Infernape and Todoroki. Ash's MVP during Sinnoh and Endeavor's prodigy child. The early life of these 2 were nothing more of massive abuse, but after discovering others that were able to soothe their past traumas, became stronger than ever. That's nice. So let's have these 2 fight each other to the death.
Wiz: Infernape. Ash's Sinnoh Flame Fighting Pokemon.
Boomstick: Shoto Todoroki. The Half Hot Half Cold prodigy of Endeavor.
Wiz:There is a potential in each and every one of use. Some bad, some great, and others astronomical.
Boomstick: Which unfortunately means that those with amazing potential always get treated like sh*t when others want them to be the strongest. And these 2 fire users are textbook in that regard. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to see who would win a Death Battle.
Wiz: Ash Ketchum. A world renown Pokemon Trainer who's goal in life is to become a Pokemon Master. In doing so he's traveled to many, MANY regions.
Boomstick: Dude he's only traveled to 8 regions so far. Still, every time he goes to different regions he always gets a new team to take on that regions Pokemon league. Some good, some bad and some we don't talk about. But there is always one of his region Pokemon that is just an absolute beast in it's own right.
Wiz: You may be familiar with some of Ash's most well known powerhouses. His partner Pikachu, his ferocious Charizard, his determined Sceptile, his bondful Greninja...
Boomstick: Or perhaps a fatass Snorlax that needs to eat 900 pounds of food every day to be full. No I'm not joking. Name another Pokemon that belongs to Ash that can learn 6 moves?
Wiz: But perhaps one of his most significant Pokemon during his travels is a certain fire type Pokemon he met during his Sinnoh journeys. This Pokemon was called Infernape. But before becoming a member of Ash's team, it's early life as a Chimchar was anything but great.
Boomstick: Yeah, strap in this is going to get a bit depressing.
- Height: 3'11
- Weight: 121 pounds
- Dex Number: 392
- Type: Fire and Fighting
- Originally owned by Paul
- 73% Win rate
Wiz: You see, before even meeting Ash, Chimchar was originally owned by a trainer named Paul, who would go on to be Ash's rival in the Sinnoh region.
Boomstick: Who might I just add is THE BIGGEST DICK IN POKEMON HISTORY!!! After seeing Chimchar release a powerful fire attack that demolished several Zangooses, Paul decided to capture Chimchar in his hopes to be the best trainer there was. Seems similar to Ash right?
Wiz: Well sort of, until you realize that unlike Ash who treated his Pokemon with love and care, Paul treatment to his Pokemon were harsh and abusive. He would frequently force his Pokemon to fight against absurd foes and force them to take super effective ones head on.
Boomstick: Especially to Chimchar specifically. Every time he lost, Paul would just throw harsh words at him for not not living up to his expectation. Yeah sure Paul. Say Chimchar was pathetic against Cynthia's Garchomp. IT'S NOT LIKE YOUR FREAKING ICE TYPE PERFORMED ANY BETTER!!!
Wiz: Even after several disappointing performances, Chimchar actually really wanted to be a real asset to Paul despite his constant negligence. Even after Paul has had enough of Chimchar and released him, he pleaded to remain by Paul's side.
Boomstick: It's a good thing he didn't take him back as Chimchar has found a new life with Ash and his way of raising Pokemon. Ok if I had a nickel for every time Ash recruits a Pokemon who previously had sh*tty trainers, well let's just say I would have more than just 2 nickels.
Wiz: And it would appear that Chimchar being partnered with Ash was actually the perfect choice for him as he would later grow into one of Ash's biggest heavy hitters. As a Fire type, Chimchars and other Fire types are resistant to many different kinds of attacks like Grass, Ice and even their subsequent Fire typing. Even entirely dipping themselves in lava or making contact with a Magcargo isn't enough to leave as much as a burn. Though they do tend to struggle with the occasional Ground and Water typing.
- Standard moves
- Scratch
- Ember
- Fire Spin
- Dig
- Flamethrower
- Flame Wheel
- Mach Punch
- Flare Blitz
- Improvised moves
- Counter Shield
- Dig+Flare Blitz
- Blaze
- Greatly increases fire attacks
Boomstick: Though that doesn't stop them from fighting his foes with a plethora of attacks. While Chimchar does have attacks like Scratch and Dig, which does pretty much what the moves says it does, his real strength lies within it's literal fire power.
Popup: Like all fire type attacks, they all have a chance to burn the opponent by about 10%. Unfortunately it does not work on other fire types.
Wiz: He can shoot pebbles of flames with Ember, trap foes in a fiery vortex with Fire Spin, turn into a flaming wheel with Flame Wheel and shoot a concentrated blast of fire with Flamethrower.
Popup: During Journeys while training Ash's Gengar, Infernape demonstrated engulfing it's fists with flames, implying it might have learned Fire Punch during Ash's travels.
Boomstick: Though Pokemon moves can only be as good as the person using it. Which is why Ash taught Chimchar to use his moves with a lot more versatility. Like the Counter Shield, where Chimchar spins around using Flamethrower to prevent his foes from getting close and encase them in flames.
Wiz: As Chimchar frequently traveled with Ash, he would later evolve into it's next evolutionary line, Monferno and even later in the series he would evolve to it's final evolution Infernape. As for it's evolution it greatly increases his previous powers along with gaining the addition of the type, Fighting.
Boomstick: Which makes no sense. I mean, how is Fighting consider a type?
Wiz: Well it's never explained but across many different Fighting Type Pokemon like Machamp, Urshifu, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, they all are equip with a unique fighting style that mirrors real world martial arts. This goes along to Infernape as well as it's dex entries states that it's martial art is a unique one specializing in using all of it's limbs for means of combat.
Boomstick: Wow so a Pokemon can just have a wide knowledge of martial arts through evolution? That's awesome. Fun Fact, Infernape's fiery hair style never goes out. Suck it Charizard!!! But anyways after it's evolution, Infernape would go on to learn 2 new attacks. The first being Mach Punch, where it throws a punch at such high speeds it's almost guaranteed the first attack.
Wiz: But it's second, more powerful move is Flare Blitz. By engulfing itself in blue flames, Infernape can unleash a devastating fiery take down that deals great damage to all who feels it's wrath.
Boomstick: Only one problem. Flare Blitz is so powerful that Infernape can sustain recoil damage causing itself pain whenever he uses it. But every time he uses it, his opponents always gets dealt massive damage. Like when fighting a Ninjask and used Flare Blitz with Dig to make the ground erupt with massive fire.
Wiz: Though despite this it hasn't made Infernape any more than a massive threat. Even after Infernape joined Ash, Paul's influenced massively traumatized Chimchar early life with Ash. In fact his time with Paul was causing a psychological crisis with Ash, with it not being able to cooperate with Ash's friendship. Though happily he was able to pushed past that and with it had one goal with Ash.
Boomstick: Take his sweet revenge on Paul by proving their battling method was the superior one overall. And boy did Infernape go the distance when wanting to prove Paul wrong.
Wiz: As a Chimchar, he was strong enough to lift and throw an Onix off the ground which weighs 462 pounds, but later as Infernape he held up a giant Team Rocket Mech and tossed it into the air. Based on it's size, it had to have weighed at least 10 tons.
Boomstick: And he destroyed that mech in a single punch. And even as a Chimchar it can even tank hits from a Steelix, which can devastate cliffsides.
- Beat half of Paul's entire team during the Sinnoh League
- Survived fighting Moltres
- Created a stadium size vortex when fighting Electivire
- Endured Thunder Fang and recoil Flare Blitz while in Blaze
- Lifted a 10 ton Mech into the air
- Defeated Luxray, Aggron, Ninjask, Steelix, Electivire
Wiz: He's quick enough to keep up with several of Ash's other Pokemon, which is impressive considering Ash's Pikachu has dodged Luster Purge. A move that is described as a burst of light, and Pikachu can dodge the attack after it was fired. Based on the distance between Luster Purge and Pikachu in the last visible shot and assuming timeframe difference, Pikachu had to have reacted within 2 Nanoseconds to dodge the attack. And based on the distance Pikachu moved relative to the attack, he had to have reacted at 75% the speed of light.
Boomstick: He can punch an Aggron half way through a stadium, got thrown through a bolder which shattered on impact and finally got his payback on Paul in the Sinnoh League. Taking on half of his entire team while poisoned in the process. Which included Paul's ace Electivire. In a battle that resulted in a lightning fire vortex that can eclipse a Pokemon Stadium, Infernape can out on top. And after all of that, he had finally gained Paul's respect. Good for him.
Wiz: Even after Ash had finished his Sinnoh journey, Infernape's tale wouldn't end. After being left at Professor Oak's lab he would go on to train with Ash's other Fire Types. Training with Pokemon like Talonflame, Pignite and even Ash's Charizard.
Boomstick: Anyone who knows Ash's Charizard should know it's an absolute beast. This is the same Charizard that can throw hands and even defeated an Articuno, which can harm the Legendary Lugia with it's power. And that giant bird thing can cause 40 day long storms just by flapping it's wings. And Infernape is strong enough to fight this Charizard.
Popup: Other instances of these feats include Pikachu defeating Regice, who alongside Regirock and Registeel can combat Regigigas who can toe continents and damaging Reshiram who can scorch the planet with it's flames.
Wiz: But even this isn't the peak of Infernape's power. When under immense amount of pain and stress, Infernape can achieve an even greater power.
Boomstick: You see, each Pokemon has it's own inner ability that can be activated under the right circumstances. Like when a person makes physical contact with a Pikachu, they have a chance to become paralyze right on contact.
Wiz: Infernape's ability is called Blaze. When taken enough damage, it can activate it's ability. Greatly increasing his firepower. Though Infernape's Blaze was... lets say different to normal Blazes.
Boomstick: Yeah when a normal Pokemon activates Blaze like May's Blaziken for example, it's firepower does increase. But when Ash's Infernape activates Blaze, he's basically going Super Saiyan. His firepower is increased far beyond what a normal Blaze should be capable of. In fact every time Infernape activates Blaze, he's never lost a battle. Well, aside from a Cranidos but that was when he was with Paul and it wasn't this Blaze.
Wiz: This massive increase in Blaze might be the result of his post traumatic stress disorder. From it's assault from multiple Zangooses, the massive abuse from Paul and the friendship with Ash conflicting with the previous 2 may have resulted in this great power. Heck it was because of this power that Paul wanted to capture him in the first place but unfortunately he couldn't get it to work for him, but Ash was able to. However while Blaze can greatly increase Infernape's firepower, the PTSD from Blaze can cause Infernape to lose control. Becoming a threat to both friends and foe alike.
Boomstick: Though thankfully the power of friendship was able to help Infernape grow past that and regain control. Too bad that he can only activate Blaze when under extreme pain. Which would also mean that if he's hit hard enough he will go down. But considering he can take a Thunder Fang and clashing with Electivire with Flare Blitz wasn't enough to put him down, you're going to need to hit him hard to take him down.
Wiz: Even as Ash traveled to new regions without him, he would still remain a great supporting character. Even going as far to help Ash's Gengar master Will O Wisp for the Master Finals and using it to defeat Paul's Pokemon and Steven's Aggron. So it's safe to say Infernape is still capable
Boomstick: So when facing this Fire Fighting Goku, you better be damn well prepared. For this is a Pokemon that won't back down.
Ash: All right. Infernape. Time to show Paul just how strong we are!!!
Infernape activates Blaze while screaming at the top of it's lungs.
Shoto Todoroki[]