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Death Battle Indiana Jones vs Sherlock Holmes 2


They are both well known men from the 1900s who are known for their intelligence, solving mysteries, helping others, and stopping foes of evil using their wit and skills. This is the Sixteenth episode and Season Finale of the Sixth season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle.


·Wiz: To retrieve the ultimate treasure and solve the greatest mysteries, it takes strength, determination, intelligence, and the ability to deal with the mercenaries and criminal masterminds as casual everyday occurrences.

·Boomstick: Plus, the occasional supernatural. But when it comes to these two, these adventurers will do whatever it takes to get what they want and save the day!

Sherlock Holmes Analyze

·Wiz: Sherlock Holmes, History's and Literature’s Greatest Detective

Indiana Jones Analyze

·Boomstick: And Indiana Jones, the half-archaeologist half-college professor! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

·Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills and find out who would win a Death Battle?

Indiana Jones searches for the lost treasure of Death Battle[]

Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones

o   Wiz: Adventure. Historian. Hero. Famous archeologist Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones, Jr. has been called many things. Boring was never one of them.

o   Boomstick: Unless you’re a student in one of his classes. That guy would put you to sleep in five minutes.

o   Wiz: That’s your opinion. Born Henry Jones Jr on July 1, 1899 in Princeton, New Jersey, Junior's life was understandably influenced when he accompanied his parents, Henry Sr. and Anna Jones on a world lecture tour from 1908 to 1910. Throughout his travels, Jones encountered many important figures in history who inspired him to become just as great as them one day by uncovering the mysteries of the world.

o   Boomstick: So, little Junior's dad and his dear old mom took him around the world to various historic museums, showing him cool artifacts and educating him on the people who found them and where they were found. Oh, and then his wife died.

Young Henry Jones Jr.

Young Henry Jones Jr.

o   Wiz: Wow, come on Boomstick, show some tact. *coughs*So as a result, Junior did what any emotionally-angst-ridden kid who lost their mother would do, distance himself from his deadbeat dad.

o   Boomstick: Hey, people grief in their own way. As Henry Sr. withdrew into his studies, Henry Jr. found himself in various locations as his father began his globe trekking lectures again before throwing him into private school to focus more on his work.. Eventually, Jr. decided to say “fuck you” to high school and ending up fighting in the Mexican Revolution and World War 1 under the name Henri Defense.

o   Wiz: After two major wars back-to-back, Jones Jr. would complete his college education and eventually land a job at a university professor in Connecticut. Just in time for World War II to begin, as Henry continued to seek out rare artifacts in-between teaching students and fighting Nazis.

Professor Indiana Jones

Professor Indiana Jones

o   Boomstick: These many adventures also resulted in him earning the infamous nickname he gave himself that would be known world wide: Indiana Jones.

o   Wiz: From raiding the Lost Ark, to surviving the Temple of Doom. From completing the Last Crusade, to unlocking the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. If there is an adventure upon the horizon, Indiana Jones is bound to be there.

o   Boomstick: Aw, yeah! He’s easily one of the top 10 best action heroes of the 80’s! Hey Wait a minute, he’s from New Jersey right? Shouldn’t he be called New Jersey Jones?

o   Wiz: Really, that’s what you want to call him.

o   Boomstick: Well what else are we going to call him: Arizona Jones, Dakota Jones, Conndicut Jones, Washington Jones, shall I go on?

o   Wiz: Please don’t, I’m begging you.

Indiana Jones guns down Arab Swordsman

Indiana Jones guns down Arab Swordsman

o   Boomstick: Anyhow, Jones became basically a legend among explorers overnight, learning a whole lotta stuff along the way. Like how he is able to speak over 15 different languages, is an expert in sword combat and marksmanship, and just using movie explorer plot and shit.

o   Wiz: Some of his most notable accomplishments are things like him finding the Ark of the Covenant, getting stuck in a cult, looking for the Holy Grail, discovering the Atlantis’ fate, finding the Philosopher's Stone, and a bunch of other things that aren’t shown in the movies.

o   Boomstick: But every great hero needs an equally great weapon in their arsenal. So, what does Indy have? Sure he has his fists, Duh, and his handy dandy machete for his causal treks through the jungle. But his real pride and joy is his good ol’ fashion whip! Though, he is quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

o   Wiz: With his whip, he is able to disarm foes, latch onto things to make tight jumps, and basically do any normal thing with a whip. Including being able to move it past the speed of sound!

o   Boomstick: At just 13 years old, he used a whip to defend himself from a circus lion. Though he got a cut lip as a result, Jones quickly used the whip to defend himself successfully and long enough to escape.

Indiana Jones Wallpaper

Treasure Hunter

o   Wiz: This was back when people thought animals in circuses were a good idea, thank goodness we’ve moved on from that time period.

o   Boomstick: When it comes to firearms, my favorite type of arms, he’s got his trusty Modèle 1892 Revolver. Perfect for when someone brings a sword to a gunfight! He also has used other guns like a Nagant Model 1878 Revolver, a Smith and Wesson Revolver, and even a .45 caliber S&W M1917. Man, I need to find this dude’s gun case, I need to get my hands on those.

o   Wiz: Why? Don’t you already have enough guns, already?

o   Boomstick: This is America, you can never have too many guns, Wiz.

Indiana Jones Wallpaper 2

Iconic Whip

o   Wiz: Well apparently, the great president Teddy Roosevelt himself taught Indy how to use a gun, resulting in him becoming very quick with a gun, ensuring he always shoots first and hits his mark.

o   Boomstick: Indy is the definition of an opportunist. He’s like the inspiration for John Wick. Anytime he is in a good  fight, it involves kicking Nazi ass. Or Russian ass. Or basically anyone’s ass. He’s always looking for his next bad guy to bust and treasure to find.

o   Wiz: He’s strong enough to slice a man’s face open, routinely knocks over giant stone statues and pillars by kicking them, and overpowered cult leader Mola Ram; who can rip a person’s hearts out, right out of their chests!


Indiana Jones fight scene

Knock Out

o   Wiz: Besides his amazing strength, he’s unbelievably fast and durable. He’s fast enough to outrun gunfire of all kinds, outran a giant boulder, escape from cities as they were collapsing, dodged a dragon’s fire breath, and reacted to a sentient ball of lightning which he also dodged!

o   Boomstick: Then the thing fucking exploded! Holy Cow! I’m pretty sure nothing can kill this guy! Considering he survived a beatdown from Al Capone, survived getting hit with a flamethrower, and blasted with all sorts of magical shit that would otherwise kill a person. I’m pretty sure he made some sort of deal with the devil during one of his adventures we haven’t seen yet.

o   Wiz: Well, that brings us to his most unbelievable durability feat. One that baffles plenty of fanboys and scientists like myself; surviving a nuclear explosion, in a fridge.

o   Boomstick: Oh god, here we go again, Wiz geek-out in 3... 2... ... 1…

o  The screen then cuts to the "TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES" screen

o   Wiz: There, I am finished. Wait, did the power go out, did you miss my entire lecture on how Indy survived and nuclear physics.

o   Boomstick: Thank god for technical difficulties.

Indiana and his friends

Indy, Willie, and Shorty

o   Wiz: With all his skills and knowledge, Indiana Jones has accomplished much in his life. He’s bested the worst that World War II and the Cold War had to offer such as French mercenary/archeologist René Belloq, Nazi subordinate Arnold Thot, American Nazi agent Walter Donovan, and KGB Military Scientist Irina Spalko.

o   Boomstick: He’s survived feats that no normal man would ever think possible, from his nuke escape to his very first boulder chase. Either this guy was just born Lucky or he discovered some legendary lucky charms that he carries around with him at all times that we don’t know about.

o   Wiz: But Indiana never goes on his adventures alone. He’s always accompanied by one of the many friends he has made along the way. From his Egyptian traveling companion Sallah Mohammed, his university colleague Harlod Oxley, and famous singer Willie Scott, who just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time and tagged along with Indy for his adventures.

o   Boomstick: And who could forget his faithful little sidekick, Short Round. Such a shame he never came back to join Indy on any of his adventures.

o   Wiz: Though Indy never shies away from a person in need, his compassion and trustworthiness are sometimes taken advantage of.

o   Boomstick: Like the time he was tricked by the seductive Elsa Schneider who was actually working for the Nazi while in search of the Holy Grail, and even his old pal Mac betrayed all because he wanted a decent payday. And who can forget the most devious one of them all, the monkey.

Indy and his Family

Indy and his Family

o   Wiz: Don’t worry, their lust for greed eventually proved to be their undoing. But it was also these adventures that helped him fix the broken relationship he had with his father and his ex-girlfriend. Who needed therapy when you got a bunch of life changing adventures to bring you closer together with your family and friends.

o   Boomstick: Oh yeah, did we forget to mention that he is named after his dog?

o   Wiz: Though Jones is far from perfect, and he does have his fair share of downsides. He’s over 58 years old and has suffered plenty of PTSD over the course of his adventures. He also prefers to fight mostly with his whip, but is still open to improvisation of any tool around him when the time calls for it.

o   Boomstick: He also has Ophidiophobia, meaning he’s terrified of snakes and will refuse to go anywhere near one. Like a big shot amount of fear of them.

o   Wiz: And last but not least, though his headstrong determination can push him to uncover the truth of what he doesn’t understand, it can also land him in hot water.

o   Boomstick: And despite his tough durability, he is still human and can be put down just as easily by knives and bullets.

The Adventures of Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones Wallpaper

o   Wiz: But things were not all life and death scenarios for this archaeologist adventurer. He eventually got married to Marion Reavenwood, and became an inspiring role model to his son, Henry Jones the third.

o   Boomstick: But please, he prefers Mutt. Yet despite having those flaws, some shitty video games, and that horrible fifth movie, Indiana Jones is a goddamn hero if there ever was one. Because Kicking Nazi and Commie asses alike is what he does best.

o   Wiz:  No matter the era, no matter the place, for Indiana Jones; the adventure continues.

Old Man Indiana Jones

Old Indiana Jones

o   Boomstick: Just as long as there are no snakes around.

o   Mutt Williams: You're a teacher?

o   Indiana Jones: Part-time.

Sherlock Holmes is on the case to find the missing Death Battle[]

RDJ Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

o   Wiz: Should you ever find yourself visiting the lush gardens of London England, be sure you add a trip down to 221B Baker Street on your To Do list. Though this may seem like a random street address, in reality, this happens to be the home of one of the world’s greatest detectives.

o   Boomstick: The goddamn Bat…Oh I’m sorry, wrong person. The goddamn Sherlock Holmes!

o   Wiz: Very little is known about Sherlock Holmes early life, except for the fact that he was born around 1854, and he had an older brother named Mycroft Holmes. Even at an early age the young detective showed signs of great observation skills and intelligence.

o   Boomstick: How smart? Well, he cracked open his father’s safe when he was just ten years old and created a coded message system he would use with his brother to send secrets to each other at night. Ah, what a rascal.

Sherlock Holmes at home.

Next Case

o   Wiz: At some point, Holmes became interested in using deductive reasoning to solve mysteries, and his first cases were undertaken for his fellow university students. After leaving college, he found living as an amateur detective to be a financial strain, and so in 1881 he decided to take on a lodge at his apartment at 221 B. Baker Street, London.

o   Boomstick: Oh yeah, I remember that place.

o   Wiz: In order to supplement his income and seeking a companion equal to himself to aid him in his crime fighting ventures, Holmes eventually found that in when a perfect roommate appeared in the form of John H. Watson.

o   Boomstick: Watson  was an up and coming doctor and army veteran on the brink of national success when life decided to just shit all over him.

o   Wiz: While on one of his army tours, Watson was wounded in action, and developed enteric fever, which effectively ruined his health. Honorably discharged, he needed a place to stay and a way to make a living to improve his health. After crossing paths with Sherlock, the two become flatmates as well as best friends and start solving cases together.

Holmes and Watson

Holmes and Watson

o   Boomstick: Even with their constant bickering from time to time, Waton’s fiancé' Mary Morstan disliking of him after he deduced too much personal information about her, and being a constant pain in the ass for the local police chief, his devotion to solving a good mystery means he'll always step up and fight the good fight.

o   Wiz: Holmes’s primary weapon is his astounding genius-level intellect, far beyond the likes of people in his time. He is an incredible tactician, diductor, polymath and strategist. He is always planning, always experimenting, and always researching to crack the next big capper.

o   Boomstick: For Holmes, life is like a Chess Board. Whenever he is on a case or in a fight, he does his best to be one step ahead of his opponents. Wait, did I just say one step ahead? I meant two, maybe even three steps ahead.

o   Wiz: This enormous brain of his allowed him to get the best of his nemesis, Professor Moriarty and expose his crimes by stealing his diary without Moriarty noticing and handing it to the police in London. Even if he had to go through extreme amounts of pain to accomplish this, it was all worth it in the end.

Holmes and the Runaway Train

Sherlock Holmes and the Runaway Train

o   Boomstick: He’s incredibly knowledgeable about various scientific, chemical, and other academic prospects, proving what may seem like magic to his peers, only to be works of science and trickery. This is why I don’t like magicians.

o   Wiz: But what about all those posters you have in your room about “I heart Magic”.

o   Boomstick: I mean I like  "real magic" like wizards and unicorns, but Magicians are just con artists, who trick people out of their money, and I don’t like being bamboozled, Wiz.

o   Wiz: Sherlock’s vast experience and advanced intelligence gives him an almost unique ability to run most accurate simulations in his mind, about how a fight or scuffle will play out, what moves and weapons will be used or at precisely what time it will happen.

Sherlock Holmes hammer time

hammer time

o   Boomstick: He is constantly running these simulations through his head, like a supercomputer, even before he throws the first punch. He likes to come to a fight prepared, mentally and physically. He’s always observing his surroundings on what he can use to his advantage, and setting up traps once he is inside to take them out one by one.

o   Wiz: Like the time he jammed up a machine gun to allow Watson a window to shoot their attacks, set off trick grenades to separate a train from the criminals chasing them, and then there was the time he timed the moment just right  to throw Lady Watson off said train and into a river to safety.

o   Boomstick: Wow, if Watson’s wife already hated Holmes, I wanted what she thought of him now?

o   Wiz: In his spare time, Sherlock conducts multiple complex scientific research projects and experiments on all shorts of plants and animals, mainly on Watson’s dog. Hey, it's for the name of science and for the good of mankind.

o   Boomstick: Wiz, if you ever do that to my dog, I’m gonna end you…Low.

Disguised Holmes meets Irene

Disguised Holmes meets Irene

o   Wiz: Holmes is a master of Impersonation, donning various disguises in order to spy on or obtain information from different suspects. His disguises are so great that even a well renowned professor did not recognize him attending his own lecture in various disguises.

o   Boomstick: Obviously, these disguises shouldn't work at all in modern times, but in the past, Holmes is just so supernaturally talented, they just do.

o  An older version of Wiz suddenly walks in, impressed with the looks of the Death Battle Lab, only to be brought in close by Boomstick.

o   Boomstick: I mean look at this, this is exactly what I mean! No one in their right mind would think that that's anyone but Wig in an awful wig and face mask. Seriously dude, what happened, did they run out of cheap knock off clothes at the Halloween Store.

o  Wiz walks in, frustrated with Boomstick’s mis-assumption.

o   Wiz: That’s my dad.

o  Realizing his mistake, Boomstick backs away in shock and starts scratching his head and sweating intensively.

o   Boomstick: (quietly and nervously) He He, I am so sorry, sire.

Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows Poster

Game of Shadows

o   Wiz: But Holmes did not earn his reputation as the master of stealth by going in, guns blazing. Although he knows how to use almost any weapon he finds, he keeps his load light by entering cases with only the bare essentials.

o   Boomstick: Sherlock carries a Colt 1851 Revolver pistol, perfect for long range takedowns. He’s also used other guns before, like a Colt Bisley, a M1921 Tommy Gun, and the Mauser C96 a semi/fully-automatic pistol. These guns may be old, but they sure are awesome looking. But, if he wants to get up close and personal, he whips one of his two Billy Club Batons, which he can use to knock out a full grown man with a single hit.

o   Wiz: And though he may look like he has a limb while walking with a cane, this is actually a ploy to fool his enemies into thinking he’s hurt, only to reveal a hidden blade within the handle of his cane.

o   Boomstick: He’s also just tough as he is smart, or at least 70% he is, as he showed expertise in many forms of martial arts and boxing abilities.

o   Wiz: He himself uses the Barjitsu style of fighting, which combines the elements of boxing, jujitsu, cane fighting and French kickboxing as a form of self-defense, using it to defeat larger and stronger opponents or multiple opponents.

Sherlock Holmes slow motion boxing

slow motion boxing

o   Boomstick: His style also involves psychological warfare, as he uses taunts and distractions such as the environment to gain the upper hand if he is outnumbered or outmatched.

o   Wiz: But of all his mental traits, Sherlock Holmes's strongest attribute is his sheer, unstoppable willpower. Even with a crane hook jabbed in his shoulder to physically torture him,  fleeing and exploding Factory while being chased by its armed soldiers onto an oncoming train,  he still refused to give up before passing out from exhaustion.

o   Boomstick: Sherlock has got so many ways to take on his opponents, it's hard to count all the impressive stuff he's done in the past. He's solved more than a hundred different cases, rescued the legendary cat burglar Irene from certain death after she was kidnapped, and has even exposed the corruption within the council of the church itself, which... probably isn't easy during that time period.

o   Wiz: Okay. Well, Holmes was often troubled by the fact he rarely could find an ally that could prove to be his equal, until he met a kindred spirit, another courageous crime-fighting hero: Batman!

o   Boomstick: Oh yeah, I remember him.

Sherlock Holmes meets Batman

Sherlock Holmes meets Batman

o   Wiz: Together, they teamed up alongside Jason Blood, aka Etrigan the Demon, to track down the infamous Gentleman Ghost who was stealing the solves of people to open the gates of Hell and gain infinite power. He was alive at that time, I know it’s a little ironic.

o   Boomstick: I’ll say.

o   Wiz: Holmes even deduced secret identity as a hero, wealthy entrepreneur, and being the son of a doctor, in less than five minutes after a quick observation. Yeah he does that a lot. Due to him being extremely observant and cunning, he can easily find out how and what has actually happened by just a quick walk around a place or looking at a person, mostly by using logic.

o   Boomstick: That’s nothing, one time when his head was bagged and he was taken to the lair of the Temple of Four Orders where he meets with their leaders, he deduces their identities and even deduces that their main leader Lord Chief Justice Sir Thomas Rotherham was the devious Lord Blackwood's, a man he was tracking down at one point, illegitimate secret biological father.

o   Wiz: After his adventures with Blood, Batman acknowledged Holmes as an even greater detective than himself, showing that he not only respected him, but also looked up to him.

o   Boomstick: Yes, Batman, the world's greatest detective, recognizes Sherlock Holmes’s skills.

Sherlock Holmes and Batman on the Case

Sherlock Holmes and Batman on the Case

o   Wiz: He even faked his own death in his battle against the “Napoleon of Crime,” Professor James Moriarty. The only person who proved more than a match for Holmes in every way, and the only way to kill him was to kill himself as well.

o   Boomstick: When Holems was getting too close for comfort, Moriarty warned Holmes that if he valued his life and the lives of his loved ones, he should leave him alone. And when he did not, the Professor did what any arch-enemy would do against his hated rival, send his army of criminal thugs to kill him.

o   Wiz: But no matter how many foes the good doctor sent his way, Holmes faced them head on, defeated them, and always got right back up ready for the next challenge. Moriarty became so desperate to get rid of this thorn in his side, that he personally confronted Holmes outside the Swiss village of Meiringen, which resulted in them both falling off a waterfall to their apparent demise.

o   Boomstick: Don’t worry, he showed up to his buddy Watson’s office a few years later, just long enough for the world to mourn his loss and allow him time to track down one of Moriarty’s lieutenants from the shadows. At that point, he was more than ready to come out hiding. Surprise Bitches, I’m Back.

Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler

Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler

o   Wiz: But not everything is bright for Sherlock, and even the world’s greatest detective is prone to failure. At the end of the day, he is only human.

o   Boomstick: And even though he's in peak physical condition, one well-placed bullet or knife will put him down as easily as any other man. And on a few occasions he has been outsmarted by more devious opponents like the infamous Professor Moriarty and his charming criminal lover Irene Adler. Those definitely give off some Batman and Catwoman vibes.

o   Wiz: Though he may be too prideful to admit his mistakes, he always learns from them and makes sure never to repeat them again.

Holmes on the Case

Holmes on the Case

o   Boomstick: Whenever there is a mystery to be solved and a criminal to be caught that even the police can’t solve or catch, the streets of London can rest easy knowing that Sherlock Holmes is on the case.

o   Dr. John Watson : Holmes? What is that?

o   Sherlock Holmes : Je ne sais pas. (I don’t know).


Indiana Jones vs Sherlock Holmes Setup

Wiz: all right the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hangar 51 Indiana Jones

Hangar 51

Inside Hangar 51, Indiana Jones is unloading his most recent archeological findings into a crate and onto the stakes of other crates. He then hears noises from behind the mounds of crates and goes to investigate. He peaks behind them as sees a man, who is revealed to be Sherlock Holmes, with a magnifying glass and crowbar prying open a crate and lifting out a vase to examine it.

Sherlock Holmes: You know it is rude to keep a man waiting, why don’t you come on out and we can discuss this matter like civilized men.

Realizing that the man knows he’s here, Jones comes out of his hiding spot with his whip in his hand.

Indiana Jones: You know this is a restricted area, if anyone is not supposed to be here, it’s you.

Holmes: I am here on professional business, I’ll be gone in a moment please.

Jones: Well then mister Englishmen, I’ll have to ask you to come with me to discuss that with the guards here. Because I don’t remember them allowing anyone else in here except me.

Holmes: My apologies, Professor, but I am afraid I must decline your offer to accompany you.

Jones: How did you…Never mind, you are coming with me one way or another, after you put that vase back where it belongs.

Holmes: Very well then. Also, you do know this is a fake right. And Catch.

Fight Magu vs Jav

Holmes tosses the vase up into the air straight at Indy's direction, and the professor rushes forward to grab the face before it hits the ground. Taking advantage of the distracted archeologist, Sherlock pulls out his pistol and starts firing, only for Jones to dodge the bullets and hide behind some of the crates. Sherlock pursues after him, hoping to catch Indy by surprise. But when he jumps in front of the the crates, he sees that only vase in there and Indy is gone. In reality, the professor managed shimmy behind the crates and move out of the way before the detective got to his previous position. Indy tries to sneak away when he bumps into a crate and knocks it over, creating noise and giving his location away to Sherlock. Holmes rushes over jump in time to jump in from of Indy, blocking his path and aiming is weapon at him just as Indy takes out his whip.

Holmes: Hmmm, seems like an odd weapon for an archeologist.

Jones: What can I say, it gets the job done.

Sherlock attempts to fire his pistol, only for Indiana to swing his whip at his hand, striking the detective and causing him to drop his weapon. Before Holmes can reach for his gun, Indy tackles him into several crates. After they fall through them and land on the ground, Indiana starts delivering a series of punches to the detectives face. Eventually, Holmes blocks Indy's fist with his own and headbutts the professor in the face, forcing him to stand up and stagger back. With is foes distracted yet again, Sherlock gets back on his feet and slams both his hands right into Indy's ears, making them ring in pain and cause Jones more distortion. As Indy stumbles around as his ears ring, Holmes grabs the professor's fallen whip and wraps it around Indy’s throat in an attempt to strangle him.

But Indiana regains his sense, and he pushes his body backwards, causing the two to smash into some creates. This makes Sherlock loose his grip on the whip and allows Indy to elbow him in the face, making him stumble back. Indiana pulls the whip from around his neck as two swords fall out of the crate, and the two historians grab one for themselves.

Holmes : Aw, now this is a relic. Medieval steel, found probably in the dudgeon of a old Scottish castle, if I'm not correct.

Jones: I see you know your history, now shut up and fight.

Both the detective and archeologist rushed at one another with there swords, and there blades with each other ad they pushed their weapons against one another. As they continued two push against each other, Sherlock steps on Indies foot and was able to shove him back to gain some distance between them. He then swung his sword to slash at jones, but Indiana blocks the slash with his sword and kicks Sherlock back. Indie went for a slash of his own, but Holmes was able to parry the incoming attack and block it, before elbowing Jones in the chest to push him away. The detective swings his blade again, but this time he aimed at the archeologist's leg, cutting in the leg and making him bleed. But as Indy falls to his knee, he grabs his whip, swings it to wrap around Holmes's leg and pulls on it making him fall to the ground. He goes to stab him from above, but Sherlock rolls out of the way, causing Indiana's sword to get stuck in he ground. Holmes takes the opportunity to kick Indiana in the back and make him crash into another crate.

Sherlock: Ooh, talk about a smooth landing.

Indiana: Do you always talk this much in a fight?

Sherlock: It's how a analyze the situation in front of me.

Indy pulls himself out of the crate and grab his sword and whip again. Sherlock went for another slash with his blade, but Indy blocks the attack and shoves the detective back, and then starts jabbing his sword forward trying to stab Sherlock with his blade. Holmes is able to block some of the strikes, but Indy is swifter on his feet and he ends up stabbing Holmes in the shoulder and the legs, making a few cuts appear and start bleeding. As their blades continue to clash with each other, both men are able to get a few cuts on each other, but nothing serious enough to bring them down. Sherlock lunges at Indiana right for his chest, but Indy parries out of the way just in time, causing his sword to jab into the wall of the building and get stuck.

As Holmes struggles to pulls his sword, Indy takes the opportunity to punch him in the face, knocking him away from his weapon. Indy then kicks Holmes in the butt to make him fly into another crate, though not crashing through it, just denting it a bit. But as he come in for another punch, Holmes pries off a plank of wood from the crate and swings it a Indy's head, dazing him. Holmes takes the opportunity to grab the sword and throw it over several crates and out of sight as Indiana comes to his senses.

Holmes: Well looks like we've both been disarmed, shall we go back to punching each other.

Jones: I think not.

Putting his whip back on his belt, Indie pulls out his machete and charges at Holmes with it, who pulls out his Billy Club Batons and catches the blade with them, blocking the attacks. Sherlock shoves him back and then uses his Billy clubs to deliver several blows to the archeologist body, from his head to his ribcage. Despite the blows, Indy stands tough and uses his machete and arm to block some of the blows and goes for a slash attack. But Holmes anticipated that he would do this, and dodges all of his attacks.

Sherlock (thought): Next attack, a whip strike to wrap up my legs.

As anticipated, Indy pulls out his whip to swing at his adversary, but Holmes jumps in the air and stomps his feet on the end of whip, trapping it.

Jones: How did you...

Holmes: Know you were going to do that, since that was your primary weapon, you bound to use it again. You are so predicable.

Jones: Well predict this.

Jones pulls his whip from out under the detective's foot and throws his machete straight at his head. Seeing the incoming danger, Sherlock ducks his head as the large knife hurls past him and jabs into a stack of crates.

Holmes: Ha were never aiming for head, were you?

Jones: Maybe. And by the way, TIMBER!!!

Jones ducks for cover behind some barrels, as Holmes turns around to see the top crate that the machete hit is toppling over and about to fall on him. As he avalanche of crates begin to topple over, Holmes runs for cover and evades the falling boxes. As priceless artifacts scatter across the floor, Sherlock continues to run until he comes to the middle hallway, as he scans to look around to find the archeologist. He hears the clock of a gun behind him and he turns to see Indy standing behind antique rocking chair pointing his revolver at the detective.

Indiana: You gave me your best shot, and now its time to show you mind.

Sherlock: On the contrary, this is my best shot.

Sherlock kicks the chair straight into Indy's chest, forcing Jones to invertedly fling his gun into the air. As Indy goes to catch his gun, Sherlock takes the time to pull out his own gun and reloaded it for the future. As Indiana catches his weapon and prepares to fire it, Sherlock rushes at him and knocks him over the head with his Billy club, causing the revolver misfires into a nearby door.

Sherlock (Thoughts): He strike him now before he realities.

Sherlock attempts to strike the fallen Indy, but the archeologist grabs a golden staff from one of the fallen crates and slams it into the detective's leg, making him fall to the ground too. Holmes quickly searches for his fallen weapon, but instead finds a shield and throws it at Jones. Seeing the incoming weapon, Jones grabs a fallen Tomahawk axe and hurls it at the shield, splitting it in half and heading right at Holmes. Sherlock ducks his head as the axe swings past his head and gets lodged into the wall behind him. As Jones gets up after grabbing his fallen weapon, he waits for Holmes to get up and make the first move. But instead, Sherlock stands there with his gun in one hand the Billy Club in the other, analyzing the archeologist.

Indiana (Thoughts): He's waiting for something, but what.

Sherlock (Thoughts): Sweating...Tense muscles...he's waiting for me to make the next attack. Better hold and ware him down for later

Both men fire their guns at the same time and duck behind large objects for cover. As their bullets graze past each other, Jones ducks behind a crate that contains the Lost Arce, while Holmes leaps behind a pillar holding up the ceiling. Sherlock peeks behind the pillar with his gun ready, observing the places where Indiana might have gone to find. He spots a boot sticking out from behind a crate and throws his club at it. It hits Jones foot and het lets out a groan in pain, giving away his position and Holmes fires weapon at the crate. But the Arc inside blocks the bullet from hitting Indy, and the archeologist returns fire at the detective.

Indiana: There you are.

Sherlock: Found You.

Sherlock dodges the bullet just in time, and sees the light from a lamp above him pointing down at him, and gets and idea. He pulls out his magnifying glass and reflects the light of the lamp straight into Indiana's face. The light hits him right in the eyes, blinding him and making him drop his gun, staggering backwards and rubbing his eyes to regain his vision. Sherlock jumps out from his hiding place and runs towards Jones, picking up his fallen Billy Club on his way. Just as he opens his eyes, Sherlock lunges at him, but Jones grabs him by the arm and twist him around to slam him face first into another pillar. Though he may have him pinned, Sherlock uses his free hand to grab his cane from his his belt and pulls out the hidden blade from it and stabs it into Indy's foot. Wincing in pain, Jones releases his grip Sherlocks turns around to face him, swinging the blade in front of him, as his opponent dodges it swiftly. Indiana pulls out his whip to wrap it around the blade and hurls it away. The archeologist makes a run for it as Holmes pulls out his gun to chase after him

Sherlock: You can run but you can't hide. In this came of cat and mouse, I'm the cat.

The two continue to fire their weapons at each other and evade their attacks, but neither of them are moving that fast due their injuries slowing them down. As Indiana limbs around behind a corner, Sherlock tracks his dripping blood to his location. He turns the same corner, and sees Indiana hat sitting on top of a tall crack. Holmes sneaks up behind it, gets his revolver right by the crate, and fires. He then peaks through the hole, and confirms his suspicions that Jones was never really behind the crate, and his hat was put there as distraction. As Holmes turns around to continue his search, he doesn't have to wait long when Indy walks around the corner with his gun in hand.

Indiana: Looking for me?

Sherlock: As matter of fact yes. Also quick question, how many times have you fired your weapon at me?

Indiana: Why you asking me that.

Sherlock: Because if I am correct, which I usually am, you've fired at me exactly nine times. Revolvers like yours usually only have up nine bullets, which means you are out of ammo.

Indy aims his weapon at him, only to realize that the detective was right and he is out of bullets. Sherlock then aims his gun at him and Indy drops his and puts his hands up in the air.

Holmes: As I though, but unlike me, I still have two shots left, which if aimed correctly, isa more than enough to take you down.

Jones: Well then, take your shot and make it count.

Holmes: With Pleasure.

As the detective aims his weapon right at Indy's head, the archeologist swiftly reaches down and pulls out his whip and swings it forwards. It wraps around the gun and he yanks it out of Sherlocks hands. The gun flies through the air and into Jones hands, then he aims it at Sherlock and fires off the two shots. One hits him in the head and the other in the chest, causing Holmes to fall to the ground dead. With his foe now vanquished, Jones picks up his hat and then starts limping back to the main hallway and heads for the exit to leave the hanger.

KO Text created by AwesomeEthan


Boomstick: Well kids, if you were watching this and were inspired into becoming a famous archeologist or detective, go with opinion one, you'll last longer.

Wiz: This was possibly one of our closest matchups to date. Despite lacking a true superhuman physique, both Indiana and Sherlock were extremely skilled and deadly fighters.

Boomstick: Both of these guys have many life threating events and have lived to tell the tale in the end. But it was Indy was has faced true supernatural threats and still survived with all of his limbs attached.

Wiz: Sherlock's cases, on the other hand, may have seems like the supernatural, but in reality was mere science and magic tricks that anyone could have pulled off with the right materials.

Boomstick: Plus Jonesy has survived way more touches with death than Sherlly, how has to plan for his getaways beforehand, while Jones can do that and do it while while running for his life.

Wiz: And sure Sherlock could have analyzed the fight to predict the best way to take Indy out for good, but he usually only did that while in hiding and it often takes time to do, which Doctor Jones did not give him the opportunity to do.

Boomstick: Not to mention their weapon differences. Sure Holmes had his clubs, gun, and cane sword, but Jones double the number of blades and double the number of guns, making him the weapons expert in this fight.

Wiz: Sherlock Holmes was a deadly combatant with a genius intellect to back it up, but the Doctor Henry Jones Jr. one-upped him with superior experience, survivability, and arsenal of weaponry.

Boomstick: With the crack of a “whip” this case was officially closed.

Wiz: The winner is Indiana Jones

The winner is Indiana Jones

Next Fight[]

Caitlyn Kiramman vs Kate Bishop

Previous Fight[]

Darkrai vs Princess Luna


The cover name would be "Old Fashion Heroes"

Next Time on Death Battle[]

