Both are young children who both lost their parents and siblings in tragic accidents, who now have large non-human creatures that are their closest friend, and both possess incredible intelligence and power. One uses his gifts to help people while the other uses hers to survive, but unintentionally end up hurting people. This is the fifth episode of the second season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle.
Wiz: Many heroes & villains have attempted to thrive on strength or intelligence alone.
Boomstick: But, only the best of them know the true value of having a powerful companion at their side.
Wiz: Annie, the magical orphan child and her magical teddy bear Tibbers from League of Legends
Boomstick: And Hiro Hamada kid genius and his partner Baymax the personal healthcare companion. He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills and find out who would win a Death Battle?
Hiro and Baymax are Death Battle’s Personal Healthcare Companions[]
o Wiz: In the Futuristic world of San Fransokyo, there lived a young and intelligent pre-teen named Hiro Hamada.
o Boomstick: I’m still curious on how Disney came up with a name like San Fransokyo, did Tokyo and San Francisco get married and have a baby or something
o Wiz: Boomsticks crazy theory aside, Hiro and his older brother, Tadashi, were orphaned when the he was only three years old. Following the deaths of their parents, the brothers were raised by their loving and hardworking aunt, Cass, in her popular restaurant, the Lucky Cat Café, cute name by the way.
o Boomstick: Over the following decade, Hiro managed to graduate high school when he was only thirteen. Although plenty smart in mind, at heart, he refused to attend college out of arrogance, and the fact he was only fourteen at the time and wanted nothing to do with school anymore. And I don’t blame him, when complete high before you are official a teenage, you’ve got all the time in the world before you make that decision.
o Wiz: He instead devoted his time participating in illegal bot-fights across the city, where he'd regularly con local gangsters for their money, which almost always led him into trouble, both in and outside of the law. Tadashi, who acted as a surrogate guardian alongside his aunt, worried about Hiro’s current lifestyle and worked to steer his brother down a better path.
o Boomstick: Hope to appeal to Hiro’s creative nature, Tadashi took him to his school, the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, where he met Tadashi’s equally intelligent classmates (minus Fred of course), and introduced him to his latest creation, a squishy white robot programmed to be a personal healthcare companion and who resembled the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man named Baymax.
o Wiz: Baymax was created by Tadashi as a prototype healthcare-providing robot nurse to be mass-produced, with a goal to improve healthcare around the world. Baymax was programmed with considerably impressive strength (able to lift 1,000 pounds) and the ability to store a massive amount of data, making him highly intelligent in several fields, should he take the time to access the information.
o Boomstick: He is also programmed with 10,000 different medical procedures and equipment, such as defibrillators in his hands for shock and awake, and an antibacterial spray that is dispensed from his fingers to clean off any infected wounds. His body is also equipped with a heating system that warms anyone lying on him, perfect after a long day of playing in the snow, now all I need is some hot chocolate. Dummy!!!
o Dummy: Here you go (Whispers: Hope you choke on it)
o Wiz: Baymax's initial programming comes from the healthcare chip which Tadashi developed, and contains Baymax's basic personality and memories.
o Boomstick: He gave a robot the ability to feel feelings, like I say Wiz, only a matter of time before the robots take over the planet and enslave humanity.
o Wiz: Through the use of a scanner, Baymax can assess the healthcare needs of anyone, gaining information on what ails them, and which remedy can best treat them. Impressed by his brother’s creation and the work done by the others at the school, Hiro became determined to enroll in the Institute of Technology, much like myself, this place looks amazing
o Boomstick: Dream on Wiz, liked they’d ever let you in after your last failed experiment. Although Hiro’s dream eventually came true after months of hard work, another tragedy struck him like lightning when his brother died in an explosion. Poor kid just can’t get a break these days.
o Wiz: Stricken by grief once again, Hiro isolated himself from the world as he mourned not only the loss of his brother but his role model as well. That is until he unintentionally activated Baymax who had been stored in his room for safekeeping
o Boomstick: After several crazy and painfully adventures, Hiro and Baymax discovered that not only was someone using Hiro’s technology for their own sinister purposes, but that he also was responsible for his brother’s death. Determined to bring Tadashi’s killer to justice and inspired by his bothers desire to help people, the duo teamed up with Tadashi’s classmates and used their brains and tech to become SUPERHEROES. Because what else are they going to do.
o Wiz: They tried going to the police but of course no one listened to them. For starters Hiro installed a new martial arts chip into Baymax’s system.
o Boomstick: Due to the fighting chip installed, Baymax can execute various fighting moves and actions, like karate and kick boxing. But normally Baymax only resorts to violence if the foe is non-organic and non-living, mostly he tries to protect innocent bystanders and safeguard his fellow teammates. Usually, he tries to resolve the conflict by hugging people. Which sounds both creepy and cute at the same time: Cre-ute?
o Wiz: Hiro also created armor to protect Baymax in battle, after he spent hours trying to get it on him at first (he made some improvements afterwards). With his armor, Baymax became considerably stronger and more mobile, and gains certain abilities.
o Boomstick: With thrusters on the armor's feet and wings on its back, Baymax is capable of flight. Despite his size, he is extremely good at maneuvering through the air, which totally makes him a better healthcare companion. Baymax's armor's glove can also disconnect from the suit, and propel itself toward a target as projectile, like destroying that dam Hans statue, that thing totally had it coming. Just wish I could do that to the real things
o Wiz: With a special chip inspired by Hiro’s enemy turned friend turned crush Karmi, Baymax’s Overdrive mode can change his armor into a larger, more powerful version of himself along with a sword made out of his wings. The drawback is that his transformation only lasts a few minutes due to how much power it uses however, leaving Baymax in low battery mode afterwards.
o Boomstick: And although it is so humorous to watch this robot in Low Battery mode, it can leave him vulnerable to attacks from his foes. Not to mention his armor is not indestructible, and has sustained damaged due to heavy objects impacting it. Furthermore, should Baymax’s health chip be removed from his chest, his combat mode will take over and he will become a literal out of control killing machine, destroying everything in his path.
o Wiz: Other than his genius level intellect and proud leadership skills, Hiro also made similar armor for himself to aid his teammates in battle. With his new suit, the magnetic pads on Hiro’s gloves generate magnetic waves to help him cling to metallic surfaces. Although this is used primarily to hold onto Baymax whenever he is flying, Hiro can use it for offensive purposes, such as attracting or deflecting metallic objects.
o Boomstick: Although originally, Hiro’s amour was only used to help him hold onto his robot steed, upgrades to the suit have been made which have helped Hiro have more prowess. And boy did he need them with all the new threats he faced as a superhero without them, he’s be toast.
o Wiz: Hiro designed mini magnets to aid him it combats, for when he throws two magnets, they can connect with each other and create an electromagnetic coil connecting towards Hiro's gloves. With the coil, Hiro can propel himself or objects forward and build enough force to ram into enemies. His gloves also serve as magnetic gloves which can create supersonic sound wave blasts used to hit and push back opponents or silently disable some electronic, even sabotaging traditional mechanisms.
o Boomstick: He’s also got a shirt that gives him super strength and installed jet thrusters in his boots to help him levitate on his own. However, without his armor, Hiro is just a defenseless little kid who uses his brain to outsmart his opponents.
o Wiz: Together, Hiro, Baymax and the rest of Big Hero 6 have protected the people of San Fransokyo from a variety of different threats. From the evil mad genius Obake, the slime monster Globby, super thief Momakase, and steampunk-inspired supervillain Baron Von Steamer
o Boomstick: These villains may look weird as heck, epically some of their mutated version, but at least they are cool and funny to match the show, with the exception that lame Noodle Burger Boy robot.
o Wiz: With the help of his friends and renewed spirit, Hiro was able to pursue his dream of getting into San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, help people in need like his brother wanted, and repair Baymax after he heroically sacrificed himself to save his life.
o Boomstick: I’m pretty sure his brother and his parent are really proud of him now, keep up the good work kiddo.
o Baymax: I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hello Hiro
o Hiro runs and hugs Baymax, and he hugs him back
Annie and Tibbers’ fire burns brightest during Death Battle[]
o Wiz: In the Ironspike Mountains of Noxus, Runterra, their lived a newly an outcast couple named Gregori Hastur, the Gray Warlock, and his wife Amoline, the Shadow Witch. Together they led an exodus of magicians and other intelligentsia from Noxus, resettling their followers beyond the Great Barrier to the northern reaches of the unforgiving Voodoo Lands.
o Boomstick: With named like that, you can bet your ass that they came from difficult lifestyle. Having suffered under the cruel leadership of the Noxian High Command, the couple and their followers sought to leave their neighbors in peace as they pursued dark arcane knowledge. If this doesn’t remind you of the Salem Witch trials, I don’t know what does.
o Wiz: Years after the exodus, Gregori and Amoline had a child together that they named Annie. Early on, Annie's parents knew there was something special about their daughter. So, Annie was given her teddy bear she dubbed Tibbers by Amoline, whom infused the toy with a fiery beast named Tybaulk whom she was bound to protect her from any form of danger.
o Boomstick: When Annie was a toddler, she manifested a burning fever, caused by her newfound abilities, causing her mother to be unable to hold her. Amoline left to fetch icy water to ease her daughter's fever, but she never returned home and was never heard from again.
o Wiz: Although Annie waited constantly for her mother to come back, her fire powers began to manifest when she lit the fireplace, but Gregori believed that it was all a hallucination from the stress of being a single parent. Still he could not deny that his daughter was being of incredible power that need the support of a family to prevent her from ever losing control.
o Boomstick: Later on, Gregori married another woman named Leanna, accompanied by her own daughter Daisy. Annie mostly had a good relationship with her new step-family, but Leanna began to distrust Annie after finding her disturbing crayon drawings. Not to mention that Daisy grew terrified of Annie whenever she lost her temper and activated her fire powers. Yeah, and I don’t blame them from being scared of her, the kid needs a therapist.
o Wiz: Still Daisy and Annie remained close with each other, until one day when the two girls were playing outside and saw a faerie fly by, so they decided to chase it. However, Daisy was so distracted by the faerie that she unknowingly walked toward a river. She slipped off the rock she was standing on, and although Annie tried to save her the current was too strong for her and she lost her grip, and Annie was only able to watch helplessly as her stepsister drowned in the river.
o Boomstick: As you might expect, Leanna was heartbroken and she blamed Annie for her daughter’s death, despite Gregori’s plea that it was an accident. In her sadness, Annie’s fire magic spread across her room, much to Grigori's horror. He calmed her down before carrying her out of her room, but saw rubble from the ceiling about to fall on top of them. Gregori threw her back as he sacrificed himself to save her, with Annie watching her father getting crushed to death. Man, first her step-sister and then her birth father, the all-powerful beings of creation must really hate this girl for having her suffer through all this.
o Wiz: After the whole house burned down, Leanna mournfully expressed her spite towards Annie for taking everything away from her, snatching Tibbers away from her and trying to rip him into two. In a fit of rage and sadness, Annie animated Tibbers for the first time into a monstrous size bear, whom promptly lashed out and killed Leanna.
o Boomstick: After the fire died down, Annie was left traumatized and alone. She now roams across Runeterra with Tibbers to protect her, eager to find friends and a family to accept her, but she is always oblivious that her untrained powers end up putting others in danger. Poor kid, at some point, she was adopted by another loving family, but it is presumed they met the same fate as her last family.
o Wiz: Annie was born with a natural magical ability, which can grow the more she expands her knowledge about magic and trains to control her emotions. Annie's powers are largely rudimentary due to her lack of training, but can be dangerous should her lash out in anger.
o Boomstick: For the parents who taught their kids not to play with fire, they really haven’t meet Annie. She has always had a natural attraction towards fire, beginning when, as a child, she would make objects catch fire with her mind which would extend to burning her entire home as a little girl.
o Wiz: She can hurl destructive fireballs at her opponents and summon massive waves of fire. Besides that, she can use fire to do more than simple destruction, such as creating shields around herself.
o Boomstick: Annie can make her flames to form a shield around her, blocking incoming attacks and making it explode around her, like a combustible circle of death. This ability also passively shields her from the cold climate, as she apparently needs no coat or winter clothing whenever she travels to colder climates.
o Wiz: Ever since Amoline's disappearance, the Ravenbloom Conservatory sent scouts throughout Noxus to search for Annie to prevent her from causing any further harm to the world. Fynn Retrick, a scout who knew Amoline, heard rumors of a young girl with fiery powers in the Ironspike Mountains.
o Boomstick: When the rumors were proven true, he recognized Annie as Amoline's daughter and brought her to the Conservatory. Though her time there was brief, she learned how to control her abilities and not lose control due to her emotions. Thank Goodness, the last thing we need is another forest fire causes by this little brat
o Wiz: Annie got along with her classmates, but her misbehavior was hard for the staff to control. One night, Annie used her fire magic to set the Ravenbloom Conservatory on fire out of mischief, causing everyone to be evacuated before the academy burned to rubble and allowing her and Tibbers to escape into the night on their next adventure.
o Boomstick: Now let’s dive into Tibbers for a bit. When he’s not a giant flaming, overprotective, homicidal grizzly bear, he’s harmless stuffed animal and Annie’s closest friend.
o Wiz: Actually, Tibbers is the Annie gave to the bear when it was gifted to her by her mother, and his real name is Tybaulk who is really a demon who was the former servant of a demon king of Sprit Realm.
o Boomstick: After Tybaulk’s master was killed by Black Rose cultists, he was trapped inside a magic vial, where he remained a captor until was later sent to the Ravenbloom Conservatory, where he was infused into Amoline Kiosar AKA Annie’s biological mother to enhance her magical powers. Hey it wasn’t as bad as it may seem, Amoline gto a major power boost and Tybaulk got to make a new friend and became the constant annoying voice you hear in you head all the time (Like the one telling me to kill Wiz).
o Wiz: Uh What
o Boomstick: Nothing (Keep it down in there).
o Wiz: Since Amoline could hear Tybaulk's voice speaking to her, she could feel his pain as he toldl his story to her, shifting his flames to show his past, making Amoline feel pity for him. After marrying Grigori, she later transferred Tybaulk into a teddy bear she had finished sewing moments before she gave birth Annie. When she was born, Amoline gifted her the teddy bear, whom was promptly named "Tibbers".
o Boomstick: Talk about multitasking, which I doubt was easy or painless. Impressed with Annie's will to resist his temptations, Tybaulk became her companion and protector. With his help Annie was able to focus her magical powers on Tibbers to channel a portion of the flames within, like when she had that fight with her wicked Step-mom and she unleashed Tybaulk's full power, in the form animating Tibbers to attack her. Another remined to never make this kid angry, for her emotions are what fuels Tibber’s powers
o Wiz: Despite all this incredible power, Annie is still only a human child and can still be hurt by ordinary weapons, especially magical ones
o Boomstick: Also, should anything fatal happen to Annie, Tibbers will lose control and change back to his harmless teddy bear state. And Vice Versa, Tibbers can still be defeated by stronger demons.
o Wiz: To this day Annie continues to wander the world with 'Tibbers' by her side, finding new ways to control and train her abilities and discovering new friends and adventures along the way.
o Boomstick: Looks like things are finally looking up for Annie and her fluffy demonic friend.
o Annie: I never play with matches.
Wiz: all right the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hiro and Baymax are flying in the sky, hovering over a burnt down forest after a forest fire as they are scanning the area for signs of survivors.
Hiro: Baymax any signs of life down there.
Hiro: Is she hurt from the fire?
Hiro: That's strange. Let's fly down for a closer look.
Hiro and Baymax fly down into the burnt out forest and notice Annie swing around a stuffed Tibbers in what remains of a campsite. Hiro and Baymax walk towards Annie stop when she turns and notices them.
Hiro: Hey there little girl, what are you doing out here.
Annie: I'm Annie and me and Tibbers were playing I Spy, who are you and is that a robot?
Hiro: Uh yes he is, his name is Bay...uh Red Panda, and my name is Captain Cutie
Annie: (Burst into laughter) Ha Ha Ha, those are funny names for Heroes, right Tibbers
Hiro: They were not my idea. Anyway, why don't we come with us and we can play away from this place
Annie: NO, Me and Tibbers aren't leaving until we finish our game, so go away.
Hiro: Sorry kiddo, but it is for your own good.
As Hiro reaches and grabs Annie arm, he tries to drag her towards Baymax. Just then his hand starts to feel hot as he jumps back and sees Annie surrounded by Flames.
Hiro: What the...
Annie: Tibbers' send them away.
Annie throws her bears which becomes engulfed in flames and transformers into a monstrous sized bear
Hiro: Did she just turn her stuffed toy into a giant bear cover in fire
Tibbers charges at the duo, and Hiro jumps out of the way while Baymax hold Tibber's back. As the massive bear scratches at the robot with its claw, merely denting its armor. Baymax then activates his rocket fist to push the monster bear off him. Tibbers then fires several fire ball shots at Baymax, Baymax then flies into the air causing several of them to miss, though is hit by a few then sends him off course. Baymax follows with a Hammer fist punch on Tibbers once in reach, knocking the monstrous Teddy Bear into several trees.
Tibbers: Roaaar!!!!
Baymax charges a blow while Tibbers picked himself up, but once charged fully, Baymax blasted his fist at Tibbers. The monstrous Teddy Bear grabs the fist in mid-air, taking Baymax by surprise as he only knock Tibbers a few inches backwards from the impact. Tibbers then starts to twirl the robot's fist around a few times, as Baymax stares in shock. Without warning and with a smirk on his face, Tibbers releases the fist, throwing it back at Baymax. The fist was so fast Baymax couldn't even react, and is hit in the chest and sent falling out of the air. Baymax crashes through several trees, until he came to an abrupt halt, clearing the camera with smoke and dust. As Baymax gets to his feet and reatattches his fist, he sees Tibbers charging right at him and knock him into some flaming bushes.
Baymax: OH NO.
While the robot and monster teddy bear continue to fight, Hiro attempts to calmly walk closer to Annie, who is crying to see her teddy bear get hurt.
Hiro: It's okay kiddo, can we just talk for a second
Annie: My name is not kiddo, it's Annie, and no body hurts my Tibbers and gets away with it.
Anie summons fireballs in both her hands and starts throwing them at Hiro, who runs away avoid her attacks. When a fireball comes flying towards him, Hiro uses his Sonic Wave Gauntlets to extinguish the flame with a sound blast. Much to his surprise, Annie runs at Hiro and kicks him in the stomach, sending Hiro flying back thanks to her fire magic. Luckily, his armor takes the brunt of the force, but just as he pulls himself up, Annie leaps onto Hiro's chest, pinning him down and repeatedly hitting him the chest with her flaming little fist. Hiro then uses his gloves to unleash a Sonic Wave to knock Annie off if him, as he rubbles his head in confusion.
Hiro: Okay, I don't know what is weirder: the girl with magic or the teddy bear monster..
As Hiro struggle to his feet with his back turned, he doesn't see Annie's eye's glowing and flames surrounding her as see grins evilly. Before he knows what hit him, Annie jumps on Hiro, knocking him on his back with her flaming hand and feet and starts punching him on his helmet several times. Though Hiro is able to turn around to face his opponent, he is bombarded by a fury of fire fists from Annie. Hiro tries to shield himself from the attacks with his clothes, but Annie is relentless.
Annie: I'm going to roast you like a S'More
Annie lifts up her hands and small fire ball emerges and begins to grow larger in a few seconds. As she is about to unleash a large generated fire ball on Hiro, he pushes a button on his gloves and unleashes a small electromagnetic pulse that blast Annie away and cause the ball of Fire to roll away.
Hiro: Look kid...uh Annie...I can't let you destroy the rest of his forest. So if you want to do this hard way, then we will
Annie: I wanna do it the Fun Way.
Annie charges at Hiro with fire under her feet, and then proceeds to attack the hero with another flaming punch, but Hiro uses his magnetic mode on his gloves to bring a piece of metal to him and blocks the attack with his new shield. He then tries to slam the metal cover over he head, but the fire child jumps back and shoots a large blast of fire at Hiro who jumps away to avoid them.
Annie: Time to turn up the Heat.
Hiro: enough with the fire puns already.
Annie then ignite flames on her hands and starts to shots flames at Hrio who runs across the camp site to avoid the balls of fire as the fire begins to burn all around him. As Hiro peaks out from behind a burning sign, he sees that Annie is no longer there. As he walks around the burning campsite looking for her, Annie jumps out of a burning bush behind him and rushes at the young Hiro to punch him in the face. But Hiro's helmet takes the brunt of the force and he is unfazed. This allows him to grab Annie by the leg and throw her to the ground and begins to punch her with his glove.
Hiro: I can't belive I'm punching a little girl, I am so not telling the others about this.
However, Hiro soon realizes that Annie has surrounded herself with a fire shield that is protecting her from Hiro's attacks.
Hiro: Oh come on, a fire Shield.
Annie: Yep, FIRE AWAY.
Annie frees herself from Hiro grasp by breathing fire from her hand in his face, blinding him, and allowing her to kick Hiro away with her fire foot. She then lifts up both her hands and unleash a large ball of fire from them straight at the young Hero. Hiro avoid the attack by blasting at the sound with his sonic wave blast to escape the fire blast and hovers over the flame. But when he lands, he sees that his clothes are on fire and he begins to stop, drop, and roll to put out the fire, making Annie Laugh.
Annie: Ha Ha, your pant's really are on fire.
Meanwhile, Baymax and Tibbers are still fighting with in the forest. See that he at a disadvantage, Baymax activated his karate mode to increase his fighting style
Baymax charges forward with his fist, using the Hammer fist and Back Kick combo at the monster Teddy Bear. Baymax knocks Tibbers to the ground with enough force to shack the ground beneath them. As Tibbers gets up, Baymax tries to attack him with his Knife hand attack. Tibbers counters with a Slash from his massive claws, knocking Baymax back. Baymax uses his wings to catch himself before he falls and runs forward again, but fakes Tibbers out with a punch, which Tibbers tries to block. This leaves his chest exposed, allowing Baymax to launch his rocket his at the monster teddy bear, knocking him into a tree. As Baymax recalls his fist, Tibbers growls in anger and punches the ground with his paw, shaking the ground around them and makes the robot loose his balance.
Baymax: Oh No!!
Tibbers then uses massive paws to hit him across the face as Baymax tries to get back up. This send him flying into a cabin, crashing onto a burnt bed as Tibbers follows in after him. Batmax then uses a Roundhouse Kick, kicking Tibbers in the throat and bringing Ursaring to his knees.
Baymax picks him up, and lands Hammer Fist directly in the bears face, knocking him out cold. Baymax puts the massive bear down and begins to scan him to see if he is really out, but the bear was only faking it, and gets back up to unleash a mighty roar. This roar rocks the cabin as the wood and metal plating around them begins to fall. Baymax dodges them, but Tibbers picks them up and throws them at Baymax, hitting the robot all over his body multiple times. Baymax then becomes trapped under the rubble and Tibbers walks over to deliver a swipe to finish off the robot. But then Baymaax bursts out of the and out of the cabin right as it comes crashing down and lands next to Hiro right as he puts out the fire on his suit.
Hiro: No, I may need you help with that.
Hiro points to the cabin as Tibbers burst his way out and comes to Annie's aid to check on her. They then both lung at Hiro and Baymax to finish them off together. Hiro then launches his disk at Annie, which into a grappling cord that wraps around her. Baymax uses his rocket fist to hit Tibbers in the chest, sending him flying into another burning cabin.
Hiro: Glad that's over Baymax
Baymax: OH NO!
Hiro turns around and sees the cabin explode and Annie and Tibbers walk out from the fire unfazed and the grappling cord around Annie slow melts away. Annie climbs onto Tibber's back as her eyes begin to glow as her hands catch on fire. She unleashes a wave of fire at the heroes, but Baymax uses his body as a shield to protect Hiro. The pair charge at the the two heroes and Annie uses her fire powers to blast Baymax away. As she chases after the robot, Hiro to see that he is faced to face with the massive Teddy Beat monster
Hiro: Oh No.
Annie throws several fire balls at Baymax, but the robots stands his ground and endures the flames or her blocks them with his armor and fist.
Annie: I don't know what you just said but, EAT THIS SUCKA.
Annie lets loose a powerful fire blast from her hands and Baymax zooms into the air to avoid the attack, which incinerates several trees. Meanwhile Hiro is running away and dodging the blows from Tibbers. He fires his grappling cords to wrap up the bear, he simple breaks right through them with his sheer strength. He then grabs Hiro and begins to crush him in a massive Bear Hug.
Hiro: Now a serious...Bear Hug
Hiro struggles to free himself, but with his armor padding, he is no match for the monster bear. He then gets an idea and and slowly struggles to presses a button on his gloves, which releases a sonic sound wave. The sound irritate Tibbers and forces him to drop Hiro to cover his ears. Annie then runs over to check on Tibbers while Baymax flies over to check on Hiro.
Annie: You Hurt My Tibbers
Hiro: Uh Baymax, I think we should go...Now
Hiro hops onto Baymax who activates his flight mode and flies into the air as Annie leaps onto Tibber's back and they chase after them as she throws blast of fire from her hands at Hiro and Baymax. Luckily Baymax's armor is too tough to be burnt and Hiro is able to guide the robot away to prevent him from sustaining serious damage.
As Hiro and Baymax glides through the air, Annie and Tibbers chase after them crashing and burning through the forest. Tibbers then stops and grabs a large rock throws it towards Baymax after Annie uses her powers to lite the rock on fire. Seeing the incoming hazard, Baymax shields Hiro from the flaming projectile, causing him to loose his balance and fall towards the ground. Luckily, Hiro uses his Jet thrusters on his gloves and Baymax’s wing trustors to slow the impact of their fall.
Hiro: Man, that was a close one.
Baymax: OH NO.
Before the duo and catch their breath, Tibbers comes crashing through the forest and lunges at them, tackling Baymax into a tree and begins scratching his face. Before Hiro can help his friend, a fireball zooms past him and he sees Annie staring at him.
Annie: YOU!!!!
Hiro: Uh, Hi
Annie then lights her hands on fire and then rushes at Hiro with all her her speed, unleashing her fire in the form of a small tornado of fire, trapping him inside. As Annie starts to clap and cheer in victory, bur as the fire tornado subsides, she is shocked to see Hiro gone and there is a hole where he used to be. Annie crouches, then peeks in the hole Hiro made, scratching her head to wonder where is the young hero. As Annie stands up, after giving up from finding Knuckles, Hiro punches Annie in the back, making the flame child slam into the ground, and turn around to see that Hiro is alive and unharmed.
Annie: How did you...?
Hiro: Nano-Dex shirt and Jet Thrusters for the win. Now that I know you are not playing around any more, why should I.
Hiro then uses his new super-strength to lift up a rock and throw it at Annie. She tries to destroy it with her fire, but the fire does nothing to the rock and she jumps out of the way just in time. Shen fires a wave for fire at Hiro, who tries to block the attack with another rock he picks up as a shield as Annie continues blast him with fire. Ultimately, Annie's attack pushes Hiro back, and the rock gets too hot for him to handle and he throws it away. This allows the young child to immediately runs to the young hero and begins to attack her with fire in her hands and feet. Hiro blocks the blows with his glows, and counters with some super-strength punches and sonic wave blast from his gloves, which Annie dodges. The flame child then grabs the gloves of Hiro with her flaming hands and tries to melt it.
Hiro: Ouch, that's getting hot.
Annie: Exactly.
Hiro then uses his helmet to headbutt Annie in the head, distracting her long enough for him to get one hand free and punch her away a good distance. Annie then gets back up and fires another ball of fire at Hiro, but he activates the thrusters in his boots to slide out of the away. She continues to fire flames at the young Hiro, but his thrusters make him too fast for her to catch. Hiro then stops and the two stare at each, in an old western showdown style, with Hiro readying his gloves while Annie hands glow with flames.
Both: DRAW!!!
In slow motion movement, Hiro and Annie both fire pairs of their weapons and fire at the same time. One of Annie’s flames hits Hiro’s disks and melts it, while the other hits her chest and wraps cords around her.
Hiro: Ha Gotcha
Annie then starts to roll around and cry as she struggles to free herself. Annie then gets to her feet and growls at him, as her body glows red with fire swirling all around her. She then unleashes a blast of fire from her mouth, causing Hiro to use his thrusters to jump out of the away him to run in fear. As her body glows with heat, the cords around her start to melt and she begins to chase after him, breathing fire as she runs after him.
Annie: Rawwr, I'm a Dragon.
Hiro: Seriously, what is wrong with this kid.
Meanwhile, Baymax is blocking his body from Tibbers claws as the bear continues to attack him. He activates his thrusters to zoom out of the way right when Tibbers' claws come at him and slices the tree in half. Baymax then lands safely away from the bear and the two creature face each other before they throw something at one another, Tibbers with a flaming log and Baymax with his fist. The two objects collided with each other; as the fist blast through the log, punching it in half and continuing it's flight path. Tibbers catches the fist in his claws, holding it back as it continues to push him away. He then uses his strength to throw Baymax's fist into the air and watches it fly into the air. While Baymax looks up to see where is hand has gone, Tibbers lunges at bites down on Baymax's shoulder. The robot flies into the sky and tries to shake off the bear, but he refuses to let go. Baymax's fist then returns to him and he uses to it to pry the bear off him, and begins to land several punches on Tibbers. Baymax then uses his rocket fist to send Tibbers off him and back to the ground and ram into several trees before returning back to him as he lands back to the ground and Hiro comes to check on him.
Hiro: Baymax are you okay?
Annie: TIBBERS!!!
Annie runs over to Tibber after feeling that her bear is badly hurt. Boiling with rage, Annie sends a blast wave of fire at Hiro and Baymax, forcing them to flee, but one of Baymax's wings is damaged and they can fly properly. They come to a series of burned trees and hide behind them, peaking around and seeing Annie helping Tibbers up as they proceeds to follow them and sniff them out, burning and wrecking down the other trees
Hiro: Baymax, now is your chance to scan them properly and finally see what are we dealing with...
Baymax uses his scanner to scan the girl.
Hiro: Are there any bodies of water nearby.
Hiro: Read my mind buddy.
Hiro then walks out from behind the tree and waving his hands at Annie and Tibers.
Hiro: Hey over, wanna play a tag? Come and get us.
Annie: Finally, they want to play. Okay, we're it.
Hiro hops on Baymax who uses what strength he has left in his wings and flies into the air, while Annie climbs onto Tibbers who peruses them on the ground. When they arrive at the river, Hiro and Baymax land next to the edge of the river bank, as Annie and Tibbers begin to close in on them.
Hiro: Okay Baymax, on the count of three, fly into the air. One…Two…
Baymax: THREE
Baymax flies into the air just when Annie and Tibbers charges at them, causing them to miss them and fall into the river. As Baymax lands to the ground again, they wait for the girl and her bear to emerge from the water. As the water begins to boil, Tibbers emerges and roars from out of the water. Tibbers then pulls Annie from out of the as she shakes her hair dry though her clothes are still wet.
Annie: I love baths, but that was cold, right Tibbers
Tibbers nods before he picks her up and throws Annie at Hiro and tackles him to the ground, and the two kids start wrestling and roll around in the ground. Tibbers then Roars before charging at Baymax, galloping an all four legs
Hiro: Baymax, use your Karate Mode to knock him off balance.
As Tibbers gets close to Baymax, he uses a low sweep move and trips the bear, causing him to fall on his chest. Angered, Tibbers attacks Baymax, who dodged and blocks the claws of the bear. The bears tries desperately to attack the robot, but Baymax uses his karate mode to dodge the attacks from the bear, who has become weaken after being dowse with water. Meanwhile, Hiro is having trouble with Annie, who is clinging to his helmet and hit it with her flaming hands. She then presses her hands against his helmet and they stand to heat up, making his helmet hot as well.
Hiro: Ow, Hot Hot Hot.
Hiro unlocks his helmet and uses his strength to throw Annie off his head, who is still clinging on to his helmet his helmet. Annie stands up holding Hiro's helmet and uses her fire Magic to melt his helmet. She then smiles evilly and sets her hand son fire as she walks towards him.
Hiro: Baymax, Activate Overdrive Mode
Baymax body and armor begin to morph as he changes into his Overdrive Mode. Though shocked, Tibbers stands strong and tries to scratches at Baymax armor, but his attacks are useless in his new upgrades form. Baymax then uses his Sword to strike Tibbers, sending him flying back into a tree. Although Weaken, Tibbers gets to his feet and lunges at Baymax. Baymax then uses his sword to slice through Tibbers, cutting him in half. Tibbers' severed body begins to evaporate and fall to the ground into smoke.
Annie eye's and body begin glowing bright and flames begin to swirl and grow around her body as everything around her starts to burn.
Hiro: Uh Baymax, now might be a great time to use what every power you have left to fly us out of here.
Baymax reverts back to his normal, grabs Hiro and blast into the air, just as Annie's body explodes, unleashing a large ball of fire. As the fire begins to burn everything around it, Baymax slowly begins to plummet as he and Hiro splash into river, which protects them from the Fire. When fire explosion over, Baymax floats to the survive in his unarmored form, with Hiro resting on his belly.
Hiro: Well, glad that's over. Baymax are you okay?
Baymax: I HAVE A...Looooooow Baaaaaaattery.
Boomstick: Wow, who new kids these days could be so freaking badass.
Wiz: Both these children where masters of their skills, but one had superiority over the other.
Boomstick: Annie and Tibbers may have had the magic to compete with the best of LOL characters, but in the end they are just a small minded Child and a mindless Beast. Hiro and Baymax were both twice as smart as both of them combined, and have had more experience dealing with overpowered threats
Wiz: Hiro was also more of a planner and strategist then Annie was, making him able to outsmart her in everyway. Plus Baymax's upgraded armor is super durable, taking hits from large pieces of concrete with only a few scratches. Tibbers on the other hand had no protection what so ever, leaving him pretty exposed.
Boomstick: And that overdrive mode came in pretty hand with taking out Tibbers, and Hiro had plenty of Tech at his disposal to keep Annie from roasting him alive
Wiz: Annie and Tibbers may have been powerful users of Magic, but Hiro's technology and clever wit allowed him and Baymax to knock this battle out of the park.
Boomstick: Hiro and Baymax where done "toying" around and Annie was unable to "bear" the loss of her stuffed toy.
Wiz: The winners are Hiro and Baymax
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The cover name would be "Besties Furever".