Frieza VS Spacegodzilla is a Completed What If? Death Battle Episode by AceOfSpaces3709
Dragon Ball VS Toho!
(Cues: Wiz and Boomstick)
Wiz: The Universe... It houses life that comes in all shapes and sizes. Some who live in peace and others who live to rule over them.
Boomstick: Like Frieza, The tyrannical space emperor.
Wiz: And Spacegodzilla, The extraterrestrial clone of Godzilla.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armour and skills to find out who will win a Death Battle!
Wiz: In the world of Dragon Ball there were many beings that sent shivers down people's spines. Like Beerus The Destroyer and Majin Buu. But no one ever came as close to being as feared as Frieza.
Boomstick: Frieza was born silver spooned to a powerful imperial family named after cold products.
Wiz: His father King Cold saw early potential in him and immediately gifted him control of a strong alien race called the saiyans when he was still just a child.
Boomstick: Aww He’s so lucky, the only gifts my dad gave me were at the back end of his belt.
Wiz: For many years Frieza’s control of the saiyans was going well, a little too well. As the Saiyans slowly began getting stronger Frieza began to get more and more concerned that The savage aliens would one day overthrow him.
Boomstick: And the fact that there were stories about a mythical super form going around really weren’t doing him any favors. So to treat this problem, he blew up their planet seemingly eradicating the entire species in the process.
Wiz: Little did Frieza know the Saiyan race would come back to haunt him when he met one of the lone survivors as well as his future lifelong enemy, Son Goku
Boomstick: But there was no way Mewtwo was going down with out a fight, if you can tell already Freezer was anything but a snobby pushover.
Wiz: Thanks to his mutant family bloodline Frieza is an exceptionally gifted fighter-
Boomstick: Wait did you say mutants? As in Mutants from the X-Men?
Wiz: No not Marvel mutants Boomstick, What I going to say was Frieza is a hybrid species of mutant that makes him far superior in raw power to members of his own race.
Boomstick: Like all characters in Dragon Ball, Frieza can access the power source ki for offense and defensive, with ki he can shoot lasers out of his fingertips, fire energy cannons, create flying saucers and surround himself in energy to become an alien battering ram.
Wiz: Frieza is also a master at telekinesis as he can use it to manipulate objects, imprison people and he can also inject ki into opponents or even planets, overloading them to explosion.
Boomstick: He’s a killer queeeen, a genocidal palpatine, fingers firing death beams, guaranteed to blow your planet and best friends anytime!
Wiz: As Boomstick was awfully singing about. Frieza’s preferred finishing attack is the Death Ball, a large orb of energy he can use to destroy entire planets. The very same move that destroyed the likes of Namek and Vegeta.
Boomstick: But it Freezer ever gets into a corner he can transform to boost his stats. Over the years Frieza had donned many appearances originally having three different forms to hide his sheer amounts of power but nowadays he remains in his fourth Form as it’s what he actually looks like.
Wiz: in this form Frieza can bulk up to his full power which boosts his strength by 100% but he doesn’t prefer to use this form as it rapidly drains his ki and puts strain on his body if used for long periods of time.
Boomstick: Don’t do steroids kids, several years after his death to a angsty teen from the future Frieza was condemned to hell forced to endure endless torture by fairies and stuffed animals. But luckily Freezer was eventually resurrected.
Wiz: With Goku immediately on his mind Frieza decided to do something he’d never done before. Train. Due to being born with a high power level, Frieza never needed training as there were not many people who could face him at the time.
Boomstick: After consistently beating up his henchman for four months straight Frieza became leagues stronger than he was on Namek. You could say that he struck gold.
Wiz: As implied he unlocked a new transformation called Golden Frieza which massively increases his power. This new form was so powerful that he was able to keep up with and even overpower Goku as a Super Saiyan Blue.
Boomstick: and don’t forget Super Saiyan Blue is Superior to Super Saiyan God, The same form that gave Goku the power to send shockwaves across the universe as well as almost destroy the latter in the process during his fight with Beerus.
Wiz: However not everything lasts forever because due to inexperience Frieza was unable to regulate his Golden Form which lead to his downfall but after mentally training in Hell, Frieza was able to master his Golden Form And could now activate/maintain it at anytime without any issues becoming far more powerful in the process.
Boomstick: Yeah his mental strength is nothing to laugh about considering that in his Namek days he once telekinetically lifted this giant rock without any issue.
Wiz: By my calculations this rock must weigh around 13,539 tons! Around the same weight of some of the largest ships!
Popup: According to many sources this feat is seen as outlier/non canon though it has shown some consistency as in recent chapters of Dragon Ball Super A base Vegeta is seen casually swatting away a building of similar mass.
Boomstick: Don’t forget Frieza is also really fast as he’s able to keep up with and even blitz This Beerus lookalike named Dyspo who can move a thousand times faster then the speed of light!
Wiz: But perhaps the most impressive characteristic of Frieza is his durability
Boomstick: Yeah Frieza is one tough son of a bitch, he regenerated having his tail cut off, has survived beatings from Toppo and Broly, the latter lasting a whole hour and most he ridiculous of all he survived being cut in half, a kamehameha from an angered Goku and the explosion of Namek right to the face and he was fine! Unconscious but fine!
Wiz: Even more impressive Frieza was able to survive and resist the Hakai, a technique used by gods of destruction that can erase almost anything from existence!
Boomstick: As tough as he is Freezer still has flaws he comes off as sadistic, cocky and psychotic, often preferring to drag out fights rather than go for the kill. To which this strategy always ends up getting the better of him.
Wiz: Despite his sadistic tendencies, Frieza has shown that he isn’t someone to be trifled with and he will stop at nothing to make everyone, even the very gods bend to his knees.
Frieza tightens his left fist
“With Delicacy that wouldn’t even stir water...”
Frieza tightens his right fist
“...Together with the ultimate intensity”
A golden aura explodes from Frieza
“... In the true Golden Frieza!”
Frieza smiles
“That is who I am”
Wiz: The year was 1954, almost a decade after the the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were vaporized by the Nuclear Bomb. The Cold War was at it’s peak and the opposing nations were working vigorously to one up each other in nuclear power.
Boomstick: As we all know things never go well when Nuclear Waste is involved.
Wiz: Indeed as one nuclear test would awaken a powerful ancient creature, Godzilla. The beast was unstoppable destroying everything in its vicinity. But thanks to the invention of a deadly new weapon, Godzilla was finally slain.
Boomstick: But like a mechanical rabbit, Godzilla came back Bigger, Stronger and far more clumsy. In his new adventures The Big G would go on to face familiar foes like Mothra, King Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla as well as new ones like A ugly plant monster and an evil fire moth. But little did Goji know that soon he’d face his toughest foe yet.
Wiz: Deep in the outer reaches of space NASA was doing an interplanetary expedition when it was attacked by an unknown force. So the agency known as the United Nations Godzilla Countermeasures Center or U.N.G.C.C for short decided to send it’s latest mech to investigate.
Boomstick: But as soon as the mole robot was reaching the scene it was immediately jumped by a flying mass of crystals, Mogera tried to fight the creature but it was easily overpowered and forced to retreat.
Wiz: This mysterious creature would soon arrive on Earth and reveal itself to be Godzilla’s newest foe, Spacegodzilla.
Boomstick: Standing at 120m tall and weighing 80,000 Tons Space G is almost the spitting image of Godzilla but unlike the latter his origin is a mystery. Some say he is the result of G-Man’s cells colliding with a black hole, others say he is the reborn clone of another Godzilla clone and few say he’s the hybrid creation of a Crystalline Alien! Yeah. there’s never been an answer to that question.
Wiz: Nonsensical Origins aside Spacegodzilla is a powerful extraterrestrial with evil intent, his motive for coming to Earth was to kill the original Godzilla and rule of humanity as its new tyrannical overlord.
Boomstick: And he had the techniques to do it. Like his bro from another hoe Spacegoji’s can also fire an energy attack from his Mouth called the Corona Beam! Yikes that name didn’t age well.
Wiz: It’s an attack Spacegodzilla can easily control the flow and direction of. He can create crystals around the battlefield for offensive and defensive purposes. He can also spawn crystals around his opponents to imprison or crush them.
Boomstick: He can also paralyze and move his opponents with his mind! It is said that his telekinesis is so strong not even Godzilla can break out of it! And he’s strong enough to suplex Biollante who weighs 200,000 Tons!
Wiz: Should Spacegodzilla tire out he can recover by absorbing energy around him, he can drain it from his crystals, opponents and even dying stars!
Boomstick: Space G-Man can also become a living conductor where he can transfer energy into his fists and tail for some supercharged offense.
Wiz: And if he needs to go anywhere Spacegodzilla and change his appearance to achieve flight where he can reach speeds of Mach 3 while in Earth’s Atmosphere.
Boomstick: He’s even faster in space as he’s capable of flying almost five times the speed of Light! Adding to the latter, in the manga version of the film Space Meister once produced enough energy to light up the entire universe!
Wiz: By my calculations the energy required to provide light to illuminate a universal sized space is equivalent to at least 65 Undecillion Tons of TNT! Enough to destroy a Solar System!
Boomstick: If it’s not obvious enough, Spacegoji is Strong. Strength Scalings aside Spacegodzilla once lifted and threw the 160,000 ton M.O.G.U.E.R.A with nothing but his tail whilst in a weakened state! You can just tell this guy works out.
Wiz: Spacegodzilla is also incredibly tough as he’s survived atmospheric reentry, having his throat sliced open by Gigan, Being hit by stellar mass black holes and he’s Tanked Kiryu’s Absolute Zero Cannon. An attack that erases it’s target on a molecular level!
Boomstick: Dayum! Is there anything this Space Lizard can’t do?
Wiz: Actually yes there is a few. Due to his bulky physique Spacegodzilla can’t run nor is he good at fighting up close and much prefers to keep his enemies at a distance.
Boomstick: Despite being capable of absorbing stars, Space G-Man has a limit to how much energy he can drain as taking in too much can cause him to go into a cosmic meltdown.
Wiz: And if his shoulder crystals were to be destroyed he’ll drastically weaken, losing his powers in the process.
Boomstick: But even with an awful weakness Spacegodzilla has proven himself to be one of the most fearsome and dangerous enemies the G-Man has ever faced.
(Cues: Spacegodzilla’s Roar)
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set and we’ve run the data through all possibilities.
Boomstick: Enough talk! No Ads, No Sponsors and no more wasting time! Let’s start a Death Battle!!!
It was dark and lonely in the outer reaches of space but this isolation would soon be disrupted by a fleet of star cruisers, a large mothership dragging along behind them. Inside the cockpit sitting at the center was a base Frieza, gently stirring a glass of red wine in his right hand. He quickly chuckled to himself as his crew was cruising throughout the cosmos.
But Frieza’s relaxation would be interrupted when he heard a distant rumble outside. The tyrant opened his eyes wanting to figure out what made that sound, but before he could process a second rumble was heard again, much closer now. The cockpit shook from its force. Suddenly a large explosion appeared distantly left of the window Frieza accessed an intercom on his chair.
Frieza: “Commander! What is going on over there!” He demanded
A panicked soldier’s voice spoke through the speaker, a siren droning in the background.
Commander: “Lord Frieza we’re under attack! It appears to be a massive creature of some sort, Please! you have to help u-AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!”
The commander’s plea was immediately cut off by the sound of explosions and blood curdling screams. Multiple blasts littered the view of the cockpit, Frieza’s soldiers were dropping like flies. The Galactic Emperor groaned
Frieza: “Must I do everything myself?”
He pressed a button on his chair and it began to elevate slowly through the ship’s ceiling The chair stopped on top of the ship’s hull, the emperor looked around. There was a reef of flames all around the mothership, to his left Frieza spotted the culprit of his army’s ambush.
Levitating in place was the cosmic kaiju Spacegodzilla, he’s just finished obliterating another star cruiser, Frieza was furious, he leapt out of his chair.
Frieza: “Who dares stand in the way of the mighty Frieza!?”
Spacegodzilla turned his head towards the angry tyrant, seemingly responding with a roar. Frieza chuckled.
Frieza: “Not one of words huh? Well the bigger the monkeys are, the harder they fall. Ho Ho Ho I think i’ll enjoy this.”
Frieza charged off the ship towards the space kaiju.
The Tyrant blitzed Spacegodzilla landing several hyper speed dive bomber blows but to little effect. Spacegodzilla swung his bulky arms at Frieza but the latter swiftly dodged them, Frieza threw his fist at the space clone, their blows connecting.
Frieza flew back and shot several death beams. The cosmic clone tensed his body and easily braced the blasts almost as if he were sucking them in. Spacegodzilla emitted a white aura and materialized a large group of glowing crystals around him. The tyrant’s eyes widened in surprise.
Spacegodzilla threw forth the crystals in Frieza’s direction, he dodged accordingly but due to the widening barrage of projectiles Frieza flew away from the Spacegodzilla, the crystals homing behind him like missiles. The tyrant did a wide u-turn and flew back to his opponent at full speed
The cosmic clone fired a corona beam at the speeding Frieza, the latter rolled out the way the beam destroying some of the crystals in the process. Frieza raised his right arm and once again began firing rapid fire death beams.
Frieza: “KYYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHH!” He screeched.
With the same result as before the energy projectiles phased into SpaceGojira’s skin however the tyrant intentionally did this to distract the Space Kaiju as Frieza quickly bounded over him. Spacegodzilla quickly turned around to face His foe but he was then bombarded by his remaining homing ghosts.
In the midst of the struggle Frieza crossed both his arms and shot beams of energy from his fingers, the death beams travelled around Spacegodzilla and formed the shape of a cubicle cage. Spacegodzilla looked around confused.
Frieza: “Ho Ho Ho, What will you do now?”
SpaceGoji moved towards one of the ends of the cage, he attempted to touch it only to receive a painful shock, the injury only generating laughter from his captor. Spacegodzilla scowled at him. All of a sudden Frieza was shrouded in a field of green lighting His body began to twist and contort from Spacegoji’s telekinesis.
The cage fizzled out as frieza groaned in pain. With his remaining strength the tyrant pressed his hands together and surrounded the cosmic kaiju in a bubble of yellow energy. Frieza than proceeded to give Spacegodzilla a taste of his own medicine by distorting and crushing his body as well.
However this caused the struggling kaiju to grip harder. Frieza could feel his bones beginning to crack but telekinetically pushed pack at Spacegodzilla with equal force.
Frieza: “Gah! Release me you plebeian!” He yelled.
Both fighters continued to push against each other with opposing power but like the equal poles on magnets, the force blasted Frieza into while a nearby asteroid belt while Spacegodzilla was shot into The Tyrant’s Mothership.
The Tyrant slowly pulled himself out of a stagnant asteroid the blast embedded him into.
Frieza: “Ughh, that oversized lizard will pay dearly for this” He muttered.
Spacegodzilla reverse crawled up to the top of the halved spaceship, he observed his surroundings and immediately spotted Frieza. The latter was also able to spot the kaiju by sensing his Ki. The two space titans eyed each other.
Not a second passing by the two sped towards each other, Frieza coated himself in purplish pink aura to amplify his kinetic force with Spacegodzilla swiftly following behind. They then clashed, a vicious shockwave covered the cosmos.
This time they began trading blows across star studded void, their fight appearing as nothing more than flashes of light. They began blindly approaching a reoccurring asteroid belt. Spacegojia conducted energy into his tail and swatted Frieza upwards with a backflip swipe.
He quickly intercepted him and punched him like a human sized volleyball. Frieza went flying into a large meteorite, his face scraping the dense ground. The tyrant weakly recovered from the ground and glared furiously at a descended Spacegodzilla.
The latter shot a corona beam at the staggered Frieza, the tyrant yelled out in pain. Spacegodzilla stomped the ground and immediately large crystals began to rise from the meteor. Frieza looked around the spiky battlefield anxiously.
The crystals began to close in on Frieza, the latter tried to push against the closing walls but he became wedged inside. Sharp crystal shards began to phase through, piercing Frieza causing him to splutter blood. The tyrant was in danger, if he didn’t do something now he could actually die. So with his remaining Ki, golden light burst from Frieza’s body.
Those beams of light began one by one breaking the foundation of Spacegodzilla’s crystal until finally flashing light illuminated the belt around them. Upon the Kaiju‘s former attack of imprisonment stood Frieza, his body covered in the colour gold. Spacegodzilla looked on astonished.
Frieza: ”You’ve done it. You’ve actually done it, You actually had the nerve to make me fight seriously. Well then let this be your last mistake.”
The tyrant cracked his knuckles while flashing his signature grin.
Frieza: “For the last few minutes you’ve put me through hell but now... It’s my turn”
Without a breath the golden clad tyrant blasted forth right at Spacegodzilla, Frieza delivered a brutal punch to the Space Kaiju’s stomach sending him flying off the large rock, Spacegodzilla spewed Mahogany red blood before crashing into a pod of floating meteorites.
The galactic tyrant raised his hands and formed a small ball of ki above his head. Immediately the ball began growing bigger and bigger at an alarming rate until it reached a similar size of his destroyed Mothership. By the time he’d finished charging Spacegodzilla had already recovered from the straight forward assault. Frieza locked on to his target.
Frieza: “Vile Scum! I’ll wipe you off the face of this universe!!! HYAAAAAAAAAHH!” He screamed
Frieza hurled his Supernova straight at Spacegodzilla, the energy ball disintegrated every asteroid in its way. The Cosmic Clone aimed his head upwards and began forming atomic energy in his mouth. Not a moment sooner Spacegodzilla fired a Full Power Corona Beam at the Supernova.
But to his shock the beam was doing little to halt the storming death ball. Spacegodzilla cut his Corona blast and surround himself in a transparent shield. The Kaiju placed his arms on the Supernova and first tried to deflect it with his raw strength but even that found insignificant success as Spacegodzilla was being pushed back by the attack.
Left with no other options Spacegodzilla began to slowly absorb the death ball into his body mass, his shoulder crystals conducting the attack’s energy. Frieza stared on in shock, his jaw shakily open.
With effort the cosmic kaiju successfully absorbed the gold tyrant’s planet busting attack. Infused with a massive influx of energy Spacegodzilla moved his view to Frieza and began to charge. Preparing to unleash his full payload on the galactic ruler.
The latter was now terrified. How did this monster absorb his strongest attack? What is the secret to his power? Memories of the fight played back in Frieza’s mind and he just realized something. Every time Spacegodzilla would perform an attack his shoulder crystals would ignite with lightning for a short time. Could this be it? Could this be the beast’s weakness? There was only one small opportunity for him to find out.
The hopeful ruler fired one last death beam at Spacegodzilla’s right shoulder crystal. The latter was about to fire a supercharged Corona Blast but his right crystal shattered from the beam’s fire. Spacegodzilla stumbled back a bit roaring in pain.
Frieza instantly fired another death beam shattering the crystal to the left. The galactic tyrant began to slowly work up a maniacal laugh as he proceeded to bombard Spacegodzilla over and over with a rapid fire barrage
Frieza: “HO HO HO HO! You’re not so tough now are you?!” He shouted, his voice dripping with sadism.
Spacegodzilla was severely injured but still standing. Frieza had destroyed his main source of regulating power, he was now powerless to stop the golden clad psychopath.
Frieza fired a small orb of Ki energy at Spacegodzilla’s torso, the orb seemingly phased into his body causing the Kaiju to look down and then look back at Fthe tyrant in confusion, Frieza snickered.
Frieza: “Goodbye. You big ugly lizard.” He reached his hand out.
The tyrant than gripped his fist tightly, at that moment Spacegodzilla body began to inflate and not a second more his body exploded with small spores of light slowly fading away from it. Spacegodzilla was dead.
An exhausted Frieza quietly chuckled to himself, he turned around ready to continue on his journey only to remember that his ship had been destroyed. He looked down at the ground and groaned.
(Cue: Only A Chilling Elegy)
Boomstick: Hmmm I wonder how long Frieza’s gonna be stuck there for?
Wiz: This Matchup was surprisingly close as both combatants have survived erasure, illuminated universe sized spaces and could withstand the insides of black holes. We believe that if we ran this fight a few more times Spacegodzilla could’ve likely obtained a few victories of his own.
Boomstick: Space G-Man obviously had the strength advantage. While a Full Power Frieza could lift 27,078 Tons, Spacegodzilla was capable of throwing a 160,000 Ton M.O.G.U.E.R.A with nothing but his tail and he could even be stronger scaling to his clone who suplexed a 200,000 Ton Biollante overall making him 7 times stronger!
Wiz: But what Frieza lacked in strength, he made up for it with speed. As we mentioned earlier Spacegodzilla could travel through space at five times the speed of light, Frieza could fight with and even overpower Dyspo who could move a thousand times faster than light.
Boomstick: It’s likely Freezypop could be even faster considering he shouldn’t be far off from a heavily suppressed Beerus who can travel 75% the speed of his mentor Whis, a guy who could whiz across Universe 7 in seconds essentially making Frieza over a hundred quadrillion times faster than Spacemeister
Wiz: In terms of power both combatants were pretty much equal as Frieza could keep up with the likes of Goku and Jiren while Spacegodzilla In later adventures obtained power that was said to be Comparable to beings that could create and destroy entire universes.
(Popup: It is possible that Spacegodzilla could’ve absorbed or destroyed Frieza’s lifeforce but the chance of this being effected is unlikely considering that Frieza has tanked the hakai. An aforementioned attack that destroys the opponent on a physical and spiritual level.)
Boomstick: And one thing we found that broke this draw was the difference in fighting ability and experience.
Wiz: Despite being a clone of Godzilla, Spacegodzilla is a rather poor fighter in close combat and preferred to mostly use attacks that kept his opponents at bay. Frieza on the other hand had plenty of fighting prowess both up close and far away not to mention he was much more smarter. In recent years Frieza has taken a more cautious approach to his enemies sometimes preferring to keep his distance and instead analyze their movements.
Boomstick: And knowing how obvious and straightforward Spacegodzilla’s Abilities are it likely wouldn’t have taken long for Freezy to figure out what he was doing and would soon capitalize with a deadly blow.
Wiz: Spacegodzilla was strong but Frieza was much faster, smarter, more experienced and was overall a better fighter.
Boomstick: Spacegodzilla’s chances of winning blew up in his face.
Wiz: The winner is Frieza
Next Time On Death Battle[]
- The Connections between Frieza and Spacegodzilla is that they are both extraterrestrial main antagonists of their respective franchises, they both have a desire to rule (With Frieza wishing to rule among the gods and Spacegodzilla wishing to rule over Earth) and have psionic abilities. They are also considered the first enemies to attack the protagonist on an emotional level (With Frieza killing Goku’s longtime friend Krillin and Spacegodzilla kidnapping his clone’s adopted son Godzilla Jr.)
- If this battle were to be animated, it'll be in 2D sprites