short ranged firing mode with a high fire rate and a secondary firing mode that has a slower fire rate but longer range and perfect accuracy.

Thunder: The Kensa Splat Dualies a basically a pair of pistols, with the Clear Splat Dualies, Inklings get faster dodge rolls and powerful blows at the cost of range. The Kensa Glooga Dualies has long range and high power, butttt low fire rates. But hey, if they dodge while using it, the strength of the shots get stronger! The Dualie Squelchers has the longest range, and the Tetra Dualies let Inklings do four dodge rolls in a row!

Metroid: There is the Sorella Brella, which allows Inklings to hide behind a shield, and shoot out the umbrella to act as a high damaging but slow moving projectile. The Tenta Camo Brella is heavier with a more durable umbrella shield, and the Kensa Undercover Brella can't fire it's shield, but the ink it fires from opening is faster.

Thunder: The Permanent Inkbrush is a shortranged paintbrush that can make for fast movement and leave a trail of ink. The Kensa Octobrush is far better in power, but Inklings aren't as fast when using it. And while it's slow at swinging, the Painbrush really lives up to it's name, just to let ya know.

Metroid: Stringers are basically bows that have two levels of charge. Once fired, they briefly freeze before exploding. While REEF-LUX-450 cannot store it's charge or fire explosive shots, it's base power is strong as the normal stringer's full charge, with the REEF-LUX's own charge being way stronger.

Thunder: They also got swords! The Splatana Wiper allows Inklings to do quick slashes, or do a powerful vertical slash or even a lunge then firing! And with the Splatana Stamper, the projectiles and swings get stronger at the cost firing and movement speed. Sounds good to me!

Metroid: Although, these are their only weapons; Inklings have sub-weapons, tools that use alot of ink but can be helpful when backed against a wall. For instance, the Splat Bomb is a trianglar shaped explosive that only starts the timer to detonate when it lands on the ground.

Thunder: The Suction Bomb is an explosive that stucks to walls and ceilings and the ground, and has a bigger blast radius than the Splat Bombs! The Burst Bomb isn't as strong as the other two, but can be thrown rapidly, and the Seeker chases foes and leaves a trail of ink Inklings can use to follow faster!

Metroid: The Curling Bomb acts like and ice curling, sliding across the floor until it explodes, with holding it longer cooking it to make the blast bigger. The Autobomb walks after any nearby opponents before exploding, and the Ink Mine is used in ink as a hidden explosive. While not strong enough to defeat foes, leaves a tracker on it's victim, making them easy to find, and the Point Sensor has the same effect.

Thunder: The Disruptor and Poison Mist make opponents slower and lose ink, the Splash Wall acts like a barrier on the field that even stops enemy fire, the Sprinkler shoots out ink in a circular manner, and when a Squid Beacon is placed down, they can super jump to it to make getaways!

Metroid: The Fizzy Bomb is shaped like a soda, and when shaken alot, can explode multiple times. The Torpedo is a sub-weapon that turns into a torpedo that chases foes, although the explosion doesn't defeat foes, only doing massive damage, and it can be shot down before it hits. The Angle Shooter can leave a trail that will track the opponent, and there's also Smallfry, a pet for a specific Inkling known as New Agent 3. When thrown, the Smallfry attacks them, presumably biting, or distracts the opponent.

Thunder: But if they really wanna ensure their victory, Inklings can use a lot of special weapons! With Bomb Launcher, Inklings can use their sub-weapons repeatedly for a short period of time without losing ink! The Bubbler is circle forcefield that protects Inklings from any damage, and the Echolocator reveals both opponents and allies anywhere on the field!

Metroid: The Triple Inkstrike are missiles that create theree giant swirling ink vortexes upon landing, the Trizooka shoots three tall, narrow twisters of ink in rapid succession, the Killer Wail 5.1 is six floating speakers that move autonomously and attack with smaller sound waves, and the Kraken Royale turns Inklings into giant Krakens, smitting foes with melee strikes while being completely invincible.

Thunder: The Baller is a protective ball that explodes when the Inkling wants it to, or when it explodes on it's own from time running out, the Booyah Bomb has Inklings hold up a glowing ball of ink that charges up over time and can be thrown once fully charged to make an ink explosion, the Bubble Blower makes giant bubbles that block foes from approach, and explode when shot at, Ink Armor lets them take a few lethal blows, and Ink Storm is a cloud of ink raining down on the field!

Metroid: The Inkjet allows Inklings to fly and shoot projectiles, as well as super jumping to where they activated it to escape safely. Splashdown has Inklings jump into the air, before punching the ground to cause a ink shockwave. The Sting Ray fires a continuous laser that goes through walls and when not being fired, allows Inklings to see silhouettes of their targets as long as they are not hiding in ink, or too far away. The Tenta Missiles lock onto foes before shooting to ten to twenty missiles, and the Ultra Stamp is a giant hammer that can be slammed down repeatedly and can be thrown to finish things off.

Thunder: The Big Bubbler is a stationary forcefield, the Ink Vac sucks up any ink that's airbrone, the Reefslider is a inflatable shark Inklings can ride on before jumping off as it explodes, the Taticooler gives Inklings drinks that give them various buffs, and the Crab Tank, and the Crab Tank is a tank with turrents and cannons and can even morph into a ball and roll around!

Metroid: The Super Chump deploys various decoys that trick foes into thinking a Super Jump was performed at their location, dealing small damage from the brusts. The Wave Beaker sends out signal waves that damage targets and tracks them, and the Zipcaster allows Inklings to latch onto the walls and hang onto them while still using their main weapon.

Thunder: The strongest has to be the Rainmaker. When that baby's charged, it launches twisters or giant blobs of ink, certifying a win! Now I know what you all are wondering; just how strong are these weapons?

Metroid: With these, we have to look at Agent 3, Agent 4, and...New Agent 3. These Inklings were able to fend of DJ Octavio's mech, which on two occassions was powered by the Great Zapfish; a creature capable of powering entire cities. And this isn't the only City feat in the series; Pearl's Killer Wail was able to clash against a laser that would have destroyed Inkopolis, and shortly overpowered the laser.

Thunder: And not only are Inklings tough enough to tank that kinda damage, they can dodge shots from each other! Even against the Nautilus 79, which is calculated to have a muzzle velocity of 139 to 239 m/s! So if you step in that ink and get slowed down, they're likely closing the distance. And with the Super Jump, they make it to a rocket far from orbit in a matter of seconds! Hell, they can even evade sounds waves from the Killer Wail 5.1!

Metroid: All enough for many different Inklings to stop crisises that would have ended the world on various occassions. Perhaps Inklings truly deserve to be the new dominant species.

Thunder: Well aside from the fact their oily bodies can't handle water too well, but humans also had weird reacts with their bodies


Mega Man Volnutt digs into DEATH BATTLE![]

Metroid: Ever since Dr. Wily's attempts to take over the world, the Mega Man world was thrown into chaos. Constant wars between robots were destructive, and humanity suffered for the most of it.

Thunder: Yeah, like it got bad. Like...really, really bad. The humans were kinda actually slowly going extinct so they needed a way to, well, not die. So a space station named Elysium was made, and all of them went aboard!

Metroid: With the Master System, the humans lived, immortal. But they slowly began to die as they grew dependant on it, meaning leaving it's boundaries would kill one instantly.

Thunder: But there was one human who was still alive; the Master! He was overseeing this things called Carbons, which were like robotic cyborgs without the human part. They were meant to just be tests to see if life on Earth was still hospitable for humans, but they were so human-like the Master just thought "Y'know what? They guys deserve Earth, I love 'em too much." Wish my creator was like that...

Metroid: Deciding the Master System to be shut down, the Master needed a spanner in the works. Luckily, he found the perfect one: the one known as MegaMan Trigger. After agreeing to head off and destroy it, the Master finally passed on, and Trigger took off to shut the Master System down.

Thunder: But then another carbon Sera was still on the side of it staying, so they fought! And in the end, they tied, but both took too much damage, their bodies were in bad state.

Metroid: As a last resort, Trigger put his memory into a carbon monkey named Data, and to survive, regressed into a baby while dropping to Earth. He hasn't found for a long time, until a Digger named Barrett Caskett found him and took him in, and with Roll, named him MegaMan Volnutt.


Real Name: MegaMan Trigger

Species: Carbon

Age: Biologically and Mentally 14, most likely higher

The most human Mega Man

Has the greatest Rizz

Seen multiple naked women by accident

Thunder: Being raised by Diggers, Volnutt picked up their tricks, mostly to make ends meet. Digging involves going into ruins and finding treasures or refractors, crystals with lotsa energy in them! But if ya know treasure hunting, it's always booby trapped.

Metroid: Luckily for Volnutt, he has various means of taking on his foes. At first, all he had was the Mega Buster. It fires energy shots that deal decent damage, and with specific Buster Parts he can change their strength, speed, distance and how fast it fires. But all that changed the day the Casketts made a rough emergency landing onto Kattelox Island.

Thunder: Not only were the ruins there more dangerous, but he had to battle air pirates and even genocidal machines! Luckily, with the right items Roll can craft him the tools he needs to get by!

Metroid: This includes weapons such as the Buster Cannon, a weapon. that shoots a concentrated bursts of energy powerful enough to destroy tank sized mechs and airplanes in a single shot. With the Machine Gun Arn, he can shots akin to machine gun, making the name rather fitting.

Thunder: The Drill Arm lets him rip through walls or even enemies if close enough, the Blade Arm lets him do a quick slash combo with a energy sword, and the Crusher lets him throw electromagnetic bombs that create electrical explosions!

Metroid: The Ground Crawler creates a bomb that rolls across the ground and explodes upon contact with foes, and with Homing Missile, MegaMan can fire...well, Homing missiles. Speaking of Homing Attacks, the Hunter Probe lets MegaMan fire a independent prob that chases opponents and fires shots via lock-on.

Thunder: The Hyper Shell is a bazooka weapon that creates multiple explosions about the size of half a basketball court, and with the Reflector Arm, he fires shots that bounce off walls. With the Spread Arm, he fires shots that spread out for more coverage!

Metroid: The Shield Arm makes a barrier in front of him to block incoming attacks, and while these aren't used for combat, Volnutt does have a Vacuum Arm to suck in small objects and a Water Gun that he mainly uses to put out fires.

Thunder: But the second he brings in the Shining Laser, it's pretty much over for any baddie. I mean, it may just be a straight line laser, and that there's an issue that he can't move while firing it, but it's so powerful that it downs even the final boss of both games in seconds! And hell some of these weapons have unlimited ammo when fully upgraded.

Metroid: Although Volnutt has more than just special weapons for his right arm. He has various gear he can use to aid him in battle. For instance, a canteen that allows him to heal up upon consuming what's inside.

Thunder: He's also got the good ol' Mega Man helmet, but this time it actually has a property; if he gets knocked off a high enough ledge and lands on his head, Volnutt won't get hurt! He's also got roller skates on his feet that allow him to get around the area safe, and variation used for underwater. Hell, with the right armor he can avoid being knocked over and reduces damage by 75%, and he can put on different shoes, like the Asbestos Shoes to avoid heat and cold damage, the Cleated Shoes to walk on ice without slipping, and the Hover Shoes to walk on electric floors!

Metroid: He has barriers that protect him from fire and electric attacks, a item to breath underwater, and an item refill ammo.

Thunder: And if someone tries to get the jump on him, Volnutt has an Alarm Lamp that alerts him when enemies are coming from behind.

Metroid: With all this, Volnutt was more than capable of taking on the threats to Kattelox Island. But after a battle with MegaMan Juno, Volnutt began to realize there was something more to him than he thought. It wasn't until a year later he'd get his memories back, but he still chose to fight for Carbons, rather than destroy them and let the human clones in.

Thunder: Volnutt's strong enough to lift and throw giant stone blocks, and his fire power allows him to destroy skyscraper sized mechs! Hell, he once destroyed a reaverbot strong enough to cover an island in a storm for over 100 years! All that makes him way more tough since he can survive those blows too.

Metroid: He's also immensely quick: Being able to evade Meteors moving at Mach 33, and even soundwaves with ease. And since the Shining Laser is.. well, a laser, it's speed can range for relativistic to light speed.

Thunder: And with his best friend and totally love interest Roll at his side spotting for him, there's not much he can't do. He's definitely worthy of the title Mega Man, no matter what others say.

"I don't know if you'd call it courage or what not. I just know that I refuse to lose in a fight!"


Metroid: Alright, the Combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Thunder: It's time for a Death Battle!


The setting of the Splatlands was loomed over, as the scene focused on a large screen on a nearby building. After a short period of time, this TB powered on before three figures were shown.

"Listen up! It's going down..." The blue one named Shiver opened. "Repping the Splatlands, we are Deep Cut!"

"Anarchy Splatcast! We're live!" Frye cheered as Big Man spoke. "Ay! (Here we go!)"

"You lip-synch, we drip ink..." Shiver started. "Ay! (Shiver, Frye and Big Man!)" Big Man ended, before quickly adding more. "Ay, Ay! (Breaking news, you two!"

"Hm? What got your fins aflapping?" Shiver questioned as Frye turned to her "Shiver! You oughta know. It's THAT time!"

"AAYYYYYY! Ay. (Splatfest!! Ahem, it's time for a splatfest.) Big Man bellowed as Shiver smiled. "Oh, I do love a Splatfest."

"What's the theme?! What's the theme?!" Shiver bellowed just as the data downloaded to show three men in Karate gi.

"Capcom presents: Which shoto is your preferred fighter?" Shiver began. "What choices are you guys picking?"

"Well, I'm going with Ryu. He has a great story arc, and I think he's the most recognizable. He even is perfect for the beginners!" Shiver explained.

"Well I'm going with Ken! He's quick and flashy! Gotta love that style." Frye cheered. "I don't see how being flashy would help with a fistfight." Shiver noted.

Frye merely pouted. "Hey, sometimes it's about sending that message!" She defended. "Well Ryu can do the same just fine without being over the top."

"So I guess you're going with Akuma, huh, Big Man?" Frye asked "Ay! (Yep! I am!)" Big Man replied.

"Is it because of his power? Or his character, or just his design?" Shiver asked, before awkwardly spoke.

"...Ay. (...I just really like the Raging Demon move.)

Yeah, seemed a new Splatfest was starting. It immediately became the talk of the town, as New Agent 3 smiled, seeing it. Another day, another time to test her skills.

She could pick Ryu, he was the basic one and undoubtedly a lot would looking pick him...but Ken was slightly more loved due to the flashy moves. Then again, Akuma's abilities would make alot flock to him...

Before she could make a decision, she heard a voice suddenly calling to her head. "Agent 3! You can hear me, right?" Marie's voice yelled, nearly rupturing the poor Inkling's eardrums. Despite the pain, the Inkling made of confirmation.

"That's good. Listen, we heard of something dangerous coming to Splatsville, so we decided to contact you about it." Callie explained in a far more calmer voice, to the relief of Agent 3. "Think you could come to help us real quick?"

She picked up Smallfry, who had been sleeping at the moment, before smiling. "ALRIGHT! See ya soon, Agent 3!"

Later, Agent 3 was facing the Squid Sisters, and the Captain. "Gald you made it! Sorry to bother, but something's come up and we need your help with it." Marie explained.

"You remember DJ Octavio, right?" Callie asked as Agent 3 nodded. "He's been reported to be building a lifelike robot, one that doesn't look like an Inkling. Apparently, it's been let loose into Splatsville. We're not sure what his plan is, but we're can you check it out?"

Agent 3 nodded as she got ready to leave. "Hang on! The captain's got a gift for you." Agent 3 paused at Marie's words and turned to see the Captain holding a large stash of weapons.

"Agents 4 and 8 are busy with other missions. But, they were willing to lend you some of their weapons to avoid danger. You ready for this, Agent 3?" Callie explained, as Agent 3 gave a thumbs up.

"We'll create a diversion so no one's in the city, so once that happens, get to searching."

Meanwhile, back in Splatsville, a large ship flew over head before stopping at the edge of town. This was the ship known as the Flutter.

"Alright, MegaMan. We're just going to make a quick stop here to make sure the engine's still in working condition." Roll said to the boy in blue: MegaMan Volnutt.

"Don't worry Roll, I understand." MegaMan replied, giving a calm smile. "If you want, you visit the town nearby, there may be ruins nearby, or maybe some parts for you to build new weapons." Roll suggested, with MegaMan nodding. "Alright, I'll be back soon."

Opening the top door, Volnutt jumped out of the Flutter and landed in front of Splatsville. With a smile, he walked right in.

To say he didn't fit in was an understatement.  Almost in an instance did everyone in the town state at him in confusion as he did not resemble anything the citizens knew. "Uh...hi." Volnutt awkwardly waved to one of the Inklings who stared at him in astonishment.

This was before the TV screen showing the new Street Fighter Splatfest suddenly had a new message. Mainly from Shiver,  who looked like she made a quick return. "Oh, and...exciting news; we have a special duet concert between Deep Cut and the Squid Sisters! Tickets will be sold for only two hours so get tickets quick!"

In moments all the Inklings, Octolings, and citizens of Splatsville rushed to go get tickets, leaving the area relatively empty. "...What just happened?" Volnutt questioned quietly.

Unbeknownst to him, Agent 3 was on the rooftop of one the buildings. "You see the target, Agent 3?" Callie asked, to which Agent 3 gave an affirming sound. "Alright, make sure you and Smallfry give it heck!"

She jumped off the building and landed behind Volnutt, and immediately firing a shot. Volnutt turned around, and quickly dodged the ink shot. "Hey, what are you doing?!"

Agent 3 simply took aim. Volnutt looked around to see if anyone will get caught in the crossfire, and sighed...before taking aim with his Mega Buster.

It was time for action.


(Gesellschaft (Storm) - Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars)

Agent 3 was first to fire, launching globs of ink from the Kensa Splattershot. MegaMan was quick to start rolling away to avoid being shot, and even jumped over a few shots before taking aim himself and firing a few shots from the Mega Buster. The Agent leaped over the shot, but paused and looked back.

"Uh, I don't think he's using ink..." Marie noted in the reciever. "Whatever! You can still put him in his place, Agent 3!" Marie yelled as Agent 3 immediately shot at the ground, covering it in yellow ink.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Volnutt questioned, but got answered when he saw the Inkling jump into the ink and travel through it with like a fish in water!

He took shots at the waves in the ink, even if he was a little weirded out by the bizarre sight. However, he would then see the ripples in the ink, disappear. Confused, he waited a bit...

...Then his alarm lamp lit up. Now alert, Volnutt turn around just in time to see Agent 3 about to whack him with the Permanent Inkbrush. Luckily for Volnutt, he was fast enough to kick her in the stomach, getting her away a bit.

The squid kid leaped away as Volnutt took aim with the Machine Gun Arm and opened fire. She went back into the ink, constantly leaping out to fire at the robot, but he was simply outrunning her shot before resuming fire. Deciding to make a change of pace, Volnutt leaped over and continued firing from there, forcing the young Inkling to shoot at a wall and climb up it.

"Hey, where are you going?" Volnutt asked, using his incredible jumping height to reach the balcony before pulling himself up to reach the roof. But upon reaching the top, all he found was no Inkling...and a Suction Bomb waiting for him. Before he can do anything, it exploded, sending him to another roof nearby.

Agent 3 then junped out of hiding, now holding a Bento Splat Charger instead. "Alright, you got some tricks..." Volnutt noted, before putting on the Spread Arm. "But I got some of my own!" Agent 3 did a double take at seeing Volnutt take off and and put on a new arm, but ultimately chalked it up to the simple fact that she was fighting a robot.

Charging up the Bento Splat Charger, Agent 3 fired a burst of ink at the former Purifier Unit, but the Carbon was able to evade each shot by outrunning, before taking aim with his Spread Arm, shooting,,,well, spreaded shots. His opponent notably started struggling to maneuver with so many energy shots being fired, making him smile, maybe she'd give up--

Agent 3 pulled out a Trizooka and fired three giant ink twisters, making Volnutt's hopes vanish. "Uh oh, that can't be good..." He muttered, before trying to outrun the twisters. While yes, he was fast, Agent 3 was ready; pulling out a Fizzy Bomb, she shook it wildly before throwing it in his direction.

Having now just noticed, Volnutt was sent flying back from the Fizzy Bomb's blast. The explosion knocked him back, causing him to be launched right into the ink twisters, launching him back forward and sending off the rooftop, headfirst. As a result, he crashed into the floor painfully...or so one would believe.

Due to wearing a helmet, Volnutt's head was cushioned, sparing him from any head trauma. "Good thing I had this where did that girl go?" After a bit, his Alarm Lamp flared up, alerting him to look behind him to see that a Splatbomb was heading his way.

While he did shoot it, causing it to explode harmlessly, another blast of ink staggered him back. Falling onto his back, Volnutt looked up and saw Agent 3 at the top of the roofs, and keep in mind, the roofs were pretty high up. "She can still see me from here...that pretty cool..."

What wasn't cool, was being bombarded by various ink shots and Splatbombs. With worry, Volnuut used the Jet Skates to blast off as fast as he could. He drifted and swerved around the attacks, but one bomb did slightly hit him. Making his way to a area untargeted, Volnutt was certain he lost Agent 3 behind the wall of a hotel.

Until she dropped in fromt of him, having performed a Super Jump to get to him ASAP. "Wha-- how'd you find me so fast?!" Volnutt yelled, unaware she had activated the Echolocator to track him down. Pulling out the Splatana Wiper, all Agent 3 did was give MegaMan a 'Come at me' motion.

"Alright..." Volnutt muttered, swapping to the Blade Arm, the energy blade glowing. "Here it goes!" The two charged, ready to slash the other down to size...

But uh...the clash ended as well as one would expected a sword made to mainly fling ink hitting a energy sword would go. Looking at the slashed weapon, Agent 3 threw the remains at Volnutt, hitting him square in the eye and forcing him to wipe it out. With this, AGent 3 pulled out another weapon; the .96, Gal Deco. By the time Volnutt finished wiping the ink out of his eyes, the Gal Deco was already aimed at his chest.

When the trigger was pulled, Volnutt was shot back, launched into the hotel wall with a pained groan, cracking it a bit. Agent 3 went for another, but Volnutt was quick to leap over. "Let's take of...wait..." Volnutt noticed the Blade Arm was blown off. Must have not put it on right, usually he lets Roll do that part.

Regardless, he just put on the Drill Arm and rushed in to strike not Agent 3, but her weapon. Sadly, he forgot about the part where she can go from humanoid to squid, causing him to miss and strike the wall, which slowly began to crack more and more and more....until it finally gave in.

Falling over from the wall collapse, Volnutt got up and held his head, before noticing someone else was in the room; a pink lionfish, who was taking a vacation at Splatlands.

"Um...hello?" She asked a little meekly as Volnutt jumped to his feet. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to, l'll be going--"

A series of Burst Bomb were thrown into the room, causing both robot and lionfish to grow dot eyes at the weapons the ground. Thinking fast, Volnutt picked Ruby up and shielded her from the ink explosion, sending them through the door and into the hall.

"Get out of here, go!" Volnutt urged as Ruby hopped away. Volnutt turned to Agent 3, who was genuinely unaware of the other character that she nearly injured. "You could've gotten someone, hurt, y'know!" Volnutt chistated, but Agent 3 just rose an eyebrow before shaking it off and pulling out the Berry Splattershot Pro,

A gun fight broke out once more, with fast shot ink and energy being blasted about. Agent 3, however, slowly began to close close distance, before pulling out the Permanent Inkbrush and smacking Volnutt away. The robot slid back, before looking up and seeing the squid kid with a new Super Weapon: the Killer Wail 5.1.

Volnutt's eyes widened when he saw powerful sound waves burst out. As quick as he could, Volnutt pulled out the Shield Arm to avoid any damage being taken, however, the impact was still enough to launch him through the doors,and slamming him into an outside wall. With a grunt, Volnutt jumped to to the middle of the area, and looked around for any dangers.

He soon spotted a Curling Bomb sliding his way, with ripples in ink following it. ALready knowing what this meant, Volnutt put on Crusher and fired out an electromagnetic bomb that blasted the agent away and into a props store. "Agent 3, I think he's catching on to your tricks, you may need more force this time." Callie noted.

Volnutt ran up, ready to blast his opponent again, but instead the Inkling pulled off a Super Jump that blasted her away and left the robot in the dust. He watched as she landed onto a roof. Volnutt attempted to jump over, but upon getting close, a shot from the Kensa .52 Gal blasted him back down. With a grunt, he sat up...and saw the Inkling coming towards him with the Kensa Octobrush.

"Back off!" Volnutt yelled, swinging his buster like a blunt weapon and knocking back Agent 3. Luckily, for the Squid Kid, she was able to land on her feet. And within a second, Agent 3 busted out another powerful weapon; the Ultra Stamp.

Volnutt basically began to sweat immensely at the sight, before turning tail and running, the Inkling beginning to slam the Ultra Stamp down over and over in an attempt to Splat her robotic enemy, who was firing behind him. "Where do you even keep all these things?!"

Quickly putting on the Drill Arm once more, Volnutt turned around and performed and uppercut just as the Ultra Stamp was about to crush him. Luckily, he managed to overpower it, sending it flying with Agent 3 still hanging on.

Looking around, Agent 3 noticed what was about to happen to her wouldn't be too pleasant; she was about to fall into a body of water! "Agent 3, do something quick!" Marie alerted, as Agent 3 began to try and figure something out.

An idea then hit, one that may help her survive. Letting go of the Ultra Stamp, Agent 3 took out the Zipcaster and launched it at a nearby wall, where Volnutt was. Having thought he at least knocked her away, MegaMan turned around just to get dropkicked by Agent 3 reeling herself in.

Taking advantage of the downed Carbon, Agent 3 took out the Wasabi Splattershot and went ham on firing on him. Volnutt held his arms up in a cross motion to block the damage being inflicted.

With all the ink splattering, Agent 3 put her hand on the ground before leaping back as MegaMan looked up to see her fleeing through the ink. Attempting to give chase, Volnutt stepped on where her hand was earlier...and was blown forth from the Ink Mine she had placed there.

This led to him being rammed into the barrel of the Custom E-Liter 4K. Before he could pull himself off, Agent 3 pulled the trigger, launching him through a few trash bins in the area. Jumping to his feet, the Carbon saw Agent 3 rushing forth with a Soda Slosher in hand. Thinking quick, MegaMan rolled away, and equipped the Ground Crawler. Turning around, the Inkling saw Volnutt shoot a bomb that began to roll across the ground.

Thinking fast, she threw a Splat Bomb, both exploding and knocking the other back. Quixkly moving through the smoke, Agent 3 pulled out the Wasabi Splattershot again, but this time slammed it onto his head, before firing into his stomach. Volnutt staggered, but leaped forth and went in for a hard punch to the Inkling's face.

"Let's see you dodge this one!" Volnutt said as he equipped the Hyper Shell. and launched an barrage of explosives. Agent 3 went wide eyed as the explosion engulfed her body. Volnutt stared for but, unsure if she actually did dodge.

Thing is, she didn't. Because she used the Sorella Brella to block the explosion! "Oh, come on!" Volnutt groaned.

Agent 3 fired out the umbrella, promptly making Volnutt jump and take shots with the Mega Buster and fired. The shots came close to Agent 3...

Who then set up the Big Bubbler to avoid damage. It didn't take long for Volnutt to try and shoot it down. "Agent 3, you know what to do!" Callie spoke, and Agent 3 leaped up, and held her hand into the air, a giant ink ball appearing above her.

"BOOYAH!" With a shot, the giant Spirit Bomb-- I mean Booyah Bomb was flung at Volnutt, who's eyes widened before booking it. Sadly, he was caught in the explosion, launched through multiple buildings.

With a groan, Volnutt looked see the Triple Inkstrike coming down. With no where to run, Volnutt put on the Shield Arm and braced for impact.


The silence that followed was deafening. When Agent 3 arrived, she saw that Volnutt was...nowhere.

"You got him, Agent 3!" Callie cheered as Agent 3 turned around...just to suddenly get splashed by WATER.

"Whoops. Didn't mean to put that on." Volnutt, who had lost his helmet in the explosion, was standing before Agent 3 with  the Aqua Gun. Seeing that the squid was hurt though, he took aim, fired...

And nothing came out. "Oh...right. I used before we got here." Volnutt mumbled. Agent 3 quickly used her ink to swim away frantically.

Quickly attaching another arm, Volnutt activated the vacuum arm, which began to suck up each every ink that was shot. Realizing his chances rose, Volnutt continuing sucking up more and more ink, threatening Agent 3 to run out of ammo.

Atleast until Agent 3 popped out and pulled out Smallfry, who was thrown into the Vacuum Arm's opening, clogging it. "What the-- hey! Cheap move!" Volnutt yelled as he pulled out Smallfry...just to get bitten on the face, making him try and pull it off.

Soon, he'd successfully pull it off .just to see Agent 3 catch it and land into a Crab Tank. Frowning, the Carbon began began dodge the rapid ink shots coming forth. He would fire shots from the Mega Buster at the tank, but it barely seemed to even damage the thing.

"Wait, I think I got something for this..." Volnutt muttered. The Carbon swapped to use the Buster Cannon. With a flip to avoid another shot, Volnutt took aim at the Crab Tank and fired.

The explosion launched her back, and had her lay on the ground, pained. Volnutt rushed over, worried for her. "Hey, are you...alright...?" Volnutt asked...just for the Inkling to suddenly transform into a Kraken.

Volnutt looked on, wide eyed, before trying to put on the Shining Laser. Before he can fire, though, Agent 3 slammed right into him, sending him right through a building. With a groan, Volnutt looked up...just to be grabbed and slammed around helplessly.

Noticing that his armor was beginning to chip and show damage, Volnutt realized he couldn't waste anymore time. Struggling a bit, Volnutt pulled out his left arm, and aimed at the giant Kraken...

And fired.

Before Agent 3 even knew it, the laser pierced her at light speed. Within a fraction of a second, her ENTIRE body exploded into ink, splattering a large portion of the Splatlands in ink.

Volnutt fell to the floor, but got up again and looked up; spotting the Inkling Ghost floating up into the sky. However, he wasn't happy with his victory; he didn't want to have to resort to a kill just to survive.

Suddenly, he'd hear Roll's voice contacting him. "MegaMan? MegaMan! Are you alright? I saw an explosion in the city!" Volnutt took a second to reply, but ultimately uttered a few words.

"Don't worry Roll...I'm fine."


Thunder: Well, I'm glad that Inkling ink can fade over time after that mess.

Metroid: This result may be surprising to some; especially after Volnutt not being to well portrayed in a certain battle royale. Once you look into it, Volnutt had the edge where it mattered.

Thunder: Like sure, they both have dodged sound based attacks, Volnutt has dodged soundwaves from various reaverbots and Inklings can dodge the Killer Wail's sound waves too! But strength and durability was another story.

Metroid: When it came down to it, an Inkling's weapons only are able to fight off a threat to an entire city. Meanwhile, Volnutt has destroyed a reaverbot that made a storm that lasted over an island for years, which is a massive strength difference. Not only that, in physical strength Volnutt has lifted giant stone blocks over his head and throws them as if weightless, while Inkings have admittly showed little to no strength in physical sense.

Thunder: The durability should be comparable to strength from fighting those foes and surviving their hits, but let's more onto weapons. Inklings definitely have a WIDER variety of weapons, and with being able to see from 100 km, they'd likely be able to fend him off from afar!

Metroid: But Volnutt's weaponry tended to be far more potent. Some were capable of placing drones to fight, making multiple targets, Homing shots, and even genuine explosions over ink based blows.

Thunder: And two weapons came in mind; the Vacuum Arm could easily suck up the ink on the ground, making an Inkling lose their manuverability advantage, and the Aqua Gun...well, Inklings kinda dissolve in water.

Metroid: Admittly, this also means Volnutt can counter stealth, especially with the Alarm Lamp, but Inklings can do the same via their various weapons that can pinpoint a foe's location. Also, if Inkling wanted, Smallfry could just be thrown into the Vacuum arm to clog it.

Thunder: And while Inklings are clever and more strategic at times, Volnutt is way more experienced, doing digs since he was really young! Sure, maybe the Super Jump can be faster than Volnutt via going into space in moments, but Volnutt has the Shining Laser!

Metroid: As the Shining Laser is light speed, Volnutt firing it would practically be instantaneous to a Inkling, making the "stationary" issue a moot point. And in the end, even if an Inkling were to manage to damage him, Volnutt has a canteen that can heal any wounds he may have taken.

Thunder: But I know what some are thinking; "But isn't Inkling planet level because of the final boss in Splatoon 3?"

Metroid: Actually, no. While yes, the Missile does terraform the earth if it is not stopped, Inklings can't scale to it as the character who can scale to it, Mr. Grizz, can effortlessly one shot them. Even then, scaling Mr. Grizz to the Missile is questionable, as not does it exploding kill him, but it was more or less terraformation rather than raw power.

Thunder: And Smallfry turning into Bigfry? Yeah, that because of DJ Octavio and the Squid Sisters singing so that can't really count either. And if we give this weird scaling to Inkling, we better be fair and give Volnutt scaling to X, since the Shining Laser is made with the X Buster.

Metroid: The Inkling would put up a tough battle, but Volnutt's strength, durability, experience and deadlier arsenal assured his victory.

Thunder: In the end, the Inkling winning is nothing but a false Legend.

Metroid: The winner is MegaMan Volnutt.

MegaMan Volnutt (Winner)

+ Stronger

+ More Durable

+ More experienced

+ Healing options

+ More effective arsenal

+ Aqua Gun was surprisingly the biggest danger

+ Vacuum Arm can leave Inkling without ammo

+ Shining Laser was too fast

= Speed

= Counter stealth options

- Not as manucerable

- Vaccuum arm could be clogged

- Probably not as smart?

- Smaller arsenal

- Shorter range

- Super Jump was at a higher speed than him

Inkling (Loser)

+ Manuverability

+ Can clog the vacuum arm with Smallfry

+ Smarter, maybe?

+ Bigger Arsenal

+ Range

+ Could be faster with the Super Jump

= Speed

=Counter stealthy options

- Weaker

- Not as durable

- Not as experienced

- Lacks healing options

- Arsenal was not as effective

- Aqua Gun is a death wish

- Left no ammo and stealth with vacuum arm

- Shining Laser

Next Time[]
