Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Hunter J vs June 2


They are both fierce female bounty hunters who occasionally work for evil organizations and use fictional creatures to help catch their prey. They This is the Thirteenth episode of the Fifth season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle.


·Wiz: Ever since prehistoric times, the art of hunting has been used by man to get food, clothes, money, or just a general thrill.

·Boomstick: And today, we've got two of some of the deadliest hunters around. And what makes them even deadlier, they are women and they've got some not so friendly furry friends to help with their hunts.

June analysis

·Wiz: June, Avatar’s deadly and most expensive female bounty hunter.

Hunter J analysis

·Boomstick: And Hunter J, Expert Poke-Thief and Sinnoh's Most Wanted Criminal. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

·Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win...a Death Battle.

Hunter J is hired by Death Battle to hunt you down[]

Hunter J picture

Hunter J

o   Wiz: The Pokémon World, a place where all people and Pokémon interact to achieve new goals and talents.

o   Boomstick: And the Pokémon World consists of many regions.

o   Wiz: Located at the north of Kanto, Johto and Hoenn is the famous Sinnoh Region. A region that was said to be the first region that created the entire Pokémon World by the Alpha Pokémon Arceus.

o   Boomstick: Like many regions, Sinnoh has many places for Gyms, Pokémon Leagues and even Contests. Heck this was by far one best Regions in the entire Pokemon Universe, no wonder Arceus made this place first

Wiz: But like all regions in the Pokemon World, it’s also filled with its own set of criminals that threaten lives of humans and Pokémon alike.

Pokemon Hunter J

Hunter J

o   Boomstick: And when it comes to the Sinnoh Region, they have their fair share of bad guys. From the world dominating Team Galactic to the occasional rival trainers who mistreats their Pokemon. But none of these characters was a bigger threat and will send shivers down your spine than the infamous and mysterious bounty hunter, Hunter J.

o  Wiz: Unlike her fellow villain cohort Cyrus, whose main goal is capturing legendary Pokemon to shape the world in ship own image, the only thing J cares about is money and there is nothing she will not do to obtain as much of it as possible. Her greedy nature is perfect for leading a group of vicious Pokémon thieves that are willing to sell anything, Human or Pokemon, on the underground shopping center that is the black market.

o   Boomstick: Pokémon Hunter J is a ruthless woman, who is infamous to the Sinnoh's police officers for her crimes of capturing the strongest Pokémon and selling them to the highest bitter. She will go to great lengths to catch her targets, no matter how many innocent bystanders she has plow through to get what she wants.

o  Wiz: She is so determined to achieve her goals that she once started a forest wildfire, that nearly destroyed a nearby town, just to capture a single Riolu for her client.

o   Boomstick: All that destruction for just one Pokemon, Jesus Christ! This woman’s a monster!

Hunter J captures Riolu

Hunter bags her prize

o  Wiz: If you think that was cruel, how about the time she didn’t even flinch when tried to eliminate Ash and his friends when they got in her way, which also would have resulted in killing some of her own men as well. She takes the hatred level up to eleven.

o   Boomstick: She hates any trainers who try to stand up to her, especially goody two shoe trainers like Ash Ketchum, with a burning passion.

o  Wzi: Luckily Ash and his friends were always getting in her way multiple times throughout their adventures, thwarting her schemes and costing her millions from her employers.

o   Boomstick: And she would have gotten away with if it weren’t for those meddling kids and their Pikachu.

o  Wiz: You do know this is Pokemon and not Scooby Doo, right?

Hunter J threatens Ash Fanart

Silly Boy, You can't stop me

o   Boomstick: Hunter J has definitely earned a spot on the leader board for being one of the most evil and hated villain in Pokemon history.

o  Wiz: You can say that again. Even the comical villain trio Team Rocket have attempted to aid Ash in stopping her due to her treatment of Pokemon, and for ruining their reputation for being the number one villains in Pokemon.

o   Boomstick: But a wicked trainer such as herself also needs some scary and powerful Pokemon to get the job done, so it’s no surprise that the girl has got some of the most terrifying Pokemon in her arsenal.

o  Wiz: Hunter J normal comes to a battle with her trust Bug Type Pokemon, Drapion and Ariados, which are both more than capable of subduing any Pokemon she is on the prole for.

o   Boomstick: But her go to Pocket Monster is her trusty Dragon Type, Salamence, who could easily crush her Drapion and Ariados like the bugs they are. Which is why for this Death Battle, Salamace is the only Pokemon J will have access to.

Hunter J's Salamence

Hunter J's Salamence

o  Wiz: An average Salamence weighs in at 225 pounds and stands about 5 feet tall. So the most part they are pretty calm, that is until you make them angry, resulting in them becoming uncontrollable and cause a destructive rampage. Its signature Flamethrower is hot enough to melt boulders, making it over 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit

o   Boomstick: And Salamce can use Dragon Pulse, AKA it can shoot a giant energy beam from its mouth. It's like he's throwing up lasers! Wiz, I want a pet dragon more than anything. I know I’ve said it a thousand times already, but I mean it.

o  Wiz: J’s Salamace once used this attack to counteract a Hyper Beam launched by the legendary Regigigas. The same Regigigas that was rumored to once towed all the landmasses of the Pokemon world to their current-day locations.

o   Boomstick: Now that’s what I call a workout, sorry Thor, I’m switching workout buddies. Speaking of said attack, J’s menacing dragon also knows that move and once used it to overpower a flamethrower launched by an Arcanine and shatter large pillars of rock, steel, and ice with ease. Too bad it comes with an annoying obligation of making the user unable to launch another attack after using it.

o  Wiz: But that is an exceptional price to pay for J, for she uses Salamence as her mode of transportation. And with it's its sharp canine teeth, it can deliver a painful Crunch attack to it's foes.

o   Boomstick: Other than her awesome highly advanced rip off of the SHIELD hellicarrier and army of minions ready to serve her every order, mostly because they are too afraid to talk back to her. Still the airship is sweet as hell, why can’t I drive one of those things?

Hunter J and her army

J and her Soilders

o  Wiz: Remember the helicopter you tried to fly. Rest in Peace you beautiful piece of machinery. Still Salamce is fast enough to dodge Hyper Beams from Regirock and Registeel, and tough enough to endure attacks from the 3 Regis and keep fighting. No wonder Salamace is a Pokemon every evil trainer wants on their team.

o   Boomstick: Especially since it’s technically a Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon a fan term for a group of powerful Pokémon that are not officially classified as a Legendary Pokémon.

o  Wiz: All Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon are the final form of a three-stage evolution lines, have a base stat total of 600 and require 1,250,000 experience points to reach level 100 in most games.

o   Boomstick: Even in both the series and the games, Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon have gone toe to toe with actual Legendary and held their own in battle, making them total bad-asses.

o  Wiz: With her Airship, Pokemon, and henchmen at her side, J as has gone after and captured numerous Pokemon across the world, even Legendary ones, eluded the likes of the police and Pokemon Rangers. Whether it’s an evil organization or corrupt officials, whenever J is hired for a job, she will accomplish her mission, no matter what.

o   Boomstick: J doesn’t always rely on her Pokémon in battle all the time, and she has a few useful gadgets I could use if I got my hands on it. First up are her trusty goggles that tracks heat signatures of teleporting or camouflaged targets and her very sweet arm cannon.

Hunter J's Goggles

Angry J

o  Wiz: J’s arm cannon might look like just a ordinary wrist watch, but it is a very impressive piece of technology which I’ve upgrades into my own arm to replicate the beam fired.

o   DUMMI: Another test. How thrilling, Guess I'll die now.

o  Wiz: Oh, I won't be needing you this time, DUMMI.

o   DUMMI: Oh joy.

o  Wiz: Now any target hit by the beam of energy fired from the arm cannon is petrified and turned to stone and she can turn them back whenever she feels like it with just a press of a button.

o   Boomstick: But it does not matter if you’re human or a Pokemon, even a legendary Pokemon. You will be turned to stone until J unfreezes you, which is doubtful. The Regi trio alongside the Sinnoh Lake guardians learned this the hard way…(Wiz fires the beam from his robot hand, turning Boomstick into a statue). Why'd you even make the stupid robot?!

Hunter J's Arm Cannon

Arm Cannon

o  Wiz: That’s right, she once went after and capture the Battle Frontier Brandon's Regirock, Regice and Registeel, and the Lake Trio Pokémon for Team Galactic. It’s no wonder their boss Cyrus enlisted J’s help to capture them for his world conquering plot.

o   Boomstick: Though J remained one of Pokemon’s most feared and deadliest villains to date, like all villains, she’s not without her flaws that have led to her defeat at the hands of people like the Pokemon Rangers. 

o  Wiz: J mainly relies on her Pokemon and technology to hunt down and capture her targets, rarely having to get her own hands dirty. Plus, her Pokemon rely on her orders in battle, and without their trainer, her Pokemon would be as random and unfocused as wild animals.

o   Boomstick: Not mention, her plans are constantly being foiled by the efforts of Ash and his companies, who are determined to put a stop to her evil methods not matter what she throws at them.

Pokemon Legion of Doom Fanart

Pokémon Legion of Doom

o  Wiz: Despite her draw backs, J continued to terrorize the regions of the Pokemon world, showing that once she had you in her sights, there was no escaping her wrath.

o   Boomstick: But eventually Karma would come back to make J pay for all her crimes against humanity and Pokémon.

o  Wiz: Although successfully capturing the Lake Trio for Team Galactic, J’s Airplane was struck by a Future Sight used Uxie and Mesprit earlier during their battle. The attack damaged her aircraft so badly that it caused it to fall into a ragging whirlpool of Lake Valor, and explode with J and her men it.

o   Boomstick: As the Diamond and Peral series concluded, she was never seen or heard from again. Good riddance, if anyone deserved to spend the rest of her life in Pokémon hell in a fiery glory, its Hunter J.

Hunter J's Dealer

Deals of the Past

o  Wiz: Though her reign of terror may have ended, and her death satisfied the lives all noble Pokémon Fans, Hunter J made a huge impression with her cruel nature that nobody will not soon forget.

J: I warned you to stay out of my way.

June will track you down all across Death Battle[]

June Avatar


o  Wiz: When Avatar Aang reemerged from his long 100-year slumber, it brought hope to the struggling world that the Avatar had returned to save them from the terror of the Fire Nation.

o  Boomstick: But it was bad news for the Fire Nation, who knew that the arrival of the Avatar meant that their invading Empire was in serious jeopardy. Especially for Prince Zuko, who was hell-bent on tracking down the Avatar to reclaim the honor her lost to his family. This was before his redemption arc folks.

o  Wiz: But how could he locate a single person in a world of millions, it’s like trying to find one needle in ten haystacks. To accomplish this, what Zuko needed was a Specialists, someone who was ruthless cunning and an expert at hunting. He needed a bounty hunter.

Avatar June

June the Huntress

o  Boomstick: And lucky for him, he came across one the most feared and beautiful bounty hunters in all of the four nations, June. I call dibs Iroh, so beat it.

o  Wiz: June's Childhood was anything but normal. Her mother was an infamous thief who stole from the greedy and rich to give to herself and others who needed the money more. Although she was eventually captured, she was later rescued her father, an Earth Kingdom soldier who understood her mother's cause. The two then fled the Earth Kingdom and went into hiding, becoming bounty hunters to make a living before they had their daughter June.

o  Boomstick: Everything seemed fine and dandy, but like all thieves, they can never outrun their past forever, and it wasn't long before the Earth Kingdom soldiers tracked them down.

o  Wiz: Knowing that her husband punishment would be far worse than her, June's mother sacrificed herself to allow her husband and daughter to flee to safety. Now with only her father by her side and force to keep wandering the world to avoid attracting unwanted attention, June was forced to learn from her father the art of tracking and combat, skills she would later employee in her future career as a legendary bounty hunter.

o   Boomstick: I wish I was born into a family of bounty hunters.

Wiz: Why?

Boomstick: So I can hunt down and shoot people for a living and legally. So long DB, Bounty hunting life here I come.

Wiz: On her 13th birthday June's father received a shirshu from a rare animal collector in payment for a bounty, and gave it to her as a present. The shirshu, whom she named Nyla, became June's inseparable companion and eventually her deadliest weapon in her arsenal.

o   Boomstick: Uh what’s a shirshu.

Nyla the Shirshu

June and Nyla

o  Wiz: The shirshu is a large, star-nosed mole-like mammal that has no eyes and thus relies on its highly specialized sense of smell. It can smell a particular scent hundreds of miles away, making it an ideal tracker.

o   Boomstick: What's so impressive about an animal that crossed with a mo…(Wiz shows a picture of a shirshu). Whoa! Yeah, got it, never mind.

o  Wiz: I thought you’d get the picture.

o   Boomstick: In addition to its strong olfactory abilities, the shirshu's saliva contains a highly potent paralyzing agent.

o  Wiz: Just one slash from a shirshu tongue and saliva can leave a victim motionless, long enough for June to tie them up and make them her prisoner.

o   Boomstick: Along with its large, sharp set of teeth, it has a whip-like tongue, which it uses to disable its prey. This made it one of the most feared animals in the Avatar world.

o  Wiz: Depending on the target's size and how hard it is hit, a shirshu's tongue can either stun or paralyze prey for a period of time, ranging from a minute up to a couple hour.

June and Nyla tracking Aang

Tracking Skills

o   Boomstick: It’s like a weird combination of a giant anteater, a wolf, and a star-nosed mole, all of which are known for their scenes of smell being superior over humans. Now that's what I call a pet! I know what I'm picking up at the pet store on the way home!

o  Wiz: Tamed shirshus are mainly used for their superior tracking ability. They can detect a particular scent anywhere in the world, paralyze their prey from afar without doing permanent damage, are extremely fast and agile, and can travel over great distances without tiring significantly. They are also skilled burrowers, able to avoid large earthbending traps by digging into the soil with their claws

o   Boomstick: After witnessing June and Nyla track a fleeing target who had stowed away on his ship and captured him while inflicting mild damage to the ship, Zuko knew had found the right man, or woman, to help him capture the Avatar Aang

o  Wiz: So Zuko tracked her down and employed her to track down Aang by following his trail after obtaining Katara's scent from her necklace he stole from her.

o   Boomstick: And trust me hiring June to work for you is anything but cheap. Regardless of who valuable or worthless her bounty is, June will always aim high in regards to her pricing.

June's Strength in arm wrestling

Who's next

o  Wiz: A fearless woman at heart, June is confident and tricky, and occasionally sassy from time to time. Her determination, resolve and superior physical strength enables her to complete even the toughest of assignments.

o   Boomstick: She and Nayla have bagged hundreds of bounties all across the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, rarely ever flawing to disappoint her client. When she has a job to do, she’ll always get the job done.

o  Wiz: June's fearsome characteristics along with her shirshu's abilities made her a true force to be reckoned with and a seriously underrated individual in the Avatar Franchise.

o   Boomstick: June is a professional bounty hunter and an experienced shirshu rider. Despite her slender frame, she is also deceivingly strong, being able to effortlessly defeat a muscular man in an arm-wrestling match and lift up a grown man onto her shoulder. Damn girl, you’ve been hitting the gym too much.

o  Wiz: Additionally, June proved to be a formidable fighter, demonstrating amazing speed and hand-to-hand combat skills on several occasions. She was able to defeat multiple opponents before a cup she had thrown in the air even hit the ground.

o   Boomstick: She was also skilled in using the whip, kind of like an Avatar version of Catwoman.

June's Whip

Fear the Whip

o  Wiz: Her shirshu Nyla is no push over either. Despite its size and weight, a shirshu has outstanding agility and can hold its own in close combat situations. Using its powerful claws, it can easily protect itself from most threats. Though in the majority of cases, close combat is unnecessary, for a shirshu's tongue can reach up to several meters and incapacitate opponents before they have a chance to get near her.

o   Boomstick: When Zuko tracked and attacked Aang, Nyla fought Appa one on one, and the two giant beasts nearly destroyed a small temple. But Nyla eventually used his toxin to paralyze Appa, although it took several hits to bring the flying bison down.

o  Wiz: This is the same flying bison that swatted away several buzzard wasps and rammed through several stone pillars with his head.

o   Boomstick: So yeah, Appa may act like a big couch potato most times, but he is not to be taken lightly. But don’t worry, when they meet again several month latter, they became fast friends and put the past behind their furry tails.

o  Wiz: Though its never official told the size of an average shirshu, they are estimated to be 11 feet in height, the length of 35 feet, and weighs in at about eight to ten tons. That is roughly the same weight as a city public bus

o   Boomstick: Though it may be blind, a shirshu can see the world around it by means of its powerful scent receptors, reportedly sensitive enough to "smell a rat a continent away".

o  Wiz: Nyla's semi-domesticated temperament is described as determined, obedient, and socially affectionate, like when he tried to lick June’s hand after she fed and cuddled him.

o   Boomstick: When commanded, he became quite ferocious, responding instantly to June's whip signals, and he showed embarrassment when he could not pick up Aang's scent from one of his belongings. Hey, nobody is perfect, not even Avatar animals.

June and Nyla Fanart

Avatar's Best Bounty Hunter

o  Wiz: However, a shirshu’s greatest strength can also be it’s greatest weakness. Its critical weaknesses are its highly sensitive nose and sense of smell. A well-aimed strike on its nose can cause the animal to scream and reel back in pain while strong scents can overwhelm its nostrils, effectively "blinding" it and, in some cases, inducing a frenzied panic.

o   Boomstick: Like when Katara defeated Nyla by confusing him with perfume she bent out of pots. Nyla 'blindly' lashed out and paralyzed Zuko and June successively before running wildly away from the pungent smell. And I don’t blame him, that perfume smells terrible.

o  Wiz: Since when do you use perfume?

o   Boomstick: That’s the point, I don’t.

o  Wiz: Though June and Nyla proved to be one of Team Avatar’s most relentless foes at the beginning, she wouldn’t remain that way forever, as she would aid them during the arrival of Sozin’s Comet. When Aang mysteriously went missing days before the arrival of the comet, a newly reformed Zuko and Team Avatar traveled to the Earth Kingdom, hope to find June and ask for her help to finding Aang and Iroh. Proving without a doubt that loyalty to her pocket was not the only thing June cared about.

o   Boomstick: Plus, June isn’t really evil, she’s just a normal bounty hunter trying to make a living doing what she does best and resenting all government authority, even if what she does isn’t really nice. Though she may seem dark and uncaring at times, she didn’t ask for a payment from Zuko when he said that the world would be destroyed if she didn’t help Team Avatar.

o  Wiz: As a matter of fact, after the Hundred Year War ended, June almost found herself unemployed, since bounty hunters like herself were having a difficult time finding work nowadays, following the redemption of Zuko and the Earth King Kuei discovery of corruption in his court. So when a former Fire Nation spy named Keung offered June a job, she jumped at the opportunity, regardless of who her target was.

o   Boomstick: Even if said target was Zuko's uncle Iroh, who was now a retired veteran running a tea shop, wanted to see him dead follow his trasition from a fearsome Fire Nation solider to a measly tea owner. During their travels to Daxia, June not only began to flee pity for Iroh after hearing his stories of his former life in the Fire Nation, which he deeply regrated, she was also stunned to see some of her former bounty hunting friends had transitioned to an agricultural lifestyle, using their skills to give back to the struggling community. Lame, all that raw talent wasted on a farmer's salary.

Team Avatar meets June again

Cold Reunion

o  Wiz: Coming to her senses and an emotional talk with a friend about change and reflection, June rallied her former associates to launch a rescue mission to save Iroh, after promising them her collection of her previous bounty. In gratitude of her services, Iroh hired June to track down and collect rare teas for him to make at his shop, allowing her to still travel and find rare items similar to what she did in her bounty hunting day. She declared that she found this new job more exciting than most of her years as a bounty hunter.

o   Boomstick: But do not let her heroic acts of kindness fool you. Deep down, June and Nyla are still two vicious, cold-blooded predators who will always get their prey.

o  Wiz: If she is ever hired to hunt you down, all your efforts to hide will be in vein. Because when June wants you alive or dead, there's no escape

June: Make it your weight, and we got a deal.


June vs Hunter J Setup

Wiz: All right the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Avatar Ba Sing Se

Ba Sing Se

At the city of Ba Sing Se, The cabbage merchant is selling is vegetables in a crowded marketplace.

Cabbage Merchant: Cabbages, get your fresh hot cabbages.

Suddenly, everyone starts to flee, as a large creature starts running through the townsquare. It appears to be June, on top of her shrishu Nyla.

June: Hey Veggie Boy. There is a bounty on your ripe head and I’m here to collect.

Merchant: Why would anyone want my head? I’m just a guy trying to sell cabbages.

June: Don’t know, don’t care, I just want to get paid

As the Cabbage Merchant drops his product and tries to flee, June throw a bolo rope that entangles the Merchant, making him fall down. Then a shadow appears above both of them.

Hunter J: Thank you.

They both turn to see Hunter J on top of her Salamence hovering above them.

June: Thanks, for what?

Hunter J: Thank you for finding this pest for me. I’ll just take him off your hands

June: Nuh uh, my bounty, my catch. So go find some other punk to play with.

Hunter J: Oh you misunderstand my dear girl. I wasn’t asking you, I’m telling you.

June: Yeah, well so was I

June pulls out her whip as Hunter J aims her arm cannon at her.

Cabbage Merchant: I’ve always wanted to have two women fight over me, but not like this.


Hunter J fires a beam from her arm cannon straight at June and Nyla. June cracks her whip and the shrishu darts out of the way dodging the beam. Instead, the beam hits another person and they turn into a solid statue.

June: Okay, note to self: Avoid flashing statue light.

Suddenly, Hunter J zooms down on her Salamence straight at June. Nyla jumps out of the way to avoid the Dragon Type Pokemon, but when June turns around, she sees that the Cabbage Merchant is gone. She look up and sees the Cabbage Merchant onto of Salamence.

June: Hey, that belongs to me. Give it back.

Hunter J: Not a chance, now to wrap up some loose ends. Salamence, use Dragon Pulse.

The Dragon Type Pokemon unleashes a blue ball of energy straight at June and Nyla. A crack from the bounty hunter’s whip orders Nyla to grab a large barrel and throws it the attack, colliding with the incoming turquoise ball of energy causing both attacks to fade away. However, it wasn’t the only one, as Salamence has just released a barrage of Dragon Pulses instead of just one attack. June and her shrishu dart out of the way and they maneuver through the market place to dodge the incoming barrage and throws several random objects at her opponent to order the Hunter and her Pokemon fly out of the way to avoid them all. Nyla the grabs the wagon of Cabbages and hurls it at Salamence, only for it to get blown up by another Dragon Pulse attack.

Cabbage Merchant: Gaaaaaaah, MY CABBAGES.

Hunter J: Quite Worm, Salamence use Hyper Beam.

Salamence charges up a powerful beam in its mouth before he unleashes it at the bounty hunter and her pet. June lashes her whip and Nyla runs out of the of the Hyper Beam. As the beam chases after the two, Nyla leaps into the air and climbs on to the roof of the nearby building. With a crack of the her whip, June orders Nyla to charge toward J and her Salamence as it runs across the roof top and lunges towards them. J turns around just I time to see them and since it just released a Hyper Beam, Salamence can’t find back, and the shrishu tackles the Dragon Type Pokemon to the ground.

June: I’ll take that.

While Nyla pins down Salamence, June grabs The Cabbage Merchant and puts him on her shoulders before Nyla runs off through the city. Angered, J tries to fire her arm cannon at them, but Nyla is too fast and quickly gets out of their range.

J: Get up Salamence, we can not loose them.

Salamence gets back on its feet and J leaps onto its back before it flies into the air. Meanwhile, June and Nyla are running through the streets with the Cabbage merchant on the shrishu's back. Suddenly, a shadow appears above them and June turns to see Hunter J on her Salamence flying after them.

June: Some people just don't know when to quite.

J: Salamence Use Flamethrower

Upon it's master's orders, Salamence unleash its signature Flamethrower. The flames set the buildings below on fire, but Nyla is fast enough to avoid getting hit by the flames. J then orders Salamence to fire Flamethrower in the path in front of the bounty hunter and her pet, setting the building in front of them on fire, making Nyla stop in it's tracks. Before June and Nyla can flee in the opposite direction, the are attacked head on by Salamence , who charges head first at Nyla, sending her, June, and the Cabbage Merchant through the burning building. After rolling on the ground for a bit, Nyla shakes herself clean and June gets back on her feet, only to see the Cabbage Merchant trying to crawl away. She snaps her fingers and Nyla lashes her tongue that strikes the Cabbage Merchant's back, causing him to become paralyzed.

Cabbage Merchant: I...Can't...Move.

June: That's the point, genius.

June then hears Nyla snarling and turns around to see J and her Salamence flying over the fire.

J: This is your last chance, give me what is mine.

June: What's a word I'm looking for, it's on the tip of my tongue, oh yeah. No!

June whistles and Nyla starts using her paws and tail to throw various flaming objects into the air towards the hunter and her Pokemon. However, all the flaming projectiles miss Hunter J due to Salamence graceful flying.

J: Hmph, you missed.

June: Oh, I never miss.

Hunter J soon realizes that they were not the intended targets when she hears a cracking sound behind her. She turns around and sees the building behind her on fire is slowing tipping over towards them. The Dragon Pokemon tries to fly out of the way, but the top structure of the building falls onto Salamence, causing the Pokemon and its trainer to tumble to the ground. As Both J and her Salamence get back up, they are confronted by June on top of her Shirsu

J: You will pay for that, Salamence , use Flamethrower.

The Dragon Pokemon unleashes a blast of fire from its mouth, but Nyla manages to dodge out of the way. June then notices the Cabbage merchant trying to crawl away, so she pulls out her whip, flings it around the Merchant's leg and pulls him back onto Nyla's back.

Cabbage Merchant: Oh COME ON.

June: Come now, good sire, you can't get away that easily.

Hunter J then gets on her Salamence's back, as he prepares to fly back into the air. But before they can get very far, Nyla zooms past them and lashes out her tongue to strike Salamence on the wing, paralyzing it. Although it doesn't paralyze the entire body of the Dragon Type Pokemon, it does paralyze its wing to prevent it from flying, making it fall back to the ground.

J: You fool, I told you to fly.

June: Well it would, if its wing wasn't paralyzed by my shrishu. Hate to say it, but you have been grounded.

J: Fine, we'll do the the old fashion way (aiming her arm cannon at June).

June: Oh, I love the old fashion way.

June picks up the Cabbage Merchant over her shoulders and leaps off of Nyla, before shoving him in a barrel and pulling out her whip.

June: Don't go anywhere sugar, this'll only take a minute.

Cabbage Merchant: If you say so.

June then turns her attention to back J, right ash she fires her arm cannon at the bounty hunter. Using her fast reflexes, June leaps to her side, dodging the cannon blast entirely. She does a backflip and lands on her feet with grace before running towards Hunter J, who lets out a yell in anger as she continues to fire. June clenches her fist and punches J in the cheek, just missing her googles. June then does a cartwheel to spin herself around to a different area to avoid J's blind shoot, before sliding underneath the hunter's legs, kick J in the back once more. J spins around in a circle, dizzy, before firing three more shots at June, who narrowly dodges them all. Turning on her googles and calculating where June would most likely land next, J fires her arm cannon at a fleeing bystander, making him freeze solid and make June run into him.

June: Ouch, where did you come from.

J: Gotcha ya.

June turns around just in time for J to kick her in the stomach two times and hooks her on her right cheek, knocking her to the floor. J smiles evilly as she aims her cannon at the downed June and prepares to fire. June swiftly pulls out and snaps her whip and thrusts it at J, curling it around her foot.

June: Not this time.

June slides backwards, missing the shot, and hops to her feet, pulling on the whip. The whip pulls J off her feet and makes her shoot into the air by mistake, making her freeze a flying bird that makes it fall to the ground and lands onto the flee Cabbage Merchant, knocking him out. June then falls to ground and heads her head, causing her to groan. Taking advantage of this, June then snaps her whip around J's leg and pulls her towards her, and starts beating her across the face.

Meanwhile, Salamence recovers from it's paralysis and sees that it's trainer is being attacked. It roars and charges at the bounty hunter, making her freeze at the sight of the massive Pokemon. She then whistles, and Nyla jumps out from nowhere and slams into Salamence, knocking the Pokemon aside. But this give J the time she needs to push June off her and get back to her feet and flee. Seeing that her shrishu is taking care of Salamence, June decides to go after J.

June: Hey, i'm not done with you yet.

The people in the market place start fleeing in fear as Salamence and Nyla start to circle each other, growling and berrying their teeth. Salamence fires another flames thrower attack, but Nyla leaps aside to avoid the attack. Nyla lashes out with her tongue, but Salamaence flies into the air to avoid the attack. Nyla jumps into the air and tackles the Dragon Pokemon to the ground, making the roll across the ground and crash through a building filled with hiding people. They crash through another building scratching and clawing at each other as they stand up right, until Nyla headbutts Salamence in the chest and sends him flying into a fruit stand. As Nyla charges at the Dragon Pokemon, Salamence gets back up and swings it's tail at the shrisu before it can reach him, strike her in the face and making her back off.

Salamence growls before lunging at Nyla, knocking her against a wall and using Crunch to bite down on her neck. Nyla screams as she struggles to shakes the Dragon Type Pokemon off of her. She then lashes out with her tongue and strikes Salamence several times, but the Dragon Pokemon still has a firm grip on her. But when the shrisu strikes her tongue on his wounded wing, Salamences releases it grip as it roars in pain, allowing Nyla to throw it off of her. Nyla then circle the immobilized Salamace as she looks for an opening to attack, as the Pokemon struggles to lift it's head up. As Nyla lungs at it, Salamences as a enough strength to unleash a Flamethrower attack, that burns both Nyla and the surrounding budlings, causing lots of smoke to appear and surround the two giant creatures. The shirsu inhales some of the smoke, causing it to burn her nose and obscure her sense of smell. Nyla then starts lashing out violently, unable to see due to the smoke and not noticing that Salamace is charging up a Hyper Beam attack. Salamence launches a close-range Hyper Beam attack, incinerating the head of Nyla, causing her body to fall to the ground. Salamence roars in victory before finally collapsing from exhaustion.

Meanwhile, Hunter J continues to run away and fire her arm cannon as June pursues her and dodges her blast. She soon comes to a dead end and she turn around ready to face the bounty hunter. June rushes to J and punches her square in the nose, cracking her googles in the process. The hunter lets out a yell and stumbles backwards. June punches her a few more times and kicks her backwards into the wall. J shakes her head and looks up in time to see a whip rocketing towards her. The whip cracks into her hip, sending her crashing to the ground.

June: Time to Wrap this up.

June walks towards the downed J, but the downed hunter has enough strength to fire her arm cannon again twice, but surprisingly it misses both times.

June: Now whose the one who missed.

J: Hm, wasn't aiming at you.

June hears a noise behind her and turns to see that the target J really it were two workers pushing a cart filled with watermelons. With nothing supporting it, the cart begins to tilt and rolls down right towards them. The two women leap out of the way, just in time to avoid the oncoming cart that slams into the wall. J uses this distraction to get back up, and grab June by the back of her clothes and slam her into the side of the wall before June fights back with an elbow to the face. J shakes off the attack, only to see that June has disappeared. Frustrated, Hunter J pulls down her goggles, activating the infra-red vision. She looks around and sees a red silhouette of a woman hiding behind another stand. Grinning evilly, the hunter removes her goggles and walks to the stand.

J: Is that you little girl, squeal twice for "yes", once for "no".

Injured, but sill willing to fight, June throws a few fruit into air to distract the hunter and swings the whip in J's direction. Reacting quickly, J pulls up her arm cannon and freezes the fruit and fires another blast at the whip, completely freezing it. Gasping, June drops the whip on the ground, looking at it in anger.

J: I'm done playing with you.

Hunter J pulls on the trigger on her arm cannon, letting loose a barrage of laser blast in June's direction. June pounces about, trying desperately to avoid the bullets. But eventually, her injuries get the best of her and cause June to slow her pace, just as J had predicted. With her googles calculating the movement of her opponent, J then aims her arm cannon a inches in front of the bounty hunter and fires. June tries to stop herself, but it is too late, and June is hit by the beam, making her turn into a solid statue.

With the battle finished, flops to the ground as her Salamence limps towards her, carrying a barrel with him. He then drops it and out pops the Cabbage Merchant, who tries desperately to crawl away.

J: Oh no you don't.

J fires another blast from her arm cannon at the Merchant, freezing him solid. J then drags her frozen bounty with her as she crawls onto Salamence's back with her prize

J: Salamence, time to go, but dispose of that trouble maker first.

Salamence swings it's tail and strikes the frozen statue of June, shattering it, before it flaps its wings and flies away into the air.



Boomstick: Correction, there are two losers in this game, June and the Cabbage Merchant.

Wiz: Both these had fierce reputations for being the best of the best, and their experience were pretty evenly matched, making that category irrelevant.

Boomstick: Plus June was the more well rounded fighter, meaning she could easily beat the snot out of J.

Wiz: But J had the advantage of being the more calculated tactician and with her arsenal of futuristic weapons that June couldn’t match on her own.

Boomstick: So in time, J could lead June into one of her traps, allowing her to freeze her solid, which was all she needed to do in order to win this fight.

Wiz: But when it came to their pets, that’s a whole different story.

Boomstick: While June shrishu could fight tough opponents like Appa on her own, J’s Salsmence could fight on par with creatures that were considered gods.

Wiz: And While Nyla Could paralyze her prey with her tongue, Salamence had greater speed and firepower to down Nyla for good, after exploiting her weakness to sensitive smells.

Boomstick: But in my mind, June’s got the hits while J had the power.

Wiz: June and Nyla were some of the strongest bounty hunters we've ever seen, but Hunter J’s Salamence’s awesome might, tactical genius, and superior weaponry snuffed out her fire for good.

Boomstick: In the end, J was the superior hunter who made her opponent meet her fate "june" soon

Wiz: The winner is Hunter J

The winner is Hunter J

Next Fight[]

Nari vs Virizion

Previous Fight[]

Juri Han vs P'Li


The cover name would be "Bounty Huntresses".

Next Time on Death Battle[]

