Gohan vs Tails | |
Season | N/A |
Season Episode | N/A |
Air date | N/A |
Written by | Sheepboi1 |
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Gohan vs Tails is the ??? of ??? in Sheepboi1's Death Battle series, featuring Gohan from Dragon Ball Z and Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.
The (Sort of) sidekicks to Goku and Sonic face off! With yellow transformations, these fighters are about to have a legendary clash. (In honor of Silver/Dio/Maverick leaving)
Timeline: Main. Place in the Timeline: A couple years after Sasuke vs Vegeta, but WAY before Speed battle royal
Gohan walked to around Green Hill Zone, wondering where he currently was. He'd gotten here via flying, after sensing some high power levels. The rest of Z-Fighters went too, and to search for a opponent, they all split up, leaving Gohan alone. The teen walked towards the loop, and blasted it apart.
What appered to be a fox hovered off the ground, two tails twirling like a helicopter blade. This was Tails and he did not like what just happened.
"Hey, I almost fell!"
"O-oh, I'm sorry. Uh, hey. I sensed some high power levels, do you know where?"
What? The orange fox though to himself. This guy's asking for a high power level . . . OOOOOOH!
"You must be talking about SONIC. He and Shadow just went super, as well as me and Knuckles. What do want with him?" The fox asked, wary of the new stranger. "I-I just want to train, y'know, like . . . fight?" The Saiyan hybrid replied. "Well Sonic's out training too-*Com beep*" "Hey Tails, some guys here just started fighting us, for quote-un-quote 'training'. Keep 'em away from us, *Whispers* think their one of Egg-head's goons." Sonic left the conversation, leaving Tails with a stunned Gohan.
Gohan: I don't know who Egg-head is, but we're not one of his "Goons".
Tails: Then why are your "friends" attacking us?!
Gohan: We just want to train.
Tails: Well then, whether of not I should believe you, you'll get training! He-YAH! *Spindashes*
Gohan: Here we go...