Death Battle Fanon Wiki


I'M SORRY, BUNNY CAT4. (Halloween Special)

Season 1, Episode 2

Prev.: Chikn Nuggit vs Sunky

Next: TBA


  • Lumpy Touch Gorefield will be used


(Music - MCM Menu Theme)

Michael the Cat: *dressed as Gary the Snail from Los hijos de Gary* I bet some of you guys imagine if your favorite character had the power to shapeshift, right? Well, these guys would make think otherwise... seriously.

Pikachu7: *dressed as Nermal the ("world's cutest") kitten from NERMAL NERMAL NERMALLIN* Gorefield, the monster that hunts his "Jon".

Gorefield (Lumpy Touch) laughing

Michael the Cat: And Patrick/The Tortured One, the sea star after revenge. He's Pikachu7 and I'm Michael the Cat.

Patrick (The Bikini Bottom Horror) is just standing there..

Pikachu7: And its our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Patrick (The Bikini Bottom Horror)/The Tortured One unleashes his "Tortured" pain onto Death Battle[]


Spoilers for The Bikini Bottom Horrors will be shown. Sorry for being late.

(Music - Tortured (Instrumental))

Pikachu7: The Krabby Patty. The most beloved sandwich in all of Bikini Bottom. Plankton always wanted to know the secret formula, but what is it?

Michael the Cat: In some canons, it's freshly grounded plankton,

I warned ya

Michael the Cat: or crabs

Robot Chicken SpongeBob: Krabby Patties are made out of crabs!

Michael the Cat: or Pearl's dead mother

Popup: Just watch the video --> SB:TET

Michael the Cat: or nothing

Popup: Just watch the video --> FT: TSI

Michael the Cat: or SpongeBob himself!


"Was that good for you?"

Pikachu7: But here, it's... Patrick. One day, Patrick was laying down on the ground, probability taking a nap, when Mr. Krabs found him and decided to SAW OFF Patrick's arm and take it away.

Michael the Cat: And the starfish arm then regrown into a new starfish, so Mr. Krabs put it in a machine with growth hormones for endless patties... Jebus Crist.

TBBH panel 5

Pikachu7: It's not that far off in reality, where the Harlequin shrimp have been known to make starfish living meat factories. This was going for years untill one day, something happened that will changed the lives of Bikini Bottom forever...

Michael the Cat: Patrick ate an undercooked patty.

Pikachu7: When he ate it, the cells of the patty fused with his, giving him memories of his tortured clone... his anger... his lust for REVENGE.

Michael the Cat: And he started his massacre with his best friend that became a meme for a while.

TBBH panel 1


  • Name: Patrick Star/The Tortued One
  • Animal: ...really?
  • "Do you know how sea stars feed, SpongeBob?"
  • Favorite song: Guy
  • The complete foil to MeatCanyon SpongeBob

Pikachu7: After that, Sandy tried to take down Patrick and avenge her fallen friend, but slicing him half made it worst.

TBBH panel 2

Michael the Cat: So she fled to the Krusty Krab, where she learn that starfish have eyes on their arms.

TBBH panel 3

Pikachu7: The Patricks are more smarter then they were in canon. They manage to switch Mermaid Man's mask with tiny version of them.

TBBH panel 16

Wait, this is 17, not 16. Sorry

Pikachu7: And they are strong. Even a little one can bust through a crab's chest, and a bigger one can rip his ears off and the legs off Mr. Krabs.

Michael the Cat: The Patricks have established into a cult, serving it as a place to "rejoin".

TBBH panel 18

Pikachu7: As Patrick said before, sea stars eat everything except the skeleton.

Pikachu7: And if you are close enough to the stomach, they can hypnotize you with their past victims.

Pop up: This ability is exclusive to The Tortured One.


  • Regeneration
    • Cloning
  • Removeable stomachs
  • Adaptational intelligence
  • Hypnotism
    • Exclusive to TTO
    • Requires to be close to its stomach

Michael the Cat: And let's not leave the leader behind, as his one motherf*cker you do NOT want to mess with.

TBBH panel 28

The Tortured One has joined the chat

Michael the Cat: That's a huge b*tch!

Pikachu7: The Tortured One dwarfs Squidward, who, at the time, was in his titan form, which is 2 times the size of the Krusty Krab. Calculating this, this means The Tortured One is 8 feet tall.

Michael the Cat: ...Dang.

Pikachu7: Dang indeed.


Michael the Cat: These guys seem unstoppable, right? Well not exactly. These guys can fall asleep when they hear "Solitude in E minor", but they figure out to get past that. And fire can stop their healing factor.

Pikachu7: When a Patrick confronted Titan Squidward on his "supposed" cruelty, Squidward pointed out that Mr. Krabs won't tell his mother the secret ingredient, let alone an employee, no matter how loyal they are.

TBBH panel 22

Pikachu7: You probably have seen there were tiny arms coming out of The Tortured One's stomach. And The Tortured should be comparable to Squidward, who held him back several times and survived crashing into his house and just to get up and throw the pineapple house, and survived Karen blowing him up!

Michael the Cat: The Tortured One, mad at (Guilty) Patrick for standing up and calling him out on over excessive punishments on Bikini Bottom, which to be fair is full @$$f*cks, decided to crush him and the snail.

TBBH panel 45

The Tortured One is a b*tch

Michael the Cat: ...However, that punch was stopped before hitting the two cousins by none other than-

TBBH panel 46


Michael the Cat: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS?! Oh hell yes! My hero is still alive! *dances like a hedgehog as his human does a critical hit*

Pikachu7: You see-

Michael the Cat: *stops dancing and for some reason is wearing shades* Stand aside my yellow zappy friend. I got this.

Pikachu7: You go, pal.

Michael the Cat: You see, like starfish, sponges can regenerate from their cells, and Patricks are messy eaters. So SpongeBob uses the cells and becomes Porifera, and giant monsteris sponge that reminds me of Groot.

TBBH panel 47

Pop up: The name Porifera comes from only the title and not inside the comic itself. The fans named the form that and when they ask the author if it is that, they were like: "Sure, why not?"

Michael the Cat: After SpongeBob got rid of the other Patricks by absorbing them and forgiving (Guilty) Patrick, he goes to f*ck up the Tortured One.

Pikachu7: He (The Tortured One) can also do this... whatever the hell this is...

TBBH panel 53

What the f*ck is coming out of the Tortured One's stomach?

Michael the Cat: I think its some last minute chance to hipnotize the opponent that melts people on contact.


  • Killed half, if not, most of Bikini Bottom (Alll)
  • Formed a cult (All)
  • Killed Larry, who was on par with Mr. Squidward (TTO)
  • Killed Plankton, who figured out their weakness (Smol one)
  • Survived an explosion (TTO)
  • Gave Squidward a hard time (All)
  • Killed Mr. Krabs and got revenge (Regulars)

Faults and weaknesses[]

  • Fire stops healing factor (All)
  • Died several times (Regulars)
  • Lacks combat experience (All)
  • Smol one died in an explosion (...)
  • Died due to Porifera sucking them up (aside fro one Patrick) through their holes (Regulars)
  • Finished off in a volcano (TTO)
  • Messy eaters (All)

Pikachu7: As Gary bit the Tortured One, Porifera and friends managed to toss him into a volcano, finally ending the reign of terror that is the Patricks... or was it?

Pikachu7: Aside from the fact Pearl is mad about her father dying and wishing to avenge him.

Michael the Cat: If she only knew...

TBBH panel 61 (Epilogue)

Sweet, sweet, b*tchy Pearl...

Pikachu7: Sandy, after hearing what Patrick said, confronted SpongeBob about it and figured it out.

Michael the Cat: *ears going back* No...

Pikachu7: I'm sorry-

Michael the Cat: *tears start to show up* No!

Pikachu7: Michael-

Michael the Cat: No no no no no noooo! This can't be right! He couldn't! *breaks down crying* He... wouldn't...

Pikachu7 tries to counsel the black cat, he ran off crying.

Pikachu7: Sigh... Sandy would leave Bikini Bottom. Before departing, she gave Squidward one final goodbye and left for Texas.

TBBH panel 67 (Epilogue)

Goodbye Sandy. Goodbye Squidward.

Pikachu7: When she arrived, all she wants to do is look at the stars, but she will be forever haunted by the Tortured One.

Pikachu7: Hey buddy, don't you want to make Flippy joke... or a propane and propane accessories joke?

Michael the Cat (Offscreen): *tearfully* ... No. *continues to cry*

Pikachu7: ... Dear Arceus, this is serious...

Patrick (TBBH) finisher

Bullets won't work on Gorefield, as he requires lasagna in Death Battle, Jon[]

(Music - Metamorphosis (Intrumental) or Alex Arck - Gorefield)

Pikachu7: I bet you heard about Garfield and his monster counterpart, Gorefield.

Michael the Cat: There are many, MANY versions of this creepy bast*rd, but we'll just be sticking to Lumpy Touch's Gorefield. I mean, it's in the d*mn note.

Pikachu7: Gorefield's origin was always shroud in mystery, but this video was also worked on by Lumpy, giving us something to work with. Garfield was seeking from Jon, Odie, Nermal, and Liz. So he began to LITERALLY dig in the basement til he found out the truth-

Michael the Cat: *while doing Joe-Mama Squidward poses for some godd*mn reason* WE'VE BEEN LIVING IN A PRISON MADE OF THREE-PANEL LOOPS!

Pikachu7: That's a different YouTuber, Michael, but since we don't know the truth either, that is likely.

Michael the Cat: How likely?

Pikachu7: Very likely.

Michael the Cat: I knew it. And so did Lyman, remember him? He saw what was going to happen in the next 2 weeks, but nobody believed him, because, well, are you REALLY going to believe someone in a mental institution?

Lyman is mental stressed, folks

I've seen it!

Pikachu7: And 2 weeks later, began his attack, corrupting Odie and scaring Jon behind the TV.


  • Name: Garfield
  • Nicknames: Gorfield, SCP-3166
  • Requires lasagna, Jon
  • One of many, many, MANY "Gorefields"
  • Threat level: Monday
  • Mortal enemy: Movie Sonic
Garfield to Gorefield

Pikachu7: Let's start off with the fact that he is a master shapeshifter.

Michael the Cat: Yeah, he can turn himself into anything! A big blob of mantis claw thingies, a spider, a centipede, a giant realistic cat, a snake, a f*cking pickle, all sorts of gross, lumpy sh*t.

Pikachu7: There are also some "Horrorscope" Gorefields running around, hunting for their "Jons"

Michael the Cat: So that explains the ugly cat monsters the other month. I took care of those b*stards, which I'm pretty sure one of them is yours.

Pikachu7: Oh, uh, thank you?

Horrorscope Gorefields

All of them

Horrorscope Gorefields[]

  • Aries Gorefield: The Volatite
  • Taurus Gorefield: The Unyielding
  • Gemini Gorefield: The Dynamic
  • Cancer Gorefield: The Abyssal
  • Leo Gorefield: The Sublime
  • Virgo Gorefield: The Phantasm
  • Libra Gorefield: The Paragon
  • Scorpio Gorefield: The Warden
  • Sagittarius Gorefield: The Gambler
  • Capricorn Gorefield: The Herald
  • Aquarius Gorefield: The Devotee
  • Pisces Gorefield: The Graceful

Michael the Cat: Hey, if you are taking a shot for everytime we say Gorefield, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP BEFORE YOU KILL YOUR LIVER!

Pikachu7: He can alter his size to be taller than a house or small enough to bath in soup. In his base form, he can get you high with his pills and might be able to do heart surgery, and blow smoke so hard it flood the house. Also he claimed his thought creates Jon's reality.

Michael the Cat: He claims the universe is his lasagna, and can stretch his tail so long it got into a house. Also the tail is alive too. ... What the f*ck...? Also, he has his version of B-12 and that backpack and survived a fall from Inside the Wall into Dead City.

Pikachu7: Isn't that just a mod of Stray that Lumpy played?

Michael the Cat: That's your opinion.


  • Pipe
  • Off-brand mood enhancer pills
  • B-12 and that backpack


  • Shapeshift
  • Corrupt
  • God-like powers
  • Size mulipulation (self)
  • Super smell to lasagna ingredients
  • Pickle

Michael the Cat: He has this form that he uses when he claimed the universe is lasagna. Also, there was this "bio-weapon" either based or is actually him, but was killed by his worst enemy...

Pikachu7: *sarcastically* Let me guess, a "lumpy" Odie, or is it Monday reincarnated?

Michael the Cat: I wish! But it's actually... Movie Sonic.

Sonic movie

Michael the Cat: No, not that one.


Michael the Cat: Not that one either.

Ugly Sonic

Michael the Cat: It's the same one from the last picture.

Old Design Movie Sonic Dorkly

Michael the Cat: Close, but no. It's actually this Movie Sonic.

Lumpy Touch Movie Sonic

Michael the Cat: God, what happened to that guy?

Pikachu7: They were redesigning, trying to make Sonic "cute", but they failed horribly. When two people tried to escape, he caught up to them by running on all fours, it's realistic that way, and shoot them up with a machine gun that is apparently inside of him.

Michael the Cat: Wha-why is there a gun inside him?!

Pikachu7: They thought it was cool.

Cue a clip of Lumpy Touch's Movie Sonic the truck with his gun mouth.

Michael the Cat: *as the same time as one of the people in the truck* ... I hate that hedgehog.

Pikachu7: He can survive a gunshot to the eye and a house exploding and a freaking nuke.

Michael the Cat: Gorefield or Movie Sonic-?

Pikachu7: Gorefield, you idiot. Who else would it be?

Michael the Cat: Hmmm, Broken Finger Paradise SpongeBob?

Pikachu7 facepalms.


  • Tormented Jon
  • Bullets won't work
  • Claims to be a god
  • No-sold a nuke and "saved" Jon
  • Trapped Arlene in the basement
  • Corrupted Odie
  • Killed Nermal and Liz
  • Turned himself into a pickle and turned Odie into one too

Faults and weaknesses[]

  • Claims of god are sorta backed up
  • Distracted by lasagna and Pooky
  • Super smell (to lasagna ingredients) can be blocked by cologne and showers
  • Lacks real combat experience
  • Horrorscope ones can still be killed

Pikachu7: Despite all of horrible things he done, he still "saved" Jon from a nuke and instead of killing her, he put Arlene in the basement, unlike what he did to Nermal and Liz. Maybe, just maybe, Garfield is still in there.

Michael the Cat: We will just have to wait wait and see as Gorefield and Jon flew away and Lyman escape a burning nut-house and went Super Saiyan.

Pikachu7: Either way, if you see Gorefield, try to get out of there, cause it might be already too late.

(Sorry, for not having RELAX, JON, Bad Monday Simulator, those tiny monsters from Horrorscopes, and more. I just want to reach the deadline.)

Both Garfields: Hey, who are you?

One Garfield: I'm Garfield the Cat!

The other Garfield: You can't be Garfield! I'm Garfield!

One Garfield: Oh, yeah. If you're Garfield, then answer me this. What do you do all day?

The other Garfield: I sleep, eat, and annoy small puppies. What do you do all day?

One Garfield: I eat, sleep, and annoy a small puppy.

Both Garfields: Hey, maybe you are Garfield. But if you're Garfield, then who am I? I know who you are. You're Garfield.

One Garfield: Isn't there anything different about us?

The other Garfield: Well, there is this one thing. Every so often, I turn into one of these.

Suddenly the other Garfield turns into a huge monster with orange and black tentacles.

Canon Gorefield

The Garfield Show's Gorefield: *roars*!


Gore vs Pat Intermission

Pikachu7: The combatants are set and we ran the data through all posabilities.

Michael the Cat: It's time for a DEATH BAAAAAAATTTTTLLLLLLEEEEEEEE! *coughs roughly several times til he drinks water* Ok ok.

Death Battle[]

(Music - I'm Sorry (Original Track))

(Animation - Black and white hand drawn)

(Location - Bikini Bottom... or what's left of it...)

Bikini Bottom was a mess. Like, more of a mess than usual. The town was destroyed. Skeletons were everywhere. Most of the town was dead. All was lost.

And all of this happened because Patrick ate a raw burger.

We see an orange peachish fish running. The fish was wearing purple pants and had light blue fins, but why am I describing the color when it's black and white? Phil lost his wife and kids to the sea stars, and was trying get out of town, but he tripped on a rock and fell to the ground. Phil can have time to turn around to see a naked Patrick standing above him.

Phil: Wait! Please! Have mercy! W-why are you doing this?

Patrick: You know why.

Patrick opened up to reveal his stomach. His stomach almost reached Phil, who braced for impact.

???: Meow...

The Patrick stopped as both he and Phil looked behind him [Patrick]. It was a cat. If the battle was in color, it would have been an orange cat with black stripes, a pink nose, and a yellow mouth. The cat was sitting there as he looks at the starfish.

The cat: Meow...

Patrick was confused. It sounded like a snail, but this creature has ears and fur and an urge to kick dogs off the table. Phil was also confused, but took the opportunity get the hell out of here. Patrick didn't see Phil run away, but even he did, the strange kitty was more stranged and needed to be checked out.

Patrick: Here furry snail, furry snail, furry snail...

The cat looked at the star, before shape shifting into this weird thing, completed with bones cracking. It was one of Gorefield's forms.

What is this? Who ask for this?

The Patrick was taken back by the weird looking furry snail, but he stand his ground at the beast.

Patrick: Who are you?

The cat looked at the star, giving him a smirk.

Gorefield: The one that will have a meal.

The Patrick did not like that taunt, so he charged at the cat. But as he got close, Gorefield grabbed the star and slammed him into the ground a couple of times, before YEETing him into a nearby rock. Gorefield got behind the star and slammed its [Patrick's] head onto the rock. The Patrick got out of the lumpy cat's grip and used its stomach to grab the cat. Gorefield grabbed the stomach yanked it off and then took a bite out the starfish's shoulder.

Gorefield: You taste... delicious...

Patrick: *obviously offended* You will pay for that remark.

Gorefield: Hmmm, no I won't. And you know why?

Gorefield then grab the Patrick and ripped him in half. He drop the two halfs of the starfish.

Patrick: ... F... furry snail...

The two halfs began to grow back. Gorefield was surprised by this. Surely his opponent should die. Both halfs began to grow into new starfish.

Both Patricks: Sea stars can regenerate, furry snail. All you done is double my appetite.

???: Make it triple.

Gorefield turned around to see the stomach he ripped out earlier had also turned into a new sea star. The new starfish attached himself onto the lumpy cat to spread their stomach acid, causing Lumpy's Garfield to grab and throw the star away. The two star did the same thing, and Gorefield react as such. The three sea star piled on top of their opponent before sending them flying to the ground when roared in anger.

Gorefield: GAH! How many sea stars, ARE THERE?!

And just like that, a crap-load of sea stars appeared over the horizon, surround the four.

One of the Patricks in the center: Brothers! Help us with this ugly, lumpy furry snail beast.

Gorefield: *rolling his eyes* Of course. I just HAD to ask.

All of the Patricks ran towards the horrid beast that looked like the cat from the funny papers (who isn't funny). Gorefield kept swinging his arms to send the starfish flying, but they kept on coming. Some of them manage to get on and distilling their stomach acid on the cat. Gorefield clench his teeth in pain. He knew that if the starfish continue this strategy, they will get the better of him. He then changed form.

Gorefield, you are an ugly bug, you know that

The sea stars couldn't believe it, but that was a mistake. Gorefield shook off the stars and ran(?) towards a building and climbed it.

Gorefield: Admit defeat, sea stars! I have the high ground!

One of the Patricks: NEVER!

A few Patricks surround the building and shook it loose, causing it to fall and reveal a family of fish. Gorefield, however, jumped when the tower fell. His stomach opened up to reveal a mouth with hundreds of sharp teeth. He landed on the starfish and almost all of the family, eating them up with his stomach mouth.

The surviving fish: St-stay back! *takes out and loads a shotgun* I'm warning ya!

Gorefield turns his head at the fish, and he shot it into his left eye. Gorefield reeled his head back, but he looked at the fish, his expression still a creep @$$ smile.

Gorefield: Bullets won't work, tuna.

That was the last thing the fish heard before Gore digged in.


If Gorefield wins

Garfield's Dark Twisted Mind (V2)

The world is going to end, Jon

If Patrick wins

One of many adaptions of The Bikini Bottom Horror

Though technically proficient, you've always lacked the ability to... IMPROVISE!

Death Battle Album[]

The track would be called I'm Sorry. The title references the common and famous line "I'm sorry, X" from both series (ex. r/imsorryjon and "I'm sorry, SpongeBob").

Bunny Cat4: The track would be a typical horror that will slowly get more metal with bits of Grass Skirt Chase in some parts.

Johncastro223: The track would be Tortured mixed with Hi Jon (both phases).

I don't what picture should go on it, but the entire album should match the style of the fight, black and white hand drawn.
