Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Imaginary Gary vs DoodleBob by GoCommitDi

Imaginary Gary vs DoodleBob is the fourteenth What-If? Death Battle of GoCommitDi's second season, featuring Imaginary Gary from The Fairly OddParents and DoodleBob from SpongeBob SquarePants in a battle between evil creations who can bend reality to their will.


The Fairly OddParents vs SpongeBob SquarePants! These two creations were made for fun, only to then turn evil with the power of their magic! But only one can put the other down in this imaginative battle to the death.


Imaginary Gary[]



Death Battle[]


Next Time[]


  • The connections between Imaginary Gary and DoodleBob are that they are magical beings created by the naive, buck-toothed protagonist (Timmy and SpongeBob) who were initially made for fun (Gary being Timmy's imaginary friend and DoodleBob being drawn to play a harmless prank on Squidward), only to then turn their backs on them (Gary taking over Timmy's life in retaliation for Timmy abandoning him, and DoodleBob beating up Squidward). After being outsmarted and defeated by the protagonist (Timmy using his greatest fear [Vicky] to swallow Gary, and SpongeBob using DoodleBob's weakness to paper against him), they eventually returned in a later episode (Escape from Unwish Island and Doodle Dimension) to cause more trouble.
  • The fight would be made in hand-drawn animation.
  • The track title would be either Creativity Killed the Buck Tooth, or Doodling a Dangerous Imagination. I legit can't decide.