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Two heroes with great power, hearts of justice and...blonde hair.


Boomstick: Ever heard how some heroes aren't made, their born?

All Might-0


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Wiz: Well, these heroes, in a way are both.

Boomstick: Genos, the deadly 19 year old cyborg from One Punch Man.

Wiz: And All Might, the Symbol of Peace in the world of My Hero Academia.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to figure out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!


Wiz: When he was 15 years old, Genos was the happiest person in the world. But then, he saw his entire family

DB Genos


murdered by a psycotic cyborg killer.

Boomstick: Damn. Suck it up Genos! Life is shit and I'm glad he learned early!

Wiz: Hmmm... okay.

Boomstick: I mean, every villian is killed by Saitama with no chance of redemption, Tatsumaki knows nothing but hate and hell, Sonic whats-his-face got his nuts shattered, entire cities are destroyed, everyone loves the biker guy instead of the One Punch Man, hope and peace are lies, humanity is FUCKED BEYOND ALL RECONITION, THE FUCKING END.

Wiz: Are you done?

Boomstick: Yeah.

Wiz: Is this about your dad ditching you as a kid?

Boomstick: AAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Wiz: I'll take that as a yes. Genos was then found by Professor Kuseno, who gave him the tools to get justice for his family. Genos was rebuilt, into a cyborg.

Boomstick: And he became the most badass cyborg ever! He has all kinds of awesome shit like:

  • Arm blades,


  • Detachable body parts,
  • Incinerator cannons,
  • Missiles,
  • Rocket boosters,
  • Liquid adhesives,
  • Hyper sensors,
  • Search Sensors
  • And flashlight eyes?

Wiz: These are his Lightning Eyes, which can blind his opponents. With this new arsenal, he became worthy of his S-rank.

Boomstick: And he's done the craziest crap and the most suprising shit ever. He's kept up with Tatsumaki,

Genos gif


destroyed a mountain, targeted and OBLITERATED A METEOR, got covered in 65 trillion mosquitoes and FOUGHT THE DEEP SEA KING, WHO DESTROYED A SHELTER THAT COULD WITHSTAND A NUCLEAR BOMB.

Wiz: That's actually correct. On top of that, Genos has a final resort, if the battle ever became too much: his power core. If his power core is destroyed, he will explode.

Boomstick: Did you know he blew up those 65 trillion mosquitoes? He can even put both his hands together and make A GIANTIC MEGA CANNON!!!

Wiz: Well, that is the weapon he used to destroy the mete—Boomstick! Put that flamethrower down! Why are you taping that to your other leg?!


Saitama vs Genos Fight One Punch Man (60FPS)


Boomstick: Hey Wiz! Check this out! Woo-Hoo! Crap.


Boomstick: Suck it up Wiz. I've had worse. Try drinking beer while you're on fire. That just burns in your throat like a bitch.

Wiz: STOP DROP AND ROLL! STOP DROP AND ROLL! Oh god! I got it off, I got my lab coat off... Whew. Fire's out.


Boomstick: What if 80 percent of the world had superpowers? For one thing, you would have a shitload of money made from Spandex.



Wiz: With the arrival of Quirks, the world was never the same. While criminals rose to terrify people, others chose to put on costumes and become great heroes. But the greatest of them all, was the hero with a never-ending smile on his face: All Might.

Boomstick: Before he was All Might, he was Toshinori Yagi. He was a nerd who loved superheroes to damn much.

Wiz: Well, this was not the case. Toshinori wanted to be a hero to help people and was born Quirkless. But he had one oppertunity to do so with the help with Pro hero Nana Shimura.


Bottom left corner: All Might. Bottom right corner: Nana Shimura (Photo by GoCommitDi)

Boomstick: Turns out she had a Quirk that was passed down to her that gets stronger with each person using it.

Wiz: This was One For All. A Quirk that had been passed down for the last seven generations and then was passed down to the eighth.

Boomstick: Then she died.

Wiz: After training a few years at U.A. High School, he trained under his teacher when they came across the Users of One for All's enemy: All for One.

'Boomstick: After being pulled away by Pro Hero Gran Toreno, scream'ing for his teacher, she died fighting.

Wiz: After this, Toshinori decided to do better. Be better. So he made every effort to save people no matter what.

Boomstick: Super buff, super cool, super powerful, All Might's got it all.

Wiz: After training for years on end, he created an arsenal of punches to aid him in his quest for justice. A few of these punches are named after cities and states in the U.S. and are delivered very uniquely.

Boomstick: AMERICA!! FUCK YEAH!!

Wiz: A few of these punches include:

  • Detroit Smash: A punch that is so powerful, it is able to
    Detroit smash

    Detroit Smash (Photo by Picard1701)

    change the weather.This punch is similar to the Texas Smash, except his fist points downward.
    California Smash

    California Smash (Photo by Picard1701)

  • California Smash: A punch that All Might performs a somersault to gain momentum and throws a punch releasing a large amount of air pressure.

  • Carolina Smash

    Carolina Smash (Photo by Picard1701)

    Carolina Smash: All Might charges at an enemy and swings his arms in an, "X" shape. We can't determine the exact amout of power All Might is using, because the intended target (Tomura Shigaraki) was protected by Noumu.
    Missouri Smash

    Missouri Smash (Photo by Picard1701)

  • Missouri Smash: Simplified, this is a Karati chop to the neck, which works for even individuals without a neck. 
    New Hampshire smash

    New Hampshire Smash (Photo by Picard1701)

  • Nebraska Smash: This punch is never seen on screen, but this has the power to create a tornado.

  • New Hampshire Smash: In short, this can literally send All Might flying through the air. Yes, you saw that correctly. HE CAN PUNCH HIMSELF THROUGH THE AIR.
    Texas smash

    Texas Smash (Photo by Picard1701)

  • Oklahoma Smash: While having several villians hanging on him, All Might can spin around and throw said villians off of him.
  • Texas Smash: The Texas Smash is similar to Detroit, but when he throws a punch this can create large amounts of air pressure. Sometimes it's a tornado that can form.

But when all other options are proven useless, he has one last bullet in his arsenal. 

Boomstick: THE UNITED STATES OF SMASH. How the hell is this guy so powerful?! He's got the power of a nuclear freakin' bomb in HIS BARE FIST!!!

Wiz: If you think that's terrifying, his successor will be stronger than him.

Boomstick: Time for a beer. Or two. Or three...

Wiz: Yes, the thought is terrifying. But all this was when he was older. Remeber when he fought Noumu and stated that what he did in three hundred punches, he could do in just five?

Boomstick: Yep.

Wiz: He's changed the weather with a single punch, ran 5,000 meters in 30 seconds, overpowered a shock-




absorption Quirk that was supposed to counter his strength and defeated the villian All For One, who is stronger Gigantomachia who destroyed a mountain.

Boomstick: Wiz, why does he look like Darth Vader?

Wiz: I don't know. References?

Boomstick: Sure. Hey Wiz, can I have that power?

Wiz: Well, you have to deal with the power, training, saving people and getting vinegar in your eyes.

Boomstick: Never mind. I hate vinegar.


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, we've run the data through all possiblities.

Boomstick: It's TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLE!!!


(All Might finishes taking down a few criminals, when one escapes. All Might gives chase, but as the criminal goes around the corner...)

Genos: Incinerate.

Criminal: AAAHHHH!!!!

(All Might runs around the corner to find a pile of ashes and Genos.)


Genos: What you won't do. Now get out of my way before I have to do the same to you.

All Might: Nice try, but your firepower can't beat the symbol of peace!

Genos: Don't count on it.


(Genos blasts several missiles which All Might pulls back his fist.)

All Might: Carolina Smash!!!

(Throwing the Carolina Smash, All Might sends Genos flying into the air. Genos pulls out a blade and grapples to a building. All Might jumps into the air, and Genos blasts himself into the symbol of peace. They both crash on top of a building with Genos standing above All Might.)

Genos: Incinerate.

(Genos blasts All Might, but fails.)

All Might: Nice try. (Rolls over.) Here's mine: New Hampshire Smash!

(Genos and All Might are sent flying into the air. All Might turns around and throws another punch.)

All Might: California Smash!

(Genos blasts himself through the air and bombards All Might with missiles and fire.)

Genos: Incinerate! Incinerate!

(They both end up crashing in a parking garage. Genos stands back up, with All Might running behind him readying up a Missouri Smash when Genos spins on his heel and sees All Might coming at him.)

All Might: Missouri Smash!

(The Missouri Smash takes off Genos' head, but the head and neck rocket around and smashes into All Might's abs. The rest of Genos' body parts come apart grabbing All Might's arms and legs.)

Genos' head: Incinerate!!!

(Genos' arms blasts large amounts of fire, burning All Might's costume. All Might spins arounds to throws Genos' limbs off of him.)

All Might: Oklahoma Smash!

(All Might spins around and throws off Genos' limbs which fly into several buildings. The body parts put themselves back together to form a very pissed Genos. All Might then jumps up into the air, dodging a blast from Genos' arm only for Genos to punch All Might into the ground.)

All Might: What the--?

(All Might finds that both of his feet are encased in a liquid adhisive from Genos.)

Genos: Impressive. Your speed almost fooled me. But enjoy this, "Symbol of Peace."

(Genos blasts more rockets and fire, but All Might smiles with a series of Texas Smashes.)

All Might: Good move, but nothing stops A TRUE HERO!!

(All Might jumps into the air ripping him from the adhisive. He pulls back his fist.)

All Might: Detroit... SMASH!!!

(Genos is hit head on, and All Might gets on him, hitting him so much, damaging him with over 300 punches. Pulling out multiple blades, Genos cuts All Might leaving him to his next best weapon.)

All Might: Enough with these blades!

(All Might breaks the blades.)

California Smash!

(He smashes Genos into a building, collapsing the whole area. Genos slams both of his arms together to make his superweapon. All Might realizes what he may have to do.)

All Might: Always remember cyborg: Go beyond...

Genos: Incinerate.


(Genos blasts and All Might punches, destroying multiple buildings. All Might stands up, Genos' smashed head in the ground, power core destroyed.)



Boomstick: How many people do think they killed, Wiz?

Wiz: I have a rough idea of how many, but not exact. Genos had some amazing weaponry, but All Might had the higher avantages in speed.

Boomstick: But what about the part where he kept up with Saitama?

Wiz: We've measured Saitama's top speed at over 44 million miles. Unfortunately, Genos top speed actually registers at 1,553 miles per hour. All Might's top speed (With the 60x multipliers, remember) is 17,274 miles per hour.

Boomstick: What about strength? Well! All Might could make a nuclear explosion WITH A SINGLE PUNCH, Genos can beat that.

Wiz: And let's remember, we're multiplying All Might's power by 60, this would put the United States of Smash at over 660,000 tons of TNT!

All Might

Comics Master 90

This means that All Might tops Genos with his weakest punch!

Boomstick: Holy shit! Genos doesn't even match up to any of that, AT ALL.

Wiz: Genos was a formidible opponent and worthy of his S-Rank, but--

Boomstick: He wasn't as Mighty.

Wiz:.. Seriously Boomstic--

